THE ~EOPL O UR 14fME#8 ST CK c Hevy ooleu,Dresà Gooda, Oalih1erese FursVn Muffa and Boas, Fur- Caps, &c., ail to heo ofered, at prices 4hat wiU oixn you rOptios. w, [ IAEýý STOCK 151h,,F18Ead'YI leOur policy never to carry overgooùjà frornone succoot-i lueffeoting a clearancofour entire Winter stock You ail know that-when thé "People.' Storel' decides to do a thing. it goos at it, and does it in earneeit. OUR STADFEH no accumulation of old goods to offer as- hait. ; but a,'ro able, every goode, to be soid at prices that wiUl astonieli you.- AU classes of goods ert ining te Wter wVri s included ini this Sale. Aise llonse-furnishings, Carpets, and Ready. made, vocsudana anteu. Corne and Seo us. examine our goodeansd priceas, and wo wifl prove te you that we moan business. Bememer: Mie proof of the puddingis net in ehe'*ing the string." No. 1 DEYERELL'B BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. SEOTIONAL VIEW 0F MILLER'S "NEW MODEL" VIPRÂTINO THERESHER. Menu feotured by the Jloseph Hall Menu facturing Company, Oshawa, Ont, The moud perfect thzesher, the most perfect separator, the molt perfect clonner ever offored t. the publie. The enly true grain saver. BUCK dmai8, Sept. 1M1. 1882. F. W.' at., B.q, Osawa: Dmîs 8in-TaIt &bout &brushiug I 1 have ibroshod sud ha"veheu s&round tbrolg. maceobthé b.last iteen yoarMsud Ihave seau sm* o oed machines, but lbs" Nov Modol1 Igel cf yen is absel cf sny I *var miv ia Canada. It te perfect iu overy respect. 1 uav.r vas s volt satinfiol witb a imachine sas 1am wit! thia. I oould 8&7 ufe.,-batt llulk'that $bis in suf. giclent. Tours very truly HENUY M. WEAVER. ,&U iMorvntlon,esent rs to- IailpL»ioanlts. SonstbIwNWew Yotk 111gb Lite. NX W Yotkla *ss bnvolvlng the0 lre, ~ ods, and aer fantilles qit. né 11.y kuova lbrougboul Ihe souutr for woallb snd social tsauicg. It insI thé *opetltsl t Iiss Kltty Keruoshan, dubleret Jo. P. Kersechau, 884 Flfth% Avenue, vlth Herbart O. Poli, broker, dols g bauinist 67 Excbange- pîso.. A diffreo bas ailuted bu- svqes tbo familles for joairs, aud <ho Fcspg 1 lebad beau forbitides to Mosl, vilas kitty 1.1< bome sitar lInn sheop Thuod*, and difi sot ea-appear durlcig the afleruon, as occurrence cf whish litîlo polio. vsaitaensa n&lie %y&asayouig lady et very indép.ent hbite. On leaving honete staioncet r6paIraI te 8<. ugustie' Cburch,4 vhar.e y ve.martin &lu Iopros.d ens n etwo Ivetso.os, altlioug hé<bi 1 >, ,-E .Koiber. vs. sotsashod *lu .fos lb.oreoay. lualthé C us ti terolaeffrapb measssu or teob o be r latbrs FYifb.svents re- idmse Ob ief nota t rots mms.P*11 anaonnelig b. tint easd, pîse. et bar musrriag, h n Botligrto. It vas tb. "inflIormaton lb. fasnly lied se- calvel. Moanvbâ.thora bai appeered fu th.e vnisgsovupiper -a briat and formeli -0.nal~ottoa. -Thora vwu vbhfl I i soembet. Pierre Loril- lardl M thé opsolal aInroft olrsà POLt, iheEua of whiA1fMr. Pil*tùkubbstUUnoClbo meuiber. am I s-S unelaofi tbméa»w tnadosl Mis. POILl iub bbou twlh lu 1Ur. n omo- Maadoreni Ru"i am s lUr. Pine. W" sl baldair o tels Theo udtage v o ey imurprse le thé bale'. knily. & fis ï o et b fsnilysslasi 149 lItalatrrible blov tpluw sdwol nnîpoed smlsgaOtt f;bi i f ab@ ahos te sposk." It à a atI thefantlly bellovo ,seu Ple 4lvqds alIu ftefuLr. =Kau obste oia 10 bave bometoquitto poutra<ed 1ý IlZIebtblbood thé couple arteeolîharil 1fr. PsU'. résdsnce os 22ad sîreo w hoee bis utothar ives; or et thb. "Hot*l Brunemvloh." AFrnmr epeake. li.Austin Jey, Copoub*ges, Ont., soya ho vaqso azotc<d vîttiLivur cern- plaint Bt h. vs. tobUgod te give up vork.Tha druglst lytnar inuda suifs Italler tusng twc bottes lia as. abis <o roicoo vonkteas u=4 Ssays ls e Vliffrom lb.e irsI de.u. sud je atliel < uber.ite oùbotter Livor r.mody luatisene.. Elu O04Y eltev us~tb teros bis ils( PÂc &mctantlaas in sa reipo s 'te'i Paixcz ALBRRT, Dec. 18&h, 1882. To th 5111crof il. Porit Pionj Standard: 5m-I deiro te osdll ho attention cf tho farmers of thi. vlaiity le s uav tbreshlng umcine nmade by <ho les. Hall Manufaelnint Ce.. of Oshawa, salled tho Nev Modal Vibrater. Mr. Js. Viekery beugbt oeaof ho.. mach- iues, sud îhreshed fur me tour day. Ibis wlnter, andI gave m. ontire satisfactiou. Wlth th. construction of <heocmreuns. vlbrsting motiosaudulher attachmnts I think it terly impossible fer suy grain le ho wasted, sud am fully con- vlncad, in My eva mina,.<t Il hemb saevsmedouble tho priea cf lhresiug in tha sevlsg of grain Ibis usson. Il eteani aie perleotly and Ibrambos vory rapldly. Il la the mont perfect Ibresher 1 have evor soon or um.d. It sn rosi grain saver. - Yunns truly, JOHIN MoDON&LD. lu Ceup&vmors vra r"MPOSr Or- nons-A Chicago man strodi a bad- »M in compellîcu i* lb. thepoltee. Ha dallvored latIers anyvhmre lu Ibîl City at a cent spiece, uandelanips at aveu a lover rate by île Iboumud. Hae dit Weil until s fiue cf $160 witb s promise of themianepnulshmeuî for oery letter .ftetwarde carriled, cloeed lit. entai-prise. Au tCEccrwrpc Me.t'SDP£TuAtt»' Fumwnar. - iecceutrie Chadwickb,et Parmîinglon, 14. H., died tbe other day. Ai arrangtumenîs fer i. fanarai waro teunti complote. Ha ha.! dug bis grave lis oenfia ho lbai Iown eut cf s block of gran i te, and csrriaze. lbai beon engaeao toi . e finonda, inclndiug eus bundr.d or mu rp trothar odafellows sud ksigtot cf Pytiiia. His wlebes vor o houea, oe* te heh eatiug cf a fianttt ho liait ordered st th. vültge botl- Ira Oswraxu::--To cure Dyspapsis sud Bilicusnue bnot speculaloù, but la rovd vIblaîloro fI-Mporeous.of bijb roipecîbilily occasoly senting _u Zonian uabsolle ocure. bouuuur raoxut svmà ,ruo Ans- TSÂLU M x ,O» Bcs.-Ur. -B. Gil boy. of NlagtaFille. vbo starloit front Sasm Fnasoseoin su cpenboat cf. thrss tous bardez for Austrilis soute mouttus age, bua avd il bis delosatlon, a test cf suduisas.noer hetoro somnt- GeeroChanter, au Otawa prinlor,'wbe rua 1îvay e tee day. atgo vlthMls Phiophine O(afrot a 157ear-oId bolle- -Tb ~ 4béoe- n'ug s. ma i*iteý Wbe ararsted thaelaimato te se à n A&. thlb. pile. taticu afffrp sloryvas tél .Tho alait )*4 beaun sgléteel.d ipr.os6lgdiI*stî baa tdm ukseaMe't titer lmps émkie A fWids Avabo Drugglsl. *Mr, G. A. Powell te ilvsys vil. navsb tu bI urplne'*ofa amiarstic for the c.ebrat-i4 -Dy. iit'aNew Dis- 00,for C«zeuipgen, The. onti Ilugbs O1141 1 oarouias--, & thnt, Itay Pe er, BosblIlor aY sfeos cf tho Thrbal sud ug I od onsa oocutiýva guarauta.0 -W0l g e u.a ' Paîttsud Suffe*lug 10 tha com mon 'lot 0of al. Ont eailiosl laye %10pu4*f lIÀ.d$$a BSM lt-' it. If , Cerna .bbulâ in your ae ehe toa,o lu <ha fliehrostIonà sn i hu'a bot treeilan <ols painî and th #b. BLior Oa», Nov. 181!>. 1882. Mr. F. W. 0"a: DaÂî7CSyi.-1- thonght I woul.l write te, yen sud tait yen boy I got along vitb the "Nov Modl" Tbre.ber I gel of yoent asîmmor. 1 vili talli yenth. trutb, sud scthlug but thb. trth,-tbo machin, bas glu-ec me porfoot saisfa- tien wherever I bave threshed., 1 could net begin te thrsh for &Il vbe vauted me*, sudconlbhava had jobs ouengb fer bye nachine. If I bad bal <hem. The fai-mers vbem 1 bave ibrabal for ssy that the ,"Nov Modal"l is <heoeuly per- fect machina tbey bal *er bad tliesb for <hem. Yomta thy, Be sure and examine the"Nêw Modes'before you n cae Ablcssg te aU Mauklud. In lb-c limsasvben eur sovapapa are goodel vilb 'Patent ntbdidfi e .4 vertiasmesls. il la grstlfyisgiaeknev vbaftôI procure thât viI crlalaly ente yeou. If yos are BIions, bleod ont cf order. Lver inactive, or genotally dobillalad, ther. lu unotbloug inthe venid thatl u eroou so qtickly as EléociloBittera. They a"ai-ss heusig to &il utsbkîud, sud enu h aldfoi oniy fifty coula a betle ei G. A. Powell. W. T. Hart, Esq.. 128 Anhm et st'ret, Montréal, lu Speaking of Dr. Smith's Giest Germas Worm Rentedri *&y$ ha found t l o operate ouo-ss-.Iî after ouly <vo doss. sd be bal Itrel oîbg>r Rale vi1llte ethé"aefblz vithout soosa, Obarlélas t1e!, 8 1sisra, msye: If'yeintt$h*hbut Worm aI miralas la My famlly. Um .Sblalov, 1U0Nazarell tretoà say@ il actait lika -,a chà rm os bar 11<11 boy, sud sho wv olat ehavlheuît Dr. Smtbh,* 'D-O taWrga Be.y rentorco stomaoh sulealor plut ves$se fruts eild or aduis, vW" &outhe use ei *Price.25 oasts, of a&l droggiste. Thcusanh Say a». 1r T. W.- M&kls5,o kilEau., mon -so: 13I8utie t alls o Meoua- man l s ileir Bllsrlent&"s are rei elr. r and bo is BWud eeé ors bestd4 bediueitow te theste R -iSsey esi eafiord to bo i ibl bte * sévory -ymar. Sod w AI yet Ueby 0. A. Peveil Write t10 til Io Ioftheralsi 8 D0M I~IO~" Ws.A~EMR~OOM9, - Begto çal titèntin ofth6,.public to.'the following' seasonabegos Hosiery, K itted WooI 1-Gods-ýý', Bhawls, ajHoods, Clouds, &c., ini great. variety I.,"ý. SPEGIAL LINES - IN SCO 0TCH AND CA NADIAN TWEEDS. Tailoring to order on short notice. Full stock of Gents' furnishings. Boys' Overcoats, American styles,- specil valiitý Dress Goods, Brocade Velvets and 'Satins, beautif'ul goods; Ricli Rhôidâà mEk for Mqntles, and Fur Trimmings; #:I Druggets, Carpets, Floor Oit Cloths, ý Rugs, Cretons, very- cheap. Our stock is large, our prices ýare- riglit 1 ý Buffalo -Robe8, Goat Robè8, Horse rUg8, nd rs , eIra vaine. Blankets., Fannels, Winceys, at bottompùes A FUJLL- STOCK 0F GROCERIES FOIR XMAS, at holiday prices. A large and beaxitiful stock of Cokr and Gflassware. We are determined to reduce-our. large ,stock before the, new..yêar. J. B. POWEI~L & WIIITBY, Dec. 5th, 1882. AUorth ln aeRo i c- NEW A DV ERTI8SýEM E N. 1NEW AÂD V E RIf1S-E M-EN1TS. AUto ovor r . lad rg's so se for Oousumtios. rseovsry by th. t'moly nus. ett. égrt n'Fe sain w' da m w m ti "to : 183, MoneyV Sa ved18 Money vGained. 183, PUBVS lion of lhs Threst and Lnng»m. Trial & m u o botteso fret ai G. A. Pcv. 's Drug Store. 0aHsu . Q .J N -S A U N D . E R S , ]Has decided to offer the whole of his immense stock.ofJ H More casAs of utok hoadache, bilions- ToMand General Groeeries, China, Orookery and <Glaà swu-e, for nes., constipation, &o., eau hae urad mi "'WI ~"E MÂKTBLOCASH or PR0DUE obly, sta slauglitering redaction. We leuas, its.vleuionMedicine, aud for 1AV offer Green, Black snd Japan Tons, vertli 50 eents,Sor 2à lati've -Assi legs monei,. by usia1, Carte Utta cents per lb., or 5 Ibs. for $1. 60o Tesfer 95e. .75o Liver Pille, <han 1by su othermus% For the greatest comfort in this cold weatlier, 'Waii Tees for 50c. Il Tea for 750. à tzial cf Our Il la pure hssllhy blood <liat beauti-. TsMaWficonvince you tataîyoe au lave, THO M Aue 1h. face and brigleus. lbe 7e, aud o~N lOA T ~ C T l'~~monoy 'by purchssing. at FRÂSER' S cf <ha Toi giveî elsstiolty te lt.estep, obtained by BO OTS N DLJ .1.L L.O.LJt1 IBrazilian Wsrehouse. Our, fresh- unmg 1h. Fousin cf lleatth. Prceground <Joffee 25o per lb.L Ion- 25 ceuta. 0F PLST-OLÂSS QUaMLIY ND BUITÀBÊFOR ÂLL. don peaul Cocos, fresh sud Be caraful cl your eyes, for ontia lest nutriciotto,, 25o per lb. * ao~i 1h07 eau nover ba replseied. Churebill's 2io rgtPrt ism rvd Climax Bye Salv, la lb. bout. Price. Latest Styles for Ladies, Gents» Misses and Ohildren, 12 bsa r for $1. roi ne opoý 25 cents.- saling st reuoed prices, to malte room for Spring stoôk.Slne dobtrFehcnd Pimple.sud Blotti>.. vsuish 1k. - -ooe___Peso, Ocra,,Tomatoes, Penches and1,PMne. Whiibi, 21U chaf beforo 1he viud, vhon Churchill'a apple, Jams snd Jellies, Ce È4 eelsFlavor-. Chimax Eje salve aud Oiment is sp (utmadcdrdwcrk of superior miake and finish asn 0t tFru ouosad rne, Ne plied. ~ ~ ~ ~ SU P=uneity snd choapsesain ail ihinga. 43 Ourracte New Valentis and Layer-Raisins, Iligs, Nul.> - Unr. cf Pille oas huy ltheat ibe m io ad..Pure Creakfm M Art. T88leYa I NA.1 vend psrly agolblesil saua aJOPHN SÀUNDRS ed LouiwBakiziùg Powdarmsufacture4fresh ever *okAnd #ample boz, lheon are pe'a Boiguhal- JS9 8.No* trMrktBoi.nd estZ -by BFriser, î,7oýmnoiwd ltebeot by as»;*h ùotit. ing riIla,(ongseaaild. - Glas 9 V. là Pitobs, Rblits Tumblers,& &o. agai ~ ' Au itspotantldéparmuro fr015au -W. *un ont he tl.balance >of our Lampà -a Iet.-Oliilariy and grlpisg, dolltluîg and ulesslg st.'N W A KNo(F a .o<n ponudo, ste Hopo. Beguletlsg PIB, VPpRTa6EXRNT8'Wohe 7 a allin th~ bp~iôdwr' euyleatsinpe atu,. Pyllem ]Ubb-TN4GNE$i 0.4 lvays îvoid barmb purgative (ville.j)Eij ALE - si vtct r ind drive vermin frota:t lbê dis,'of i-P CHoNCERY. SALE s Oa1r&Lut 4crIýn or età ng foWL -Thèy a a oo1Iindj *ie Thqfir oeakscUsle cos o, more thsu'tbe 'CIOailFa.1ý Pille o«ulsfe "th. bovéos # at heBiild -q n8 1Mr. N. G. Deau f et a.n FR ,AD8NB.Wntd any- .quaite of gooct -Dricd peqn amhia Ds., w>cl. In anas illie flr -lxnIMM-Ob9Uh of oousumption that ho sud bis friends froosma alarsod et ,I» lb ulUa10 unil lu@ =Pbte171, vhs thooght -mof bis oelurs v""a 1tianetUIm 0 d q uetta of tb. prdfaslou,"r. moAd Ir. Wilso'.Pnlmoeary Cherry Bal- am » ethe vsry hast reuisdy knoov to biiiip ahi», sud Mfr. D»o on l.hinu It vasi la svoYMshort timt. reetoraeI jo beal*. -Ilt a gmsnlno plassuro e r- fartol subob edorfnltcures as lhit in lb... eays of quaery and cf "profas.. D041M bu iboul Us marili sa fi rmdy for 0oW». longsud l 5 ubn honsY troublae. A À nil b"Y b. ond 4 yil lazoseday. Uvqt thé.péllsses ef Job oibaet asbsuMaM whm ha' s* a bae sS su doivoinj 4 t'O s lislsa b *se i bUe20cns TOWISHRIP::0F cf tb.hegli court a'et casse, ltu».wSllb of vitth <lrbstteu «59 AT TRE E*PIIWI4 at port PIM, lath Ue oCe psTu 5am «* ATu Temlm wI Jutellcmette*o on poioC CK IIIOUBBE à y lbh DAY 09 IN D.ulo >1e the sum Wratohmaker ý G a' B Ti PeU... o.P Blsilas, M.wb.g.e j - Dca4Ls eI.~iy545O ~ -, - I 13BOCR- GÂBDNEB.- City, XKIobs,, on W- ?P ai. ..GL.Bah r lAiR. - W'NITBY I ~ - *1C aat zsm rORE'l cinewm the Am