Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1883, p. 3

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différent of PROM He hla just received lis winter stock of -Plated- W are. si Cuaeuuol*, ana s a utborised te psul recolpis fte, ckto aetc., sudana aoi LOCAL A_tHRWISE, WHAT 1 0O tNTOYýNAND ELEWMIIE.A CHAONIOLE REPORTERS AÀO0CR Et1OOET Et. Adre" .. De<lýYeg,Lrgel It. W1 1.8. bhBsin ecol.eî Tueesyvnig 1mev. bâocw at tb. Town Hall, WeI- eedsy aid Tbursday evonluge petu. tsptcileeu anted iuumediatoly. MuItgritslvick. Duadas"ete. ýÏ4lsi>Mhg ntted mntie Clotho ini 01âaiVssl$y (pilat4esud pricet ai çoxxxiutic-ý b.autglfuchoan. ~ Rovoe 4U sformex Bufuéy h.ê>tok Ca rgo cfbaley la, ji Toa s1, WÏ4iaoy And M. nem .Oebli tH5w»'& Drug 4 *iWr .Ifýr. M.E ., t bispue11, À. . A.1ebeaen eg gdtht.ee.k in Oisela-Yn eau me,-Conio tal tweed suit, fiue blacli suit, or overcesi, zpâde lu the v.r best eiy the 'Great er.18elelbke~la Rie Itte, IUaultoba, vu t.stroyed yfr a frtlh Mce l la» s .47., Mfr. Ecgg vaufogmevly Prosbyterla, mnlulaer in, Oebava, m sudlle)nbav tu Whllby. Uneqaittld-EBveryoulmr17 obé alielYu ar e t lb o b o itsa butvaue-evrypair, amnte,see wM bu gesel gel lbohn t ni D Mns4-lad 10.ry elerss ui.b vilibe vem Ia' b e o Bt oe.) Jchpbsaoburoeh sd Sbbab oboo..&11 . Iat tute lu lbheLlbrartooin. aet *. "Glmpffl of Beotlaud," lu lite 'cv Bal). ~$W*~on, iWedne.day and batb Bebool Institute, Runrolues la the Riaslag et 2 'olock. ý Àoordw àIvita- là szffW, a U Bab. bath Suit..) vckev*? Flaunh.-Oieparth Re ohespest nthe peu¶W9 Mmu , pdgwe) OMause1 1.1filanusem, lir pribee ands4lne quahty. C. V. BeaL Dr. Aan btb l~doctlat, mhbe bau l atI .&»reauang sujad1 ff' * TYLISIR N»( ÀA DOMIN10 WRROM :oooo: CHEAPDRUFS, QÇ~D -AT- DOMINION WARERtOOMS -00-- ,,C'HEAR MANTLES -AT- DOMINION WAREROQM8 Chap ý1,Overcoats FO U ~N AiDBOYSP DPOMINION WAREROOMS CHEAF FURS!1 -AT- DOMINION WAREROOMS :00e: A Complete Stock of Dry Goods, cheap -AT- DOMINION WAREROOMS POWELL M04LANID TîxoAi.-No obeuige hg ma". in truaieeof lb. Wbusby trench cf thé Midlaud by th. aew ime card whioh came loto effeet Mou. FOOTr P'i.z.-.match ijeta b. pisya 0&.morrow ehernocu ou lb. Fait Gr«ond belweeî the Collogiste hu- tut.e club and cither th e Collajjgî gToroDto University club. 6~:o TO rwr asenb of Loîdon aulolJu lovn u a £ 3015More. *f *bout 740 s"utef et, b Prof.Ragni, in tbé Toira M lou e dnday ai" Trbirdày erantugu ileit. eereeee at Li.'. Drog store. P»mAnsurroy.-Mrs. Werner wbo la boul e uup ber nuldminl TerOl, ason tbhe e cf tber deprt. br ~ aWe«14 preeeuiDW b y 1fr JamWO Browgn, b.d -maeter !tRie Model Bob»o),vu hs aleganft album 7toan bouveulr frein th.enuember4, et b o«Otednm.lg thé Moeb-aisi Wtafonîld 0be -on â4o, the. in 4ausào nut brokiw out oêîd a daffe. cwend.a"d théean.Co.. va». >b«ly-bsI,çl butI b. 11amea ver. bile &W theRiemiwY ý #Mol « Mrî J smin& tg a ltwrary SA bby. ommil a ý aoumitai &Co00 MzruoDuwrTais UA '- thelb report given st the.»Cul methîg sa frein ether boums eesvgatlbe h.fl. lewing teom nuepeoing thaburobi during the làmam.oy of ia prenst 1ftr Bv r. Wallougbby. The lads bve a vez 8250 the ti midl. cf luly, iudependflent M b.LAà- niverusq8eruo. This sus i b rs ezpeuo*4,on the parbouege la internai iuuiblag nidl exéeruel painting. B.. a"d.thltty hïvo .omineàe *<fnid by ïub.oelblng Lv. tente a veaà e"b to h.lp lth stee te ames tIheir lWt lieu. lrady tRer. ar.výr i18ty tubi- ecribera. aimil M il pro".I.y eo. rea unidred. hilt &W18& tenakd &mrve.âLà th. eongmegatoas.AI- rsy more <a lb.the *atfl e. ofl tfhbelsrouraheýb é>.a lne_ »tiiadeetshavebees t la Ah* m"'ia. Oonu eit M01" s " "ee ee eellewtom aMd 1oýentrbutlontovard theob" uék é.Theel. ioexttien. IV. m Prus Bc udsày SR.) model o'godod er; nid &Ys Peoples' LÎ$esooaton, wh" b ueté fort, yeeI lecture abeet AlUa tcletur rc. éad 6oadcotediw il Poee mode, il e nM I grv. Tlsonglithé- Taberasui.lu. bavlg unro**4 poéqéiry We wlebIà .11£1ugreattr .atw da* 1'oia usau.% Il 8d49 4wur*' Jo t 609040-1 A plendid asotenfLades' Fille Bo'ots, $1.26- up.e Men's'Low Shoes, $1,10 upÙ e"lîl ot, 16 p fBoysW Low Sh.oes, $100 up. RUJBBERSý> AT CATALOGUE A Large Assortmeut Men's Foit -Boots to hand. s SUITS Ç3um.-I~ SUITS! w We can with cndee athat we have seeured the servies of a first asiuter, .whose. .work will-<ôpmi the best ini the cityadfrspeirt rat deuil of it. Mr. JohnWDrkh adhrgofurTlri meu sice astJ-ly, and during that short time; has earned _for himse-a a reputto ibe utrs o ~~ - experience. MIh ~ldsre . CIVE U8 A TRIAL AND YQVýu WIlLMOTRG ETIT A NDREWIM'- 7 Tam,-Tb. Rey. Mr. Abrahiam pester of st. Anurve aobuvR, RadIlà -ovroot lolm 6 oiedy lest verit. from borne n&M Cetre smm% su iza eramm"snvoù .-the uav Pldsy, salurday, ma éSMMdY tueskey I.lb velar aou svlé us The ireCoM. tuvud ont vulbami sula14,reay top tbPrt peq yon Meudar, alvue k*pt Iwotle u lb. eté si tatiUmfor su bcurmed-n WU di o4 cà ep&O t t b. dort.Ase"pculaL Ai tW b@ tRdmt vau aider onotrai. b7Ro.-Irum ooma h eb"rovu vWOU awelby an Matul im aeW.cdmf 1à visllng iriends la -g.J.- W- heeePe.e,, eOfI e461, Ht Ur. Vu. Me0slae, Toset%, umm the tabbht o h éufiifli ceadm2ui lfrD. J. "ÏtPitTv,'esvgl tîa tià Bdi taRve esv au"MIP Given up by Dmoirs "1hait pouible tRial Mr.,Godfroy in up and .1 vovk, aMd ourbye.8mu"Pl$ a remedy?" et1 am 7ure1yen ism hue laI s-en. hlrsly ourd, and vitRi notblsg but Bop Somme "ci »a lieo us dier oae u TRiâ" etuvmii A Ontamgilpaid dcvmbs-That et é@lb. lg wvbbaye lb. moou. NEW R. AD V.. E Ki' ISE MIENTï.- E . JÂMIESON. £ ~3W, Ladies'> -C 'hild OHOICE: GRANULATED WhiEA New Spanizh Ornions, m ~VUulNewva, 4,3Ogee, Bivprabe&Àricte NewCv ranberries, EvrnoêP" ruwI ' runcs, New Oranges, Nov Ilemoi)si 3rowti Moal Bigouits. ApobarouDIer iuovYplgo Sod"Bhuculs, -~ - I ITAUAN f - .-~ - - Tsr)or laIt on Mcnday fi ut. Rie Ries ucuved rvere aid adinga An ai n lb. Cetn4y u fuiog *et, "eeci l nubrli MbaiL rtohe , PRICES! Get Ou~ r ioesbefoee oa uy i SUITS L

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