TII f. TOà $14O0,OO' Thoroughly rèlie<ble time keepers, at BAR FNAR D5 Brook Street, Whitby. fr. '~ROM PJOHNSTON reWIptP, Mdela mu ec., taet u tubitb» Ilonce LOCAL AND OTHERWISES WHATM Imos#laeCI I WN AUD ELuwHI. A liOfS> fPT0F UVELT NEWS NATTE OLEANED ai lte CHRONILE REPORTERS AD ORRlESPOD.1tP D& ye, takmu' netéê' M tbu1prent <k" Bt. Thoum' day. c~utgofe eauon. Tnro-'w ile e hortsut day ln the Go 1* C. Y. Stewart'& for Christmas Goodu. "4Wbos 1h. wiad le due wVest, boy soon vI t pu&y op t 8ev.l-v.l u re tekslaise*ac actnlg bdlldY 0"14 D.V.F. Staerrllu lotrbnà g e«% &IlMill* noeyaoodïte t at reductions. 8016*106 o $t~Çuba for 1884 begon ut Etr, tiit, Wle0LInets nap . The lotaItbkuoh6wlInToronto taet weobuua g~.)~9t.Souîb Ã"ne- ai ku ofer wlleueul4 . <eksvber &ad ubaux jowellery 4anti 1 ?uadlýoé bandkoreiteo o, lthe "roi ndTueeouy ~ef.e shumm fatpersan géc two,*o os. J - th* ýOzsoitia iiswe.k -or nezst te~' w il oblige »s by uendlng o»u to afrorud Spectal Drives lu DreusGoode.A oplïadid, iasof't iatlal bd i ESS wiy et anslttt'heWbltby sud Plokerlng Puarom' Club,vbkb h&d $0 rLc»umy profitable meetings twa vînteru et à Orân»amm's.V ousaz ru open@ Tc T a;r, .*4 v11& sau ai a prvion CES. he vu ai, ulghu diply. and #Iad: là I 60 derolplut a mwlag machine t. taobmet.' IR C4PmflUI#U.-rMl'. Jas. Brown, j Pricelpelof t be Modal Sohool vas, lest wku pù*uio ,of the uamilo, se sd a est of Poee ;iu t J vo l c Po ote, 4" f lutrini. . e V., y. St0i*st'u 010161.5Tr"de le rouljl~~e46aé'k thu à lbas about hua amue, Illon t* at eloth. vrma. .. tewrt 21. Issu Toonobop* ' r la the InutîBout. tain on , sud'$ tep, lu oa 1vrtI #k a are ui. Ils. stlIboe t. a and u 0 t eumet - 6 't N ~4. ."COIAL B.o FORý CHRI"ST]ý SIPOWELL &co704 Halve conoluded to offer tlieir entire-, stook of MIIL Fum'~ and CIotIiiga AT COSI PRICE. Inst ead'of waiting until the season is over -before reducing stock, we no1w ofièr ZpaIal Ii~ionI:la al !atirh4t POWLL&{iii \EI Aud the aunnoncmonte of ORSoN et dvertîteealin hlour Xtnas teene.- 9 .Wity yen. BLÂcir SLaI-A tnar tock fa select fvm aothlng bsm;ttr fartoh Obrutmaa-Boz epeolal value a" C. F. 8tc wart'a. Beinember &bu puablic oeetin ini th. Town Hall this Filay eveuniaK for a fulil ond trf4u ineon of lte Pieu LIIrary qoeutllon. ex4dermah - -1 IaeaToront vil be prieeutffld it imo- den tood saîeer4oà perieon a umber if 7Os t ouebed apan by corr.epouilel. I9o have wri4Ual', "hlm >Wliby. maIyfit the eo~o.Méonday eveoiuig ae#, wltb a godi"tatis eattrto- sive, 1.1*1.Iltde qse, but tbey vil l mooh ai ttiimetoeu ulee s tt gaOC4 old éluati-by for te ohil<reO.- aatiful tprly of aaadlu-isaot buauh u bu uodant -".bk la eland bu bas eeoleedau 111e e peçW1 huudquurtere for Monday emou. Utc.' they WUIb betaud inau ailcape. o ize 1y ptïre. - fls pslee we oea> Say are ýon'*Sb1YbWyý ,ý. 'Nolibhar -ld 81. Cao afford te' dulmthe seIl 1 w ae h.ownà on$ oaA dui or d, ï o ëosb. onsp 1.. -Owlng go thé 1410 tata sroo of1.Anapperawtuhéi fi ve uesoeuu~lld, ant à ded bye 'iital..1iè* m- . e*d Buulea.aNotes., 1lXPoITAiT AUSOmUCgSrU I A. M. Iosa. ade'Drealng cases esboap Li O.IBBAED'S. Goq l ae a entu-te Holiday N""e rul men.!-i~s M oa a eGnà lituuaPe.utoi oR D.ow.E Mllyu I3;ow ~et mus am tfor Jour vils. value aud warrsue& fûre V Bfor Home na.,hls «t-. Te Irelcçt uJ ait Q1r1 mue reeson ee o, D..,. . Will ~-~-~r B A R AN- G.. bo- .giïvenl- until N Us Christmas. E a J t I uï 0&0 v4m SU] p bTB! SUITS! Jk~8TT Say q. M- - thd beân t g to a gTfat4eal of it. Mr. John, Work ha$ý-d -chargeo oi ailQrig DpaiV meýit since 1hJ %D uring that short. Urne lias earned for himself a,repiation wiocutesof-nwh-lar - experience migliht well desire. f J - ANDREW1 Nxw BLOOXMxa>, M&Me, 1mai, 155>. 1 wluhb eyià fUlWl¶W uzw ao t gIl V21yeax th aS m.i have hourd et Hop Bit. tort uad bave tred it Ibhm udpou bot"ie=a l bue done me More th=dIb â6 th lb.Wct anSd dihm th" eld tel ta bleuYfe gnfr s»Ch a rla 2y Medicine "d from Srment af tbe oltora 1 bavehadtMMeuuoctcruat me O» gave me. even o eni e mition aifureeno. Au- osa. &M ater Ibeme four or T4*r inediclbe, Zay ia ilu Weil clui aniuo mi~n* «%La" oeTâea1u, jbu pheeoucuste . khues e bAW«p brcieO, b rat,"nIl",arieatieLvePl for torýid IlVe and kioueswee. do»e.1 .t ,1 Duw1nle body UeMO le-U but Ibm <dode guaieiucà m HaMp ub Cure. Do maoi.k 7,,V ~ a 9Ue,~~e~Akw ý DEÂT as. - Umbridge, on tbe 1S&tb December, John iAugna4tbo, only ohild of Jobs A. sund ;Zella Augusta UolilliIvray, aged il monthe and 1e days.1 Gr'êat »iNo. lowiug I au au ROS M u 1NEWA D VE liTISEMlENIts.' CREAT X1YLAS ROFRrJe.PB L nch 'China Motte Cupo -an4 -Saucera, C ~ Stands China Dessert Plates, elegant- Chine.. T tOwxn grt c et depresuion with msan er sd bsviesal trade frein .$5.00 per sett, colored,,Tea. Setts, corc an=ut bin inpercd with ,s tocký6o adg oS a al ~erllreDne etts at $10.00. k purcases e flryGoods, at largo9- a u q., ofregua rcs oi. AL~p P 0 plin ud ro~dèdSilê n baoksudoaired fie Oxne'E irpe, i enrian L =ps, Glass, maa inBline, MyrAle Gainet, Bronze, éec. Black and cirdVleélb-gfsn~ i2o sl Flannelo, lliakote, - 0", ta ini Heinp, Wool; >aBr useels.qëTspfly4 Të-à u1O._.Bi bo 9cents up-a fine _e, lb per col- Thes S ~~ a~lsV-t Cffyet; pure frEhmn Mens ud C gS'fI1 su ec. et'e. s Lde CapCýs, aA N4 &TYJfinI Ë ;jýLGood1i. FT CA resh ,Oyeem korQ - oontntl1uaudý Stock of Clotha suad Tweeds spy2ese. ruuegôI n'iii Àies, WieT rozLbao-rag 4h1Zli1 correct style aM moderato prie. 181,OamI1Bitkwhest. album 1CE J s LADIS and ENS, wrdiall - 1s*i~ t'~gs~the Largç8 4,e q5jk«a.tCki e Oof&1 feMIei, Orants ngCritiCockery, ~ bri1 êGsur~Lanpu,~clu.trouble te 8 -sh o~w~~e Bâmemùber No4 2 mid 83, OkaioBoo, by. x r Ax'BEL Dm 4 -- tî J' -.jLI NER '~IEU ATRIAL AND YOU :'WILL NOT REGRETUT whý.-at