Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1883, p. 4

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Mut*, noe a JO eonote, %0ohmobridai vo hurret, b4 tt.ely stp@av*ble trlgt, ab* 064 et t by b.ap esi l m r e iooornlnheg op# 0 *0 151 sbeoelor tue. &cd briglil, Cb e ai w 10ouaihm, hml 1mltthe aitar et âca of U!Rt, ýè M çol éod veo .vords vo ai, .%01* cube* Mdainea.p.takiug i ré mffl im othe b. cta.of Whl ite âkuec vo eawfUfl ohaklng. ~ut~ edlyv. m.obed hlm edewn pm c pte the lovcrmoist &tory; *6w bal*e nevôr heard from nor aecu the poor mas Whosa vo loft iaone ln bAu glorye What Clock Jones Dld. A 81! 0 ou ftzWILT>WEST. TbaI vînser ve vers te camup ont Anthor oreel, vasoe neyer te Ae rgotten, @ien by a minuer vbe b.âdi bîaslad rooku tauthe bills cnd vaîrked1 bnde. n lhe eold waters et the v'o eWu a ing a i sr livIcg, te u&y nolblng et adding te the store hleb vwu te oom. dey carry lb. poosmssor back te theetatosdand te vite and ehfldro. Ilwvne n ughthat lianes voro bard, tb. roatber bcd, aud a good @bare 01et Mon ins11, bail the btacktsga esinO dovntram Thunder Bond sud up freo nt&nit tlysTown, andnade tbeumlveo quit h oni me uog ns. rtib X.n à"atlvoit ead with whisky ndgarnblilg dovlces, sad morethtan 0»seto, ourmen Who bad 'dng sud deivet! for montlua, te gel a few dollars abâoa# aw té puea unto ths baudset tliflos.tipse. Wb". 1ohard Betîh lest Ãœbis dut amamd.e àick, oue t bbc gambîese pu% akade lu,1dm I tle ii. h&rgu- es, ,~~ oâetired op lia. towu, &W4>l*r ow abt Sfotteved foui or IesuO00 e o'bit.d andud emany more vogic fler tblîs£cair tii. tevu ve p»fâ Wet fur s fortoighl4 sud &ltboieW thelb.Incident Ist out te 0» ocf the bea at sîu men inn amp wvap a mon (rom Gonstiont, clouk JaAee.Wbeu he loft 'Priséo for tb. dàWD4% ho b. eris vît lmau o0W 1u1 iw4 âfly oo.and for a per or &Wolas aud thbo dock vsro *penila" sud lrav.lted in iptanud vers noier eut utight ofet asb othen. Iu Iis v h .o oms to b.oItuovu by the fretlcame cf "eaook," sud if thé title dia uo pssa. lmne:oue ever bear.l Iepat t liaov-uensefthe b bt- utedmon in o.cmp. He vam neyer ., dl.coouraasd, neyer ont et sorts, cnd bad lieyer bOss kuowut) tobave * nov villi aureon._ Rs bad money aaved up te toten homete bise@dean ees, ced vait 0117iriicitlogfor priug be opsu le îcke bts deuîn". M teome ime in lbe pàa4 l, lck Joues bcd beau a drunkard. Perbe the i oaîes sud preyena et a- iovinq vite bcdl Wrougbt bis rosun. les bcd breced itala ths swfui vic, aId noue et us had -*orikuovo hlm to tante. lhe Wel, l ilgbt baeabesu enrioesiy 1heueséday led lb. sor. te enter the ohculyelthé evonet blaokleg etfaIl. If s'el,&;t i, t hea s a.dravu thoe, as faw t budvu ber vitime bore andi there bêe».oRe. wu a aman vho veu s otl buh cardâ, aud &As 1 eid befese, ».bcd evor isu hlm teste huai et vfbhall au heur %'-ho bat! eterei t ibstdon be vas ubbPiag drush a«d being plueked ef bi s mcy. Soir"icf i frilota made e-ffetq to g et hiua out of ths #Ioteba let ihSb*oblega, But ibeir bIsai vorale vr. anavercai hy Iisata and c«rms.Tb@man bcd ehangeai 6'.. c quie ,Godfaaaim iner, lu a Roohîm a vling dernon in lbintv mien#@&. Ou. cAp efwhIsky bad "d MfU.,.4 dram wvhtb rlghtful s uldu'5 lo1 hlm go on liaI way, cmian 1 à ciser nameai Wiliams vas %Pnield upen temake anoblie 04cIhbere hb.wva aneghbor oetJons, Ouiatbeecuttse hos, 4 bcd aveai np a eueg li1tié auto, sud Venlftgo hbenu the 4,2kug.Tb*. Io mou, after a bard day>.v Attisiam aahar by tb. oheerfal ir4 efeveulug ansd anticipa. 1.1 i helrr tubaî home. Thay hsd plan- eod boy lbey voubai rcbhoue lia the Oobntal iiivfauing Iheir aid cicîbes. and long beails snd rougbboocks, sud dàfter ci cbeenee ef acên yeara ne one VOUlai 40ov thent AsI hey vclked lhé treeb te bcvilage. They venlit queîy Aprc.cb Ieir ovu homes, and = irko o ilai b.scnowered by liae wivos Who bcd ititai, d hoi sd gnd tiret by boplug. Ec weuld,îpeak te botcla astmrcageod 4he vould be on the &lu f t Suring avcY vhen a@Omo- Ibisg lu Voie. Or gosture voultllbber thet lb louggouf haoba.od vas home allait. IO*M ïu aite h*4 b.,' b opeis aotsu thrt bollea et beo" Wbeougbsut«à V lM& ae a ntreat- ad bum to lu4efo $0 e ibis (nouai, "d bdh. wald$4999418à 66 thé gamb. lr'. o#lat. j30048oai t4 aeeevry dob- -lar of ie is aia "fqghting lu be Ie bol9etr ronit! Willicme vial e s d- laid hie Uns.!on bis bmod'p bocHldr andi viis. cBJ)..,11 iteau.d obiltroeend.!yen, -Io 1" vath.lm erxczlamnation (rom lac ls<dnod mam, anal viti tbibt h. ilpd teokbt. T4elet dii - it. Knaéi.el haid iet biS WBl&moens aI41, but tlb. gsn ai t Oh meuleir laInA.àisinî a flash -~ 4ttba Th.e iaranmeru counby debatiug club arc dabatiug tbe lolloviug que.-- tie :-" Whieb le the prîuet-o girb vîtbà bcr irsi beau, or a voincu vili ber irai baby?" lA éeufimuid drunkard evidenl.ly camea more for "Ir-el" eâisis ihan p. isou2al beicuglnga. A place et steellas a good deal ike a Man-vben yen gel il red bot At bc"s ils Icaiper. Why iesà raîîroad se patI-loic? Be- csuse it is bounutle the country vitb Ibo treegest tics. Tie mati vbo was hemmend iu by--a croval bes bée troubtéal with ea iteb iu hie aide évter since. The hsnd orgcu ie annob more mu- ealtha abus oestnut roaster, yek, belh are lureru iby c crsuk. A quaci dooleor vouit look witlu dis. guet upon the preacut et a cane vilb a duék'e beasd convoi upue il. &rraats for fer-gary are bccomiag quit.. uuereue. The meof thie coun- try are vriiing tb anuy vioruga. No matter b o es. en sgaigement ring msy ho, thoeallamana neyer cips &roundton the mataI. et a ladys inger. Ce-opération is a very eaoomaicai movo, but lb dooau'b werk wabt vbeu bye vainen vbo are joint evuers le c ine Laa vîtoL, bath vat te oo ont ou the sains day. A fot.pad : A corn pbcster-. Uâcàiled for -.D«s4 ltelet.- A maniied faturé: A black oye. Tho favoritecai: Th. mAbionsie.. Mavyaoen, s atub : A gari Foui Icuguage*: "Cbeék 1 lnck I Once acancdidats clvayo a ocudidete, T1heei o esob htbiug as su éx.candi- Wheu bths average man- laugis ho goti fat. When tbe printer gota fat, h. laupha. If s mttk Man veut te a-mcequsrads bailb diagniseai sa a pup bh ovola be vollt hadled. pales pawcotujnosions.,las oftaitye. servona iritabi.ity cnt! irregularilica et1 sb ysiem, *.111 finit Di. Wsauz.ss>s Ceiue4&-.Eixir et Phosphates mild Calismya qia'trsordiary efloaoy-'in purifyiug thée bîaod sud resorng toue sud celer le the oomplexîeu5 *pave' r te6 lb. nervous ystorgo, sud eoroqfig these taoliena l denangemeuts ising freqi pruqtation cf the ienurol, hss1 by cbutu -dss. ovtwbik. Won'y, a. lb. Wesaracuitetar Incident te bomsbolaicastos. *Ladies wbo vouit! regain tbat oeoat cM omplexion soluu#4y ovsted,wvil), ý teao e bope b, ulug Feustels Do. 8uruis 3sUa u Gnw WC 00 ooSy 66t Mr. Egsn. Gênerai Suporlnudnt of the G. P. B., retuns. frem ig i vieil to, tlh eud outheII. rAclc ou Seturday niglit. 'rie eoremins solîlweatbor oe' uii. pont Iwo weeks eauseli- bini te Aceuthbeclaiseatey oo'taiderable moreý tiban it woa, bieIntention te 'do. The trok belvesu iBrandon and Begin&i aud for a ceugidsrabto distanoe voit, .wa bailly êriftsd la plaoes, wbioh'; coeilocouotdoirabie 1to f-lime, but ln %lie nei«btborbood of Swift Ourreut, aud frein tbère te the enofuet triok, Ah. anow was o o er haif an t4uCli deep. aud in maauy plases At %w411,izupeoept. ibis. In the. Monge Jaw Valley.* 400 bora... helougiug te Langdou, Shop. Pord & Gos' force, wcee î t arga, gras. înp by day, being, of course, slsbied at niglit. This Wintér lia beén the soeverpat ior weuy yeari, as woil as in- tiie Northi West sa An o&her parts ot the country. U-r. Elzau vas bold by c Masu et Moopo Jaw, whd lîsil lived att hie lite Aun lbe country. thsî ha did fnot remember il. equat in uevsrity. The experieece of tbe yesr, thoreforo, yull hs of grest service kle .ceîny lu eusbliug thein te prepere for euy ézi. geeciea wbicb qîey aria. An praitie rail. road service in the North-West. The Company îuteud immedlatsty te tek snob preeuutlone se viii prevcut further danger froein ew blookades lu the cuta weoî of Regina. Tbey iutaud ta vidon the ceasud te née ithe excavat.d enrth lu building valit, sil or savoju foot ligb od tbA top ef tb. cuta. Lt in belioved that thea. voila, wiab lbthe ow feue. pov lu o, viii afford ample protection (romn the iud store swbiclî areocf fis quont ecoursuce. Moat ef theéminu who bave beauen pioyed ie coustrue- tieu work setLb. ed oetIhe treek sud points obsa returned with Mr. Egau ou Saturdey etgbit, thé difficulty ot Pro- enring fuel haviug amade il sdviae te, clome dovu eutirely for &bout a eueutb, wbon it in expeeted operationa viii b. r#suena. Ssvou meu ver li&t a Swift Current te bendie the suppies@ Wb"ch yll ho sout eut tram Aine t lime le lb. mou vorkiug iu lbe. ypreai HAills. &bout aix buudrod meu are en- gaged Au the foresta thers gottig eut tisa, teiograph pole@ansd piles. Mr. Diokié. Gorerumeut Iumspee:or of Rail- roes, vbe va eut witb Mr. Egan), bai ccopt.d luth. uome of lb. Go,. sruuuoul aIllt.he onbuilt.-Brandon Sun,. Hov Sir Hugi Alanm Died. lThe naturel raticence vbch bas beén ebserveil with regardI te thé menuer orf di aug ced laet heur. et the late Sir gb Atlaliat licbeu, to morne citent. brokeai. To intimaté friendé sRoeéad. ditiouel ptarticaîlaro of the Paiti*en de- mne of tlt lc kght bave béen given. On tha.e oreieg of thé lOth et Decem- bier, Sir Higl Allau aud hia son, Mr. Bryop Allae were toRellier in tbe rooeî of the. bottA in Ediuhurcb where they vere éteying. Sir Hugb crproeiaa viahtt tat bis mon weuld go out and gel for bon e pair of ruiLera, eayieg that during bis absece .be wouI,1 write a Imiter to bic brother-au lew, Mr.WVill;suî Raie. Mr. Alléu e Ad, aud vas abseint but a coanparatively short lime. lRe- luruieg. Lis fouagihie fatber satea. ac table. with hA ihed re#etiui, upon both bancde wîtlîh hie lhows upoe the table. Ne wisîiug ît distnrb hlm, ho vas Alcul for c minute or ce, bel fcelfag eiligily uueoemfortable et Sir Hugh's aileénce, b.spolie. but rOooved ne euswer. Advaucing, ho vas inexpreis. ibly oiboed t. ied that hi. fàthor vos peut &Il bumse aid. 0f t.he loUter whieh «)ri Eugb blïd iuterded tbwrità, tbé words "My ilear William--" *toue @tond his vituossos te hie utifuifihloi intention. SLittle by Little. TAhe constant drappiug eof vattr w-21 vearavs eva Uc hadsc siue.Soi. the constant irritation et s oengh yl go West upon Élie. tungi ste indue. in. curable Censumption. RHsycd's Pu. boral Baisam i viticure Sth. vorroeuogbâ, apsêduly sBd efftialy. Foîtunctely Vaivualcidisiteoet Qb icaît a. net ici-y cemmon. ilS disturboit actieu mey ho due te indigeeion, liver rrguaitiep., o. A Stomsch distnrb. et with ii vitor iudigestable foot viii caeuse pain and fluttaning by erovdiug on the oives oetlb. beani. Bnrdock Blot Bittoeaviii spo*dily remedy &Il snucb difficebtisa. On. et oui butl citizena would @&y te thé publie Ihat ho bas triet Haib's Cs- tcrrh Cure,. sud îtiàiib 1totin claimed fer i. Price 75 ceuts a boil.. Worthî Knuwing. A Faet Worth Ruowiug. The bout lieiîssbold reeay kuove tur CouRhm, CaIlts, Brono-itis, Aalbana, Wheoping Cnugb anal al ibroat and cheat troublea tingloveraI Puimenary Cenauinp. tien je Llsgyard'a Pectoral t3csanite ho proeuredd et cny drnggial. Mr. Thomas W. Réce. Edilora nd Proprieso tee b.MAioh.»U Recorder," wiitos bat b. bcd a prejudice against Patont Medimbul belug Indice.! te tiy Bundook1 Bittors, for Bülow.e uss bt ooaeoueal sncb violent Jbcod ache sud dutreus "ste often jusabie tiac frein vonk. 'M~sensdieine gave hlmg relief, and be uov op"aof et inl the-most favorable tenus. Catarrh Is the sofetConsumptienê andt "lue antken iulime iu c very dan. gelons diéecs. Halle Ostiprti OCr neyer taile te cure. Prios 75 cetli. For Ooughtansd Cldu, no. Alseu@ Lnug Baisca. ses %dv. in suather Nei; Lite for Fusclis Wcaikened by Disease, Debtliy sud Dissipaion. The OREAT GERMAN INVIGO. RÂTOR i. ths only speciflo fer impo. tonoy, ucu-voné tehility, universel làai- Inde, toigotuluese, pa in the hack or sides, n n atttai boy eati.red tbe sys- tom uuey ho tram excesa et ofay kiut, the Greai German Rsmedy yull restoe the les;t tetieus suaI accore beaitth aed bappinées. $1.00 par box, six bares.for $5.00. Boil by aIH dnugiât*ï Sent ou recelpi et prioe., postage paîal, by F. J. CH EMNEY, Toiede, Ohio, soie agont for UniteaIStatus. Cireulnioansd teetimoiale sonttr. Tii. cause et deati. IL le knowu cI. mou l e ac oetaiuty Ihal in fatal dis esses-Ihs individuel dies itber by tb. brain, bssrt ai Iuu«% - How,"* ee b le tb. effort ge melutolu c perfeol stage et hsàlth ? Dr. Camon'. Steaoh sund constipation Bitéer. crt a veritab. "ucali Giver." ',Th.y (ru.Ah »y*. tom frein &l impatrlleei tcz- iluionsm. Doe, Dys1peps1and SUt!iti decasmet 5h. SteauaehLaver or Bo*àels, lu-large botlI»t50 esDis, 89ll by al,>rug- gâtbe. A frineÏ n4Iswls pd. This none cm Wbsle- altauce i n * arel affiobet!Viti ieeu.- thosoceomptlutA clmeiuum o r- mon «teorntomaisEye ai .- sn ! nà si vl restors ber te bailla, evenmiin slotr roedtsefal. A single t" a»wy poe ont assertion: Thsy an = =scllb "Moe =4 Douaj collMy ootps1.etf e Umm ta WnggIsta. oQýq«; Hmr ouit h.usaw et Dr. acIS P"lM#nî Laveo of etPmv'. PrAMUAs Gong x. f"àmloovs.Kay-as leservlim Ïiuel1 , iboir aiameonrbed smong Ibos oplodt ta-'uentSctpolors et4 é s,îW b, Panes océVu wa1h"ttt dtL ÃŽThbir Ibsul lhm *ocane apU& -804% friggo rdoup mmloit In the pne voodabau bési ibe&,Dc. Mnrra, la bis-book ou the ba bnun*eanisiràbla A totem t wmle t 0~y1111 U&e. o boue ummu.heW0".*rOUE Soa tuc ssI r Ioon ltoIdie o y-bcueiywefl cretb ei tbo HaILs Catù& Cm ur le 014 by aU Whowsaw oa iens~iom ait D«»Ont"u A llmeS IMe W. IIOISNi WsIIndL Ot Grand Trunk- ital Westem ùRauiîey Linos, m&a& of ian&e ulteatuzu ti&tgteau ow b. had. Ierbepin1PS pints ouille Gréai West. ora DIvison, suzou c silost. Cath. crn. aupnon Britg at:<oodstoCk. LodiýemnaPort Hiron suit EuagoSLncv, G c id Tryen li, PetouksyTole Cnode Cb .wster îatnUhrn States and Manitoba. sBau icet& teoChicago ai raduceit n"lsE pocici %attïion i o ietlfztsfor the Wetru Sttu mad Ifimitoba. Rates for freigbt ebtalueit. Beggsge chechet at Whitbîtron hte moat et the priucipal Fer men, pampletsà, r ime-tables, cul other interniahicu pply te GRO. B.» YULB, 8. Brock.8t., Whltby. Bottle of Pr . xing'a 1,*: Drsoovey;, for Qonsinupion, wbioh oaueed hlmto> precugo a largobotte, the oompletely] 'climaïo sud oes thiglos'ba8 figea.' &oimra, Brenchltle, Hearioesat, evere Oougbs, sud cil Tbreat cud Lung dis. o*a».i ie guerauteod--te curs. Trial- boittes troc St T. G.- Whltdield'o degi altors. LargemieS. Au An8ver Wantcd. OCo uy on. -bripe Xiena ' ente .0 Kiduey or Liver Campteint thsl Bisc. trio Bitteis vill nolépeadily cure tP W. esy they eau nul, s jiouasude of .eamme ters, vili prevp. Brights Disses., Dlnbot.i, Weael Bach, or any i uar cemplaiel quioktl' enred. Tbsy jiu$fy thé blood, regelat. the buotal, sud aot direetly e au the diteseidparts.. Every botin guaran tesit. For salé ai 50 conte a botle by T. G. Whitfield. Ire CEITÂINTY- Taocurs Dyspopea sud Biliouoon e aaIs l peculetion. but le proved witb larafroeisonouf 11gb roepétebiiiy eoeamlntiy con!g lu. ZapicsA ilaucii bsolute curs. Eutiene.-Shouid, suy butter maker doutre boîter evideno.et the anperiurity et Tbelober'm Orange Butter Golor bc- fert givieg t à trial, vend lm yte name aud Rddreemsud yen shall hcvs abundaub testioniale frei nantional men, whom you kuov and rospect. Mennfactued hy B.D. Thatcher & Co., Potsdam, N. y. Aneorel power. With emzrybatlie et Dr. Garem'o Puluuoucry Gogli Dropg, c sam 1 botte lagiven fre eoharge. If, a &@y eng 185 IMal bottle, yen crs e t oatii ied vîlb lia offet, yen eau retairu the large botte te yonr dealer Who will refuni thîe muuey. Thouacuda eau tesÏitito îeprompt action lu ou*rzg Couge, GCea, Bronchitia, @e. fYen snffsr. lry thean. Prices 50 e@tuac botte. Sotd by ail Druggista. cvk~ k liiil 'i Ti. ~ ,enSUenTzsT. QUIC&EST 5 An" &Ul 5BET 11ino t L Joupia. pefints la O!,ff ,lbAe eek.eA Ne Douas. Gai -ï Er ý au, New mezcoeF, lIoa.-vas ta"s Md Tliai, Les, 1tlnneiLpoils ut S. Paul. NuzLun&Py repnted 211 Claum of iravel. KANSAS O.ITY traveling a ~f~toei et a ils~ ~ ecufosI. TiBeu XEtA INCORPOgATED :sS3s. rate. on BuIldings, Kercoulls, cmaeto - . <1. NOlE , Aget. Wiiby. Wbllby, Aprit ib M . 10 - ~ /D"WILSOI(s PULMONARY- Twe Dottle*,làOué,40c. J. W. BRAYLE:MNRA. KÃŽDNEYrn3JUuf CÀI GrQat red uetiù--ý in Crookery and Gas Sware at the WHITBY WMClN-lý*TA . TEA STrOBpm. - IMPORTANT* NOTICE.-Having conoluded. to go ont cd the (Jrockery, China and Glassware trade, I now b.g to offer the whole Of MY large stock of Crockery, China ana Glasswaro to the Pubic, at =îd UNDElI OOST, FOB, ONE MONTH 1 Cail and examine the Stock for- yourselves before purohas- TOMEET-THE O.HRISTMAS TMES, lalso-offer for. Cash for one month, a splendid assoztment of choice Teas, Family Groceries, Spices, Pickles, Fruits of ail kmfts.~ Peels, Canclies, Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Peate, Apples, Oysters, &o., at prices that defy competition in sither Toronto or or elsewhere. Agent for James Lant's Famous Teas- a present given with oach package. WANTED.-200 bris. good Winter Apples. 2,000 iba. good Dried Apples. Highest price paid either in Cash or Trade. w.J. - rIEm sC>Niv Doember lt 18M2. WHITBY CRINÂ TEA STORE. Great Sacrif ice Sale! BOOTS ANID AT TE SIIOES,ý MAMMOTH PARLOBL BOUT AND SIUE STORE, Doverell's Block,. Br.ock Street, Whitby. MATTHEW COLLINS. OVER *10oe ofOiTIIOF NEW STOCK, SUITABLE FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAlt, WHICIZ WILL BiE SOLD AT A RE- DUCTJI 0 F T&N Bit CESNT. ON CASH PRICES FOR Ttu»ZTY »ArvIN Ut ODER TO MAKE QV1CKSIALES AND AFULCLEARLANCE! Catoergs ave rpeétufin4ylflto e s« Uit osae the goods. Nover béfore hem the pro- prietoofet "Mammotb Parler Boot sud Sho. Store" hoon chie to -lay belore the= snob, a largeo tmb ram vbich té xske asalotlon. Everything that eu b. cafld tor-oind a&U rdf thé b.sb-tefr Ladice', 1mm' UGenud Children'a vear, aU flrst.ciss work aud mtn- braclngthe lateatot--6èsAiadlok et *ô prices ad thon ton per cent. ta off the 7Tt;. nov çr'l3;Fs11 Boota cund Ladies- Kids a wcWaty. A large stock of Rnbbess, bouhtbfolo xlaoi-oustemers gettlngthe bencXrol1 b. adiantageouspureha8e. TEUNAS, -itRUN KS 1 A1-VAILISES, VALISES 1 1 Th. eameof th.undormlgueaet bis prement promioss xpidln à fewit fontha, compels hlm te ofoerthaso ndcements; in tact te make a gacrlfice of the bout stock of Boots sud Unesa ovribotoroe epeseit for sale, net euly ln the towu, but in thé Oouuty ot Ontario. Ur Cerne easly and ecure the best of lb. Doargans 1 out. 101h, imU. DevereWm'i Block, Brook Street, Whitby. FINE TWEEDS- à CLOTHS I The Largest and most carefuily selecttd stock in the county, and at prices to defy any competition. J& J& 0J- AND GENTS' FURNISHING8, Garments made to order order on> the ýshorte8t notice, rand in the latest style of fashion.. .IREADY-M",E 'CLOTHINO ConstanfJy on hand.-Something nobby nobby in Boys' Suite.,BuffàJo andother RübesM'-great vya.rity. JOHN FERGUSONI HEINTZ M &, 00., i i i i . -i W. oonMeuýtly a"sert ita0 cr -~- : ~er4P4qlutI ~! f ~ 1P1414 ~s5I i :0 - - uiinfu î'.î< xwJjfs~ TT71I ~h-î îat tiS 41h51. blet vahaa~ alitainu -IN< TEE-- Devils Lake, -Turue Moa, Andi Moue River ConUy- NORTE DAIKOTA, Trlbntnry te the thuite!SItsuLsd COUc Kt GRAIiD FORKS, ]DAKOTA. .B"onnl Mep snd flPul prtléihiaMail. éd Free te auy addeu sibY I. F. M1'LY Generel Traveling Agent St. pan!j, MinneapoUS&MffitobaR.R. 28 E. Front St., Teronto, Ont. 8ITTINGS 0F THE DIVISION COURTS, COVNTY 0F ONTARIO, 1883. No. F 4P r>04'P 1. Wbitby... 21 1 21 8 1 21-1 2. Breughami.... 2 4 2 Dmn's Creék 8 2 2 B. port Ferry.... 12 19 7 1881 8 510 4 uxbidge. *1820 8 19 4 ail 5. Ceunintou. 1421 920 5 12 6. Beavorton. 15 22 21 6 18 7. Uptergrve 23 22 7 14 ]3y.Order. J .FABEWELL, 2-17 Glork cf the Pence. TO INVEST ON1 Moutge iReal Fsate Secuultïu Apply te CH1AS.NOR , Iusureuco Agent, Wbltby. Ocober 61h,1880. . .-0 1Ie 6reat Àmerican l.Umedy for <JO UGtJI.COLDa A4SZ'Hl-, B N HIIL9,LOBS 0F VoIOf4 HOABRSENES AXD THRO0AT A .dPFECTITONfs. ,(te0,at&t=lAtht2meut ciIisblnaiti sao Acsfenil ~ 7' ?aerp a (5U0fUM ' aièlt SSY RUP 'oa cass, f baisami t à *be RED ldsSY erSPR-UCEcOtal» atmd e in fr-t" GUM. oU~ Id. remarkaldt power in rdlietng otrtainfoermS of Brmnwkiti8j and ifs almost 8pec eofset in curing or>- saimathacLking COughs, is no t ll catiehieli r olu ,vgituâ. MKid b.&Uf' AIBN< a WAotussk . fr Oum ed"ms bu0"ad oeqbiii mai -amMjtegùse4 mLEI Fi -~ à A 'teKS' dent ié .1.55. i il11 Et 0- Tisab,,, tua good l.'-' bef Lya5u,K~,î'.. aéf a&lltasiidy. andl îc enpaUrpcuea. 1 baire p.,n a= ulttbgd'o e t bith eof:i K sutd pnama'ibi b tbebét phyidaui'i O'ea mys, "Xit o veum k.a charas aL: Pain Il vilcueieenttieiTthi e ret cf latherllas, Leumcerriiiu', 1.-Ia. a eu o e a , M kne&% a n d ei e . ; the. cuznOof Ufa." aov5foandior IL usaftibolacILa.hi ~ t tsVEn cacuwg Pain, valgiat au Il... . parm.=i.5lt,.Uitb7iani'. itw'i bIrugglib te naie the'V, ébtainet byaxddrtetg tirs. .. bsr Kainay compiain m 8: bi.et <a c, Ce wd le? ' Slinua a imdt !rttt*Y cf il rnrfloeaét.vin-too*l.!in lj, Pfactorpast Stanalea, P.Q.-crtlltp à& 'Lyzucu,Toroto, Geni. Agents for Oîatazio.. ains,.O~yiaenMM.laNerva"NsOMeuRa194 Eoaaeié,NiiOla roeeatoncausait bythe uecfieàol ortobaeoe,Wsauus.Mna D)epieaioeutogftbs rnenîugl lai5 là&r, accWsit d.-..Age Rren,,Ii ci Povr l inla.r ex.icllntY BandosX eisemif-4bs.orovr-pdIgnc-On=box boxes boie dollr; se ox.yoil rat recelpt e1 priée, 'We-gaursute. sdiboxes W us fer air xeocm etli Redel= vo ii wmnt I.plrbM n itan aa anlae te refund.t the mmey If the tresiun deo« noe .sca cuve. Gunanmtea-Jmmnby W-. B. 10WE sose nulhorlnet agent for Wbilby, ont. JÃ"EN C. WEST, mole #prwAs to. Tarouto. Ont - y-S& GKÂY B IECIàC EDIINE nacnybot TRE 92 T. G.. WIM Lh troublas incA. Feiémcha EARS Fao Cba i i. - .~ i?*l- I sÀL~!I320 A rerm8 gpelil am urcn"me.e ztodriptiie tar ton cenlt apécialue iy tho yar, WEITJ Whltby, Nô Brock SIre MESSRS BAR4IàS1 AT le Bey cet-b intereat. îD&V~ - -12\' I M con"Il 1 AND ALL 1 .1

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