TUE WRIT FRIDA'Y M IG y= 04lb.Oo=lahe "b suy0Is aa i1.Oouaty of On- lsrio. J. S. Robertson tg 8ro8., . riormiETOs. . TURKB 0OP.&DVRRTIBING. FinI insertion, Par Une, 10 cents; euoh pubaequeut insertion, à cents. Displa id Ai'rurllsements sare maanud inis à b11X nd b. Aesd uWtebuanoohn. any ulnten.e n chu for ua fdt "oon. ther i,. enta tiret Inla riting, cets thélinsb eps. ril 1onspr n aoëuaqun n seon. Pivte cetspt nep r nan &"yinenedMoh4mshoui i ael Comm~t qopeoalt dO8.. Dé P ft t1N-#s'won T M * The iffa tlawluPUdI sai, an « TNE WWâRI Brock 8Street§bibf * CHM4tcsRY &C, CH. RITCHIE. W. H. BLI4 Jouxs A~RREB CO tWny B ffl oiMITON, ().48 aneetb, & W T.tby Ont. Cout.o mois4uJi b:jwm U RGON'>D T ' I W. 0. joli To. tg g g J.be a e ýLma1i4%0 ci cal= Prinasi wS u"tring fadueay, Wo .dvo«te. Poce, Proposa, Kncwlsdge. rsIthood. ; 0F ONTARTO, FRIDAY, ~JJYN~ ~ ~ R08 USE.-TEONT The P&ao. Xâtel of Couada seaElevalor. ln a rouava-9p0u~ 0 NTARI% aIO7lTeia, I tomer.. e bar la stockei wà ilheb cholcest brande of Liquors amwa chois. Olgara. eftabina ea ,POST OFFICE SÂLOON, Toxoti,. hi . Pgag un ehmr dota£ buaie. N V '~ Q dw~ ~- LiOSJ - TY ' <Ç__ W1IT~' ONA&O lui- A Voice PDom im r. 4*On'alw Ibat M m' l.a round of ton r The utartfemer sud ' "Thiat I scace cmn wresl in the ort-tild mil MyWItaecfdlybo? "'And, surely, I nover bave werked in vains Prom the sprfiugtb t hielEAU ; 1 The barveat bas ever"~pgt wailg grain, Enoajhand le sae qai 6"d whnAtbeefm Vd*i rdfm rs my wife sudlitie ou wAltln thora, U'b wbat bas the mlflbnire more!1 ,bly, cUdgen may neyer bave bearded Te.vl & tnes bereu; 'It if i thir homos th" bave love and = f6f~8~1b~ 'hanirod pounda lamore iban enongb &hi~~k'H4lo ori nov rn4tui'y~>u ~~1à II "Ây, but yen vers go partinular on about the colo, cf hie hait and eyee, e -ï",a K. M#fi~w~ ihat 1 thought theru migbi be a diffloul. hr ab&y.ofo~um u e, jo .,mum. -And il muati ho a a réà ~ widlutotan ata&e~ a r llu.D "Yei, imanut 80ao.,a4ntribern' Vooi hi Itei"-M bealtby childinfuiethe bargalu. bleth- b'à lwrà yek b 0 ùtg ch8 wildo. SO if yen tbick yen nYr4 the oobbhes , wlÇé eauü't uhdertake the job, let me know, 'But ibis tieat waa toc much",for'Mr. Iwarn.'be#u"eos saon e lrocaised fnihfully te i thiis werld,h ire. Mninas amoeihu lâwa e" ii.tripe sbo# lu Bull ueImnîe~ra ili court on-the dey la questiou ; and Se i*. pli'é' th èVç'orà idwee lina wrote word to ber frieuds tba he b. uai for a wlppinl'.# firai stop in the troublesome business AKi"meà 'uiWhloi Bonnie,- bai bien acompiabsi. and eala.odigr,!y lu, Cà PE;,at o. l e owfuda 101h hia s 4- fi eeiIi liaiU ',~37 1 i oýi"-iï é , à li . ! a~vgh qihy fatbée-ipep1.ez." Mihlypui oou. pat;"!wsie r. "'4h Ijudon't Guoders;i , Jit us;i an vtd tedine',ýj2 Lo in lIis "ste t, aii4 !q "e, A4, eyeronk- "O ià -tlait ai? r, ~athI. e: -T ~i~pb. aey; tour ,~ o,.fI B.igaway fe ~onî Tir) sL r I odt rai '. ~ 41 ' c" ' a 'c i Oeô iYIrnwn amY - _ lu77r t. "qhe stestei Ipuiof Ie ' ~<>~ ~A~E O OWï C 86e' bran . Eculienlofaau L.txjct> > 8LAIWq AND NOTICE. # aitSg4T MEN 1 $ LLFRKD OXFORD.. PBOPMrIN AtêOA OMMI aii~cnrI' "*~ - - -' -' -, Gp<ld'st~blf. a~4rcqn4 anti au situa. Uve~5IsL t ~ vIl -n - 4~ ~i7U~O~ ai i 1t~ÂUE rs WE~TL - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n 1jî~ ylxI 'r'r "ry' mn au the f,à ' a.-'- levi lam tboql bobu sa ai.sud st *"4Oh Dol t rgockm." Watches 1 Watchos. I ei, 8s . ;a%'.'à I~,,e RMT fo t s"a: Nme Â*vm2. 'aiehis'sbuir ' la. tpeon ,0u.' - Zaart, W ekpa isabra,- ~~ ' fro~~xu ~ Ie, ii 'n liai? Maie b ii t t YO 4 là 'Is.an4<fR aon' v< a ii lcothw -ndAawl e puÃ"»aliy iUEtb4 ne c ruis ber I <'ssii I~r. $m *01. i Z canuol kon Tis no blst raii er w etByrn M Omoy cil: ,u 4 ýt, .layase v 'goewi.airoci Ml, amd hn Le', a' t-I "j' y-'- 2 !n th& uanniv ý on ý-ý --ý ý ý - .. - 1 rlý rili elr, 1 lI. il , .1 tel" a:-, Je