Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1883, p. 3

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I1i~ ;'î OUR ,N E 00Y, Yarnse rPur " and Boas,'FPur Cep,&ô-!, aif to6 4~fee ~ ~ Ier opnpr optios. oI r s uooood iii eoting a loaranèo. f r ,*atio WNi»Mtr stooký' où knoý) ' ruM thé "POOPln' Store" decides tô do a-thing, it go.. uat it, aud"doopsit iiibariôet.- OUR-STOCK IIS ALL NE W,'ÂND FRESH, no acoumtation of old goode to- offer -s bate; but a mod rlible, oUer. aý gooda, t<> hbcsold et prices that vili eastonîiih you. ÂIcass~f Qd petInng to Wne weaais inciaalu d its sale. Aiea Hoflse-furnisliîngsi, Carpeti3, and Beady-maee Clothing,! Corn re U.u, exmine *Unr gooda aiýd priceis, and we vil1 prove 1o you tha.t we mean businoms. Remeniber: - The proof af the. pudding iis flot in chewing the. etrxng." No. 1 DEVEBEL'B BLOCK, - - - BROOK STREIET,. WHITBY. BenoIOAL VIEW OFxmILEW5 NW ODEL" VIBRATINO THMREER Manufeotùed byt/w Josoph Hall Manufactur/ng Company,4O8hawa, . :0nt The mountperfect throsher, the mont #erfect separator, tIi4 most perfect déonner ýever uewed *ç the publie. Theonoly true grein savor. P. W.ia'BqOseor Dm t3~,-?hk Monti lbr.shiog 1 th"Ohbug mabchinesthé. lasi te=a Yeua, 4celA 1. brsces om «e maewlnset~i bis" elaNew Model" I gai cf~ ~~0 ynl h Ado nXy Isisr ccvWla Canada. Itlàlspu"fàet le Vsey repect. I noeriW»asMaseli sallae iet ii A mtebilos "'t cm vith 'tis. I obulti say~ mers, bliùbut liaS 11dm ile suf. ficien. Yoursvsry brily, a u - -,zTh " ai09glas o eensligalotc a %mm a ortsb Lî ùabliud The,;"l 4::i t, an. a i i fe t pa llt e r i prssdhesf. ersfouinanoaepair o on bis pçoe4iuy1hist> é h. oli ta mdiifla. bock entanig a lot cf aiwe, villi sm*04rlIio li eras:au àa co Geafrmas &btand fiHeLsd etg si pan rwbervs Indizs ier er ii i ÇMov ld behi& mososd SuMbe airth onp bics pm' u0d teso.. udi..tei itfid. à " had okAingg8,lot..of Agm wc 1ri.tome pie as in eIb efol lose ti ýmppoedtrion ush vi bla ii. a0eeI e cedc oto 6 p«Ma Who ýwu rs mozaet e'.(r (*4 IbiS sesio b. .outraiy's.th à* e Ms.-oW 4s. Be py du h ' 1h1ls cbavfly$td ec Vio eia 'bas 4î o5.5ýq*u5 rs e vu fliiulétG~ tgats epinp0,.luie thtsmo' péhf auge I)ol'e, ii p ici. .r et iibtelot, heslç =aKq, *Ani - : b~, II, hi go IyZora witb. s'wl' ao i va u.to y esuq. akos mloi. 8oys lbs goS rlefrom ,tbemt4wg,, si assalieSdte in lno bagner Literý rqmsedy Il: exl#k,, d1 4y so us fan, s'bis nains PRMC AL»T, eO.18th, 1882. Tb the Lrn, ythdtor of the PiP s-rijBtmard: Br-I desirs ta cal> ths attention cf IL. armer. cf Ibis vlsoiIt t a nev Unbrsine machine mades bte Jos. Hall Maufaourag Go., of Oshava., I alsed iLs Nov Model Vibrator. Mr. Jos..Vickery bougbiuseoft lb,..mach. leacdihr.ebed ior me four daym ibis and gav ee nire, salisition. Wiht eostructionicf -Ihe menus. vabratng motilusad tàhheî aiiachmmuis 1 t.lck il utterly Irpossible <or any grain to b. vaeled, and cm iully con- vicosd, in,,my own mmd, lhaitiibau s avd me double the prices ci llirsshing 'e Ibmsaviug ef grain Iblu seceon. Il cesnu ths grain pW "e*y cutithueshes v4cy mialy.It ilbhe mattperfect j&v "Onrpdl.I or .ussd. It ian egri laver. Your4 iruly, JOHN MoDONALD. Tbe Grats~.'a.4. -ý Bo.WSIo[n5 Lî "meA ocau!4glçao 1XP, "lAMatch 12.-4b. s attit liéçuà*'oiear a»d plemmap*, $bu_ vieti b.' 14*eulerly. The e ster QartioU'ýa; Vil hore s Ma onng fipe at.on, Theb steamer Luger fihaa>,'ot' 1%î» vick's Shore 1ius, <roui Ytrmouih for Hodifarjwa. ystu.day iis soea Do cio' vce, Barrlngbo. Qvîug ta the strîrag viud -su ' "thepressure of Arifficg boe Iths rselsl laiut of valse ly;b. gai cIL w CIOur n>uuar Orrcvc, March 12.-Wi'gins eac interview,,aW487, " Mca:'uay staSe yh.t 1 k0aow le bu cu abeolcie motu, tbRI the hour a i biohgreutatmstous &o., w~ill mtiea& .1dilereul points pi s44 *4jthm bIrfmaos a b. prodioii omsy leugtb p1<Arn. a,,adraucs, aqàmi wtiiab.j soluteéêîlulnty, >f39WrsY theba.jelofe ibis go 1en Oni . u~d t St.uiib Kdollars cpalysxpu&d sd onmetscroogl-b«l&»ouea u f1U1. hor vu l ILo . t Ïbedýo tmg>"' oliwl"thei. OM gitecaait i th.a ,ii Wt 1 . promiei bprbfI citer tlip clerc> Ld tes.plcssti" foiloviàg:-ÏTIa ierc saisses me liclt. 'À*'0 feh é titis **M1 inaesdlu184 lusarme, 4%M817l, iliet ib4s suaedjthey ibe k, ing motonfto fluanIpc éatto o bMay y~plheth wole à collet b« o pt under v viiii >tlh&fNvM l 1sssrIgi cf yoe lest memmer. 1 I tlo.11you the truth, and uothing but lb. lrulh,-ihe machine ba. giron me perfeotlaîisie- lien vhsrsvor I have tirsaisd. I couid oct. begla o loliralifor mal ho wanted me, andi cou1&iiho b!O jobo enough for t*e madhieeorlf ht bd lho. l' ho fermer& vbam'I have thresied fr-eay ttai lc±Nov, uodel" in.t4h.oe~p for tbemn. Tours lrcly, Besur08U?5 . IIEflB 4?. oral blaws on $49 e sd i> a bao'bet, tLkaTaebtria VI~'t~i&a. Xae ohild. aged - bwjnh, $ ~4te Mm. May's resbojh 1 1om but $isvý otildwUds h ilf g 18'* 'e camorm Geriâny Ibr montbea&o. Bb» b.daoui boeen a w~iltseie ay of thb. s2'TamilY, ale of te l. itbila d vnt t am heslJsr citerth Ibebet. Tbeîius$l#m shows that the servant aeized ïeW trest by th. bair and boit bars. *1the bead witb he b.Mont .i>aof the batohef. A deperate 'umIpAJ, diss. unr. May wrum41ha4 ah. l baéIlle of bAy iuma", Me cf 4. rom a 'nglb.doar., girl thon ven$ta' , vhere the. poUies Ioud ber. eltizen eai OlecePain â' 7, aeeumed of keepingea cu in the mmm. bouse v falycuiaea wi>brai failles luinstheighhorhood mIsoonduet. besides mlsdng ouried hlm taucIraVin houes ana matllawe H.3vi wutho fiai!t' oeqos ii mornlnt. Wheu AioyoeeJis.w6 Taux yBl ame 9 Heen.04-, vr~ BwA0 jo '""- Dry. Gôods, Oapts înery, Furs, - lothig,- and -Caps'au Geerl Farni Grocerie, Amounting, Vo FifteenThouadDollars, utb lae u ead price.TbgeaSaewl Commence on d 4 888 of~ Wcdncsday, MriLU,18,nlconlinue tl stoP, dipo0. 1 '4 'I4, - WIutbyMardi eh 5tf-- M3~., ; 1l ~ i ~ " Z? t44 4- -, ,', 4-4: '~4. - '* 'yu:-'. "'~4i4r.4'i4~ * f - f -. .-,'-~-'-,.--'., au *14LuJ iiiiiiiuiuIii iJ~iiwU~ These arc Selli Pacte. r th eî bbld 'purdeI a ~ tegula1~ea lo4~t~u~~ mutsu. ieaeSllth. , o irr, BUl. iocsuoe,Jcundis Vont = >u~We*k eran r .hmo rIu. a~e r certeancurs kibpwpq. scl A ShllIg Dscoery au e~marae cfteo etartledI r. iuakabs dseosris.The tact tha" Dr. Rings* Nsw Disoovsry for Vs dmsass i. dalltv ouring patients examine juta us merimfte lla wocdsr- ful dicovry ; resutting lu huaidroda oi aur boastPhysîiins t>iug il lin sir p ractios. Trial Bailles free aI G. A. Posweu Drcg Stars. Reýgniar.Oue Headaoho, Billouanmo, Dyspepsia cci Cocntxp'alloeprompily rsUseved gmd fsoeily, l an ir csuperter fausaran& tliougaly r mi arta ~ 71&vIl ~ ofJ the Av outprim mo»Wm4 > nimafle work , ires a anotti lIger eu$ disasss esoba rpy Diabetes, vgmDsia sud map other pauulafetins 'Ee 1' froc> LameBasud antilacir.eRldeeys, Be earoeul cf your syres, for ocuslest Iley wa eyrbe replaced OC Urel CliiciByeSais U»l prie labotsm. rmlu a. Blotche. +aui sili. obgM * wln4aho hurohhl' CliaxBcSdi 4" Oinmonf lua&P. ii$=esisrsiweboin the NESA DVEJE.iJ4 BN Y,$ '-' -7d ,13ot.,u;Saý f For th.e~ts ~onot n1 is od weather, Warm OWFflMST-(mLAs QUÂLITY DBSUITABLB FOBiL 'La.ostStyos fr L.dis, exntE, Missieus ad Children, sulling et eodprieu, to makerowfo pigt4- * uto nd ordere& 'work of.superior make and llniàsh as Whfby, J. .1 Nrh Mki~ok FIRE1VItWS L- A uhl;Bs vlb. lmid#cà ieTonu Ira% WWisy, i gur a" en$ce cf *s't"lbnPli Dmei> ao Sl e ibat 80,end -en Dancing la B"& -- e.-,1 -,lek Cl J.w=& Simul.. 1516. "J-'. 4'. w 'l'S. IK m E N nri, rondyGai'nedOS PUBLIC NýC JOHN DIL?~ THOMAkS J. cf the TbwnsIl Wbitby,M2th Pebralky Grandà-Tran Hua -daeiaod bo frËL he,'wio le 'o 1fhis immensepSfok -of, 'Teesaud neaGiooceries, Ohinà, -Grdckety and Glagere, 'for (JB-Or "RDuCEoly I a lghte redýuction. 'Wo offer Oreen, BJaik sud Japa Tes, WIorth 570 cntfor 2 cents per IL, or .5 ibe. for $1. 60o Tees for 96c. 75o Teàe for Soc. $1 Toue fobr 76c.A triglof our mauey, 'Y irhen at B8R' Braziiu Wareh Oue. Ont -fresi. ground Gaffe. 251a per lb. Lon. doÙ Peuli Cocon, fres sd nutîricon, 95c per.]b. 12 11,s. IrhtPorta Pics Sgàà foi $1. Fre8li canea ,saIni,on ana Lobstere. Fra.h cead P.e, CornjTomatoee, Penches suana- *ppIe, Jaxus and Jelieà, ÙOundied Pege, rao- - egg Ettracte, Fre8h Lemons'antù rags Curfantsy, Ne*- Vleùtie and La-ye r RiBns igNuan ai Mze Ondies. ' Pn"ùiëaresuif Tert#r.,- Thi eIebr- ~aLo>ifé ~ngPowde'r,- manufactured frès vr.w ; ' bOIL~Iu iv . ~ieer rônnn*~&'-1Iiêh. ' hv:u3lwtt, î , ,sa k' I 1-'.. cvyquaintie4 of ffod.DrieJ 4j iby, Jan. :e« avrU. l~B wWteljmak&r. -an oûky" G..~~TÂYLÃ"O 1. j N0 in« sosLuvuriof orFa , v"in auas"I ohueurs" oj1 " »r otV mheul a d, beclied m vbleh 1 n'ý -theni le ro togil ëtfi je vér, à Qcsp~I hi pslf s N swoc~: LL WA & * '. 44- >NEWAÂDYEË ~f1fG99ySÏod is M 40 vue-] tour vOl 04Weredît ->1 wmS- ïÂý 1 1

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