c seilofter to ub- W] lby nwu oIwfth le ooxuiîed W4.itby> SAlua- DAY ieUT" frnt reit date un- 91 U tv. là t, 1884,4for 05 cents; frob to-eet subocriberi large litho- j=potratof Hor.liver mowat- thée 26'z 28. Y.arlysuboription rate of 'tuzoiicmu, $1 in aavaiio, iuehfding promium portrait. _ - ]Robot-"on& Bro Chroniele Building, Wliitby.- ]BUSINESS MEN!1 Thé, facilitios -of .-the CHuNxc~EStenhPrinting Betablifihrent are unexcel- led by any pýrintin fiei Eastern Ontario. Contracts -for al ola.sses of work made on olosest torns, and work ii ail cases gaaruiutoed. J. S..Robertson &_ Bros., Pro- priqtors. John Stanton, mnethanical superintondent. lew Advertiaementis thia Da81. Abatt V Rturu-J. H. Penty, R.- turniing Officer. f....for Se-J. G. K.Iiey. - rm, Tres.-S8eth 0. WUou. apeoiai.-Â. M. RWOi. Lam Curtaiit-À. K Rou. Drt. lov' sturgeon 01 lIoniot-j. W. ,Brayley. )4lIch Oov for sai.-4. W ~. Aims.. SewmT Wanted,-MNion.e, M. &. S. B. Mc- Gréat ÂAîton Saioef <if'riiitîîre -Lh. 'îir- lianukaAuotlîînoer. (1anté Truink Tickpt Offi<c -G;. Il. Yile. Ittoîoeutter Tlîi _I Ilqpb An ttup,,rLBiint îicý n nlo of firtit- clamm forrnittirî, (lis, çr.iiorty <if tIr. Rainp> of tuge ft ihtül, Wilttike plise on Frly lni satunisv, luth and l 1Uh lnct. Partiounrs iti airer tlaing coiumust-of thiqig ne. of CITRON- lots. 1.5-?Gel ONLY Si ci PER ANNUM. Wtiltby, Frtday, Niay 11, 1883. Tihe Weitber. CanneSt Air John, whob o h. e 4.111 1000,W imch ichi. questions luineU-, esal it1.. su Liquor and Woman se vhat eau bu dose vîltb 4Wisbort Il la aiuer> day question. and aithough tijo »16 aburulng question, ysm it im à qatoie uniug---fuel. lThe abo10inabiy oid westher i. ruiulug th. (repation of the ocunir>', and if il la impossible to abolh bhecouliaswhy thon boihb the wnter. It. easy enough doue. Seleet a comitte. 10 oit un ILt.Sariousiy tihe watter werite Ah. eneldertatîou cf Qu. Who bus don@ imîl eau do no mucb-s bu Party cli Rough on the Mati New.papcr. Sir John lu e dlocussicu iu tihe flousp on Tuseday on lteuestion of the min- A Gooti Citizen Gono. Outto éple ver* a puueiLan, cn 'ltsiay, .>' Oýleamedst ltiMn. Samuai ~B, RetSchlardvare meOroaau, one of ýour mod lrepeetal elthsss, taI ilutas scmeunihto le bil, sItea inies. et insin> Iv. metits Dec a d tbeau actlvel> cugageti lu business i t owe fer abeati uluetoe yeart.. He v»e a. gced eltzé lu lbthueut senseocf thei tares, sil by hi.. tsilly zmunter -sud! 'acmewonty vsrm-iteartodneeu had, dur- 'lg h i moe, giihercd areunt i hi bouetf ylreuda. H.ea a ditealenor o lh. Ontarî$ Ladîis'College,aud a mcm' ban et titi Board cf Manageuteut cf ite dseida Methodiot Tabernacle. Tie -funersltecok place le lite Union Buriat Groun n , u retia>, follcved by a linge roncoours. cf citizens,,&aIl pucescf eu .. hing alosed frue 2 te $:M p. ma. 'lb.chiof muruen. prisent vare lte tvo broth era of lte uloessed, Richard quel Frmncisa Hatb, and hi.sIe mson Praok snd Pnodenlek. Ttc pel boieane vsrs Mamnse. Major Huarpar, J. B. Pcv. -., ;. L. Smith, Hfassia-tiWllbo:, J.B. Phllp' Mdt Yeoman Gibsen. Prosent front a dlstanouas Bv.asrmrev -of'et labero, sud, Laird, of 'brosSeo .Jeb ilBic., of1 Pe4rbore, the eMéL@Oye oef théTorontoe Heuse.and oliekî en P.spased wui, u-h.451h ion.'ltbe' ;Zom-ont t sorrOlintSi>ItIu Tb*' mIEad l Ciqelg oueapt. -" ,Pem Our eziuges 6lu asus Me.. ~I.fbPtovince , loua tithelb Ae uerbief yse ,b~a u Aa s$ li~e wleole woirld vas horlaedbyt - comiDlltal QIon.ecitue host AIro"#el 1 peitioesiferl uon record. At thi ver> rapm.nt thst Mr. iaiitn.'a Govem.1 meut, snPPortod 47 botb partie. *btb Hloud.n e4 Pallameut, snd ibs.k.d up suco bs the ýpue.'ef England, ý *tu Mailing Ihe- mce r.aenuefsiort!te retiras. th. giracce.. eoftth.Irish p.' Pi., sud bc padel ébhhir sWladeb*am..u1 by oondiary deteagogue., and"i vb.n Chi efforma saamad about le b. orevn- ad by signal sucoe.. b. Phonix Park trag.dy vus enacod sud th. publiei t id vie rouaed te suoaspisoit cf as. auperatlen Chat good men faired ltés tobeinea of banevolene. e'ould b. wreh. ed by a tempes& cf vengeance. Hlappil> câln counsi. prevauled, sud 10 the. lu- finie oredit of $b. Britsh Pariament, th. course cf lagilatilon did net, aferve for on@ moment froin th, strict path of benevolenoe.sud Justice. But uotwithsaauing the protcund deoire ounlthe part of Englan t l do justice to Ireland thora irese a cales but faxed determînimion le bring aiU dis turbets cf th. public peace te, atm~ se- couns, sud tb 4idicste 1hé mnajoa>cf the law no rnthieaeiy sud vateny tramupled tudar foot. For a Sica@, ln- deed, it aeamed sa if Wrong vars dès- tined te triumph and 1he sehames cf bad mon wquld baffle the oMoier. eft he lev lu lerreting ouith e prpotrMon 0 1h. crime. Conjectur. eWl*vrd oe- bur. sud rumer minier, ouili the=ubI alcmt lgrvw wasry 01 pubtlesW tu the issu of the uMeIL. But b.p$1 'tu tha socf Jusit , ato..asu " e1 .liéls =onth.e.1oferl»hl la- uniphatoven M"ii..astia.sg lb. voeu hau rad wfth haabtsrm tanl t bey 11mk buos 1mofcldsoee via pu t oguber b b tSl.d*oeivs "sd bowey l. enaelun.UsOf calme Preoud sa ilha. doi. ue tcu ado et cbsa lu- stanea, ltse ddfltegnlcgt f tttis bloti> cmpact.'h. intrious 0set b. netaricua plot ane nov fui> .x--.dtu vlav, sud h lanlbard &0 »Yay i Ombr vs fial mer. serrev fer tha mund.red det or the nmisérable vr.lebaa Who fanee lb.> vera doîug Ihein eountry servies lu mrikiug snob vicked biova. Doubs- Icts Mr. LBurka, noeuasthoan Lord Oav- onidulé, would gladly bava ahed tha lait drop of bleod lu hi. velu, te brîng pesa. iad happiramas te lrûuand, anzd il may b.. tht ir a ttriot blod bas net 11ev- cdilsj çai::beuesthtl tésassasina& steel; y,-t w.. ba.not but ftrel that tl.eir noble detai: nci:ld bc but ili utened h> the iîangilig et a score <of sncb uretches as 1,iînned sud sooompimhed th§uir ule- 1> end. I& le to ariy tle aite vith certsiu.y wbaaî wili be lte juniabmcaét aueted ont te ail Chose ceoeruod lu this gresl crime. Death, ne doubt, wiilb. 1h.e penalty cf sumo, sud imprisouecial or exieof ethera. Il i. te Le he1éed thâat the prime nstiator. wherever bu mî&y be, will ill iii mbtlb.toila bf lte law auJ roeins tiu rsva.rd due tb hi. cold biood.d atreoty. *'Numh.r Ount"itbu earued a plice.fer hiuaiiluIhi.acoun- try .sa latory, but ilbis amengat bar vens ensmies. Thé Brillit duloclve bus pluoed lthu art Monte amys. tery omd lis Iniersnte S.usaë@6101 slnéppsdd cfhi.di.gfuela ns a ulk- iug sud imposent rutugeafrou Juste.. Il isudoubstfl if lh A~ u o "Y- lt i, noterlti oy adi> te e land, vould huem" .te sogn l" I feunuti vitai h.bordure l e Bl"i Jnstice.. Until b. lgbroujiht le secou th. blect e Of velibvlé S a i d frqm th. groert h. viadln of the la,. Mal Jualo.beu tls8.d aMd Ireliat'.e r . id la ",.8 Justic belvuen peope sud peop.eau beivus min sud man lbsir anreul gee1lfleaI à Colleglata Ins:lîute. BI-XONTELY ZXAUU<AIoN8. HsooUR ROLL. le order te b. plicel on lte Ortia Bell aIt tc *xauiuations, il laeaes.. ian>' for lb. papi 1 talat"in t>' yenP centl. cf ltemark. illow-ed for séà suhiecel,and chi> ypar cenS. o e t h ml unehar of mark&s iile. Posés il-I. James Draper ; 2. Min> gaDonuoli ; 8, Minnis Cleedenan. FOILU L- i. Vincent MaBrati; 1 Rltie Baue; 8, JLE. JaSfery ; 4, ja&mu levier. Bouée puplm vhosa Dames -vonld bave appaared oce lnli vnsieaulr Imem ltseaxaminamon Ou "aont ef 'lb. amueothe .nocuatlulla lu t.é tiintant fi ertb tonrmve ia pear nemI veai. TOWN COUNCIL. Au u.uusuur smata5on soi uUe- ir "WuEFATMa. The res u metngofthlie CeuseRvu bel oon nda evsnl n asaM aars, LOjDe1uy Heevu) as sgiub anti Wmahe. C Ou motion lte BRoms ol ltsé bits. Minutes 0i former meetinus emiasti FrmJosp ew~.beny alin; lthe CeU- cu t remt fd Wws=»="g te 518, ftr te Yomr.l1m81atmmitlouaieë, os te vis lu vanypeor iroumslnmius - Prou G. T. Smait, barniatar, ounbutai et Johnu Smit, lunviicit hoeobjecte: te lb.e decheen oet Pance. Vteym ou lb. groan t at bo bai ne notice et tfueirpro- eeinRa. lad, h.oeau rone ltaIIthe vatmn courue aib hrongia Mn. Wiis' landi ani thai ltae Corporation bavlng chageilée course of water il lhe expeuseofeaiM.williu som* 6 years ugo, te bas aufferatianti vilbold lte corporation Itabla. Pilbu Mesura. Hon-se Martin atiResu y>kIuug use ef Pair GrouniLà for C0mb Holiday couar cF IEnIfla. Mn..Pox moed, secoudeti ty Dr. Bogart, ltaI HI. Worshlp lb. Ma ora, D puty tioear sud Messrs. Robentuon Binit andi Dovuey t'c horst> ippouinlte L Court ef Bovisiu for thte preseut pear. Carristi. OU ouam-ra oésoeusus nTe clITiczs. Moned by Mr. Long, acoonded b> Mn. Dowznej, tht th Pair o Fe unils b. gr» e Cickeon.Caznied. Oomumguunhallt e PauVievers ol sien 1 eferral te 'leva liellon. lu maunnAnoa onr iMà as n m181au» leu on théanto"lof Ur. 72,sI oadb Dr. Bogart-*lite"ucl ~ i s cemuit.levii o tle lias thpellla b. mncbpLed by »eWmgj< aioirpoes lca Il psaffle lasçg té» nba fttelp, 5'>. lIs - 00 It ase ppyusexte» b Iqo SI . VeaL-Zm éept _ à WEIITI pS. eut ausosa.. as pas a'mus womna. #o.. evirpe roi 4it wn à &a=e- Imary: MARC. L Ap L. OitBel Av. On BHeu Av. Deala W, 86 05 67 .a§ MoW laiii 119 lu i24 B" £Io 149 me taoa 918 184 colleé lmtutboys64, gtil 89, to- tallu Stevrage 104. MI. fY&mawLL sala, tl VOUoulWu eII noIv the. wtnter via ear tle vutusousefthle erovdad atteadmncetailbhe ury Stchol, ils couvnulst situation tendod dur tge Peast avéera i ssen te ceotatea n froué tb. othar smebee. The f ollovlng seectuts vere rtiporlei cor- rect anui on motion lbth e ntvie aopa0 and the aunerai sesenU o ordn le b adi D. 0. Dovwai'. for coi,58M5;T. G. Whi- fied, u iesfortreIL In;J.7O; S. J. Y 18 tostovea etc 08.19. Ãhequestion ot1teulng sua oruamenting vitit shade tros 1h. lot renati set ed te lte aeut Olh. Bny t. choocvia dlmcuu"mdat acuadensboen;th. A motion by Mrt. Ring, seconudai b&y r.Butledge, em- peveniug tahePropertyOomittee tb erect a suitalile fane&round 1h. proparty, and to plant sa&e tramou ite atreeta snrronung sud lu the loti 1115f viu carrled. TrsCx.uax&u brenit Up the malter ef Celiegiat. Institut, fesby neporting thst 8152 6e i rai aaaleum leu. al biencol- leated, by tlt*lePrincipal, thurau ve, il veulbah e.aar o tuae mesaction l it, mater, anti ibeutlte fouafor ita n ser am i viten nedue. Tbls r" the b 'bolelquestlnoetiuaor ne tu MmasTigsà U gmtoin o-tan abe ra- peellie irgumsta agait au ndfor. ILD. Bà enu IaI tht vu e rs tbon"A te tr itula sbesefer 'a juan stan>rt, liai vamilt m v ey15 eul *wrk ! * s evPuieiplte fermer rem., clhlia parentm on utin huao hbanaila otèe, a cetaindate. ieann Sool te aMeara ,w=vtalepsr weu uaas7telte WuvaiSvio f ltse bu lIa. aumesa ilb.étuée. ba mn;~ ~~~o viii p rt ilas urteuluna. Ou =otion tseeumits.on cm . m anag. Meut var br aste ebiain the nacas- W Lw .eoned by Mr.Barclay. I thît lb. sohcol management cemîta. coneader and report il lh. nexl réestingeu lte subject of scblaishlp. belng given in lte COnhlatu Tustitute. Thé merer onj spesing te bis moltionsaîd <bat il vas a part clietee echsme O t gue nb, os.it vould"i ha gst a1heip le suy Peor pupil u gain a ache irth p. Mat. Fratarsoa thonglit tht it nréb ltae ehillen cf. voli-to.do parents s-be vonilà gel It ev,.ay tlnm., sud chargea lt h vas plain frein vt he b.mener oetb t lme- thon bad l ays sald wbespeakiug on ibis aubject,ltb.h poor mas son abould bavensh sow.e, (Mr. 'rguson). huMd thai overybody theuli be 6n the smnefoot-1 ing lu liée mà tiler eofdutailon. The mitlionj oarrt.d. Mr. Dov, aeccded ta> Ur. Bamolay,înna-ed ébait the commitiee ou Bcooec Property bc iniarucboilttecomsîder tlb. didnability of povldins Instruction lu Pbmongnaphinl theGOWID1 A"rueorttuerucu -i<ae nem.stlng. Mn. Sianipuel dnsvlng Iu*uclefor 1h. publi aca 6"sn oet cia»»ss.il am" ma Poo ibà b.4the mutute, by ~sd s dligtte illb.pegnaa sitvul maP'L n I~ > h.nvea Pickering CouncL saitg faagrt te 4lmmpavt"JmKingie elhwsTreeun et lb. indettosi beoëa lveqint lanîkaf anaPickering barbe. Baverai accosute vesprubastifer pay- Moent. Mn. Meukheu.e lufocdueed a bi-law 15e pavldafer ieumlng dcirsu ndaa, ashow- mon *o. Havlngbeau rad ltresaunerai -lÀee, lint y.1ovacb jMn. Mîitael vus 15.»drsW.1t5Q01n pouZIO.anti the dutie&ot Ur. iorr*m indaredeti. a ta le - guit b.oefstoamuet cfSuIta abor. *L v ule'bvas d atteflr pemlng titrotégi ltè enaaiga Ur.i. *"lufmda iy-iav te lire- scribe tté'iela omo oS lublp offloana. vitlcitviapsm_&ai Mr. Hubiterd lutrodueesi aby.lav <vblab vis rednd brSfaeri nes pae) fertb apoiimm oSeatae ib ML r. mle« nnroaltea a a v t, u eutffenoeanpi~pbi csa b- aas vu av l -IM tlei f q~,user otiterirsmu, . WWhieavu MMd >li.Mekto ?BOX TUE LOCAL PAPERS AN»euOUWé ThinDgâlbave licu- nther quiet te 'tie "v0lago <turing tlb. putiee.b, andt Sore à lttite olintoral ltaocord.. Roevr,- va hana at lia hu a al ,aa i afnt LEA-IN-IG - LEBn-Ii EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE. New Dress Goods, new Trûimig,.newe Prints,. new Sateeng,, ew Ginghams, new Carpets, new M antle Silks, new M-ntle Ornaments,-nwFrilig , ew Laces, newRbbn' The Largest Stock of New and Fashionable Ooods tQ -Select from in Whitby. rfapestry Carpet, 5OC. a Yard. UNII lE N oeuc OILD; Union C.arpet, 50c. a Yard. Al'Goods marked in plain figures at lowest possible Cash Prices. A Mean AtlempIte Injure a Riral. Carm ltae Neya. Near Tilacuburg, Ont. Dm. 14, 1881- F o Oa rie eformer, May 4, 1888. I have beue sliug fir yeare vit as cur resostarar evl avare, the Billoutussenti Dyspepsi. anti wus10- Masr. Cevan vito omfolil contnol duceti te a mers sk.l7sIe Laut fit I lte Ontlarieo iand sé anngs. Con.i. vulgital o iabty-el; P61u8018- I pan>', lteé WeafrnaBank, andthlb.Ooh- vwu indusdti-l -lr Zo ab>' Msr. Ãa illeuble IeoCmanyu. bava Thoni*oii(eftble à = 01t -T43bniffl- bien sleu 118,bittr opou.ls fCo., druistu, et ti p an.idowa5 Mn.~ ~ ~ ~n Of is.lb reie th ie thanle le hlm, I aum »V a oM ss Mn.Gie'i nim laliti bie Lut- itrugi l t. . t Ibis-nv.e- -à @MIin lapolitiasbau lvif. oanald Bot lia. <mBOlfE Oa Onlanl. sd, ils, t h.bu aomtait- Wl. of lîn, ILG, et t.. liatheiu posel a ta l imaileablu The sebratuo taM flf Srm Inc muufacory ila lie Dominion, ducti cf pinbes hLeigln KrM ~ 4 vieitla, cf courée, s ival 10 Ibîl t Ofarda>. The i Mlalea*&srWbgaon lte Meus. Covan. turf liai yssr vors over41O0, Thu malisabioe stineatunel culb >nt tlt ltse Hall Company are of aa vry bigl a'tQ enr?.neit a. nover have benu ma e Diabolos, Brlgbl'i DiseaueKUne7 lu this eeuntry hefora. Sud Applications Uninary onrLivar Complaintseaeune9t bus ire oonéiog in Irtm Ait directionit, eveu contnateti b> yen et - yeufaulIY if from. eu,;,cmera of lte 0.bswi malle,.flop Bittera are nsad, and if JoUAIl ,bl&. lrz.:: i a:. -ready lbire au> cf te».<iwasse Hol s-mç-ùt11ine l..ipuid i e loto trb-ul laB t 'iShaentuy moilce th ltIri if 1,p-ib1 ..iiî , il-- re 1Ioîî.t , nci Ipüc-tt cly cure vou0, Don'tfonrgat tii. tiîîritcn. üthf. M-C-m. (*0, liron-tio ai j., t J::atf eie lpulltnîrp eluf t Ilit lbe (anticio Lr-mu & SzivcngîC, pir- '%; il! -uly kburin yon. clia:tid an on--adi-' idîrft'i&.ii <uo <b I , nioi liimern-tand court pliscr liall Cîrniauv'f aitfblî'bu \V1rkAa f ai w . i mrln buginess. lTe neek tte ao, t'ji i:i-uiatllpcté'i ~ baies have bege-n. le mute coRts. Tbey n-ro writ:fn t Fi1Ecane on the 24til uit.. durimc Mr. Glu AFam xcan absence, Ibat liée mono> bail b-en ar -1Wityou exehango a chr2cic casa cf rangeai for hi: strvearY tftii.. een- fl 1 e tiragree htO bresirnp A Biu. pany. Mm. Robert Woon olepy itme' j ous TetapenimoutI aive jeur ton- céorigîge, anéd tliay wcré aîeied lu et- pi Liven actirity, and-Ihus straugthon ; ~n lb. nuorigige teo chut partie. yeur digestion, regain uniraYo, omufert, Tits lhey refnsed te de. Thon lte e> lsuad spirits, ai lfot 75f A aIngIe voeu sked te moaeoctlas jalemani cf boUle cf ZOwa.A vii de Ibis., A fsvr the exzact seount vhieb ltye> lalmutidomse srri.mthos rie uWhoos e tstaI sloga teutisr igitt be matie cf For Bileuause cutid 1 PpimlIheli the amnonuLt thretwbithet-Jase phbHall ue>fom 18ps ea PM- »"4sa, udlà Coupan>"'&militeru.MosansMeGa. <à varu d s le aurpn t. t ifel qwape jous. Titis tbeyrifesd 1 de-, anti. il> sdplaisaall. *Ya>'s1 il alibengit avare klitt tee naosn anyapW pport vire beungprepaneêby Xm5iUl ÀA gdma aai yhra r uoa à iOu kJenea fer 1h. purposof sab- û.mthoeépimofo ing a légal wtasdur a a sufcmlist ltse lova of Oiswa vus piaeitist.lit - BnigW*suss Dia tes. - Poster.,lait saludal favani, osMlte Beaur e Oeauff ltaIprulead l vrieuons top rongol taeva w voes ourse.diosmses aliter serions eoang, anuolxg lte verefer sals, Klinze>, Urias>' orLUVer Dmsea lantiw a i rtiurl enl vmWuurei cff t l ye >' ulieve i lime sim Landues *4evfi.r te b.aMepur- ç>'Uehly ma - Bltebfle .ly' pese. U* Ke bte Hall Ce:m a me dy litviai so sps.s beplaceà 1h.fune .l intaebanda e4 lYeuee.Idary sirmv tem soilelera. viesttsmnpted teoi-the no cm cf di... Delei7a lain ltse azact ambnut due, liai coulA It nevsn relurna. net; uat, luai>',matie s tendorni0fsa Carter's éLo ivr'Mm im m Amen uin»xceofetbaltbey Ibougitb onM t h , mo sel lite =munt dues eibyitiy d b., s u or uteutiedMi.it oyar. tinly: bavecomamencoed l cisdings to o o r PugaIe. #l ta nt#My i stIe Pui b isOntario L"a & aviuga Cem-unil iliptenêt *v'ripeel.' pany t comply ' vfthe .domintiued Ill iiprv mti mpnonl' upon tem.Suétab T'h. sdvortiaumeuta vene daapated Hvmusetlisf-lt M.. te the Mails Tiu andsud Moertur.ton e, 1 bI ava, gulist 81ponudu on the P=1>06of r«bing 611 -nuta1611il4 Catarnka ur. B&ane titce turienuofa&gnîoollural iuplau.nm. vite Wella 20 ysa. Il itas mèdea mmos. ire largeconusumera et malisabis Irespista cure andtis W orlt *Ã",&bellI te heping ltereli> teprent smo ",tba no e "iaibasste Ciat." # trous aunditi haeti er., ote t'£al It acte » as us rs's sMWtia lvav Oopany bs asoD.-poj>l.It nla itiIv, ue Titi.nsaction lportuotkeaplng sud - trelis. 'basvite aïrk o s vit the onametirlWe"the pnl40ut fiel lit eter mudeielale houlti sol cf lte Hall Ceai bas roelv. ise s taiim n4 n"411 1 1878 il ltban Z.7 à tWu. F. sidiit * J V NA1tU Cocyuanti ý *th be OuîvaVà sdinfc ne conimtrelatiWgavler bu 'boogs.84- "Pomam or 91LIM .outaine au iovad le onos ie t . lva itboul W ha -haset knosu bleod,-Partu a ttis lng prejudimistigapéal 1h.Hall Cern. SOta sudt ek 8~Lio 1 pany. M, ie.casacl b. bustsn po- alemsl, boielé 41 s. Il lîialy, os e nugbe ruinetina Û l"n0011&1eId.~d4~P J>', esaîh.. - botle.. la atampt i le .ï ba>HllCt-siFmà Pac7 tuas baia~n Myré ondmdbyvrattenas »eMf score0wscitonibave calwa Ugen Mr. acaaepltat,as'thé mess vlà ba'u lab and sbed bim toauent toltsfr fud.(«a 1petilleancg th. Kayon te 011P.r~pbi Mnr.iIe .t0l*) meeating, fir *0 .Purpos. of dgiotibelag4mdio ti b Wd lite Ininusallos.y Thvtp0e* e5 j tivos for lB aapparent liait l.ebjqet Trit.-uit fer vitieb it vs io"eIl be deféétud, ord.rs of as Itrly n evdsernes lo bsnya - r 1*Vl Wear* gladt le " alla* apeurecl'fa- . eoaers hist Il la l-th u n ef l t e cou b l~~ Hthe, n~an lcet, imai~éY' moea È fbrl I capaeftyoa(t itemMal-, leable Worka. Tth .it quit>' cf lt'e nlseaIiv spcbes goodeaprodued enautot ainch au amucoturet n tealatltyhnglk.ap M~>' of business amencill tas the ututosttapaý- Smith'&a Oenmm Por Ssady' city 'ci Liée enlamnotea eops. -iTbe Gem- fontit lte opefi aie pir~yestertiay iortiiug receiveil a le0aiolY Ive st.'Hcr4l n- ter frein a large ideen ulileahie cdi'e vItil the -,pwe t .lit ego- castings, siaîlcng, litaI is g d Ld Ees. 'yenra nuly, W. T H&r : l2 hei acu vî aud.i twere iperfuctly sa'- Amicret si.,Metal'. lufcle>'le vu~T'Jnrticulan." end - lh fi:iAa ondening 500 sets mnore imme4iatcl>'. l ola % aééeoum h'o-1i ýf w' Ramensiban TlM& If yen rme Hep Bittera vilé au~sl ature in kinu ye U v WhouteAU If y«om are cor i ,pepllo, er are mfenlng froué an> cf tbe otbsr nmuron «. If yau s setg uj it a 09s a mal au 9mfwac m t euvuSia eam us ttlsuiaheJtsa If lmaeai utrrrduta "P smd&h #Ahter or daté . tr, a eu kde aeaur ceutbog M ot aleWc yn e tumSn Titousanda upan Thousande 0f dollars bave licou spent iu adnarlis- ing thé ceisbratoel i3ndock Blood Bit- ters, but tbis faut accounl ouiy la part for ils enonmonesasie. Ils noitc- Lés macle ilvbst il 1.-lthe hast bloo i neti. icine ever divtsed by min. Every Pereon tc be a Rues uccs ia &hie lite mut laeve s §Pt $ba;Iht in. muât eoiaeenlnate t bh:'tltor cd> sud mimdou nisoepru BauoBWElooiultrabum ilseea aempl.anti rdhi ur eofy à pejosq lve sud blti opns OMM ktent t :" Ita pe ic o a'Swmmseu dyspeplam slite empa-lme»mu OMU'~MOu t," resuats gesun.beM ?Wbu dalma.leaIe~l bl el'. seenus., boslti5 rels, la' Tuit fa vhet à ritm à Wtjut kiowW ie 1 tce On bhi t o achesumd peiasuad ecdimenti they Tte only -sure remcdy yet found is SuLmua AND IltON iBnrzssané*xiuis by rapid sud thorugi aimlatio witi the blood purifies aid niches it, and1 rich, streng lod fiowing toe eery part, of tiée system -repairai the ivastid tissuées, drives out, disease and gives heaith and etrength. Thiis luwly SULPETUU AND IlIoN BirrERu will cure kid- ney and liver diseases, coxsmptop,, .rieumatiséx, -neuralgia, dyopepsia. bil- iousuesaa, intermittenttfoycrs vi.ts a"da"uà til0.asoe. 0" Wmiuis.,saisSu- Masirsl& Ne. i . froud>' à " forasdeverai va wnn eaker cvurda>. M nuanip~toma> 1inevlavs' Oti4pete IMEWARDELLIOTT. Caff DO; eu - À1vsxy.. ir- u 8eld by aio "ins. rieel NEWAI>VERTISEM-ENTS. G.,CrffltAnction Sale of IF4'et VCless Furniture 1. etc, ate-Royal Hotel, Whitby. TÀe bubgcnber hua reocived itutions fron Mu'. 0; W, Bamey, le sea byý.publie onction. nt bis premises, on Frklay and S8aturday, May l8th ' dl9t.h, 1883, -Th wholé_pý,;te furiture et bis Hotèl, consisting in parita follovo: ~d'Room S I#iWlnut, Oak, Ash, etc-. Parler Sets in Haïr Cloté, andn fltssk,- Burdés, Mironsi;- Hairclotit, Cane stated, and common Chair ; Beds, Beddixég, Mattressos, Bcd Springs, Pillows, Blan]ketîr, Bhe~Featiter. Bedesud Pilbowve, Curtains, Blinde, Tapestr>' sud -He&- daernéhten Carpots, Hall, Dining and Centre Tables ;:Cooking, Parler and* Hall $toves, .<Wooà d-and Ceal);,Bideboards, Crockery, Glassware, Cut- lery, maps. Chanédeliers, Table Linen, Bar Furniture aud Fixtures. Aise-- oneg g4,iancand twe good Bifliard Tables, noarly new, enes, lampe, seats, etc. e-c aboyé Furniture je really first clasa, ncarly new, sud as Mn. Bamc~ is glving np business, -w-il hosold villibut roserve. - mroert -lbesl urotation, as per Catalogues, whieh niay b. hée from tIà 1PPopretor or Âuctieneer.- T rpent>'au"be 's'cu an>' day before tic sale. ki4e at 1 G 'Ia.Im_. Each- Day. - L5FAIRBANKS, AUCTIONEER.; L.?R N,-G GOO. D S 1 Try the Boot and Shoe store ôf NORTHI STORýE, MAREET BLOCK; BOOT AN SHES 1t r0FF IBTQS 8 ,U.AIiITY AND) SUITÂIBaE. FOR ALL BARNX Brook Sb" MAY liti LOCAL AND-' WHAT lB BOité ut IN TM BU DBET OF LIVELY 9E OHRONIcLE REPORTE "A -huluue'puag An' fabéeT Oyaterin ouf. Buidra sund pail ttIs veclu. 'h. bing-cf' lte glus te bruiso th a Au inchavertà piper le woatit limai Blak Shha, lt.- count> iu drr,48 edbk P. . Stewaùrt. 'Witb, ib-yvriaite crforr.uong houri ~f ilà amoil bes. - i ourne -1 on ge Bôme v« u ts lune i viutiew È sal H idS] ~nish