of ~AT THEPEOPLES,.' ST E2 OUI I ME SE TO K fHavyWo1es~Dress Goods,O ashmere, yýý$ STOe O~~~~Mantes, ý7Mantle Cýlothe, Paniewnea Ya~,Fur à I1ffs and Boas, Par Cape, &o., ail to be <offered at prices that vRl Onyour optifo. WE AkE STCK ~hFf D'y and It la our polioy nover to, carry over goode fromon. UUOOWê 0dil êeoting a clearanice of car satire Wiuter stock Yen ail knov that hn theO ft'<Peoilt Store- deoides to do a thtng. it goes at it. and doos t in earnost.- OUJR STOC LL E AND FRESHI no weoimujation of oldgodtoofra bal but a1 go6d, roliable, every.d&y goods, to b. sold at pricos that Win astonish you. i classes of gooda ýVdAhilzg te Wlntorwear is imclu ed in this Sale. Aiso House-furnùiings, Carpets, aud Beady.made Cbothing, ýQf»tIand Menties. 1 o01X. and USeliw examine our gooda and priceis, and we wiil prove to yen that wo moazi "bUuMlas. Bemêmber: "The proof of the pudding is not ini chewing tbe string.- F STEW~R, oe NO- -1 DIBVE1iYpjJ., BLOCK, -- BROOK STREET, WHITBy. SZoTIONAL VIEW 0F KILLE'8 '#NEW MODEL" VIBRATIG THRSHR. Mo.nfatured by the J o8eph Hall Manu[acturing, Company, Oshawa, Ont. Theo meut perfect threshor, thie -meat perfect beparator, thie moat perfect clesner ever 7 offerid to thie publie. The. only true grain saver. F. W. Ob$%s. OA.. Dia. Sta,-TaIk about thresbing 1 a tbnebelmoa -havé benuaronnd thnuahi a ahiau th. lait fifleen duns mL h ave sien smaorn cd maibblue., but tht."IlNevwPfodel'" I <et cf jeu I . heaq cf any I ever saw i Oauad. IL la perfiet ho every respect. I naver vu u all ii atisfied with a znaohlnq es I amn villathis. I oolid searort but think that Ibis le euf. Tours viry truly, HENRY UK. WEAVER. D.atliv CRctulgrm, giving la now leeMe a gcm"aimi b rovl iteue» day ahi lhankfuleme cf avhola piar. Thé exceputio l isi lae jelulr th e cf theswbo have sed Plinvuu,' Punr.noComa EX. so1vo, vlthlb.Invahle reuR!.as- e4îdili se0for. perfeet cure. Tbey 1i t kzfu alvmys. Try Potnama Caneiocn BEtraoter. Safe, sure aIpaluiee. Solsi b ydroggiste svery. rhere.'N. O. POLSN& CO.. linj. The. meut brillilant sadai posibli, on Ilfabule arenimadle h tb, Dlamond >ye& . Vnequallil for brliiancy aud Ioabllly. 10 e.. 1'Biol vil ltau." A face adorned lth piPlauie, BoisI, Bloobhes&a., lf ea à paliulariy pleasaut higbt. and ~vaiaýlbm aloenese l mp"re cate of- la Blond. Dr.- Canon'. Bbeuach Bit an fneeo-Ibe systein Item aiU <rosi enur, réaeditheL Blend Pmreand W.l aide diglioion d <lysa a hsaiahy ýppeil*e,.:Fota* by a&UDrogglste ln Arp b.ou tSOieont#.. Ladîge 'vise ouîd reain Ibat cchar O.erpllni o ntly e.Jvati, vili *ai* b. r ie. usina Foualain )Ir. "X. G.Dean c anî ,Ont. aughl a $*vers oold. lun a feW days he amzpbqms beoupiie o 111.theui 4 onenmplium 4bal liea d is moinde eIUMa ewp t Ise ultioste remit, pi phjlehaa, ivho bhful mert cf lM Ptient'. veifare lb..of thi Uei. ~~~v. ~ 'OW Wiib~~~ajOalyBal., ais l. ery bo endybout vaei a~iys6wl Uâme raliere t* geh Il , -g,»inepleasr W u aetel. There basb1em umay aon ltoi eipubllbed t là #.à peOme me acedenâtebutnn.l or b.elded. th ReaiKenn Pmain for p::MsnI1oqgê III. et":euaay es 12 IlLvenpl!. ulileune YOu. oene liétIoPul. AIldnuo#esté » Thoseeare BolPacte. b. belt blood purider aseyMbm ator #ver piucel vitbl hineb.rieRa ufilo bumnuîy, troly le Elochirl tnu. Irncbtvlýe cf thse lAer, ii- a", Iaundicm, <lontipatien, Wemk nosyaior sui -disee f liste turigauv PmiymsÂx.anmrDec. lBth, 1882 To th. Bdigorof the Port FP"rySimad,4 Sn,-I desiri teo ialth. attintion or &be farmérs cf ibis VWDlity le a.Dew thresfiung machine Ma", by thi Jo.. Hall Manufacturing Co., cf Oshawa, oRJIlel Lh.NovwIfodel Vibrator. 1fr. .7cm. Vîokery boUght one of theii mach- Ines, sud thresbed fer me four deys Ibis viOter, Sd gave me saire satisfaction. Wlth the onstruction of th. seons. vibrating unotoasad uler attachaient. I think it utterly impoasible for any. grain tobhovasted. sud amn fally ecu- vicel, inu-My ovu minI. Ihal il ha' saed nme dodble the. pricee t Ihreehing in the savlng of graiu tbiio ". I9 vee a V.h r lin"rily =4 tInreb" very~~~ tahejla b meel perfect Ilaréehr 1 have evir eeen or ue. It la a ral grin bar. Tours truly, JOHN McDONÂLD. The bout rnilj knovu for ail&soe tiens of ahi Cheat.Lunge or Throal la Gauv'h Snruvwor R» ED fl utu. Il la oens>asaly nul by thcusadu cf pin- non.a suffening froin ahi above dusaie, mal in ssarly eveny iutauue lba&or" immellato relief, la u*a(otrouble. nme, tickiing Coog>, whers lb. pallea passes ialeeplee nighls, eue or bye doses ot ah. Syrup buasSmci a quiiaing, oetbloùg fotd Iarumie nes mand tbe Cougl a peeDdi usappeauu. n sd b.~ ~ ~ ~ b &H oovned o 7 i emiut&.- Pnlog 2à una 60 cenafpet boulie. Be lmu#eful cf ycur *en. for ono lest lbey ca4 ncter bi replalsol. Churchill% climax Bye Save 1slb. beebot. Prie. 25 cents. pi-npleiand Bletehee vanlah ike oalià a for. liai vind, viacu Cborolalll Cli.. Eye Salve and Olulment ie ap. pliel.ý Prie 25 cents.. Users of Puil s euAbpihi het-Ih. wovrl, purely vegetable. Bt 10 cmetsa naaei. box, &etae me ope'. Regunlas- 111Vele <sug,r.ooat. Au Important aipamnefrom ahi Ipiplng, deblitating anddicklomnORgcci- poundu. are Hope% Begulatimg Pille, euly 10 cente a simple box, bry Ihu., Charles T. CueselunausDrnggiet.of 'oheurvWe. wrié ' te.l bm -Prntcrm cf &bats ovmîsiguToute. BUndc' Blond Dittéa, "Tour Bqrîloli Blood, ait. btrn,ive nulverualt aaelo.A1l your medicinea »Il villsued mayjof OP ualomqmsvl ttLae Dc çlbert" $iî la pe beltby blool htbsu leth ao d btiglîteos the aje,#u"d ua Mot*, 'iten ibe bitand11 or momey 0 APowell. 1 A atunio~DseovIse Rauca OMMa, Nov. 181h, 1leu Mir. F. W. &k.a: Daun 5r,-Il bomghl I vould write bo jon aud tel! yu bow I a!n vlth th. "Newv edel" un Ir igelg ot yen las& nommer. I1il Winlauycu ahi lnulhbanâd nothing but lb.elnth,-bhe machine h&a givenl me perfec a atlsa lion whrevtI h av.'threshed. I eould mol bégla le Lhnueb fer aIl whe vanta m. âud coold have bal jobse ench for twe machines if 1I ba altheun.The. farmner@ uboun I have tIbehefer eay that te."l ew Mcdii' là Ihi ouyD«u6 teci nmc hiai huaba er d balb fer thiox. Touri trly, J08EPE BERE. Ntoo i"bfore yen pmroas. AM AnmWu Wanted.' Ce n aujoui brlng ne a case ef Xldnguor Uver Complaint tliaIBEo.. amY ahej daun»ath'ou" of eues afr.udy Penmacnteucure d ubeh en yUlu;mn ngElaetni. Bit- tom > ~ provo. Brýghta Di»e., th* eebd, raltbhe boels, aud act dfriit the L. iU.. MI&ra Evhybtsegarnel.For "Mm.a 50 Ws dblle bj T. Gk. Whti.Il For Cougiai and Colla, mes u as'. Long Baisma. se@ cdv. lunmmelli Colain. ]New Lîfe for FunciomusWaakeaed by- Dio, ulllYsu impo The GREAT 'OUM~ * iffl RÂTOR l b.os l pehe rmpe. beo;nerveus dM Iiimml Ram Ie.fcrgetfltue, mo l b bce aIdes, no malIenbey ebsiterel hbe- t.om may i em mrn.asi cfdauyklm the or&eaGrma m uedy vIl!nelu" th@ 1at fameti,e mu acre otb &Bd happinee. #l»00petr boa, six boxeefor #5.OO. S-,fl by aulnqgee Selon réeuefp éfea, ii~p age for UsulM ae.WIssssm e ÀtmciaeM i îI D 2TSEN s SUiLEIuiý' ~AT CA s LEAT O OMIN N W-A R! oe' Dpry -Goods., Crpets, Minry, Furs, Clothing;Ha and aps, adGnrlFamily Groceries,' Amounting to Fifteen'Thous-:au"d Dollars, must be- cleared out regardless of price. TIzee great Sale wil Comnmence on Wcnsa,1aiUb 83 aniotnuutl sto-ck dispsdol Whitby, Mtrch l3th2,1883.- 1 Ud W Au>v"ElAIUEa.ma s- ForOl end Youg,Ua.ai a0 Porltiv.1y ouréeé rouus i l tages. Weak Mmaor, LmofoDruain Pcv- ormeual Pr*Mlon, UI1t Ivoatg, BmnlWm ugp l Gunersi Loue ai Pever. t rewm Nveus Wuuê., 24cy. enatés Lt.e.j'MWlatà wlo. tr.n.gtbsuag tb. olbbelDrain a unaoruter urdhng tous eg Inr, or01e'Onaubsd g-.r"w orgaus ta W Ith .a rer for mu&va paokages, sacoomane vM on. douars vi vn Mdl our tIa AMTI t 10 ittthe liii Uio f thé lreatm dms DMole~o a cum-.It l. he ..etf &Bdmes Kell UWo.nlutbe , meet. Pamphlet satfre. by mil! 10Bamr a<Iânes Racek'u Nagnel ediclue la sold by druýteat 50 cab. per box, or 0 boxes for vil!co wMb. malel trie of postage, ou reoelpt of!=mueyby addremnsuin ka' nagmete l ele,.. Co., Windsor, Ont., Canada. Ouxautees lamaI by G. A. Powel, Wbltby,. EVER R E ADYI FIREMEN'S BALL. à Publie l wl bbellaimlb. Towa 39ON D ât SEv'u, 8AEOP 2Çh, '@3, undar lb. a$*"kms.oui lb.Wbtby vine 10m4 Tb hlume mmeral publie Dancig 10 commmeuet a Ooook. Cal- vues'.Bitut Ba"i Tiokls, il "d o nb.i é7a b. and hrm 1he wibieif lb.e ommaILisi. luBà m co OummzL-CaplslaRobert Barnes, C. M gJ. XLM100i4ca,~~r J. Sltcn u. i B. BABNZ8 . W- . (1 P ,CANCÉRY S1 FIRM LANDS A ureoi 71a »NTLBoum 8~A vý '.,ras tey PleAWulor ufihha ~ aIlet.Lfm 'c.' 1~. NE~N ADVERTL$E MENTS. 'e i Trthe ot u ho oao JO 0HN AJNE s, NORTH STORES A~XTBOK For the greateat oemfort in this cold veather, Warm ,BOOTS ÂND SOEI 0F FIBST-OLÂ&S QUÂLITY £1WD BUITABLE FOR AILL Latest Styles for Leadies, Gents, Misses and Cliuidren, selling fi reduced Prîce., k maL. ftom for Spring st"k. Custom and Ordered Work of s uperior make and finish as nons! 0-29» Punotmiaty asud. choapuci. inail tiainga..< JOHN ÂNEB Whitby, ion. 9, '$limh8oe~MreîBok Western- Bak of C fanhd& I GiP L DIVIDENt> NO. 1. E-~tS NoIM4Nt GVR ba mlx memlbs~boIsg utihas ose1 per esnumdeuLUOat 4~wiml pairab4i. 571a ;Z 7bi4-2 I aie et mymveu Soul io - Connty of qDtýIo toi the E !~M ýTHOMAS',li "t lb.TOIUbeé FIÂNCIÂL aco tç b lb.statuil Grand Trun* NEW ÂDVER1'IlEMENr1'S# .183, Money Sa yod is Money G ainod. 'S Has deoided to offer tihe whole cf hie., immne stock ôf. Te.. and Gencral Groccries, China, Crockery and Glaisware, for,. OÂ8H or PRODUCE oey, at a siaughtermng reduotien. We offer Green, Black and Japan Teas, worth 50 cents, fur 25 cents perlb., or 5 lbii.,for $1. 60o Teas for 5c. 75o Te. for 50c. $1 Te.s for 75o. A trial of our Teas wiil convince you that ycu cen cave money by parchasing at FBABER'S Brauilian Warehcuse. Our fresh- grtid ffle 25e per lb. Loni- doitPearl Coco.., frcsh ana »nutrcieiis, 26o per lb. à 2 Ibo. bright Porto- Pic.. Sugar for $1. Fiesh canned Salmon and Lebsters. Fresh cannedl Peas, Cern, Tematoes, Peaches ad Pine- apple, Juas and Jellies, Candiod Peels, Flaver- ing Extrade,- Fresh Lemons an& Oranges, New Ourrants, New Valcutia and Layer Rasn,180g, Nuts, aud Mixed Canidie, Pure Oream cf Trar. The;Ocelebrat. ed LnieBaking- Powder, manuf..ctured fre, every .week, and, se0ld nl y . rse, ptonbuýnWedthée et b al ho -u ilas EoB0I ià * ,heris, -Goblets. Tùimblers ý&I&., ata IBar. ü ýWs wilsefl out the bà lancef otbr LaÃpso ôL. Ouil earlyand git a selecioil. "We have&a specWinyl It haà eýf Woodw..rda -0E1IC 'ATE-0- N"EBý8T E <3U fkâ M re duugeèlte drveermnfr~iu 'tlbbdies cf l>yisg or »Ûre ttin'wL Th.asre a good thing aind c onemore th"n .Oit.Eags. iV;>cou sUna mehemna birat uÉïilinWarehose. N.B.Wantd, ny qant4,r f god IDried .4ppt >'ff., A= ja Mo. - lin; 8, 1088. - ~.- 'u*u.~ akeern 088.TAYLORF "c - --wlfl~ plais / KYIIIV T~ELRE 'rCP .3.u di .14. Mad WWNs.i * eq -b» be - A. R. CÂRMICHA UT; ltbe 1 vi 11lu v oreU Le b rasaW -MWa rper. "Mezwith et aoc a st« 11