THE, WHtT8'f I RO FRIDAY 1MORNING, prom lthe OSce, BonzaBi iBok T£ERMS: 61 - P»AWDUMAlVANOZ *The OCucu u aalrrciuato th"j a»Y Othar paper inh Oul o n tauo. J, S.flobertison cfBros., TERUS OP ADVEETIBING. Fluai insertion, ParU lne, 10 centa; Sach subsequent isseolio, a cents.. D plai aAiveutiiements are mmuunei c nsmulmforobfun n.mam 0o$o imeontinxlng advertiuementa muai bd in velum;,otbsrvlue ah. Publ"iahr viina oruoabla., mente by tl.udopo bng.o contracti svulsgIpsamihaudei in uaote*lardu iyminotimu of any intendmi changes shonlJb. iven b.. for. Tnudaay noan. Othen sive tsementu recivai np ta Tbursiay noon. Busns notices in local ou nmwu columu finit insertion 18 cents perulinomaf Nonr.- ril; 10 Centi perut lieah mbequeti n- sarton. Five cents par limeopoerannum. Ib ouliiyor igborn av lS -Cor. repnienla ae rquat .La eninIbir à ..u<aWnpa?$n POyaossible.> EBute= utno. Buaino88 Directory. WHITBY, -ONTARIO. TEIOMÂSDOW, Whitby, Nov. 7th. 188N. y4 WHITBY BBAXOH. Brock Street, - - Whitby. B&iRISTERS & ATTGaIYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCgRY &e 1 hit1:> yà 0. HKRITHIE. W. 1%, Dullio8, Toronto.Whitby. JOHiN B. FAREWELL ,14 8e ~.RRI8TRR.I,4douà ty Cro*til &Atibrfi. Dami County Solicitor. 081cm,- 6outb wing, Court Bons*, Whitby 48 &.Office fonmerly c. B il BR ~ ~Bulmdge, noit DAVID OJiIaiUToN, .&, AT~O~T.ÂLÂW~SOLTITORTn 9, icr a Street. ick ruk te~ Gb¶b. YUN- RII Ly. . B ARRISTER, .,T*ÂAtoRNam sy., B-ollomioni.onvan rs, . Rolime. LKaMama:A. RRami G. YIJNG MITUZ, SL. B., B Ln itSTery ad Iho.,&c-oujy ta on b. tss, OtMrig iess Ovn D-OYmt oinon1, Wbitb. man.ts, 187. - ec<d pcatie alock, Broo ek % lnt L.RMROENOD mWi am Prineed vorda. en Feb. 27th, 878.- - apta. 0 *AU 0HOTEL, JOHN L28MIE, - 'PraprWeor. <Laie cf lb. Umooe Houa., Touante.) SHaving harenihly nta oe te o tOmera. ,-berepa»dtennvteWa ie ou> tmr. e bar la etocai vlih ibe coocesi brais of Llqiors impore lmu choice Cigan. Good abllnu &ai ttulle. ]POST OFFICE ý P&1OONToaoà rra. Oe T=EE B IS'! 'AOuMO"TION _ for Queula(b-47) lion. à rlm aE)it ROWN, BROUGHAMA HOTEL, Corner Brook amiMain Bleuta, in the - Viffl et a rogbai, boguer. THOMAS POUCE% PROPEXETOR. 2C SDAUgbTIl eEIfor thm L 000 Conies ai n aeXotr sd South Outarlo. Auotion sales of terni mtte, i arm atock. etu.. attend" ai modacate pbangoe.. Aduesa, T. POUCH2RB, 504lyBo 47 Brougham, Ont. ,W-1 R. ý HOWSE, Çhernd -m rugg' WHITBY, ONTARIIO. . TUWM~MERHATiaflBTlIfflDeR L'MIRwholema iretsil, or by Planing, Mouldinga of every descrip- tion, Flooning, Sbeettug, Bbelving, Re- awnShaping, Toening. Sroll-work, qV etc. ec b"*I, c. [ih, 1878. .4 WMITBY. ONTARIO, U(-AîNEGIE HOSE"rtt 7ÂAMRý ,pÂ1BNGIE. Fropriéior. Th&la~quwbas qonAtsêuplubs pes6 nsnlattention ta gem.LI4quors and Digarsof the bust bans.xcmllnt Stabi. in mdEeda. 1ELACKHuE8 BOT£&, TE* eiô4ft it etW The abov. prend... ave beau takeu by tb. u%4daua, adaà » pcv bel«hnvi: Isieup tor i tempinof gumbt, ma liet WiUne, tiquors, cipar, ho. XMuluai au bouts.1 Good stabling, shed roorno, a ianuatten. Wu. HUJDGSON. C. - DAWES, -LICE WS»D AIJCTIoNEER, LEATHER AND' FINDINOSI Watchesl' Wat( Cubl pM.d fou Rides, Bart eL-1« Elgn, Swiss and AI Leirateohd a.-BEL T ING M ÀD U T U OJID BB ON 'C O ] - , e w PATEN TSI ea'-- CANADIANS tcl t t t a t e Uit ed 1iisbtuonl te sIn#bBIlu.lis,iUlXa1ai 4In t»« aiils Ptmj0oaIy 10 on m",ngappliotom4 Tlte ofa. 6eà dU-vlaxpaMBIt Byi Adusis, C. LAm8Nw c00., Op-sU~ 4 -Sohctors ct Patns 03= 1. ý --- ýWe aitom a . .O PORT l'ERRY. HAVING taken out Liosuse for the 'uhois Oonnly of Ontario, sain vl I b. pron3ptly.attendéd tnamy lalty. lMt. AandenWl arnoiasbbtnisnzspcll ami ml rtu eadmae by Zw cam m'd wthMYU -and Si1veri The flest ard. OU ORUET IX,'H IKET forý $4 and, -AT - Ail epair* Puopiy *Ut NUw et er or«o4w w bab«eaage4 u et t Ob, aeaJo 0»4,b htWÈs1be =d ut i tiniIndustry, we advocate P«e, Progrus, Kirowlmdge, BroOihodt '4NCIC 0F ONTAIRIO, F RI1D.A.-Y, MAY 1,183 NOBODY'S CHILD. 'What 1vitenhle i.oui lu NdrWay, osÀbel tterstCou,. ,au - from whloh thm doctor binte ho la un. o~te uther, lid imt$ibî- Oei a mawsboy unier tel b [tain. likeîy te retardi You'llnot bave dteu. sh'à th Oe lamp.poet tl$ng ms rdinte msncbanather opportanity mr deau s bar heai ta oi Mami- tt lien are too buzy te Mp io-n!ghi, Hlurrying home *tboghslet4 » tin, long as 7011 live. The mau'e oui ot the: Thai, ais tbe proper , ila. vu Never stuc. iark a papur sli; vay for a olear ivelve moutb, snd 701 £57Iat stall ia aver, safà ei Wbere shonl ho slmep, or boy be fmi? -bave Ibm fldli liOUif. i arward; yan' raturu -home wi Ha10 hinis as heo sivcru ibeein ibmeou, Why, à *ould lie a easy spôs -Jouii~ell.1 heml h While happy chidren asereaestenbmd. Aitlyou woold have iodo woild 66 ta y' Io it sirange ifl he lurn about go away for a wbie, aoi came baak "p wmm hh a e, èiii.é With anitrds.thbn cames t10 blows, vith lte baby. Do you suppose Viv..111 bave arad lidIe il o jutoi u, ibn la snob a conjurer ltai o vii bc.m L ie i oa uid I'.111ma Tosug bis pennies, pstblmgcmsi "IStop 1<-so0 me on stahi hm w, MMil, 4blp ta 1a aglauce that the chili la Iveen us. W. maY.pufes.t gAnd the volce thai apeaks in a tender oùe, noue of hie ?No, 1no my idean 1trust ta ome r~t yees a ris ..Ton should moi striko snob a ltile chili, -me. Z"4Ii'sa vise child,!" tbay say,-, acsbut v Ton aboulimoi use sncb vands, Mr1son." -"thai knavs ilsown fathsy;" but de- fsnietin<'rt;iA i MIUIS ibis anger orbis tfeuss [bis atm f pnd upon it,, is a mach viser faiber- aarIcnrl u nitl That have hbd bis volc naiu &bediat knovs bis owu chili.' ziav.ToeumiiU "Do'ytreble hens aioul'i afy t r Regins ailent, ruminaimg on bberkere onthie ba n a r W- "D ynthzktat1 oladoyn amncampenion'a wvans- The proposition sm qitthv agia «Il voudht " or kiùsan loIl ,' vastoc eiartliug a one ta strike ber aiteuiveita"pa ed wth the But noird evor callmi me son firb i ugbt vith auythimg but dismay. nurse in a lxuarry;, andmia BeousoI'mnobdy' chlii spas." Befone lits. Ohaimore bai tim te con-' We vili have *btaptWd' d sudi 0 mont1 as je ctela .ias aiong, timue beditoutrua, MisseFaihingalo abroasinla ryour:husan's at Bemnember-tblci. ibaibas arsi fou yo walkmdiutà the roosu. theb demdi ii be doue." And bln.hfor the *vfeiusme andwtoug 'Ahi itreià omr;dear Belial' «i- 1'Tbey wAitmà e lL Ofaà world vhManosa= Idlibetrue cl&à alme-lte aeteMlewiilow'Si4,81Wdoctes 4î it ýà Think vbai lbe4&U'm as bn~x!eluu beau WM a - ý aeo y~ IlthnoueicèJ, ow i dt a âd er beis ~ret. OffOhel Wslt ci ibe iltn 1"R E RO0O0t0F A L LSVI L UK fot akà rlnuouh ntieln m o to4a:' "Net eMahy fipîubapa, bas là uâ ziaeba ,en.ruu limiti ellete5'ami reumuamasn- 'D- lie eSima. jflsl4e. aboulA eMOY p Alla'MOI be"sla -iphIosèè,t-,adorequt" Mon-Meeat. enfeS,.tha)mpae ieseme Ialatais£ nMti. M-- - là duly loftlalttle olemin hlune ý"oMn thiD*IlirdUOltkno m v tà aie ahin, vlla iibel ne infdm aïm~f e J b u i s . y e n j in a y o b s e r v e , y o u n g m a t r l f h * s - m i d a- dnt l a i s -t I ,f ; I au apt tW beheadatrmgpati.mieand uforhsi« omboAya7 oUtà ï. he eW'yoi u eW lbý fond cf havlng lititou va Wy. But huiail thon beuiifml tblllga-4oeay lbeibis beSdbâbF' wil .ePU yas vell i gi eMr. Ohasemorc noahiago te h »nsy.' Notiig vill bu goqd enoughifoi Ob mtw haI"xa,.MdaSppeatohbt ]D t"Oia '3laoature Bit Tull be te mosbeanWafl and go ousemtoi te nimrn to a "rmme rb repdBla.oWDgIiwoa t n Iuaebefoethé atima es&n. IlIMM"sac-A ao!9 asnittetai yc4 .v i 'Jugé alad --se. mm- Whoobungieiivei »417o-,b r'ÂA l rb ehe have utypaneyofily y iiiep v unomouabe ~ rfns= ë e os 'ebs jyment. E ve'tlia fhjak sitelooked Walli, litailshdiia tReglualoist h ibm rsey of Oie -broa<st nv Isby"*,ec fie mc Tie peor. ima hi buntdt-living, tas yeamay say, onùIs- bar- viii ie Oie ous. eoltier. mulao f Ieratio. Theeenà aiut heay nat foo n rotïttht' MenfC.EM. lismeatislapon iter, romeop moebi- :ad Begina, asesite laid. e @à 'ùn e' ùimj; e'-bti mu in bar eyes ibhati ven te confront *brha.dv e'mrpe ei amiatri hu.St hd.OlIhIU ber ande. . a gruatibikt rui- ierioelyestogli haiph. ouldrlie 'I oudill ater break atones 1npom On yaaefiiere te,tbo Inalie trou bomýue;st-blt 4*' ?L dfé~lgi O~IO.~ '- mw aab'à msie it m4tIiMtje>a,à emnit 11M (e. ml lmfc j~. ~ - . few o vj M trmmYn- *0 itl-, lie, . oà êiê~iu taà b. .nuatn< »vuebeamim eybmn,. tylit si k7 dhbinkd- 1 efr lced a ta - Wuhd l ie ed 661 Y@ýývta Swl ie Mth4k k 'S, U ts eaofbéin appsq a t.~~ WbteaIu t sOb 'eaw. if!er? Waa il aiiqgshe, Thm oft = __ ber?.as.Uve.logoter th mtikeay ulif e a maieif. ' tien iniant rliei-imoU muA hluatmdo Opme,-frSOU liteseouue hgol ii Sirl iter -,PoolMI 0i fer uer isey aloug ldies mtir Irussea l i . M- ?W-1ua)? I isiiik h 14 agum Bot My èh* b,m"-Ifs lion for and pr wel-in hinde amy et seuvlo-on *W -bo bot *Mdo&5bond m oDIsètWQâ15 66 bElbesu k 'I lmobalhculifre"t* «$Mi#n, T.oryomWelisycf tbaby"h i- mdelf Viffi heit [m forea nim tfS, 'To Me,$tée servante Ncf cisaoae) fllpa'znih ik . mcbt eii vu a seond a#*aekum i amgi, i amwua e rlmmvn t xf.snl i bsria ~~Z1 at .~ imr, a.~tnIuiê7 ~i a Do goemi.d 'eadaala gOWagmy oflltb*svie s of ecvenaaIot cItôtepl. vu eti61 Sbl 't walkedciit alttilors.- In »Mmalhuae~sehia a, bl"atbumani brzandiMa grcvnteh>ieve verlmsev lasrte tien.' te PO, 9 h, <.o enl b " cim , an e- wif WITER. Hfm br"th 1ke . Uer arrova ieromd the air, llernakedxe ribcruchul shuddez4ng ai % k fpger om% tbeo8owng waters sweet Fo *dn ~-motox1- for mmd vwu Naiun-. as frozon -dead-aud suD and -Àwinding shoot felLo'mr bu body fair, FIaky se - oft, froni bis wmde wldgsof Fm"AwMnne XembJc. O Winter 1izuier of the inerted ymr Ioeowin ahe. k ofin * te d ta';ht Andai eUcai6à ns ;;that the 10*lyroof 0f ndâs"tbed, Rwtiroxint,"sd etheouts 01 long, Unizrierrptmd cvelung know. -Couper. Tbat Second-end Book. A wsk or Iv aà go 'a brighi aiqd J4.1. P woaoalm4îahoi rKuq a~'~&e u Ilud. 9 èa orm l . 'I i s I 'f z s 'bo là (Mair. V take'l g vitam wim A'-bt smy imubeuilu ow; but , myv hahuiawouui 'l"treat Mimai ifiili*.when 14 bIis e. a 1ef lime lioumw. sitfor n. r cteS . tûà ed -ra4u dov" i for a sort eof'lou&. Wten berî a aimet 'p meWud vr a Q1 upau; "du'iook l:,.1 t îb . l b'. Héok ovitM p~sa.V~p; Pure Dugýn4d.e lm, ioid~ l ci. f Duuggiaia uD4îki., -- Ail tbm latest and blieors.- T. G. WHITFIEL»'B OLD STAND. No sdmlltionwould trobuble acia God, if lie-knew Goesa reucanformn. ing it. He Oint respecte hiûmself le mat ra ailiers, Ho weans a coat of mail Oint uonè cau' Pierce. -lgflo. fihera la sùrn Deep-bedded ln aur -beà rtEý,of hicli we teck Btlittlii Oie 9aattsaiheaveaih&vmý Befone her gems are fotnd 2.Mfs. Oms ofithe'taeg pee(f luel inià oppon&wity foriu=êl1edbeuiioe...r Metio'RscAesl<q1 .,who Wte oddle . at &âý u tak -agTe-Tbareua.i=kù yT*iteïaio' mt ea Tie -ep - Kuw 701 buiikvie ba ono, 0f Oie invisible.-.Isac Wii We muat choose betwet 0f a mmmà andllte mysteniei 4aA aul- jiývepIehixuSeif tit -J a aelemu fabctttf I irepersane 'wà lhimg buén Sariur, to-a neve seen aa g.vlob;iv ai nyer eeaB nc1hng 16f heela 'e f IL, Pmfi ars., OrAJIZ). - DR. DOGART, Physielan, Borgeon, Aooaaob,5r, fr0., ho. Whxthy, Sept 801h, 1874. 40 'r - r- ~.tWé O5~JOMhTti5 .4 u.mamor-a, r'If ~ A"." FINAINCIAL P.O ,BoiU4, 1 m