Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1883, p. 3

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.,job Impwtations .,for,ý,,pring,' we oprepared,, $how the largE ZEIRAL DRT - GOýQODS, 811 M( iortea- tockof - -AND CLOTHINQ, t rittho publie ofthicOuu7yhbvé, et ieen, t4nd àa pce 1Tf~T1TTn u Iis Doeutrmýnt wM butomud theeet Bk 'W,«""5O.' aisB oh jIAJlfllUt. anoanadiaxi~n OMU Btingo, audchuaIorns fr4 Fauta.OnGoodsansd FI iIX~R.J-nt roooivcd âsuthe moat Fashionablo, an& Leading Hps i ats anti Bon- EiLI[ ij nota, Vr oalt sor R fMwrFates raet, ibbons, Laces, tic., i&o, )RESS In GOODS. gyOustomershave alrosdy prononod our Sto iDrous ?rints, Linons, <Joons, Towellinge, &0., Wo offer extra value. LVBlack Bilks, Brootide Satins, and Cashmrsecal>ie od.. BEOTIONAL VIEW OF MILLER'- NEW MODEL" VIBRATTNG TE=RR. fanufaotured by the Joeeph Hall Manufaoturing Company, O8hawa, Ont. The- mont perfect threaher. -the-Most perfect separator. the mou .perfect clemner ever offred to the. public-. The. only true grain saTer. BLACK Oa=4 ,sept.l7ts, 18a3 W.. 04 Gi q., 08,, amc. DiaI Su-Talk *bout threohlng i have ihr.eed anud bave baen&roundi Ireab~lngatachine. the lut fiNea. osi., *at1 Ihave voeu sons. gooti &chines, but tht 64Nev Model," 1 gel Iyen, la s&saa of *Dy 1 over MW i.2 us .8 epot c i vry respect. nover vasas all saeflid vith a machino e s Iam wftIa ibis. I oould e mors, bvf tik tatbis ile gf- o t ousvrytuy ry HER M EÂVEBl. kicriptive Circularus, givimng fizi inrmtion. sent fre. to~1applicantus. "B.loâw h $eiv" A $ufa o rea ~1t~ Pmpco,~ol.,Biotohea &o., te1 lot, par# . mar1ly piessast elgbt, sd rvsrlblbutoken aàanimpures " 01 he = . Di. dCloeu'uon SomaaBit. e free thse cy#î on t *1It ro eu à timonr. tenuders tb. Bicod Pure sud col. vide digesilon sud givea a heaithy ýppett. For asie y aIl Drugglata lua arge bottesa st 50 conta.1 Ladies vii. woold regain th&& clear '001 complexion mc justly C.svteâ, vili talian tisir hepea ýy nsIng Fonoiain f noalth. Prieta !e cenls. Mr. N. G. Dencf orlrtnu. Ont. luglt a seere aid.lIna a 1w days bi ufflptomp beool.o se 115. uoao f ocnalstpilob tbat ho andi hie friandl >Oaum* aloru.d cf thse ultimato renchi, liq physician, vho thought anoreocf de patient'@ velfara thancof tbeIei. e natte cf thé profession," recommendoti ri. Wigonà'e aPlmnary Cherry Ba1- amns muo tiever>'hbut eModz knowu ta, u'mm, ithli, and Mrt. Dean, on tikIngU t au lua àvery short tiame ustoffl to- 1@aIthý Il a ganun plesînre te ta. r te Snob vosadefai l"cure s tht. lu haie days cf qusekery and of *"profe#4. suai elkhet.. Precauienar>'. Thare bai been oeany procauiions «inet ire pnhttahed but lot a pereon ceorne acoldnaly berned or ealdeti. nd ev pecopie bnov vhat ta do lu£ baunce of as dootor. Tii. ver; betC smody kuo e ta srd& eflow ii there" fo.h14Pncafor ,11 pdd ~ ileWm aoi ioesc. Thso&@ are BoUdPacte. Thse beit blond purrAn" systent regulsar *ver placeti itisin lthe réei 1f snfftrlughuimutl'trWin .Eloctrie Bittue. fnInutv4L>; IeéLiver. BEh. ouanea. Jaundicu, Oontipation, Weak Xldid.', or an>' titie eof thinu7r orgune, or viscever rtlutrsu an M. tiser, soute or suhid ti lsulasstviU al. ways Sund Eleotrio Jilîle tli het and only certain cure kuv,. lb.>' sm aurai>' auj!qulokiy, i.vuwy 15.111egur. lee t tgive eutlreesttsls 00lon o e> réfnteti. Solti MI AIL>' cula à botti. b>' G. A. Povellr A Startllug Diecover>'. Pisysîctans are oftquip tartieti h>tr.. narkable tus re.Tb@Sefflait a Dr. Ring'& Nev Dtl.v.ry for Con. sumplicu anti &U Tistoan sd Lu"g dissousu t. diii> curtngz pattt lé lb.>' bave glveu up t te tadn îhem toaise itu istenusé cf dut', anti Ïrsmine into tise mitie cftli voudet kui diecover>' ; réulttug lu hundrede cf our béat Physîiisusiiug ILut iobit 9 sls. Triai Bottîesefreo et G. A. go",l' a DruR Store. Regulat isse $1.00 Hleadacise, Bîltouineci, Dyspopos aud qCneiipstiou pcutiy ieIl*ved mu oruti b>' .tOseer. Osiio' sLom- &Ois anti Constipation BIttera, Au a famille mffoîine tha>'are fp ueilcr lailola I.large botlmi a00cotf. Mir$. Ectman oft »othv.fli»Y» Mr> dsughUtr wavuer>'l *uts Bileu Feter, saietiDr. Oareeue SLomansd ouatpat.n Bîiteru vtLh udel.e cuite, out Boli.entirel sebdu.d tisa roter sud tisorcugol>' riored beu ta anlî sdvigor. - 1oa!Ipotiut &Dmue sof *9 6"m81 eoncmy la tise depmtrilamimfea iseKl*YsI tise yare Obstnwtein Eia werk p suiq alc atid uger. s~a aiseuse envia4..M4 te a. fl.aa ParauALERIT, Dec. 18th, 188m. EBUoxCKCUE, Nov. 131h, 188&. TG the BdUo0r Of Lthe PMrtPeanStandard: . W. Glm : SIIdoute ta calthei attention of Dais Su,-! theugfl euld. vie' tho larmer cf tht. victft tea nov ta you snd tell Yv o bey1Iget slcug tbrehbiug machine madie bl' t. Jo«. ,fti toe "$ew Xodel" Thtusher I1ge Hall Maufactu.rnugo., cf Oshawa, cf yen lait«m er. i ii ssi elb.t0 caiiad the. Nov Modal Vibrater. Mr. rtadntngbtteru,-# Je. Viikery bought oe o f tboa@ mach- mth, sud nothn mebut tii ttntb,- tues; sud threabed for me four tiya s b dmcneroha Igve m eserfe ct l vinter, aud gave me entire satisfaction. not bogin ta tbresh -for aIl vise vanted Wth th. construction cf these creens. o., auti oould bave bati job& euough for vtbrsting ametions andi utbsr athacismeut. ws ahi 'DIhaibt sn.Ts I think it utta!r>'-impeaeible for any fermera vhoax 1 hava ibroahoti fer îay grain ta b. vas . arn mfuilly con. that 1h. "lNov Modal" le lb. oui>' par. vincetdin l my ovu mmud, that iL hau footmachin. tbey hati arn had thieuis savd e imdeuble tise pric*o 0 i teduiD< for thius. Toute trul>', lu the .asvIu cf grain tbf, unison. It daonetise grain pertacti>' and threehea JOSE H EBL vory rapidiy. IL is lb. mcml perfect:o tbreaser I bavae ver mue or useti It le a rosi prain »er. BeSiOSiOfêti"O Tours grui>'. JOHN -MeDONALD. Model' befor you purchau. Tha boihteieay buovu for aIl affe tiene cf lb. Chaet. LngetrTisteat in GuRuS YuPur01 RisusSPImcaGOUis. IL te onotantiy usealb>' thou.auti cf pet. sons iuferlng from the above dt»a.ea, sud li uer>'ever> inetact-it affords iimediat. relief. In cass-cf troubla oons., ticklion Oongh, wviseathb.patieus paus.e lespleu.nighti, euneort tv dosas of Ise Syrop ha. mcii a quitiu, wootbing effu.ot tiesai oenn*sud tise Coogi s peetiidise p peau. Try tL and bu couvinceti. Seib>' &Il chamia'ie. Prie 25 sud- 50 sauta pur boul. Be carafutof ycur eyee, for once loat thay eau.tsvor ha roplïa. OhuehMl's .Climax Bye Salve lae béate. Prices 25 cent. 1' ïnpieu atidllotoise.vounlsi ke chl t. iafor tisa vini, visen Ciiurcbis' Climax lMye Salve sud Oitmeut le ap. pied. Pries 25 cents. - U3ars cf Plle cas boy Lb. hait la the venld, puraly vagetabie, at 10 oul.aa saoepie box, tise> are Hopi'& Realt. lug Pie, (ingar-coatei). Au important depatture ù=ci the grlplng, debiltatian sd elckealug McM a- Pond#, are Hope a R.guiatlng Pille, cl> 10 csaseaniple boa. try lbom. Charlue T. Ca.eoimaus, Drugglst. cf Ohestervillu, write. ta tise Prcprl.tore cf tisai Severelga Tôie, Bordeek8lood Bittais, "TYour Buidoek BIooa bit. tort. ghvo niversel meamtictou. AU your médleilue «oIl val ldam y 01 M>' cntstulre viii taku ne other." _ It n1pe pr ihis>' bicot!tma thM i. Seos tise-face d btgiteik tisa *y@. anil givea eleticitthb.e iep, ebtainet b>' naine thse Fomaof c f Ha th.Pw iiconts. tis4~~ uatut tbuphoua." tu, Db a ot a. $00c Ig~ liai me& _à aïd fer:>' and Lla£ls. charged 50 ceaI «.a. QusonaraOrrica, Mah80& lem. Goqu Wieel......logo a 0 Whaah .-.10 * 0 Ipurcyl...... Bsnley,....... 6 "Ibo4 An Amver Wauted. oun aY .ou'bvi o . f iDnycorLUvi.ComplalntLOutL ml.. trie Bitter. vii nDm ieedil>' cureWe »aY lbeau » ,se bon.snals of esee slresdy parane1 ptl>' urodanti vWho oeapiait qniokly cre.Thse"parti>' tise bioctiregula W i.bevais.s"daSM dait>' uopon tie .aued parua. Bmeybottle gratd.For msata 50 ceaahe botly> T. 0. WhltfWad. For (tongha sud Colda, nu s Um Luug Bat.rn 8.«avin auie NEW AflY~T8EN LT wm 3.. -~~~~~e - ONa I8Ta Gf t. & Dry Goods, Carpets, 'M'llhinery;Purs, Cloth in g-s, at and Capïs, and *Ge-neral Family Groceries, Amounting to Fifteen Tho-,uB? and Dollars, must be cleared out regardlss, of - p~Jo. -~Th gratSale wil Commence o ~- Wednes d4,71 iarcI 4h- 1 883,and fontinu1utHtck dîsp#scd ol Whitby, Marci 13th, 18830. A. k~. t .L~. - :1 .5 NEW AUVERTIBEETS. PROPEIITY for 8ALE. tYI ret hle = =frs.tocpo EeUotia. WIII buy1 l 510acr., lmniollaly nortis cf tise Ourlo La",., '.lesp rt tud orearl;vi ana àlfo aprVA. raaueOrpaut viiiha scai, a 590pur acrs. Will bny I6891W ecroa, oppoite aboya, spd asllownng W, P. P. & r-ndny pRaiivay Station propert>'. Weii ituateti for buiti- en and m» fcunguposés or Lunubar yard Or part. vwail ta snodIai 5900par WM! ý,uy 4 Lots veut of property cf Tisorap Dcmq.; tvo froniing u Dundae.et. sud e su TesT. Tht. -las a ualo ubuUding lot. WiII buy valuable Lot at corer cf Duta. asud Beynoidi Street$ 09/100 an acre, i chain, 79 flashs front by à chsaîne deep. WilI bu>' 2 77/100 mare.s onth of (1iliscrt streot an ti o f W., P. P. & L. Bahiva>. TERME OF SALIL-Q(no.fonxtis catis; balance on ressonhie=&nnai te tine, intaram m17 pur oul., laityosrly. Purchauars my Psycasah. Or Azy cf Ithe aboie proprty net eoid lIOtbof Ms' viU tar.nLtie perions a.m Rn. hLbý' r hdIr Fait. W. CÂSBE, Banl.ter, Snzlh F0 & I~~NrC EDaIa Foi Ic« am. -PU ma 291% à, Thatis what agreat may ot peeple v. ý,doing They dout)ust k6oW v z tii matter, but they -bavé a A combination cf aches"w Pains, sud oach imoutixtheyV growwoeo fa is &PHULae ma Binms,'aud Ibis hbyrap'4 WN aud thorough with the. blood purifes aëM entie,% it,, and ieh, ulroug 140edlowing to evey pant cf the sYstei repaýit the wasa t ssues. drâïitîî'eut Dey and 'liVrtdimaue icusneos, utermt.entfevers pr whob",-s R Xceua ?,Nov. ytls. a882. F _twvis a POret suflerer - ~ D1h~:; Pot wroi la* .ugîeaaad"#eau, thenta0Lost.Srangtheu a sdm o ri a soter=s atpxdiu u» eMd e u oaa»tet ourve ee g r'Wltheaisordor osa,, mIgue, ceousPasl with t Ueus * cm*, Il.l *6uarlaul. npble8 rue isailey s"dru&. # 8.~UiUIt1#is .olt b>' esc*M. uaIm o. o es mfor e10 III 1e4mIeioof Po~agou -,,,T, WANTED 1 VAS%» IUdîb e.j se m mmgoq. c Watin lIλpl4e sutlêg.t f -9 1w Paro"é e. AV V <RTIE m E ' Try the-Boot and ho Store of 0OHl AU DE NORTH STORE, s, MÂRXET BLOOX, For the greatest comfort in this cold weather, Warm AND,.->SHOES 11 OF FIBST-OLASS QU&tiITY AND BtITÂBLÊ FOR. ALL. Latest Styles for Ladi.es, Gents, Misses and Children, setiug at reduced prie, to male room for Spring 8toik. Custom and ordered work of superior make and finish as usuaL. ý" Punctunhty snd ceoapncss in aRi lngs. 41t Whitby, Jan. 9, '88. Western Bank of Canada, DIVIDEND'NO. 1. N OTICE la HEEIT GIVEN that a Dividenai of thre eandi one-bali cent ha& bie and rodpon the PaidUI p CI, he ank or b. currnt Oteaznta ong at tise raie of moyen per oýtper a&=u«4,andt bait, be tramie vil b. due anBd Payable. on anal cter Nonday, 2d Day of April, 83. st 1th. aficeo f thse BU& nTie tranfer book wM b.ce lfrein tii. 151h to tise tQua ths e OraI A"unI Moetbag othse obat.hoMlttiàwlm k Icifr the. cacho cf *A flxa à" nt "h othr buinassaat levx .'?e tlèfre 1154 ,moo#nig, Nith bd M * tbe .Bauk, on theoSD sootWdnnudainlu April sezt, t 2 o'eock js.-ni. By OMM rci thé Board.0 r!. 'ELMcILLA2i *ab.wa, Feb. tbt, 1081. l, CaJi4r; JOHN SAUNDERS, 1 Norths Store, Market Block.! KING - OF AL L SEWING ..,MACHINESI - (JAk<MOHEA [ N EW ADVERI'ISEMENTS. lA 83Money 8a ved 18 Money Gie.'3 -----<0 'Ru decided to offer tÉé whole of- hie immezùse stock of Teuan sd Gêerai (3ioceries, China, Crockery and Glassware, for CAÂSH or PRODUCE only, at -a slanghtermg reduction . W.V d offerOreen, Black sud Japan Toas, worth 50 cents, for- 25Y cent& per lb., or 5 Ibo. for $1. 60o Teas for 95ei. 1675ed Teas for 50c. $1 Teas for 75e. A trial of our01 Tons wiII, convince yen that you ean save 0 moncy b>' purchasing at, FRASER 8 Brazilian Warehouso. Our frosh- ground Ooffee 26o per lb. Lon-. don Pearl Cocos, freshand nutriejeus, 25e per Ib. 12 iba. briglit Porto Pies- Sugar for $1. FreBh oanned- Salmnon sud Lobsters. Frenli oanned Peas, CJorn, Tomatoos, Posohos sud Fine. apple, jamosudnaJolies. Candied Pools, Flavor- mng Extraets, Fresh Lemons sud Oranges. New Currants, New Valentia sud Lýuycr Raisins, Fig.,'Nuls, tc -and Mixed Candios. Pure Creani,f Trxtsr. The <Jlebrat- e4 Louis. Bakin$ Pewder, msnufactured fresis ever>' week, an&?'j sold oady by B. uer, is pronounedeiti best b>' ail vl s Glus Rovis, Pitohers, Goblets, Tumblers. &.1) at a Rargail. We. viii eUcut thse balance oOr Lampa -at otit. canuoarly and - gel a selectien. We.ilsYL. a speoisit>' inlise hape of Woodward'.; whieh arc., uign-ed b drive -Verin rm ibodies -of Iaying or setting.fovl. Tbey are a,.good,,tbing, sud - sud A se tlem at ts-e BaiinWaroéhosc. - NB.- antJ, nyquantity of ood Dried .Applesl- Eggadon Buter ti. Whltby, Jan. 85 1885. .U - - Devers LIVEROOLLON1eOItS 15.00 ReaZuoti~s~ fto,,. Engla Fova ietianà Grepaft ro Pabi, TÈt, 188 New -Watchmadkor- and Jewloy G. B aTAYLOR ritE "j'. t t - BOOTS- I 555 c mage 1 '.

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