Whitby Chronicle, 1 Feb 1884, p. 4

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- QUr Towri'Chuohs mev. A, . I isBA .. lebr USévice ab U as.n.id 7 p.m. et. ý0RN8 0111720, (Port Wbltbyl. lti*nW. 8.WqetUeY, M.A IUcumbaul.ý 1l"Ilea et lC*80 arn.Aima 6:30 P.m. V rery *seco nd udy. C&NADA METIIODIST CIIURCU. Uav. . . ,Wlllougiby,M.A. - Pastor. Service et 10.80 &.m. sud 7 p.m. &T. At-DREW'S CRUiIOR (Preebytarisu RoBy, lue. Abrahami, - Pastor. Bersiceatl m. sd7 p.na. - BA.PTIST dHtTacH,' Bav. If,. Noble, . Petar, pro tom. Service aetSO0a.m. snd 7:00 p.m. e8.0., HURCEI, (Si. John's). 8ev,~ater MCau. . Preet. Service ai 10:30 s.m. sud 7 p. ON THE WING. Tise ofai evalaneed Departuira of Train%, Mileand Stages Graied 2'rsssk Ittltwttt a ca Tb t. I N 4lxtl 4 J..<n. lapre,, B,26 aetl Loca Mie 1 10 p n. 1I hoe- Ruade,-. Pt01]1, en MidJtatt Ril t-av. 6 40 tit lt&A5?, ARM % K. agit 13.30 a. lu. 1 Mlil 1..20 pan. stre. 3.2j t1) 21r ) 1,2[il lirtaCisîn st i. 03Jsu. Whltby pest Office. FORsvs Ua IT CLOSE PoRTill, CAT.B 74 s. 1 l7 0 a. 7ý 3 P 1 làil1.1pe For thea 4~rti 0<6 s&A. Fur ilruughani 1)s.ru. AIIVE. 1lp * -M ifta Brougham 4.00 p.m. Ueo. UUAisathursi4v7.00 a.m. Due Pob t ii Bisi-eper iuce by MUR? Q0555 granted tunaiU il.tey Onler of- glesss ne t aedme. ied taisSe, t ontlan, FrisisesI £d san esd, Newtoetundiad tuIgdia, Ossuutasired uder ithsretlttui of the lPMit 4>0e. ainîn iant b,tween te houp, ut Sam.%àd O,30p. m. SdgletsrteI ers mu4s; bo poaid 1 lbaiese. beltt losue ofea sui)~ 6<. 011eQur8sji.tO te 'oâl pmSunday ex . P'aelgt ustge Cfaus4 a bvlng botte sdintted <to the Postal Culout ber. in ar. arran.remtt ut Postal Rate, U famille5*. Fur Autila tll44uru, toessrk, tceland, R<'ypt. Fmrne, Aigerîs. aneuy, Gtbraiiar. Gret r t- aie andl leltd. Oreece. lts<y. Luxs,,bert, Stalle., Mue#t.eln, tNtterild, Norvai, P'rlis, Porte- Ae1 si.ret, Rumsaulas, ient, S. Pierre, Sertis spale, théCanmas>ieit, Swedeti, Swttertani aeS Turto. . Aral Its Lî.tte States zitermedsî, Baeea.- Cubales h . t,,kn tule ut St. Thom"., Bt.Jo-. S. C--t, Jlesta ,Jspais, and tort-o Ses. <tiewtotiudts,,d t4 tou intehe Psl'Uin bat thlusPtail ittes. reessl,, aubatoe.>Leters i eAg i er 4ouligo. it'a1ti Cands 2 intseiscb. Neuspeperse cour ÃŽ ceatiLa. itlotne Par Adon, Arueitine 'onfederation, Brait], Briish OGaie, (Cilu, tirenant Frenceh Coln- nies in Asta. Aidesa, Uoe.âis aS &Aeria, exce[t of& pierre sRd Mqelon, l',esavis erldmisse Ilaetngee dlulolu Aut. Africa. Oceantre, TrLaIGS, 8RpsOtebOooute i luAtricu, <raes a n Amor1ca,*soept Cuba antot 'io U, strallu matibeattslIn Snepoî, e. e otil aii ":isî - Lttentfile.per jos. ioo, 4,lit. for 4 as. Other Itogiatk om 10ee, tx osu West Jadis lindes tiléskiîl an~e rate su fanesnty. l'ropsyatent Dy ttaip t naIl rafes. Acttrasa, h »slt<'SesBisuWalus, Vtoria), adQueeSlset-Lot là .., 4a9.a t àtLtesUt., pape r4 <o. tises oalsa, vs RUFrijeci*eo -Lettera 16 osai, ppen <tule.C. OUiRE.Postmissten. Xë. o. 4A u of Lve Wss'bse visis you, aoh Love sud Score ? Ivail aiets ia siled, Igevwe sud wild ; 0 BI* sud Teer,-tuolher sud cbild. Wei: Love sud Pain B.eklnsflk t-vaisa Tel voeld, oh, vauul I coua lave &gain I OWsl urLà,tas, lu FebrusryCntury. A Roman Circua. Romne ta atir early,-ei@.ns andi sta« laves' sud ésoidiers, aI&ar ban7W toardthe gral pleasura gnouad Cf RotutsCitous Maima.. Wikh t" plalg marraly, vith svay. lag satdàrd ad gi.auigsistatues, vius proufi youug cadets, vib prisis, aa&gùurds villa ted battue, aitled penf11ermr Mealsa séorsos, aud glittar. lscar"iotl, dovu tise.tacred strsest IO'4aitit esulon, lotI by tb. boy msstatMrous af Rome, the favo- meethlisE aperor. h pases lto tb. gre 8.nu, su iles-1«;,luto tishe a ; two buatred thonsand seited peo 1 lblk. boys, of a oiranousa that&olde #* lv,>udrsd bousaaid people l-riaa go 11boir fes.1a0àveloue h it îh bearte bead..lMppigi Tise trumpete soubad lh. pnsMa, d -t4y0ug magItrt. stnig on his suggniwe, or sma b.«) tot o'he Wsssp.,or wvile &ag, 41Q th *4 t sigt al for tise nIiA i the deseaito4~ofeld~md ollals& ivory, fand saeb drav by tour plunglug IM ,, 'r'heIrnr.ised sWalà a tise 4sara of th. ad"" e -areage Imons li<sr tuaies. Arte«d f aredtis.ygo. Nov eue ulmlaad*bee, ad.mauya vager la gde. 19 ajps r. 4uetIsr -sisout I *bte..,...,.,s l$tssnfo.er tp pla$udaa lslpar ued o , tie Iàas t6êts ssd. FusIptise'driver 49M9968ggles ta.lly toe ooutol hissr, but âJIlavain ;,avoirg"i~lbe-gitetviil the ow nýaio»dberges ueSwildly. on, tiptil cb d y ea .dattend. bitie r, ,,çwent #Mela,"ris. ethse slaylug a1sous.»Astise aoieudig oîâarioe ts cli sruggla forlise loua. ".TsePnialtg 4'nosl. Tisa àl.ary oh lbe prlstng re.la thejitelory of votdea', Witis t 0' dally pspsr l I. important - tbat Sv tius connected iwith lb aisonîdbeq Ily ct vois doue.Tise pceseisgneedof thtie age requir e t&%tisemoal prfet maciueîy ehouliaIail timbe ho e- eured.,It may h bltsesliug l# revlev for a moment lie one.,motter ci "prée macbluery iu crd'er tase *isat a radi' cal change bas beeu matIeaveianlulie pas 14 years iu tisaI de parîmaul. Passiug by tise olti Frankln Proes, viib vas celled eno oly issoaqp useS isy Franklin, il being really tise oic R arnage Press, %yitis a mapaoîly of 250 impressionspar isoer vils lise aid oh Ivo me we conae Iutise earller de. cades of bise preseul centeryte bis Wasinton- Prose, vaike i liSe tise Franklina, by band, auS capable of gin- ing 250 ta&0 aimpression@ au hoer vus teso men, one te vork tise prose, anti ouf% 1orallishe type, appiyiaig tise iuk. ilepeaeetiatampta ver. matie la contriTe s pover press capable of do- ing bise vork as vali sud more nrapidiy than tisa baud presse but for y6ars no wsy wae discoverati. Tise daiiy papor mas nal s pover l isetht day; it vas catser n venture, anti a vecy veak on.. Iu 1815 bisa flondon Tins. procnired a outeProu, wvus s nominal cspacily of 1,100î impressions pertboou,,aftsr- yard incressoti la 1,800. This proe vast in use ulil 1827, vbeu it vas superselati by Applsgzate & Oovper's, wiîli a rate af 5,000 impressions per boni. Thise ouinueti nutil 1848 a period of abount 21 yeara, visen Appiegate'a# im- provemeute increasedth ie rate to 8,000 imprt-îaiono e pr haur.hIt vas lu tbts yesr <1848) tisaI Hoe'a Cylindar Prene caine itu existence. Tise firsI oue matie çac for thte News York San, anti uisr ratë af about 6,000 impresioespar bouc, sud ta quota frons a hiesorlo- grapiser aofbise day, 'vwas tise admira Lion of aIl tise printer. lunlise City of Netw Yack." 1<. lame vas so groat tiaI ou as seimmetiislely octiard foc tise Landau Tims, anti vilS somsa its- provomonts il vas clsîtnad to have a rate ai 8,000 la 12,000 impression, abs bouc, and vas regertied as an immense triumph. * Jancary 1. 1949, vituethtselu. lrod notion oai Boetm "Llghtnug Prasa." on. vas ortiereti by bise proprietor ai tise Piladeîphîs Letiger aud tise Balti- mare Httrald, tise tva pspers b.iug ovned at tisaI dais by tise saine uman, but lisebisithoit apsed ai this preou vas only 10,000 impression& par bouc. By reason of hie aneces. aud tb. cou. sequeul reptnatlon attained, tise "'Ligbtniu Pie" vasthbise cmeiy n. use for manuy jeans. Varions improve' rnt asers tusSe. se &hat lb could rue ai tise rate cf 15,000 impressions au bouc, and for 20 jeare Ibis vas tise iigisesi speed attined on auj paperc. Dariag Ibis tins. the nome oh Boe bai sttdtqed sanSrl-vide reputation, anS bis presses vert asioptdt i bl tise iaadlug 'n epapera 1u0lise United Stat-osudctimauy lu RaglanS sud Seoîlsuti. By iucresing tise namber of cyltudars the caseity vas laccea"eu. util iu a 10 cyindar proes, vitis 10 meu to feeti. a ta af 2.5,0W0 impres abus per hour coulti be reacheti. Bai ti svm aiuapiy 10 presseos vorking ou ona great cyhunder, sud nalvitisatauti- ins; 1<. excellences la yers &go, il le nov disoardoti, anti iera ths very p.- culiar name of Isa 'Iolti thnaahiug ma- chine." Tise demand foc lateet neya bagan to ceacis herculean proportions, ant inl 1868 tise Waler Pruas vas importéd Irons Eiglud, viser, it bisuperseded tise Ho. ou tise Loudon Tinse. Up bo tis.dal, bheis mpressions lied been made on ons side ouly. The paper vasthoen turneS ovor, nev forméadat. j usteS, or anotiser preas ueS, and tise impression toc tiese condSaide tae. h a the Walter Proe the paper dropped out pr.intad on bath llcle.. Tise press ciainsed a oapaoity iu 1875 of 11.0«I Piperoasu bour, or 22,000 imnpresaions. Tbat asmo year tise Baahoj came in-~ 10 tise fieldi vîh a capacily equel taulise Walter, sud a alroua rival" began. For mauy years Hloa béd realicti oSe bis laurels, but wviso on aueà spro"a iu lise market tisat printed an bots aides, ho brusieedtiesetitri rons bis oyaa sud stappedelasad vils tise Uoe Psrfecîing Pros.. It gave 12,000 papers au bouc, audnas laoseas1877 Ibis vas tise iigist rate of speed viiciauy press bot reaced, and tise toiM çHo....» &VM lu toila foin ise lm7llauedhi avrides liai bave boëtstakou luaeatm Tata . ::x. 'C.pea lm-Bs Cnae. 5 55t 4Kil..... 550l n1abyaoe Ns boIudr e4 ' Pajend , lsgoein roe tdthsatl Cm pare& ith, was WA-?2 aeW th s8<-" 3»2,500Y n hewold gong -0004 ' fkes, T wQ-rBdIL7c, foidod sd esdaoy forndtb, cun e ts fwore, Junise d l oue,- A Terrible Mail Service. i lua s.he Fbnsary - Ozu a Yappoars bisae iaI t a oles oft lilustrted papors- ron fjae mainlandsud lsatitde of tise G1a"l'cf St. Lawrence, entilleS 5"The bComise .ofLeAlice May.'» Tisa papara tare tise record of su expadilion' lu tb. . ltèrest eoflthé magazine. B. G. W. FBenjamin, Dow United Blaeas Ministor eta Persi,o»ntbutesttisetansd M. J. Bsst. aupplies lb.e piebures. Of lise vlu<errnellsrvlca beivean bise- minu landl sud Prince Edward hSlAPs., Mr. Bf.uijansin-aje:-*'From Januery until 1Mýay. eaI isasI.Northsumberland Bîrail ist frosu ovan. Tise mails an. caried -acress, afrhlis nenrovesi part, -near Cape Tonis*ntine, or Jourimain, a 4 istance af -aine inpoles.Tise carriers drag a boat over tbe ismmocka ai ice visicis is providad witis runners lieo a double keel. When they couse t0aopen lister tbey cros u ise isoat. Itleisasdanger- ouisanud ardeous jourusy,and 1ew entIer- lake it basidas tisa hardy psail-carriers. >For tva or Ibrea vintare paît lise use passage bas iscen mnadae ometimses by lis esearnso Nori>ienaLigtg*, con- atcucted Ogppecieliy'foc bis seervice. 3sbe bas a Irans. ofenormous streuglis, somavisat ai a vedge toru, vitis s sali5 sbae ai iron ai tise boy; avery- tising about ber vas planued lta enable bec ta crash ber vny lhrougb bheisele, vici le allen frouP tva la four feel îbick. Hec course is irons Picton ta Georgetovn, a distance ai oeame igity miles, alîbotigh oe. alen hem Wa go aven tva or thîelimes tbat distance ta roacis ber port. lu aH htie annaeaof sbaans navigation Usera is no sncb V ckas service reoaded sthie ai the orfthers Lighft. Bonetimea bise le. ls se dense tistabcmse au make no head vsy, bull.s jansned fait for dsys sud vesSe, orcareried 1a sud fro by tise combined fury ai le.santI stonns. Tise passengai visa %larts iu hec for Prince Etivard Islandi in Mercis bas belon. is lise bacra aIofpolar solitudo sud basaid. Iu tise spring of 1882tise Nas'fheres LigSI vas Ibre. vsak. rnaking t ta brie! passage, flest iocki lu tise lic-.pcke. Soanelirme vasw earne CoagOn h lshiore, but no oas cools i nag-d ta tiseelanvingpassn. geas, oviag tae i lreat.nlnit ooudilon of lte lc.wki as otsl sirtarburanag aIl th.e 4t!oin *lu ebin for fuel, an&Bd iig sdce rtlietiast biscuit, gers. retoisad lthadestined port. Thiuk cf a civililas sanusiubl popbo, -ta tlutit e, *but or g»ss b. rasltéis vorîti by sncb a fiislful eiege o! les sud tenspest antI seov 1Nonria tisaus cossioualthleig. areguieriy as lb. vinter acuseaaround, tisa salaudlers look forvard t10 tisslong iibscusîlon andi isolation. W.ra il not for thia dravwbaek, tise lalansi mighl iso a para. dise." Hot Wsîer in Coneumption Cases. A correspondent la Cansadae vies this intarestieg ande perisapo, esufal lstter te Chambeca' Journal: «CNaticiuR au extraci Iroins lie Worid ai Science, in itoisaephysicien atrougiy reom- moendei bot iralor i lueaofaiteeor enflér e s etinsulsut for tise aie oh <base nequirins taetaiy la eat nigisi, h vould lUt. ta give Mny experienutofciii se a boeficiel agent in coneuuption: Mcm. -, ana ai a lansily a uomber of visase imousSera bati died ti caaeuwp tien, vas aller sevara exposuro la s aeair etorm, eeized vitisasoerions cangis sud expectoration, acaspanieti w"isa Io"s of ieh.- Exeminat.ion by a physi- cisu asoved tet ou. long vas serions ly tflect-ot. Bshe vas w-iolly confiueti ta ber tom, anti .verytii t-bat isali- cal attedaneansd loving Cane coulti do t0 mitigate ber suffering vas doue, but ineffoctnally. Tise depcsasiglilgi sveata continuai. ogtter vits loge o! resl Irmm repeated Bts o! congilg. Losiug ail faitS lu medicine, somae six meonthsae&ga i&lse as. a.wfolly abanti' one4 andI Lisuse of nouriainig diet only coninued. About tanwveks &go tise pâent's attention vas Juelata>to nevepapor paragrpli recommeedusg bot vater as a rensedy for aenuup- lieu. FeelingtisaI t ile serus coula ensuisfrom ilsuse. aisedeteimînedtial test lb. Attlis moment cf reliring a large tumbler of bet vater, lunvisseS tisa jice.aI a lamnon licd beau mixeti ta free it irons cause&, vas talion, leaa hew moments, a glots ei variaIS vould Ise vade tisa lunga, ebest, etc., quickly t. laveS isy tise mosl nefeiiig aleele, viiclvoula ho umbroison by auj Ona-moniing oesof the be rs..gel looa., -Marey.ecame ruueing le gr"&d- mna tu ç.$50t.O nl. ttC4 o «ne," te OCse, 'Neli'u ing off np the rocS ov-u*d 1» Maie bada't a»j eaaeeiilg lise csUldien on lb. plagues of Lis. plagues a of1Oo * 7"ÀAP &ase "bas"Im boy aI botb andileulyt 1Please. mIss, Iisuevi jebu lise BaptWa aieiSss. Onsse.ulg ou i islyisad- devilet bain-lt ersppor. Rutb liked t #l ery inue, batldar beiun Iseped tle Il once aise fot tiseDame. s ailisiuking fora emomuent, eandîbuhn rfaebrigisl. aeeS up aee exliimuedI.11t papa, I'd liSe Smm ore 1 satan% iasis,' pIsee. A SrigiBSprngfield boy whoae par. re devseiamnaiug aIlthe break t 'isido m ada et. et Aaei.u -et,irtaa cr.ufflaesa ronX utr 'aoulaas a VAuLRurrOF sufflors. "A profesonal Ma vils egood iu- corne" vriles teanuEngilsispaper biset h. bas reoentIy appreniced bis sou, 16 jeare aIS, ta a bailder. I"0f courae," systise laIs.,, "lhaSes 10' work et tise boncS anS go ont au jobs, but liais isap' Pj end bis lame vWalemployed. ,Wise hinI 21 ho nill hava becotue master ai bis tradal, oeing su educcad lad ced sharp ta bsot, e very ev pounds voulti etant hlm in one af tisa culonies pu tisa iigis road ta competeacy. Tise silly prido of parents," h. moya, Il is tise abief dravbis f o lioir sot's,"uceessin Tbc Progreseire Age. Eveny anaevisantS knaw for islf Usat Golti Coin" la Lb. besl Chevisag Tobturco nov maSo lu Canada. Tiseunupracedent- ed deonand for ih, eluca il bik been in Lb. markset, atta th e fart. For sale by ail Whoiesale Groceis sud Tabacco Dealers. Matie by ADAMS TOBACCO COMPANY, Montree.l. 5 I'mVinlnotxacîiy engageti," saiS Til- da Bqeere, "but l'us gaing ta ie.-Dick. eu&." Timcty Aid. à lilîle dangisler aIflise Captain aIf tise Steamer "Empreset ai laits" vas euddocnly cileoketi viti Crpnp nvhile aI e frieuti'e bouse. in Toronto. No mneiical aiS i*ing beutiy, recoureswas hadt a Esgyerd'a YelIov 011 ; Ibis pop- alan isanseisolt remody aftarded prompt relief acut liltîla girl wvas sa bvelynas ever in a fev soture. QI &Il the isieseinge ladies ae tise aootbiines.-kcbomus Ward. Il you srn a icequenter or s residaul of a miesmat-ir district, barricade yoar system sgslust lb. scourge 01au ilneçw canaties- agae, billions sud intermittent feves-by the use of Hop Bitter.. LuàtrnNaas, Micii., Feis. 2. 1880. I bave soit Ho p Bitters fan four years and there lano mediclne thatsurpssesthe m foc billions attacha, Sidney campl ise anîimany diseasos lueideult t tis salariai climale M T. ALEXANDER. Truc politenese le thse last toncis af a noble cisaracter. l i.'tise golt on tise spire, lias saligiiun tise corn fieIS. An tmportant Enquiry. - Arc yen Urestoned w~ Ou- sumption ? If sa, tise cause,-u&y ha in lise blocS. hmpure blood anti Sera fula are cloue compenionu, anti Beroîtila anti OCoampdou are alibI doser re- latsi. Bnrdock BlooS Bitton, cure &il forma af Serolula by cieaaaiag lhe blooti anS regniatiog tliseaocrelions. ITise'e mauy a slip tixItishe cap snd tbe lup," but tiahàre msey more lispe citer th. cap bisa samptiasi. Rosi and CamIon un the Sufferiug. e'BROWN't HoVUssOLe P<"AZtc" bas nO equal fnnr riieving pain, both internaI sud extonnai. t cuxesepain lu the sida, becS or bowuls, « BoreThroab, Ebeumalls 'Sootisece, Lumbago, sud and any Slnd ;J pain or ache. "SIt viii sa surely quiekea tise iBaS suad Ieai, as it. acting paver ta waztder-fai." 'Brava', HotasuhaltiPane- ce&," beingaitsknevieiged -tstise greel Pain Reliever, anti af double Use strenglis ai any ot-ber Elixir or Liniment ia Use varld eaold bcie taeprmilîi nuady for use vken vanited, "&as il restly sot the hst remoulv Iu 5e v'orld for Crase .nathse Seamacis, anti Pains anti Aces »of fil Stade," andt lr els be su Ildruogletoset 25 cents a botte. Jutlging ions bise efcessive prices chttsrged lu America. Egypt letal ttIse on ly country Fcfferiug Irom fais. profita. Suce Signas. Dit&treue before or aftor .stiug, loue ai apptit., isecbiag aif vinti, beart-bure, irs'sgtsac action ai tise kboiels, sud uer. vans initlabiiity are sure signe aI Dys- pptqis. Thse surs cure la Blurdoek BioadBitters. Procure and read tise testimonial». Love is acvr lait. If net reclpiocrat- aSt it viii floyrbacS uand Ieu sud pur- lly tbe beart-Irvieg. Mlotisers 1 Matiiers !t1t Matacru 1 I1 Are you disinrisedti t igit sud broketu ai ycaur rtisy a oieS chuS seuffecna sud orylng itis the.exarsscietibag pain af culttig teotis?If t, op at once sud gtai e bottle ai MUS. WI;BLOW'8 SOOTIHINU BYRUP. I vil raliarva tise pour iltil. sqflurer ismadiately- dopenS upon it ; thora la no mielmkse chant il. Tiser a Isnot e moliser ce sartis visabas ever uod il, visa vii cet telljoui st oeeathat il viii regulete thé boveis, sud give re a th ie ma. Ouab mîsuxlmse yl cure jaulH y? culai, snd reed bat thôeevbe bave u«M Wis.nyen1 fret and fume 41thise tly Mat ofitfe, raeemib. i th <e *eg vhiok go àareuni tIlol ereaSngb TEES will make the weak etrong .ul giveu thse fee- ble, =ne Will inrase Citî-iscular force anal .1 l.thse staying power. Wi]li meure a heatrty appeti- te and inereased digestion. YV7:11 give sleep, sound and refrcshing ini due season. 13uilda up thse constitutinu and makcss the weakest rugged. Strengthens. feeble womn and makes puuy children strong. Cures General Pebility annd' gives a new lease of life. IViIl infuse with new lifo the weakest -invalid. The Ilabits, occupations, vices anil unnaturnl zmodesaof living wbich t-cerntl follow civilization bave the c fiect of depleting the hurnan sys. tein ofite necessîtry eupply of Iran, r.nd science bneing deterisineul <it ,%vs bounul to find means te re-esta- lAish <liai eupilu. hIr as an im. ~ orant and -<ifficuitt abk 1IBuliaii as lx-en sctnpne.In the SýUL1iIUR AND ) IRON Dhltrlie nlîîch have Sn quickly cu rcd the enýlorscmnt of tnricil mien as well as tlàcpulilic Ct:ià- rally. Iron in combinatin wit'î other -vital Tonics la fourni in a rroper f-i for quick assimilation tii 1 the ci nion of tbe ablestt nidcal men wÃŽ, bave examisml <bhis prcparsîton i <bat 1< il the hast tbinj of tAc Làn'i ever inveuteul. TmIL Sold by ûIl I)ruggists nad at Depot 150 St. James St. West, Montreal Price For Toothache, Burua, Cuts aud Rbeumatisn, use P"rr Davis' Pain Kihler. Se* advt. iu anothur eohumu. " Gentlemen," sa the profeaor to bis medical studenta ssambled inucciu- le, 411 have often pointed ont t en1% h6 remarkable ten deucy te conumpion af thosa vbo play- upon vind luatruMnents. lu tbis case nov before us v. have a vell.marked davelopement of lunjg dl. seage, and 1 vaii-ottenrpriud ed lu d on quasionuRogthe patient., Ihat heoi ruember of a brasa baud. Nov, sir," continued the profeoor, addressing the coasumptive. *1 ii Yeu ploisa.ellthe gentlemen whst instrument yon play on?" 111 blapa <der druns," eaid 1h, sisk man. Shilah's Consu mpuion éaare. This is bayond question the most succesol Cough Medicine vaý have ever cola, a faw dosas iuverisbiy cure th. woret casa of Cougli, Croup, anti Broncinitis, vhile its vondeorfal &nce" lu tb. cure of Cotaumption As, vithout a parallel lu tihe hlat.ry 0e Medicine. Sine its final di.ae" îIl bas been seul on a guaraxitee, a. tosi hich no other madiclu. eiac u a. It yen hava a Cougi weernesllyhak ye040 ity is. Primo 10cia. 50 eti. ud 81.00. ityeur lage are &ore, ahout or baek lamej, ue 8hutoh's Porous Plagstes. W. IL. e., uholesale anti retail agent, WMbtb. go extraoadicarily miltibas been the weather lu Eogl*ud thet -au sant of Snowdon, WaIsalus.s=*de on Ja. 6, a feat almotut unprocedantad. No suow Vas visible. À drugma ntu-Wust remuaret-" Ton 40nt auvarýte cuze euuh disses. ill Uai»g, aveu 094.1,- T Mat&ailde&h; zaa sctlug upon Use Lir aitd Stoniact, opeus l l aî i e oboel, and thut. wonks $e«M. I lasyeonnit'iilIf'y7n u4* a aold te eoutilutp 1u~ Asl iît l -eas Liver bowvais"AMpoes a tausin qè01e-d. taeiayoulssmalaaladtonbe.Try ai smple., Aisn p ln m vsuade-lest Yeanof 4 üd'obv rerad 10,000 -cases .f Dr., VaIuna!o MKduey Curefor Iieêne.ai the army. tis the.pon hnowaremedy Ihat viil and évery £uffly tho>uid keap il. ssi ix.1 1 lucxes Atud MeSbehs248 A marvellous oure for Catarrh, Dip- Ilierla, Catkir mouth, and Head Ache. With oacih otIe lb.,. is an ingenions nasal iajector for the more ruccesaful -trésfmenl "cdtises. complaints vithout tStï charë, W B. Hoe, Wbole- sae and Iai1 getWhilby, Ont. Thére viii ha a rush of photographers to Britieli Columbia aller Parliament passes the bill requirinit Chines. resi- dents ta bave their photographe taken. 25 cents in veted i l H um" Canon Ovesn seves .veatlng under a caugb. It stops a cough qulck snd sure. Think of the price for a cough. Aak W. B. Howse. TOWNM TREÂSURER'S 1I T H '8e Watches, Cloeks, Jewellelry, 0a- PRICES GIREATLY IREDUCED 1 Foi' the next 80 disys prior ta Sale of Lands l'or Taxes, 1I-'STOCK - TA KING, Town of Whitby, By *iue of a war- CounY of OUtario, ~.tn under the T. Wt: Jband of tbe Mayr, sud tiheSuad of the Cerporation of theTowu of Whitby, datad the Eighteenth day of December, ane thousand eigbt hundred and eagbty-threa, comrnandîu1tume ta ieiv4upon th. underinentionad LAùds lu tbe maidTown, aIl sncb being peteuted Lande, for the ar- Utasof Taxes t4ereosandcota, as herein- lot' héïe * notice that I shah, onùMOIAAY, kIâRCH '24t, A.D. 1884, at the hour of ton o'ciock iu the fora- noon, et tbe TOWN HALL, WHITBY, proceed tb sel the said Làpda by Public Auction, or sncb portions thereof as shail b. necary to pay sucb arroara, together with a&U charges thereon, unies. tbe rme ha wator. paid. LANDS IN ARREAB.S FOR TAXES. PERaT'Wa FLAN, NORT1 WAUD, WEST 0i' BROOK 79 5 29 169 687 135 12603 1.MlL14 39 la 5 a**-59, '740 142 581 1 bo 710' 149 4 31 1 55 5 86 1-52 368 1 54 52 153 7 55 163 918 165 4 35 1 55 590 310 1241 1 76 1417 M38 5 32 1 58 6 90 339 704 162 886 340 5 58 1 58 716 3M2 4 58 1 56 614 33 4 58 1 56 614 C 1488 182 1970 ravePLASq, laiTe lA»R £mKArT 0FBROOKr eXTsj. 42 26 85 2 12 1n1 12 39-1 75 184 5 47 1 58 196 14 45 1 81 213 5 38 1 58 214 5 38 1 M 2m 6538 1 58 216 à538 1 58 217 3 27 1 53 218 303 1 52 235 30W 1 52 236 7 58 1 63 237 538 1 58 238 4 27 15 240 ô5r 1 M 241 4 i155 247 605 160 m Goa 14g1o S49 6 05 160 250 .600 1 60 251 605 1'60 252 606 1 60 253 69 160 246 1 00 255 605 160 256 606 1 60 17 60?1 160 2M8 606 160 259 6 054 60 260 606 100 261 606 1 60 M262 60 1CD 263- 005 160 274 .606 10 Wb5 605 1 60 277 605 160 278 606 1 6D 279 606 10 280 606 1-60 281 605 160 M8 606 160 283 605 160 2M4a60&-1 60 2"à 6 S 160 m 6,606 160, 287 - 05 1te 288 a606 1,60. 290 e6061l'ô0 m le'805 10 309 -dû06-10 310 605 1 O0 311 6 06.160ý 812 66160ý 818 605160Ã" 314 60616 85 606 - 1-0, 36- 05 160 327 606 160' 328 60516, eq3206 Q6 10' MiO 606.160 M2 605 1:60Uý WAÀcg, WA=EW*LL AND &Et.uIS rAIT tor.as 29, 3<,2a» cm 20 28-44 21 29 5 96&1OG»ýl 28 97 1407? 7 06 16 26 696 696 6 96 6 96 4 80 4 55 4 55 9 21 5 82 5696 '765 7 66 7 65 766 7 65 7 65 766 -7 65~ 746 766 7 66 7 65 76&5 799 766ÃŽ 766 765 766 765 Personal Attention * la Re-1 JAMES JOHNSTON, Practacal Watcbmakor, BrockstaI *Wbitby' 1 Ra la 'estnr~ and t" ses3maI an0atDiiuetgCr ýyis We Tbroo Tramn eu. legen ittveepointe. Tua,* 1 . l 64AL13ERT LEA ROTE."! A Nes e udcuci#T Sdna-slu, SeseuniKna oQue "au 50Paul T.tta for sala et, 51=m mweOaoIpBia my s tes opit4" ISs isare OEAT 1<00CK ISLAND ROUTE, meette, a ae.t î'so, ees'mm.,a., COIACO. yPli i sap Ee 1.in o )M(OTA - imM~T( zafeenthusnadyiffl ibi , ni tand 4e, t o î iss àlcOt vlb ib vltby slllulieniafe geveSUNmo suiciscis emiVhpiuIèvst tisa ;b 8pUp-el tuaa Dam" as .oln-enf-iHfo 188o4. tw ui 7 7-ý7 If snlnvu i uIWt1od -,ud 771 9r.éIjà Muo 1Viasuble, .- TAvset, csm..sd. Bsbanem %NWs, W TibeosB cae u ,isaea munego L _WadsMoe adA-*euouS1aez lb in Devýo8ll'_ock forgo' PRAWINQ 00>1 Sx UITS,- DNNG 3200K S: UITSU - Corne OEEDIT VALLET, ana asvsTOBONTOarI NOON cothtis 7bi imHIBaBoA» D 102' BLOOKUZ> WIn euetxtt.asbensssà route. l7i tctandmob.ifrm± apyte Eeiva PsssierAget, Whituy.- Reyal Mail Steam1rkips. Liverpool, Londonderry,% Glago»,. cen c. 45 BÂTS, i*,iJsu.lq ix, Jeu. 95 exiles, I su.PeK g MÀAYS 8PECiFIC'- T.liD, e K-rs cng mbR - Street, thn auj ather papoa lanle. - = la ts O r -£' stmetiona luset clhargeS fornfss ie. Osiers foýr diacont, usul)>.luin iig,ol w i, sue Yoe. rut avertiiami Mtered-hau W NuiWhy noan. ted up to Thun wintas notices i Insertion 15 ct 10 cente-per l- Dau. Fiva-cnt crosondeuco.* lauuîy dr newg iudents are req nuioa Pl" levesla ndmâ ïànk fineteiy ,sand la notez SKi AT LA.W, JARES'IN ILTU OLM -I AD! BISA Victoria Ils. " Bynçat ~ sç nu OBrecis 't i 44tBnock Bittessbavi able enes s

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