Whitby Chronicle, 14 Dec 1882, p. 4

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Thr . 8110 aer Taag ~s1ta liher gst ,fsnn bil, As they est Sptnuing Ilioa. * And, oclauthall 1upaak, %ni> arting, Prom caer heail sud beart, Qed gîvelli me ana lait tlalng to ay>, With it thon chlat net part : Tlioc wllt lIten b nisay volo,- And, oh, tht thesé, muêti b. Tih. volce.of pra.tse, the oiolef love, Ant'VICol cdlattery. % "D'uitlilateu ta me, ni ylittîluon Thereàa one tilg ilînu :ctl ean; 1' Lot me aaword le ni> love lie sud lier mother mu> ual heam. '«Na malter lîaw true, niy darling eci-, The r-wonds may sooni ot Iee, The>' are îot fit fonr uy nild ho bear, If Dout 1îîteed for Cae .111tleu'ihkeUsjy youog bert pitire, Tbyîîîoth er ahetnîfrona felar. Brlng àIl that hlaiod tliee day by daY At niglt ot t mthortiear'* A ti tt is tiîey sat eitning tagither, An ang'l lbent t e ee Vieinother titidîtiit wbto,îialpPY lift' Weit u sn lovlugty. A r, t-:'ril WnAtmade l'y bis goitl peur '['i :sttonlits page halie d. "'riie ttiez wbo cnnelted ber ehîtd go Nî'ed uever feel airaid ;1Weill l'ot(l' ouI keep ftle lbea t t ithéhild Wit tenitder louitv antaer, Wbin liepsAet heur uttlrsg sîde- a iligit, MI t., lber tuotlîers rPar." buperstitians About Love, Frî in Ile enrites t hes Do eveut in 1qtuîi nîî îleliai, hoon eesoialed with a morti eusive folk lare ilian nirriege. lt-gionieag wilh hove diviuatous, these areaif ever> eaucetvahle kind tbe sux- ione maiden bavia gapparonhly etitno stotie ntnmnod lunlier enliet1>10 seècer- tain lier lot in the mariage eate. 8,ioecut tbe eammou brake or fores jiltabout the. roattolaasoontain th(tlie i tilnîsfthbe fturenshuebande nDame. t ~ ~ gu buteunIssd applea Are ver> favor- ite 1ciute teete. The mode oi pracedure Io fir agirlIotapiaeaun lie barseof a grals a Dul, repeating thîs inicanitation If hoeloves me, ppaid 11Y Il1 lie halos me, lve and die. Oresi is tho dia>a if thie auxitus face of the inquirer gnsdually pereoives the nUt, ust.ead of aiaking tIb lae fur pop, die and miake nu sigun. n mesae f divinetion ist thlbow a lady- bint! hia the air, sud repesting mean- vrtflio the ouiijoinod couplet: showmw a lere tîvez Ch@t. oe Iloe best. -Stionldi btle 1 inseet cbance la fi> lu tho difection of tht' bouse wbere the tfocd.one reaides, Il is -regarded as a tuet favorable amen. \îiltlt'r species oif loveîdiîvination enut t t ev-if coiiuaitttt i oltainuduti fi r-t' hY lt-ares, ftr tif wlihîoth"t eaux i t~ iittutotitit i utef'tir morniers .1i lir îiltî,ar t tIL,.luh uinte insd (il.- It 1,11- was lartunat,' eutiigli la tl,,iti î'f ber lover, t vise a sure ,ogn lttot. itvaot-j lbe Latrrred dIt er inîthe VtRi L-. [iait bren bell c gond day aof iith , bt--i. tr 1'te-,' "trcot. cutici Non- f o t. t t' ib tiie are r'îtt.ion y.: ~ - .!I,tic-,-iier! ë- on tue lest li"i tai-he til a te y'-ung ady ,,il sîireain 'i hi-r futîurcelitiîsbttd To nigtiti, lit ittctei;lilsy iglit. - lMy Il l toi Ii i urty white1 Dfrea in wlo day huasbsu n ho tb., Aît lateemny r-iiltren ly y Stie If l'ni ttu ire tu eir-eisbride. lu eetciu.g the limue for the mar- niage crermouy precaulions of evor> kiud b ava geoa.y Ieen taken tha avoidîenlu ouky montb îaid for tha knot tcl ho tieti. Indeed, the. aid Rom- an neotiop tha thie Mercis marriages ara nuuueley'1sura-ivos luehua <lalay ainEng- lansd. Joune se a bigbly popular mauli. V-'idtsy, on %acennt 0ai obtsoing regard ed ise inau@pieione ae crUdsy for the comumencement oif an> kind of enter- priAe, ie genîiralty avoileti. In tlayo gono b> Sundsy appesas l liaiveboeu a taopulsi- day for nharriagef. IL Lus abovo ail fliluge. nocesean> that the suri shotitd âchina ou tise bride, andi ut la dr-ot! et siutel> nAoesear>y b ver> many thaI slie shonit woep on lie'r weddiîg day, if il lie cul> a few tre the oimission af sncb au &et be- iiîg t.oneudred amninctua af ber future iii jpi nese. In Suqeer. ea bridttonauber reounu hçîine frond otînrel igeftlen etohof a&aM htc piteshtbiben r Is l bytlite single l'tin rier-uit.fram te ir-lief Ibat wltcte-epr rr-oeenue of tbemn will be inuirriot! lu ube courat af a year, andt "cuil fortîi,.s wil sauner on li nevit.i I'Iy oeertae Ibeto btide who keope ovea (MA iiin osedîinthel. narriaga loilt. 'Fuanug Ihe stoatrinoR wesa aind malrnaigeoueneom in Euglaud. The young meu toak th. bride'. shockings, andi the girlstbbc.. of tbe bridegrooni, r-sdi of wbooe, sittiug ai Ithe foot of tise lied. tbrew tise slackings aven ubeir heads, endeevoring tn male il fali Op- 'onr that cf thse bride or ber sppae. If thbe britieqroaui*.atoongs, t-rowa b> the -'girls. foi! upon the bidiegroomea lioad, it çawa s igu tisai the> theni. selves wil saût b. mrrled, and similar luok was derivod from the fal't. i ng of the brideas stoekin#s, tirowu b> tho yonng men. ,There Ï9 s super- Mlitions notion inapsain places <bah whon te bride reires, te rest ou ber wodding ulgit lier bnileua'tlide sliaul4 iay ber stocklngs barns$., sthia sut ta su apposod to quarante. bar future pros. pertyin les b.marriaglestate. The. Boys. Pull jneîa rnald bas tailed yuL keaseas An al t alary un a gorgeoee $glaré Fui maan asa a.poleed 'atglyceline,' And WIo2upromuseuoup throirgb th. dotoent air. APnieud'a Value. of 112 01=10-M îus.eD tbeDi l oioOUTSSa tudy md pclUl Wb# ordaelned ries& by Cardinal Mçning'. eln Leu*p liba'devs$$ h14 1f. and noy t6wsrt îb460oîi muatiou of bc yp, -"waife and &aira.'y froin tb. etresto, tg Wbo o liel Ae liaw,tuscht hons Ufitti tria sud thon tarie thetn ln 1f.. At the institution whioh lie bas fouaded and maiqtains, and wbore b» rosidos, situated in .Woodgill, Terrace, Harrow raid, Psddington, there are aev.oty ar oighty of tue, la, &Ili of whoni are beiog trained ta b. indus- trione workiugmon. But the bouse. keepîug, and the osting sud dricking of s0 many wndivlduala ie naturally a souroe of anxiety ta Lord Arehibal&; and, alttougb greatly aesisted by the submcriptiaus of bis Cooreligzouists and atherp, ho finds that the good old rnie of -Waate uot, waut net," is ual oh- tterved by thotte who have chargo of IfÀovidirg for the wartR of PO large Sn ln order to put mnattere upon a more satisfaetary footing, bo invited hie ster, Lady Gertrude Dougtns.wha is aiea a couvert to thie Roman Catbalic, Cburoli, ta live with il", and inmo dieu soone tmatters bav'e bpee an a mtui more satisfactory footing. About dirce montbe ago Lord Archibatd went ta Canada, taking with bJzn fort>' boys of the Homie for te puitposeet cfse tabliehiug theru as faereail the Far West. During bis abéence lie ruoivd a tettor froua bis siater, stating that ah. wam about to, marry a young man wlio lied beau brought up by ber brother, sud wbo wss uow acting a.sliead baker of the estableliment. He lordship was gréatly taken aback witli bthe Qwp, aud telograplisd and wroto from. Canada, urging bis sinter et au>' rate ta dolay ber intended mer. niage until Lie return. 1But il was cf no avait. The couple worem narried offband in tbe Roman Catholie Cburch Uiatumersmitb, sud bave gone ta re. siao ln that ùeigbborbood. Lady Gertrude lied srnie meane; of lier own. Her ho.band te barely 21 yeare of &go. Ruiez for Home Jaya. Blini every door alter you sud wtth. cut aisiing if. Nover about, jnmp or i-un in the liuuse. Nover caii ta persona upeétairs or la the next roomi ; if yon wish ta espeak la thero, go quietl> wlione ttiey are. Alwsys sPr-ak hîndly sud polilely 10 tlie rervanté, ilfyaou-ouid have thion dthI tî-saine t yat. \\'tîi-utoRd tV do or uot lu (l0a ething, i vi Le-r part-rt, nov, r Rt!: wby you mhiiull onreltould oto iti Tpti of yvidu fauNe tm t-ttu-'t'it nout oi dînse of ýcuti r l'nitrriiaud ce tr>. C'trefully lr'su ithe nad of your lboots rier@ eotering the lime. .Nevrcri tidowu at it te tur1tit.<r in lhe îIslor with dirty banda, ir tiîordred l'air. .'r-vtr înterrutt cul aconversation, but wîîî ti it!i N > outirru lu rît aI. Nùvs-r reberrve youa- goalmîii:uors for eampry. bot b. equailly tooite et hiome andi abrosîl. A jrr>mAu vaes akeîl la thé judge bnd charged him. ~Fîl, said b., -theauin ctured us a good de&t, but idon't belieni be moant ho charge fou i1. - - Englanti ba@s seiefica showiag tisai ont of 189,148 of lien people eugaged in fiterary puxaulîs, only 12 becamne luna- tiae. Wr- presumo te other, were givon thie lieudt of a doulit sud eslled pools- A. Newport snob receaty Ivent now ing wilh ea asitl pood t.. Thé hoast va oapsizrd, the snob was drawned, aud lte 4,odie swam shore, kmd an lnqutr. cm vanta ta know if tht. le a case of the sura'ivat of tite fitteal. Tbe tannaI utRer lhe Elbe, bobveen Iitonburg and Le iladaf Staeuarder. uow opon, le 800' metres lu leugîli, and cuat abaut 8UijoO Mn. Edisan'@ patienta now nulnher 896; more thun vere r-ver berfore grant. edto oi ne man. Only- about one ont of r ver> ten uendi) catlitCtn thti Southi las %-un- dowo. ithtRe Occupant>sivantt ay diîylight lite> walt Out of doore. The receul Lptd SMayors praceason wise jrubaly theo tast. Wi'th the neý moviifof le Law (Courts tbr-re yl b.o no excuse for th iti veillaWeoîmnstlen. Ninoty-tbreo tlousand mres have leen. plauated undor the new ubcOiul tural &el in iau. Prenne eis giron ta tise collon troe boosuse of ita rapiti grotvili. Tii.ukslae o f a Dinosanrisu rep- tte, 85 foot long, haq been ttoqamlhed, il; Ilie BadiLanedsof »eisotes.Tbo oseet ture te s upposed t avurestaod 25 eest bighi. Tbe veighl af 1h, ukulh 694' pounde, and of îhe viol. saololcu X,- 900 pqnd. re boutesviltbjplaotd im, thoe* Âoademy ci" N Mut I affei t Ar rapoftred te dri-ias m rIOueI liquar u nyhady [in~ vnvli~~. pyfor, and P!V e e Wb>' Le would drink twvele'giases of bor as fieltaU they coula Le drawu, anti aucoeedd in t~sth%ýèi.sC!g4Aeso minutes afterraýrd ,inknehlit,--safai, he draul Ivo Limming tumblers af vhisksy. Thon b, died. la lb. Ilouse ù ClOMMODOnsltel>', Mr. O'Daunell rosaan oxtraclt ram the. -'8elditre nPocke-boo-"inla-whl@b 6fr Gai-net Wolseley justifies lbe dispis> cf Saga of trpce 10 idepeive tha a#é*w. Not on the. stone ai uprgitly vRne, l 1RNour tyof ar-cnatrnmea, tise crimesils v wii Arab§i TIou raîuiAtued[d design ctiirged. Te court os qethliperpetuat izreats. Aslizve no iei Tis-not on Ilioe e f or cont.enh depeud, Aslir hun-e r n Ito mucli as ounlias shidow ofa fr'end. for, tloe rt tme, oorramece.d à : elbe--gieal ioramealta 1h. reur. 4" Déginnlng cf icc. - a wretohed coaerd," est d ane Aopnos *'Possibly ,=I Too fte leds o mriNing a e*r for Oému 'Ti bard ah lfls, but tempthe lut, a camps for .11 lima." - Aa t Sbighau-open door, Jutau bedestri'eu0"a - Hello.," ejscuiled sagpari Prom dmalssd bainisprlngs, au -h nt Tbe grestéât tiaines lljOt mon have don. r eut Have grawes frontet hi lbb. t'àl~u~ PoPed ieti "lTfisaIsép e mA 1 aat".ud s Proud t4ep uovtP " 'I.bdu1dýhiM "Thora d DQ;we bwIhu pray Ps"he1b<gage,*f Oylý,î* sptlnq0 - ,4-Ilit. Mi ~1:Odt< RHer faco e 4pblueSse as dped, ting 1 fordet vid."fi rsieafte . bpli,. , : s e~ "# !'l N1gètefQl Old r..BC onels wyl ,~ oxteuded * ia u The- desoan,' sone ber 1f. tulwhlw " ' --batq inl ~~'~ 1 in a Landaulun aac. iie mrati n M î Wno êrfel4b èJnâË tw1tment," osld-îLe bay, '#rd rtlbîr ortiE. sit teyctt" - cf Misao iimau in Yo*uhl >.Enlad,' oo t îa.itg 0 len, tlai t gýt ' h & "X u4bqu.rti --à~~ l r et 1ed oeatd ~ o kla is mîlerb-o as t t' and Rh.* m 7M Undudedly the Lest uxodiaine le k.ek on band for Caide, Caughs, AMls mia, Bronchitep, sud Pulmanar" robe but fi wtt!cur't f dIitioesa leading ihereta. An AdmonItion. Toneogleot a cougli oreoold,lslsbut » invite COsumilç tbit.a z O' balsam vilii re lb.e ough Md a"l Ué 1iýi irr, IW "tô! a ýnnbtube s lunge, sud offeetual>'reoeedy aiU pei inonar> C ildinpllt., "ehmcb si i 'BrenahitisNi po CujbM Tse - ' 00li , Enba t «the oa'n; iluTrae. reat1, Bt - lb.kWoe Continent," dueulbiug fthe vOOdeOM gravlb of tise Six G»at Ples. The ans engravig0e 1lielwt doit 1 ~a8.4Ap o 4 - Lus Win 06u~svi >y fe. -tutu mali by appi og I4pwwýr G-00 Blin Ost mi sn lhhgoêtuW e4i voie. aU5Um- D& . . . WuaulNEmm Mm BjixTMÀr- ~forya eri, Dis- se cf aloor taseo, alléahess,t~nd ipre.emn4- f hing af the. Eain reuiing lu Pc er ueftiier Mx. Invaitiita"ImsesJ mstrhba cauueîd hyaer-ezertianafthe or-ntPo One box esee~ iO 4 or u ~s~o Iv.4all~e; o y ne prepald au oeea.Wg.ialu$M.SMxbolSta Ivie 'tb 401 éar .efvw4be for suxieea wlth Ave dolla3 rewillsend the aurZwrtteguLr- xl. i$refndii 9 money if lt reamn oee a effee &cure. (iuare.neeo imuod by y. RHOWBE sole auathot lsod agent for bbyOn.JâHI c. VWEST, sole proprio rTritonti iy-g4 1-S ASURE OURFE for aitidl@ae@0f he Kidflbp and of r. Ufd bwolsflbba ta asamult WftU talent tbukll. th. Biret Unes oit Itsltee làleflligenos that th. escod gongregmilônof riIes lis reçoiYed$hio documucIýs W $0~ ibo caoi the. boutifioatlousa oeuo nizatioli 'f Sir Tbqoeu Mort, lord chaucellorf ngaet atiJoh 7o1,' et, Biebup of Boobe#Wi *M Vuvlagt of 8t. Vitalis, "bath mart the fathi I8ôi tereigo ofUeV "Can YOD beip mei a ii lo ?"* saïid .a tramp, lio&i4.ig bea d làto a'.4luti sbojp. Why don't yen help laùiielfp' eaid tb. praprietor, îngrily. "Thanki poli, I uil, suid the . ÎàÏshoVk ed up s Dutcli hobeansd iwa loav a of bread sud disappealred 1k« a etreai cf iightning, followed by hî0t W dozmui lumps of cmal. .Tbousazids bear wjtonoes bt l posi- tive curative powsriu' et lhé QUAT GEBMÂN INVIG094TOR, th. anly remody that has. ptýOv.&Itself s srtà- Fic for general debility. sominaI weak- neos, mpoiency, etc., and ail diseases tliat ar"e tram self-abuse or over-taxed bWot ~final> enuding lu consomption,- ineaulty aud a premature gravte. Sold b1 lleregi..,or yl b.eutljr.. on r.oeipt af 61.00 per box, or six bailles for $5.WO. Aiee F. J. OHENEY, Toledo, Ohto, sle agent for the tlnit.l States. Bend for circulare and Lesti-. maniaIs cf genuine cures. Ttiquudeansrsbit tured of Csbtarrb evary year with HRJN Oiarrh urt-, that tb. doctore bad given op sud sold eould -mot. bu eur.d. 'I U snts î botlle. P. J. Oheney & Co., proprietors Hall'& Catarrb Cure, affer 0100 reward for auy case cf Catarrli that can't b. cured witli Hall'. Catarrh Cure. What is commoni> knawn au beart-. humn eau be cured lu twa minutes by na-Oeutain us eeJeb5 10 cents a 3may of mx Whý*r. dqmmUm$ upon disor4sre4 IIWÙ- nd mpLkidea, pImd sau tn4pWîre aile 1'e t$» -blood. jthing P* Iebgo O*àMi, 'f HsqIîb. Prie. AI1'*1io usn tabaee know that il laâjueg thien. but look ibe moi-ei futuage taequit it. ose. Fouitain cf Eaeitli will bUîee yau op, Zô cents a pacixage. Besaidesi being a Pleavanst pargative, LHope'. Itegutating iilAsottupon the turer ýoa kiýtoeymaud erediate diaorders. bampte boul1e 1(i centsq. An otd lady of ecveuty, afler upiag spectaleb for tweuly >oarp, coutilseee ta rebd without tlieni îfter uetug a box o~irô1aii clGimax Bye tSltve. 25 cf4tI* abot. Fer sore Pyee. incur able kt> ait ailier meana, resait tu Churcitte 4Chimax Eye Satve, sud yen u itite ;surprised at the, prompt relief. Price 26 centa.. A Big Iuvetmie. G. M. Eteroat, of Féretsî.l.ehb Hsgyart'. PectoralBdusm uiiU hol il. own smougs& lii. many 1.0018 ouediows l ie" s as. ' Ifrbsye ab bau cold il for Usa1r sixiesu peur, a" lh. su1« are atuedlly inorshuiug. Oua i6mil>' bas purchesefiovr 60 boilim for vssious e mburs e.sij'ends. A Decral. The secretlf et lnt'lisin pure blooa and gaad tacaltli, witbout the ens tite allier 1inlusposlIe. Burdock BIÃ",of Bluter. is thi e nad key ",IbMloé ail the. socretionu, antia » lthe aveme, ta heethlib; u %tgsu ei*Su aIltb îeorganý e -a sproper setion. cures aIl Soorfuloos Dkisesace ono the »lood, Li.r WidiayoSBia a nd Bow.luaid brlaikge thebldo'i of beuilh tea spsu18 cbeek. A. Cherd, of sterling, lu s recent latter,Sttes t-bat h.o mt wffta, accident saome tiue &go, by wliib coi of bis knees wuasésverely injnrsd. A f.w applications of Hsgyrds Toli Oit affarded immediate aud complet* relief. i 'Consti ~$uits. ron hand. -So'm1ibiÈng nobbyý nobbyini B 87> iffalo and other IRobes iin greait variety. r.ýI' -JOHN,, FERGUSON, e--- -- ---DUI4WAS-ST., WHITD-Y. F4LANt'- WTER BOO1-AND,,O~jS AN ~1SE STOCKe Pleaseexaanie, Ladie ý ý:~ts', Bôys aàiàGiýrlât Boots. âts pio aëi1a est stie 'M 'Noer ef~ lasthe -uidaýrsigned been~ able tg offe graaer a~ie o~botter I.i e. M, to n dI rdeié4 wQrk "sIeeooe Wjutbyv, Sept. 20, 1882. No. 1 MÂREET BLOCE. . .j' * r:: ~ilaw~*rewLtrvsteby WMI i Propare,6 by à Waman. hsmmea,,iae icti :,Ues, gi,;s eliEatf ià u lzcseesito he tefd,re t aeailFe te é3b.su4tata ce the pale i "taîkfena Ie~rs reqea -f Ut', eprileg 5e-t eettlyastiiee? tt94 l:1'Pbyslcliastise Il and ProaeleR tssilly.I" it muscles N ntrattjie741 avi fur ltqsutaii, c4 relierai w et am'. Tisaitelart of besa~d dq, eatuis lpain, -weleitlD J~TEXPINKKAW5BLOOS PiTI1TJ bots thse Om'pmm ,1andDceit Puto6r aitcuu »a cd S W asaAlie , ysX"JI-Z ;=M atier, OL. 4h bottlea-ior e Senl by eMsil lu thtSSfra ci pila. orof loze'ngeo ,c v'eip cf prieS, Siaper boxwe toreitiier. 'tir,.Plaksteh ralrecensa %l luter ceI a Inqel7.ro.oeleeitg>m~ep. sOorpmuplsle1 dt f matdked bav[theelLYDIA I L KKAX'US W ~p,~.~s eure eeeslpaiiea, billomsaele sa t r ISt.nml.ud, 2.Q:i-Xthmbrp Lyznýenjorao, Geul. Agents for Ontsrio. i WOON v. UDERTUS. AT DEFOE'8 HOTEIL, I u ulhbéiiri'T*@oec,.m, lt1»4yÂT H 31 EiM PABRL L-O@ulaluln 86 L1 seas maer Iss.JitW-i* ASC O;ZîE pui~ 1 peti blis"e, aIl n i 16il$ wede nr~bd l ii. putIEa mrigge.Tlb ine. abt a la ude ftrmhe CVuty. au p t-los. Cnto i et ec teu.ilI 0 b> 40 tle, witia a btnjgle Mill.,saiil àtii. macine> l lagoood dr. Aima. 1hz.. m.in-sleed Fraea wtis otsa one 0 u, sud :1l0 -a gaod 'Baiansd ?A1IeL 2--Tbes ofnq~urlra Lot Nember 1in hietl.d-cooL cf-Mie Towse st of escis, eouh4nlng 60 sra 15 ai wchiscl.re d- uder celtivslin. IdiiiegeatthCUM îlz 8 The p a.bertsatM> dowiit the"a mouluthureflar gj"malcC ourt ta 60 rOlo te bl i ets oe~éne OemtlfObWa.=. s 1191 fatl * MAPkdT' Rls 0o Grand, eq~e nd", prgh We coAfi4çaui yaésefrrthat Ou-PianDos are thse boat v~1e anab Evory Piano 1uly--Wfiýanted for Fl-vo '«emg.- - A Parsanal inspecti lic t00 fifingSî.West,,,Toronto. S~&LES, SOALES. they sooflpn frt"ievs We have a good aasortme4t to select-rom -oel andisee them and'get prices. ~Àpp1e P t h-best liithe ma*ke- eIçptla e ,TiVuyu t gO 4 re ID -ee-tnPe-r. -e.w MP:D.u persane arai 29tW aebr.. 62 50-4a '-tiuuruln O~er ta ONIE extract of wunie u ,wieerybr, ,rs's,,num ea sa etn dt1> *vinali aPPotbaia j;îe, -tiilniff -on" z1 elO andý-bI2vyillitpeo Palpitation.' Theateoru nca asd un ucIitngh, c vu v ogin. <I ' -' The rTiiDInr"eniiiIxal terêc properly aof qq~r pt4mýi4 bak m.g gine of thétizz-eeid-6f'bf uleïa clunen9 at the saine taeueu dknf uia lte nomaci ~ I~j horounirri tagredient ias lasin1 sd am 9 la~u b, tcaat -ha-Iebe4ae-of beallhy, coat8 the mucous menim 6,eeopn it soit snd natural. Il tlrt upll e' pae of the deeneamsdcretton an=tasul andiliont'itiprttuït dutie.ý All thffne workng to henefloesfli CI{ERP>Y'13À-AM hie boét cuýre rown' for ibier suod long dtéeeos' -. 2 m.%k~im 25 and 40 Cent BoDte-1 <O~o~contaiaing double the 25 Cent Iié' odby ail Druggista sud Drs inu Medicine. 11 J. W. BRAYLEY, 7 GiS ae BlettI! e cb reg tmtro dentto i sieIn alish. re ,t, ieII l1l suceas bas beau shawn tlruDg Hcdcayet Camte'UtleLtvïrPilaaoqsl tM e IEL tle mlake Our groa Dii~±l Tise> are strict)> g tale &snd dazoiocrm isy dnrgglslacyvlier sont bhi> Aira 81., we deire tu eeuree =mit over lic Th e xOdi e eold beSal7zjg THE GRAY MED)ICIN~E Co., eB!WHIT* PbhCl , hity and ý7e rcs QereJ4?),' colTG1.m fLJ fP, BRnCk fff~~' the~-~dgJ~N8 oaaes of Lung Df a fa PRU CF; _r ru aaiG l Znotoie Me ?. heÂd b4 dlfâJ ffao 5D cenb a c lble. B F~RY TV; i ÊAÂRS -THEMILLION t ofSharks Oil ýâ thenr4 oulcue,Çor 51= =1 e.areMr ~'~L '~fr4 ,da" FOR âI&fFNÇj4 RAsze> DU RAM!LTY, F15180, ASt> CUfAFNEzu8 vU EgX . ELLEO I J; t-'

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