WlbIbt 382 83 GuaraaMll lroof Wýiiby Iifi mcv the, ocrusel thiug le sPaak * otis Shwetas ethé Ne. i ofthie 'lmu vM»evof thea Singer, ofcf ovsg maéseifame, la nov thé Dauocf Oorrssoodane5 treuzMOoa.no tain, X.IW.T. etou b. héearly open- kfthec lb.s»Oase aof Importations ci oad bersesfrci'nWoulby igtiteu À thèsle .an Mi. William sud G'c¶?Audera u vo have takou up la là tst isbot Us. lu mui oiomade au crde: e, ?ussd*y poetpeing the. trial in, Èodh91iUd110Eleotion from te i.Brd cf 1m4 1111 ome da.y Dotyst nuia. Tie motisofrtpusPO§4 smà e5il vamie b Kr Meotbi;y . ,tâ Por haptioesr, "e, ww byMr.1 eUà là au fou «W e o 19 a"donChealb. A irnax"a omzxcmxcu liaithub h*uiiOptmScfirmont !Yeats, yeî itiI Maytub wlai side ma bthoai o' as maUi à & ebusto Captal i t' e bu 3îrcamu#n$lieé,. A 4=0.t1s~ 4 ooeo i bils re th$k,slld:Iam. surs lhot 1lupea1 lm ai Uve are proot @f liiAllas Ils. etCeabimlsa tesusips, anati a ne me..> vas ever bette s-mt t"a #bus. uMiprtrî tma éi Xl bidy vidahibtbPupemay reasivel frein thé ovmeueal l ,erry telle Ois sidd Lieerpo à fi*,É,4jovýýwhoforseme lime thée Margue U oùm',P~ aL * Pihi, Bsn«., 1as, onunot ettise eop"e Sa imotlo61am oaleot als au odr# tis Br i &lmà ergtes. 111h 16 mil. ?b gml wo mUse w.s-iaSdm4 dise enislle son t leof âb b u liasj mag ie ffarle 1 ib l'46 Sut's IiMd.se mm aLowos lu NulhW iso aNI mat" msiai~4.lretmJr of tis cbî.r t «Z Thé. rffssi Brooklyn »riagse r b$ wblvb a largencmer of pae.1 thi ive »Diay more verse seyr Iy wajre4I or malmofi for lue, and Ii st111 more reeesut horror n-ieîcdrbaaot England, wbreby, two hunadi#U dreu, many cftheatm of tender ag.eo'wre' tranipled to edsalh by hiilîppsu",, 1 .cempautons, fuiit mate for afloe tien n ta twho are sutrueted, viii, lb. car cf youlh. sud ail IbeseviiWh ouls. ne"m in8aies ho te oW4re la aissmble'lu Massas. treha fw*'<l - le v«7y oldas 'd$sbi tseaderived bom ian, tii. oo pbtrds, vbo aaealb. -;à ia uddeu noIses calculalad te alarat th lb. ek te the agonoe>'01tIbis Bylvaqs dsitye Whatethelbdérivation la Worit lanylhlug la cf huitien.queoce hors, bastheb faot remains- liaIt, hm lb. foundaton of soccety suddeu tsar il vons In falitupoanet euly flooeands~ harda but upon maissascf human belDas, and not unfrequently, evon *upon thé. wll.disciplined. The greatest daligr a général liasto face ilupanie ln bit army. Fear amougit musssof huma* bolu¶e spresAdîlîka iltd-firs, and ofleu ntlng eau coutrol il until its fary la H pp once. the.neossity cf constant vigilance upon the. part eNliele vise basunsu or duty It ii tte guide or cou. trot people assoblad la crcwds. Thare ha. beeu mucie log laation flooking te lia protection et peopte gath. ed ln largo numbaru lu baldiagssU; as u1he inalstlng upou propor places of exit, r soueps, andi Bofo0rtb, but lu @Pite cf Oail the légilation uon tie gb. ject, through the Wltful nagesat cf tlie rnooe u ti s te se ras thé. 1a ktirongh ovarcrowdlng, ana morsfira. fquently lhrough lhe vaut cfefas- tr01otuho part cf Bseanerveus Mu or bystorical veman a tomait arises, sd Panlo fauts »On an smly MAu upen a corn4etod. Iacensoila", ms ta, homos sud famillessenuiiei.WMa ii. dreadwnihora c f the Mllvankes -finat luncor momMr,*Utite Waife cf t1i.Breelynbrids rntouau eimosh rliglug ilu cr sais, le c lh* Climax " ci human msery Coma. droadfat tals cf twchbudrcd ~nug chultirç tatqbId te des ahl i ndarlaud, It lasnotfor us as, lbs d 0ce tcsk to appries ths btamiey' One thinge bey- el, r frcm th. e acmita thal 'baye reacLd us,le Cariae, btiro thor er .M foiev grovu op pis prosent viti thed-4idreu aetlt eotartalqlmaut, asu Motv aats teo à 0k aller thair a.ibIL4,.rai cbtli.s thsythsbl liae chltdro vers sa", but bo*-ibriibly Worueby mifitakm. Tiifat$sasb be v dovelo4 galu dexnstratad, - thaà aveu growu peopeis ssmbted 'lu laté,* numbors lu ulrrow limite, onot l kspsk of ocilidran, a r eyer s"l. A a cry et--are l-tho lesaplujaet eair 1' ilegi tie bfteaklg cf atlsep glass, or 4sonsethlug perbapu very trifing bas beau kuevuSe arr paie aveu îtb rwPll.bres audL= Cea euilà g ase I è l1 iseé, utsny n dthare eu be ittladcsbl ýtial &$ens eanuot van-4 *tura mb a à crowd or largoeassembl Z ithout risklug lite or limb.i Thoe freqtzotly andi sesmlugly un- controllabto cuaifettablous cf bemâan 1 uerbu suggest ho nid cf sema rem- fedy- Proquently 4 , ower cf soea shs~witsdhcemh porscibc bas aitrmà grasp cf the threatenlug edanger bas beau able te avertit; but . rse tly-ten, Sbire Isonerema rvhare p=elhaliseoc s ilen. la uy >ighlt isgt t d o slbly topreveiit %Paunle. ThIs eailausne oMy tbiapart c, f cur odacaluould b. the mepir > eo thé bto " fot e-pros. eïu.efÀ gr., This lralnlsg siscul beginasoi l lths tamilland siseulA b. poulwued tu lte Sehool, ;IrulIl a j cO pmscised la sellenu la aieas Il pos- ffl sy a stop.Obildisu I l' evas aZs tetiatorvhrevue#! t i>aWord cf commbatINMr jly tTbey ýhosl4set, mseve, lmto hiiemises.Tbi> seiesmte qaits mev gpraellely nubl*ta rw f flè ot ves. Th.y i*ix à muis rè ý M inaté V" à $ au e nvu - eumletipaois eofil""ssLI ime a~ U nikey Jil b.buoyeyys ,spostmolw.I moumba hve a' ltï-ly-'Pheobvlus loason a théemuaetof ýt moerê dlrecllaacblug luhabîlsof os«.f rocs relmorsvigfinewmpeslise ari s -- te t.- Zfee,,sa O.... j 0=10estu et luaie lse écaht 4oi bath #9100, $0 mina my cas buuis. IludklisCkumlsscu sislbe quit4 preparae as umâea aiLW£ epudaLy of lieu ac emvlthhulany doisle t Irual il ou ollier, vira Il daim net >long. Plhlulyyors Erinirlu, hue Uhh 188l.: Par some veeki past, by baselainau. alete oo utsuptlb t cead for re$ty the 9ansarvatlve pusse cf lbe Oouuy- almlig outy MS kig poliIs apital agalial Mr.- Dryden. have endevorat te lUten on hlm lie rseponsbMliy et lwo, hoitllioea ébelng grauted inl Biotkllu for lbe*aorrut yer. Pailng lu tissetMotteaosompblsbvva especlet, the Oshtawa erts», more brtaen lian lie ochersTcocfeuS at foidd 4liluraioy oisarglng lts uem- bqu for lb. Local Houa ilS à vba Il iMlst av lbôva la b. unIraI; antdl mai mue smet limamore oatemptiblc, lics oekae liseoand nt iomut I.to pabillaiMr. Drydeis easDdIddmlU s gives atèle.1 'imn C#lm 'Pris Tiravels." Tm asios-vmus A» ais ms i "à GALvA.Po c»maPIOLL 5535- %euxcr*Musaura. 1(Spaeigo te s lomo le lm" vsbardod sar Vatetysé Blake sn4 of KaiMmicgCuil, ihs beasia pes-ee* lie inh l 0" jact tSur Valtal lis Oosty Cclifousa hors, viora lm in sluai- Ie#ues a& Kaglbrettl , s hav sinco oIl yrmedmiehkindnes at il. bAadsfie atimerovediumis bou up the Od orrb.Memiug, sud Ihem lie valiar limeentA sule smis p tes. didIy veedet Park pusslnllvVon pIéaia à cler. Sur Valsutyne ilmaslt in a nîmalof aboutt0, c«gead ileslot au hs brty, firecuplazahun, mat l liaI I ut macompara imt l, John Tweedh, i l PMpvrday dbrsssora aicbote nearaSl. I vas tisiat -te a sale beelde *hlm enlia. Bluebinl Su- vi ha i0911 Rq4j..,PJ& _%DSad 1 lmltim *&X, mimaivr FiculhaBr VaL. is kme #0 eb* aoualy uet visave vb auha foi-m ftMesy udiyta ,aveou cmuasu q» .w d" u tasSai la l0 ise"v, boaullo l1 MW-boa up ldueadmato. 1g sail.. ?T"ur.ai u moiwsil uc Isiboe tsain" " *SIte . IM, uiis ua. i iei entt,~ionto th d Gi!t- DirectSpcial Il eentio 66 rheiranc1GnsFin t» -Thé LEADIAG f~Ir ~Etbi s h r~t t SOUT'H O Gents' Business Suits and Dres Siits, made to order in first class style by No. 1 workimen, . -.or no0 Sa le. Cali and see our large stock of Clotha of every description. - ~ ~ .88~7t~IE 8 Witby ;Dry G, iluglu, an ot ilubal sisune aslhr* 0, I'm lu lovevidh van ycung MaD, Bukeps 0 aiail- zmc afme"sl 6~ssr u - hmlyi4Oi8ig pOiasa*t .51 a issu rma vmPO~~ lov sIk ~iss ofbolS~ Wvu vO rovdiOuut ymi ý lSa uia a ta r= %mi ima 1d iia uti lvIbn, 1 i:-ia b OacI iepIezuata5,l bp lar"* FUfta1m aliu hr vprt rof , bale mltl s QlUE c-ai0401 a 16Uiffe' visigM TOWNCOUCU,,Ncpti~!si~±haPurat ad »st Mu sd Tinga NE ADE.RTSEMNlà 'à MORT asff8oON-V55T LITTLB Wb Do-, The -metiê S tà ousé11wà froml. Echliw, Is*w .lb munllof ýbo giu 1 Smof le l« gxv n ~the eau. lomw 98 à 02oution POiat he ov f-b~ a k. ~~nsl ora cmhi.Of ,,, MM y 'à , WOiATP F, n5U-7e 12 e0noé sti b 7 A .ddà 4OMIbt tbs- -s'l ie fd wi , b ;azrkd';, *u lbjoy*C omiuyemd <ls Me. of Cisua, lqi e!of egsPls WIai bwbee"&lUWilbi - bYQm9rýbu, tls, 4AÉ là - 'me bina, iqSCW ~T X. nus oeiieTAMEiUUR. aair!1f in IdTi 'lier. e r my articles o M, te, . hole amounting to up- *&rd@ of t1,50. 'Ph. houeymocn vl As the LuO eflia Ati.qîhar, ythe taamsr loch asi 4 e ~~siaa ~ ~ o U b.c ea nacà t4o £il ue4, sud but for th.e eertions'of olien*ii ts Ucf valer a diastrous Couh t~ agt have resulted. e1p ~t sr a Beles ~ti&v)u ar - SuudayKgOË6g Nid boatidebath- lupg lu axpo . à d places, ta dépi fla d Urati e mpviug abulin M~ Tisurday allarucen,sas lie mail ï rý et the fl- e enllb u oudavis thqf car lun forud *n1tue «Wca. tb"W vis ~~-~'l«ars ver Made. Tic-y ara cenipounded frein Home Malt, Buchu,MadraieaudDadelin,-tie eldeat ans sd mest valusbl? medicines iu the =vdd ceutain ail the beat aud mcet cor- 5&ive ropee a t er. remédies, being esili. No ise î'rfll ha e u sbly long crisS viere thés. Bitteraare ued, so varséd sud partent are their opprtiens. They givé uew life and-viibr te the aged ârroglii.-ty eÇi.by o No maSter viat ycur feeing sm yngems if -veu only 1.4 bad or iaors - useHe Ãou efe p.- ps udug tbém touva. HepBittSe ' b. atrict thITry theflitterS to-4y. Lova nover »aaou i but.profueoly gives ; givas, 1k, à a houâghiess prïodi'! gai, its dai'*b8biBb1sI tiîi:,Ieïï t 1ha dûnetoc ittl.-Har1a, MOTre tive' ope, "ý e d* a &' l ~t~r.tsf,. 'Tbf. but, talk<I Q'po$l1 .49oer.Tu be hld ofcf h rS-g W,;iel ,uatedaA a singular facotitat "t 'bat it ffoult, for a fai mant etoop te aýnythiug tow. 4"~n popl tae ~ntgac GLEAISING8O ÉOXKANTSOURBCES ON A vAmro UWECTa. TRIANOLB PAOXA(IB DIES.--Tle .uiue are iuü=re jSzueredacue by '.B.HRovac, Whib. « husbreeches gOiug te lielp the ia-s avis' Pain Eiar.- e dv.i iier 'Pli ~Udculetril las a st et i. duey, Blaîder sd1 ma rDsass ~'9~thins rnDonw by- Ti- *ne, pi~i!buhz± of the celéu iyl en clc the b lé ai iayenqt bil, ievod W be itat c abridgemnludb ÇSa[ r T= o Ci OR lUm. ~hng Dept. NTARIOgi, 1 peirfect fit every timt',! oods Eporium.ý - -telebi NEW ODOT S IO -Neek'i'ets'&4L~e Broinohes: ,:,Z84r4)rops, Vat"cr ~Ifl8, I -- - Brock-r-aIWbltby, CHRONIOLE RE Drink (k'er irnkIl Gesil' i-0 li Li 'r -L 1 rIm. 7T 1 1