Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1884, p. 2

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Vin ou be foin me.w WWtb tora ad, n"ocesuby. up l. barefrevis.d &aplu@e elle148 ao>U ep MA olmmd lre orkl' fup a*urao Mmdcontribution@ 9 tppl~l*ploe wlU b. Introdaced dudog Thé àliss tmi omeeollpas of lthe CIMON. %CL* viii alvsya* bisfound pare and uhole. ~hU~1IONtLU15publibed vrL Frîh3P svogL itue fer the. xmalle. s* Uiù eçàsrb&tb Io bath lova and country cub- 4~e atou vo.k tu wlatch Itla lman.d. 'ù lasezaotan-Ons Dollar in md. OOU5~IOiE BUILDNG,- WKITur. 4 tPi4Bos kii O*ObLa 0. wmfOoÀt Oogno1 pro- 'wMA townshp moeollga f tti~ ieprtotletters from *péfflcwp.tetaandi othero no. iI *0, omlut t is w.ek of înuoh ss Ol toriai andiloWs ~Tu .mal*m P~tiomntwhioh opf*44M.- linmay lut, isagçing *~W~~ tasion offrom one-haif akal heus a ay.sir l'deotà at ti 011e people hmror"fooling" tinsterm, t, jtvIe0g 8of biîs mnatre will fot C Q0a4sPNCuIR Co., through their ?rp4o i 3r tephens, sy in about baurekM m sd aar aioknockinu %t Mmc Tr@asry doors et Ottawa for Gov. fruM"ýWiU oui Ganadian people eni furlber bleeding by this <orpors- ?s eiwProphote Who Iuduige le o'rcUts or general lompraur. ose *il aisi, sud for thé fut month vs Tl 4$tpues puk-rst -al isve C * ** hthttulwute Puovide be"tw>ump have aIq~i~Iab7s et *tai;, bu b. »templed Y b'W Kom »*:ores the l. ole .~u e'..mu à bala Woed ~bhslei. c tiusr. The W>sfldeal 84, thé.E Kuberhoee tMb".im. 4 ale k&yo ettaousteti, oânul.d cboshrastlaste libe vhole 6t.fltwas pbiaUy %ô the travellng Pitýé& seoied etpressions cf !e~f>~a il prlaof A.qerlo. ml bceleI ,sobasity oam #e1434 tse t thé. ue6utalp Ouïr of 0#0k* Cthetg»..et o1masmuu q#o uhemsuer f A-10PflOtwse o *ous felit ae ad bepout, «Sérias *ré "d ~eit.4 l~e m00on ul b., st for 'sb ee ~J~sorvc ~s MOÏmla' a oNI f t4 cflb.. ouii 8 - wacaeldu Moday 4ou anior.m8. »W evfuiesAppos, aImt. gulau lte penous of msi. leffey,OCam,' evawut &uaZoo. Bailtb wee). A tfiesAh. B dlmam,ùtlteu. for lte, lunger. a w'ý»an l, eiâmy it Tho dyfor tlasgone. ~ .Thee4100969 f of Whitbr, as W.zdmu 01 the County Goûocil of -lt.eVouotycfdGOtario 'for j884, annai bd! tegive «tueral salie' 1.odio. Mr. Smith le a manu hrlltUg batte privmi ti & ublic. roi Àmoflblao Wm. Smith, of th. Mus aI s htc~ om'alieslu houetlaite upulghtuora . itdeti ae bora, vo unduMretnd lthe lb .14 fllj boe.- Éemami on ltefaim ou vhlie .1é-1s kivos, andi vherc lic ha. a il H.,Revas cinoatotinluWhtb, ini-ec cf hM olat eohm'sdys ofhm Lwe was Alv.à> a gooti, attentive, ttou. gent,. studieus boyiý sud neyergaem any trouble."Asa former,hoa u teoilutentsd entermiiing, msariges hi. affaira vith discretion, andi loohs vialy àfter th. introduction of real noprovo- monts relatîng la stock and implement. lu reliios * ruaIn, à a consistant Methodswoa s olive pattsad deep interosî in chai-ch and Snuday Sohool affaira, as do.. uiso lie esteemed vifs, Who la adaughter cf John tricklsnd, B94., nov of Osaa Mr. Bmnth juin tho *ery Primeu.of manhood, sud hbaassready hait zuch experience lin itknicipal tifs, ii-st as Township Conneiilor for West Whilby, thon Deputy Beevs, positions fihe&by. hlmt for eeral ycars. aller vhloh lhe followed Il theaid vai horse," J. B. Bichie, Esq, as Beeve in 1882.belng thon elteol iby ascelamatio, matibas h-od thlpsa ocz il nov,vben, bythe vos ct f hi.sia, h b o exaletila 6e ardubp. H.ne in evcry vay worlhy cf lb. bonor oesa' lam-eai pon hm. 6f.ODAX'$ orroapoadtoo Tlm on Ni&s4"Fortin Thi-veis." »Ai, ro ULsTs *5&-?flm bAsotl.". ENNUsXmtlt9t 'aID#OM sCeUST-NIL rci- AN soosu - "cîgalLmv.Le.' tue suai'or n oso cc, oàWaMuu ooviawom-ocwukt naxotr us Tic sougza-" TmUMAUUEGK,": 550? O1r ORATTAN, iTes tatou Pka-OT- PÂMSRLL POL"tIOs. (Spoig o flwicOron"c.) DoMu, Dc. qleu 18. misîmus Enrnua:' Wene<lay# vo tek à Sax tairn. O'D. mcd si bauglu bbad a ezamla- cd lb. inchàpin, id lbtthal ail wamrite) au left Brsy about 9 la thée nrin. Tai-nonia iagse.p doclivty lain to the bridgo, v. pana ohreLUtte Bnp. kAgoeg up thebillt- agion tii. Debhn romd bream.gafc suIt Prospeekt savsalM u onoîmin ls patesoisbrviovsstwmad bcthe Ociamoo us oshuto, voral"boa the taa Memettsheb.Valey av Dia- MmUd.Ba iwale "ato flowe SsI By psibla ' Iilma la th. aè lelles dlth am a lb. 111M lieue, sui thebiU psa«unmd au lic of mile> l %bs »Meb1bA fi- *tbemelhrtsboÎe,bavlu t m fs àl5- Crsalte SavkoN f ela, (Gborp fou grv e "NI1II. il; Fltfoimaplploeaap" ers blaise emsolvcuidit the Ucip igu . Fio. the Oi-oss thoe' a levoly vev av Uhiai -blula her Lawoody b*. Croc"i thé bridge, v. u-uned sborlly to Ibm rite, close la the g£Un** aide. Daoh- ed up au sai-ionaded h be oua "eaa na"i house vdb a fountalu la fýiot,r end thst, ve footil, vauthe bille esel apuil for tIe amsauodauuoaipicolo p s itc ho moayaethbmbthlook, (ul be oy oftZhâbve) to a b ii-e m tahesod be théraloy veaili«. 1I belongsto Lady Roibeitav les; '* aordher û9moateagent nlu Dalîn le neeoar l iuabi lslw ore leé iïme aua ,WeoDov turad tl lf.1, undomeaàtthé apreain branàhea ai a uouhubratlg fitolly vutdhélb.sombre bOdy av lb. pâte-tino a iresa 'Ph, isu eut plailUe-ef ibs ilmibe v tw ts to.,, but Ils ha lshat! Uvu the. Oak@ aide. a thtg lts brio tbi dtkertodlieroo&. On iiy siM tbiepà'" av th.éep»ernryglcneav th* «lI cnii-sll vliUtie clismuit bcovll. ot mmatuhiye Av ME.- ton's descimpahun av thec Wd ors pawnela 1ità IL. li. ee a goo fo vawilo.tl na qbeomua be lebodrMn wu an of Moorea. içTe'ma olts va&II"«ep p W tth* unàgmt bobutcooueMda Ovêr- aiïse lovers. av cmue, pérlot SU lie- puA-l maiosbut I muet farbutur telu rB I oollir lime. LetIns pas. oe-to the Vlèv Mloch. 4% a aMo e t uo Min lhtt., »ate, an Ibro the opm. u, up, ph ceevula prmopekt avihb.Dlpe. 'a b.lov, 1h. tambil wvM ere b 04M. su ln the pols vhare Sie ultî.hitmtt Me luriMa-au no blhe'lt sltam taobei - fut auit It lae gound. Tbe gilu sefteuebW eu 'aea lt. a vsTI- 60lty., u onvau811i, over iiver, je14 suvo, thlb. ualeou vbofebluao fcumule theue hlole ar@re rotia. Oimiy lmbassummd ilu tbIs scne, a <houpes 43LatoS v Foyers- oort Houe.,white blow, vbsrm Ibm river vînde broad t' ausalov bcu.alh tbe sbatte of lbrO.ataIfTlaaahlaeh. amt tic aat. ai the imumortial Ihiml pathnliot suron Grata- Evle ouueGratu1e i.bbut aithé gOodl sq fdmle in uoI4 o bUamola thm With m aibcbDeumosthmuoa vatt en- uthArnd ior vier, hi $11 heopossosa. Conîtaoutozecoos. steward, be the ý slsmdy vap av th. DuXlo, Va Paseet i ont alite seed gatean lodue. Sisial tus edg. V abi lthe upre"ilo #lallep onivhlhvu t00Lkeà (rom lb. vi Rock, Ilies beow e. on th. left-tho, dark plot av SOMartuefalWays pros-c lut-cahrlthbe "s re.BIbi dopsa v lb. elly5 Ip to un . h.skits. i Terin a sy pfrontm'hlie ohuli oee va cYgatbehltro, m u lit. jamy uIt -Mü ss'el uflarl te al a lOIt. tibuluateb.ehbrItheeau 'avI- 6"0lnb,su titre li, duane urc-- prkbte Povei-sosel WatberfL An' idd t'Pe i.rO.1.451lb Demile, tat matitt -ns lulotielr » elehiaa. far te possible, oa pur- & illhIeu befolautllpl vthethore-fIaot isa b, foue lte ueeks roundils beil, lA&a 'violn av bti, ' o lbauf coul Avn. PromI os reltgitdo»,celms thlrekt; si"séanseou*udtrd, be absa. faitessu gildes alteaeolulys dovu SOM>ft1 aft pargt.isa- "rooks 1111,fleastôt, av spffl onbau il1% lLwblea loto a hiaci îbbituel h te- hé "olre i Imitoé liket'lia blood. front tceIit , ah. aaedble.dy loolievatbsi ai' lhe rd V uiyl ie ovr a boted m desese., cuetehadov.d b. osk lbrees, Whbi Itre. ldotodauîy. No* netocimethr vord av dsss.-lpsbuu. As is thes cas vldb ucauly 6aI aounl!u sbrame., thonrs .vary Ilttie vatheri soutime in thhvy veaiber, au tiluthb.appuarane. ai lb. (alla te rayther tilspplatiu. -To gau-I atla Iis, on the okashu avaithe elest cf George lime th., a tank vas de g, theb.brov aithbmbilîl, no us ta locheoeau! auv atherto Mokc a gecd sev -au dtista 1db Enal. But the prmelbât ivas lu vain, asIealeset lb. vt hespot. ThPFrince a Princes.av Waloo vomrsmeonslbet- att; lb7 ý isiil thle vall«Ucia ' 08. sa van ellgblsd vllu b.nbuly' -rv1lte plages. TUilb. gusdeotsp1 ialb vssfI-tvays barylu OebMZtla- in- -Lcrld,. anpiehr parties, su te fflèbcrs cimeoc» wb.pl i humeon OMed.leg m ieI.erhs1 am.bée 8hl7-fc urgi-tmx dirpeseehbuu of vhleb mmrsbYaM bye. la% s imte, the gr&"d Parnell Banquot eau..0. It in hs vas bandeti aohm" f«r Mie NaoaiThu-iboe, accocatie, Ilion, ItaM,800 ci-, 18,0.TIs otth tvl aoi tlb. cia *0,00. Portin te the Poo plo'el130, ou baup-lstau pL ahubock. 0f the. bo0lppula- *abacair, ô mlliooea-m Cata-ý lie bi a titi-Ilsovor the 4 allios, Parnselha. .11 the»staIbis bse1 um i- s the b4lulpart av the Preuylersu. 1 se. lb. Mailsasulte eesthran. But yolI S oinie athpeupl. biSlb7 dent lctt&'- boy are lahiabout.'l Pasli u ýthîe Nshateecot lter- Nwunua udidale i tpelteu ltcfig5sust utoptlc £soa .1 l t c. eau-id aile4,«à.- Thse re ca tly?"Falls nov lm- ~ lant-ibe Nabnoalu- &tý, butht Toi-y laiords, vhsun>' 1h. -15v Oaumilu lu it. a-Meuth t dh 40 afi dl-tip wmsh. '71bc Wblge. are evsepl saa. A; the crm"c have ait -itehus Tht PovueilIBouqM u inlut rupiku- a Nibtulhauat.a biti c Ilmotà» UldbiNsavhba haleNuei- na Pasty ha. agrand "ueu»rUbti h as vailas bchluth Mm, Ke elli.db 70cor 80 NImbera il hÙ Ie 'iiuhW..h h. villl bve-bec-tte meslsr avtht' Brjt 13« SVootlftftoouiLAC b ti lh.egaslr6Ib Ir ai thé rte' l. hshtale s 0 serly emyteoem Let "Ibo b.s*Dort o fldu lheu, Mr. UIBd i u iblmeus yt Mau rna antI~o d ur l tedbeik t Nov e t id*<hi* ta Iel Mie Tor tIbm friad Ou-Coanne. aieau iff.L-iEwI e'uLsO"mn'nOr rs' - RS~FJNo-F t, At whéG1e-1prices previous t o stock-taiking._ B ORAN -OS I T O F ~QC~2S~n4 ~dLeriue.±o.Iea.ouiheb~Inoepf our Winter Goods at GIRE,&IC.,J»Q IQ -186 CALL EAIRLY AND mot lo lie millet.) Els l, tu.S. lre emres Ibm loUp o*id aliter, Su ailleis cas ia. Ris beaudla wvol boupiles wlî he h . i-du ari r. aud hi. clotheu vlih Itheditaof=0hi. hlies eyca nie vltb a geetidemi of Suapitta as Y bigla u l terrogte hlm, aid dose mol ,-culllpst hi. ha POTrlu motion tttil fdy oonvlht.d thOl » ii 89 baie toffU~ltoUi tkc rn-'=vea for cetLiùi lal ru îbogb". zen salialed on Ibsi oare, he losntheu b valci-, th. vbel tutus, sud lb. lueS flies. Hiesse i'boÂiis Th. m111 is ovuaelsund mansgedlie blouself, là 15km.,Mo isPp M1ille; It lsa jaspfimm rUeim i le ~byet *Id 1 peus fir, but De joâlte or hi-uutmutins Dos. nol do csyul vi orb bât dose largs pla"ilu sl eboplngbulW vbioh Mr. Alluea devais léit.ue, attentionI, sud lualvys réba? for&s crial. 1 foucid th*t eod ailier math bis famiy qt. socilableatethelm e»Ï brokea, bumt I onil ti eliieger,90o1 baie thom tood inigiIa co lut Pies. tu à fo*w daeotemore 1 resbed be'%lý¶a qute and mhlotdlýle itume t hotei.ksp9 bp Ur.gbrititaileeshem. The hoL happrs abtuei l kepbtud overy atl.'ntiou inpaid totahéb.ceofrt and oanveaieacm cf the aue. lmms WII.aofa ealady of, gcutis and hIndi- dispositioanad la. I am oedibty informtd, aunaateur painttci cf rare Thure a' am tinerailîi la 1 nh. plae; on, klipt by Mi. WLu. Porvia, wbn bas ou bandl a domprshonoi#* snd well setccted, .taek, anti »âme la b. dolng &b làoieul tbtmulnos. ir.Pmuvi nimbesî no vMnlnDg &bout bard lis. He bolis Imlportant andreponble peailien of T..voship Clelrk (5..Ea Wblllu. Theéthtem 4s NOpMeSi. Beall & Brs., wwsutua a a u band a fuit stock of eVurytha< 0"0"e"y in a entry elcre. luoitiw the Empire Herse sud 0.111. Fond.- Dctvea «àtodo u and. çoue"s 11la difit l find couaforable sanding woous. MUr Thaou. 2*4isoesa lube -tbesti linog epli-i ut l. shlbt bddùu% .4, 04s h keepc thiage lliely. Tii >el'Pout àl bea, lup 1 ildt uu" enilerb er »Mvs a ao oto f alé s1. uld propos.,4 and vhsoaccus $0 fiel-lb.he wgbt of pcarebut ilglly ;'but b. bus a #00o] deai of baîber wigb thatl boy Tbee. Beau. vc' w heinbuthu-catl iycabu bash If hWo em stbiais hiamli bbe ter. 1 Itbok'be wll baveteteellci mome i-ses ietwol bu %bua le hlis quIet. To pasa ovebave lys uï e Vleai lUcr . L' Prayl Maitbsv Gtshin, la lb.sorti.T, b* ire jp boIte fo, es mocas lu be Kept bot. INlmoufiesellieudsooa£Bit,,SelS Îudbuaiusa bop, ovnt&W englus and *ootutslàfaBrooblun. Thm. ad Pfflinc sway si bie làt anSd "aeStta # .trt-oa. Then bers Iatou t, costro-of-lhe Viiage lUr. W pbe Roto. mai-shut t&îol Ire ifbs -& SECMJR BA1RGAINS. For tho long pouloti cf thity-throo with the foil YerfIbave baeona Wt~dl the, pyue"Bure, Day feulci a jouruelilMn Ibis cout*ty. Çqunsuirait luh Wbimtlaymeommu vas etabluhui auilh (sasI)1 by me,ms@A b l" e las1m0.To lt.e onumotiona *hOto Prese cf the country lter. sM ader ta «lve fev naines botter known thun lthe very a peilunity Ic humble mdividual vbo pani s ..ie&s . 584 te oi Andi1 tftûcd ta sy ÜthuIlhave everIO '1 u1> epoe" êêuteum and good Finance i viii of =y bretmmen of lime Pi-es. Itoun Dep. Beev, et hmMr. Banting, lb. Manmager ci the eoa sud Sa Mi, I have atysys receuvoti mont Stnt u f rleudky g cand F kH iiat ouquirie, OanO, iSmith andcivin 1vi.al o lb suesand cli Pire ad ilutino uackeof vogt aid4h >iav -JjI limetcn Bondm. i ven Hlogan. Ie Mourimon, Senaloî Pan- Application, nylin.41org Broi Utl1ôa. D'Àroy slP"0 p at b asites cf poulics. ,Thosueom ntà lovaty. did nal iambe .mistake of confounti- Relief. Me ing vicient andi abusive raîluga vrtb the pot. duties -ci th. joiminliat. Alus, lima lies Board et h hmalung wviilu'fer the ieadiag Conserva- Report adol tive dganof ths piset day ahauld, - Bc baie s etoeiteti 1Mr. Fax -Wfth thrtymssnltincal dâ i fthratigh aby. tàe Mtia,llii al W2. utocf a Jamson Seli personal soqumaalaco. I liait n«wfure o.yesrs. met hlm, nor have 1 ever seea hum in iiu Ibm flah, la my knavledgo. The pic- On th. moi turcs of hlm gien lnaGrip -a"e th. by Mr. Jeffrn nemiest akuproach toanay knovledge 1 vam instrue have cf lià pereonal appoarnos. Andi doing the '4 thora, Iehi",#" au devictod by the preeeni 'yesi tatontedtSkustomt, noverLâlotito aU meeting of tl h di cf i. andu mafc of the aiis- On motion erai>lc Guitea. hiulihe sadffrlty of vas appointe his luaguta4;îim, hie abuive orng;ysmr, &,dmim ini hi& talmeble gI.Fairet~t lt Phbanks uai frequcat u ïesa~ eferccesta Mr. Dova get" 4,ho msas differilg ,frein 1h. Pert -Ferr-p opinions sE Ikelu- clerp-jnal us poor ta th. Planu uu nGitau pis.mdabou the li.heuaItme Pepeofaiis racquit- Cancil ad anas;-4A bis habit of aaiblgoppmnuls #sidieImoýp '"foçts," "fdaukeys,"dre ; Pici ia his suesi-lga',t the argumt. ofmli vivit woinho diffcreas "l , ePicke 66 chi., su seuan tW k ot la adJij sal bumptlouasumobbssy of bia - , reesas."iý* tiers ii- a reoblance lathe flIppant t.dimn&spj s hl e h.'ilsuce sm xUcanve epr-esâ cf' kiseontdYankee cui4Ia lnuber ut, e ltvcyeltoiteo b rIace beîr cftise Prou. vbduedie aboaluit a- otfbaBldit = u ln dlora hir ltT of lbc MVailft reu~e lafluo"ncorand ~id ;-Mail by theoeristseeo SirCharlés Tu - oke mani per. Ié Vmiot of;p0*ayA enD4Dj liviaaItihepublic =1 lu aIOUa&s& Uàm #18S4, 8-. tl hi$ pru.saulsh*oevnproti. Andi Pauoee,;j 'l iiibehei, idâ6âu ' cf :aut- me.1Mr. Xem loviug remilt ;-Mdeasr. auey., .Ljrey. Long ai e). oaaes: esr l b. Mlayor loft th. chair lu th. BeoeS ommittee on to repobri. Coacil islam- >omlLtt.epo-t4 as fol- înd ssesxnat.Beeve, end Meus. Dowaey, Rob- d Iwprovemsats. lMesefe. , (East) and Wesley. Wager. lMesure.obertson, Marema e.jP ftreqit - es tb effice. meis. 'Ws- I mlth (Wcs) MesteMmiit(lat)Borne lesere. Burna, StevarI sad ma*lîl.-e ouci - upLed. MIOOL TEUSTua. Ktatroducet ad cutiist y-loy apoecinlaMr. R. H. &LSCOW WAH EHOýUSExI %T "-gndmtûmg8L0k 1e.bruy*- lmt, 1884. AMl renaàntsi remainder cf contents te 01082' boxes 4 <o1dv, papm o f Hosiery, pàokag-.&-,cf,.Yiu a bwi hoId a t i reuoeaPrim. Winier GOOdaat lM7eredprces. Coats medarke ow, QrdsobIadwr -M in ie, j veste; mared ~D1ûet doninpue, R ais rirked down, - Shawle speoisifigures, I Caps 'marked dcvii, B (.1im=VpLTu.tRuiu rOooas i Yor haif theregular ' whoeslep ice ot of 4KÈ i-osP-4, Br.e & O tIon of Mr. Fax seeuded upy, the Pri-ng Ooumitiiel tod ta mak for teudera for Core iand 8 Tovn Frlutiag duiing the Qent8l fine r, aud report eo, "thi exl 0f'Str, g . aof Mr'. Fox, Raspjoluatcn ,d Auditai- fui--Ibm pi-saoul the Mayor uaoeed lvi a second Auditor. Town Cloaai,.'emiot-' zo 0ommluse lereport aIet mliag. j'bonkI.b" gmios :erlugbl tp, onnat, -of esiuqeg pI &m" 1,1=1 Oil g0o uuoi mai pmme toricidealecsbte omil ommnistioe ereu-ed i-cmth A lb. mi& iSIaw!8,GI lde'Kn tgWol ots&tjr, Clouds, WT0oolCus,7GWaierand, Mits. uee them. EStock thoroughly assorted 'wiïth- iOhoice, BtyIiha Ne w Gooit.- Navy Bitue Flannel, Shirte in stodk ana-nmade :to measure  secial>piirohas Al 14 oot Canadlan Tweed.R. *Gdýo'ds goeeMfy' red«uced ini price- this i ýonih.-- L ésAdie'AtraoanFu rfMantles. -Gents' PerémanLam'b-Caps. - R. & -J. CAMPBELL; Dy soth, Clotb1ngg#KaNet;Mes, arpels, l00 t OtateGroceris sud PMtoD&iae Dr.Du Wl!, -8IL V FR Brock, reopnfrsu ozù7bu.i LOCAL

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