Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1884, p. 3

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r f)* e' ~I] And repaire thom. Replaces broken Lerise, Temples, Spring ajud FrameB. M. RO» J.OHNSTON le Cocitctor and Osuser for T» m T.r ar Omoica., sd le autborLued No gpau recopti for mboarptcua, eté., sud trausacS ordluarybusiness. FEBRUABY 8th, 188-14. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE, WHUT 18 00190 ON IN TOWX AND EL8EWKERE. A BUDGET 0F UVLY YNEWS NATTER OLEANEO 91Y CHRONIGLE REPORTERS ANDO CORRESPONDENTS 46A ýhiôI à amang yo. takin' notag. Au' aitti he'Iltprent it." Valentino. Alexauder Pirî. Assoîsor. L.ap yearin a fond illuosion. Au open Februsry.-Idoaes OaAe8. -latghing partie. are &Il (bc rage. Tho *'Ibaw" dido't amount Re much. Oshawa vanti a phtlarroonie îooietY. Tburodsy nuit in tbc day of fiely Valsutie. The EONIOLE in oue dollar a yar Now 6pring Hata juit arnived. AparevM4. Rose. 'Nul weok for a wdding-i Whithy boy sud girl. Sohool Board meeting W*doe^Jay .voulcve noS. New 8prins; Ûoode srrtvlug daity. ofre Mt. on's.car Jseob Bryâsa Chiot Constable, Billiard IMOD u ipeWr aud 1H.slth Offioar. S8« oar new îpringir tweds arnived tht. vok. Audr.w M. Ros. 1)Dyou loue a dollar'@ vorth of 'dcatV' et thé carpet oweoper avindie 2 Do itaùt te e an sude. the great elothier for fine ordered ctothlng. C. F. Stewart. &o *Instrument al quartette ta So b. added to th# BowmsoviIle Mathodist ohuroh choir. Forther particutars of the Olaremntu my&tM y ill b. found in thts. eak's Ooucty pma Ra-ptaqw.JT%* udley pont office vii e -opuel laut" eek qth 1Mr. Frank Hatvoyin obmtg. Ç. .-8* ta h à uay ilok-taking and No ave wtêIg down vill give big bergains in every d.partment. Ohurch of Engtand Teu*.rauce Soot.- ety enterîalcmaut lu Ail saints, mciool hous. Tadsy .veaiu neit. Freu.* Spring ? It wilttb. horsapretty icon If diy goodi moeoauti know auyttbtng. Reid thuirid.. snd se.. 0. F. Stewart is now otsarng out odd lieu tn .v.ry departmeut svery 1legs réduction# on former prises. ColUeg"lat utitute Littrary Society -roadinge, socge sud muoii-lu th. Aa.eublylom &bht. 11.rne. Casis Pesvtoa.-T1bPoaltaiter. Gouearal basaunder considération 1h. adoptioof a 2.9ceuî lutter pontage for Sev«erl ai.igloads of "boys and girt" drâve tô Brooklin Wedu.edtsy evenung. th. attraction hetug a dance lu th. Oddfellowî' BUsU-. Mr. Jerry Lîck la propartug to build, lu the oping, s fiue cloue résidence ou hie frmà.thsS.formerly oooupied by Mfr. Luther Hall, oau$ cf the o. The burnng elevatomisi Toronto lti Tbursdy ev.utng oaet a lurid glare in te. iouth*vusteru heaveus, csusîog oeuch spéculation ans te sa ource amougut Ihos. vhc eoberved IL. Our spriug goode ane arrivtnq daity and t malté room for them, vo offer big drtves In Woolou Gooda, Pare &o. Bone itmenseo argainu. *5 0. F. Stewart. BEs-uL? oi a TOL.-Au eiRlht ta firet ciao. coniîtleTh'- sucsa ef, our uciheru tske&ide la" u culti. vating the tunf,nucalla te mind the da>'a,' nov tbome yuara passait ava> when the vînter turf mrcettngs ou the. icy qurfaoa of' Our Ovu, Har bour drev the famous trottera qf the limo (roui 111 par,Ï ts cf 1h.Pro, vice sud Whilby vu 'ccovded for dayî ville tru. lover.ofeth*b.sport"o veil as thé'ý banseoft tus sud man> other noble pasaimes-the blachiege and gambIen.. SuriATANnày »à waD-lms are the days of the anuivensar>' uer-ý vices and aunual soir.. of St. A.Nenev's church. Thae former servicses viii b.e'n ;Incted necroiog sud evenlug b>' Ber. H. P. Maoka>' cf Scarboro, buovu as- ou. of the t osding -niittocf h. Preshyterian ohnroh iu* the Provàs.., Monda>' eveoieg oppormnnity viii 110 liven $ heur tram 1h, plsttorm E#sfrv.R P. hifao>'y of Scarbono, B-uv. A.,Gilray et COollagze t>raebyteriau chunch,TOroat:eý M r. L. B,. Embreeý, B.4, Principàl Whtby olegiîs noitue;J.EPare We11, îL.B., CoouR>' rown :Attoruey'. the reîident elsra>'and ohherm. Au bas heippardb>'f Muicame é1i.î. 1Sha basbai u eotpýed of tesii teil o qv.h"blU of (re" cf tii. good thingi tp ho provlded ti>'the lalioat 'Il lm net n*eeoary. The tables *111.btp IêmptInà boyced sU queocs - eur cew >W864 - speç"I. for1 Sfyen have use 1t. .Bsud 1à teyour u7ol1hbor ën'tî borrow y ournigl boe&s. Froie. Iîh $h. o Cplumens.ý Oshava farmert' club t. veIItWtomi ed. Whtty 'vaku up. Frieuda, remember 1h. peer in your district tht. eeld vinter. A good auortmuut of Faolory Col. ton&, oheap., Auidruv M. IBoom.. TheScoett Act vihoii be biltted to, vote lu Oxford oouoty, on maroh 18. Wazsaa i.WýLnax -480 volumos vure laut woàtU.h an -put of Oitia's Mechanici' Iuitàtut. ilibrany, mi.u creaie of 178 as oomp&ired wlth Janu- an>', 1888. The Bowauviile Stateaman and ils nev ival Shu Sun are &(ter one suothen bammer snd ougi. Stop gentlemen of thu preia,lhis noeîpaper pnmmetliug is mesu business. Oum («'ONzU U.-The revoit in the Boudin bai mc affected the Egyptiau gnm market, tha& prie.. bave risun unormouil>'; lu facl, iRa uxport has ai. moat oesmed for the pruienL. ACCIDENT TO A Wsu1rBnv LnY.-W, regret to learn that Mn.. Guo. Cormack, vhtlc on a vieilt ofrieudsin uTornto, lhim vuek, feit freut th. top of a stai. vay, injnntng herçels iuternatUy-thougla' we are gtad ta kncw not serionsly. M srkbam Township votes ou Mouday wbuîher or not a bonus sud exemption fromt taxation &hal ho givon Mesurs. Craddock & IHes e ta hrt au agrieul- Sural fonndry. GOPYRIGUT.-The usme cf à religionm body reoeutly organized in Odlilje, giveu by th.e cket on authorlty as "Ohriattsns Gathered lu the Nara-@cf the -Lord." Buforu a copyright ià ap p lied for, ve wouldhike 1tuam& 1h. body, in, vhose Daro do ether o":-m tiens gathort Nou. Too Soos-It im quiste ily &hat the Gtand Trounk ilbe doublte.- traok.d fréta1'c.ésto teMoitroalu cxt ummner. Thu>' have atr.ady laid dovu a large qusutit>' of ral M diffurent place. along the lime, inteuded fon a second track. At the Kingston station Sheru are dcpoaated &bon& 20,000 rails, snd a similar quantit>' at Gansuoquet. Cernons o TAaIS TUaE PAbTaR.-)ir. John Brandon, of lih. 101h oouoeuiion af Mars, Ii, Connty, ou going tubibs barn earty on the moruiug et the 101h. ult., vas îurprlsed to find a youug iamb runnlng about the yard. Nov %ben, oome ont vith your sprnug lamb yans. Wu vaut ali to buov that vo are givingwvodurful hargains lu al classes of vinter Ronde. Fur$, Wooisns, Dres Cloodi. &o., vu cannut non yl nt bp nn'leraold. W. are net giving goodi awa>', or profeu o 10 suIttnder cost, fon I think that impossible for an>' buinesm Mian 10 do sud psy lbi a>'. W. have a lange stock, hought at loveet priee. aud lu position b gqive yen theb. ht value, gootis beet qnatity, sud lovest prices. Houait dealiug sud c ivitit>' to &it. C. F. Stewart. Miosiionar>' Sermuonciwili bo préacbed iu the Mellîodisî cbnrch ou Sonda>' oeil, lu thi. norusuL' b>' 1ev. Mn. EIow son of FPsci±erina. sund in tIi. eveniug by Rat'. Dr. SoaliurL'nl, Secrotan>' cf tbe Miàsîouary Society'. The aunuai Public Meeting viilhobhetd ou, Thur. day eveniu unait, (14îb latk) wv ad dresps w yl ho doiivered b>' 1ev. Mr. Shore>' of Oshsawa, Rer. Dr. Muachsm. netunned Miessianair> from ' anad GRaIME AND Rorisr.-A dehate upen tiie injofetwhetber of- tboeu <ain hae (1o00 the muet for outr moderu civ ilimration vas ably argned pro and con at the regur uJeehiniEof the .WEra OîIT TrouN srCLm.n. Ve.ne&day even inu. Messers.NV. tS. *Ormiston, Robert WiHi,. 4zid L. E. Emnbren, tattling for Gre-co atadMe..,r. A. Q. Hee.lenson. Il. K. Our, andl G. E. Gibbard upholti. ing, sud vith esuce-&&, Rone's cause, for in iumtunig up the pointsa made,- the Preside,-îMr. Farewell. held Shs the latter treviiled. At the iiexl mach iriu, W'ediesaday ilie 2t. Mr. Eui brof, principal of the collegiate Iu- titul.', wsll resâd att -r on "Plartr lu Polit os" and 1fr. G. E. G bbard 'vii n"'tsetection. - uT rrAND LEvTRe'o.-Th, annutal conrert and lActure l in &Hof th.- funds cf St. Jitît't. 0 C Gurch, Whbitby, vill ik l, t'ace aItitheTown Hall. WhViitbyv , o WdntiayFe. laî. his eld position a as agigc thi Hilon nSpuolslon. A >'ouug lad,hagu ' in IDgerColi li te.q*oi - ad vu run ove b>' îmothr * behind. Que et-'bisles1 asbaIl> -hurt.-. Curtis Guia.ay,ý& ilrioi Wigdeer. dcve budor the htainbnos of, isbver. Iag the boat' ein*ib tvo $affl Smcm ipaisedil site mpting t.,oce" the river Wed coday iog, but .. 4 Un Jaaetw s èriîon h a oeeMr#. soonniugsaverdict lu hen favov tiato asie ofasmie f,onmspe r eW 'fi. HenS, for SIAOQ.*q. plaimleg4, hat ,the teoq upe ' cnov BRoman Cathollia nhmia lwlerville vii be 95245 sud will.baqo-' a s.îtitsg capaeiltof 5W0.; t et gaonomal isîl140 ï rasa'j 1ili). ITU zasmaa'0a'i"uuYcw s iOS À AM ......... i I i hiI*~.' d~- eieOfPth r-'î."~ T tiilt 4 o N&I U-.e o>'TFFiA t"> ranch of thOlP NSS Meck tu nywyto do soi to SBLL tfV~ ýkemOney buttosËel off ;stock. Along «4tb [EW, ILLINEII, - bargais Winl be gîven s80 as to dean : li aDo ot buy &dla's- worth until* you see what we can do for yoii Corne early and get your choice. 'I~.E I~~W YJRM Z~- 'SI N GER for mon=raludtise:O Mail ou' q Is42 Wat. X. Y. mmfr., ..ondou, wvUe ofPort P.ryla or- ýý Bev, oomp.uledb>'brdags ,#Wlitbyon Tuodsy forih car Qùuon Victoria liby.îen 3 the M&i5 ai 0f Mirais fer Darreitdl élelr.u tbembrrlage ef PrinceiOUÉ iratcibsSi wtth ber graud.daimgbter ou April 151h. Misas. Chrittna Oimerou, danghler of <the laS. -non. Malcim Osmeoe, boISer huovu a" on ee AuM.ronà," M. P. fîtsouSh Oulir- Iu, end wboie Blnlimeatersemdeo. cf thelion. Alie.ta1i 5arunlb. vas reout. ly oted lu thoaccolumns. 11.4 ou Mon-. ed lady becmie f&vourajY iyou aitn by durng ber resideno. lu tevulu tisehouse nov the home ofi]EL. .Taylor, Baq.; Minas ger et the Douminion Baulk. Another 0. T. R. Sma.hnp. rTRIS MCON TEIC VXUUt -I& PO» a harVas JUXPSl'O= MMT-Ai# irnia AqUDVÂS »ESrTU-VHO ARE vo Bar>' Sanda>' mornlng, botween 8 sud,4 o'clock, fr.igiil train No. 16, W419 bouud, vam approobiag Port 79e. Ovt11g toe h.yard boiug full No. 16 vas ordu,.d le roainaor. lie viaduc& tilt the cîher Ibre. trains ahead of tien couid pull eut cf the îsttou. Tii.- vi.4u .amin> readeriof lb. QsuýercLt bao*' 14la shoort digtimce set etf tfii. ýrope> stalles, sud croase th. gall lovau htohthe b. the barbons. Oplgà"ùor ____ chargiij No.14, e% oÉ" qRbi litain C va b. doel Iedf'S b vas boh1adb. aOit est&bliohM Uh %"kW; k lo laye1on011 *0 blaut midt'b ta pull cunt la Ch. cxut.oolô. Couducotor JohucaWva.&ppeai PortH11 . It mm* o tthé, vud" ah a gOdlivel>' rite. *Tbo-drai r wu Mart"n hauban of B#.lleil'Hiun hes he bsignai as the «U nof ettbo viaducs ait riglitansu ca4vaucd. B* myfu tChat h làod no m otv@ez thsred lgbt as ttert f 10, bi i vau sucving, The. imuit vo. Chat b. ra itocthe near et 18, doraii.dtheaos booseasd blm englue, but fortuuhily nothlng loft the trî.cb. As @om Ms ho discovered.-his danger 8bcosaujuinpel from hise nginsilote lb. darluoe, faU into thme teleg a ire. aud thon on 10 tb. gri'oundÎfort>'fai olo t,Ft firimautol "thebail tracl" Chat le rau out cr nthc tender a»d &long the top ofhéo ar to the rcar. Butiluthoe Van Of No. 16 Conductor 'Wood, aM orange seller end a third pool> vers gleepiug. The>' cure rudely svabeued and gel ontunburt bouod a.hbakiu. Tha>' ver. ne îooner out thon tho van tool fi». Driver Shean se swon as ho laudel on - thbe ground fort>' t e .1 pick- Pd himseif up aud rau te Rh. station and gavs th. alarmThu belle vere rung,'lhe lva numed cu4, aml'oe Bd the fine brigade. The. lïmne veros subdwa leterou. ' mS ca suruel sud tbm englue nadI>' d*mag. Tihe cuide claeI *à piîched to on. mide,. îl.ronirt, tho vires and iauded near' Anailiar>' trains w.,'e d.spétobe frein Beltevile ,sad _Cob pyg. BatIovile n Ou. o ff hie tsU': tî again. sud polied op it PoétUspe tý t-vo o1clook lu the atttoou. b>' vhch ime lb.é<Jobnrg auxtitar>' had recueil %b. vreck sudeoaored 1h.'IrseL. No onu sa. anly bure nte.. il mSheohan, lutemali>'. 'It t. furtber ststeil thal Johnsou Ladý bcen on dut>' *ver 70 'hours Iidwll1 taking off bis etothes. ' Tleb nltllngactcny ati£ut F ý- ha. néesurd Vorî. A Dow Boinas Oatloiio huroh t. a- boul lo oe bumt ina Bime. Thu Cocnalycf Lan'ar k h tïtagju the propriet>' of abciitng »toilaý. BROS., ~~1Jl4 l-,I,~]5W l- i GI 'ad t rt 4 t -1. New Prinis 'a nd!EÉ '19ri Ql i. tivm eac ? é.I veahusu, la tua. B rann». WbtIdIm Um um buyorlcafermMW.la" bue "LWa a "PUI, U N.Pc 'Y eiev S vbou e -- - , v sv-i ,i Item~~~~~~b agitV~lse umaasd 0er Iôý wmxis O.su ta iqer mu tam&lmtâ e but v es bmA - il el u .wslaa fbu vay,- therabdos10 to ~ ~ ~ ~ a CIeO~~cseiSs 0. 1 79 ~128 0 14U Tho Qrsp o aois Tb*OTSO COPNol PTise v -> ahdtqiasa I rdum 14 NE" A~ TS~ N - - -il- Vît. -- . ' Ci - ~ 0 ' - - -- I MI 5 t' 1 I sel i tl- i I I .>~-1 I ~ 4~u asto ý~q.à'CecrPhoteogr prS 8uio, ais liebou&k oi> oa e o m -9 > o'clok in tire omriu e 4 olck in tre ofterneqp. ÂUtG. BAXRI4TT, -'PHCTGRAPHIEi > BROK f3'FWeT --WiITBY. ,a' Ztaopi w 41'OMMffO 3PRING - - - ' i --- . - e- sos NEQW *-U Y -ERf 1,SE \IlS' a AL.. t I aOTDAYS FOR TH~NEXT toi TlT kM PL....omrltt4~as o,'si'l AInWiii~ FLÂ-NNELS--red, blue, whitegeé u any ' Perelan 0L0UDS-'V iuLaà :1 - b' r>' 04i-. i .1~~ sg .îttî -, i t O I -. - -.i-. ~- il~M~U o ODDFELLOWS' IIALL, WHJTBY. * 'nil r ..~ 1884 !~ Fa tr Cton-sp did à AN D REW «MKaRO0,S. ~LI LO 'EDi. SMN fltaad. ' YLOR, i a c rl. sIsaL ~ITB Uta. vide i r, III iaoh w b. lIlaehw U imeli v t Il frich v ug 17 sa4 i 12 mci vi 12 mdi vi 'J mnavaua mini ~ ___ -j ~ .d ' à L-- Ili . 1 mm ýL la-winuu auu UVIULOU. ý l V air.

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