B l sthok cf An a!ssh 1.ft wiUi him for SPire dll u.turnedout Bsgood as new. IokStree, Whitby. MR. fit0 d@IINSTON laOITog a la~umirtaWmi. 3AI4UAY<l8th, 1884. LOCAL AND"OTHERWISE, WKAT 8SSOIS n0 TlOWHAND ILERL à COINILE REPUORS AND OORRESPMONT ilmbtng p"«ie. 1ow ounli onday mrig ~O8~Cousu 40=Omnoeo Tuelday. *Go ta 0. P. -Sw-wua for obrltums 'réa er below mero Tumday mbswna.4,dB - S. 1b.rWu~a. NU.-.The names et Meure M.?ae*o, J. L. Bmllb ans "anve nlloned ein olla 0 fardeq*Mp. ïi -Drives tu l>eeej4ôeds. A ruar.-Tb.eAu tz ftiug vith à u t é,ImfLB ', tahea tnblotelror * ChliatisteaBox pabas ib C l. aat,#., avmunf'.-Ooe resultof Mr. a vît te Nie York doring lb. $é-WM Il be i otro4qqtioa of amr- w"lhbis popear umSer ý04 pCâ o;tlou nomns ou rne.of tbm en. biar it îo4c thé ihtbodls od *ia *.g baieatê.wndmu las' wal ueX6 week. Ibo subjeols louobed upon lanlb.the p sldenr l iuro Addmlrea,ýwerQe,- bated-ýuoni. !,"bôço4 Sfrse hn iiW d.d. i ng lat bu beaurn adts Ifo Do n thl ba about had imes, eail onthéegr.majt'. or and ses wbaî b. bas b o ffer, 708 viii no08 regret Il. Speclal bargains ail SINOTL&8OOsMmso'..UJ»eTin'. voil Thompaou Vas, up 10 lb. tim*eof and Abrabam W c. bspredecessot ia ibn& office. Botb dtd ifibia alf&W heur. 09 eacb "61ber ou l. ssth sD lat Tbursdasanlbita er e rled a Si. Jeol'.Ceaaetery on the @&mU» , Yale puMliS, qboI, Uu.120Vas agà mat o Ma.J. Franklin -Daîm, a 0 pu4 It ~at torm, la lu % voty four Imblg ond . ~erly100pupilà . are iu re*oIsr *ttfldans. A gond fo.âîb.ll lub bas beno organhmsd in #MD Geolion wtîb to ioul. Ocul. .-Mmr.L l'e~,W. Uood, 0. Bay, S. R.y, R. R Lawdsr, R.Bow, B. .4018 nsd J. Tweed. le of tbm WbltYtby ig 01sf>b-atende4l lb. dimwl ionq)wuepi.aSOobciw on ¶IN#lùaatd Ifdusa oa efr p 'p armd oefImoniolaîion prise. amsxuSîoor. LOowrgm'o.-I.he auinual convenition of lb. 8. 0. 'S. 1q. A. viii mse5 lê teI-m il"lao4pehoè ]Nokmriià ÃN 1çoaday and dess next. AnitrmlgporMme cf The me.Ur uapre, lud, pratoum. and gentlemenntImm Toronto, OaBbaw.. Brooklinansd other places are e lb. ,ts<,n Sà wxoWtjr-Tiae aucua onp.gmslloaîmetingof SI. new'i Churob vas bel the bmbaement of Ibis edifise on Monday exeulug lait. The oeanagera'report and atatement for th. year makess amogt e4otisfbotory el- hibit. Starting lte Jear villaa a decit the.*' bav* lbe Mebl to sei As výià aComfortabls surplui. Mil eur. pastororgm iéu sotou, veut of mani", etc,1 haY# son pejsla fu Slland evry *1oldsmore " ,*vipeS ou.- For o0unt Oçp.nuw soMe 200bave hen nxseias. Add ola il,>M' ffleciliJ.d tei mie5s4 b, h Im SabbhBok»c6I,p E Yo009 PeopU*es 'Aeclasot'of tbm 0" ats~ obrpurpôseo, and. tb. total aimount taiseS exusOda1800. Fou& for lb. "WIpDitn 01 t ofsmallm the présent. p yeewï$twiIblo bome o.b'tUrng othe Pa*. "eport et th. mêom o*iwed the vorh unoer Mmbarge <u4sor aud ldogw 10 b. lu hodb i uorelgg g ondi lisT;. b.ansea for $mv lb.u, yesr av*J al 1itDow, jas. 0otà . E8ivwrt, SimeaFraser, t. a. jamesota snd 3'. 8 . Robertson. M.1 .Adanis, Port perry, vau Intown lMr Jack Staundie, tno cfOvaza Scund bon bêta bOUdejiiuÃŽ n -l Iisk. Mc. JomeplaBxan, wb ia bai ben anlova tle.rvtcn vl, d4 dtor Cblofgo ou Um. "kWm. 8.1hManagr of -the Outa$io Eableft for a ip toa jà m&u=,hsta li orni jrPo7à 4ïoet-mm r 1, #iJ~a Moun11t. ~lasb ohandJa............. 08 21 É9 #2748 82, Orant 10 Townsilp BoditleL...p 28Ã"0O0 ~lo1ngt , m.................... J;sou Workcg exposs Md alarl. 279 18 )4 elp4u........... ..... 147 Balance ..... ...............940, »Pson brasu.........' f' O ipeoW priseupad tie.2210 12 $1062' lTâui prs. . 8 4i. Pregllent . Alo. ato.a. Dheêtars:HEa!ty Doolittle, Danl Liel, ÀA. G. Smih, H. W. WilOaX,, . .'8euID. 0» bwne, Bnry G. Y. SmithboapdJeY *lioh. .W. BuIlth sd iid Ormiston. A vot of th"nkawss lond o fb. rotl$n aimihors'.heb. boîrd of Pickeing AgrIultural S5ocIoey. £1 lb. annuel seetîin l lrougbm on 1TMîredoy, lbheannUal rportvas pr.eat",d aedopte. .T14w ueipts for 1888 baie bees: Balance fram lli& report. 858;mnem. br' ube#aipIone, 8154.0; admission $264.9%;. grat 4140»0; mlmoeUseous 019)800, total 87M'79; an~d eKpqsdi- tare., prise. 818.88; mp*s, et. " M'0;baaneon baud, . ;ti Tit.officer. .lected for 1884 areau foUle: Preldnt, C0linPhilîp, Brougham; Vio..Pee, WllimDale, 7ikering; 8.cetary,. B. Nigbaw.4r GOre"n rnve; Tuaére Thoinas' Poeher, Taylor,.4. Dà vidWe. rJame s ar, Jes. e sdI0ef»G. PbUii John 0Gos, C. 1<iubaêsadte, Charles "sse. &~l*oL-.W. ltbptsm, 1s Au AoeICIOa lergyVmn. Ab4sé winS-sms~ Tbe~raiapspreIuvmum, t,"- * Nareafrequeu- mimantaito district. b~l againauthe aoomxge .1 mil aga., billions an i Inters îb*sp 'If RopBiatesm. Laarnaoxoa,. Mn I have aaid Rea nua~ :1 7 1 e,14,Pâ;Ëtn ër- sp,;ýwe, are olie 4o re4ue stock;th0olySE- o o Ai P> T b Aheonlthe Lwl~R t~~r"aihcyt time. It wl o e 11, om k o e b tt ei.ot tc branch of the business. 0RSOOS STAPLES, CENTS' FURNINGOT & 14E, CT eo not buya, dollar's Worth until youý see what we'ean do. for you.. Creeryadgtyu hie SJ]S GEIF{ RQSOD FELOSI HL - SUTS, w O~DER~ ~OTJI~ SUIJTS - STYITS We eau ',wi th eonflêeeesaotaà wehave serdthe services'of a first fcls utr the, béât ithe eity and far, eup'erior to 1a.get eiofi Mr. 4Joh ù- Workbah&c ment khée Iast Juya nd dU'ingthat short -timeé-hasere or himsel euato StJiTB4~ 'v vhose wotrk W expérience .migiii wR desire. CIVE US A TRIAL AND-YQU WILL NOT, RE RET IT AN DR W M E COUNTY COUNCIL, DA Yp22Rd, lf .TWO wtloci l The ~iIib. V I NEW DVERISEMNT8.NS I Our celebrated fl I TÉ I 9 iuBvere ti n the mWý mon- 0 TZ ý M) m i T2 0