Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1883, p. 4

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ý:.popalub i cf lli - mla&' .oidwalbi. dit. ams86grS thous wlîh repect ta- ment, . luh are gay, 'ar ;the Socohane oemparatvl.y #*edy stdceutioas b the Engliab pet , s. fais average botwoou %o eroiemnber it »a snl- adyolasrvsd by a frlîud, that an Ishmaut" ndo b>, 1w ha thtuks. ý& ladj prm.seladdod 4lé wl -heolart.n Thiet. la oinpuls opratiug more rspid- 17 a del iration Is skîn tW Mise Idowribs romrk hbsi an Irlabinau m ay orr wtb hie bead, nevor withbhis huairt;-,the truth, hovoîer, hein; that heo 0toys [ils beart, net alvaja wsitlug for t4o clsc f' >tsboad. semo y@ 44 e qptd va acaricatura Very greJilkII.>elraingtheso grat ifeo dîforencea tu 4be ardor cf the Ibres us. Itou. AuRugishn ansuIrihmasu sud a Scetchman n;ero rcpreeuted ai Iooklug throughx a coufctioner a Wn. dow et the busutitel peung wveini * serviug lu Lb. shop. "Oh 1" oKlaimes KiPatick, l"do fut ce ho speeding à * hat.'rown vIththé luoisr eraythur, tbat voue-m elook aI hor couventcsitlyand have a bit cf chat with ber.""Yne trsvsgant dog t" ee.d Mr. George. l'm isuru eue hatiththo ney vill do quite aeuwaiiBel lot ns go In by aIl rubans; ato is a éharmlnqggirl. "Ah i vaita w.. l" lterrepted Mr. Audrov l"diane y. ken et'il sertio ur purpose eqeal W048 jaute smk Lb.hebonnie el a e ue twa elzponocosfor a shilling, sud in. quire vhero's Mr. Toomptoe's heui ai' lc likofP Ve're ma bsngryï ané MUay 61 Weil gaec the.#allier." ciaelt S unday Observance. Prince Biamsarck bas exprcssed hbi day as s dzy cf setA Our Americai uuet ekdth-sgtbufiprncancî Il& têrrlbl. (oinu p(tyraay.' Theofin lime b.co e b est oit-O nomu oiah fa alll), htssd'ho rumemb.r.d th& z halîsA Wbistls Intbe Street. " IMI OW' .le"satd bis Englil Vw' riveor."Net vhisti, 2" Bis mirck iiskcd; '-vby net? la it pro bhiitsd?" "No,'ý vas lb.r.ply, a'il no! againet the lw, but dee'1 y< know itle ts tPSabbath ?" Blumare' ucys b.e e aegry al snob intoloi smc< tWho b.detortolued Le leave tl 10w> aIpange", ud0seteck the nei et*ýuer, Wbilà conveyed bhlm te Edic ureWheà bhse xporieuce vas i th lb»ortýee c ity the Chancelier doe no 1-13 de. But ho vont ou le sa, ,:N thafu. *60lb.'vsDot an opponet otjSu4d&y observance. "As a lande, -propretor," bu doué &.inai e bspowert afappo $t'hicohbervance. ebc"honwol bot hivë, 'péopie Iogaiiy compellodt keop ilýrgidi," Ho yonld -Isar everye. te prepsrc for à futurc lifs hi# o*tà val." "Bal there oughUe.oê no aeOicaryymek ou Suuiays," hococe lltSleI, sud Ibis6"net se mnch eouas J seent of the scriptural command bc boecese m tou muai bave tiras fer propi * A Church Member Who Was Pro A.wflb.r ef a cburoh cougregatio la- Wlseon$la vas lasI mouth charge t4 bhlibInlustocks, sud broue T~I(~auba dacoà akg:- theb, b.charge t. ginl la liAlusocks.? "1yos, tir." dnsibnésia Dont gaellly "No. air, L piead agelly." lohe pndo hny sud s»listock "f seouatelu bet, su4d cate, and es fuýturslme pork J" "11Ido4,sfr, Did'l I give8.1,000i tâb te ei belld ibis churcb t 'Wou;,Z1ucped that ie ou s, iii daal li pork Ddnltpayluin500 ah. ormait t" &"That vas part et ni, profila ce épais te este. Dld't 1 fot a dfecbenx of et 400 ta the mutisersealsry ti 'OThat dmre troni a risc in stoci DI4n6u't icbp lu 8700 towards lbe pi tonnase' vqat3 p*,h-Qbou deh bua ot forgol ul b# o aly, manuca iis." vre lu fa it l mîmoelu n the gi i icrllMber. at the b. Ogo ibhlivus a"ttivheu 5em'Wltub resi thel. duaatei tileCity or, Eroétses, 4"sud uago] tÏ boty ne*arpt th'hl s ïprlg *U Irisi gtion& W ho bad i optu4ua ia. venigtail,& a mdolgbt i, ' a l it la Ie*mort Gergiegî o wu bd-en geo et'*ie cctbreak cf lu, ver, laman ý1o eaelui'te lb. vether--boli £m.t h, 1918WWR BAS Ïvo sà-saa h5. -lm b.Pelru Mr'. Leau.1'.vrio -t'urrs Ou~ deub uf ilil'-'Boston Haebsi juàl roturuj iod tram Iroibuad, wba bas pirmoaiiy in îvestigaled Lhee case, «sja s'Carey ita tota e tthe proampeirueSmu' kt' bas buentl rtlîraisi uteil. 1 disoovetd in Dublin &ai thas b. wu# tu dehI ztght isudloi.:.Fer 4"j instance, i barda inu nawtd Meade a $ or whom lie vas vorklng vilen takon ait bte cuetody, tell a fricnu abat Carey ibed oaugbîht rn for £100. iimilir dg àstaries cameo ta tue frein ceveral sour. ýJ ices. If t Le true thaI Mr@. Oarcy, ase e mtte lil lesPatches, bis bocd aev* Di oral ime, ut th@. castre silietb. ar-si i reste, lb. müet bave boguu'e'tuce I ianttm FDubhin thre menths ago. Thse. day rf hefote stsrliug I bait intorviéws;viLla liber ln addition la meeting aeverlreW M tives ai theotalier priouners. Shio*as h a thon in tin uumtstaksable condition 'of -lerrbr coneereieg'tii fate cf ber hie f, n band. lier cape seemod rstbor plînîet ~, d ic, fer tISe reau [beht, jeit two weekg an à beforo Ibe errest et Carey. she Iad giv' ün lI ou birtb te a cbild, sud the physiesi a1 d veaknes tbnm occîsioeod lfti ber iu bi . csrcoiy ea fit condition Le vithsashd the bi i bodily sud meutli train te a th sie.el e Ives subjectcd. I shah nover target ber. sorrovfuld sblack cyus, Oued vitb leare et aloest qi sdeupsir, ase abetalked te me bopolcsaly e ýy et the minu pou vhoehseod nov are t le isuuâched tho ueited, imprtcsttcee et ail 01 a. Irelaed. 5h. il% a lende o venu, ou* e, siderably hoiow lb. rmediumn higbl, tl id eud, lar cnrly black hsir ta ut turing te graye Ou. d-y shomue eslr ae u tnilylup 1t0 Ihbe loedary Staudard etf Irish besuty. - 8h. is tbe motiier of Carey'& thirteen chialdron. J. A. Our' lie rau, tbe stlpuudsry tuagirnrate, upou a. vbou'. uorlmv igtoabauge k na prasoulcondition cf thlugs lu Irelsud, os stld mo, under thi e al-,t oulafdence, -el the day atter the arreslae oourred that b Dii Carey weuld b howtie taWbave plotled,1 ils dovu ta th. minutosl dotalse, evory oee10 b, of 1he IDublin polanocal cutragu. lMr. à ah Curran tolî me lie vas Ibe bead gon- 1 l. %re"*t' . bi ofeiute iee e-« Ment, bUt at tISe saMOne lis ,'tOlM me isý te vraie notbicg for the time being, fer ou the reason thal snob s declaration, vk cemiug frem bwonl çrieuely, sud, r. lunail prebabiiity tataliy. preiudice [ho 1 he case of the. Prisouers. Now, hovever, lz sate G overnment bassaecepled Caey in ase tus ebef vitoece, I enppeoI sam ex lu dempt froam my promilw. 1I ha.e ne oscrlîicieM. ta offelr uamen tbecourse of a eyGovermmct ahieh epares ithe ueck et ýu the. guiltteet et tbe Wretecees engagâd ilu ed tim conspiracy lu order ta more. Ligtiy te' drav the noose abount lhe bransaoethi& Id instrumente. TISe employmient et te Carey'e toofti'mony lurîber sbows thst vor M n iiy ng uaIrmis tISaItIShe reseen. et la the long rsma.nde cf tbe prisouera trom hb oe vetate eek lay in thse veakuiesa et nu. the Goveroment ci-s. at Lst lime. oc. Thse ezpt-rieuced officiais cuntedl upon )ut thegi'imng ef information hy tomeofo or b. îrisouers. IneLiior vords, th. stand et tb. prosecation ltthe ert vam a very fiue bluff game baged upon e- a lot of pureiy circutsctatiai informa- Carey'@ vite, by b vay, dees net ion gr.witb bisetMory as ta biswhore- res t o-tb day oftbe Phoenix Park ÃŽbi afair, - Sietold me- lu Dublin thai, ai ,~the hle-timh uerder, ber ihuu - vs payitgroff the mnusuM rý Meade'ii ahb. vot kseop., urse or four mil-es trom thlo eceneofe the attack. This, @she 'decar. sd, could b. proved heyeud doubt fr7 the mon thernucivea. 8bolîud the lait- yen fer the defeiace be able le show ,kg. snything oft Iis kitid, tbcy ylmhuttur »Il mach of Carey'@ Icstimeny. The fel- iug Lu lreised wilprehahiy ho more iu bitter agaluet hlm Ibsu 1< -bas over h.. fore b3eu againet nu informer, because b. vas lepked upan -as by al edds tbe Lie statnuesetman ln lhe order. Ths bills Ou for lbe foed et thc varions prisoners are paid for hy James bIniel, sund net hy 1a a trauger, s reporîed lu tho cible dem- acy patches uis moruiug. 1 happen to bi w k obecaume it vas by Freil t3e.lier et tb. Dublin Freeman andi myseif Ibat * Malett sent bis guarantee.' ofpîyment ae Mars ,Cosdy. I mercly mention Ibis ar. tact te show vbat aa smetfunatters- *bic ruhbisb i. senit tg xag1eud aud Amerlo. freon Dublin. This Gallaher bile yeueg mou wtb ehort multonea heV shbe viotkera, sud;-ceucesiabis lgeoraifl. uinder the affection o ret;rol ne.ual,âsud ,er- tra e gehicribt is as oid !ollclw, i Wo ga hîr su4Hao.Grceley vbiaiçerc, >iuq ud viIii'diset -apcplesy si. a suc o hae . pl snpry inu u!.Is fr UIy kii . tcicu t4 back p alD. p decielons, vhlcb arc a)mo*t lnv&siAblIý cen ggainst 1h. primim pr. Tfrplblrd migi lev traIte Ma iei"eega, 'tt "h ll liÀ hair. -and bas, diacvoreti bat silencer trv ieelly leO golden. '. noer upoit aon e Wbt',' dnrlng t.h e #lsta. &lirU intente and pnrposes. lb. *prisoaer miugh sas vcIl bha-e beu dg&iy 1. et, abuermally rotnnd opter. . 4u al Jrey nov denleai bst ho wwoe .a 46% leeofrempatby tà )MissBarbe ufler ue- lb ^mit eoe,'ber'brot4ji, "ýu8.u' 'seL' blueder. à lady vise vas a 4,sf mule lie mds a enusa Who. vse a foignert (Iuan snoeebrteg i'us aswe cf Kiducy et Liver C*kmpltinF t"s Éle4-' trio Bitters villci ,tpcedily cureé:V Say tbey iunôua, ag tboanuet fCasse aIrt*dy pcsinwsetliy curad, anud aho tura yul prove-. Ergbts llea Dishete, Wssls Bpk, or any evresry -ocipiintquiktyeurd.They pniy île. Wooed, regisisitb - ioulc, sud sam Evcry bot= eurauteod'For "alat- 50 cents a to.fy~G'IIUd -For COugasd~d~iUu' New LIt oi- P.acto" V Wemed by DlsaspDbt< Md is4sttcsL Thé 09BAT Gl019 1~G RÂTOIl bte iia. o'-ca le, ieaicy, nerfflia de Inde. kfrge sgîpo r aides, no maler b* t0éé- tomn nsybo troîux eccoesof My f s.y114 ààsud happlaes.. 100 petrIbox. six 'boe*..f« #5.00., -%id l>y auldrugglsls Sont on reci tof prioe, pealago pge, a'"n for UsaiUpd States. Ciotbo 1 ttet .'o ô u4h t ft w Th. FrégkI.d-Féced GiL "Ma%. tp clis n eomsginber dreus, %d te frekIed. aogd littie. girl, tylng or doliVs bonnet .t$pgs suad cee iinted yobing person. "O0h, your mother uoedu't droiu op )a rue," cU4beoii#eue Itjsfledvisw 61 borsolfi r the mirrMr Inn ip sund tlkh«. te locle douf net as seds linluber flydv lt,- cd Làt tàid 'on ,-0, but oe h sn't geL on her overy. lu ne r.brn O M ,eol-MUl Diîncýu4oseIy.. iwmn3d e.ways caese.over«kaere (e à,ew off lîerniep.Lhiuge. and me. donn't cen o ge if~Wbeu U&ï.'5Vw~7 mlgeeaid, 'DickceâI ~ ies the wa e mad aboult imeibi«., es suid if yoau .8w ber zisu drêss se'd sac to'bearal1ubcuttbWpoOt hosubsu, -. kho don't have 41iîlid yW'd kb end 'em. Say, do the nigger ladies ise hymun book leaves to do their bair peOn &ud malte it frizs-? Massfyàt &he gue&"& ht' al gocd ti.. ooke do 'em, sud' if thoy evor get auy ook@. i wisb mny dcl »w.he*th. 1'Why, Yeu wicked htile girl, rbe.t o yen want cf a hosihon doll ?" in- quired the.ruussionsry lady; making a mental inveutory cf the Dow t inl on worldly exitïsvige.uce' "§Se folk" 'wosLd jd ber lots of nico bing' Le Wear a-na'fasl sorryIoebae ber 9oig bout naked. Thon oho'd MbhairtW frizz, sd I wvantadol veth iruly hair snd oye. a stroîllop iko Deacon 8fldorback's whsu ha uap amen on sonday. I 6112% a uicked air1, either, 'mse Uncle Do-" and sweare awfnl snd amples in lb. bs hope. l'Il ho a sugeri r.ltom. da'Il b. down in a minute, yu-70 needp'*t Ishe yeur closk off. *Sýë - let year, 'cause uhe& aisi ah.dldu' sw.utj e ;thmnk eh*.Us able o ogiw. nucb tbia liMe, and oa ed a »uW> nul veso shanu te liucof tb.eau.- sohatsuéu eo.*uli0o. Unelu E)ick *&y# yenougliter Coe<oelth*le tonds, 'case pou'd . eilsiéo44Ï4,b*W& tho natif'd- eb koly tbey erunl d<oers aayboy-would -uaeudteW 'em. U ssb ee s ete îuum yenough Leest yen,.4'lus ws a blind ene, an' you'd set a blici pagan'. Lceth on eédge $0 e.od over bauker aier- scy moi*. nilsnery. tUoele Dick's ewfnllnny.sbd makes ps sud mas dis langbitbg aeietimes." " Yccr Unci. Richard i.sa bad, de. praved wretob. sud cugbt tW bave re- msined out Weet, where his stylois *pprellta. Ro set. a herrid examplc for liale girls lt. en." '4Ob 1Ittbik ho', ,nice. Ho ehowsl me boa' <o &lido down the baummlters, snd ho'. teschicg me bey te whiatle whon m&in i'& round. Tbsî'e s pretty cleak you'vo getl-, in't it? De yen bny su your geod cletho vitja mission- sry money ? 1&Maesyop, do." .Inet then th.efrgekledfso.*littie girl's nma came *i0to, the, Vidrloansd kidl b.e lsulooay lady on a. e i» sud ' he . prooei dle i s"aible- ochat. e ¶'ho 111e .girls nba csu'1 umdersé"' wby s peruon ho prok*m -%oe h,o rlo-theb miaiensry agent, goe4 showld jýs right over tô Mi"' Dîmmod's àrd »Y sueh ill-usîurèod1 blo'ps as a'î did, aud she Iblaa l. uiuain~guasdouble-fsced A Lt! Svugr4et Èeiu. 9" ved bh ie b_ ba simple Tiril Bottieoet Dr. Ring s" Xerdfse0very, for, Ceem&tn.htkaueim procure s large frottIs, thqt domplitely onrod himî wheu - d 1 chne.e climste snd evertbini e Ie hsd failed. Asthme., Brochîtie, Heursenees, Baver. andg .s l al Tbroat aud Lnng dis- esue, it is guaranteed ta curp. Trial boUètles fre. atI T. G. Wbttfld'a drcg soe. Largke $.1S, polate la le« ss,V.ew ier Spcoaoeded 1i t,. mse bosea itala th i V1Wkiiv WXn4 oa- 51, imems et a dii Ass8uance C* ay >INCO*ÙW]ATICDI - - getWMby WS1lT,'AsBb~, 51 rIf FOR:s conlu , *ndLutýIB ISSI Would à 4*Pae J. W. BRAYLÉY. MONI rnéto aine.-DAgfl Great redueini r L udQf5 OT ÂOad OI ware at the WHITBY turl e th~e uD iate sa ofc 1HE, r CI~RM1ID FOKKS, IDAKGOTA.--7 and GisuevaretT8d Wl0W bg b. o1oeitli Mqdiero.iony sddre8slý7 H. F. MCN LLYLydla F Kù of et reck cOh" uui b ONE K ONTUIctsosia1o4fk iD.g el"e1 IOO. t a M k . it.ebrs.j TO M EET TE IM $TAST MaSo 8EYtn5 1r~t, I also offer for Cash for one mnonth, a splenaid assm&ibig"______________or___ of choioe Tças, Fe.mily GroGeijep,_Bpices, Pickles,Fruit's et e.l kino, D nemi..no g'u'I.jid ai Peea, anêesOr~gemçIàmQi5,Grapes, Pears, Âpp1e8, Oysters, STIO ETEDVSO ORS Ym &.4at uce t1at efrcometition in éither Toronto or - cOIJNTY O0F ONTA&RIo '1883." 'u er elaewhere. gntfr 3 emes Lent'. amous Tess- iii:iu~ t he c"flqund5 a rsetgven with ecdipackage. e<"4 c§ -ào-5,S, à'It WANTED.-200 bris. good Winter. Apples. 2P000 l b .....2 11 1211 '4.* *Met M teon- good Driecl Âpples. IHighest price paid cither in Cash or Trade. 1i2 42 91 191,fou' 1ïi 0 ~ç" 'T. Q- ~ ', Dnffiui's Creek 8 2 »quis ý , > M am l .C8.poôrt4'-Ierry.... 12 19 7 18 818 5'10 0- 0teic (,yasmn il Poei~lt18.WHITBY OHIN.TEA STOBE. 4 vzbridge....18290 -819 4 6-é i a«u".-w'rt 5 . Cinnington.. 14 21 921 5 128 vfuf1P I 8ii7 6. Beavert-of-. 15 22- 71 Id m8 7. UptergteVe... 23 2 4 n0 8505.,i ee nu ci.slf. enaanho Great Sacrif ice' Sale! îy BOdr lktbPSe N 1) 81laESTO IVEST ONth MAMMUTH PARLUR IQUfl AND IOE gTRag ong~~eEtt euIy uabtOu~ b ee.iCUOlIcnb »!USBlock, BErook Street, Whitby. >lyt - ~~~CHAS. NOUBS, - -îe. ~wcb ierB, er oMiea W-Mlgezlefor Outaxto. tký CASM PaïCES FORLyuse, AD A PU"L CLEARLANCE el b.5 OR1h0&- -WAL are theitel t. casu0 Aa-v- A3ALTE I prletécfth." ala*Bckfriwblélmtea.kéa ioot&cam., Evrytbiug IJ isi un clel for-snd sU ~ 4 'kîbý0?sud ien th ten per coul. s e tboff tii ~~ onna q ai l utà a t' iaa oai. A lrg takcfEi1hs, tbo ljýýetn b. benoîtof thé&. 4týgop "fhma. - gq_ ' ~ TV*K, ý- *,-R AYS -cf Ii1, t. rde Ei fr es ç0 e nil nmscu,ýete es f heBagin J-r%. , .G- ". cc>uty, nd a p18sMt 'dsfBloycomp Setion . ama pfC jr p UU5Ã"" Y CO p f t ê u e i e J u r 5 c f 8 5 ~ , U O"GO S " U M I l",J) OET$- il . aIiS,~ rE , C GUM& ruea j O*nstautly m~n JiaudA Stiitp. Thtf~lo axmd OtItE Maucb 19, 1S8~ IsENrrzl t, Sw~ithin nt>by »hbyici.oy 7 i~ I~s lug~0it'vtiUne trtn01a pert »lu Teroni - Sf mueot binertin. Spocal npoti -Wb yy, or.therY WHIBY Brock Street,- IMIESSES BITOJ BARRISTERS.I AT LAWI, C. H. RITCIEI Toronto. JOHN ]E-. IF wing, Out neil Toxngéstreuts, ý D. A.O'suui-.-w,. octobe mrl8r, 188 -JÂ AKEB, Km' Notary Public, c intezeat. On'xo~2i7en'4Ol Whrtby. BOB, 1 'OFFICE-Bin J. HANI- wo uvvvvv% 1 ,s seL- h, il Wlicl , 1,aaeI.u.di ,,iw 4t ïa 5 uensa .Io s.o »< WUV5elm à yeu. and

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