Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1884, p. 2

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qai pape- l ose uýte taproud kt'ai &Dr albor usvmpcper Luslte ceai. thal bave lle t ti ecae Mdi teaqisItlu ulacroea e arle Uiod[Ulté il l eer b.foaitd $rues 1 'Wmmis o "60<oyerttn, vevini «snM" ~praoinau 0 U aAd Éroleooe91Mainubel. nm&Mdezlsnd 1h. good elo. WNS*,7tîsowu a»dontarlo ceanty.* Oaruly lprsp.red 1Poyemphlo reporte et pQbli e sflmil b ent ad avalta au 00 quilanlm rkc rportâ rlvlaed - a 11h e cfgolaita pomu lpace Th» etton umt " Trveller " wyl be caiin- I amui dgngthé y"r. Foliowing hie inter. ouimg ea rcu of.t h.e varons iccalitîs. W "fiS@aîjho buanprep aratlon a mries "et peiîtk ub ksketchs of the Varions local laititatioas of lova aitalcouty,conm.erciali o4seadenaI social and religIons. Git e lai featersmand contributions «a spécal baple willI b. introduoed during %là* jwar. The. @tories and gelections af the Citeso- lots vill alwaya, b. found pure and wkan]e- morne. The OaoNicLat la publiabed evi'ry Friday imoraieg lintime for thoe 04-lymail. rhbus eouriag it to bath îown undcantrv .ub- scribura th. saine welin wbîolî t j, îsut-l]. Yearly subcrpln-Oue Dollar lu ad- vase. Adalimma, J S. ROBERTSON & DROSO, PROPRIETORs, CHRONIOLE BUILDING,- WHIT3Y. New Advertlaements this Day. Xer.. for Sle-This OMeie. pea.pi.F.Stewart. Ipow at Ier Geod-R. & J. Campbell. eel Waeh iHome Guemt, llarLfôrd, BoostO.9ciDI$uaUon-Siuger Drosm Ã"àLY Steo» PER ANNU3M. WWhàytFiidY, Efb. 1, 1884 &*~#Md wiCirculation CuttoNaCLE Tira Domtinion Parharnant continues to drag Along 11. wçary way. Tia WorW maye Mr. Pardee ije-îhe beat talker iu the. Local Oovernm.Žnt." Ai vwu gcncrally c.pected,Contluctor Barber, viiome train cauaed the friglirful écoldet at the Humuber a fow weeks qo, ham bainDqntted of te charge of ulnauahter. Te ordere given to hitu thelb Grand Trnnk atithorities wcre so kadefinÃŽite "ail vas alriroot imupossible la avelid a Collision. "lite jury took a ftermil výev cf lte situation and threw the. blaii.of the disamler upon the Pauuas la business are beconiing v«ryfreueut tiroughout Canada, andI tbere I. considorable tingency in the rnocy ru-bel.Thora bam been over pmew lalumany quarters..andl the lazsry<t uffering from plelhorto May trades andl industries Are qt. speralyea.anad il i irequirn & good barve.l *0 redore th. toue of the «=* IouatyBai*snormal state, if, indeed, th. trouble in vsthin the remstoralive pave r*ta ood crop. 1Il w am'oef, '%hôe ïftanle has cf basbeeSu7 pt'ouinenl on accoitzcf ls dourinu on the holding of lanti anti other ocialprobleaa- lias met with n V" y Oolrbsoaption frorni lb. Engfigi RadinaIs. He nov bock cotlains litle * bi nb« ,saboundi in olaborata caînunica à;dMdr'ca and Republican iituî- linn4 maddire inds-that mhenes Ibat go= outoàiotoin onueacouintry are whoUyr"clbe in anolher. How- ewa eralMtesthought, andl Ihalià 1» hr a blasng. It te bottto b hink u6d" w occasionally than nover Týà arna e miinthc discussion cf *6 w alve.iy of furtiier state aid to dm PËoviaclmlUniveraity. TheTorouto dalllB% lan ot a few of the Provincial dcàiii... bave bn 411ufrdcfarticles and foUStad in, ber hocme. hà Irrlbwe g"« the " Iof cthle head, vounbls mg md lpsou otier parte of thc body aaê*hobloeêbeipaltmred valu eofthté mm Riv apparent valgit do te .tbeary tb Wesac *0 bar dealb by fouI play. A "erl lra luemt le invsatlgatlng aMd Kr. cot'wI. Cuuy Attorney, le A 1Decld.dlY f4]pox.ey'Move. OltIsni pwertatltUicfirmi sssidon oftlb. Town -Ceanoil for thio year, wlll rmrueurerUr. For'm indignation Whou g» , vl..*' çmua4$W te appoint lthe - etmu lnâ oemllees or -tise ,year, WoiWl hoirrepor, inalng Ii 4490 *e oliam o oon ltaI conunit- Iiienoona ltleÏ009nugh' and 15 t ivso eima.Ile would The RQçîoo_ Wby', Whit' ret tot t è l~blot in ,eeloîin g cmrtakor for the, Coudt Hon l quesion Put thothé.CtRiO.Thte answcr in plai-ift t YPVcreilable tg soimonitobrs of lie County CGans cil. Hceetsauan xplactatory instance, une memberof aiIbImportant -body wu. lutton-lioled by à candidat. dnning lie early daya of thesessimaon andl ashoti for is upprtThe candidate vau assnrod that h 0 *ht en nI.A a malter of la, by tlitgoutloeman's own &ami 'm'iOn, lie ipplicanl boe re. ferredt u slte eigiî one ho led pro- miudotg qsupport, AnaUser vmcml r, oceu?3ing te position of Roove; andI reeidtng tact a tbouaand ilos front Wbitby towu, promxmsed, vo ane bld, no lois titan thirtogu candidates liai lba would support them. A local applicent for Uic position in question stateutaI ninalcu out of tht lbrly-four momberu of lte CountyCouncil pledgod bim their votes,and for titis reRson fron t tii word 1go " ha faitlit aIho wau mat..Tii mnan' snanas wu dropped iu one cf lte early ballots. WVa couli cite clior in- stances cf a like nature, but ltos. arc suffuciet te1 show wity the. unmaniy device cf Iliding bahind the ballot was r uuu(rted to un titis parlîcular caua. Only atîthber illustration cf ltae "corner" juta wilîuil tue pleameeevery -body policy cf oine publie mîetn i. certain ho place tdjeu> andI whaîtiucey wil do ho gat out of snc ulîl luin plces. Our Sheriff Honcureti. BANalCET ANt> PRESENTATION TO THOMdAS s AXTi, rlioi.- UESUL EM A demonstration teok placeataIFort Pera-,'last Friday evening in itonour of Mr. Themnias Paxton, vite prarieut te bis accepting tite Shriavalty cf lte Counuy of Ontario lied repreacnted North Ontario in te Local Legialature, and bcd beon idenlifieti witithlie.- pro. gres. of lie eouniy for many years. On account of lte railvay blocitada andth le condition cf lte roids compar- atively fev front a distance were pro- sai*., but about 150 from ailparla cf lie riding andI Sout Ontario faced andI overoame tem. obstaces, complelely flling te tables viuicit ver. pread in te Townvu HaL.The citair vas c- cupiad by Dr. Sangster, vite intimiated titl bter.sud telegrains cf cpology liad iteen receivad from Massrs. F. W. Glan, F. Madiii G. H. Darîneli. J. E. Farewell. John Dryden, M.P.P., sud ters. The toasts were responded ho ity Dr. Jonc,. Rev. Dr. Carey, Mesurs. Rtadcliffe, MaBrida. Otway. Page, Mc. Gailivrtuy, ilcekis. anal Jones. Ttc Otiairinau read au address te Mr. Paz- ton expressng ltae steem n 1 vichli Ie isaliotlulby lte residQt.llsof Nordh On- tatrio witout distinction cf partY, nalictnalty, or crecul, fer ie inanli' qualtios and faitful services as Iteit repi'escnlattva, sud prusented imuwiti a chaque foi 6500, the offering of biis fariner constituents. Mr-. Paxton ruade a fteling rcplin- lu wlîîitlie axpresseul bis decep enseof te itononr douelii sud thte vaine "greater titan goid" of lte esteeu olte poolule cf titis riatng. Tite gatlei-f va occttpiaud by about 5t) ladies dueing tbecouceea-eof lie banquet. Tih. demoulration vas lincvory reu. r t non-polibical, anal vas a juatti.i ucot oty u'd fuititfei public servant, Who bcd in Ihiepublic snd Paltainenlary career s0 fairly andI bonourably acted bisparutbitatlite coulti relire vithoul an enonty. Ouarcunty. SOHOOLi ANDa CaoURM Or COLOMIIs -TOWNi HaLLANDML BLaKl-Vi<A5k MÂNStOS MAREs "T"».AVEL" MORAL IZIC ON MARTIAL MATTER5-grà MGN RAMPANIT, $10-arSer rpr BOOKS mv Tara COLUXBMXJ uAcNICS' fINSITUTE -AU AIYTOoJaPI. (Specici Correspondance of the CgaseucLu.) CoLuxiius, J&s. 26, '84 :-Befere leaving Coumbus, 1 muet s«porimeal tairaà a pring look aIthe pies 'ana people. la cherce. lter. îs a fait representation for the. isa of lte place, namaiy, Preibytenian, (baicko bu il ding, Rer. tMr. Cereviobami pu9or> Canada Metitediat. <raure btCilding, Psv. tMr. Scal.i cf Broakliln regeler pbser), Bible Citristian (frame building, Rov. Mir. Moore pasior), ail lire. minlelers are reporteal te bu earnest, active vork- ore, snd higitly esteeale for thaîr vo rk'a @ire. Eacit of tem bas Sac aiturcites (one haro andi in Bracklin) entier bis pautoral care. Thor@ are tvo Balibatit Saite, ou. Prsabyterlau, anud one uniteal Metbodiml, in anticipatien et ltse Mefiiedist Union. I1enderslana bot sebeois are iba aproaperous con- dition.a Tié tea, pping d'etn tram lb. sactei loe bmeutan, I lend tie. s a briek Tevn Hall ber#. Whel do yeu l"ik ai ltaI fer e Utile place 1k. Colomobes? Hers Bec te a drill shcd, a sanding iu- dication liai Ibm venld la net jus et l Il siionlal b et. ý"Frcm viience counc vars,-aud Ightgsamong yoa? Came tllay bot bens@, even e! jour lools? Oh, thie bai reot.eta oseharel fe andl family qeearml. Wel, lkeI uoub, but I ave ta lesta ual gen- oraly pe"biagh.er*»suanlIglige" af a lsigPa.rder (ilyen eheeeet ecl &hem îueb) vwi il "he4bin g1,.saud theireluvairy," aa lir -noase of baud mon% bloady eombattings, and geatle.-ladies' ltom*," eve hbei riU l anyllter source. Oh, vitcn vii ttife, anald dcard eeepe Anïd vag'. vim mrues ioi to p6ses i Tb. "eonfuacalnatee" of batile, sud lie "germent. rellieal lu bbod,"iesoomet limes b lmost.ohut out froua est sud' oy leene lvions et Belhlshém'a planece li getlue sofetprali sce.e "ia oelilI -41Mer-lu4li "It bavehal rmnd, Yeu iad iav i îhsm i!spri#ootectin erdor te Procure Yen i f lul ino., ltai Ge*orge ià lu a fait way for rneew.y. kadable le moe. aboult on «ci"bs. 1 aIe learned ltaI Mr. loba Smillh, au ageal realdent cf Ibe pie.., vesin very poor ielh; andI 1 Cocli ual liatnotice ltegreal respect lu vioh h. vas iteM, ce manifested by the mauy blual and. ecrnest enqnirieî muade abou% hlm, not only ln lhe boumes cf lhe people, but ou lhe streeha, by pêrfons moeting each alter. Trnly tbatlit1e muet b. vorth living. wbicit, wb-n tho hur of departure sesme near ct band, calla forth snob toltens of cf fetienate regard as vas revealed by tbeme simple but earncst enquiries. I have Bsinoeslearneal ci Mr. Smih%' destb. Bel bee I cm, sauntering about lu the, vlcinlty ef Columbus, viien I ebauld be ever ait te "Whltby Wooisn Mile," a mile and a hait West. WalIl. itla toe laIe te remedy ltaIt Ibis lime, as yen yl net Rive me pace. Alcv mo Iben le clas ie vaîli 11e bit cf effofian, coniiting cf a 1ev lin.. vrîten by your hnmble ser4'nî (ubere'e vitere te agotilîr coma. in)>viten ite vas yeunizer. for a young lady'@ album. Sbenld tiis eel ber eya, 1 trumisit e viii excuse me. Bo let us lUve, Ibat, whau w3 pan away tiobiud the Veil witi limita mettait igitt, Stime pleaaetg recollactionuf e smay To leved one@ loft afferd a rare dalight: A. roe-budî bld in boks, no tmnte te blou, May yet, lu citer yecrm, yield iveet par- terne. TRAVELLER. COUNTY COUNCIL, 1884, STHIRD DAY, IFTERNOON SESSION. Jan 24tht1884. Conoil resmieal at 8.40 p.m. te Wardenia n ltechair. AuDIrcas cP CRMINAL JUSTICE AIXICUNTrs. tir. Linke abisine loul ier, le luredece a by-laa fer the appolulment of Anti- taraofethle Ciminal Jumtice Aceounta anal Jeebea Wright anti John Millet vere appeluleal. - oMvos OF CAR-TdEtu The Cemrnîttee on Counny Propetty anal Jeil Management recamrnended the appelntmntlof a Cers-Taker as one. Witmupatlasng viitt Mi-m Woifcun itey titi rntt er i matsil leaving lte charge efthlie builating, un aler te promeut ystem of iteating, vîit ne youuai a perecu as lte Young mn employeti by tirs Wolfenten. tir. Parker tiesireti te 1mevtitthe e- sau for lte change. ir- Leng :-Tite reasenu for te achange is th&a% there te danger lunttao vay ltse building ie beiog teateti andI it requira. a persan cf censiuiarable lotite ment andi age laeo ltat everylting iii riplit. The vitele building mîiglit b', bloan up. Soie of lte Conirittre beau-J lis Young Mau goas aWILy aud leare.t te ii-o bung. Mir. st John epoka in tte usinc- terni,, comiarîng t.e tc-silt,tn! postier - Ma-. C. Gentlllin-utt bIe Gre-Tah-, on«tteilta b.' ppaluttinDow mttUrs. Wuifendeu u a iatlong enaugit no Me. Cu=iugham wvasu ingaer ci op- pointingt a Cate-Tairor.bis tinties leecin - moea. m ine ite aber ou anti trs. wolfsntiin lunlte meautima employilig a compe.nt pc-i-so. tir. Farewell on bainig elea explin- au! ltaIlite Yeung (man boa beau I ta aetk for some lima andti iaitiMra. Wolfendeu'a brete-an Enginer- wau in the babit ef .oaing litat the aleam &o. vas lu propor condition. 'Be va s aiaieal ltaI litera vas notau officieIlu the Cour-t ouse afrai t o te- main in tic building vitile entier lte -cierge et thia Young man. Mir. Larke mavodal ia te a-oa- mendation cf tito Commnittae be amunt- adto tendos ba lte Care-Tabor midl abe charge st; aneitlimas se heby-iav mez y emt forth. (Carried). RIe alanw btdif taera vas.oeeont oet hé total number et, applicante abo kuev cnaytiing &bout st. Sane cf ltent; b. endermtecti. deaire t ltiif appoint- adth itprvasCare-Taer abouti i-e- main lu1"= gefer sonét ine uh! lthe applicant loamucaltlie vrt. tir. Jeffrey erplainet Liai lire bons. ta ahibicUis. Welfenden inlendedte move vas let unlil Aprian oe lia reason for ber petitian. Re titougit lte Yeung man vas capable o e ps-. lug lia vont neqeireal. Mtr. Tedd tbopgbl lite pétition mioulti be granoald. HEtliongbt tie pwnly making te charge egainet ltae yonng man, migliî b. an eppliceul. tir. Mev-Ion vas favorable te lie p.- tîtion being graubeal andi vas quile saife-Ibat &btey iad failela te ýroe Ibal lioe.bai basa Roy lnoontpetenoy or negligenas on lie Part of lte Young Man in charge. Tiie report wcm adopleal as taOndeti. (on th* Maohle of Mr. Goubl secondei by Mir. Todal. permiasien vas glven te lulrodnee a h-iav te appoint e Cane- Taker for &ot Court Houe. &," eil vaut mb omnilîlcofethlb viole tberen, Mr Bateman u lb.h Ohalm. ]RIMNANTS!1 IREMNANTS 1 REMNANTS! Dreas Gô'ods, Prin1Is, 0 Coatings, Flannels,- Sheetings, Shirtings, etc., etc. ~ Tweeds, M4utJe CIoýths,- Over- -8IL VER? FURS! FIJRS!1 FURS!1 At wholesale prices previous tostock-taking. t' tt- WE ARE NOW FREAIT- O N ~ ~ ~ ~Q SPRI~~G- G-ODS and'are determined to clear ôiÂhtIefour Winter Goods at GREAT - RED1QITI9NeF dî31 r r," /A~a4 ~E~IJ1IJRE BA~RGAINS. CALL EAIRLY ANI) spacial cemmitte. e viticl tati been rferredth ie qnestion cf a Blouse cf Refuge, vais laid over Unuti ltoe Jun session. CARETARER, Iu coimultea cf ltevitole, Council cantinliei, as t.e firat ordar cf lte day, haiiotiug for a Ceurt Houa. carebakar ont of the 27 applicants for thitt office. Thte taubt and las& ballot, vus Lin- ton, 19, Edmunde 14. Tite haut cf noce bevieg arriveal, Ceuncil adjeerneal. * Iiesuming &gain aI 4 p.oe., Mir. Gould'm care-taker by-lav vas put titrong thlie regllar course, gie blanirs baiog fill ep vilta henamecof Fr-an- cis Linten analthbit .liry $850.00, tint- ies anti puy to begin ou neng ireI of May. Considenabla discussioriepen ltae malter oethIe oare-talter'a alary va. evoketi, vien teby-lav va. incm- mtte cf tite aboie. by Mir Totitiof UxitritIge moving in amenidaent tait te Omte $300, cul tMr. Ferrester cf Packering tug 400 h. uts figure. tMr. Louai ciampienina lte latter tbongit tbat vit)> te cre andi respotjtiii&y of t4ali fe go addeta tiby mansigiug lbhe ste-uihpaliog apparatu.auni taI lucere vauld be iceseiani appeais for au incrae-wbrn te pïy wau tbc n tiown, utLvuasti er t0 psy a goed .aiary fctutn lita tuti tart. Mliu-rs. Pbilip J'ira J. C S'in!lll, OclituVa; idHtr.ttîn, of Uxbrib1i.u pksa i "f o S35:0' Iteotunai a-pied, îbf-% * * îtnr.,l r tr U1 r t t * I ubWerjti; idii-u-'. lite he4,%;crt ut n t huatt ci bauokirigafler thea tutatint- appartuit. and aiaoveliatg snaw tianaiblet) lasitid e.uly forteven monthltite ,vefr. Mtr. Lo atî-'He omuet bau ber. al ta ttie t liotiit-lt Mir. Goulti. 'Craainlyl the iavvn iu aummer Enni be shaveti off avery day for ltae memiiera ta play croquet 1 O, ha inusih buirs al lte rime" <great lauglulcr). Mir. Pbhlp Malice, Miare, introaled anti carriedti lreug it Is varions stages a by les appointinug Henry Whitney a commissioner for espeuding Coenty money upen titi. bridge. AUDITORL. A iy-lav vas pimeeti.àappintina S. El. Cturiu,îian, anti B. F. Campbell Ceulcut ilrs for 1884 et a salary et $50 eicl( Mir. Lfonard Burnaîl, Reacit, chair. min of te committe. on Educaticu, bronghtinlua zreport.allit racotmenti- ad : laI. Thal acotante cf LU C. Smith $80, anti Rev. S. H. Ectaîna $25, Oshawa, bs paid. 2nd. Titlte Caucty Inapectera of Public Sobeois be requseille toub- mit et tse Jannary Sessions a report eitoving lte efficiopcy, standing. etc, cf the motools anti teaciers tirengiotee ltae Ceouuty. Orti. Tliai litsappointes oet lie Ctnncil un tthe e!u'rai - anti reepeoclive aohtool boarsbe-feov. J. J. Camenon, Wtby Callegiate Institut; John Coteau, Ositava Hlighb Scol; EB.tMen- dyPari Perry Hiit 8âbool; I. G. Crosby, Uxtrige High acDhool. tlt. Thug rogatdiug lie communica- tien of Jearsie tiezveaanal Womenea suffrage t e oncil mgtmeraiee lb. Parliantent lu acaraae tberewiih. Report adepted. Abj.lav eppoiuling lhe trtmewuva PSlMvtV Mir. LerSer .oved tiaI& a aue lbe ballottai fot, le ÃŽU upu. llank, vitia The standing commilleou enPinling Moeurs. penreobraaMo Bona s Sruti- reporlealas telleiral mserm, (CanrWmi. 155.Tint liey bave examnoa lie tir. lam%* moyed " tisa Beballa ot Ica0iu« cceunla,, wici bave beau tvice anal liaI theb*sud. ballot ail cortifleal te, anal woulareotned psy- liose » mo ngulug ve e s" mu meut hotreof: off bc Dm. i(Canna). 1E.-mudy, tao avenaiung May, Recit t 11 allI:-H.MeDermi ; Nov. EanoeExamrgza- to per 6, A.Edmnd 1, E. Wisaro1, 'W. R. Pery ig~lh e ool.....-780 Mtialisvsau14 D. Camipbell 1. W. Cal- Te OshaW nv OOI....» 4 verly 1, J, Smih 1, D. O'Leary 2, p. Te tenders Houme ot Refuge, Watson 8,. . ite B. A. Bruce 6, P.- Refornu', .... ......... - -...2 50ý Linten 4. ,Te otendons Houa.et f uge, Beealt Ste Bnd bsllt:-H.Mo- Stanldard......... ---------.....2 50ý Dari-m l9. A. Edmond 2. Ai Whitlav o ut.080melosCd=eouci 8. W. R. Mbev.o 2, W. Caleliy i Rfo1,r. ........2 00 D. ticOrobeu1,J. Smith 1. G. Burdett ditto Saiid.ardI. 2 OU 0 1. D. Vf'Lary 2,J.Wite 3,- A. Bruce Charles Sarney, Toer ien ran), 0,00 P.F InSea 4tJan. 84, sessianz Ca. Ceuncil»... 2 ce Mr. L.srbe seecatid by Mr. TotIti Tenders Bouse et BRefuge ...-.. 2 50, movêdtt i lIcoanidatces via roceive Reports Coi».............~ 2 50 oDYnly oavote il lie nuIvo wôballaIs be L. S. Ackeàmsn,. Ian. aersic.s chmeco f taliaI. <Caried). ' _ Co. Council.-..... . - 2 ( B.eul ai the. «id ballot :-l. Me- jas.*. tree ýéOtacf Ret.go.. 2 Dermid-9, A. Ed[uoui 2, E.,Wienier, Jas Cýuthe, Ian. esauiftnsC. 1, G. Burdot2,1D) Ymy. Whtite -ed---------l(0 6. Ai Bruce 2,1. Pearsn , F. Linton H. 1B.- a iste aitSessions*c. - iwo j Co" ou ntJn. e200Co Ai Edmond 8, . B. -CoueniL. .....I... ......-.. Q00- -W- Uflv7.t 1.T lTAiai,,rv î. 1.at.. x,, .i..j% ma. it si hans conla-acI for prinluug for 1888, vo find taI the contracl provides tint ttc Journal. cf lte procecullugs printoal liareunder vore te te in respect cf printtus, binding anal sure of page, siai- ia- to lte Journal, cf ltae Cc. Cauncil for 1877, aud on axatuluation cf tae Jouirnal. for lasI year, anti companing lhiern viit those of 1877, vo final (a) Titailite page cf bhc fcrmner is bot longer anti vider titan ltaIcf te laI- ter (b) Thabt the 1883 Journal. are bounti viit vwire futeuings anal litIlte 1877 Journal. vera seveal (c) Ttb te type useal lu printing te suditors re- portsa ite 1883 Journal. te cf a mmallar siz a titatuscal for lia 1877 Jouru- als, sud Ut icth type useal in printiug tce 1877 Journals appears le ha vo bo.n newer andI babter titan uhtlnsed, for ltae Journal. of 1888 (dl)ltae presvorb donc upon tthe18813 Journal, as inferier to titut uîpon lte Journal. for 1877 (c) Saverai experieneed prinIers have beau calleil befote yonr Comxrnittea,and apreo ltaI teaboyea pecified daparbures froni tia conîract vonld cana. a saving of about $10 le lite contracter. Thea tccutpanying leller fa-cnM tr. Prni- bertn. Itowever. explatts ltaI aving la tua-eeuildings successuvely occupieti by humi dluring lte yeuur taviug beau des- lrttvedl,tuwo cttas îy fia-a andI in dia tufilîc ly collapse. unucl, of his type, inateaîrul cut i nachiaiîry vas destroyêd tur iititreil. anti thaIlthe defective work ut t- atlatriiitabltt Iis caunge. fi titi-ou Couîttîuitae have receýivtl Ii ro rei titi-following ustaitltirl- lifu i1- for te tîitty rnng for the t r cîluuweuîcliýFelu. 1L 188-l,aul end- n ~ ~ ~ si * LoIndi.tti îters bicn- on t!f-iprovtiu-vi by tlie Couicil. Tii'% t'r .rc ir as !l-!lnws: J S. 11oluertsou à LrOS , Wiiitt'u ('tti'CuuLE, '812b .)0; Wtià Parulertota, Uxhu-itga Guerdicn, $129.0)0. Tour Comm2ittee veuld raconi- neul taitahe tender of J. S. Robertscn & lIto, ha acceptai!. 7du. Titis CoLuunitlea fi"ter a-om- meud ltat oe copy cf lte Journal. for botu thte Jttnuary anal lune sessions iu escit yean hail b. suimitteti by ttc prinling conbractor lu aach andiaveu-y year le the Wardeu, on. copy te tha Clark, andI ona ho jàe ChCiimu of the Printing Counanittee, sud thalunbil thc Wa'dente Clark anal tieCitairnan of said Con2tîe, or a njorily of lie hare. sah aiae cÉr:tied lu lthe Treas- urer hoir apprevala ùf lte saidlournalm fo ohiisassions, né portion ofthue contnaci prico s&ah i.palal by the Treusurer te lhe printing conlracter. Al of vitic i tectcfnfy submittoal. L. K. MURTON. Cousait atjountaedai ai6.80 p.. Rcoammng &gain aS 8 p.., Mr. tic Pharaon, Rama, gave netice of motin te appoint a cireinkai- of Narrovs Bridge. Mir. Todal movreal, ocnalhd by tir. Piýker, tlitle Damtesaddremeaaoc clerirs et municipalittea eemprisin« Sbs Cennty, andiecretakene of.- Coaty Buildings a lumarteti lu lie report of Thi.e tondlng committo. n on ds and Bridges beg leava te report: I.TttwUl regard te pelition of P. D. ticAi-hur ana 118 otiior resident ratepayers praying to bave a cengsa conimissicnsr appointe te lt. lich canins cf lie Village cf Beaverbon vili a viov of incorpotalion, - your ccmmitteon oxaunbina nals Bio htI lic itoundwriee as definedinlu UeVillag of Boaverlon lelu excaew t vibtheii lavr roquineesj r ccmmit« thefoer canneS recomiendth le prayor eofmmi pêlition. Your comuAwlleshaVe examin0aI lie report of lie.emaainn appoint*& for SeUgog itiage anal m&Ul. pphe connec aleoii oaircmmend taIt lie balance alibiun'Id fer-sall reaivri.:*-.'2»80anal IIý lutereal 81diSte olùmÃŽisicer frdui. b. paid- Yeer comittlea have aSe*,' examinedi lie reports of IL Rowaauj, ou1mon an e stngh ýNirar*viid rge -aiea tia bridgecover the 'West Iiack Rivr, batlvesa oott an&l Georgin», man& fiai lta lions haire beau repaire mounting lia #187MiL( aneo n iNA.oM' vuýiae . Councl cf ltae Corporation cf Situco., asking tbiteConcil t mamorialize ltae Dominion Parliantent te pass an set s.okiug tb assimilabe ttc rtes anal fret'itb charges cf ltae different railways cf lte Dominion, and your Commillea woulal raconimenal litIte Wardcn ba andl i. tercby inalructeal an ltaeadoption cf this clause te sigu anal transmuiltte memorinis as requeslcal. 5. Your Commntlee itave itati iefora tien thtt requesl cf tle Pa-toner.' Aid Association for a grant lu aid of laeir work. Tatir Commillea recommenal ltaIt taeson o f$25 b. granteal to a ii Association, 6. Yoer Commîltee have bau! before ticm lte communication otthe Canada Lanal Law Arnendmnul ilsociation asking titis Council te memonialize lie Legisaive Asombly te introduco mbt bila country seme system, cf Landl Transfar similar le that knovn nselte Torrans Systant. Ycur Commnittea feel ltai viile soma sunob sysIemet spccdy anal inexpaneiva system cof landtI ransfer te exceetiiugly deairabic, ltaI iltienlm vitit malices cf 100 gre-t importance te ta basri!y passeal upon, sud -wouid recommanal tiat ne presanl action ta talion by Ibis Council, lteus giving lte members cf lte Council turban oppor' unhîy cf becomint- informeal of lhe advantagus of lte proposieal ystent anal obstacles lu Lte way cf ils adoption. 7. At te Januarv, 1885, session cf thuis Couricil a epecial Commillea vas appoiruted tb &-,certain lte smntpsy- able lty G overu ment in respect of alanni heaîig. Mr. Farevell, chiaian cf ltat ('ommitice. tas reportai progress lii your Comiititle. fa-cm wticlîil tap- ~peurs ltai the Government tas lte malter untie consitleration. Tour Com- mittce would recommenal thA continu- suce of tbiteCanmilte, tbconsisl et yeur pi-eseul Warticn, Clerk sud Treas- urer, sud ltaIttce Wai-den be instructeal to reqoauit e members for lia Counly to aid, as fernas possible, in secuning justice ho ltecunîy. 8 Your Cemmitte. have ual bera, Ih. thlie report of te CountyÂnditom. giving a statement cfthic receipts anal c:penditures from l1.1June te DIst Dec. 1888, vito report ltaIttey tounal- iii. Ti-essurcr's bocks anal veuchers bavre beau kepl lu a neal, correct anal orderly mnauner. Vour Coninite vonla recommend htinthbit acceunia of your Treasuerr e allovati as finally nediteal, 9. Your Cemmittee final htinthli policy cf insurance on lte County bildings expiras an lie ltet fMeait nexu, and Uioy voulti recommenal liaI a re-înserauco be cifuacleal for lie àmre amount on lie best ent. ebtainatie tram ilaI-cia..campanies, unden lie supervision cf ttc Wardcn, Trenurer and Citairman of Ibis Comiaitce, sud ltaIl inte distribution oethle asen insuroal tor,tte .teum-iealing apparains shall bc haken mie oconsidennIiqn. Ail of vbicb i. rsspecbfnbiy subiitteal, .8.LARRE, cormSr Paem., The Coupittse on Çounty Propcnty and 3*9 Managemerneporleal lies: 1 lot. Thal your Ceinnulle bave visil- edth litndudCourt Hfouaolic fermer cf viticit va tonna ciean andl lie pris- oers orierly. 2ai. Youn Cornnitýlelsu frenmfie JailersJkirt sti-a avean in.u carceraieal therein froi Iuip 1, imS,te> Ian. laIt, 1884, hoth days inlunlve,77 pensons, et vient6Ivenetfemalos and 71 maies, mai tour oethlse ver. inaane' On Jan. >h 1884, lino wenesi8-'pllbg e nl j&H. Tietotal 2a-=mber-iôf dît viciprisouers remued la jai ad neceiveal jail ailevace Was:1817,lieà cost ofieabbhit ptaeer pe d m 40u Bri!. YenrOcommitàe.hiseexamiaeui lie fclioWing acenlm-mrad tounai hema correctasd recemmeni paàynent et. thcanee Tien. FUM«tl.nev vhoel-barov witei. ..............1 A. M. Rosa, 4gr.bl"iau *tsjail... 7 0 ,W.Brnoepullting on CM. aient CAR AND FROS JO ; A Brock Stre-et, GLAS.GUW. WAHEH-OU$EI - - -- - - - *,u - o t~ - - - - - -~ - ta. - - - - t &l Just boug ht -atabrgiadi tok OVERCOATS, A~T~CAN~ ~JAKTLES, PERSIAN LA;I '4A1 0I~~~i ROBES ANDGOt WOBFiS. NEW STYLE PRIMYS HC~VD i a, R. , 3jI CA MPSE LL. *ii T nuthuBbcdeali. of lb. oamretaker, Th«. ae é et Bbc aieJenaianT Wlfedahi The blet blood plitifr aà" concil bas lest te efls.of a vcry. lm"o evor .place"-UMM tapable, palpmlkisg, ud nprighl t ht~lâ SSr.L offier. That, ,tlsp juamsof ibis 7f-t Oourt il"d.eirO le Veord tbi cuprosmion Of h lt utuaxgnd 'ogre ahe .deali of OCtiOVeZqUrS Mr. Wolfcndon mandfbi cp~7l msluiEesbthe ana ~aiwth bis widew'la hër m@ati o olj. rsne ts. ta Tirai lis Clar- 'procure. a copy cf 1 I«tQýo Ibis% nresaîion ta o siasyogomt and preauented le fr..# woùlfeds,. bo ltmnkluli folta w r"4ý4 t adjurn I slni 0djtrucl ai li i. e thebboomuiltb a slb , .1 ae aou mtion aiMr.Lanae, onnaîtl Theaoux &Ã" Who via aa ..... be babr.ï nid She D.? sr~ J go"i l meheth ru *iig w *Ilth. lime fotyearso." ug lm vflJobetezu ?inugaayJor ttoat*tbOi.aieoeg*sulsxl *Ieitîtr doiniz biris od a na "a -, osi. a t Ui Billon lie pes a346 mincitael. ÂHov iaialfnl e a boal" hé farlua d od bil o wrs."xiad es OB.e-.rOsMrgblsmu kedY d ove y m bit analNes5 t "Wegave-let -iseame varions -asSA nlIft MR. ROàSO ZYCNCs.îX, asudla eut geceipti foimnbecniptiona andinry bnsluoÏ LtOCA L AND -011-l luAi lme DÉ itGUTou-il BUDGET 0F UYEJEW;" l OOWuaasE i UPOIITEgO Axo "A htamw aà Wretcieal vmlking. Tovn Couneil Mandayi arn. - - r St W. B OZA LIT

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