Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jun 1883, p. 3

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Napk1m Bings, Cake Knivesl Pie -Kxiives, Soup Ladies,ý E.u. & ovc ýR£T8. ilODOER'S AND RUSSELL'S CeIebrated ?LAIO cutlery, BARN Ru's Brook Street, Wbftby. JT'JE 22nd, 18O. LO(AýL AND 0OTHERWISE., WHAT 18 GOIND ON 111 TOWN AND ELBEWHERE. A DUOO6ET OF VELY NEWS NATER (ILEANEO 5V CHRONICL£ REPOnTER8 ANDI COIRESPONDENTS. "A :h1ellâ amang ye, takin' notes,. An'ft all u' reut t." Drink ronk.' Nov for garden parties. Everybody drinks Cronk. Plotato buge are pleatiful. Drink CroUk. For aie eVerywbere. Goûts, Cellulolti . A. M. RLocs. qjuaker meeting at Pickoring Sninday Tbursday vas tihe longeas day of the :Fine range cf LGIunt7 Tiea. Androw M. Bon.-e Dr. Orotik's?ýaeljst Tee"luh boa drink; The uuefounm 'Of "Dnbis"sand bis v.lrl* a~Nlmclgeos. Ladiese Ad ptai gest'rino Untiervear ail aises. &ndrqv R. Boss. Th Ne ý -ïju èWhit. Dr. Crock'i saruarlita Boser viii A Mg b Argala lu sMesi'e iuev.v-ctton ,Box aet là etu. parpair.,ea, C. F. -81tev. 'iOrsarrivi cfuvNnn'â Veillïg. .Hoter, Gleves., &o., 4biavcûet Frid.y setiago a b6§Ni.k"» tige, u> î oompay ati performancoe deterved. LiAiic-*el sand tese ew hapes and tieis lu Hate and Bonnets r.- ceiveat N-day ai C .Seat. The oolinued Tainsm ar.o.>ufng&aE. isNy auuong farmer'., foar 'being enter- tained leiN Nh. crope Iviii b. wat*rlalily injured. Our miliery stock repienisheti by aev Jipto, Flove, ' Ribbous, Lacet: and Ornaiente. Powell & Ce.' WI'& bout tlîus for the aarly traw berry tebo .subtted for editorilinl. -epectien anti comment. Who t#ys iret?j Nov le the limne No subseoribe for the CliRoSICLE. On! y 0 Cent&- froni nov unu! lie end of h-Nhyear. inoludilng premnium porNrait t o! Hop,Oliver Mav- per ite Wéskly_*énjutln N fumet Gants b é oq uy se' 4f colid tatearabI',teMi< ýjg ut $12,0 a suit. andt la4 '$oetlrgaif a a0rW0i suit te order in tylean C. F. Steari.liyemit .aa Tvoetoui -boys 1010 1 4 Wâwee dchunsing i e woulr rt-ic aoning1 eÃŽrcus. - One @id, 4"OnÃŽy c.-morrow andi nexI tAatbet~" -, - speoial ladàOcMFtrn ié bs~e I Dominion Wareroomla ne eenI Prints, plnks, blue's, checks, browus, andi other leetiug colre- verylow- prices. I. " '- ,à Tihe changeas 19 .Grap4, Traurk timbo-ard, at pUwe~ . b e lait train service are.%No be- bltbedi- blonday anti go htc eiffietisllofng and It xbrdge aN the lattéer pioauTues. lday afternoon, aft6r erihup !r ort, reaultetin'la adraw, .Wlbitbtk lng One goal and lJxbridgoe-l, e ~i1 lime wae calleti. MLLIRY.-Just'reool.vé6d - to-day, lorua de cm asud pîpuiar style lafi MiliDeY gye.Bat ohapaso. Bonnet I fhapes, traw. Tueoau Brali, anoy < veFiwr@, F4&taso, Ornemauen té,o. Ai C. F. St.ert'a.- 'rem Oshava c=ei.gN4WJitb I avanlng, g0t druak4 -s Ogd a b ji Wtel aris nlght, bro-hg Magis"trat. fer belng au4ký,&nd. J. W. Piagcugb-,--j it eptd-o o readyisbuuî ltheb. 1 n 0f t --V3.L Q~elu 19v«. t~5 ira myiUat. ta a. Ye qati. Â.14os is hiPPicg Ibi week Smre ,ery b.d 1cattie. 151000.feâ e Q -v am Ladies-' Enhier OroIarela ls 52, 54, bai,58e, la iet andIoinewl -Bxbblst u Thsto,ota~ Our ]1RubbeMOriapg a odq"*1ly r ong~ efndd .Tbe storai of Tiadav eanqq cghNa ed qpetpocsmen f ~ Baptiat eater*eiament t Thurne y eve2tpg. M arge numbor of 'zoe availeil themoelvea of the O' b NDipon ta. day by tb. Cobourr, M TI itv ostre and jo e * - .11.. on Brook 69. Lmit Saturday va. the dis. play ofmi - aoil and -Oblîdren'. tIres madie b" onye ,do ezbib'd nte 1r wl Mn F ai" Perry, IoiN Wirtb, .huoe ýmnading on th. aook Wednegday eveu. lng. acldentaliy elipÊiéd Into the bey, bttby the aeàtance tof a çailor of the .EtiaQueee vas reacusd frin whal right have beau a watery. pave. " IAnother County heardifr.-' ihink folk@ e Ieu Nond thfr m unny fur paper, My ddc laiddo<UsaMd eey &4 UId h Wte n.llinti m il country anti bad b. mtu ere." Mfr. Purvis Thouipion, vho ha.beeu the. pacit Io wooh. purohekeing Young high-bred mares 'throng1b Whisby and Pickering for a firra f h*Om-breedere. in oet*ws, MI., mode a aha &ealois Tluemday of t*i aqimale whlo=vexein- voice t N#%,000.' team bitobotinlafrolarof the feuadqy Wednesday afternoon, up»0 the waggo No which by vere attaobeds dolag»- hovever, ne more "oliue dap gethau No dnump anuimmense _roli >of wooI eut on the rosad, as fortunateI . Neyvere ebserved lu lime No prevent a ruaawaby snd seoured by 1w Âdlob. .The enterialumeal beid la the Dufferin street school boule oun*ed. ueladay ovenliig, for ,7eNu N eohn'a ohurcb vasl I auteded., andi a mont c ujoyable perfermace va. given consisting of a amber cf at. traotive-tabieaux, sund we!! renderedl songe sud chorus.. wicih vere W igh iy appreciatei by the audience. le croae vsrda saà ensreah n. &.bout $25 vas resateti. Tice-village oU.tirlicg vas avep by fire on Tiursiay, night. of fast veel, the business portion being nearly a&l con- sumeil with hoavy louss eta the Inour, anc. la the aggregate tices netcover more thari 25 pur cent. Misn Rate Cron, of Wbiitby le £ teaadilanb.h Sterling publie sohool; viieh ve*aoe glati te bear eecaped Nb. fiery element. Any fool, vil carry lbu umbri1l-ie it le raining, villa buhisà &,wîue m who takes oin. vitb hlila A fn. w#ptber. The. vise mon have &had iil ojpor. Nunity ta prove thheuisves muci, "u 1Prit, a ndtihto fools and th~e tala have ati &Hai Ibeir ovn vay. If 4h. y ar allovodtiNonuathinga a' typieu", much longerl isinfeareda a yi* idots, PERSONfiL- -TLUa <IRLONICLE FE-.e CTU5 mr. Fred ieteli leut on Thurday iuranc for llarrwe Mr. and 31P. JA, O, W#mc1smi fr Bout. tend on ~-miy 'Sff U u cdr. t . Ânxies. Mr. Alec. MeGîIW » vsilà tovi, ou sumie3 calling on friends. Mr. Alfred iBron, Brantford, kiof u liberir- n Bro,BsRq., h home for e short Mms.Sît th da Ite -a' of Mr. Wau. Smrith, 4t Lin'eS"%btbYi returae4 te Wlu.. nipeg "i week.-1,1î Mrm. Mellfci, of Bran irLb h vlm' lulng ln t<,wJ, tI1C. par te e uet' ' bIzr. 7,see loed Mr. W. J. 1ur4non of »f. W'.m,S ccunoiltej,,wubrs - repruiting ln bouIllithe pant tvo vouka WN forcKJasNcal ou Thnred0c. Il à~ repretsetUv0s f el O he Ldis Culegeatndei t4sweek teMbu4p ConfecnqsitPcterbmruub. Mrs. Sù#od, 'how itmh bardatýgMer hbu been thie JUet of lm.Ces. f4reboomNts Mms.Dr, Orlb" 1w;3. wiIL. (t. ý ton, Newv Yo t*4îî mç'çflýÇo rau. M mui Mwe-Ormual,ta ve . he their gpette for Ntsh see.u,-. toter otu NIv* !an>t-iu Eoek$ ME AlS Theru lsoaon vayby acli ay dis- kiny rlvur. To reetore tûas 18te OW ymqby which elti oua home. haas:achieved ils gruat reputation. IN acte Kldney, LAver andi Urlnaqý troublu ' for tbe dimlreslng ileorders of U;e a inrli, anti uyabylstroublesoenefyhie qrua ruuaudy bas ne equmi Bevere e! iai. "iormitwtoueend caDooellOeU Wdto bý ao*Ia seekfor WMazç anr DIAENUQi For smie by ail deurs Iiif N t ~isO!0 ife 4ctMtylso6 peertNodigniy, and peoalal eu. ergy M.d dO.p&km o ePreffeditated "Reont on Eate." O -es ov aImieroacheo, «1684 anti bod.b minaisohlopmnnke, eara» Mfboozy bnamars. only uîen invited, but lu adveraty hey corne wIthout inetâtion. OLDeMPHNGS MADE NEW- by TiGa. gls Pmsffde Dys.. Taes oly the thys. cornieret paokagie 80 colore. AUl go&=a. W& d. ice 10 CIL For sale by -W. B. efferin,* *revard to the man whio oaa vaeclia "h.weatheritb»dmêh r. so ",1 ià take L a"wr torm . ntb.Aainedo cnly bIgLt MAR IRD. residmnoe of h, lNji'smc q4 bX le Bey. John 8. Zi Daligln.e Dufdioàa. ofI., lin.t.;er Wbra uuNoa.(3. of the IaN. Lewis B. TrewÏbrldge, forai- eriy .1 Buffalo. THB 8EýOEBT-&I Whtby, ost2M4hjula, 4&licdMal, eniy dangbu etM Mj. L, 8ebe¶ ne.~d 1y»ar aMd mon"ie Ossoxrcra Orna, s u» 2 lm. Vilha......... ..0 6*h Gco do ta --St' -.'At- Se E k: g SLNQÉ) M M. - - ýGO fO1", ýilF ý IAPDLIT B Grat Gvin-p-Bùsn~ ae egený; . ~ Curau ~Ns ParaoIs..1mFr '~s ~ods,Çlvsclsey y -~ÂND W~~&NED4 GENUWN OR MNE SecLreoe 1e~'re ty ~e ~ we annt-re-plae them.- We _have theýii as Iow s LU r e . 'c > New ~ssot hiéek tg5enfts per yard. SPLENDID VALU.t ~: - . --- - J * LASQw.: ~~~~eu Bit&L . n.o ail lb 1oad~g oÃ"Ie,. Etra y 1 00Bl* t- t t t ~ttt- '~ - *t --t t - ~-, <~t t tt,~-- ~e ~jj ~Ae0> - -t--- -~t i t, - ---I t--I t' t6 -~ '~u - t tt~t~ -4tt ~r'v~-z ui~ - - ~iath&~6~ Il - tel et>> t e-t g ~ t>t>,~, fr-e> - t . t. e- - k- 'e* -- ....s......... t,711 p.i' Thee ~odsae 11w li Gr Demand, acrnnot,.be bought tles.thiin ouraie. LA crD*~t ~. -> -> - t~~tt>~- - - - -, t 't OPD1~'E1~L*3W JJALL, WHITBY. Whiolesal & DOPÉS.: whtON n Irem, 1p ofy chi- front:,~U

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