5A57s a, - sut. 0~ * tdh oule,0914herhins, liasqae, = Eoope andi Tonee.. and dispesry,* And hotet i oter word. are foonti, iigIec.donu laoroand; Sate tbwrej4, and Mihaanaa T o ue voita ti a uaie u ,s Anltappahaunok&, henandosh, 4nd SchuylklU,,and a thousand more Ane Words th"sa gne¶ood spoliera mise la dictlonuiy lande h e Ibhis. ";;,r ed au.ethin hbimaei e Soroyle M Wife's Lover. Mon Who love their wives are @0 llhely tu acume that they are loved in tbaîlti eiïaId Brye was almoit t i 1a qmitancoof Mrm. ]iryce ta realixe ibat the lady ho had oiarried bail become very fond of a man wbo waa flot ber huabanti. The fortunate mien, as his friendm regarded him, waa Mrw,.Juuper Mese,tean d s. ho had utithoér iood looke, money or wit, quali. liée wlaich Mni. liryce, hel-Jin igihglau regard, lryce wu. very slowt taimagine ho Could bho at aIl dangerpuit. i'erhapp Mrii. lryoo lid ed in equallv uncopAct i Wùe isunMastitn flroî hen 10 sti h'iýt> -9parflae 'miltlirhpm itber -Onay p... )rè lor. ne là fIb. toîiia. Mr. lei, aud Mi liryco doetiîte(d d'wdlera. ce lr.. ~ree amno% pahtiul. ari> Jrcty enil r huaebsd wuu ua tipis,tLemr,we mot many men wha pald bar setcilatentîlLn, o h.anon culrîseii, njoy theùi, andi do ber bout ta inormame t16.1ventmber. Aihongb eh. 4dt okow l, ieewuequite tireti of hrr.huaband, for ebiloe ho had no #reae fauta, be easooly (me man ; -*l ofIsi ber rathçqr eutsil rumd colilil cooéAfreonetd @6ehidlearnoed and W04snie<lof inthe firal of tbe threm ,,Y 4euab had baen married, Masten ,ake f tilîgu.neither gooii ior led, $bti mver intéreet.d Bryce, là coowp1i- iMonte ver. formel e nd elabor*eod In- aleem4,otfuipamilier, and lhe so arefoll îvbldý ý' -lte li of eé'.. Brve'a7 Intelect andt tilesta lie son "eined b 16 thoiill lt.e, vor, ua mn.,aftor btt own' heari. Uc nover taiketi of uamtocafal bhomme.. veoîorep, un the pribéeu "fprovlilonao or the noceeeiîy for eOool.ty; ew..e yewben Pare. Bryde maà w hlm, in<al dreos, vbereae Bryýce-sometimea lontiged, nosaven aad in o*e#.lar&gd elippers, in a rallier ohusbby dressing gava. And he had euah e& ty-ey l ooking si ber, au if le Wlabd lie might aay soînetbIng ver>' eodder, and ahe did to voader *bat it wee and boy lie woult ay it if ho daredl IBryce oftenoaidttendartbingm; m4id41 cm 1m Often Ihal frcquently the>' vire tlireome; bealde Urie. Bryce, be. fore ab# vamars-led, bcd enjoyed s vai-li>'of prutty epeetuhe, vhîle marri. age bai s-dcoed lhem ta a amneause 16.1 aM ime bocame almosi amendas-I. abie. Wh@EaCBs-yoe vu. oomp.lled ta se whal Oves-y ons Oie.bai cea he bu. omme, b17 tomera.psalai, anus-y and buarl.elk, and f iaily ho vae ail Ibree ai oies. Fe begua la a mai>' va>' 1 mahe lov9u10.*à ** ohie Wl!., buXtise r.- MîI tti>'idai 10 lS' dtooromfi. Hie vite vou ava ili tro b hai eveig of bit dvotoell[lrM Dhlm u0b. eily.ý amdi ht IIf bé loyed -ber bu migbt prove it b>' givlî,g ber mciv dremmea like morne 0< ber acqmaietanoevos-e. Oc- oaaiooaliy ausno oiga would buad- demi>' boaget i oharao;en by the ap- puseh fMas, vWhan Pai. Bryce oîiblhien vilh grouSreplit>' av-ec A lier mancer tabebits banti, ai. ibougi h he bu oeauta hlm bai gongs-. 61Y emoUgis acidulous 'raillery lin iat drive bhlm ta hiesoaa> and .&brady botle inenearoh of an antidote. Âfter'Onlolu ovetuawkii tli nomcouu. faten an sinq bis brother for offieions. J>' Quîgeed ia qualitdivorce, Bryon se% blisieegola os t Sadevis. nom& reur meîtlà nil. ne thOuçht of retalietion, bat heivuen unvillilgnageici.4> oubjoet uiood w omen 0.0 scandai andi rvlntanoo tb [las-e biaown aeecoapîcu) witb thai of an>' woman more pretty tisai PartilOoar be coon foaad lijaseIf in e qmeulary. As h. dlasa lse se ah- jeet vIth biraeuif an@ evftaing eabO cocal, in uhis intes-val. of feeling au- coifortable at tbe marke.I attention au- hie-- - --- be. Lit1 tv b wl Iiko*ri b.x Yeu; lare. satt~ idUyon W4#tô . "Y gs- l "Bof wbat vil peoples@&Y t" you moto 1$ -&l." 1'lieyp mind, - bs itrbeli4ve: aboi&me; I flsi, v'it bt by uà y la ms. Nov, do ail sta ch ieu. If yai 6gae V1104 «PDIOIYeQs' -Mte. 13s-7'bn.. fan l0 u o mîoyed by wi#pe-inge in.I teudeil for ber s'as, wWAl-hu ooaii mot vende- et, forth** eme,4*vtaiu ly hd id they.> a-c o mglîtteit laetttf of .4 dee wvandaw wiSIil ypryliýe~aorWanz, iaas't il iroadfut " ehlaperei Mm-e Bryou la Maitteu. wqiodes-odwoih--fe- 1,ba.' muri-n va. ualy the gentliemanlie ps-e. terided ta bel! in.aesd of -t' loyer oe a gingle opponlamit>' lu muet Mise-Ai brongl inla îciely. anti aittuongis leý W»as-ý hdbu.rhaspeople 'eso re alr >" salhed Ntefre, y.1 neyes- iajured lier repulat un la t.1e lPaut.. -lore lpu Bryco luad' bthé 6aro- o! lnfo-ising. bis felolî epiotten tht lier plan vas nucopadiog, for Maton dsd uDlout il as fs-equerimly as"belon. amid lie di a te aIs-icI bisataeulîion aompeny ta ms-s. Bryce. lîùie eau 16evidtntly bic vifs vms4ou.ting llhlnd at ie$ A-I broc#hba[gs-eeawlth hum: hv ie-ýbw~d it va.e trange Ihat hae wife did nuloeill hlm toa acono, and egain Misen Mas-foi' a4mlitted b.ie as rigii. "Ane yaa se .ho bas Pnlinely dis. otimiaed hie attentions ?'* tied Mies Alhs-ongb, wilb unusual earestnessa "Qaite sure,"' uaid Bryce. "-Tbtu 1, tbn, have e aimpor-tant gn- nouncFmenl Ici maie ; Mn. Meeten _Will. neyer renew tben.î 'Ma>' 1 acteyour reneone. "l'ai illing toto-ll joron. cilhet uaia Mies Marlou, vitliaa smile'ibat tiryce fiel thougisi quizzioel aud, Uqp pnzzling, "but niind tisat you tell il 4e> no oas elce vithont ai>'peraismloî Mr-. Mestea la coca tobelicomem ai, sfla baniti." **X"uqr buâebandl 1 Masa? WL>', viie..ivbe-e~hov~poaai> ved, Manien, Iirie extkaordîna->, uhauie I caa'L imagine an> beohoelos-obss-viag -yens- dipos-tmeniloward-incii Ue -pit. tev veeke iîtbout fclliag dea inia ove vitb you. lie>'I ek vhsî hoepro. poaud e«' "About tva yeanc ago." -WhVbs! And dunlng ail the lime lbe bat bbitU linuug s-lUi a i>ie )-' "le baslbea- engepped 14> ne il Ulb. vîcile, ; at leaeî, lie refuercfi a conqideu oura engoagemettbroken, alîhongli I ri- fussi <ruai the firet ta Let 1Il b. made. public unil lis euaed firiing w marnied ladies.' ý 'Acti al the (lune in coliclilvi ln- agimul d yn playing e part te avaci cild friand <owrouitiuile, >vyoi ave rpi 1-Bsadng My but to bavite Y own Billy becs-t fnom amiy furllii- ton- mnts. le reuedfully Pet ;tihail dh't'm. 101 am I bot ? Rs.itliy, Corkail. Mas ton inuDot0à ad fellow, exoept wlun he flints, but fb. lias tionupt t 9long but i 1 lied almosi dee;pairndof cl ium irlt m yanr trouble gaveotue o good uic4lîe to diepage af miuo, -- "Marioin, voti*r- ei L3-w' r 'Olt! no ; only aNilet,-rmitivil -ciun- on- How He Lkveci U; îthe RcSouiim. -Thon. vasa ecomiposilor mno% cmii>'dis. oharged <rom tise San Jose Ili-raidi ladt vesi, but cIao fired dos-n four diglita of etaira b>' db.infuniatied ramas af that admirable journal. h eceupe ltbaS Lite t>'po vas reqstui "1ta lis-en" op a certain epeý odlivees-iet tae vore- iigaron'm Stete canvention, bot!lu itai lovU. vllwitke nouai mente in p"91n. tbeosis.Thée "jaus-," vbo vas o"Mring a little mors bues- Ibm vat eoýeas->', ile thon gai- hald of the vrong pro- ceedings eaaui thelie laquent rsolu- lion of Ms-. - an As-tano rsos--ig fa theu deslh of à a ebfr, t-a ouome- thfng littiis : WUEEEÂs. Lt plosedc Divine Psavi dence te, remove fs-am air miians- isoas-siomîmda, Axarieli MoMmicte, (lai& applaîmel vito bas boum cut off la lthe ficuer of Lia asefuineca <laugimer) and pcoise, It le Refais-el, Thaq vs tender tacie be-ho reaved fanli l>'(cheers) andl fs-bais aur ine'. mympaiby : i-m éi ons-of a!- ÉictIon(au& of01'Pot liaiont" andi "as-des-). andmasriste im tus i le ve bnmbiy boy ta thmlx, -0i1o(a voica, "Thiree cheero fou Kuaroy>'*) Helven, ws Ismaour s-<lpms-tod brothor Iroas-. of lazaterj.se fellow-itizen of enîiglit- quoîlmini, emaeemnlike Vneye (anus af "Oh,. alittap 1Let'a aitjin1") > and "Amud ste bas. bldyoa l to th .for the, moue> ' 2 ý4'Wsll, toit *auly Ihat, bl ISÈ4 ibtsuadallées-c balais mli. 4rei-cb Apuilmv -,lees-îf «galo ayfe uu 1* msr>ie-. If oeodoa' lt l ' goingWuaes-s-y im Cd mmli viit lewcmîya bue *ores f Andlad à eyak. co -eg. I vouidit have came in Ità dday, buL te iddOr sud'jm viktg id.g aid ûà whtlei sea Oido-, isoamd, bl8sigsj .begiulb l>t .qae Rze - 1-0 Gos-man Las.. Ia lte-he iîtGerffa, bisopehldtJ1 lande a l>î 0tiste ,oook. Ç ma#sn ut &r owu( «»deatitra, wvm a.qosure5 Cbango of elimnat. amuiAvt>biglha féael. Asthme, Bs-nchitl.t Rà eauee<Bosvere- CouplA., andi&HTl-%ioîland Lung dis. euesa, il lu gotareoebita cars. Trial bottles fs-o.,. m T. G. Whifel's drag Oui any one b ring us a oase. of fs-is Billess yl l ' m'ôt t;illy cim1 e,W- gay' tho> eau ict, as thouuaodm ofcage& mIs-auj pes-menenîl>' ais- and- vito aeda.iily seimodî logoBt les-,' .vill ps-ave.._ Bigla»l4, Diaboloa, Weak Beck, or -amy minas- coapipqut qoiel> usei. 'Tlloy pus-if>' lb, 1U bi,, ' ,e b aa9een o dineotiy mpou the dioeeeea - lparts. Ever>' bottin guarenteeti. For aie a& 0cite e bouleê b>'T. (G. yhittiIld. ITa Cui--lsAINuTY-- To cas-e Dygpepe;ia and Biioutnesa is nut opeouation, but is pnaved *1wit6 lettoes rom pereona of igl rempectabiity consalt>'caniug în,. ZOPEsA la an ebsolute cure. - Ruidec.-Shoull ci>' butter miaker <lotir'. huIler evideuce of tIhe supenios-it>' cf 'Ilietoler'a Orango Butles- Culos-6e fos-e giving it a trial, &end usa yoaî naine and aditea anti >ou shahl are &bandant- OLeïuimionialg <nom national aiea, orlnai 700 kaownadl respect. NMiaufacîaned by WJD. Thatcher & Coi., Potsaemi, N. 'Y. A Moral Power. Wlis aee-o1 baIlle af Dr. OCrson'@ Pulmonas-> Cogh Drapa, a sample bottle¶e gis-ou fs-e cf change. If, afte'l aing the mial botlîs, 700 are not aatis- fed witmi il. feol, y-ou cen relus-n the tares-oboule Ici yoaî ldeler atho nl refundti he mone>'. Thouaecoaa tah!>' ta ittz prompt action lancas-ig Cu&mgh, Coldo.- Bs-oncitiia-etc- If jop affen, îny theai. Price -50 cents a battIs. Bal b>' cIl Druggiats. Little b>' Little. Theconstant lropping o! vates- vili vears avessilte bar-dât eloas. Sa the cntant isitation t«f-a -coagh viii go "somipon the longse mla i ndice là ' cna-mle Couuaiptiom. Hagyas-i's Psc tal B&assa- grillcure tisewn&u congit. epeetii>'and effeotuami>. lieiii-t le ual ver>' commiu, its dislas-bed, ttctinu m'iy blie itu indligestian, lilver irrEunlrit:et;. &a. A Stouss'ci disîcuri- ed wt-ih wjInd, or indigettiahil ed al nl naus pain atý-i fntauing b>' crus-rding oni tise iorve ,o! the lie, nI. Buriiocte louti luitt mc sild rpe'di!y rrnid cil SuCLi difflc11;îios. QuOif'.c-cun bu>t citizqfla w'-ti t vl the p1il-Iilic L lii- ap hedlial.ttIicIè Ce tarnit Circi -, t ig 110 li il it 1q ri'Iciî-d for if.-Prier- 75 orutea atotit'. Worth Knowîntg. A Ficot Wosth Kntn çiig. Thse ,tiic CuIdaz, lrounhilis, Asttia, Wlci--imi Cnmigis cndt&Iaillirant anti oben ttroubles terdine bs-an Putnnanar>' Cuaeamp- tion ia Ecgyas-d'e Pactos-el Bals-sm là b. ps-consel o! an>' lnnggià t. Ms-. Thomae W. Race, Ediios- ai Propiulas-a! ibsMIiteU à ."Reoos-dei," vs-item tisatIbhabal a psrjîtieeagafis PatenS tlmdiioii, bui biig imimoei la ts-> BotBock BI@ad BUllon for BMlous- nn. titioocasion"das uviolent bued. ache andidiatie.aueteo alen disbis hlm fwiu vas-k. The'- medioiseRave hlm relief, aud 6. mcv apeslîm of it in lte mo«ttaidmls-ater-me. Cala-s-bisnlt.eascii of Consemmptiai. aid mie l tan l im as as-mn>' laa- ge-aus dIscse.. Hal'a Calas-s-bCnre nos-os- <ele taens-re. Ps-be 75 oents. Far Coaphi aid Coldi,us ABloWo Lming Baisea. Sue ads-. ia anotbor, columa, New LIfe fer Ponctions WNeakceued by Dhscame, Debilit>' and Dissipation. Thse GREAT GERMÂN INVIGO. BATOR lu thse cnly epeoitic for uapo- teno>'. nes-vane debilil>',univernal aIcei Iuae, forgetfnlneee. pain in tise beot ar niesnatier hlaeattered tise sys- tei înmy lis h-cm exeaea of amy kiwi, tise r Omus Qennmu nRenu.dy i -M emtore te louet fautions and sacuse IseaiLl ala idspr'ne9e. 91.00 paer box, a4x hnieb tefin85 0(0.Bol I b>' aIl druggiets. Sfat on receipt oa- ps-la. pata*e pall, b>' F. J. C.HENBY, Toledo,. Obig., cala agoni for Unà ileti Sates. Circulasacnd iutimanialesnt fs-e.. Tise oa..of deait. . à kuovu al. meeté uce ce«ât à Mi, ý inlefatal dia sases tise ludiviau dues*olies- b>'tAie bs-Ai, boutar lnop. Hav via. tem la thm offos-t ta maîntein a perfect stal.% of itemlth ? Di. Cas-oW&e tomiacb cui Coîmtlpatiom »ll.su &re a velilablu "Rualti Gir-es." Tbo ey r. t. a>'.. tom fsom aIl impluic o-eBlns cuasDyppe,..iW, il dlseaaemofbtsé Stomaot, Lsuv - or v bx ! Ikuý bottles-i 50 ointe. . Bold b>'elI ingà A frst ieui u aek-a friend in ,4em4 Tismne as < ea Who#ulusAsf tp~ asihitil u-dýowa, maroan iuss1> tisosa opaIt-pl stu se .-ebla. mon L to oirs- ae voman ahouldkusu-Bte aewomsu'o re a bte, mml onîy a yf>'ouate a boules. Solti by ail drga. - Hono-toWh~s- ouple Duc, 1, Houas- ta theDe ise Du. SçGet Pu4n9 tiels-nmes cas-obou m a -4biae cob.tr .4 - ienelcolom cf15hiq.,Wy î UOe M-la? Aaklhoae0v irbceussit'ui, se Wh -e haa,- Exuoo- ali bu iba cf ItL Their,tiaikiuI isqortscannaleiqunti mut Pe-ese c chaplobstiutea. Sciai 8(eesywo, î,dngll89z DiNi C, ig;tci.Plppzetgro.M Ta Ueeos.mumtiesl bv PhumIelmue.' TUS Ny 11111.ou1mh lU"t!ty c 6 WsOnL.MaabUiOn* emi Idanst fr5à »c oaa aiCaSis- iflianae6eoocutinueti for W. KILmuka WELLA3mOni matoe zain F.J. ~ ~ ou Cur O.,the&,O la"t -eh, Mant lgivu e etS5aiefe HaIIs Cata&rh 'Ouro tu mui, is-ai Vboiala 5,laiî 2tmn xùubu anti Deeters in PatmaiMin tuul thie Uni""iae at ase 75 cente a Bottie. *5.00 a Dum a lse uri me.,1&ou *cmen »o ot"muO*Wx o seby K. W. HOBSON#WoIIandicOnt kp U UJ IOiTl t . litt anti As~~~A,ý k:mi Z,STlnT. lc, aapb Nt* 'Riuâ u I -tuon. > D"c .1Il 17.1 Il) I A .. ."* N d ixl. iaonurrsu-c 'aa ton u tu M os o n 9ce le:LX ci 1.-oý Um1lt1 g la s] iu tzpr Uing Asuance omanyheGra Ait eTSm 11,011.8a8re. - FJPOTT. MUAL L 4daice ou Bili »MKi-hsie mi te *o. NOs b TI UI t Agont, Wlsltby. Wmhb>'April lah.lm"8 i A &Wuela nme aithointe ly the tu ldîalfulk u t eibue. a ' tIbefomp, s e bItc. -CapiMtal oe nbuti eW vii lrio. ue wreboy-antd vateti «Il WC Ail t~ tiotite0- o» *nfai . usin.- A uis Amalgamatted Grand Trunk -AND- Gs-cal Western Railwa>' Lnes, and cf AIoilobets fo C ar.VsSas, 'ey C't,, 015'. etohy<c&ettCinc 'nm ielbd Wmnieg«, anai au ther printcil pointeslu the Western and Bout hemliStes anti leuitickets -ta Chicago aI iedutel s-atea. Special attention paiS ta tickets fou tise Wester-n Staleandailanitoba. Raese bas- f-ight obtaineL . Jlpge chochaI aI Whilb>' Ibrougis ta iist of thse principal pointe lu the Nasth.West- For meprs, pamphlet-, lima-lubIes, and othas-inoïsclon appi>' 10 - GEB0. B. YTJLE BronI-St., Whitby. a- I~: Fo0oci* e I1 t:tm 4 J. W. BRAYLEYi MONTREAL HE GREAT CUR à & stlà Û>r&,a tao patawdwýmmortbo maya, LI-V&R ^"0 gowELisý. c tmulumcictue«eA pow a OMM tu dz@WM gumwtng W -Îîiouum or OAORS à mal YOUR19134 c bi 8 8~e.A~L~ t(1rreaüt red uotionjn Crockery and Glass- ,!mre at te WHITBY iMPORTANT NOTICE.-Having concluded to go ont af the Crocker>', China ana Glassware trade, 1 now beg ta, offer the whole of my large stock of Crockery, "a nad Glassware ta -the Publie, at and 7UNDER OOST, FOR ONE MONTHiR Cail and examine the Stock for you.rselves before purchas- -ing elnewheëre,: lTO., MEET, THE CHÀISTMAS TIMES, Iasoo.affet for-Cash for one month, aý splendid assortment of choice Tas, 'anily Groceries, Spices, Pickles, Fruits of ail kinds, Peels, Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Peurs, Apples, Oysters, &c., at prices that defy competition in i ther Toronto or or elsewhere. Agent for James Laut'srFamous Tes- a present given with each package. *WANTED.--200 brIs. good Winter Apples. 2,000 lbs. good Dried Apples. Highest price paid either in Cash or Trade. w5 j X c -u>%luC> iv Docembor 121h 188. WHITBY CHINA TEA. STORIE. Great Sacrif ice Sale! BOOT'S AN.D SHIOES;' AT THE MAMMOTH PAIILUR BOOr AND 8HOE STORIX DevêreUl'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. jJU - A An4 Mai80 Ris-ci Country'. NOBTH DAKQTA, Tnibuter>' l thie Unitaul StaSes Laid Olfte*s GRAN- FORRO, DAKOTA. Sectionel Mep an"iFUI, particues-a mail- ed Fs-ce tla an>ddrees b>' - il. F. McNALLY;., Gonerel Travelling Agent. st. Paul, Mbual&MafltobaR.R. 2a B. Fiant St., Tas-auto. Onbý SITTINOS -0F TH-E' DIVISION - ÎOOUIJT8, coUNTY 0F OEýTA1IO, 1883. 1. Whitby ..... 21 1 21 1 3 1 211 2. Braugham....- 2 4 2 Dnffin's Creek 3 2 2 8. past Pary.... 1219 718 8183 510 4 Uxbrfage..1320 8 19 4 6n 5 . <Janngto.. 14 21 9 20 5 12 6. Boas-oston- .15 22 21 6 le 7. Uptorgnovo. .. 2a 22 7 14 B>':Os-der. J . . mnnwns-., 2-1>' Clerk af the Peece. TO INVEST ON Moitage Real Efate -Secuulty1 Appi>' ta CHAS. NOURBE. I Ineuraice Agent, Whitby. -MATTHIEW OOLLINS.tOictoe6,1M. .42 OVE! $1o,000o WORTSI0F «EW STOCK, SUITAULE FOR FALL AND wfiNTEII WE&Rt, WHICII WILL D8E SOLO AT A RE- DUCT"O.OP-0F'RN PER CENT. ON CASII. PRICEII, FOR THIETY DAIS, s-N ORDER TO IIAKE QUICK SALEs & ND A PULL CLEAIIANCE I CUmos are respeotlully invitaI ta cdl and sesctise gooda. Naes- isbfre Aia the ps-- puleter ofthe "'Menmoth Pas-lor Boot and Bhoe Store" issen able ta las- isoas-stiessimmo e las-p stock fs-rin vAlihlaesuako a smleoblon. Every>'Uing tisat dan bu oaied'fos-end m& ei ba hai-or Lpdiea', Mimse'as' au lCildren's veas-, ailfise-l.lasa vas-k and cm- isth iai~teat styles. And lat het 50ps-mos? and tisen ton per cent. teken off the luct e Iglna 1f Th* mw es-inFOI oots anti Ladies' Kide a sperlalty. A large stock of Rabisers, bogibefote rt--ostoms-s geting the bens-fit cf lise advaneneps-hee 'raTINES, TRUNKO ftI1 - VALISES, tVALISES t 1 Tise lem ofaitise untrsigned of lus ps-sent prenuisea axpirninl a fe'w mouIs, compole hlm 10 afin tise. induasments; lu taet ta mato a eancifice cf the boal stock cf Boots anti Shous ees-butors expoeed fors- cle, not only In the lcwzz-. but In tise- cunty cf Ontarilo. SCouse.eu om ni' d aoe liste bonI or tis eirgais 1 Oct. lm1, 1882. Ders'esBlock, Brook OS-ceet, Witby. FINE TWEEDS d GLO0THS! -:00: The Largest and rnost carefuifly selected stock in oounty, mnd at prices to defy any competition. the AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS, Garments m.ade to order order on the shortest notice, and in the latest: style of fashiozi, READY-MADE CLOTING (oustantly onw liand-Somethiug'nobby nobby in Boys ' -Buite. Buf4ao and othêr.Bobèe jie t'variety JOHN FERGýUSON,-l >Larch -29, 1882. DÜNÈAES-STà , WHIITBY. HEI N-T ZM AN &C Grdnd, ES 0F Il- l7te GÉreat jtmericau Bemely for t20UGtfS, COLJJS -ASTHLAA 131?ONCNIISLO&9 0F VOIC'E, JIO0ABRSENESS AND THfROAT AFFECTIONS. -- P>gearaedfroa ihoi'sotR au=Il00Ge.DeS- asti l'ania . pemtor le anme sotlai dffeifo"- of a m <'us. nttsexidesf,-erthseiio.tiruc re -utt dubt the, ruost valuoble ,itv is Gnsfor' GR AY'S GRA spiucs auq i 1-pos- an, 4L t assis, ex- .Pcnesj. <n .JI JUPJY loan casta of balsainAa Liing Di- s- pro pertics tlsepý'h" 'ii M L J uesur- larUnsrOt4 - are them cou- pamo.iat a ituu!i-ptltlois tu - p""tievts J IJ .-L.ts tufs ' SPRPTCE spu l G UM ik. flu. .1 lis rernarirable power i'a relievingf certainfJilmm of Bromclitis,>and ils G2mO8t speci fa effeet uincuring mi- 8tilate iaclcng Couglis, jit<>'mwel Amomon bte -Upublic est large.., Soit bp al reapeiFla ehamlula. PFAi-M Md nce teue 8 au eR o &s Uusmcomft-. laei srlemdael3'd »a a, ndosur ,Maor IllE Ho] Ait NESSESnaadtnLo rr.ioe3 il kêWomi flodinVrîil lod*P A ott m giv0e1t= GO tn1Befeth ~re eheip1n p Brcr pandes jM n d CSgah.osn tm &vnuQr j ~ImnrW~an tlhet AI ptti s r - oeVOSoz&W f the Ilne .t ofefho s i iauntn u. baea~ ~~Ant fertlLnl!i8ê~& iiitai. Rmmsiththi* GrS âRacdAf, LTL anteO tueotidtAt:mono>' if thie Ince W. B. H0EryE, -mole am5o iztd agentj Wjiitby. Ont O11f.NsET sole ps-q tas-, Toronto, O.04 c-- s- TRADE NR lmo 1D ! -At Mo Ui81i ---I t; We éonfidoutly- asâcrt t-6u -- Evoeypanoif - , bren [ , Whîlby, Nov.1 'Broak Sts-eat AT LA JO!!!! Ut. 1 WAU5, otss-yPu aidoor fr aaey b *%, 1 1 A"ALL 1