rom t he Ofà ioeOzaoi Building,fBrook 1SUt, t~Whitby. aB sielUP»- iuux r l AvAiIO. The CJontLa baià a urger circulation »aiaY other paper lthelb.ouaty of On- bri. . O3P8OlL Q~ PBOPBXETOBB. TIMB 0F DVERTISING. JIU$ tmartlou, Per line, 10 cents; each aubsequent Inuefflon, a cents. Dislaia&edadvertlsexnentsare mesnred by asoal of mod Nouparsil, and charged AdvertliemenLuts out vithout wrltten lu- utrutlons insertedl until forbiddon, and ohargd-for ful l ime.- Ordors for dlscontlnuluL advertlsements mua" hu in wrlting,otherwîte the publishers ,viii not b raspoa4sile. ÀAlibéral cdisoonni for cOtract advenuie- monte by the yoar. Copy for -changes of contint .dvert.lsomente should b. hs.nded in notliseter than Wedncsday; aud notice of any lIntndod changes should h. von ha- fort Tuesday on. Other advontxsomeuts eieldup te Tbnrsday lionu. SBusiness notices lu local or newu oolumuns fet Insertion 15 cente per lin i NOi1,a- rul 10 cents par Une each subsequent in- sertion, Fi» cents p«r Uno pet agnuiE Correspondence solicited from &ailparts of the Oonty d noueghbonln townships Cor- respondants are réquested to cend lu their oomrmunlca&tîoâs as prenptlyai possible. dos plflIT-IG OPAPTMENT tTbis Depantmqtute oue sppi 4With lb. ewest and Ma es 1yloT~ sultable for e6 c i 1~Jb Weqk. 1Pin!e equîpment ln this respect 1. stiictly fi- elfsl, sud la nol ezcelled by any ollice in JOBS E- FAR.EWELL, LL.D., B R TCout r*a ' C mne; Cî&0urt acos, Whitby 4 MS ITCHIE & BILLINOS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN .H.RITOHIE, W. ~ LNS Toronto. 'hly JAMES RUTLEDGE, J RAEI8TER, &a. Office formerly c- ou.y t,4,y Farew ll & utWgOxt DAVID ORMSISTON, B.&., -ATTOEKE'Y-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR INI £1. suolory, Convcyancen, &0. 0rrnoa-jg theOficeSouth of thi cet 0Msa à a MaMlluan's Block. Brook 8 Wbitby. ly-lo ]ROBINSON & KENT, 0WWIN.-T.nVictoria CbȈ nbz, IaO. W, Vicoratonei J. HOPlIteO$R>iLi«O. B Tan. cer Nù PSbltre î" à Formii e m*a mId MarioeS1c .muoi85 lle 'Trusts Made Loaca negoila&on a&U hindi o! Pzopedy. '10 T.' ARCLAY, V OCL BZGIST.i.B 0F T11M IGH j.ýcourt cf Justiee; Ite latran cf the amvoýCu$t; (»1rk *1 lb. Obuty court,&0. OfféiceluCQCn4 Hous, wbii. " " JOHES BAX4 DOW, BAà à iESB.E-T-LW, SOLICiTOIR B nlabmiomet, Cenvayance, &A. OffceDuvsulsBlSchi.Brook trsat Graduaio of lb, ijnvstiwo! Tmcanlosd pbdslclau u urg:dOu ie OFFICE:-. BEOKLIN, ONT. THE ,-TPO0NTO TÉ . bat. ar'e-idil huialm X« CiaouodaCogsin Sasilary purpes sr i Shirt diseaeem especla11y~ 9~- iv uulves-sally ooncaded tUai bis and msdloated Balisa ans i J'Y~i wi j - THE WESTERN BANK 0F WHITBY, - ONTARZO. THIOMAS DOW, Manager. Whltby, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly47 0 I 17AABI10BANK, WHITBY BBANO0, 1- Brock Street, Wisltby. J. 11. ADDISON, FINANCIAL AGENT. P O. Box 114, MONEY 'TE) -LOANI- ON RE AL ËSTÂTEB ECUBITY. AtVLovesr hvsng rates of interout. 1 MpGh eeurq wihin10 days of up. JOHN FARQUH[ARSON Whltby, Febrnary ilth,0. I9- J !c,~ .-:- ~Z~4J ~cT~dvcas ec. \ros~s,.1~6we4ge, ~~~ulfou '~str~' r- Botbcboo. 4tel- ,FEî~$~UAi~V 89 84 c euepatente il, Unt* on l me ternis au. tc os. ! i= etot .bpAtPtfirit tn the staémth1w. suring a 17 otherwlse line vi 4 .H~ple ÃŽWOYmar. Total cost of UMiW Stalag.- *La , là j tut tg *lowed. typanlpautr-,. Dg had, C. .f4lnaCOm V. 8.i SolC. tOrfiataCt.. Office. I Waahlngton, D.10. timatonnt. PIANOS TUNED. 1ii paeletbelr ore lm hMesu adrsuud Be asais Kion mai Hub Gp~h .4- Cure, Price 25 Cpnts. 4, FOR SALE Ai' ML,~S R IWElS 08110 STORE,WHTY 10. vif wse~~5timpta1iemUc~--rIv.lO AiY4OTH~R MONTH J "Q.N O~R$~ 6~~#IaA 0>~1zIog Insu ap~ n>eeI~et ERepnesenting the iolovsng companlua. 'Phoenl ixFré 'Isbradii CoimpauyE af Loudon, Enund. North British and Mercantile Co., of Ediubiurgh and London, British American Assurance Cotnpoaîy, oai oronto. London Guarantee d Accident Comp&cny. of England. caadd.femont Loin &-SaïmpC MONEX TO, LOAN, On IniproriedFarie ai 1evrate ai Intenet bisa Secrobary-Tr&am ter tcCouuty Agricultural Society ni South Ontario. OFFICE:- At. Foot,,Office, -qroqk Streel A. A.-PO ET, laie vl.tb Laney, L.ugley &Burke, A R C HIT E CT. Deolgus for Oburobes, Villa nd Cottagea ,a pecîilty. Drawlngs pnoparod for re- frurcuherlb.à tai tIgo. rauldeno.- on Kingston Road, Pickering. P. O. BOX 202 Waxrav PROVINC~IAL LAND'SIJRYETUR. Can b. foonal-ðOe Le OficiJ. 0. KelEqWbtihys«*t he a i . eocaet Lusu î IrILofBi1TWm , &mlawU .Deor, as &UdkBtnds. ILUMEEIL holaul. au d W4orbi by thse ost . Puingî olig !eeydlrp atu.ploorik; élb~S*i~ e 11awlug, Salg unn.cu1wr, RING BROTHERS, WHITEYE ONTARio, importea onsDaim spW4Muqaciurofeail LEA 1JIR AND,. FINDIN08s, SHIOET NOTICE. va, 7. Ofrr Whitby 'CtR1, L J - . - OODFOR FEBRUARY, 1884. A1 VALUAJL.EPREMW~osîIu ofm~hhgaH lie u jrtMat-8jo"U laûslowne. (Gmuuadas ipew 06vermirGnrl)' lvr Mowat Rt. on.Si onÀ - ey. Dr. WiId, vili buproenmtod freo to eeysulbà d ibe alb ~emc.xe,wlohr aoeor clubbedwith any cherodi a Whw prrit ont by nu »10 oute cld& 1 ocver cesl of postagesu poe0or. It j yours to take ad atae of these liberal terme before it i teejl JS.ROBEÉ,RT SON -7j] IR. i Devereil'; Bloek, WJ~ITEY, t I. - A ALeap-Year Episode. Con I forgot that vinter niglit Iu eighteen elghty.fons-. Wheu Nellie, chas-miug lutile sprfte, Camne tappingeta the doan ? "Gond eveug, miss," I hluansid, For in =y beurt I kne-- - And, knawing, hnug iuy protty bond- That Nellie came te von. Sho clasped my big, red hond, aud fel Adovn upon hon knees, 4d a cie&- YY xkuOv I loye7ou vell, 'Auna theii ,sbléïsir» oileé.erbe A tender vife sud true- Ah, vbat delight at wos te mue Thot Nellie came to voo 1 She*d lace My shoei and dam mu7 home And moud my shirts, she saluE -And grosse =y comnely Roinan noie B ach ulgist ou galug to bed ; She'd bid the fines aud fetch the ceai, Lovre'o projaxiop a'anwtlmued bhon Ii Ada ,bluahing,>gave no check' Tober vuao nasbvf iné, lVtMll'I.-vbaLcou1dî-Ido. SteolyIohIe mon-t e t bt Uis Ã- , h Blicntovoo? I sonngad, sud pneudly vees- daey ia =ibuîa.1b Mi!aosei, ould you, caMiuanetovwoa. 0I5hNerte?4D S1fÂ1 --orTÙ1E MUr.Euh spropooed enother 4hort; va- 'celion, 4iiag tsaI-be did no&tUtbo l. girl. liked te studyla vearm- veather;' but Eaihinformaih m f ber Inten- t!Wrtioras-n inuSoptamber,,. sud- exps-eniecla &iais ta, haallo*od-'ta 'nuokei li seit t 1bthelime visile Sho -vas et lbe, Eli, eeiid-lajd out e couu. of etudy wlhas iie e uiat., complet. thu6fore ohab» ihe U r. - . Elis tggarded ber-'asnsly 'as ahe lesusci ageinel lthe, piller of tise pianes,ý aud saskd "if os honghtou bat hetisth w6nld naiporuil ber to reainauohps yeem-?" $W rpliaitiaibar mother-'i isoalh a actsdthey a u sl.- ed her la returu hume., H. pacer!np" aud davik with bis isrnà , rogulas- stop, but without' makiug farthus- rnmurk, sud without seiing to notice ber absence v*hau she veut m tise hanse.. Lates- là ,tisa avoning, whau aise as- alltng n te lbray crrecting Frenchs ererdises, vith lthe -girls o i sebr aide1 of-ber, b. eladvilu leipaau, Sitting ,dovu ai4lise aai llu as fev ioilnente-soemed ýwsolj' absorbai le le outnls- Toyiiig vili ber pan-- ait, ise reiai er band sad.nly, sic s ig ufbt h ievas-e feul tiste fleer; -ie stoo a mdwotly, piokad' il np, su li ioutis'"tà bic; Matt$ bobkit and *» boit:o rptam à où Bultsi. Yemiss EIil -a bymu." '-And, > r be>r pilo c as Eibcm "Prayer lethéeà s Booeil wes ,0 oloscd, and"' MI seat on the ied clav a tirsaan4i î Eliberr a Ã6 "5hlbd t Toi ciaf -about bon 4- I J 8ÃŽ'~ Lk,2U~1i "4. = ~ ~ permitteate sce M& itb, thas'g Ua ~ Iibthe s- o euoèd t, aun',y rv*l ii a iin ..>rîy fo,~bar aiair -pi1 Ofora', mi ommuaîatod a ~ 'Masy - iidI-lId 4 ft5iis'5 ,ll- yQu, becasa sU .asud rah oui on' ber nhdc pnia eaid-..Iwilod êôlufl .~- 'Mty50is&rc ton;~~~~~~~~~~i I anI re'my whtlU uveadw pas,' becm' n iý9 esj Oikd 1 iè 'fè -t -a o, ,hir me iva;în 0 4hVU ô~ ' ~ Z: pn. y oa i foyer - geerally tlermlnbatal!: firSby, fADIY 'v liaVA-, - itbanutt realmeut, unIèe- ~ Eléotudlllf 'INé doabi 61 l," lie rephld,:locifug , rpbé i ois e < et bii aclut uii b'wro~ attietded ân tnâa aI"xiualy. 4A111bs long iighti Uiey: vh&lsM' 'vaeha beideber, anfll'4-sesto f 310E gfioddjt feu o tisis oa-e. bbrhglto>a 'ua! azaJd ,n face pttatditeil ttheiceýr aiof tisebidwji'snu* aislaio ou; t,*ni là - urath Oe P ahoïi dïüid and t tyconld bau-n uptbing- 1fimot ih ar&wdMe immuihîyof bis faca.i bà el'hey k La-vla itsI -osin&-p fram bis ceasele6s ffou-tis'b t6 'ihbséir, : to ta. , a~ s.nd~~~ frâhausn t ienghlp ucaWxhbeê7rs s"d etimulauts; thatt wa-&D.xtu-emevsd-fi i Uae aîuea overvidseiia!by U th omce.of thc baisao uddenly gone-, SIhieaus, l ie tsymptoma to ence an lb. syo&!porea slil- im eïtraondinsry ,degu-a -cf weiaküee.4 vison mat lj éi 'Iler face vas livilthisesusoeereîaxed bV1l' roam,Rmcareythe beisidai, duting 11w la d îw'd"atk'"ME Oi J. B Q .7O - verlas*tingly pmaî]kqd doun inPri-z _7 .. 7E.7IBBm u 'ie-et bd :A, Modern Resurrecuom., - t'T ditiree'~ iIRALETUÂT T0OK PLACE niOuERmwI>U- 4- uu'a :tUNMEN iTo TIME PUILIO-Tm imoptthe'. --DETAILS lq FULL or leo, b~er w"ti Dipu 'ePts. <bleu--Ona of the niost remni ccur. 1 air vaser ý rouu4 ~ t ot~ det ur kno*1edgeý tii1 viiiun- désobsq.~ubtéd1y uwsken" a ÃýW 49' - ppog 'are,'bniofiy, 'asfoUa'vawà . Willim A.ý r ioasF C ambe vnnne'nnun formerI4e' tssn eqE.I yee re&4ueU. W1504 lli'p~1~ve of Ibis paperisiti ~lst44ipon - liii. lusportal 4't.4poneonceo are givezu. 11k I lb. irai Urne. ,,,~p ~ 4bpt4w"'I badboau havis me u5itl10îlftu id n L-ald,i bel fait coa dandclà d mrv heart - ýe,.and, viii "vu- t il lises tItI r Unioni F H.l'ý JÂMESO NI CHOlE G1ANEW PEDWHE-AT. New Tiae.e.Batua 14w Table 4liait, 4 o ~~i~e -New Wa;it, Il S U4- 4- N1ew Vcpate (runla, t 'èsTi0ore New Brofwa iscuj, p>-pre M New Bno*W PlaceSo ia ti ITALIA~ WAF~E I 4 -4 French China Moi Stands, China D)ee from $OPei ALL LINES'GLAý Caufts and) sua,- i 14. f 5.jU M g A'? BAiSE Chraniole ($1) and Weekly Globe ($1) . , .$2 00 $165r Oboacle 1>iwdWOigyMaIl($ 1) . . . 200 1 65 85 hronicle I3 à nd Wey Âdvertisor ($ 1) . . . 21<0 1 65 .85 Crice1and Wiekly Wituess ($1). 2 00) 1 65 '85 Chronicl (1) and Weekly Star ($1) . . . 2 00) 1 75 25 <Jhronicle (1 and Rural Canadlian ($1) . .2 0OÙ i 50 566 Chroniclo 1) and Leisure Hour ($1.50) . . 2 50 . 2 0() <bo- Chroniclo ( ' and Sunday st Homne ($1.50) 9 250 20O0 50. Obranice 1,F and Boys' Owu Paper ($1.50) 2-50 2 00) 5 Chroniclo 1) and Girls'Own Paper ($1.50) . 260 '2 00 Crole (I A zd Ameriatu Agriculturalist ($1.50) . 2 50 2 10 0 Choiclo The Ti.Houseliold ($1.10) . . 210 1 6ou 50 Chrouwe o1) etîrp %2) . .. 80 2'0 . Oho$boiadmtwoÂrneroan($8.20) . . 4,20- 8 70 50, meicik Ytme M200 -1îu85 'U OniMkèicI 1> ait4aüi'Avo,.Ddllar Weekl[es or Mothlea-thre 00 '5 o on,1 Mr~ 400 8oO w nthles p it pefiai" 400. 2 7 ré, 'ce. LJ-Jý i 1 ç . 1 Z.-. Il à Pl 1 --- -- 1