Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1884, p. 4

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AL Atm CIOH UQE(Upisopa ServietcÙUami cd 7p.m. le, OU'8 CilfXROS, (Port Whltbyi Kiâ âiTODIST caualoU bev. li. . lloebbjp,XA. . Pont SeeudaiM10:8OCLm.&ad 7 F.M. y S?, ANDa4W'S CUBOS (1rsbyteri UeV.. a, Alshan, - Pestot. BSAPTT EUWH 8ev. Mr. Noble, - Pester, pro te ServIe.MelO m. sud 7:00 p.m. 8et~sth MoOnl~Prie Serv et 1080a-cm.aund 7p.m. ON THE WING Ime ai Avelval and Depastupeo TfaIns, Maies and 28age.l STANDARD TUÉlE. &MMsi 7.57 L&..1 ixd 4.25 p lb»» .43Il Expriase 9, 17 BSoy is &s.m Upso 8.20 &.m. Local 6.t0 p. ist 8.10 pi: . Epros t.01 ada55?. 9X ip- eI .30 &.m. 1Mail 12.20 po Uacises 3.4i >.M. Express 9.2à P. 1uefrOuhawas m 10.00 @.M. and 4.00i pim. Wtby Ph#t Oo.. r« 1*8 Vu.. CLOSE P os ni&us batsa i 7.001&.. Ferlie5.st 018 .m.l'o iinugm.15 &m.s flue am vet.10.w P. . 00ems esUe.Tbursdcy 7.00 &.m. Due s"à at -0P » Uist dWa-j par* tocloil mPUeeuv~.e il Kouony Ostero dtihisl, Nwt and i md u. O5' @Wnd.oQvt ntrlt. hérulitîe of th =e oaeSeino a lr ibbotreen te bourso uqf4NueediLaers muet b. posted 1làiminute tglre h.oi 6. i metil an i. atime Cmuda hsvlng bsec udnittet loin the Posta Verto lèis a re-rrsnines t d Potal Rate =-j gdnnuz~y,Gi3braltar. (ueDrit ailut ssMW4 vogo.. ttsy. Loxeobers. Mas., s1,*wes uis,8>.Pierre, Sertir M4114-A Islanst, Eweden, 8w.tsln &WdTorkey. Aidvis Uuitet juste, r-licrinudai isels Cusba, Dantab Corlonieis utOSt. Thoris, 51. Joie lt. Viols, lsmslcs, Js in, and Port Poo. <lete.ndlsdte.wln thetpotal Union buit thé Poil aEtes romain as béoe.), Louers lst, par àouïses. PostaiCarde 2 set, cash. Newspsperi Ctente for 4 euncéo eo. teerat4oo teb à osai.. l'or A"es, Argenine ln,îfiieration, <imsil, llli G uinses. (eyi,înOr«stiiîtdFretiçh Cote- MaAi tAsia, esDunes a nmeriîle is et ieur. Md i Nueleai. ftrlm.visPorsian Gulf lýwiuz 81= 00001esln rrOcTele mteuta laes$4tu 0 solutted Liae. 1 toussé.toit. ur f os. Docks, "e, 4 et.s. for 6 0& O0"r geahlm tes10 seita. Wei 1"6 lle Ist1 is vi Metesue raesua feeesoir. lPrspe>mt or aumopila Hmilela tuesaumed-Lete.,le,. Papers te. AMuKaila,141e LstsWacoes.Vicoria. Qpeit c tours eot& 0osa.,44uperu ee64*Fmpurale C. t). 551, Peastr Den't Yau Toit. Ne*4jyeur tassd-Ide is ympassm WIt le eo M", vide reboacdlog, btiipled sud fer rsoszdisg. y« yasset acannai ksep h, Ire, Who a osnP *kW »au~ more e«peut amp Xfèflpu$olbm,ifhtellit l- If bd wepor sells t, SeItn. <Oms telanysupbyer 1 themut: 01 eurueetista food tise huum. 74lIutI$nlil, lc t .va amas. Wher.arn pour *bains ta-day brotheryluebau ,siseerlyolovorfy effetda. Lacen e warm robe froïü C a&d shwv»your yoke ? BuIs.thb selete use only relie. of th isef.els, sud lb. neo e lb.id. m st« emnast of Nb. obaine, show. * ~ ~ i bwmii e*donî -upou W &buby is T*bugg. lavesy un- ial nat abis ompatsons. ÀAciefoe af Ohrlellauty>.alleInta badbasuda vWb"sUiau " sssg.Un maplui lB4ay o teke1tuslisrie o osea vam tq i0"f. b not legua . euaqc. qp "M" $i a te-& brywu>éit. Pr] Du Tise chie!scalieventot S r luirasl ain s .ddleg--almca theis. ly etmi e- stan af fetlvltles. Tii. priat %ben permîta danciug emang relatieas, and collogea and couanete, asu oisqut ta. y iievmg but formaltmiln gseouuly supenvisai! bp parents&Thepiseipi.. l risa roe aisi art4ia i hac uTMYiy bort and, sirofflpeolt. * Oitplqs% but. te foob mauti e ensts air. Smarriages gbbral ntteracontaIfrant uisieetatv euty tva pe&»e-ofa . A pooe t 4~le4.ff int ast.la peisl td ol'<ttngeh bor, visaso ululer val su aid msid vso n o one bad tiseugiz c f sarrplng. Wbou r. ho lefitishe bouse hishirother *uggeeled tlisaiie aiud marey htXeç re.- ort urned te ils bpe e, eiL'a ges là ber bed, ilsnbe o6our tbW.-rouh sud wake ber top. Holding tis, candis -UPte bis face,, b. estad milele.à-. tek. ea g"oàuk me; Iln ratiser voile tissu1Ieeens bp n. ondie.iigbî, and 1Vvenias atmati ohil. drea, sud ual s greet deal ai land. Wili yen marrp me ?" Sbse nbbed ber epes, etil baif a«Jeep, l~ ooked bito veqa moment, sud sssd1 "Thon lbu resdp neiti 1uoeîda In banotherocees, tise day aete lo baucs of instriege hsd beau publisbeda boe, tise intenided found bis betraîisedu oryiag loy tb. viudov. l "'Wissî tise malter, Mssi" "lWatt, Bapilat, rnp elter vante very muais ta merry, beceuos ae'ept4or,eg it'. ber tara firsi. &ud il Iea mé 1 ssd ta uSe ber disappabtd. 0", if pou ivoutd outy. ruM ,henI 2ur1 mi. tbing l stiuadyou knov; and It Woualdi b. snob a relef."b " Weit, v.li, dot om abaut thai,' iJ esid iie, vus samonscals Surprise. I t **don't mmmd if 1 do. Go snd tali ber Io net r.aâp, ' -~~- Tee,hr4uÇf«'bld thie u* o 'nritdibut lfi 113 ol prie. pýrosîe té ~irKouîstel t mary,su hbstausumgulueouiu union&eId b arve p eosrnmonllu. - 1 Ir, of- viiere' fa hle<as.ak0,t;0er =.md ulug p tise lii ste I sis tbep tarfintas scmstimse nawisring hl ot sorat bisadred oetcou.naine. More- a over, tise priesslpermit&esnub smarriages41 gomnetimes lu cauiLer&tl f c~,in tirenumsîsrcep,, mcase 1tP. da,~ fcmuly fore step-moth lor't tYEllr mitiselacs f et aly rsdaug tlîeobace, >sof a wowr.n ta gel another offer. or tise <advanoe of nge. or tise poi'orty of a s et Tiho bite ai tise beihiut-i. tise dpisior-si ad Oiîap.'st sbritertlemaudîd ta by comfort. int lies social lite preecunts n o uoea arterestiusg test-arc,, lIbis es. ot ý&aise ostois @truck 4 lsefuiatec &ocial liappineme sud the mssigrenra et etteruai inieresie ; or rsmnsplel «r. 4, D-, tise mot inttelligput and pro- aw grefseive fariner ai tbe psrisb,uud oaofeh o ~tise foremomu inaof tise terttry. reseTis Do paper, anutRoe .no istforntioiu n gieven bies pecialtp ofaf gr iurs. LIs b 4.Ba,"1sad t. hlm, Ilhais do pou Nt kep oarseif poeIed on tise imprave. I. meute P" "Whp, w. don't; va do't lnsprovoe toi ur,~iu l. i hula thi pu o wnesPIN w iould b. a Vs U, oyable eusiofr ca à& Ud. wibsa t do cpjou .11 do vitis so vare wAd injop But esjsoa»petevb .Wi aibm -slpeutfi".. lgisite. lauï go to thbarntofeedteutock. Allr breakfast, e ai t fput men, the tva m principal ltbon pi viater arebegnu, vii., isulng vaod ta kêcp 'tisebéniseP venitn, ad tisrebug grain taoet. Tbce. é visa go fer for voodsotst et foror Oye a'clock. W. nus!i te Seso _ rty ily - stleds in alue goiag aptbie moutalu tg Si. Paitns. ta aur vood lots. Wheis the. viria biava ve sot tise vluedmill go. iag, sud thies grain lu tise bearn. Aftor b smoking ls the r.dinper pipe ,vev l vood or ibresh is ifeu gîtaru titli b. chorus come ui p elpeut four. vh After oapper tise mon elways go toaitia' sfavorasitepisluqr4ep. tII. upi an vomen muei rtse esnlier tClan usIsté e. 0,0103k. Sons. faCmlesvisalire Urba frcm tqUb~,rLjàkp di nega tison, ads at-lm hi rtr Jeo el thcp May vist a litilee lb. vaphomi..tri cTha n thulisefU -tise.l iseh@geuirl prptorfawirat-r. bj -afIbhicmefsd it malI lr s-roon tfoi weod, e. Tisert n"Ye aiýse lb.espacisi Isbaso! of oking for W Chriutmsu ove sud Nov Yearoi, ise ahl IA You ut etaOit. mar=§ Aisulus Verne, allen rd Mt. l amodel boy. Nos lb. namby 1 Ls, ý -inde t Pthe least ex- tae1 renny Vvprvb. adoed bylip ,td Lord Joaelpu. Ladey ma7ry Hard ofsa Ginaqules." Thse melac. aolyt note of tise lut --à admission la pêQarotnpldIil.- .Aý A Modem Bsophocles. The Greek profeesor, Evengeilaus Âpostohideu Sopisoleé visa dbhItj Hlarfard Callegte otp a wu reae#*'arutipu bang <fI yM4 go aatyb btauinî o th qrUun < vWb a a."'oubl.u'0k rmem aud isîloons,lilv.d lu hi. oilege roosa, uumcried, like. a monh la hie o«IL abheS h. nover utioved ta b. evept isv poareseras tise oesan hi. asing lihiefu the- Udtuemade. hlm taoue»of ilIe, eal eean e .Omlp neded tva-onebTtuev.y ge, <bu other atter bit. snrval; bosrd btmsuf on Tonlieli I7te ae1.D ~ r t#0 hmesntive où iu feMistingbs.ti aRg, id bom âkoove at," e w An Infantile LW TPFrom the Baltimore Amezicea.l Tbe power oaIolavet ai re i lbî vas b.ut 4 yesat o# adtookastt ooblt are, vha vws holding one &bout 8 este of &go. Bath vers ttali trangers .o ih ollier. After tii. ou bad gone tbrhg a uMset a ppd*r-*se yetr.old sut I. sdhbr t ih illd cndàenlj cisped the. yaanger oui n iearmas and kiased long sud lovingly. rhe os.r-drivfr wisu vsitinpatiently. od the dÎoïlWiiTrld IàIh gIIE mt Il wu oa . % 8 1111. Um d elavly made Its vay auot ofN9" eor. Sd they.paugr vornt"bato saniile ut a large ..h. ilbaut ba$ng the dighLIes eot@ti. ht vas not a paesla*4ei. ,butas IF rnuzfmated mrenaulp <o lb. ChM.. . -laion. bbeJ.sd~ Ïk a-,rit$=us. mi hwm1I. Wbat ta Do viii Oui hUtq, - "Gaod day'," auldthée boreporter, ska up and dlscveriug a yo«ng in uthapstsu. -ý -;j' -ý "I voulu lketo sowyou avark rhich m " il eporter. Tiso boq e otuesd tise fait s sstilefs tus ime oui iseet.hncvi niters sud ~aes ui stte [se question la cerlaiuy ome et para. d'Arm your girl. batiseriug yon u u bi séasou?1" iaque.il. fnieude - f sund B. "1Wls, no,,' sad te oung.lady,. bwmr. T. tInuaxi C.. many ap ef ordfoei esu c -suff.rnfor pentu1 bave thWed ver Ttu yêi onngmen vIa dcti onejiIvi a r«j g i ee anpv experience lu nnruing babies sud A oGoad "ou.t The beul eaurnete reguoo &asu v ateri to obtel npoft Msri orsuam ad uulies o! the bha.rdi, dock Biood BîUitthle bedêto 4ieru would sek ber band l a Ob*ieh maiveI replied, -- don't thlak »ey no." lla nIe*o Land. J. Kenaedv, "or itndag eDix- Thrat atsd on toui, ol Auhbes., Broscite W.pI omb a Young ladre eauly wu.trie la foUow lh. injunetion mas kW hie -pr blod ud proper elrslatia may b. .etabllebed intae lbS tenby tbe mse ofluhat Red blaod pailler, Burt. daek Bload Btt» >sL. B. Wsehiogton sayé tisaI viie ets, Aoi.tache lb. et.ady. square nu cker, oan. vis a cei ielril hie plat toa quart af whisky daily thse rffl. " e ?-oa y*% talu.l e v u ierew - em sesfw b uo nd 1 il * 0u. v ohav aver sal, a f#iÏ dos..invmu"hy i«Mi lb. vouai -et CoeiOro%*- mai pri, le a a too u Mdfaim1 For-TataseBorNeont, sma x»umllmns Fry DuvW 'Pain àier e.et. i naoi" aluma. "'Il sMnltome Iht an ar vau t- 1»¶P'«t deslof avetnsestiser, gentlld««emen ta bit ea " va.he MWavyu ie mrm erond hi. prsly Young vif. Tli1 e aoeg mptomof yonur g 'ai againat them. If let Your beat caurse is to pro. cjit osMur'tcle of Sui.. PlitIl AN1~0irTrs Cos- C )n!y 4oc It wili cure sny tp Ri' û Com- plain, ececrpt I rij-1t's Di- teaise, it %, ..I rt<. cve the reymp. 1, mss ad s ' 'ir t! e cvii day a niooîlurin- ua .eqsa as a cure for d.ii-ame.4 'iieli attaek thse X idîîeva and for the Cou.; laints t,> which to the Médical faculty. bmwSeug mi Aet Depet A PiZE Toc.cwn itb Bp itu Oa.uop on se1..tn u Tb Wit: J sd of th sud ths ueSa o . 4Ormpation of1 oS Wh'tisy, dee i ~jte sWt !h -f 1 GIAÀTlb>V' REDUCEDI1 For the oeil 80 days prior ta STOCK -TAKING# Pe,ýitnl Aitê*onIci Re- JAMMS.1POUNSTON, Brook-et., Wbitbp a ver- th. The 47Md ~etut#" P4UBMOWi&mou. P611 pJ,"1m114Im AWbâ Wffl V-OIO11 aniama alanizcai tie otw ur ay aseu ifoau an aa A 55411014. UTE, rtUqa*Uc i o- ~4.T~Z~TBOW8 Lte for lmaulug tisheeCloth L!mn su& City of canada fu norco-b mne o e le. Suee ues. 'Wer.' er m» u lii.,t poti - TICKET AGIENOY, BROOK STREETy WHITBY. Ticket. -for-,Ottawa, moatreal..uebeoi Hehta #Bstn ('gis Montresi).ov wYork, PiilaeiplaBüal, Detroit, Foart Huron, Cicago, ihnipag. sud ail points ofaxii Binglèe nd Return ýTicketsIl To polis on the Grand rkChicsa Grand TruniDetéôitG tfrandHaeani Milwaukseu:sd luterclonkel Railveyz . Specil . tè-tiU tabusnefor Natiea tfb<a huesternd Nantis Woster Stats, , intais sd BritlisOlmbs The<rsn*d Trunk Rmilie uslerreel Western Lina bas thé' bestt teitieufr prs. sen#*r trffloe. A choieof Route., faut Trains, Puillobs Palace Sleeping Cars, Dia. ing Cars, sud finst clas accommodation lui "eey repect For ;rtestiets, maps, and tino tables, apply te G- B- VULE, Express Office, Brook St. WHIT1BY. Aiea Agent AilasU Lna. See advt, lu an otiser part of paper. 2,000,000 Su .bsoribers Wsnt it for 1884. Tise A.ran Agriu- tsràs ta-dy ibetter tissu ever betore. We baes onrezmed Ur corpsa dtr u Artiste, anlarged sud. a e, alait ur De- pàementeunotil lise Poniodical 1, now tise recognlae lesding Agricultural Journal ni tise world, prementiug lu every issue 100 0olm1= 1aiOriginal Reading Matter tram teI a leutrntere, sud uearly 100 original ""llatra 'ons. ll a ie u!es i vr u0 n -vsa. nschp, n a.oPteo b cbnigbsplc !radence,'or movlng one"s abso ieli as "I'gdr3"a ote aur Lrat Arm cf u bribost. aiid eccept oatour Uaparsfled Olier af the - Prr160. A $4,00 Periodicel. &»A600PAGE _DIOTIONARY, 18lll psiatians .POESOR FAIRNDS?" Mozrris11-1i Superb Plste Engrsviug. --IN TEEM ADO'W," Dnpre'sl1W7 Snperb Plate iingrsving. 2 CIEES op SE T Musi, 01 pae itbe.Diotionsry. ALL FOR, $1.70. POST - 'AID. zAcem veEÂiuS WÂwrNTÏ-Send tva ; e t Wst ým p.U r a a jsin g l co p y , su d sec WbtB wnd~in1psper is now. Address Oge*Juda Ce. Oavid WI.luda, 751 Broadway$ NEW YOBX. Pros. ln Deverell's Blook- for gour FUR ICTUH-IE! Irrites-paliflo Noillelil Corne One, CorÏne al,' and ueo 's- for Yourselves.A tpir - EST in GÀR CHEAPTICKES~ Pirat heaPExuso for -VIA TEE- CR£=.T VALLEY# adý CANADA SOUTHflp,_ý Llaves TORONTO at NOON on lb. 27tà et MARaIs. THIB BOAD I8 NOT BLociý9D WI2'l FBMIGHT. SParties go! ' Ws wW &sestimQ and expense by t5.king Ibià route.For. tickets nd ftier in.formiion pply t-0 JAMES LONG,- Bs.iiway Passenger Agent, Offce, opposite Bey's Hotol, Dunde.«ý 18.tfWht. _A lla n L in 'e. Royal Mail Steamslgs.' Liuerpool, Londonderry, Glasgow. Evey Thnrsday from Portlnd. Every Saturdey tram Halifa. The shrtesise& route toa sudfrom England. Bates from Whitby, via Helifax, lst cabin l0.88 ud 91,.tg. ta Position of staterooins. It- moia1 48.- Steergge 88. Retnzn tickets t rednced rates. " ,QzeiweyGlasegol, riol &moU d O I d g t i e r o l i t o l C ek a d i f , ý n d - ingfa finaluîb l d Oànîî ' eau o-, Whitby. AVERAGE_, ASSGEý s DYS WINTER ARRANGEIMTS: rom ioHilax ru.I* Prom Portla d. Jn. 24, ïH â1i a n. 2&. P;oLYNESIAN Prom Portisal, Jeu. 81, ' HýMWàx, Peb. 2- Prom Porllsdi Peb. 7, -Halax, Pub. 9. Frm Povt!i d P b. Id- ts, éb.,1BJ Parties wishing ta emberk et Portlmnd will lsve Wýhitby on Wednesdlayssls-.g6am. Tbehsttrsin via Helifamwitb N..tim andjesegr leaves Wbitby every 'bo- Geo. B. 9YUI/e, Agent; Express Oofie, O L D A N D R E LIAà J GRAY'8 8PE OIFIG I E l C lE TRADE MARK TRADE MXAR S f o x a T a k i n . ~ O L - CL <id 'z' r~ .~ se» h" * fi ea0 L*. ibuta -,4y4«1 -, : eTh el5il The' t- tian taria. DimÎp bys u _Ktractio must I Ain mute coy nt tor Tm sai vi&A C. H. ta Bop Li

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