Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jun 1883, p. 4

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e mele nothlgm. â oitu pn ciba fobase »«mmnaaauuIt, wlll nk ruity flat uarnplcn, Dr. Féliz L. Oawaldm"yain 1s~éa.s~ mmohbooraiji thalfigua eau b. fat btte. V4aLrn~b.IldlftLOiA1t boM rne Il e~ not epoupaberet j~j1~iipe4tran MenIt wlubiin5 iii a.*1n ohé. A -Ii fa*p. frd> hforUe1Iauuaun1 hhmo la tin b ut cernent for jet ar-shiri and a looa. nocblie meh!'lb -14- th#lb jont rendors it mcml byglol summer drume. lu lb. ,nacoh. alterucon utmove thé neobtie mnd toi! Àý l'u n je Ob Roia oed coanfortel' the .aleeoie; Il eau donDoharmbeo ftu ool fmes uin ler, if. a bot valt 9bibé freah air by aIl avallable means, 015 SUl~bO8sos cm~IbItnuy. Nor je therna ilxns Md i l exa~ ma u lonohiieru'SudftheI.pad filloime; l l melt -0e uis l t .t.'on . dangerona, even in &lie, poat awlterlng Wd Mv Iii r i o honflyto ch nig lts, 10 remove the b.d blankela. it M ééé yn vudrfuyto hageKick îbom jute héfarthoal cornerif Y"n aal l à ront m ' oceito. lllY »eo mo, too wrarm, andi ul.op youbav ~ ong da'. ewlz 1 dc ou abitdri drawera or mid«s'a To gb méat mal' b.enmaileas tender Ifai>a& s",heet. Hait saketi lasseont s Mybyl. àito o Mble VMIf sloop lb. year round ou theoutoue. g o . ator wben it is put On tc race of th. Musco Borboulco snud ont. Mei. live thb. aathmatio bnrgberminu Iheir It mochoa and cool s foverish pa. awoat box dormitorios. Tho body tient to bath@ hlm vi warm vater in effecte parb-oft i sbreathlug tbrough the whicb a ltle salratus bas boau dis- pores. Painting éa man -viii yeUlo kolyed. ochre and copal- varnish woold loti hlm *ou»ted coffo. le one of tbe most pow. us urely as banging him he b.nok. erful dusinectaute, nol only rondering The coufiued air betwoen tho skiacf animalima dvegetablo effluvia harmiloss, lhe body aud a tatum cf beavy-blank. but roaly destroylng them. @ta goe gradnally suroharged .Witb If the. brasa top of a kerosone l.mp carboule aid-in warm weather @Ton ho opsird vt~to the verge of saturation point. The. hlaner oeoffri w i m a rt tperspiration i. thue f orced baok upon plaetr cf e urve«whatte v thelebody ; and lte lungs-perhape al. *tidvii b. 5 ~rcig 5 5 Oer. ready weakonod by diasse-bave le do To beut theo vbitee of ogga quxckly double wcrk. put lu #à plaob. of salt. Tho çooler the egp lie quiokor lboy vili bfoth. 8Sa1t Mcn and Thirigs. oboeÏN46 idabeàfoabustbom. Iuncaring for ftilturo romembor 10o LEANINCOI PEOX I45 YSoUBCE5 ON à keep wateravay firoui.overything sol- VAIIETi' o1t BJEOTS. uble tberen, ou from ,eveythi gpor Tem lafiodprtclbboe 00s, leohol frcm varnleb, 3 i50s5 eth. vindow. Il ia' alvaja full ei freiomrbpnsana.ud Wbc basDtnetacumort Oum yolk adoit tad ubMtsoiled parla vit i ltinfltle tarsgoften m Mdceres ouI, the onwm i viii vale If yen w"a te pour beitg botlkuÂnl t i las. jar or tumbler il cm ho asi!'dàeb>' putlg a apoon lulo the dish'befere yon pour, but a drautit of coOb mrrut Dot rac@it. TM» m mesat odor loftinluthe breti afler .at62goueis entirel>' r.roved by'àa up cf eeno if.,atilb ofs eWOat eur ed i imPele V>~al. Meédloalmoun crnp es t "a g abula bo umad iti unis, .eselaly- Whou taleu ai &gbt. To keep ila trom window8 taise a apege or erdinar>' paint-brusi sd tb oîrr t& kmoceotvicevith a 11111. cola Îý bis not oul>' keepa the 5551 bu'fito m t bogiies the glits bu oublma alever, sud tbe bals la bhling oS labis.seacp ofiago, steep Îltlua quare of oft war,train il off * mb a tigil bots. ,Sponge 1h. head viIi s lestufroqdsnlly, vclling th. mtid te s wb.abgeM sc a dleeIo e o. mi! isiion bola be. emisap mdlesols'es lb. emastial .11. Th* valet ubould b. chanred wvhen thb' iabbege s balfcoked, su ail vili lina aiquire groomarmweolnous. On ceazlu, ent a a ut romm or j - all, bo wak hozne on acla r arnp u4ril do not ludulge in omuebecon. versatiou boover agreeblo youresecort rnay be. Breatêrougi the note, andi ké h mhut à Iasmuch apu AivieIo a 8oy. el avay fhm lie crpvd s 11111. ffl@ ever-4y;ay bpyi, tga u e 'ge l ejsntedti vii -ogw4 - ~AZcs the Manne mai epe ' ycu are fluo llfytu are alwm enOl; gocti atiuprgt t aoeat ,'1-e&ati algbtaaMl teMaM nomu; if yeu are 'e bxpedioUasyou 'a re a.u4 i Ubbopioio;if yq, as araya hoe; if n .hirt, .u -r 'Ily3 e. Mt of iYeung m i n t erL~ ye m~Your me4iorsaya yen are 4sud boy, sud, beieve me, .veq lime von jus viiib. A atroger, belIer, purer Mun. De' âfl lia, Telernai, sud 11,111 deoe go Thse Fins Tepcb one vindow-blind P #,f howc sys a "r air of $taine meaM ne oulone ataira. Re wbo apeaka ,of Ob ladelt mlgbt justa l a etotly say s% "tpir of latdoje" Il lnly wheia y70Utumble doun atairr Ibat lb. stop. double on Yen. A western cirene bau lutroduceti a big mnkeya1dremeetiD P 11k. a dd4. Bo mark. la iste reomblgiboe Ihatm elet lita are unabble 'sgt.. aute vhxeb sa %kt, ecnnecting 11mb. *- 8bI1c1'a ConsumplionCue - ble i be.Lycad e»s$ou-esh. mea seamfn i ugb edielme - w bave ever sold, a fev dosai invariably cure the votIcase 9f Oevab Croupmd sisieuhtit. uhlils àimaefll sbuceem lu th. cure cf Conaumption le vitbont a parallel lu the biatcry of medicine. sine& itefsfuintdieovery ilha@a>be selS ou ab guate., a test .vbicb ne otuor medicin.eaumtand. Il yen bave a Cougb ve earueetly saisoye tryl'il. &Pri1ets. 56ela.aïd .1.00. if yeur Iag are @cre, oeua or baok lame, nue Shilob'e Peons Plasters. W. P. Hovue, wholesala andi tetail agent, Wbitby. Statuftice shoôw tiraIboy bubie. ar more apite die fIxaty girl babies. Boy& can't stand contiueal lugàg u a girl. ,a laalAkuvcget 'tHsadu~rstomscb sud misetable &P., peltt for monîhu, and gorthibm every day. I used Burdocis Blocd Billet. wiii lbheu=est marelous reaulte; feel spl4n&id." MUS. J. JORNBON. Pittsburgh, Pa. ThieveeanarealwaZys, illigto *take atd 1 1an s ny bualuesl. Aivaja _Cul of ceunt.namo-Tbe What .very Person mionltiXwno.- Tie graa4oult et tissai, tram li -eyalem 'dintaluImbovabe md ikiu WndqÏy. Bwdcok s leoti Blts a hlie mot mf,.aalai-sen pqug«le Tuîai b$alt mo eeutGfk th f Ta bavai,," i hr.ueedf *1 - LI= 'FBRTHIPIUMA CURE I Wl ~ CONSTIPATION. I »~a~ We eboe ~Ia e, jsovalu~ An s owe~. At. p - ne~m. - eeal1kts~a - us4i~ ieShivs50thottb. ru I. w Pêù Whpl io biatchnst * a * iee lt lie't. ue W amb,, 0 b t dh9 rsiga Sm. ï sglu.f011v bu WtlSi 1~AzI It -leàm kb I ~ niat i 9w t a- any peope ae deng. Théiy don t juit kno'w what Io ther mate, but they have a combination of *Aches antd pains, and each month they grow worsO The onlyr sure remedy yât found- e itp'LPBt3»A±#f i )ITTrmst and this"by rapid an tudIboough Uspjite wi&h." wblood puriies mnd, entichesÎ4 ansd rlob, Strng- blood flo 'ing to e-tory part cf lhen1yisterm repaira th wasted tissues, drives out dis~e.gd gives health aud strength This is why SULpmUR ÀND md xBmrrmswifll curekIdd- ney and liver diseaes, consumption, rheulaim, aeuralgia, dyq.iepuia, ii- iousness, întermîtiontfevers 1Iwua agreî ut fere vraurw ogekr verd 1 bov have a rgui4PetiAn EDWARD ELLIQIT SmmmIHUR ANTbiltONBir- Tmas iit a drink and doees Diot contain whisky. It 15 the ouly prcparation of Iron tha&. ceauses, a l0#_40rl effecta. Gel the genuine. Sold by ml dealers. Prie A Voles ftP thebm"ftd 8ssm.. vltb dyqmpepsaaî .mROB" dobihlymad vhs.relif v qulk a t uaslw baitibedti, me tha Umm anobe takes b7 lb. fct.lek. Duclen'm ArnlicaSalve. Tii. Boit 891v. lîlii. erli for "uta, M5 cents pet bex. For b' T. 0. Wbiil. "IIWby do divers go to me, George , Why, to gel at the bottoin faste, Nov. muavay andt tblk tpeabard orna. AUl *verthle reoovery by lbs, ImI a tMsa .i uaè-IvÀu ý .y aud b~ g ,4T] 1~05< INKO' I - ICB Are Fi Anld are selliug at astonie our .Grocery GOLDSMITIV8 HALL, &IIEI LUI COR[ foiIS LTR 5ontLBhth.*800a 1 e~lI aM MMIM 4 ~IrdGold ýB lJolored, Gold Esi Drops, Oolced ~l4Oains, Neckleto-& Colored oILar f Pns, ~I.lver Jewelery, waltbam1,Elgin & StisaWalcbes, -8ilver Pflated Goods! b ia Carefuly Atlmnded to. ffl 8uooksb., Wl Jaauarylb,,I8S3. - - - - -' - zblWkanlsge. a1 4 or-agre. lu break op a BU- p 1»&...40Rive ls"t« Waraulthae y-ti gl masb able Ooods. nies. TA~JOINO TOOUIER.We have disposed of wil r~i t t estthe remlàiudeiro the month. Dvess 6 - i ~ ~eat~fe C in'ekl~rtio1ass qaaltyinLadies, ChildUen'a Underwear, Aproiid, Pliiafores, Sun-hats Bonnets, ana Infant aitie complete. Alïo sud sud: D1~ESr RIM!IIGS, LINEN, ~4! i~1chedC;ton, BtonLaces, m broidery, Lds'adCidê' mornfor the present, Mak ,ýIÉtIiofYubry faloins uI T PÀR[ -~GLAN~DS- Sltuated in thue district arenovmoat favorable terme. T: imi.nmty tb the capital, vii 11- m dntoly aettlod.by-a irectOrder .n c mlmkea tibs tataY ir lnademmaa peody rlso hIValue in ~~sZ807 vOM&Yfomp of au oxaoedingtly largo s"d ânaba~~~ in~àlu a 112e o rýFo ran il cannot be ei:rn OO~ ÂTUE FEL WaecanaD.vepaâaea pan~ ajaamils hat IXWYACIqII à» thug afordeL. ve th ieuidNotua a s openiorlnapeoen. ý"eý ' - WATT BomS laps .H Z81 rno J. M. HMONQuApl.S jt .8 ILÀE.nai -~~ EDWÂRD C. Bma2RE, oa-' colm 8ITINGS 0F THE DIVISION COURTi, 01000 Z' K Xt. COINTY OF OXTAr*l iO, 1883. ng the o-o ngdenco in ts sup cgyover aU othera, and mter thonun ..- 1= 15-of the lA2o t 00S m pU &ea d San d Over 4.4 cAsplwe o l <fnd wefëelJstfedi n ofer th fmit One Thouu4 Doliarsfor mny0 1. Brougb*rn.... S of wetc ly daim refthaotvocnlce W4h# Ubg. ...... 18901219148121 1 b,, ,Wloed eollar.nufo 5.?iit5Sfl.1421 9 20 85 12 o1roceapOf pe. c. 15-22 21 go idér. B -Ifl . B AEEL Clr heIr L oae CUGfHiSICOLD4, ~$GRAY'S itbefSYIRU P 1 lte Jq5ea '= . RED , yGc est oquatu # GU M.- cn- ot Zt emaiCGbk poeser înreieving W&mM u =wcuud. ng o5 - o "re, -s not we TRADE MARK. Tim n Gxn TIADE MAI Àlm IXuasuBM 00 - TU GRY NDICINE Co., 15 Torento, ont, canafa T. G. WHITPIE]à7],ieaer, Wbitby EARS TFOR MILLION!U Poaively Rs re ieH arsgam le the On>, Abiolugte-Cure t6r- Thie 011la balxàteditejm pocullmsaý tila cfismafl ile Sbark,-esnght inu 8. Yelow ea1kuotamOcarefos nBOM76 7d JOH-N GOSS,& S~~~~~~wb=B GBea gn, OdlIutal, T6ùRONTO.i s -1s Carffage -Whs 7i~tiy ~a~hh~pabljrim aoi tuk N OAIILGBS, odueiatîag tif'r Elepie ptims, nr., and! Tiskie u ,~ To b* e t uis e . 4i 4à ed fmoni 26YEALRS 'ESTA ~FRIDAY MI 'ýProm the Office,OnuOxCLB Street, Whi The cnzoçIOEhsa] l $auany other papor îlu I J8, Robe rt8oi PROPUIETO TEBMS 0F AIIVI ibeequent insertion, 5ýos DlsplayedÂdavertisemâ byàaie lof solid Nonp& Adverlsments sent vi ', racttiuono lnserted ptli muM bu in writing, other' j" not be responsilile. A 4lberal diiecout for, !inaby'th Yeu. CCP, 0onrt advertisemental -Inoo laIer than WedneiÙ Im nanded changes aI ý.flTuesaoy faon. Oth ~ et *vedup ta Thnrsdayi Bu ~siness notices jiloc nn-->e txtinsertion 15 cents j e a e ; 1 0 c e n t s p r lU n e e s Mr-ý-eïin. Five cent er l l e. F orrespondsnce sl ct hiet. 0 cuOonty or neighborhn wit aeoentimse reqneste ~' JOB PRITIwlxàtD Co, Thi /'tDepartinent- is the Newest and Huandsom ff*e~able for uvury clame prilntng a. specis.lty. E.e qmpment in thi zs3 elas, andis e a HE WESTERN Em. WHI'B Y, WHIITBY BI Brocie Street, BARRISTERP -&A - AT LAWË,SOI .C. H. RITCHIE, Taranto. and tisant>' Soli"l vinig, court Houa., IWl 7jABS£ D&A.!» ~TOfNl BOB' G.YON 22,8i~R Slu Ca ya10 el STIATI irut b In iIjmaauq j. 1-I doï oi Mi nles vJa=,@ ':The mii preéalcul mawatOf c vew a o ~ uiae S J n I 1] a 1ý

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