Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1884, p. 2

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muemm& P PU5 mdjubu§"a lm &MF, lie Md «noArth P cme. Ocliàecta ~aI naretreports revte Us tcthabeeir 01gong topreusl uanapisse «O u& t ulav i set înna. Thel1bmoÈ" raveler"i»b et- jear.loel"is nte rw. wcpsme5t ssbo f b variosloal lmgttiottas owu aien ocaty'oommercial, odiaeeate0*. olé mireligions. OtIssape-av*" s.'nrés sad coatributlene mi slde te e .intrcluced turing Umae. Thé. Cuacses te publUshd iver Frlday *teitie tr.fortse ar m aale, tus essui.sg ilt. oboti tovu mucountry mut>- eerb.rethe arae vueinlu ch iii.st. 'Yeary mubsrptl-One Dollar lu a.. "-Je S. RUERTSON & BMOS, PBROPR&ETORS. OHUOlIIOLI BUILDING, - WRITBY. New Adsert/semente thla Day. Pim 2wEeuoed -JasJohusto. Diascislic cParhaoemip-Stng& ruo. Sper*--O. U. ibberd. Bab ce-Oie b. IL wss s c4emSout5*duG. IL W.ir. 'Î4Ly Slte« PER ANNUIL WbItj1 ulda, Jan. 18, 1884. ?*a scmiai sesion cf tb. LoWt Leglslaturi, wh%»»ensla Toronto, tss.rtatbeou@ of mon than oral Tiare Yer. 'lcOuaoszasa's libera! l clnt cfutr-c.d Wth te o14 aua Dow msu- sonboes-botds gocdnuntil sud of- prée iý-ombàoti. OM sabecraberu, Who bave so etsull it.r renevalo, aboula do-bo .rq iis 900tjas... tendlanobut- m ribemrslot '4bohulaaletoe". the kui",Tii.o&r e .the omct liberal w4byuypublilubr, sud bas added m5ié,lkàadks«t i4e0*noüms 10 ou. liste ded~ A. pil vemestsa. pc. club Wei Mot msesirsaet Tlb. DomàioueaPariamet. The DeMtutai paeamat vas open- TI«ay91,9*wek, y the 0".Lord Louslove.. wsaw fe u P.wlum.etaîudr tht. Dow 80 iitlagslsbd else I pasa. *"Wébo« impeim . F»rtiie " !llI%?wvit1,44éli le tila Sb* puih front tbé Thuco., uith«est t ase r oottby. PArépbra I£At illtuy thé Vbr4 of 1 b. lwiad eeduusisve onpn. v. Myy pLiore Lorce aId"d as a "14 Whou a & DC mdcabwu %0be delqta * fios vbIiS a. mumesud lovre. mo* *=d s»ss, gu~d stpe, ma, 1ser4 don svotidb. ukuovu. tord tano"wpe aideee Whou tb.fatillit7cf «s4a th m-Dw*uw t.or ir tuacp b&opp proeilui ta M siai otWo-ro "t inTmb .duuiat lbe Mpmil an.eomth té emudd r u.dod auraiem eloquene.sud tact s or',0ubfrkn and atueh a frtrtteti eaà ied personage as the m~arquis of Loruto Whio»e tu=- et oe eandti t.'gloe presacupon many public occasionis vas added the sIentiour ci royalty bcd ne easy roIs 4o pay. ýi!he hearts -of Canadians hbct besu no caPtatet by »*i.-stçi glaces of bis more mi.. modiste ped aneissd the couanry plae under ach listing obliations 10 liions for thhir unlfrlng devolion ta ber service, liaI it seemod, simoe impos- ibis for aaiolber, a moe stranger, t0 ebtain an immediate outrance 1010o r ~fetions. Lordl Lansdowne, hovever, bas boeenmors than equdsi 10thb. occa- Sion. ne bas, by a iingul5tlyfqitons speech, fuof tact, chenu sudapcint eioqtlieb arresteti the atn1ion of the viiole country, andd 50 far sas w cari jutige frons a promislng f%,,nning amply 3stified the visdomoh. GI- aoeGverumnent i thsir election of a fit and proper persan 10 rnise ver us. Brisfiy te notice a few pointa in his p= b astensd ta psy a iiigh-com- andto 10assure bis listeners liai his hihe mbitioiewaa 10 trea theisamre Pa t onstitutianal mbules bcd been foliowed by tisse illustrions stasemen. Ho =ssnsd thsm that Liord Dufeérin anti the muarluis of Lamýe ers even now, if possible,,mors devatedti bthe intereats of the Dominion thin tse days of their viceoyalty. Âfter-paying a glowing tribute to tie beauty 01 tse 0o0ntryingeneral, andti h. grandei* of inigarainuparticule; hs pa"d on b congratalate bimuel! an bavngwaceded 10 office at a moment vii ta inablutl noclouA onté subits' belveon te Dominion sud the Ol otunty. Hetouîeetiupontse perfect undersandiug betvsen ns and tiiemotier*oeutry as 10 aur mutuali reltons andi obligatioZU ns, ant d tirat tb, pren.amen. 'vere fut of promis. for i e fture. Se tivltest sons. length upon the. Northwestern Territorsé us at aor e rton, tbe tievslopment of car rarlvay îsatsm, the. national expansion of tce country sinus confederation, smd arnitientusl"te applause.laid bars tsesecret oftal mutnal rgr andi confidence v. wish to «tbub and meintain vith Greuat Dritain. With tse utmost tact ire toncesti n nthe tioklish questions of tse Bounntary of the. Provinces, now iei dispute. ana Nationali ndependence. H. concludedti via creiOundertat ths relations betvsen Canada »ad Great, Britain 11t est upon eomting stger Umthe Usarrangements o o! aebor te obligations of te- statuts book-a common la.ngnege, a common litera tome, a corasuen love of frsedoms coin' mon abiorrce cf nestiless change, a mutuel feeling of respect, bonda whicb nothing but ws.nton csrelessness or cu paeprversity cenrea. LodLansdiowne bas maes a moRt suspicions beginning. W. trust hi. say ansongat ns nscy be for the bighesl goth i contran thietrsngh 1nn anti developing of the idees to vhtch ho bas given- suai flicitous ex- pr»arn= dur Poreses Omo.amima0mine. tiseCacu r.a va sUtîotiu te tiattnt.rsttug vctb et &Er. Phifpl on "Osad"n" tremtypro- PMr iby t*69hgentleans t lb.rsqaeut of Ib. Oawrto Gveent, Witb usastodet utsuisisud tsrelos. il., dIUstt)It. Piippi ontinues liii elndy df liilubjoeet.By a oi arrangca [.y*4tssof o! crtuentuce t>.ho lm bou eaabtd te <Uhet su aMount ocf ils. ibMs Iuforna#ton in ragert th e s ea ecuùdihon cf l is fotry cftsPro. vins«; andtIis It may be-ol in t a tee maife ory nt teatu" ut lot.ets, vs lesre froin Mr. Phippa are fut dtsappcaisrua< ts tlns. lu oce vIsen Aetiuelm-aienutne longs, lie " ooaaid - fUsons issong ta ho bas lfibeti aMasgaiIbid "klte.s. M resas uMr. P4ipe, asord- lus te mxch c0rrsson.si rucelve ou li. uhas. o4 nsuof ou tfaims bsavie orssl a;v>I gre@autra. ber lbate bat fowsis.1Illmay beigbbouliood. tbé aterage 1e sot moe Alis ton mnes of bush ti lb. bzadred, lod W4 f OWM tbt mot ae it machmur. te & îs iv etvcwrk. &Bd4 Uns étal &u"feont amu edt vii ptsbblpamon b. Li 01 AI Varf lerge potisan 2of ocuatr inc»> Ont armu s t i e hirul iitbqehi l"m i lisanotheit Aluns hoeWitt Over. resllug cf ddt stuc le apply t Mr. ODyeCrepodne Tîmu on Mia,,"Fortn Thravet." oet OJ>-quu,8 5 ire> TO INAT-LOS ETTO CONVENT - aJCcc, KPpui oLxaaa-nnnmsyTSPIPERM*» T" EIrÂs onorto TEuLorW me veWanreUKs n9 Wl (S.is al Io d DublIn, M MTuiEnnrava; WKLmOW. 4 hroiole.) Dec. 12tb, 1888. in mue lest, referince va. medt bthé. Byrues,. or OByrnesi at Wioklov, as battu samtbin ta do widh tb. oattmsly dealb cv Lbat Tal- bot av Malahide vho marristi Manti Plakett, an choie toora, cidh Mand'm veepin P.E.-G. on the. top, stands mo lonem aua desarted in the.ould ciarci- yard, dowu b. iiie ad gay cavea. Tiie OByrie., aa yez No, car vaat po*sr- fuI obiefs vi ovnsd te <rater part av Lb. eounty Wiekloc. They hati casies an stronghoclde in large nnm- bar#, Omra cf chaivar iretahuatet int lb. romantie Valey av Glendabongh. an in tfii.levely an itiereekGlane (the Glane are nearly se <tale a faoek- ebun i Ireland eia South Ontario) i WE "ARiE:lNOW ,Pn es-ptevious tot stook, --t T OR AN IM DS-ad .are determined toA 'oods at G]REAT-,RED«UOTI CALL EAIRLY AND objeetin1 W. inthe 4ngle far ,an ther gradjual landi, frci aySb l Briglit ahines tse momcm n srlksnulr, au th And zosur etry mounisua brame; bah The anlnra cooda oen Glemalu Leck toely Sa the alcatinbame. orte Az Trom Koody about tils Ï b. necasaiissI e Lb. placésan eau a~ is te varmee.. tl Wsllme tait Utrtp vwu t. Abe ouutbry etlmS. avet t 4mê u~yn.s -the O*Toolea-visoTh Ii"sMlzsbad the.rite t. evu Lirirr ocahkif avt couîiry--bA tise days ae talHeshn, ont asta su Tit > rorm, su'lbtk ct5t tisebeon, 'v Oromvsltlau vi viunoter «b. lhéie f-s Eziglisi te smc up tise fA4athlis"au. ad for&. av oporse, Mltbasie 01. ,wuvidi Wbiob &a me, Be#bcidbard Uail ' bothle onspeet OIBymuOS, au tie OToeis, arSaint bt -Z Kevin, au tise Dargie, su th ira51en at Cirai <bnrohe au tisA lake viiose glýo=ny Bray Et, abore skytark niver cârbies o'ct; au avtheb ths gooti lad» hart ecellotwievinier formasb, et the liai at bia abla to telli'beirtada esmin bi ta Canada avthle poethry Viala chisi laud, v. e vas inspireti ho a tuait le the <et- cocumini lae ceeu-aise called i cmGorjus mens round ti: at Naebure, Pcssiry, su Borasue gay, an Well. th.y are ceue le linger ove. an oarrt.di ciii bar@ visîin omany tlineil. I ma«W u -élu let chin I ceesYoug gormoo, an be îît 1 coua eiw em nowvcih us mach, an 16 appt., aven greater toiîgil then iver. Wiit broenis 1 vas yonng, ce bcd 10 taesan outéïelity i jantin cr r te go b. Quin'. a a t issapet Bray. Nov, yes coaa gsitte i atierWe via, place6e rslivay. As y.a nsy b.m" ay iag lie Ihrtp, or suamcevté Ïd ca g Sethie CEîOssr=.amay b. scli a i bi Ob*e a vay prapi 'tvnd serte a giieti P"orPo olllharj ta gir. n ana&U tmm atyditoek owg 1evt ahasne, aala I etsariA b. b.tsber du eig- - han b. ecubin teecootue tanea-b. saspindi lUetiseasO'D. su sieelL (Oc bu1617mci orite suomau opp"uelaty for givin mue enthrWia l tsbusw, Ail 1ud allot etse tioesi frntDMUbitOc Bta. a Tise lbrsl,.freta H s Ou bretsl, tukaeeoteli luieou'a uttm re to-0« as bhm-.duis8Li The li» mss*trouglI lb. ielsmaswiml «0* Dn&= s Bb ve woaà gsnsgb, a gril. part av tslie"score S o m M cS ialdiaround tAh. iav thLie uSJ Tbrss-Bccl licatt,virosebroa ait broc rise -isqvldlj aiotheli1e mui.ratil jàTi oclool chiave <&" te -Bray. teow dl s eptiitv4.vseard su, lad fronz Ie lls. epsr aiay pafr.*Tise aaY à iselui a ftoct B egrand apreadi& yse eled.snc ferria a'aoaulïstZr.Adt st. B avenu-eIl nsth esliurite ise et In e t, an aotier "l in anfronsver, Il tise ttab sLi ot h b e liots. ayA Ou the éaj avs beriia IeI te b" a i&sy $8p @'PrIs usa upedfOsMd e for a mile, aloug Uts easl uin téd i. ' y reelssunavet Bray Héati. Oubvia sdea Wbr sveths Esplanade,- lic surf v&4 breliufortS, s in iho@s av t eey ans; an lotiersth rings" av villas, mediru btrios, sud<, elrethse b*tI"torsw at tit* audi. .dsstetim aestatii.hasatissa est(l à e lb. bitt av à ajautin car.- iereti The Watk bo a gate .1 the 3restihe b bêav t he Head roati av the Esplanade. À àamiantled um s agtaasy np. ,m0 wcha ccomaprobeneive, viec lovnau su yborbacti in-m - rom w ise iuds c narrov !vbiuh tau au éte eayehcre vcuodierm av e rok-bcund Dank caverum, bladhsaed vidh atitis. sn zoofi av clitobare laIet sceni graudjur be the. Sbattue avthe tide, aen bere >d ip lhe exploser cf thie thée ne cy bus et -Bray Hecti. Ilace***e xistA. gr el eof Or., tires.'plus., aseage, are ,'iet. Aumte ole @bure le bise OaVere Wsu te plateti the aivs amgeu anrob. bîà,e wakdstevir Dn, un i' cmUave,vwbtsb w. intiier- long théealie lantin roof av opps goet.bave brna anim"e a4v moltea aiirope about 10 Thons ar eurnrare aesimene irian fouelte gel bers, an tiie ti dqebts t snsldbered cao vsry culdest at' gss-obagioat huns, Latin Lb. mîbrantiain bcklle car pocsir oau the up. i crost Uts atone bridge cho> ocea the sublitqe paso cindinb Le face av tUeic eati, ebov t.e the. railvay. Thts gradjually ai onvard, nov itooàagorge, i on a projecin hoa&dland. Au wam h Mia tilren O'D. began chbiale th. graridjur at su aus- oeban viecher in...'avesublim- incroaseti > tise-,rocky celle brptndirlulamty abats aur hedm. ut &long* on vs vint, tbe patb vnnroean u in ininto sa mmsasl . the aIt,,, lb. cleft v witqbuislun i idMbunthba ry wallmDowu, fer dcvilbe- 6Say sasb.d Up tire ravine"' WSticrout cbiob bauge a ens- Iaber-but tansYàiler »og CD. &ut b«eu"*v, an fiaitlimer, b*s vai seuol, suinran, au am asinlmBridgè eosortlb. EAwreuee, , prejui a e tlel tW. =. l, oue looely Ibo boueseav "liad * MkAlia. )0 t 1.1e ut the raivi Atebm t su r otnnin #«e M. tomsthébelit lave) loto 1 b. <rate big 5lt& vIrei Wb viii av lthe avlpe. evan was Isbsobemcav w, frlug«. d'vs ilver a liiie, lb. gralee te 1 esti talvsy tr.vinu owav p.rpndt&ulrlyteeà biteta le sssuuat bqtit seato& an b., aistadedialcmulte qN1 bu * uMRusa crdage @ interrogaeohlm s e varinsmattes of intemeat, ta wcht le unonlDy" ludty rempuaded, but bwed nme thraagh - lb. esabis =eu f ,eaboîtons ta top.'f yen foot auj SP~OÎ1ieaoreet te meing trough a WooisnMii, juml stop into aur madoc sud gel ae gaod a view es ye e eit lu gettlug dueky. Tl fatoyilacvnsd'b Urs top Murrioh & Co., otil r. sdi! e fult biseat iv. empicymeut te about 40 bauds, ah vags - ranglog frei one te tva dollars a day. Mr.,Gemmalint- formé me h as tory mach dtfflty iu this oui o S/s wmsy place botte gotting sud looping uMfcteul lieuts ta properly rua lthe siL m-;Oln hauthaud bandeniuand b & iprsesut &bat thora might be; àa te o! affaire liat of ecrSe muatihbae t. effsot on tise Anouclml reealt. Tveeds sud blaulete raeusUssalpoutos sud are pw-duceduinet varl jsly c texture andi pattern. The <cci. e matY enist tetire wbol@elêboas. cf te ccnsrm te Toronto# sud - dltrlbule in &U dreoono from tat PolcTfie maehinery in tbe varions dsparluu.ut is sidtole sefir-lsam. 'Tirait a tb. mate buditg ta ruby valor.pocer, but A t ti tîdteg andti ltig and drying depamiments (condtied iu a esparate beidia),it driven by eteam. The. main buliding-tla &'voctin; etrao- tum,in <004 ccndltiauid .caiistg cf four flets. Porbaipa, tuusestiý ci teklng yau esîher frora bostoin ti top, or froin top to bottom, I bati better fQ.lov tise conrns o! Lie asaufaeaàrtng -proýesa fram lie cool teLbhefiaiched ae-of~ cloIt>. To do Lie va li hava th >etrate tn m'-the third fia4, viintadsvttd ta ely in qPMWM ievldsully Pm"s iis tien af prepsrlg 'ii odLobbsu epan lue. yaru t perforused, tbomuiir- lat f.. sent ap te the fgurtis det, or spsang dutstr it s l O ou- vst4atot nLJactàsasg es,- O«dins to wý pur f r " Ite inuo. sii. TlisacaidepeAat macm* Ozfi.., #19.00; J. B. Doir, Eetumutu 0Rc.r, 11.500; &lau Osmeron, Raturu. rn M. 2,0 John Smit for "PIrep ul 4y oe 102.»;Alox. irtogle. (1cr alaesof ea!ry), 085.00. lu anecer t an tnuiry from M. BaeMri. 1Long suîplietuh b esson RtrigOffetr Abat lb. bâtait y l b l Utotem vers tab=u id not beloug te ta Tovn aud tal the O0i afor gal Ward bad tale» fuil atitautage cf cbcl ths law alloveti hlm. (Repcri adoptiti, andi paym.nt autbc.is.d). été ;W.3 Gib*son .12 STbô e Hevn1.OL---Escmuadmlfor psy- meut sud report adopet Tboàms0800; loba BryÏn 015.« je: Major Harpit #47.00; las. W. Barasu uàddfWbr aialàt tsud-,rep»érA adopted. WM Brysu*&u13o« . S45 ;-,W. B, Pýalmer #1.80; .Hatehi & Et. #18.25; loba BrycU 07.25. E.eommooded for paumunt cuti report adopted. On tce motion of Dr.Bogart encued by Mrt. Docney s vote eoftisa"keas« teudere theUt BLave for tlise able sud efficient-menuet i ish"iho bad dis. sirated hii daties during tb. pssl Mr. Blow repieti sud afIer ltes .ireeuhsd beau given for lb.- Quasi lbh eN RctulOP TmISOA, *1 20-AIR Tahéc au'Vu W-AMae vwasaax-e ge- lear -ont.the balauce' -of our SECiIRE BAIRGAINS. WAHEHOTWJSEI Intend takingý stock Februar lot, 188. AU i emnats, rezýàonderopf con1tet la boes ofGIoies, papers ,of Hosiery,. paekages of- Yarns, Mi b. sold at speffla reduced pruces. WutrGoods at lwered prices. ;~ MMtlê O olesa than,-marked; "DreuýGodiJoweredinpoe ,ýBlankets cdown: i pries, shawls8 at special fin"rs, Pants Maikod doéýu, Hats marked do, caps meekQd, dow.n, BOUGHT LÂE I, TE EÂSON' For lhait he reuar whlolesale pc, alo0 ,Breakfast.Skawls, CIirée&'s Knitted iWool- CoatB, 1uifi.er8,> (Jloud.&, Wool Cuf,m Gaiter8 ad Mïtts. coieý and see themb., Stock thoroughly assorted -with Cihoice, Stylih'au& New..oods.i Gens'ý n Nvy'Bilannel Shirts in -stock anÏd'made to measure. A special purchaae, of 8t,'on, Ait Wodl -Canadian Tweeds. Goods gerii1ailreduoed inm-price îthijà~oùnth. Ladies Astracan Fui Manties. Gnt P6rsianLm'as R.&J. - OAMPBELL.ý. DE" o0004io lg, aitisiO$e. ons~0 Oliillm, Groosete. _]Miii nt. nurauS'. PWepo 1o~I I »u.a.aou.aamvr criiba h l~" ofti i ebote. (s <anar O'D. off. eatiiet. j t5.ftflAflflSl wj 'i GLASGOW But o, Loc 1 1 1

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