ba~~~al'l G.M arAnm musb m~~eî Itusb -sbé a ts.~Méig lsea ,IE wEiT ANK OP WHITBY, oNTflUO. TRUAMS DOW, Manager. Whttby, Nov. 7th, 1882.- ly.47 0O1qT .WIO B ANKR WHITBY ýBBANOR, &k Bî Sreet, - Whitby. M4E88R8 iMoEU &BILLINOS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT -LAW. SOLICITORS IN W 1I It 1:>Y 0. H. RITCHIE, W. H. BIWNGSI Torénlo.Whitby. .7011 '. lFAREWZLL, LL.fl., '4 3R8lS, Oun.ty crawn Attone, ud lOouitty luôt.Ofi.-oh wn.C4urt Roc-m-a, VWhtby. JAMZS RVTLEUE, le bd b prwlRntieds nm te iléYm?ËIw HlBfook St., Wbitby. .48 [,»BURUIlSOLCITORS, NOTA-, Riga, PIJJ.alcho. h&c. 0FP105 71 ongé tre, B n e . Daudutôcu Baik, sud <ConteSrilng sud, - opStreet.., Torcmto. D. A. QJ.IJ!.. Emba October Bird, 18WO. l- JAIIb KBlT11 GORDON, I3 ABEJEBtERa ATTO1USY-AT-LAW: 1Sqotor tn- Ohacery, Convoyancex, lfatamy Pumblc, te. Offie-Dfuds St.,ý firit dgor went of rmsitroug's Hotel. oueyl ttLoan-Pnivate inds-st le- untotost. DAVID ORNISTON, B.&.,0 ATTORNBV.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN ,MChancory, Convoyanted. Ã"v.Zdm-In the offie Both ai thé Ponl 00 inlumomllà ns SBtock, Brook stresi, I1Ã"BINSgT< & KENT, (LaVa Detm &rsov.,es&a. OfIIlÇB..4 Vtorla ChamnbezaNo. 9 oiaStreet. G. OIGsTI.LLB. 13ÀAMRSTBit, hote.M o t [osa 3 ustrer1 Ot M.riag. Lùfceneca.- Omhei-Over DmWluon Bink, Whltby. Tan. 22, 1878. jtf4 à =B AIT-LAW 'BOLIOITO Btu Chancorni nd 1naociroc Cunver &uer o. O eD'ernBloo, Strt.Whitby, Ont. J. . AMER GREENWOOD, A TTOBSY AND SOLICITOR, CON- , voyanesr. Notârp Publîç, &.-Poat Ofce DrN o. 11, Wbtby, Ont. Faorms bonght a-saisiW; 1Larrage Setié- taestà , WfI o ad Trsslmade S jecialtieo. La0pe esottate.l-i waUil itds 0olroporty. 40ly CHSARLES C. KELLERlt A TTOIUÇEY.AT-L&W, SOLICITOR I -L. T. BAtCLAY, L OCAL SEGISTRAR OF THE HIGH Court ai Justice; Regltrar ai thé Suragaté Court ; Cléris ai the Ceuuty Court, f. Offoicel Court Hotise, Whitby. * JOHN BALL DOW, "à M»TBrAT-L4à W, SOLICITOR Whitby. MIONET TO LEN)-?rlvà ié Funds - in inmt up ta 98000as a 1ev rate aifl6- torét. -il1y49 JOUR A. IICGILLIVRAY, mansion lieuse, Uzbriiaont. 9 004 Street, Oav a ,&,"am J.9. GALORAIT9, RM.»., G IA.DU&THE 91Quoén's sud Victoria Cunéraltlees,bifember ai thé Colloe cf Pbysoianenmd surgeons, Ontario. Ornrm-,Braok-St., Whthy, Ont., (Ibe doca msoth of Itoyal Hotél). 17.48 Bt- J. GUN-NW, M. D.. -IUSBON TO '211 COUNTI GÂOL, SByrasi Stréet, Wbltby. iSu. MBRIEN, 1D,.,.- Sthe oye a. .1H. ÃL.. eGabavaOntsrio. t'hyslclan, Smrgnc, oxcuqéi o f.,ho. Whtby, sept. 804, 18n4.- - do béét rate@.. .t.% I ;,- < t ~ 'r t- - ;, , , 1 . 1 worâ , . ouit4,su VOL. 'XX VILà - e lt <htsd £ta. Thé ste met, Vis --49, #£..0, sd-18pea. .Xe fClubs snd aoe, tr moum, Without board,. $-t Peb. 27th, 878. PropietoÃŽr. B A~ MBWCoN OTL,. (LA?, wsomes ous,.) WHITBY, 2TRO lieus newy renavatd sud furiihd throughoul, aud put iu order for lb,, réception ai guésîs. Ant. eiibna ta snd front a&Utrains. FinIt-cdabsismple rooma. O NTAIIIO HOT91L, Baocx.8maT, WHITBY. JOHIN LESLIE, - Propnior. (Late ai thé Sinocé-Houte, Toronte.) 22e tonua~renovà tea thé Houes Ir to entértai biM&on=- pqsT oFrIQE SgALOOIi. Tosoaro. W4 Re HOWSE, Cbclnst adBrgitq WHEITBY, ONTARIO. 'TJïý44er o rk d JndÂreets.' ~-'855~? OOOMOATOX -a Domn!on Wood Work8, mm- Duot. 1>i)j ROYAL HOTEL.e G. W. RAMRY, - .Prepriewe. (bale of Port C&borué.) UTnder thé preceut proprielor- thé ROY AL viii b. ond t10 posses.oeoydeatrebleset. commoatloff for guesstm.. S pméclal a- WHITBV HOUSE. DUIiDAS-Bv.. - WHITY.1 Thé undorsignési voul'! intimabta lbt public tha" thea aova prominsehavébéeau newty bult and 1544 up threaghaiitfor, thé &eaco oiu 1pesegueula $atWince Liquors su'!Cigars. *',raa dEAN <7 CAUÈA"-WALZ LAOSE.ý Alec, pure Rida.Wlne. Laà gor wbolesalé s ud ratail. Boardera tu-issubp the veek on meder- *te termes. JOSEPH A. BANDRLL. July 28th, lm8. 85- 0CAl.D1; T n HI UIÃŽDRSIGN19Dhvuglad Tthlibaesatéaal RobA, Port. Witby. viabea hie many friande to "Il and! me hlm. Farinera sd othéra dolng busines at the ilarbor vill find g9W' ccommoda. lion. eg' PLEASURBB.BEEERS lu ummtr viii be provlded vilh bcats at rmacable »&M GEORGEB BROWN,. Whltby, Marcb lot, 1882.i BROUGHAM HÃ"TEL, Corner Bach sud Vain Streèe. i 1h. Village ar Brougham. Finat.l-clma cmmeodatcua. Beal Liqara and Cigar. 9»M stabslini sud attentive THOMAS FOUCKER, PIOP.IETOR. -ÂL5BO,- L IC EKSED AUCTII'NBEI for thé .Counliém ai Tork sud Northt snd South Ountario. Autlionsalés ai resi ésté. ,farss stock, eté., attende'! et moderatecbargea. A'!drénse,T. POUCERES, 8-ly tox 47, Broughamu, Ont. L;A n NL Eul1 EHOUSÈ PIVKERIr4G. JAMES CAYNEGIE, PrOPrietor. Thimsflouse abus beeatdu Is p i in- elaa" style, sud <hé proprietor viii give hb prlenal attention te gane.Liquerm snd Cigare .of tb. béai brande.. Excellent Blabi- lu& and sheds. WHKTSV. Geo. Cormack, L iBESMECHANTh BUILDER.. u-AB large mupply af Bulidwes'Furuimh- ing, sud il Ukinda ci Twistod Mociis, Moore, saab a i linda. LUX 8E R vboleeslosnd retal, cm by by thé cMr laA. Planing, MouldIngi of cvery dsscnp- tien, Floering. Sbetiug. Sbelvlng, URc- sawing, Sbaping, Turntng. Scroll-wezk, etC i etc. Whaitbp. Oct. 18th, 1878..8 T R'SPAPESUIaybseuuî nLia016-s wGé".?. 0evel h Cs Noajspr ad. vatislagureai(10.8praco Bt.,wbomad- vrrioa.g coitrcU naay b. mode Worilt MO NEY TO LOAN' 0100,000 FOR INVEBMTMENT. ON MAEL ESTÂTE SECtUrrY. AI loveal living raIes 0f intisst. Moléey mesvithin 10 sisys et &p- .pliostion. Applp te JOHN FASQUHABSON. Whitby, Fébrnary lth, 188. S WHITBY, ONTIARIO, Importera, Dmeirasud Manaiaclum-eroft au LEATHER AND FINDINS Cash pelfor 11<c, Barkisdlts, Lenthsn-trelched. Pickering, May i7th. 1M2. ly-28 Or BRLTING MÂDETUOMBED* OU ______________________NOTXCE. BLACK HORS£E HOTEL, Coaa. Fuouv hGaasom a. , TOBONTO. ALFERBD OXFORiD, - . PBOPIBMTOB, (Lai. fW.lbaglc Htu, Karkham.) TESILS, 91.00 FpeuDATi. 'Goci atalt lug fan ovés 800 hailes. PirsI-clam cS- modalian for armen sud the traveling public lu génuL (i THE HRODGSONI HOUBE, (['sté Timothy O'Leasy') - be Weboéprmisea have liéu tales i thé underigu.d, sud aie nov thé Csil1ngpublic. Oood atabllug, isai mm#m, a 00d astsu- 4ivé eli M. . VA.RS, b .S Ernoc ng Benêt. O0 DAWES, tA iNG l&éuout -LidommIlafr thé1 La chl ounéy iii tmi, aIisinu ha *-Il,éi altnOs >-ssa ialomut Vs. 1 gay. M7. 1m»I- FRbESH F1511! à BBCEIVBD BVBYET DAY, AND VOS ;SALE, MABEET ELOOR, WBITT.ý Ordffl pramptly delivérs. Autho,'ized Capital 82,009,-0001 Office5 o. 72 Olun4ch-S., Tomà sto. D 1 IBi Ã"TORS £UGEN'KEEFZ84sq, Vice Proisléat. - JOT.ÇOYEaq. a-, Mouy 1an :W2omggetQvs GILLESPIE, MOFFÂI,() 0., Agents for Ceaidaý B. ýe W. T DA inlud0. - 1 bil4 gility of ail thé Ot0kilessd14g eor Via#. todrt. cr"és115$Iu Whitby. Apcil tb., RAIL WA Y TiCET8!i The =dadrMgalgehavtng b4 ppolita Agent for tbà CREDIT VALLEY, à CANADA 80UrHERNI amd other-TEBOUGE Ln!E la propamod te amate tickets at loweat r *l t Cbco p Wliu g sosud te' au i aul North-Wèmt amd thé Western tta& EVeryInformatIon aupplloedjAsi e OMMic, eppoie ayla H D uad"ma.. 94f Whlthy. W» o. JOHNr4l!v PROMICIALLA>UND SnYR!uÛR. 'Oaa hé £égi4t mth X VP t- - - UOO ~OW~z'-7r éqi untlsing Iistttry, v.weï,*«Oute eý mg~~sIegBohmo 2~q 1888. dà e land' à ajimo, tihém-.s dreaa, se if ehe.uuoù toita lzý standing Il%;, ' a sy la-Devns atead cf à se éur!o'ahýp ïh Oehe ah IIqes4 thé foititîlnei, -ansi beesu a wilt. ud frlhd to i htai stu vhth nover more' thÂu apaùà fer thé lande aAfed b a hinsi ber. Shaias - estbaI nav far mauy emmu aSt, aA écu, ansihd duhlrl.a voul'! havé- carihed on lýhý g*"é ganddânght»ri Mary BéU, or Bl, as- he.-vas tamiliarly di thé, noighbdwb, 'onù,éomant aChe 01<1 Mre. Bell vae vent-'to ut fitïà you- mu a thig-, ab aiiâre "' T an t térest. Suitce vsohouldisiae 'a -é6ý ifa~ hlnk af ii. Surél: é -cid-inighto> ic eusowa uuiudm P Ã&- sâ,Iail évént«. foi I vsa thirtyi D ot devienajmen»y v t ut off assaweémlug.7h. f(ati n.ln ulsi ehe b. coéntési ndv. comi*hudrm i'"gm.ans aùùsq-oihie ' mue boN Uava > hem liane bimaiiaup maf. lan buosIhn,. an ber friende,.blie tlbia, rasA Vled &,,t . ehr -tM asgiu. dbsppoiutmmQut l. _nB911 . Wbli-r . n61b h§tM.ÉroèÙ hobr,ijoe bring.komo-m "*Thés, e uo hsilh tequestion, fh lwfé. lc pesée éai tho~l>aia iio~tip eue.-gave 1 essvide mou<h and-ippiug ears, lsmtnfht'~' - X . adeé ler -appear&noe vithouft th fi akeni the~ U' i.t.à a<. tlieuà b1h. poq jouuc atber izpià dt. (s.fcmBou iail lzeéî scapied as e à he a the *à j;an' bè ' ethlý,Ee -hie ttier jét hé ay &Jw- , " 6à ;ui>e aa âî,ly létaWuaelefî rbliotmabLI af*éo l5drlv1éhem hi <lslsvpmbd, -a4 hadeotomiai IumIIù>b"2ti) tmns wbdîl ssis ueempUot <suo.Bia. vs.. mo t~~ Défiés. t6ec~~miail u'i dét.almesy p5érât aam &à vér tiag 'Per.-rb o m130t o*helIe'tls Ã'cusA al evr,,ueéing bew uleusi l pa'P.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~lmï 8fMéslrhlt h~ a ivth bhiaeoù li és, p, >nd béa couin i~i8.,lé ugit e. ~sv ~do>thought se.wvasDntlqutèdg4iDber vm<h ïbiitis yeu kuow, I I é6hd mmd. 8h. vs*aï t ighteuand! has the right et ludta' sla .861-o0 a, imnplte. vsiireuude -figure cf thé camplna Sik t is-méCelvethe ov Iamddehelght Hem complexion vaa- ai Vvitamdésth. or hoetliiconinues Idélicate "a-, vilsi-mos. bit; ber light. mfismtngaftÃtie boesseM, <th. e'M"ne' bravu hafisvhioh vas thicksud soiti,, revertîî ta- me. 0f *Coaeur1é, theblettes I ý&as art, *va alvapu.,A-,à a Sufy' con- I bave reueiÃed i eaub. veriési, I ahâlifiditlon ; ber bandes mad- ftact ve.hapé.-, came ino - t oc.But ihgl ib t-î ýy fentes sîsttio'n u ite. But the Most vili procurea vemihier cse i hili icaafeaetnriciabout BannieBell vas lu yor féli' tWîsdlme t - iae thebdAi eansi Ib4I*~O»~umâ rIbin ie ian 'uncanuy' apaac.,The lés b.d beau vzllteiobiy t eele auî e engaits. butESonae Bell nity of seiDaha- icaunhy uvoa,. "d longedut à " - %bahl é-' où i su to ber. tr, a-t a sho i- fU tîi, -oatu <ratz bie -e-rvéiltti- on i fuiht b. in My cart; sua lot lihé i th.1 world-. I fanoy l miâtb. duil'fr, 11:à Young. gal'. 'bidiug in& tIis mtea i k ýday." - ei-,*.MaTbe 1 *'I névés tonna it dullKiti aMateres; but thon- 1 don't orne of Àa iIheatreinother. That. en h mn i1 mf Bannie, ta my thinking The blodd2 Svii corne ont, yoh know, ana she doa't sem- a have a tmmd ta , settleýé owute - "That'snounse, egging your ar Idon, Mn. Bell. Thé gai vu moIetie yi danfatauuh;w e h'smarid.' r ýColdi1hé ê peaking a,- word -with 7yen Sin thé -backparlôr uow 2 S"In course Rît. ,Came in aud ha;ve-a rglase of béer. Yu'éalsays walcomi, as 1, ueedn'î el1.ý1. Mie - l 'The ciAvoan withrew fate thé y baok parleur, whioh- was a tiny tbrie- t, à onered- rcom partitionéd off frénè thé' s hùprnnd Kit Muteas having gién hbia hasberg!thé order. te sîaol, follovéd- he'r 1thcraid drauk theéigluas af aie w'e ~~~~h prefetd im. - Romineluhk6n b Ivvr boly; If vithiu-itt podsciemhély- -- Théee isuzo ne-apota n srtho, WheedWé'lhdr a =&ya at a - Oaa Iuêtheà hmhhat Of a tnà nqtshb, bshppy home. Home ii homa ov mrlaIs; The si~l» lathe wod 1 .I Strue, sysuni the mélanchaly, Whlti is cMtorts recod, Wotundoelniee Approyop WhllIhyntvlth <utious lavé, Home-, hovs«r homély, homo. Houie ls home, ha*éver lolwy; Peacefut l4Iesni thon s&bide, Sooing tghivas*niIvisons boly Oluatér rodo *a t'nlre"id. Thoghýthe outérwonI4be ssr]- Baie vithin lto shiltexng ark, Anin f. cabil ted rght aI haméb.- HLome in haqim é rlorly i Oh, hoys btnwa amnde1 Ansi aur bel ôpÈkitstiov , Th MinumtM At thebb"diaiS 105pitM,,b . THE ROOT OP'ÀL E£Vli. VOLUJMEX. "lAre 70a in lon WUidob ihmwac Ir ilémaudéd Lady William. , Mise NottleaIslpe face, as u . ed the quêetiolkwsèA1atqdy.. "l ?ov "! "&ereposééd ýégfzu liwby, 1 don't kuv w hai =evod msuu.iL 1bavé-béésa d ta povéwê mad thé fraUewhzch te,, ite a puses atmmephet, lwhomeIslild ual: h. oompelled, fou ,the salief't'my diuueror thé e of Mr abteoi mt& ada men my- -ouds .W bon *thorwise I ehould b. sehsmodLu lie of wh.'n epak etuamrcage. IbhVavé tolérable lim d flgun *ad 1 am *ab grand daugbtsr et a duke. To marnme men tisées r- sdv=ulgsuad ia-si changé for thés» d ladiberty bas s Compétence, 1 amr. om-sl,, infaut foraoCertain price, andiif -I1Chamoosé lowéris Iuaà imy*business. Evory marchant lu allowed te aheapen hbu virésif h es il isfor bis adiantage te dû 80.', "OIleési &à "tp ld Lady onlta ste fP WeU, yen ubeuld net find is dlfficit to sut, jouruef ast ualrate ; and now, if 70o, have finiahed yeur -brakfast you bad belles go mdî <bougé your tiés. YcnwoU o4M. - aven, M .stoupl.eot bcdred a, SSif ys vésé a 'aught Jouhsasita gmé fou as poudo1xýp. Bngins toolibe asei, 1W iud, left the zoom. 8h. ,' *&Waédo béa&louéfor a, few hi.s4ti 'v waiig te »aebe u dltédniat zoom, ahé hseà * < o 29,-déoipA4 . <o ho« <heinoswnshlnvol" e~ mnsai. This youzg burSé ledééW peusé, hé preseuted a Vary 1 atr.p Jimmau. iev~ tpidd «IM ligd *êll bas it vlsbrewn hais -sud eyés, snd o heard sud SÃMeÃat' ~of wfiic4,- ho -was kuova ta bho edUaatoiy vain. H. vs# dmeueéd uth.fashiou aise, fort- uitwuoandingUMe.Farthii!go's 4o tiré ta ma . hm ,ont a Vary poor Mont Sir Arthsur bud an imge enficoienst te k.qhlbmaélt sasgéntiomma sd, ii vifoasalay, vhonheLggthér. 1 Notithtauiwgthés. adwataSÃŽ, the ymes'ug P, é*si wbu h thuée Wise aboulA éféssi Itiins, - andi -laiharp go back to grai "W hy, n- voulsi piaur baise," said Mà mlgbt give meé thiük, o a -th gai, aei oul'! ai -ot 1al.Ican tellt -as thé qulcki a pity ta vaste r111 don't 5masil Winte aoftaliinr? Graudniotbev sayi s aM -demi i.~o '"oc iiy w étrtlexbiaimeil the girl réiddabiin.- Utada ijusa kuow il 10e, and i ahé Vante nu tsa be int the aranY~aenov 1 -Wha" Boudeoou.m5tnuél. Thsl vouisi b.,â apretty: mjusidie. Why1haies thé "Oh. vau ,hitem -the--igbt-of me, do uevs-sea anof' manp wasds âà .l pOu. n say eLxcw3é abrup&ne@@t, -but -I 11kg te<?, f a ie'Amen' tet té--benus." Kiut - Ase lie tbod, oppoandele Mlt.. Bell lie maugl5 ésemédieta»n vehi<o-do euough; 1bOýUUll te*rblyooaaâe, a- &oatoué a j"Il he urslly vanisi h. Hé bai notbedlfeî- cùl00 tureubl "Y.*U bêrê OiiiibyB-'1'Ok 8,à ] Of. animslim't n qt. oltrtdfen Ibir béautyîdafi .eieftyana 55 a-sul abve nleeAsi otaâeî -Kwmand, vasnmbteitiully-isbuaéd> lu -eiidhrey bird b traser ad-vlvteii-eeà sd ivawi* ýlilf ceat,ani ho vosos--éimon ailk neoi-. Pidi. AUeà b&sroeein hautc-oé ébattis haPm ihe m"omungbêta,z bt tis.i4~ gsandd&ughtésmight-hope eatét-i5ii ;Un. BeiLdisi net appéua aI iVêr- Ipretty cosb b-audlanem cf -i'-s- ialIL nouùOèeDtn. - Yérhips éhe bail epéot th4i:4 Ns-t rhiapa il vas Dot thé fut ié ten lai -Bonule Bel.- b& - "Weii, Rit Masters,!,' ahe m pliésd "111 y and k'. neti se vo 1u-ats. bjeo.déia lion ta, théemniagefl; but Banni; é lapGGplà bot liSe other gitrb-thoma's BOni) enin g mare8 b.'d ýU, lis t mee thév ers uri-ï - ie eold.'t if811 é -As to npMy, um I .n4aï., méibeleu- Udia -hem iSé a lady, 1 dau'lIt nov hf4"sai î 1" oIý it amIerl KitUMamteri -sujd ta lésa bah mmy thinbL, heéif 1leky tu- gel I. -~ thst te.. 'loi yume: if abel; thé rest, u.t hat!'ui iiséil fL' À"' T19 "-'trucfos,,you, :lm :asbut-t Sesa iny home anoas.yahheiid-B1nnia--~- s, ne, nistul Itti lu.' &tWééli pou, ire'à ta hé pu mus& di - I asét- TIt br, lU rq MONEY ýTOI1 Applyte W. R., i LUMBER I,~U WHIT~V~PRON~E 01 ONIWnO, l TA I, 7jNJ-R tas. est dés-- Ilolushlé a Tiyia Tas -, sera va. Write ai tep Saréil 1 - 1 1 -- - - ---- - --- 1