Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1883, p. 1

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te *u»87 E» &Tzar J88001 STBET, WHITBY. ;re~ma $I OPeiAnnum. ~,,DV8TIUK1WT....Ail Advartis.- .M* neff Mufld inNomparlul, and àibsegd et the rlqgja .ntg, per l"0' Iam ei*rtioq ub* .qontlm' amhab 4601*sl11a' tuKatlngalnnocl g»%t@na. 01 aSSi i1k. -t himi among Noa446. 8oigeloaOaiaawt datar 0 ff, orolbrw.. ' oudgic dsosilne sIriumu 8u,9,1nese Direotory. .Tuz- WES$TEBRNADÂ'K 0F WÊITD, - ONTÂRZiO. THOMAS ýOW, manager. Whltby, Nov. 7Cii, 1lm. ly-47 ONTARIO BANK, .WHITBY BRÂNCE, Brock Street, - Whitby. MSBRS RITCHIE & BILLINGS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN - CHANqCEITlte ' 1 it 'Sb 7aj CH.RTIztI,o W. Ml. BILLINS, Whltby. JOHN Z. YFARE WELL, LL.fl., 3 ARUSTI, Coauny Crevn Attloy, Uandtnnl y sclcitor. Omo%-e-Soutb wtmg, Cetn ouae, Whltby. .49 JAMIS RUTrLEDUE, 1>AREBTRR, ho. Office formerly c- oDupied by FsreveIl h Rotlodge, noit 10 noyal Motel, Brook Si., whitby. 4 O'5UILLIYAN & KBRRI, BM"TBRSSOLICITORS, NOTA. byF109S -.- 72 Tonge Street, not the Dominion Bank sud Corner Ring sud eneStreeti, 'Uronto. Oclobar Srd,18M. IY-45 JAMS REITU GORDON, B AREISTER &h ÂTTOIUIEY-AT-LAW. Sqatbta luObauory, Convoyaneor, Nolszy Public, &c. Offic-Dundat Si., $nri door veut of Armstrong'a Hlotel. cosy te Loau-1>rivste fuuds-AC 1ev DAVID OBIXISTON , B. A., A#TVYA~ Â T-"W. SOLICITOR! IN Omos-can h.Office inth -oft he Poat Offies, iu McMhUsun'iIBlock, Brock Street Whuibi. ly-1O ROENON & KENT, - (Lra uecx hRomeow.) j3Âl EISTRS.AT-LAW, A T TO RN - eyu;'So1io1tors, Conrdea, &c. OFIE-uVictoriaChambeias, . No. 9, victoria Street. G. YOUNG SMITH, L Le B., B MIRISTBR, &o., hc.-Money le Loan 4perof lMarriago Liceasi. Orcs*-Orer Dominion Bank, Whltby. leu. 21878.(t- JN'O. <0. KELLEV, B RIGTER-AT. LAW. SOLIGITO B LaChanarysud Inaolrenby, Convey sucer, &o. OMne eeri's Block, Brook Street, WbI&tby,. OntC J. MAMER GREENWOOD, ýi-ATvoyRNnoayrANoCB&ry Public, &o.-Post Farinabc t &1ad old; Marriage Settl.- seiWasud Truste made SpeClaltiaa. Lemssia mgoti on @aIlkinda etiPrcperly. CIIARLES Ce KELLER, XtTTORNEY.AT-LAW, SOLIMIORfi Le T. DAUIVLAY, ]LOCAL URSTXAR OF TEE fIGEI .5Court eof stee 4gltrarcf h. 1;60"pts Qcoco. Clrk 0ut he Couty Court, Mu, ORes a Court Roua., Whltby. JOHN DALL DOW, ]3 REI8TUB-AT-"iW, SOLICITOIR Bacba4si ry omv.yaes, ho. Ot.-De~*I1'a- ECe, Brook itréee, Âa MM *~lu00 , sil busalacditW JOUR A. iMcOILLIVRÂY, ({o"W o 9rCe~ . Reelr#W) BI AR BlUTER bATTOUNRY.AT-LAW, NoayPablie, ho. Solctor for tb. :Dod" éaLOtme-Nexldo« toS Kandien Roua., Uxbrldgu, Out. W2 TRAT LàW, 80LICIR12 T J. E. GALBRAITH, E.1>., GRÂDUATI of Cues' sud Victoria GUnirrutlo eaumber c' 1h.Collége ePhysiciua q nd hbaffeons, Ontaio. Oyim-B icoh St. Wbltby, Ont., (three ..door*s ontb t of dHzeot.i). Iy.48 laR. J. GUNU, M. D., S UtRGEON TO TEE COUSTYGOL DR. DOGANT Wu R. HOWSE, Chemnist and Iluggist, WIIITBY, ONTARIO. Orner of Brook and Dundas Street& N ThoeItobin. Rlaid vinter striles cri o ols mmd Che dikua, The lce. rowa thicka»dIbathebougbu bend Ladun wti pondemousJ" oa fme Toc kesu the cold for the revenons slhriks And the cocclbau ne apirit Ceo rov. Wluter velgha dowu on oeuntry sud tovu, And fringes tb. holevrobutan sd green. Witb tauglea enit wrutba.of ygeotrngbt Anid opriglea of Obrlatumsaheen; Aud Ch. fusChery birae li hôty growu WiCh emouata SUfi tpur w ite; But ou a tvlg perches fuUinrith. lrght, One patch c Mdinaoeuý. At mny nelghbor'. vind4w, Ivo reurid-eyed girls, With plump-fed cheek,,ansd dimpled chia, Flati'en heir.nosus oa4naimie hair ourla, Smng lutheir Du exgnta, Toeapythoeefatelder-breaat ThsCt er aant thâuh«m»vian Au gifant sdbo4asta st. Worms are RemisA up by h. stligy froet, .Andt bernisaxe tîv sudjrubsaredean And h. groody apuroivÃŽ, a numureus Leso, SvOOP dovr in lou ea dSvIPe ptecoast, Whuuuvercrmuma ape Bat etraight frem ïbis i otaR0iu.rm"ea Ani tvo lookeosoc SupBbina part# As i ih gtafor W ràmIlis hoir; And &non u4ii.b" a" ud hr A-pluckier migu U ath»i mecé For ho carne $-buiubis soldlss.bneat A eah ati t»e Dofeur. Rosl 088111 0t 1- TORONTO, ONT. Tb* Palas.]Motel of Canada Rofitted, saunae,jsud UnrlvaIW.. New Pasao. gar Elovator, ru-1i-i ¶nht sud di.The ouly flr.t.olau Rotelan us wi hgradu. sted pIoua, via:-$9, #2.50, and#8 pr day. bimesof Clubesud othera, dealrig room, wtthout board, i 10 12 per day., MARK N. IRISE Pub. 271h, 878. Propriaier. BRT ME ERIOÂN HOTEL, (LIU Bongo0% Roues.) WEI TB Y, 0N'A RIO. Houge new1y renovated a.nd furuiahed eiroughont, and put lu ftrat-clasa order for lb.a reception of guegta. Am omuibus tb sud ùrora a&ltrains. Flrut-claaa ample rooms. 0~ NTABIO IIOTEL, 'J Baoor-Sraaar, WHIfTBY. JOHN LEBLIE, - Propristor. <Lite of the Simcoo Houa., Torouto.) liating thoronghly ronovated the.]Houa. Chis alu, roparoùti o entertain hit eu- tomea.w bar taa toobed wlC he oholcait branude of Llquora lmprWd,aleo choice.Cigara. Good tablinx anu attention. p OST OFFICE BÂLOe4, Toaoioeo. Y. McCNNBLL - PROEIR R ai e nutmîy u"q au *ho I onsider ho sitoeld vUti e munssio preo toIson .ofthe "x J00 aay extomul - ination. DonM linonS, thou,-M "de »A hslih ma bora, llov lu a whioh i With salin Prlntod vords, grasS lbpighta, Mau utlring InduMty, vo advocata Puse, Proosa, Knowledge, Brotherbood. VOL. XXVII. This atout , .sU bk isU nlg ccaruly have of Hm Who f the. fula vhMdhe Vaonl, robin2sdt» 4 ponede oau blsfr11lla f l w, The fl.ldsllobir., butsplSs f durth, Proygdane luavosonibo vin dpill ý Soins vfl.v.ohpd aapefor Nonabl; fio ho gobbles ilium up iwlth mm'huugy tut And thsnMnulbfeaa lii i aldlar.bua And th. brava UtC!. hear fi hlui storm Wntor fgst i er lm oad on ail thino a M 1FIIumI1hbinU8d: Silence prevalla ubimCola Wa:es kaoeun o'Md11sud fol,- Joy hrem th. vorlduMêms Led. Rouknd oeflpecip out tbroug heh.cruataed w itKror"Lng2obte snd boaiug tuai; To pil baMerry"0&Goomniug" iril, AU jthOfr rIigft Ai"rLu£MMra.teldiuzntru; On the .moth-laid adgiftdlCbont a1ial ont lonosomo Patch aros. C hu vlàv,- A bundi.of tmîetheraÃ"À io u1114 s Stif &"d ulglii aM vooden peiga, Wlhalandaù, motion"satomme ontapeead, Like a tiny $4mWr taking bis rei" There li. wn ii mmvacuidOwbrrst, But the brave 11111. haut ilaW THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL1. VOLUX& L "4WUI.Vo u grstillfooriositynuove the fis for y -- barlf?â IIBot--i 1% m pronmypro.> M boI~ re, juulig W buSI ho. té-:', z ~ i~~Iat UTUEEBEST ACCOMMODATION . mno odW r8 pINU FmPIREDSURANKOR Co. for Onoata. 11>471 ROYAL HO9TEL. WUITBY. 0. W. RAME Y, Proprietor. (lai. of Port CQlborno) Under the preomut proprietor th. ROYAL vil b. found to posss every deairable se.. commodation for guensa. W Speclal at- tention pmld te h. commercial ageuey. 16 WHITBY MOUSE. DUJNDAS-lir., . WHT . The nndersigned would intiruste te the public "tat h. above promîmes hava bean newty buîSC and fittt.d np throughont for he accommodation of <neata. Best Wluea, Liquors snd Cigare. "TUM l3CRAM O7 CANAMA -W&LZ LAGEIL. Alao pure Uhine Wlne. Loger wholesale sud retai. Boardera taken by the wcek on moder- ate terme. JOSEPH A. BÂNDRLL. July 201h, 1880. 36- T EtTNDEJCIGNBD havlug Ieaaed h. Inliernatonal Rotai. Port Wbitby, viahea hia mmy friande 10t al!unZ am. hlm. Formera and other. doimg bume.. et th.eIHarbor vil Sud good scommode. lion. Car PLEABSR-SEEKERS in sommer wil! bu provided vith botae atresaonable rates. GEORGE BROWN, Whltby. Ksr olt, 1882.il BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brock and Main Sireets, iu thu Village of Brougham- Firit-las a acommodations. Boat Liquoe and Cigare. Good etsbliug sud attentive # oguer. THox&s I>oucHEI, PaRigTolC. L ICENSED AUCTIOIVEER for h. Counuis of York andt North sud South Ontasrio. Auation gaies of real esatt, ltin stock, Ott., attended at moderate chargea. Addrrsi, T. l'UUCHER, 50, y Box 47, Brougham, Ont. t;AitNE(iFiHOUSE 1PICKEBRING.. J4 MES C4RNEGIE, Proprwftor. Tiui. Hou" a.sa.been fitti.d <ap ilu rai- elsaastyle, sud. the proprietor viliaIde.b personsisatention to guete. Liquors ud Cigara cf the bomt brandi. Excollent Stabl. lng, and Sheds. Picereing, May 111h, 180. il-a3 B3LAVIL HURUE HOTEKLP Cos. lacer h& GaçsanSm., TORONTO. ALPBED OXPOD, - PBOPRINTOB3. (LaCt fW.UlinCton RoCs!, Markbam.> TERMIV, 5$LOOPIE DAY. Gocd *stahi. lng for o«Ur res.a»& ir.i. claoocin. moédation fur taria ad iL. traveling public Io genqeaL l- a-ite Timitby O'Leay'a) DUFFINS RE-ICEIG The aboyi-premba bave btà, tluy the uaagesdai o eigel fittoup for tlb. uoption ci Ot Ud Gooda ' àe, lad roorn, sudan à*t. WM. H<#D(fS0N. C. N. VAIEnS, L. D). S. DENTAL ROOM8 rumoved frein At- Skluson'i Drng atores b zoome ovor sheaà hâiley'lastore, Klug.st., Oshawa. Entrance on RIng Sict 0. DAWESi,ý, PORT PEMUl., ]{I-,VNGOsia-eUt 4ea for tho ýJ*h*Clenuly Of CutaI., emissvlI b. prcmmtattaide n aMy luualy. 'Ur. AleaaGr ilsnofAslsbin, àsey sp.eIa _ urasgm u~dtbi hhà ~b~mldamavus aieyuLua F utur e.~0 WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, L UMBER MERCHA&NT & BUILI -A lrgeauppiye Buder.' Pu ings, sud aIl khuai cf Tiabad Moldit Domi, b ansd Bilnda. LUNEER vhoiesal. sud r.tsil, or b>' h. car load. Planlng, Mouidtngs of even>' deanr tien, Floonlng, sbeotlutg Bhelvlng, IR savlig, Siaplmg, Turng. Scel-vi eic ., etc. Whitby, oct. ISith, 1878. ver*lauug contracta =&y b. 1J.tO tu MONEY 'TO LOAN!1 *100,000Pott IYCVESTantT. ON, U.L ESTÂTE SECUIIrrY. At Io~ealving rates of intert. MOon eacursd vithin 10 days of &p- A pply to piajn JOHN FARQUHÂRSON Whii.y, February 16î, lm8. 9- WHITBY,- ONTA8IO, lmporter, DesSer anManufacteuam 01aau LEA THER AND FINDIN08o Cash psld fSr Rits, BarS sudLeather. Or BBLTMIIIKDB TU O&DER O11 F'-ulSHRTNOIE. ÀAT, TANIJR - KT BLOOÉM HTY Ordeu promptly dùbversd. Kay 8sd 8. lm-go> SANGS AUOLUCOPI AuthorIzed Capital $2,OOOOOO DIBEOTýORBs. i9011. FUANK 8SMITH. BntoPresidsn. EU&fNE WKEEFE, Esq., Vice prosldoug PATRICK HUAHES, Esq., W. 1r. KIELY,Een, * JOHN FOVI Esq. JAblES blSON, O asgg Lombard Si. sud Chmrilg Caa odn GILLESPIE, MOYPATT à CO., l1cb. Agents fer-CanadA. nga, ut W. TIRE. Manager, Montres.' S b GECTESTABIBISED m iCANA. r ., D tu I îO. Unmthedllauby c 611 tie Stookboltarm, sud luge Rassre ri. undi Medeate rates et premiu. Re- unAen, C. NOURSE -a Wbihby, Aprnl 9h. 1078.1 RAIL WA Y TICKET! Tho uniersiguet baving heall appointei Agent for the CREDIT VALL=Y, and CANADA 8SOuTHEENf, &ud other TEROUGR LDIES, ias pmmoad to iane ticket@ at Jovea te.1 ii Wmlg*.A"tlto aIlpointa lu' Evar>' information suppffle. An$y t- JAMES LONG,- Halva> lPaaengorAgent O00.% "posite Bay'a Hotu, Duudst, 5-Cf - WhlIbr W. O. JOIE NsToN, PROVINCIAL LANI) 6IRVEYOR, cmnhe fumda athe Lsv OMM of J.Q Eau , Whtbm at lÙ. reidenoaci Mr. ohna Pe ;ry sat. WviiPa tii. above revarulbree mesntuetbea'VgmJ Th"r areM pureiy Vtpble. sud nover fat t 1te ouiiabrioun au aenaningo 81 & oua 1224 1883. 01 uslnce. Wby, la mueI bave cuOit a Liy peund a, at the Tory laat." '<Fifty pounds, my dear Lady Will. iam I Maeh moes 1k. one iuridredil cmea assume- yen. Tics. are whioi poarîs, anuithle diamonda arc brilliamts. aIt quit. makes Myj moulh vaher 1"' -, a . *Andt you shonlit hava soeonChi rlrumpery ring Sir Arthur wanted me, s te acoapt to.day, mamma, umsid Regina. 1"A mchoolgirl'm Inrika4thst I ivoud *not have bien seen vith on my finigor2'- "Ah, my dean, Chat yonng minu hm Io hob taughs bis placé. Pembapa iei leason jon have giu'en hlm vil1 b. very. Useful. Hlm cousin appearat ho osa iu a totally diffoeot mould." - l'He dos indos," murmuroil Mrs. Rumnymode. "Miae Nottleship, liait bracelet, la moalt "oe 1Douaefi-lmot m4k oneu fel quit. misorablo go have r.fusodil ."1 "«Net uhon I remomber the supposi-. tion on viioh il vas beughh fornmu.. P6ay do 18 cp again vory oaufflWl *rs Mua Rnymde.-'I expoot Mr. Ohb- muort iii cmil bora te Inpr ro- 'l'i Moro6 0V . as rtnadC lb. piper vuappinga, and ltahemals.-se. auras mbotora. Thon Mma. unny. pied. spddenly rrnosnb.rod that ah., could net 04ay a minute liter, as alto >Lad au engagemnent vii Mus. Macion. SI for liaI Vary .voniung. t "1 knov thecanie -cf Chat&iaty de- parturo," sai Roginu. , astheir trient tunueil hem acl apon&hum ; *,eh* isnt*qta el the ,1aela *tory of. Sirn Artiur'i rejotion sund Mr. Chsosore'si braeoi.t 80 laiatothor old sosa non- gir,,e lb.Mcougal 6f lie Maadoagai." "Wr e Yeu visa&0 gay mu muci b. fore ber ?"V "I roally donu't kuev, sud 1 don'ti sea1 Is ie sure te gel round 80 Selina Parthigale a'uoa'sby hheir measa, ang 1 shouldliko'hPr t80 1mev sla 'va se- lus.d Bar Arthur, liecuse ho la mu very1 àuxiona te gel hlm for herseif, $hoa msay do il mow, sud voloome lt" "Ai 1 yen see I was righl, rny dean,"1 osui Lady William, oriculsly ; *sud Ii 4!D Chaul yen have talon my ad.1 vice. 1 tremble te think vhat migit1 h~ave bappoeedif Mr. Csamore's ne-t oovo.y Wbailbon dslayod for s moubi or Cwo. Yen rnsght bave bien marriud te Six Aubhnr bofomo ha arriroit." t i II don't think mu. But yen mansn't 1 mile toe sure of Virian Chasenone,1 ruamma. Ail Chat ve luGu je, Chat hoc h bhora. Ho mmy h.- engagot, or oaveu married, fer aught ve have heard te *But Lady Williarn's failli vas net te ho ahaken. "No, my dear ; no 1" mie asserui. a 'IA mrîed moaror von au engageA susu-vou Ûol have ,brought ,Chat -hpeoleifo £ orouteangor. iHo 0 sud is iuiqr.uu~lii vffisdneueqs Ih Yotnngs. , - bln 1 todi ho, ltlosuo ~"Yu~stv4oIhu*. agma C 0buuoadshit iovsin 01; f j wmFa$$p! ilfrvr tieqt., nlmorng Iommeùls-- NO. 10 a seauna, apitefnlly; &Do! thon mie vont homo, balf-cmyingi Ca tell the nova Ce hem faChos, as u vs urpriseil-andl of. feuded tatofini liat ha laug'lïed et, in- ateai of commiaersting ber. "«Ono vouli think liat jeu hai rie faeling for jour ovr flah andt bloot, papa. And vian yen knov hou I've set auj beart upen Chat maen." ."That'a the venj nemuon I amn langi. ,Ing, my dean, Yen ae o eepnejudicet ta ho able le juilge lu lie mator. But Ibis lu the vorj bout thing thel couit bave happenoit for jeu." ",idWiet do jeu mean E Hou eau . rn Arthiu boing lu love viti Regina ýNetlleahip forward rny cause 2" 1"Tut, tut, tuts! Yen girls think cf mnotig bot love. A man May bave a' tozen ressens for proposing Ca avoman vithont iaving Sauj love for ber aiaili. Hoe May admire ber, or bar familj, or, be rnaj bave beau drawn itcmaking hemç aloler befer- bu knov vihat h. v as about." -I?.That'e juai it, papa, 1 believe," ssii J"Ohâ, yes, if 30=lhko- Il" rpiti hu barousi oaolaa -,W ou, lieue mu i uywbsr. ;" sud Chou ho aidel tmrn. tblng lu a lover roi.. * Chat vasme ol complimoutary 80 Misa Neltlelp or ber Mex. "'Try snd forget ail about il," via Virian'a oorisoling nejoinder. *Woenr ara riddies at lb. boit. 1 don't vondler at ou somotimea makixag mieals about theon, hough I eau sympathia. vit. yen -u loing snob airl as thats sie'g lika t*tue. .By Joe,,Arthur,' ho voI nt ..antddeely, Tvl'o ft ihst r.ncky bracelet bebinil me &gain." *'Havo you ?1' Tbat's a pity 1 WhaS *allyondo abutiiîl 6'Nelhing i 8h.',saure te mention Il vwhuu vs muet." "Oh!1.jyu moan te houp up th. âo- qualutance, thon ?" - *Why mt ? Mise Nellesiip ex. prosaly invitod me. b doueo. Didul yen beau boer--". 1Yo«; bat, undon lb. circumatanco#,ý I Ciehugbt periaa it might -riote bo «Du'sbe expected te top pre tiy housa, oh.edouds îfeel inclineoil ho mariyy ye..I1, bei>. ye d.Iea'S ocsidar Chat sua u sêt of ptossie virino oughC! to come m inote calegeryoi my ooain. *"No 1 cf Course Aotland I arn murs jeu or aiy ocher mins lavçometo liar frldil" . Ye'li mirer got suy. iigmoxo ont -f- er. 8h.'.se Id "'f habeoitfar lurmu, WbioaaIhow fi h ." langled Vviu e ibbsons «b drwviàpai- Si' ,o*rî 'a thebotli, sud Bi rhu ud dlsappearod vitil Lhàwil. Be -sto w« tè bai t.ývou«iùf ohé,àd aotoci forUs hst;butquit. smrtbalstbgl couûlotmii7 yhaeod othurvia. A: oluglA adinmieuof Sir Arthur's sop. posed lsima venu h ave béen'fassI to. ber. Rh. va. a liChea sorry for hm go vos ortsinly very u@belohi)g, qnA pparnhlyfond of bers;,sud if ho CIa o eyls bm aony. aie vonld net h av7 ea bogitgbod o cept uns. Bul viii -vasiei inoome f - positivoly riothirig. A miserable fira heusant pounds, ont at inteoet prohably et five, percent., and Che poasible gsinsiof al barmen professionu!Why, iei molbor bld as muei momey as thit, sud jet how tboy vers obligeA 80 oemnomise. Begipa auddorod os the lookod roundJ the noomfortabl. oom ah, abood iu. sud thougbt ef b.lng eorned hoj slay lu OuÏ 11k. à.lt ai le i8rj Al isur'. titi. vas mm tgg het hssQU, r"lly u h. -h vas vq i d l4 j u» tbeyk It vitibenor." --w - -- "Ail Cho botter for yeu, Beain&. A iearh la often osught in the Irobourii, Sis Arhinu's vanlly bas Weoubtlese boeil, ivouniat. It muet b. jour part ta Sp.ý "MBl periapa ha uou't cothi iar Ils Ob yes,hov illI1 E u aDmt m--y mers frionta aI Ibis enAdetoLiUion hlan is cusin. lUits»heo-cmeo m ie titi. ho vWa. mivaje cooped up in obianberisi W.-vill invite him. 10smne nice Adinner>, and mate hlm Cierongbly beoinfontabie hare, anui ho'» corne naý oftu a se aeal hlm." "Suappose.ha, is really lu lovo vili ber,, papa." 16 va on't - make auj difomouce 1 Ifli h e ason te holiove the -vonld mceept hlm, ho viii b. ail thie rlat.ie.r te ahow ber bo is net morially hart by ber refusaI. But jon muet go te vomix rery caonhy, BSlina. Don'C frigiten bis. You vornon are muci too, quio smretimes. «Von bave Che Égentleman Le me." "4Whab eau joudo. papa 2" "Nleyer yon. rnd. 1 cau psy for lie dinneo, et aIl eventa, amida&H jou have to do la te enoreC hen. AnA ia hn 1su noe insin a preper, moud for il, I ean osily lut- in mev laI My isugiter vill net go pennilese te bem huebout, .Six Arthur la enieuely pen. Pioxet aibout money, Bolin&. Hc Aoeuu't get on iu Ch. profession a bit. But if h. vora .my sou-iu.iaw, 1 aboula ho ablo te gel hlm mno oui of-vomi.Doý ."Buet Ivaut uns 10 love, Me'9 for My- salit sali Belin&, vho bld really fixed' îpn-, affectIons eou1Ch. 'uncensolous fogila aoi uort.;,. Ct course lie'» ove, yëeor jonuelf uben tii.mattons r'lI"ý go ofIl Ch.,moquer sud& batton s4caïs. our old dai has managea, I. allaièt- -a. fex' ilfpue7 for jon.. By mu, gCtIg u iti Janet 0OPpen "h!-1ay:vweU pas! bc oup WIDOW,-: inInrollatoe Chat W. Wernr,, prou.: with &Mss. Potter,-rib= 40, vitwauhour il Io au been-on lb. m-ýo8 - intim smb tsime opiti. - Warnoa geinCugroury beau homoe au excellent ehâa M-i niaversally reepected-, and-, mo!eagcbeld the in lb. Baptiet- I bel~ POrti at bhis domeatie i Dlot faèntia.m6s ap py, quant uriplail mooneaim, bolvuen hlms anêhi vif. uer l i i auecnd-wifaa"*,a- and bie ohilitron by bas hz has boom 'conistant. Ironbl riouuemert'tbs i in at firaI disondilud, by foi Who -heur t in lu snob tgi tb. guilty mai i eld bY- i zoe. Wmrner. some-im farm -for 85500 ai "ra interetin a cbeee fac Hie business la aupiposedil.ti -a profitable crie, and l jI ha heu takei avsy s senin timâat Ifiin08«OO 10 dottis about ltoIn, àVibelf largo;neteonura ove a large amont t10. honse- Paâ llielc- *he veman iti *hom ILi6 1 Iau olopud la À wrnow- or rom-eo Wsar eir ig aanu étal JThé ahe hua a à doai a biegai by i caf a an'naial ile pirev-n or howu' i vero. »'a rilmig ouevcroay heertIese, depravetê naerite lie coriiuro.( The Cardin-aI b4 -* ms1~acI ns a g mil-be TEEMED MR uIx Ait MTON bQS~OLS Vian ~er~ Eaccmm.udti Nusmua, la givqgll a 'j'ai eslnteeotq, sud&ouaco#uviao*ILternie For larthér pasnluars, Apply lo miAii ~ Li MON EY'TO7L wIL EIBU£NG; tw- 0" 0r cýRà o o t'-, 1'.' .4 -1 WHITBY, PROVINCE 0F ONTAIRýIO, ifURDAFEBIJAR-Y me,.. -- mnlv.fiva~ Itou tu seW biCluE cd mtc. OuiL., C taler,W df Shaika Ir5eoeru lieCur ( ,*mWb. ll 'os-i RTO 1 È! 1 M-111- 1 1 StQi 1

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