letelpap.r témeab ia I bo protti ýI C e« S at ofs&Dy olliet flewppr inthe UAtbedaUrté ill vu- bu foundIrue I. « ,,imliitoiravolepamo moral ta baIIusuil «taend th. good came ii wwtby 10741Iik .u o coaty. et publie meetiage vll[ b. foua à vagbi est.re 0S1 kg CIOXIOLI. Comu i0*Isdmc.rket reports revlmeda 1W Ithelb.our of goiag tu preos e d a place W".h vok lua ur ooIercms l: h. lttrm of 0 Traveler " vil b. coccin. -mduia tbe. r.PoIIaWing hie inter. Motbx~Saketaicthie #forions localitles " ii h é bu un reJasUona smres .1plafkmhetcbeo o enroua local ïqttutlouo ilovnandeS ooutyoommerclal mdofoý ocial and reIgloce. Olber special fea*uram and contrlbutloc ou e*WLeklplce viii b. introduoed durla« -Théestar!.. mimlectlonu cf ltheOvmon. IcLu vM i lveym be foand pure and vbole The xxoNimCli te pablimhed eery Priday l5aralu. lu cime, fer the earymnails, thus mecrtcg t to bth to.ne cooucîry mcb- scribersthie ane wve.k inwhich t la Imued. Yearly ubcrpio-One Dollar in md- Vouge. Addre, Jm S. ROBERTSON & 0005., 1?ROPRIETORS, ORBONIOLS BUILDING, -WHITBY. '-llyortitsements this Day SpoctaciÇe Md RÃŽe Glamec-Baruartl. Bore$ mtaMd-3r. W. Et. DBUlng. Fam $orUs.&-Zob.rOsmpbelL Ttà bPèearlbuwme and Ucatlluae-Tho&. 4suw6oad Improneme.u 8 eé6Pmotoe-. . EGibbard. Upemb4b~., V. Btevat. Spfing selte-ÂndmevIf. Rois. DueêmkSW iftw-Mrm. W. moKtriok. ft.v am SoolnI onj OXL1OOo PUR ANNUis. Whttb9 1 Fdrly, Ecb. 81,1884. eMotcu will b. (roud ln aur Couuty fol" "u bi weeb of the appoielment of Mfr. J. W. BurnUlxLm m Pontmaater af Pori Porry. Mfr. Burehaxrl who ief1the al<lest son of liii honour Jue oBbà nu. haco, wlll uudotbtedly 5111 the paétio with crédit ta imself and tb the malle. faction of the Port Perry public. Iw Our repart of th, Cauuly Concil pre ~mo!.,lamI eak, 1Mr. Long visit. toortt1the impressionu tIrai iua>" baMS, lt" he d«eod liai mme wolfe!dnaboald b. lmmediately ro. mo'sa4*om Werposition ase caetaker od the O*a omee. Au* ivas th. report o!fIthe ooemtoa.,of vhich 1Mr. Loig W"a durm ut nîfrom 1the report 1fr. long bioulf =ue$& He ho& mivaya Wad e* ýPo"nAd n luthe age Êmeuê4< mis.WoUeudem sud mseat scdih 511e cilleeneof 1the lovegen. ereiyutLhe uqority o!f5theCoucoul, ho va moe Iuplamed Wehou teetullou Mr.Wofal!edone uinlrcol- fil te continue inber position util May ÃŽ4Or*iw 1, p tUtl ay ix». too &i@êoble Idlb.heifovalGaveru. ment> soa: "Tere noeYer wvee-s meu or ellgoucd Goverumontin & lsad thon th"1 vhiob Mr. 1eiedith bas juxl tole bdielpdgo from oontroi ad the A&M vOf Ozità io. Threlmonôt avmk menbei. la IL. They areanZtlu but the l~mbeeà 1es lbgl 111. Maitried ho pai% thoni Tbey an *fong à a sgoe- sinient w1oe; achmmo lm deug Iu hi# e dpauteet, sud lu defeudxng il ; Uieyat ere 14 ndu ea- psrlmentary lamtes; and il U mithat ie lmpfl iedb lb. terme "mauaq- 11.oonuotry,"m Ilmaueaii lb oa." hhey are at hot». Zn!Cr mac, who «au the aamvtvmPU pgalcast em UM Ildii msus r. Moa PMr. 1"r - agafl 1fr. PardMU? Mr. qr«ilt«i#oMeéng M1r. Hardy 1 Whal tsé f lbé romaiuder am eequel ta 1Mr. ecly 'boiw mt a il if deoirea to lifft ", eitheramIlin uug %v ï0e âme ab, $se oWfuesdsy marc. in* At alo &andi esolled intmes llallty m lb. Ioor Molbhe oues sud nmt to te1.Meil e of t's re ,wà a",Uimet, fuy sp imeudmeul3 mwoe by ÈXr. n - -ounl"moezd- mo1, tothé &opM=nîbthe Govera. 9m"s1 e 1yà , o! doi4to U. là 1êWSItaL Kimar movoa au à iioadment on theBud therà aa mènrl tovdi anZZiOU "itI tà doolmonof lb. Privy Co1 o wax ulin huaYoof thésPlulntw On Ibio tiotion of Ur.Harcouri oôGv.- ermniseW8vas manu salale by lte ame vote. Ur. Neelnu va.sbaeuto"u lihe foiiowu members psrd:--Giboon sud Karn"e, oix» udHu, Eiehop sud FeU. The Hou»a sjourneil at 2,,20a,= . aevltheéelY va. om P»Wd. ý this a rliy of 12 l mlilte probibilliis rin al MUnskka vill 4p lthe »Ae. Evidently ?4owat 'W"ndel Pltlilasfi Peste. Bl;à n, lü*'W'à à " . The. churoit tbwvý books, &4j eoeé (1; th*, old em of oan bat l on b a yeoi. W. bli.,. 11155 111. eleMna, -wu approve of Ihtmmstep. Thugo"oon. rata hey do ifl ksy é P0iueu -T a. oser lbtvi b it. bt a busicus moulbis *ameue.st lois dangit lher. la of hlm stklc on lit rocke sud quiokeud&s.o vitl municipal machgemuu l. ot *vér tohoa eh ofIltaorkt aud tlb madrs o! mauagfipg1h.etovn'a luanc epoyed. Resulte o! -Propor Mothedi. Tii. libers] cluhhing offer imaeby lb.Ca =L iuom n uOmoberfles, cam. biueà wvth a thuiogbly orgeimol mm vaaaof theentîre Oountyhy a re»gala Appoluted canvaaer, aided by la Agents, bu agiven ta lt.éOnaovm a subacriplion lo! vb wieb the pub. liabers have every ron te foc pleaaed. There are ulvapp pub- liahore vbo seex» to helieve litithe lista o! s couutlr' nevafppercanuol be ereseed. 'The OxaowxLule ol 01 lhem. Born eau"sialce, viien Mr. Bat- purchased lte Lindaay Poot. bo tonnd t ivtU s clronllion u.ot aboul 9,000. Makiug lb. paperluienaa ta Use constituent§, p;Lacng lt, P, a of keeping on bis regular staff * "'a- vasasi sud oollsoreîfor thé Poal, uail by other meene vlgcrualy 1uifg4t paper, ho ea eilïd b-day b to; 0 noarly doubleover tht il vas vhs» Ont ho bpame 1*i pruitSo. Thée firaI Yëer.empfrieelof 11e UM4ee proprietors of!theo UOI lte- ompioyrnent of almilar meliodi la tbrombout théOouuiy.ï,Fo wylesa vork, and tb aur Meudi vs ,ay,- sep oal lterd o "You m vholsom, Inteeiuslin I"1, paper-. ~ge7d1cnAffaire. h hasLou g lswc rmarhd t1115 boy- ever mach Si. worldmây bu oocuplod - vtit distsoeg uropean ps'obleMa, Egjph, vhich mmis regard sa lte brtit -place o! civilisation, le sure porto"-el J i la ouceclrabe upon lzirsi;f thée a- I tolOf omîaud. T1%.lestde"ad hau boiu no zexopllom ta th. rut., ana! -oaly a Yeur &go Eegld ahaviag von nsv lustre for ber arme in r..cuiug Egypi fros 1th. dominaton cf lte usurper At-ahI avert.d a general Buro- peau war only by hastenlug te, avov litraI her inenonos vllb regard te the lacd cf 56e Nu1e veonpacil anuda t ah@ lzsdnwo'lgmno noeir duta an- nus Egypt b o hadcy veut sud cmutceeme dcotales. Wlthh e.exils O! A"ahi f vashopea! tUai the wvo t eosncllor voula! h. completed iu a shor tlix», lta!u-. der Lord Dufei Instructons Uon c aticoulu) Mmmonhaielte leison of sl!-goveranîsd Bnglsud h. lu a position b vithdrav her broops .1er bob u the country from râla sud Iil. Bul thoe 0M o! reiiybeau, "t*-ite-ala ope" luà t.e SoudMa u lmprbaqt country ta lteeoSut o! B t-!furniei tgo à by vsy o!flte Ne a gré" vrilofri"itagriculture (veruce'arevenue. Tii"re Ofto the soudan vasà lthécoaios et ma.: lng an army o! 15,000 mesn udr te' omzmand of thé Egl'ohm«u Bicke ]Pubsa.Hicka' armyde ce ansd te nceSwiy o0 a~ i lizseo osuibofu t, 50 abot 000 loc09 o stc aiEl Obeid s"dira- 0,ose vas 10 bsquove &plu if thc <ssdbdra<lmmaue bar aacoudîey ovêr lte oe o! ite z couutry. Tiih lsoe GoYUau*ze in bovever &verseé10mablg Wr *vu on ia ove amouul, sud la oltuly 1 d" pa~in auj degre.tle cr eglt ,gC inoùM b 11.pae r o lt. "$Fawse Poptv' via probby ha. no design& upon Begp Proper sud dohus noitg no mucha tobb b.ilefs-alose lu -lte undiaturffl poaMeosiof 0iteSou. dmn. Tithee advicas pWal~y *Mu liaI Eeg)cd il duurons 0ni v let from anp sd vilif 1!pevibi., B oelu 0" a sute sol. so i e in it. I -PbultiojlatN iovever, nilra__ôl eloa mortubly fQi Ibo for Cn y«mbeeà logu etaO!e00 foriu jea. allIe o sb samdue) Rober s-bbu ofatheGo4ç 6i4ia Ien eudesvà ( ug t lhis infauos bosSe smdbas seusmiod te 9,wr d-owo a vmtor t uvsuss.hs. dainAr6 o î mumi »,&"a ruo- -J eut te aut tnemvltosulanil- or bitemlie. IMala aeeu TOWN COUNfi. UMaM Or OONhsms-As ' 77W? zae Tvow, oaaslc-rura or mm- -Oircpvu IÛOUiObIn«MTqS 9ou r ebe euliSe ltg. bro ht lu-the o!1888 su 60 '4ktotod. it-ie $20,288,29. oi isoi 10mm -907,tlwhloh vould, p, havle a basioe. of 8#M.29, -ofvbit te abiout 0148?eau qo*ll.ed, and Ihe le b*l&caoomay have -te h. tteneds bh69$ lgsansd far vbiit he taxes eau- 7 DM4 1'o eel.cld The Comuhltwe.t- o Ommadg4Iha Sie cllelorb. lu_ te alrbctd %0habaeitaroll islovued -on % or betoro lt.eI" Fob. 18U.,The , Ooulitae reported âa haitby had a uaâerouadoatioêlbe potitioce rom eJ. Nevb«7r, Mrs. Orousu, Catern, OliIfod sud covanaakug atha 11 b. roliêved fronrpâaynig ILair taxsansd ro.mmeënded Iha tMi. Orousu'. laxes blo remltied. bitm»odr lfoedoitfor the 10v» for d go, aad tb. Moers. HaWait& Bro. STheoqnnsly, roquirod vas 0 barrele sud L.quality heutAmerican oil. The fIoorelndered at 25 cse. per gel. d kam, imp.mossure, lnolnding the bar- tle, sud the later-iendoed as 24J oe. par miioc, tito bsrrola b oremain ae their propery. The bariolsasveraged a vali. o! from ou. ta tvo cants par piou, Ibo making lb. tender of îemur. Groisslà Granger rom 2810 24 a Obte par gallon andi Ibis beirag the lov- e, o! lb. Ivo lb. Oommitsee reooe Ron.lcd lbthesptano o! th Saesm. -Report alopled. AW 7«Pobrousbtîâl lt,érepS or the b IOMOd'ulloÃŽ tednfSove:-I of héSaulomwased a, bh osommsllbà oe a -81ed ,as rommun là iht _Ù» e Ulesodéer b. nMa, oe iro.-Whl usam« voee aqbdte bebbollouous fbr.loa-Teudeumavles oud ed &Hi Ibo Prisate.I ite boys. 116vreu bndnasm tpahion s sa omber o! %bis Connu!evous0ed me (o. aklsg s Soudes. It ebjeul et tendorlng le ta soeuro ompetiuon. la- biitt obo. ibero vas coe, emp@- "Iim o a'& s ugonerly knovu 1 vould ual eompromia. .y poili.. by lekb haw v#-IborlteLamber siveete. mesSsppar.d Lbva.sol la lb.th Ousouzos. 14 aqueetiou lu my méad vhebher Il va b.d tw iu the dlà ai vsould sot bava botec in Il.c Mmocofsa teuder a@48M. Mr. Sare 1 had domsl te ase&vork for M85 hec b. bad .eSpetlon, but b. bnev th"t Ibise Ue r M. Boborteonotld fol "au mieser. Report adopt.d. Ur. ILong ocuded by Mr. J.ffcey more. for hcav, ta lotroduee a by.law $o suthorise lb. Mayor sud Treascre go borrov monoy ta mesthe cumuln oxpeaeoooflthe tovu. (Carrled). bblav paed lbromgh ie sovewa olago. sud vas adopted. Ur. Bobsilse. aseandea! ly Ur. 1Long movas for bave-to Imroduoe a by.Iaw te' ppoisâttce«"aoflcer othebtovu 1 * Mre =-uovd Iellsoude, Phi* b.e poi*uto1 euaet ai a ary' of 8100; sbêt Wmob Beyen b. Billarat Licese. soumsSLr and 1Healh luoea and ltah hetbs w é cldeddi i, ealarey 84 Cffl Constable,: and taIt lohn Baker h. appoiuslod Constle for tb. ýCo1Ieg"lat Iattus ie yS Sobol; acd thib iS ev kr.ra à "su Boas J-hualon ho ap aee uitort a a.t aasiarjof blosIz *e anu".ta uveisa uitilfer 1888asd a pariarly: audit foi 1884. (oarled). anVZUaReaOvos Ltiuuav.. Mr. -Cae a..odby 1r. 8.11h (Bt ià regard 5Io11Meadver5hkrg tor Lumnber,moyreu) Shal Ileionu b. divancn uhlb.Cuonma tlb. aso asfoi Mn. For objeoed te lire prlutiolr h.ing «lysa auj olter Ihen 1h. Priluleroostreod vilb. Bselirughtî Il vae a plce ! ofose..& Mr. ïCis tbiogblil vuvavry doir ibisho ltaheb.Lmosbr eboolu)h., vld.Iyp adalsod an b. vas.!opinion Ibal, by orlMg l inte Cuaowena the adl. vorllas«rnb venu h.rend .by' sauy ah. voulu) sot oth.t-vlae - la. Ur. Lo"« agro.d vithUrM.Fozto a olsln oxtentbut HKIbo.dverbilg la lb. Cataw tet.h. auj adventage go the t.vabc, vuinlavtaer ofîtba motion. * Ur. Pox.-Thîlasjnutputllsg in tb. Mi, Sm1th tboboo teh u"sio l lit Cauoae WOr. oM bo a beMIMto t U r. Fox -deauud lb.teaoud" Tu. Eas it. Ca».Br lbOs u Bleo Jeff.y sud Losg. Nape: -Mr. Foi. 1fr. Boise insu b I REMNANT ,tings, etc., etc. prînts, C( FIJRS tfPURS!f-FURS! At- hoesarice evos to- stock-takinge WF ARENO E J_-FOR ANT TIMSrTOOC 0F SPI~- -G-Sand. are, determined- to- elear out the balance of our Winter Goods at GREAT IREPUCTIONS.- CALL EARLY AND sud iu excellent aider, sud the busineas lu a thrIing sud prooperouconudition. The tbird or upper lai le devoted 10o oardiug and aplnungan u.machin. auite. 6= srdlb ool u4mal il 1mWe -rolà ie udy for She 1Plsa viteel. o!fviticit t fiud a gratmaayl ml travela, r.mîndlug me teoibly of mytý7 boho sud MY rumeia' veo eI u ostsimlls loba second floor la deloted btvls*ug arplng sand veavlg, snd lbe *Ib re bassinont Io dyaLeg, Inîphioi sud psek- in«. Thre maeblury le roe by voter pavai, ept the deping apparat vhieb la vorbed by il.., sud, lb. building laehoasd Sp uomupipes. Tb@ eaordlnmeNtucs7ftesutuu by Goldie & MoOuliouqb,,of mlsd Mr. A A. oweran, ba., 11ko Mr. Gcmmei, s satural Su rs(W 1S Ibould eay)-for mseblneq M ba. Iunder- caudi, ureuuaored 5v. jrs Ivteran vbîob do fIreS rate vorvb, sud are open# eltlevebole pise«,tthe luepeeblon a! visîsors. Thoeo celle# ounlMr. B. cubher an huslnu or for lt.e pleasurol luspechlug ste vorbo, viii -And hlm mue -ausetivo sud, obbegn. -Gava attention la griveu to enstom worb. Prom tonut.fItteen bande fl e mptoy - ment hors, at vagis racies trýoue 0 emute to, 89.00 à d.y. Ljeavimig lb. voolon mills. I1mar" ce vesîvard s and n tas ashort dis- lace lhebocat Uitle Baplial Charcit, vbero services are reaclarlj bsld aca! a Senday Sehtool kepi lu h.althy opera. tiou. 1 hee t. to eedqeile at homo wboc 1 caIl l o.ueid liaI &bu Baptîles erebsbereb sud at Wbitby ai. Lotit uSsi thu a&me pastoral superviaion, aud thas John' Dryden. Esq.. IL P. P., vho paye a quarlerly viait 50 lb. Wbitby aubool, là lu a position 10 labo a maccimore solive part lu mebool wcrk hers. Bj ltoe vay, Mi. Dzdmo ân. farta le mol <ai veel, orffe 1 otbould @&y. se h. buas s ari ou rsh "idofthe rosa!. 1 viii cos look in o'n lm at preocat, se I cav bis *4 itMa bi bsarv wdapa m*» (roaly .eue vehOk aga'. nOv) a.ug a lum foek of Siaroptihire ab.ep. Mr. Dryden oa a1it. a gmtlenmaa. wbehitt'v vo e hu ain aop foer îluth. LeglatabIr halte o! ourIlrPinns, Ther. a mm sect Isarmaskle4 Iis lceonboth eldu etetilubd,bs1 souet nsltay se domssbe ti=u " 1t am5 s.ved op, or suowed oea. or mo»vader,or Sovad orcivbse abould lébe b. i dor ? MS auj rab, tbo @con, $,lb.beautlful euov,** vili a aiîlr o! raineila en aovu, sud mint look out, for a plais e! .boîte,, Sae a «nodm! mld to r» over sud pofa «mp o! les tfroe ra mJohn. 1lîr kno ato. ouMtlmaite ma- vroleome trou l. thve lukW ei h. ea m abo diurne, a cw dte so ; @WIlllî*omot'vbo toa&base à "&d aloisel Iviiitramp Pu. Wluber, riBl 11l4Wls suv aborme usl. hbg *tro~yp*enliaur toItel!; audit bas xiay )eagi«$ 1 oetso vi ifva, veut ut é* teorusie. HR*ay7ou emn tboe esat o in.. o. lnllminuhe "Suc. laya -sooJI~" by Mary $Revie.? EU sot, t:v. ouroel i tstplissure.I muas rus. a otaiou froue thora bore woetthe rekof dlspprovd*. kre repse sstlts ev e)etntewk s Do fi tel nO NEWS ROUND HOME. raomra z oc&. Par ANDuwOUR O" SPECIAL Oouunxura IoufameN. 8«" 'aJslepmateo! aSo.hthor9ngbý brcd itorees sud ombloe WGb. <Wmutr Actésican aitaMcd flmat . éta ,Mptralitv.lat.ll beon made bem boe. .The sicatiag rluh la nov inuulug sud 'Von psropiwed o* Maidught vh.s 1118à Wýumlnsld .iMdUelà 5etheuà Oo ai. SeêGnho.-m aisi, ere twmnd froue&;= &,"d d rosgfla&l blueimbs&er's doseof ie Zd b«Me. o- . dm i The Meibdt sud BibIs Obrlullas elube&là . a unaonosMeeting et têw Qrncierty SoB" lait vsck, by a vote ci le se %aodtha viltegea staion; sud Ueoipro B3ovea, D1 letB . buil Z udlo.PiQ 4vor. coiest go d.lÃat la1 s th l.Port rerr Oovunbegoiag on Wednooday of ibis veeu. Bey. J. J. ceson, MA. paslor o! St. &Dnwe'.ongrog.ion, b..beemi eslendd a beotY sud cacnlmoua eau fres SL-t. Jb bur, 0au-tupaban gugregallon u site lovetf Ihitais, . B. The ulaadlcg .1 pupia for Jaesaij, a4 in saePublie 1Bcbool, lMv. IL J. )iiddery, tsshsr, la as foltov.- Namea arrageS ireordor of reerlI. Sa.. Fouva uCLms-lsLydie, B.d- mac; led Baipb Roger; Bru) Wilis Rager. ; 49b itLlauIsM ey ; Osix ]rbers Rogor; 0111 Mark Weelavay.,. J. 9-Fousta CLAIo.-lot eo. Lldgesttv Inaü Fred Roger; tout )br)jie Msebey ; 49b John Fovile; 14h Jamee Barvey; dt Nalitan iob&de.u; T u nile sadier. » Tiuu Ca.-.kl5Wee!ýway; lad BUannai EmegMo. Irai Rocta Hlarbleton;I dtitJoits--Woissvay; 5&h George Sadie#r, ;lMlcic iostleeut.c 7&h-Addb MeUtiwrsy;luIt JeuI.Vov ne.; MitprmrtûLeee;lotir Epoa Aille Wm'uherall; is ti Bd1e mata; 141h~ ~ ~~5t JansB e;IttJobu Bal- lon; MWitAiliers DemI, - ton; tua Sv. Rur~; ara' biibkmo PIb- Rosa Doais. - Ja. Suce» tteCLs-IsiBnoma 8124L. lud Tnt"ia Rdmen; 8B., Nelca4ldutto 11hluaM ovbray; FnuarCiasa-IsILlaiR oger*; luS Willla Fovili; Ird Elles Emerson. Ovin#gtu th. erb'csclyeOol veatte- th. attU#daccebas sot béen alarge asusumal. P«oe'sgntp of ibisplam, as p ton 4heb 'ea, w me.egadeftl«y l- ickte 4st bte@ reepos esud eouideuceo!ofte* c. aesare 10à UyeugagM e . eclei. htbma&t e h" bain. wth aboriglces are the enervating excite- monte thé village just Dov. Mfr. tohn Valientyne, 10 con. Brook, 1lsgellfug lb. maerialdrava for lbe -érection of a fine brick reehdeno. in the 1f.Jsmq Belur, Township Aeor la on â"â ~Spath. At a large snd repromentative uio meeting on Touay in1the Methodiat Episoopal oburob, Boy. G. Miller pro. siding, à motion oarrlmd aoing for s .1 rouit oomprimiug Brooklin, Columbus, bt gousid bbherearrmgeWoî Sof, work e6baeq0elson the un tlng of obursize. DIM Rh. Die? ~e~elingored sud'suffeed' long, plung mwsy SaIl time for yearm -The. dootoro doing ber no good ; "'And at lust vas ured by 'bie Hop Bittersthe apersm y oc, coh about." "I deed 1d" *"Boy Ibaulhful w. sbould 6e for thal Medicine." "Elevec jean out daughler sufferd on a bed of mimery, "lFrore s complication of hiduej, liver,rbecoestio trouble sud Nervbum debility. "*Undt,r tb. care of the beat physicien. "Who, gave ber disemme varions Dames. "But nu relief, "rAnxiS c % ee terestored ta cusin gaad Léathbyas imlta recxedy ma Hop Bit- tes htw l od'buuced for reanebdr qu lt.- Tes P*.ae'rs Pather te Oettlug wki. ::My daugbters eay: "Eow xebeoter father la mine hoecad "nttasis gttinu volI mU 1er bie lJhà g nid&> fu tram a dirscae e clared mouvable.", îAnd ve mre so $ladlS thaJ»ho ieS our Bitterse "-A Là ,v of Utlea, N. Ir. Mark Twain sdvu.ed thst a gutlemha aho la eugagçd l inthe atier trado, esdvte, bu prcbaeed à a pave ana! là "avueldeu tor mélasop awn'e A" r ura lat latencbe fr ll hs, ed ibud- ftb. erintera unià larno nul. R1- lnet iu Ave mieulmau In le oblead frts Nerviîn uauj ofloofovngouplaluleg via., Crampe lu lie stomaob. chiLý, is, a.n ln &u Bay a tonuoect am piebottaleof Wb1 ommuxity le alvays aftoried 5&S cost ? The lav- thzg r b.'téogh ýudbrouit grisbi, bal mit ct tettll a lîi rumi 1I am glumping lb. love," dmIS lb bcg GLASGOW R~ & J. CA.IBEljLI Just bought at a bargain and in stbok:, Ân:d repsirs ilium. i Lccses, Tompi MR. ROS- ' la <lolIscor sdOc uiOuoxmi,-Amd à OVERCOATS,- ASTRAGAN «MANTLES,,: PERSIAN LAMB CAPS, BFAL ROBES AND- GOAT ROBES. N1~W PRINTS FEBRU3AILY LOCAL AND a IAT 18s GOING ON IN TOItS CIIRONIOLE REPORTERR'AM zAu' fluth he'l rerx Alexauder Pin. Au - ,!& epyWS isa fondi ýA Àuopea Feiiruary.- - Sleighiuig partie.aae Thle IOoucr.,m is on G4 I arnu5. B.e>LA URANOEII' Sp. G. E GIBBARDt ci- ~AOT8 . F1~OM Lune. Oea ,vrltes- Lii, N. E, um-Ttay~ ta..> isl~~ gi .eldhl, lu ales1dma"e« iis evimft aisa "M urüe. twâlbdt e bie0 fpStus. uuduy- !Itwucf Pela" onem. h. Me.JRo t roid flue uhitd Wei" nticeoit st ah bad »rPort of-,tse round thal eom80 llnies s d ioes aidd by lte COcperallt itéatuosat of 1h. gisai "silu rng iss 0.0 Sp M8001 O!36 l.618 had oblfiaed- $1008oet 009beIe.80 u Mu. &btewu MW .bwoin lulimlle JMitar8i- lsueCr COUClU M tweeds, MantJ e ' ýCfoths, 0v- ~I-4 (L) SECIJRE BARGAINS. WAHEHOUSEI ls me£ STYLE RECEl VED. -Ra e .CAMPBEL 1