Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1883, p. 4

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tsmhJà lath*skiS 10ta ccru vt sanba-tsaitusaw gg, mie Qs lan bt4a bïw bapam uet lb. oheerDickens, aStlipîuas.viioiceaa. u ibm iltdatoi WemusasDot daro Tb*is. eynsalloa dnifte amuoothly aud piemsanly aloi frein weathter te OMM bpa, freuorp to itatare, froin lit- stature to eana4I, trou scqandai to ne-v ligiLîqikaholiicjiliuP, adji baSeS iisfsu tbt buai-iaarnxe' And inov ior th. tirt ime Mr. Me: Wilibm. shoveal feeling. Whenoven I perceive IbI igu on Liiimanusiala I Oeoen #, l î4 -apse iqIta uyau., and - kits* bi iiportdclty ta aoload bis boas-t.Salal ho, vii lbut il-contreii- bd etuoion: ..o bsg n'Ildo o, gtàe, ËGOfle eto u lab aI4mtsMs. Twain-neî àaisngle ceut--anad I yl toel pou vwy. Wh.p we ,r ,9* 'îlso nt lihate »lettd- w* 4Alss t111e Cash ot oven, on a0- coaint of thém plumber nt knowing il. I vas fer sullghtuung the hItatben vusb 1ici hor1 a44alvays unadcccetabiy ajoutaona t»,i h- ten 4sow bout, l hi.u a mùi 4aâ î ,, è'aLa .. es-gle- alas-us. 1 agreed ta Ibis cous- Opôu thbmtlingtisat Mus. emllsuss wauts-&4eas s ys mdo-abe ea*.l@t S ' tise = ÀÂ&Iiussd 682§ for Il, andl la ld vclsoep vithont uneasineas boocks, muid 1wI isdtea Lpandl dla isc' tntàd w'âïiothe stairs, aod mt a Ibaqr omlü u cu c a9o1 i et l &ýs o ic ware, wb ho ble ait mias?4"b'êteisaiql ilver li tb. Saab. lie - à ing tple. Il omài M tee a(iinteiiàs a beeang fuies t e cuse gbalala id ban-. sedipef 1uavas- boeau boted fhoa Ice, ~ 1s~ m a'ils ex.- ari' ~psnob nrul.. bad paver 9:4 icu Lde te appiy ta burgiart '1, t m8m»ok@ aloasg, hon, Ifi i. thbbùa tca n h 1os b ick tisaiti.e eou4timdi1<of à privilege ta a bunglan Wibliidmied ta abiisop Ï& a coe- @Pit gu onte thse eaies. of 1h. J'1 Buvariving &ail htii, vbatbui peas liave pcv ta ha antelen inh.bonne in Ibis f- itu- &a mci landetns vsy, wvîtaut ;tiag Ibm hburgiai aiarm. "nloe ekiocfuatid bdasiiaus.d and d llwlîbud ue z L o r hoguisand Pae hua a bngia -bav i e logly wanton or s ~~lwed cnventionall - elvil- frailbr-idge wib b" d"*g h.- {¶ and theaiesn '<vaci deapi ofl tbe steenlîles.. M 'I<trouble.Wfo aïdr711fr" mmi: 'TOi do5iU iyoa honora bull!f ap'-'*f éplaitme teampa il, uselaphoôrfî n'oypar 'best bolài. en hbaso, &:ý Mse»r a teact, Mynp peiene.Ii& 'ltised. Bat te - i-o ubusiness, boy diS yon gaIt borea?"-"- ".Tvnolikbls' a 0 ï. eU-aWu wineiew.1' "h va. eveu se. I redeemea tii. tlnware aI pavnhtoks's rate., le cit o f Aevenllslg, bade tha rgiar geeti anal soteS le heidquarîewa ta s-sport. Nesximornlng va sent-fortheb rgiai *iastii as, ish.came, itpand as- ~pl&in4d-iIst l-lb e esatsa laran dii no ib a" .,wu %vas jsne«-pari cf the lies*,but Ib,, ts fIislop i a"atticbatq îote iseams. 1Thls vas inply Idiotie; a v tm ta be boas. te the ecaeh pra.la tlista bl., d sâuo lbUsm ùbýsd* bis plllew. bal'"tsin- 6àmibtabio DnAMA Iif& nsafatt Esawvianm -oul 1uwON real 0,mu 4àla tianebe lad&-i4~ toben ticr won'm jbs 1Wb@ as noble id*aê.- oor<Jtgly. biut ycii mroucdy afte tii.. si. 1 ewitobod on the . aunavry 9940 lisUlm 1 li t th.kitchen dor, thus taktug li &arinn off wio't w,îiug fur &ho. CookV t0 do it t tjo bi 1a6. 0timqff àggravatingly we worlý' stîîed. For monthe Wr couldit't hebve ibn)compmny. eta epare beîl-4u tse a,~ it -311 dS - y c ny t The expert acawa'rcdl the clli, and laid sud eotabi1shèd* ms*eCcdb gfr g o liii the coaclitmmo coald put on anti takae fi *tbO. alarus. That uworked firat-rat. aBc we gel 10 icviliug COm]pasy Once MOre : u enio "ing lite. an uiveuted a new ltink One twinte a *nigýt WQ woen'lnng out cof bed b7theot] of it at mwfiai gong, and -w 'waitobbot t6e4 IùDustOor,, trneti cp tho' Ratsantdaaw Ibe Word 'Nursseny' exposeti. Mr. McWilisms faintoti dead awsy, bnd I cause preciona fl5Êr d 1 j the anae thing Myselif. 1 sieny .ibtlgu* antd etimuing lias coamuuwbulmt. <at ppalingbhoning wenoq cP.,.,Iknew thsî bis gong bad b. &long with hi. gun ms soos ho cpnid jQWp icte lib istltes. Wion I to the noom con-thé e urmieny, glânoeal tiirocgb the wicdow, si anti smw lb. d )Ç ociline cf the. coachmu n luthe yard be. 1ev, standing at a present-arusa sud Tbep I iboppUd 87.i> firemli7Ssqd it #bp ma m esatie co"ahuan flred at Lite oupoonsful. I oipleti a cntse suil h. ,bot off wbebmr W.tgcd; lisp gas a&n& =phen4fit e a- >.csïeOo. Tbon. wa moct a igu of-a burgiar, sud ne wlodow lidboom raieed. Oàà glass - as 'abut, but ibat mas shore &b,.1 alam 'gctng off' aut iiglitOcflits ove êteord, and not a borgiar ia.nagi- bonbooti. "*Tii.expert mn*W 4" 1 suid sxplaiuzndtba 01afrfhelts Bal&it îî*es 9*iily figoi. Bo1e .ove; hsnted l hénsery idov, chargedaà - sannarsivafigrefor if, sudd Saast- foq thse coit tbt#ee yeare no #stylogr*phio - pn cati descible. linninualte irt-L 1mwe Wccnths 1Iàlaityo af' w wiLii iMy in te the roonuijudîttîati.andti Llaooaobu alwsys saltîntîlfortli witht 114sbiety te Suapport aie. lBuitiser. was ctes acy0 tbtctt t0 zhoot at-wvinda ,,.ail tigbtt -"dâ necure. MWr aiwayesBont uown fer thé expert ccxt day. aLd ilie dîrdltoe, particuior windows so titiy wouid koap quiet e. week or soe anti alwasmro.- memberodte t seui ne a bill about liks Ibs:- Wtt-e..................... l5 NtpPie ................... .76 Two hours'lbor-----------...1 50 Wax--------------------... 47 Tape-----------------------.. .. 4 Screwa ................... .1 - Bscheweg ballet-y......... .0 Three bouts'labor .......... 2.25 Sttg. ................O SPdttg. ,...............q00 F IaoI& ........ ...7.25 "At leuguL a perfectly natutrel lhiiug Caine abot-after ,'W. Iati ona#eodi tire, or four su- r&mm aam vit, vo mopped anusvadcg ïIeus. Y'*$, I sianpiy rosa upcmixiy whao aimanrot "ros tii , ouso bpe o laran, cblzly -insopiotea ia èannubelsior, ilok notaet lhe rous indicatod, asud thon - camIrnl disconneted,,titroula frein lthe aaraL and wvot Ibacstule le mili othing haîl isappod. loreover 1Itoit uhai accus1 -off psmnane tl -=addid not ,end for the expert. WlIvi o.. iLboutïsay ing-tsat l'O the coerse CI liane al l. eoius.wntr-e taluen off, and the enire -mràcbiuery watout cf service. "h t a s lii. nprotected titno that tise hoavicet calaruity et ail bappenest. Tbs burgiars walktd in oeWe c1gjlmad oarnîod off the burgtaz mwia 1 i Yes, tain every bide andtiirnof lit, rippea t loct, bot and tocemil ;sgt-legs, bolla,- gong., battery andi au ; hep ýtQok 130 romg pndu~is, of couirse.and I bëA said r Doitflt ipail -util the DOWa lasm. Tii. lime siplaieti vms, thrge meneoab.SeIpllb'bi~tb '* ,Pri Îmvtiaa AWmaeiJhm Tyv ir« ~ C womUBArotuo tir ninsor @Otso, aises andS hsimo egagealSa preeent an tie frantl9iiedeavo le i.- use for mac>' tinioa-te fix drosses oe ad i m ki -îso,aidejausbite 7 ever ov liedî hnecessmry.to bringt lireu it fonntato us. -'but $aex he, y. eed S v i « 4e lot vIt tizy do viti tient. Wiiniiin' uheyissy lieus caro(cliyy ic.teir, buraitapon orequroe ethe - atlwei~o Ilseus orat ai tient isn o"tof Ournulcs ietelty, mcd a ca s n isypesn llaeusselves 10 ns vo send lieus up- Mais-s ta ent- orcuiomais. Sbo PSme5 on thear eligiti.Iîty If tthey m 1e jptp tie requitrd standard vo engage thon tnd pay tuent #8 pan veois. Theyaiw' suppen'eil t ei-umin itame frous 9 c'clci ine uuot-ing nucil 6 'eiock litise g'vicoig, and bettîdeqe banUg -usd &à*' 'figes-es'ti-y îousetiinen carry iandiet' -. "mey ae niici mare iandy lion a ml i-ct t hem wvisai te do, anti ve ana in te iost instances cieyeti. It iatrne vo csap "tklok theWt it1g corner viien ifbey - a itée*Iy t.tIü kncw, the"r' a'" drawb ba ii evrr adrautage. Tii. geal oajority cf lie vousen vie anaver oera mcvertiseusents are aibout 40 yaars of age. Tie>' Lave no dotubt tione. ime beau preuty, bot cov Liiere ia a ettd eommaentany apon ont,*' BaiS hst- reeaper, vithitisi insatig toise (bat a bauber uses viiep >ic uggest4 shampooing,*"thse aise figures are illeS '%tp and she pute np 'muai <ovc itia miop 86or severai lima aiIt asetth.ipes-vu*tisah ,bewb r«ami" I1viii coc- fleitiiysy adue lu Pott m.as- us-sté b itb f t î;ÏM.Th the >arse# i«1v ettansa -pâreboo @&sltlmd vî#, ll dut tdras,»anth e cas hLe p aser deséins lt bay a 01omàl* lie 25gnm ban r- bsersefin ail b. fors of te &sssenleos-des- to pimma. tbe-tesboer. The filtr. dress- es and udranite.speaips 100 imes le the course et a day. ,*Whoun lbegirls are vory atractive, ibey are vrty sîood atlaertisemnts ter lie tone. ti tlit tiçbti-y at- e 1poyd Tiseir beaaty draws ccoîon"ttpe'e York Mail. Jone declanes tiatibia vite i. lie moet îlaifty vousap be tirer knev. -Wby, it," ha reoently oxclairnedtiple bas usade icO psteis.wat-isqtiin duaing tii1a v ymnral tbi etr iecf, ais, eut oetheiesamptéqs obe collecîbai in ber shiopping tourna dusi-igaî lim." à papen vatoitbaur'been éihibfted a DresdecvalowWb* .. Ti ptae».l propared mleosuci a moianer pti. valtlaàaiS 1hbc asuservicombis id lthesa le ord Mnary u.- We Wbs,-H ai BSügî"î aevore aebjga=c-in-mirn a- wM,tinl 1 a fi-acS "Tsae tea lrain*> equa1in1 a Soelo-gour mowep 6r gour- eif." Itaàppoe ro tim ilia u""returu ae, ho tha educational sequiremeasiof tlýe, eoouonpisioced officesmand m n tise Brliis arus>'thnt, visas-aL.ev ,,, y«ensago 85,000 conlal cet*tier -at aloi- weite, tisa ra-u-el ,0aatsI conditiona. - Ie»-v Lite for IFUCcaio'e5 WeAtened ty, Discman, Debility anal Dissipation. Tii. GREAT GELIMAN INVIGO- RATOR le the only speciflo for itepo- lency, cet-vous debility, =Wfaids-a lassi- tude, fotgeaJabtees, painauntesebocks os- aides, ne matts-- boy shatteiod tiie sya. taen t ay b. front exceusosof an>' kinai, the -Ot-at GOnnan Reiéody v*isl ecMt te eatc fapet;ita'saS pfeur- it 1 b and bappine-". 11.00 pan box>r. "jx boxes fr.500. soiii hy il anüisgg . Sent on socipt cf prîce, postage paid, fostieonoole seul rtiet jpaetoe et Pgri~x~s, Pa.s~Ooa5~.i raacrou. iafauy ~- ns SeaaivinClaci bava I ~a~s- paniuê*usobs4.~ amosu ci bonalacters et 111,fr xace, tiy tact eus P Asklbsosa vIe bmw uadPu*uaar'a. ~IIE. VIýA RNItS 1 PEROD«UOr. to an> pes-son lia the kj y _,; , f4V-Y IT- Y, th-utleu v e.Siwm toasi mouimoetta Uftf'tian v Olauï $pst slzctzt.nsOnt. O UtU dnsherkaatmbb Ha>ifs ÇbqPait Lmumcs is cMt$t a Botule. $8.00 a Da 'oait aule alsta&nbCaak ufiaitse,9lai-. LàUet, Ot'e Asd &H UU-..IE T Uneins b L. ltnPb." Poinus lu lowi&,J ,ybaou. Topeka. Dent- tans and Trxw.@ tce mm I C:4AL <o. C> a't..his daate btîn10iiontpriot fur Abert SMteanctpolta55 t. Paul ly ýctcn"¶td t -i'. tu xGreaOt tbe, beite b&qu Pai ln¶najh ughCs WalNaitu 9i4s9eoid fu n *Il the etuof1# £88 t ~ s toma mioJago b~' ~ V~ NOUBSE, ~A. Wbt*la, AP lSb.1825n~ -"11 la luàMettttnot lom thon 50 lIbets, h e 2WM J1M8CASE CON DELI VEB Y, Bocndos-dors andi adSreaas-,er anti! tô - -- - - H. BICUILE, Os-Sors I"ay aise b. lef t Dt n. JpB i»!. ts-eas shop. i"eàabr 14th1 18'2 - 152t OFaO uns Au At& D'Wxsotfs ?ULMONATIy Yfculd have Prevented. TT 0I~ i or mU-Afl es sq c f'ta ita l ýLVE ý risata atdt*ttl esoott u im dis. G3re-t reduction h rée'r~tdGa~ ware .at the WHITBY iMPORTANT NOTICE.-Having co io otc oout, ofethé CroçkeîTy, China and Glaosware tre.de, I now be to oefer the wvhole of MY large stock 6f Crockery, China and Glassware to the Public, at ana UNDER COST, FOR ,N)QNT u É'-164eaiete t4ltýÏ81e before purchas- TOM T-H E- 0CH -R1TMASTI 1MESY I aiso offer for CashWfor one ibontp, a splendid assortuient of choice Teas, Family Groceries, Sp)icesic îkles, Eà-týts Of a kinds Peels, Candiçs, Oranges, L Oro, rapýeB, ?ears, Apples, Oysters, - é,aI ries'thàtl det:ýcomùpettion in cither Toronto or or elsewhere. Agent for James Laut's Famous Teas- a present given with> cach package. WANTED.-200 bris. good Winter Apples. 2,000 ibs. good Dried Apples. Fliglict price-paid éither in Cash or Trade. «Mmr . ë Q. c rX, M M.G', IDeeember 121h 1882. WEITBY CHINA TEASTORE. Creat Sacrif ice Sale.! BOOTS, ANIDSIIROFS, « ~AT THE M.A1JMOth PARLO1II 111f-LEANU ý-S8I1O&- TIR , Deverell'a Block, Br ck Street, ýWhitby.. MATT,~ OLIS OVlERý 0104000 WORTU GOS NEW STOC, iIT ISFor PAL A14D »WINTBUeI(WA1, IUIWiill fli ÎUS L T-,A BE.. DICTlOP10r 1-191q FE 1 C6414, O 4CASH FRICESFOR TIUITY fl»AIrs ý lxORDERT aAKE QUICK SALES -,:aJ.n. A.-'PULL, CXPA A-SACE-- Onstarze..Uùl1 ttq > ~I ad e the goode. Neva eren iIth e pro- pnforl ~S Mjimc~i 'aar cdnndSh. Sor"1benable tol>y boforo the= inoh ilarge sokfo~ho oaa. ne1iâclïlvoyeingtht l vUd c-And 40 t h. but-for L~e' ia.,Gns n hirnswaal f oSWiW ad l#rscinz i ithe amuty1.. And look stithe pribos ? and thon ton per cent. takon off th. lzoa mWgrll ouand L.ao' ies d p.fal j Aarge tk iubbeàs, *itj~<s~t~ - -VALISES, VALISES!! bita ~ ~ ~ ~ f igàt o.idheo *1 .lb eanaoasacrifice of bottcktooîs snd 8bc.. eérbafor e .èosd for iual., not ortly kIl .hetown, but ilut 0t1Oon ty cf n . g~Corne oeiy rnlnd snoua. the best cf the Bargitnens1 MÂ!i~3W C~~_1 1#7TB FINE -TW-FEDS ~c LQTH8I The Largest and most carefully selected stock in county, and at prices, to defy any cotopetition. the1 - .d~U G~8'FURNISHINGSY, - -armnts-maê.-o.,rde_-oder on the shortest notice, and in, thest sty.liqof fashion. -B AIY-MAD CLOTHIN&,- oontàmiy n hnd..-Somtthing nobby tnobby in, Boys', U'ts B1fai nd other Robes in great-vaïiety.-- - JORISN FEftGUSON,. . rmh 29,18. - ' 'Df4Â-TWIBY M'mNT -IN. TEE- Itvl abo, Tus-fi. Monatatn, -i 0 A ousue Riva!coafry - NGRCo -K Os-.' trlnhsye, Uenitatea LitiOmo&ce GR.AND FORKS, DAKOTA., Seetional Map suanS ulpsrticnlars mail- ad Fraete sny a&ddressaby 28 B. Front St., Toronto, Ont- SITIRGS 0F THE DIVISION - URT,, COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, 1883. 1-.Whtby... 2112i1'l, 8191 1 2:.Brdugham;... 9 42 Duffin'a Oreele 8 '2 -- 2 8- PortFPerry.... 12 19 7 1881 8- 510 4. tUrbnidge ...18 20 8 19 4 811 5. Cannigton.. 1421 9 20 5 12 6. Beâverton..... 15,22 -1.. 18l 7. 'Uptorgrove... 28 22 7 14 By'Ordor. 2.ly J. lE ý:Ï1rk of he Pesos. TO INYX9,V -ON -odgape ibal Estate ~etry Apply to Insnranc Agent, Whutby. CoQUqHs GOLDSI AST B R-oNYUffI-I U&ý Los& .~ VOJCE, - eOABSE.VE&$A7fD elJlaOÀ AI' AFECVIONgI 'n ti, dt the .eau 1 de...f*&a= , teai ,ears. Xana e. f# amu cesft Luné -Dit. V popeACe SRED r thir 0 on- %ia- "M fSPR UCE. to din Ita remarkale power in relier'ing certqînforrne of Br~nhnis8, andI oi a2moei 8pedc e fect in crn b stinais iacicing(ogia enzaol known - t te publicéi at IrgeL SOU bj al? *respecalcaW LMtleqPr6,25 and M0 mats a botte lu. ard 8aaat t -SflO taacrfaltee k oXr~w a-~ea ~ndlbeS tae alo r -t4ere * RE R S 4PO J, Whamar . e > VoePalttr ~ oafau.s lTHE HOPEc L.Po Di.- I ASrCuefer mli FEMALE MIE %1;i. j[julàdIng ]Leacorrhoen, Ir. ou aan& Uccrs4ejpef theno oas, pleaStu, FR G- lntaft.Itlamgrssthdptu pre-gn - i-HtaCtà5Ui? rr nrILscniptr r - twFAWh etla5~- Egf sns 2 Md z CRem e.c!i% y- y gd PIteIro±EUlnla Ua &MW= st an té" Woeft Â,aiin y.]ntam gmteeCltferSi. Slxettleafn 5>.thic Ct-ttt .ta ,. eneeerinphlLV st a m iti a ?ir t.ê r- D.LO' a, Ociobor e - v. yen senu ste purcuer-ouri -estteatgain- q&Ltoc te retenti lite anoney il lte realment Mnet effee a re- Guarantees isaediby -- W. B. HOWSE. aole antbo-lsel agent for Wbttby, Onit. JORNL Cl. WEST,-soôlo proprio. ttori TanninPlont, t' -- y-it -GRAYS SPECIFW -MEDICINE. ~TàADE fAHL Tus a UMU %TRADE MARK. MAN & OO,u r 't q A 'h 4, ma 1t bday liadi rutioaa. 4îjCEj ils bia4'- btttisawenotiaci'bItt liIinttfw i 'ap tS eseo iatabsat bei-i ao oàee more t t e to p oU~ ius fl at. That sont of an -jv~ Ai: -WHI, WiBy, li G. 8.i lîciQ i - i IAn! A .Ohm- hies- 'mu.. ýiliolillý111

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