Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1883, p. 4

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CAAA UBTRODaSIr aiuaR. M rvlea$ 1 .m0 and4i0pm Is ln.ioabaxi, P t. servies atil &.ta. ad 7 P.au ltp u sins8.26 &. .sm ? .m Trans, M u Stages. -fpr SANDARD TIrm m.-m IMIW *ba M MW h . ad4W ey coliStuWam. Fuapvs un.25 pons SM5 . 1 100 »d pe 5 pu a. t by asiasssa Ko*y Oder of. set IsudKswfudnd udtude. "a ami le ousaet ate " a , fu4mlt ut.a PotaiRae ls4Orst*yLuxsubemre, Ma, ,500m= .ts, Ituise, 5e. orme wui< An lvasrtd t.aé-Deruda, Cube, DodulsColoaaeaofet 8. Vrcm, St.Omts isses suPoa tacis breke au d $oe teath ai i sia, i. forige. Ajroa om uov ermsw U-- dnxedadfm t LXbihilt ises froce the batiks cf the 1'aomm a gréai bte marble shsft, pieranthe lb.ouds, ad lbeda gaietth i ' o f lte hé iy4 world, lise or s"on, und lu- the 106n& cf the. future, aboulthe.nations cfie day PAU. away, ioaving no xmore reaords, cf their progposa t h, mighi> oues of the. Egyptas uat, Il vil surpasetlré, Pyrabuin tae wondeof aIitscouslmc* lion, It i. alroady lilgier 1hSiïEIIà" Thîrd Pramid, and vithin a hundreil fo t fLe sireof the, second. Itlal taller,"a St. Peter's Cathedral, ana mr m te- higheW the tallast work lu lte YorId. -NouA comos the Great Pyraanid,488 let 14'h;, then the Btrassburg Cathodrai, 478 feet; thon the second Pyrantid,458; thon St. Pcter's, 41W St.Stepben' etaI-Yieua What an Egg wvlU do. For humas and scalde nothing la more soothingthua te wvite of ega,, whict, > may bc prt" over the wound. -tii W softer aviinish for a buru than lodion.aud. hbeing always ut hand, ~i bo applisd. It sacomore coolig Ib Ihe Ë*eet- cil and cotton vwch 0 - fom~ppoed to b. the suret"e te iecczla wthe smartiugz&1jÇA1 th. eie odîacomfort .czperimim froni the ordinary accident cf titiskl, and anythina, that excindes the air at provoutkinlammatioxiistii-thdngto ,b. at once applied. Tho egg ià considcrod coecf te bs ..~deInadysentery. Beaten Upo or witbout sgr u a agulp, it tends, by iLs ihties, tle letesonlb ifiam. dumtiomn cf Lii. setomïacl sud intestines, sd body. Tva, or at mos titre. eggs O~~)~urquiet- or lie patient is kept, lb. more certain sud rspîd la lthe reoy>. Tbe Tire Wlahs la th c cf.mino, viat I would chocs.." ',àtTo givo you a bottor chance," said te fathor, sl uppoelie alcwance bo lucemami o t lieoviias, whaî would- good healtit, third, cf a good simca. *Hia latter s e b im'~ Lae$ power, rie d varions011 'Cigs anofed eseem ammi8gt 0t tf 511 I15M" said ied hoae ab AtIie aé hat ±hung -wal- coule along înitis rIgÎ bt gcLOi ur ycuireders i k prîAf t.,6fe Ont. The msnwbo rides ou a railrosdl train, sid mi'. Ssbblna, "lamiiDe. tinona., Depaslts, GravaI, &e., cured by O*Bnabnpaiba" #1 Ir jNe raunvarbe yo*s' 'Idu' aut beri i , M-y dagiter," iraks u inte" youug ardent, "I wsni ber la b. my vl. Mr@. J. MoPhe. Appin, write.: 1 Duriag hhelail elgil ears I bar. used timost ever> moiitu recouamnend for Bilionusa, but fonnd not"n 0qul e arso's Bittera. If yen ouf. #erly 1. Pri-cedO0ctels. Hf jo vaut your eommbnioatlons le uwosvpaper to appear au a y, yan j -niud sign pourmeif" 'Venita.," Il Vigi. lance," I"Vox Popuili," -oir"Tuaapyèr. " Au>' ons ofuhese signatures bite an edi. tom plumb.eutre 1,heUhina, PlIe-Symptom ansd. Cure. Tiesynptotus are moisture, 11k. perspiration; intense itcbing, îuoreased b>' seiratehia,,ver>'distreiDgaif. la'astnlb, om s pinxmr-m4, vsre cravllog inuMau il lhe-ro#4nà Lb. privai, parie are sometlmet affect., .8. Ilfashow,8 la continus very1aerinu.s Aiea for T îlrI at Rbtum, Scald Raid, î1s1m !as «fgs- D làb, Sent b>' mi#.or-0 *otç'boxes.t1.25 in ns.. 4ag~DrSfWAYNE& SON, P hipio ,Ps. Sold by Drus. cause hhabu easisbis b ritay, aS tboib tht vswu lhngto b.joy = b-lb«bIL ï jI4tutI Ax Y&iôtlýabeiai a1ght ad ra"0 ofar urssb à as* ebl pferg sud or>nn viii tie cuaalgpals of eung09lets!? Ifse, g~ao 84 osud get a battis of MRS. WISLOW8 %9Ommiqt)YRUF. Iý viii ieu"ey thi o lê. .uert is4iel~, -dep.nDuPon h li. . n mltiale about it. Thora le uci a mather ou varl v.ba ever nse 1t, viho vii n-iot je.yu et 40lt"i 15 viiimeré L the ýqýqélfe Ana give rustlo Ibo' MO. fiter, aid',"roel'inkd health tle billl, aperaing ia,1k.mugia.It i. perfesel> "all -uel aoses, aud pleassunt ta the haste, sod le lhe pruscriplionof oe afIth '.0cîdest sud'beslfl(ei.physiciess sud nurse ià tb.United Statm .Soid everyviiere. Tv.uly.fir. conte a bot- A ~ ~ ~~~b PesiIaelgorh.diseoveda téi ibé obiraotr éf àpemansianru *X *Oýý Te drlàtof s lavys. tlie, WholtsbutmaIy*ls n both aides, muet b. v.ry muai mized. a"AÀ bitafasolont uictory- ' 1k aBne., opa . dcuuén-ey0wtbave r, etsUéa,.AI. al-bî7i, isn eva IaleuS a "he~~a ptpIatt~ 41h'U he isviale pa is 1wo»üa« esigr lhaeu .y aun P"al» -hase &Axbosi ttat-f 5", lb.e Aài5ais5publl5 B ovtlbmp'lal etor Ciiit-né,Pa .r uea$ytvaulty =ims»mrs uvpapers Dar-l a n muer. so a .t ue Pema 1 e , ti~~ h4ai Cisbe TheL .0adl u ts tain to lte states 1à 1%,5 sd ýbDemmn 0& Tesjq AIP14"' sid a "0 y.I. bela blase, l #2 uwu1Ii ekle.1,0; hi. nkilmah 'A question r "Reause1 Wreelis M~eelmnbie 4; aeets evrstghreyen gave tg lbis1,849; imnhle 1 u iI a#lt. 4'ttstcsee luste a gensml ln. inéTl publiostiaus for the pust rsar Sbmdaut tise vhole céunlry, espes.- they amu b eekilea.There ha, j 4 smrit sw- U' bàiô étb. o ouerese lunLthe Teri KlM-I8AEJ 40a'iss.etaaea.-Issdan sud Wv lu. s.a~ laa 'aleffSarl a bi .au. ,eW 4, uvèg Lswitauitwilisthe TIrt6ry Prj à -d%ý .- & -à'rta Ml ai te lowrema r,*ere se IIlL er. ii nmber ro. âeoujItmatou uw Ume, vidas Grcerwh bhas Ie- jainosî'the m T1emelia, practicina, lu hie @op - I"BiO4s vas wuedW I-Ir. rgitu, LefFour pacehe .ruri %tbeq b il., smrd1-ib alsdowv trap-.cor ie lith This ýî bsyond question theost acoeudnil Oough Medicine W. haàvW *,ce.nold,& few doses invariably cure thq woret o.osci ougbi Orou»,_ sed- t~ he ours aÇ oni.umptioîn la wlthoul '. nfrUel lu lb. blstory &ýfrMedicine. S.inc là lrat discovéry Il -bas ben aslj on a guarantée, a titi* which no other mbdwco. o0" stand, If yau have .Oeuthw4srusai-ael-yo-lotry. it. P"ra 10 ec. 50 ôta. sud 81.00. If your longs are sore, chett or bok lame, urne Shioh's Porous, Plaîters. W. B. Howse, whloae ndrtail agent, Whtby., ?.bltriWe .tok place.rently' ai koraes22jg,,lawhioh tb. prmnipl aud whole bridai party were.deaf mâtes.-1 What a lively imte b clergyman iiiusi have had-with bis fiagers. For Toothache, Buma@,' Cuta and 4euaipusserry 'Davis' ain' "«What will this corne to P' writes a nov Pott on the margIn of a sweet tbing ho sent about a yanng man tiying for love. It won't come to aaythîng young masi. Il willgo, ormore properlyapak. lugît. bas goue, tb a circular'receptaclo mnade cf vioker work. Catarnrabnf the Bladder. Btiagiiog .irritation, infammation, OUl Kidusy and trinûaCe omplainte, bot bread le poison, sud lanobes ils IhuanderstaImuffls, vaffles, hot bisants, -ud-mny ohiier atiithat render Ide1 delikhtfnI. Dr.Du &s rench Bougies. #IHEouuet »usRBmedy for the Cure of Glàréi;0eetSpermamcrahoa. <>uwGuuorrhoeain four da sor le". no t)aOurm. »Y case 0cf (eet. No. thres 1M)lie aniy reanedy for sexae w.skasa,~avel aulos. etc.. Po@it. lot.eu aWh1uby, W R. Revue,] Duadus si tl w oi= & -u = II u Mâeu ins towreck a taln s'*aiyouluva*k-be rail il wiltaertaialylterrupt bh- hala of tboughl.. A marvelloussure for Oatmav, Dip- thoseî, Oske; Moulhsud Ead Ache. With..ht.%. her l sfeu nasal *joolor 'l. *W treatm.nkuof lb... Smsplalat*to, suai ebatge, W. IL' a, boe withoul mÏoue>' le noSt heugbt 50 mug 'of now.a-daye au a devil witb a bagful of 'Imm aeld oe'~t.am .Its. samdes u i- isai snr u iv A"r ma=rr n vnsv et eltier mril St b ai 1.00 »resudytbmclism se t4-a- b4f es-c Ilk 0sil0m"aitf=rant leça ot tt rLe t I 6 rsill vGeaf814ummy inssle -'. l5'iiI cnred: Pns, moa t t, liver ulngdlse Dlii suufaotumed-from ~ sud vill b. uold st loy pria.., ferrcash or on "ie ltesuit purebaen -1'ýefore 5751cm; cures eaxmacs,t:sckli-l crergy, &c. Try a bottle, as the aI> roprepartion til a's ihuioupmcpenaalutan eaLl - i) of the Covaliland it wi!hotagt n aI. addtibs o o Ho t tbent-,- -tc The RURL AADIAN - âd »me mstitt D =lyfothmm a arg addiiOn taaurliaIvillu ie of Ivos Âoemu* ltjoural a-etia-aruumru- aiioui oul amna.v~ g bas 8.ed aiadfrheI~~ahu v5ôr sta toi. cMtiteau th erus adieM& as et lte t your assaut Tiffice Msa. oaUre.. it. R OABI, E T ON -" , Usas., rMuwu, I4 Pl* .»M"0 owasga i 3., iray a%s e" »Newu, OU t5 eusostaand W0 ec"M bM 0Sel. -odm eloMlbgibtoOle. t1bsdsUkts 00 wwmats" UsaPGO-».4. e.ltU ai Bronze Paint. Artise' Black. yS augnfg FarCty za,:rtu, 3Prass, Iaa4p a.anderdn.and fo ail irdae feieanatg wS IlquUIte a of the high r,.i*ed kinde =d caiy 1DR, FELIX LE BRUN'8 A-m relithie. lNo>W bir1o éeeroi ciree itirsboxes 1le1,10 cura Saeut postaga et., eat Permteci, tç,iteu .B - ucasi-ng El sewherc Partioular attention paid to painting and repairing. ~gï Ils now 8holwing al bthe neweet goade in Scotch, English, and Canadian Tweeds, Diagonale, Spring Ovezosings, Moitons, etc., for ordered oloffhing. gjr Ail Olothing out undor my own supervision. «Wy Joý1 :iwuevh, Merdiant 'l'àirý>> lhby J'0H N'S AUNJ-MDE R S, Is showing alargde and first-class BOOTS t! j t.-- AND -SHOES'1 ren s make, suitable for Eall and W zerr weur., Custom and ordered work of superior make and finish as» usétil. Iýr Punctult>' snd cheapuss là &U thinge. 4# Wi1ty Sept. 27, '88. plut ha ~us DAKTA ndMANATOBA Of MAROR. TBIBBO4 I8O2'OZOXHDWITZf eAMEiNb1G, BRailwy Paseugo Afft Offopst E atel, -P "Dundaul., Allant-ine. Liverpool, Londondedrr, Glasgow. god- loule ta sud hem EnglOb- mP ~ ~ l. . .. . .. W pOrQýnà,mOune- to6bà84Ptm &ranJTruMi1tiUA -JOHN ANlRS F North BSaore, Markct Blocik. ý26 VEARS ESTABLI Tiff WfHITB-Y FRIDAY MoK P7rom tle Offloe.ClearxcuzBum Street, Whitby. Tiie Cmmourx.rbaa large lin oytiier Imper lins»Co J. S. Robertson d TEBUS 0P ADVBBTÙ * Firut insertion, perline,310 aubeequent insertion, ô coula * ?ispW yd Âvorfisemexs a 'ya a sosif solid Nonpareila Â&lvertisementas, nVihhou - structiaus inseUted utfoil "ordrs for discontinuingab a mriust b. i lu ngh.wislà -viiimotibe rsabe  lubhersi d*aunti for nI tuants by the year. Copy far .counaI àdvertisemenits chouk lu ual latcr lteuWednesdaY;1 auy intoudod changes should1 -:aSe Tunay noon. Olior a& ieceivod up to ThnMnynOan Business notices iunaIalor n jirat insertion 15 cents per ru zoü; l0 cents pu Ulnecaet.» uts arereqm lasleru Outarlo.« te H.RSTITCH 3ARRST3R & A ATLW-Q whithy- b-arv tj~8a8ur8r8 Sale of Laiin~ "xluAMs a,,-# se suc onor of TuE ecia Townsbip of1 th wvasit 7 *2 ~ - t ~50 il G il - 154Of rZketb ýLs ss.Juu*e4P tndysuiamwmIt au set tsqslay. ais19, aciffeancuri"s ~>-M~h.Mee," aida total absta "l a uteaeitther ; but eh. ber moeIl havwa ta*&ilum Lecturi The'. les. ÎlU bo =&m. a lb., Suawi* il 1 i'

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