THE MARQUIS 0F LANSDOWNE. G0VER~l0fl-GENHttÂL 0F 04N&DL l<ÃŽOsy Chartd e Mollitlzmsaua-ce. Thi. prosent Marquis, Henry Charles Keith Fibuinrles, uccbodeit bs <alia inuS1M, indla*huefth of kIfmlly ,Wbé lias& W4te Préuent title, il bar- 415 bincaesteSilu1784 by George 111. lia vau boa- Jacuary 14, 1845, and la lhsrefcrenow in bis thirty-.einth year. ]Mfq&W st tonandBalICollege, meRcods4 it bh idfurf a bltiiat carter c taueûtnea by bcing s-- po~~ ~ iui oer cf thc E- choquer utof rnait ià rtain ccd oftheb Treasury ef Iretensl t the age ut twen- ty-tlir.e, whicIxh. hocld trom 1868 to 1872. During bIr. Glasltono's firet Admnisitrationi hoewaappointes) Under Socreiae-y et War in 1872, and heîd tihe office iii th. Gox-rument sent out ilu Fehruary, W84. On Mr-. gladatsî)nie' second adventtto pôwer in 1880 he wu s appoint8d UnsUr Seevtsary of Stato for'à Indu, an office which ho did nuL retainta very lcag -Re vas seatime captalin of the WlIta'yeomsnry cavairy, end) in a 1 ~Dhitbg- ~IjroriicIc. CHRISTMAS, 1883. Te Oua- Readet. N"munie te Cf Ii.Oaccnr pidsa.mou- liu t "7l aa* lbe annuonement#<i 01 tý *lO4bà il'iltoek là Ibis piper. TbuuvýwllibnisaA*-Vîo. latlt.ip'roprietors la. aegbtpwaythaltbeir *d&verise-- mania arq e aad and)refarres) te. Mistese antaClaus. lsys be aà prd abqut c014San"s Clans. utatgift, "I Wthlulof -t iti goud-ustured au pnt toI u uofhua-, dems, becuwe fiaaw.t'nl ng it a for Yoixîte. <pendu hier e6Ai u" isd pîunip, lier eyeosam-eba-uown 'sa bcht, And1iti a cavea eIi.licha tlîn±'iafulof ut .yà q, Vhs,., tlUsher - ervent-eives, f a-an mu- 8ba'ubuayWo4le fr Vthe irls ands) boy.. Yasqult2i uei' lcysonut itiieyear, Nav*- Ii bota bave th"e, FafO »l iq Icuow there woultl holliy ai *b q h h t ucusa vutb spies ~ar pluies I magiat*ate for Wiltahire. 1M J6ho, nirei!lady 3(auà Evolyn Rtulà n youngeat daughto« cf the Duke cf Aber. Co~rn, and liat two sonoanad two daulh- tors livbIg.RIsA .Idoat Il il a daugi- ter; hi& eldeat son lu ryWillam Eamcind, knovu sthe Rail of Kory, -and la eleven yoars of age. Our nov Governor-General ta atatod- teobe unaffected and simple, fair, just, and goneroua upcg ocaions. Ho spoaks Frenîch admitably, sud ho has one of the mostcharminof.wivea. At the reSont meeting of tb. Royal Society of canxada, Lord Lamne, reterrlng te hs aucceusr, aaid that lie came front a race that had long taken a great interat in acience, and in hia own persan, like- bay people 01 thit Oouaty, Fruioh, Iriali, Scotch, anad Engia blood flowed in bis veina. For many generations the, Marquis of Lanadnme'a family hait given gont cflcoll5gpment to %cimes. Thxe motte. of hà is aniy was ti-lto ioi terbit, but lie wua such a good speaker hoe would hochIbe to alter hiea moLLeW vitauU et verb. A Dtam Opra of Toyland;e r Ibm ilight betere Christmas. »Y TmtiREr. wILLIAMW. rvres. L Tchaed theo t l blad gne Imepatient for Ëothcm=wdu. TIsé sovfaMUf"0,vletamy doa, nitý*lltlIoat ivos-s ilsM4 Thesleep wvhli avar vod luval. On Othare t.touoled Dowlycc maS itc uas. ,t" ue oy boll, - Impatient asci nv itit tel. As ca P& faoui tar aD cmr wc ee tod lu ac<saely placsd à rac e oaver enssud Whos beaty hine laChristumas aiey, .IL Sleep, My habla-s, leep; Tiie augeli theira- wteieo laep. Tiiy fîther and teoth-c are bcay for tisa., Whito declug oece imore t. he aimas Sloop, xuy babies, sIrop. Sloop, my babies, slaop; 'the merelng tby jey.e aia-ramp. Sweet beoonadreamae t lt e olihsg mes The day when the Christ Child fer jos, Wa$ bore. Sleop. My bains., le-p. R.ast, =y bbies. rst;- Peate n aeh litAI. rmi . The a of days w11 cocu b. ban Th ylts.t Md buetftisatcglon.g Uosi, uMybabIles, reat. Thé 4oock aslm< 4 The. day ifo.a R-thoir toen"Nii.d»s Thea Roiedi orcs. ara cit teaf lu ; Su -tut he-sm tuth. asoa.,Jeaai And il you d 7W*rd, r:&:r.t.tCiý buto2ar kl~ wh siel miaa*ou"e N e mI llMiMry's alb, cucsed thea tese es fh at e u l rsi oad go dovu-saîtaiu b«ulegla fiansd testheir preier places on thlb bltmsp ta-e) IL And were y Nob'a ArtP Wban .s Mm anaagarla? I'va ]ou i t i the ait. iiDolla, Dollie, ah-a- e nvou P Wbero's my roekieg-boa-s, -meoly nos and soolly Imba- FIxey are bers ef coutre. OPapa darling, Minima dea", Vussia, iNursie, prsy comejhero 1 Wbeu, oh 1 when wiliAbe day P caunu.- tFÂTaiue ,MOTÃHSt Lin Nii5.] XIIL Oh 1 hugh. My du"isIWbt ecesnsé 1 Toc mey griddisoabsa 'va hadj --"d 9s0 Four draifle- Itare b.d. aTi or 'locb; it M a--- The. dog aitisafin mcc. go huah.My daua1lWb"t Tour Obriatmsday ousM ulbs A" clo. ousys d g theala.p AU *irzm Isysus.?ieIltsm Id a&l thair dubgit, Menan sd Thiraga. VAIIITT or SUDJEOTS Thèseaare tvob clasa cf pooplaho are ta b. stIl.Ii*oqlY svol4d-::yl, tue- Men h wiîo vem Ie.gbals &u"é,b. vo mon viiovear short haïr. ,Itçeapg P;les-Syi»ptomuu"aie, Cors. ity acraîobing. very diatreaaing, portion. luary*ktaiighi, snas as il plulweRnaS veseotwlltu im id about the reeapi; the pri"ase parts». acanelimes ffwc- cd. T %az "wot ontinuevery "oius a-culis May follov. 46 WAYNE'8 OIT EN'l a pieutent, sure cura. -lofor Tiler, IcSl bu;el Head, Erysipelas, herber*' Itcb. olgbal clyoruaty SBilu Diasses. Ikut by mail fur 50 conta;Sors$l2 lu siauxps). Address, Dr. 8AN iiibubush. lbiiugbthé baud, RtY"u about sot forgat i vm Mkla« a vusb,1 That a thomu lu the. buhsh avoctb' Ivoin ltb.baud. - Iyo biat'a fadoâ eloskoà r »"atle insiako Il mV'by nalug a p«e'oie b TrIiagle D$*o4.AUl lb. ppu lr sr. ýMv.!. Onilakw 0. AssiS y.llev d"R in. Gêle Blou avay vtth au 05 ol Mau'a bogue; But the.vrathft cIol rogu. Rit hlm ustuîS itti a stagne, Aid it vas droadful l terhses L. S Tiarkiah authorilles ame making a raid ou higluhbasasdbm ilsD. Of courge ohIbis taabnaI.rid." For -Toothache, Bans, Cute snd Rhumatism, us. Foerry, Davis'-Pain Tbey bave boî1t otemple ai Bonare, lu Jadia, tu a lot of sacred monkeys. Darwinhl s agroviug. Catarrah of the Bidaer. Stining milolfsa lo aIl Kidnesud arina-as onplaints, A siet tiane sgc. ont cffiteé,.oa ùk papers ranmab.d thast '*1ibab uasis of Maral4 >,Jé." W. hav» ofte Pea-oartà b"vlang uldsssebut i over boutdof a bowlingoasis ? 'M, - ,01e ',I ' strong and givès tho fea.ý 4 e~nerve. 'WiUIncI ~ ;îoln force h ~ . ~ thé~ tymin#er. d Will i ,, suVftpand~ . îvtreahing ini due as~on. Bk" Ia Up the coudtiiinti n and makes t.ha wcakest rugged. s 3tregtheus feeble won Cume General Debility aut:) gi ves a new laeecf 1hif -. Wil jinuoWith ", -- 1 - the waet .iwa7 Id-, The hfabita, accUPetleau.,. vie- --nd uunturllodcsof-livingwhi,'t a, cm lI o Itow Ciyilititîi iTre 1t <cclof 4apletlcng thba lunq' c-. 4 n cicnce (hav luîg s rm: tdl:À xcii bounS le ii i nautole -c-' AhI it apt )V. Il c-etsai mi. poranst and 4îffienlt task 1t But it SaLa-Hua ANI) hei r.l'-iTE.s wbicb bave 80 quickldy a 'Pein ~¶1~enct cf te' mac =in à &s le public gone. vit lu sfainarrnsihoflira- that it la the beit îhi.o2 et iie kin. TEi old 1by nIl »ruggintà and st Dept 150 St.i Je-3e StL Wc4. -Montreat1 Irice flAIR -RENEWER tils loSn tftfffau= pertoctiy madwte ceaMu 1 restor roftfaded or psy bair te Il# là ntutj.l cotor, growth, mcdt yoetisfl besety. 1It b" asLd nifI icl tiitoii, but cUtmebave se fftll seet al theaequreeutà siefeadtelfor th ,e proper lreaunt of tbeie. ana d scalp. nlit.4*s IlÂlit îltt:4Yrî bas steattlly grove tu faror, iubdl e-,rea ls umainsd usefultees t0 eva.ty quarter of Uic globe. ]ba uparal. leicil sucr.. eau b ataua-Ibnto 0butones ceuse: t e tirr-ffiftleif of ifs promiss. TI. priia.letors haire often becq uitpiiied aM the receipi t fa-ters f roui reutote coun- talas, wbere hhey bc na-rer ciau mceffort for almilms weisberfuien l InprOand «s.p- stemai tappeatrsae.h la ti scalp ues gr6etl. The affemcta !"IisarticearaenMM trausleut. 1ke Ibomte cf alooeshele paa timuaa.but rectale a lct~lmiwIkaai BUKINGHAà nDY vII ines. le, beard ltaa ltm ib.eve, a alsta pa-partie.. Il la sapllad wltbcat trouble. coq la"# la L oliby ail l1) rsl Iitaea FORr' au :UpRDI Obill, use Will, a ashit te *1' Speoisidiscoupts a S bath J~S.RQRTSON& BIROS., XMAS_7CARDS A laginificient. Lisploy. J. 'S. ROBERTSON & BROS., Deverell's BlockWhitb~ Déadgns hy Shrapnel sdoheèJaai~ JSOBEýk$Ã" &RRO, ,cked tbrugh slMd tsa tr l u ferMa*tam.t"a Kpul Plle 44 Il«ST. JOHN, cua M'a'r G4sil.rat m.4 gOECOTTe<.-n ýVAUa. B T Ou%"« l-% « sTS»r.Cat$s Mcd 20 o ethSbita opS@!b -e sap. WEu5,i^ N&EDseNhce., NuDagteavL. IGLU -and SILVER MigtNI i Bronze Paint Artiets' Black Pma us disr YVaecyisiita, Pemu, agT DR, FELIX LE BflhN'8 A Guarsuiced Clure for Gonorrhoesm ad <Heet Sale plaemanmd relable. N6blta& affectalo trae susé. Do.. eut interfere sith- business or dsta. Price 2 par box, or thre bonas for 6. Wrlttan guïaratees issueS by svea ant~1id aentto re?#nd&bamoney iftm f cê ai~t* cur. ela poat&gm. Hîios, uthortîs;d gent for 'Whltby, Ont. Tin<uxia. sud wll.ecou Dewppr wich tolu-th fuels nemâaLter how muel vtdsl i-lopras t h. vedviSOnS wast of oh v Fi.t1 ilesp Hzicue o and-- MANATOBA- PRLA. - tm th0~, for the:. muai- kDt- lamita-pof 1 ae globe tvanty-- a. ti .Ma n vas-MT O B O N T O a IN O O N O ten 27a à mtead rueln B8BOi1 t Parttasgoing -Ws. viii"Tevstusse - -~ ~ i 5.,depense by aiu bis recta. Par t ièketasumd ..,se l1 sion spply.te atinus te ha, a :A ESION , -- s a-n smhitut eh etaaS 5e t-t-,2t 5U7,fa~)5i~ gent cava cf att ts-CI Sdsmain-hewhltby. rdnhl 5h. 114f lm vlhh al-its heszt for tise causa cf Isonest go-ffrnm .nt, and vbtch therafoce bbees tisi theRepublieu party muai go, and mua cp~ ii oming yar cf our Lord)* 1'fgy ou knov'!*x Suiri-yo«f iitlod mi "d I- iih eîttMa 16 4 lfl uk1inï hat'isuurs ho Lb. meut lnterestlng ycar lu Its huatryj If yen do net yet know TRx Sus, 1* ia bigis Terns to Mal Subocribers. -Tise mseonasitions cf Tua i»are sont DAIY-5 cets mcntis,#6 ajour; with JO4HNSBN ln Deverefsll'ahkfor gpur DRAWliNG ROOM SU-Tii, oNNO ri-t0m S UXTS, BEDROOM Sa-ITS, KITCH4EN SUITS At Prices that Dety Coinpotite eorie One,Coeatadse forYurse ves. E. J. JOHNSON. U>TDET ÀIIG,ýÂLSO À PIEST- L4uerpooI, Londonderryj, Olasgow. Zoiad ir ,bie_à t #rom1 *rcm Portland, Dee. 27, 4~~mht#dbiark Pt.JiNARRISTERà Ue; -4 Y/y Agun*j~~~ LAWaOe. .H RTHE WRiTBYONT. __ n e fi r f Robe mut 8, Bob sIaion inserti ubmontinrtÈ ii cotreta inertse: inant ban rttïn my ntended cha ira Tu"ady noo raeived up ta Thi Beainasa notice aiatlInertion l-, ail; 11 lcents paf ci.» BÃAY'8 --'t 4----- - - - - I -- 'J' . n 4I~4i~î.~ iI~I-'4 j-- Il 'Tf I?~ - - - -- - I i THE MOST HON. The. Oa-1iusof 'Obbnli