L& ~ .ÇJ) c-)' ~p~4 0 (~) i. c,) ~I1 And repaire ihem. Replaces broken Lonses, Temiples, Splririg and Prames. MR£. £088JOI4NSTON le OobqOr u aiOuvauma for Tu Wsrr- si Ousev&a, au si u ihati10 ul FBB1JÂRY- 22nd, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE, WHAT ILOOINOON IlN nAùDELBEWIIw. A "DO IJVELY EEWB NATTER GLEANÃŽO SI CIIR0UIME REPORTERS AMD OORRESPORDEtNTB 'A' slihell prenti t. ai for P6044. AȈ iew ù. nosm. NÈ w B7zs.-nerbastfiliai stiWOcrY @1oitortt ybo pp'u Witby, -ms, iro vcleadlqg dry good* p oussa dqiMÃŽIIÃŽO@ryl tein alier Eunr'axaso.Masss.Ballal Antd 'BOi: 4vs eorisred à a IDO -New Modal et", tirhar m"X hase 4i riedy beau promismetiores' io moutits' voii fur th. eomiug moaion. Oý. F. Stewart te busy otaek.lail and toa@&va vrilig ova vUn *l i ve big bbqgpna la aruà y dopaMmpt. "Chais" t' b ni. nqw escfonlaîle 'and *4 U euâe Ixus-0' GiassvA Ctis-Mm. L. E, Igibec5 B.A., Priiuepai et Sb*>,Çol tc#talioliluaraad a papar 'on "G wuiiby Pry" sud lir. *Glbardrea4 a solsotlon "The, Leppr" <rmM WilIeli th eilng Wodnaay *rcolug. 4n cxciiug débat* on Mr. NfbssjPervas Dot eoaeud andsi vu Ifwosd tip tnziWliiaioy ovaulsg.- Býma oe aisi ga. l&Thoy ara ebo"o lu aihrUud wva vili guamesiosa t. Wac I<thgluIl lbà W esn b. ýgel aime vitaro..ý à â*eIL RuBos. Orezasai »Dna fra mooauruvt Âct.--On Tmoodsy théLiouCenoGm m bi oundoi lb. mqPoltk,"A1à Chii4do ad e Pici 7 0.5. Iud John BaitDwa ltit Beicllor sud E*saoir eBowgMusoTay. lor à Garfl ise'hé, lentià Tay- lorsolie 'iBoer i Oario. v.K pobr Lutimstan U» 4aeita oua snlatîr a" thésll Fo. ItUoTAil' t$~nc.-oM. B.Leu s09as, landn'0gtsj , wi aethev Lîim1ston# fMi'b"~sta Ontsli feiveelui aoum S nl misa offoreti for sale by -tender. batbeau z kg, son» profOsîa"na? The paptisao01 i5,o. 4Tovub thesboot i.uesPib. 2Uli. Tlst public arsýinrlled.- -Psoedse *e ilait ail ,ib. 4ams-- Tiho OnaoNio,, allilis. for Book and job prlntieg of ail kiede are Dol equallod by an y ollier ofièe ln -thé' COOnîY. Workmanibip sund pnloas alv.ys ichi. A-idreas lte CHtONIOLE Sicam Priai, Whiiby. BEi'flANNUAL UBfmuruO.-.Tba Séclcty of Friende viii bold their hait yoariy mestilnenazI Sabbalb. ltha241h lai. ai 11 o'ciock. &.m., aitlits brick nýaaliug bonse, on iMibe r4, 141 6, Pifiker. Evoryaneseatisfied villi theswonk va are tqwsiug oui of Our Tiolgd~ai Ment. A dgreat muaeWhvotufornirly voni la Toronto la gel Ibeir suite made now leave Iheir moeumo viit os. A. M. Rasa. The inquest on lte dsath of lire. Prudence Jouas, laremont. vas cou- oladed Wsdneeday aud au open verdict retumni. Mn. . B . Parcvsll.Oonty Attorney vas prameut ou behaif cf lte Crovu. No BLocusus-&ttier (rom W. R, Haneais, Eeq.. Brandon, lti., a Weili. * noien former realdait fWhlîby, aya, 1We are basn9 s r.ry nioo vlige, bui litileeov anti ne -blookadoid rallvaye scb as yon hare beeu azperienoing Wc Wanî -411 t ?;ow Cmai1v.lante Rivleg Wonderfut hariie là 'u ldlase of vinier gootis, ForeWoons, Druis Gonds' &o., vs sunudl udr viii sot b., unudseld. W. are nol glulng goode avay. or profeas $o mal ude,' oaffor , ihink tb&$ impossile fowaay busl84s çaa godo sud pay ble vay.- W. hava a, largo steak, b.ubt ai ltv -Pi" aud l position to g.ive yen lisebutn value, gooa. be*atqulity, sMd loeat puices. Rouesi dealug andI cirllity t0 ait. C. F. Bievart., Kent vho dieti en Soeday le the vil loge of Brecebnitige sud vw burled Wedattday ioruîug a% tle Ualdn exmery'499 f<tital talaigplace f rom lte reoîeoe.of hieslsteMr.ilas Mmns. lenay, 0&4w&v, viii b. remsmx boreti by âany »lizons se a'former reeldent al Wiltby. Bois e ysra ago, deoensod rernoved ta Bracebnidge and opensd au batli vich fraislte great popeiariy of teIlualnakaka district se a sommner reaorlproved aà vary enccosfnl venture. lHe wattin Lis ll2ad yosr. PR RSON AL. Mis& Hume in rxiiting in taies. Miti !P,Blowbuasroiummad kemiter aatr lit.,- gant tis"b Ur. Gé. lu1là .g4btton' 7r. tartel for Cattiorniaon Tmeady. MUn. Wra. Gmen lafithie veai fer Har- rard, Ilinaoo4a, vkrehsol n s.e, riTitS. Gireen, ilia d&srul IIf rn Mr. B"«, t Io, "* ~doomgn ubluga bout girl bables. Poebawp4e Mm. Beetr can tell um how iss u r ne alh cf Argyll and a brother cf ortaMGoer Gosieral, ltaé Marquis ef Lot.. ajoe mthe. distinction of ttel«g tisedtint Lonbuthomec a London bruIter. Mfra. D 0. DIvney aoontipaulad b, Ur*. A. c. -Barris, T rontp, lof% c, mesay for Le. &Do&. cie<~l., Whsifer bateaii.it bo sea. smiderclma UrM Devas, veul, vt the a Iats ai fat semUWpLL. Pickering cOuUqe. puwne. au ilapr-sasiv s.rieot ceth oe-qnsltiestzont, doutes sud resptntihiiu..soti muite'm, Isai Sonday mor., ng in St imbita <huroclt aithe 81g, frnit' he ixt. Kiokiet XTX. 8,9.. 't 4ni it..ryM & ediier ,of lta Th eemdjournaliira-% tborn at Barbs. ,dc. tIn 1a716, .dtucatiea s; Eton sud Gain. bridget, and cali edttebar ai Linicol'f Inn. He vs. sppoîiud Lord Ailnnner's Professer ai A rebh i. Liferd f Imw '- - va VeLus!lb. D 1 Ilocmv MA ,c o64 a b b lsab'~k no a4stiup*, wiaathveh.et e a scow drft,tud it 1ok wbtaU*M ý4avitw i«, Thefraal ia &à o -ed in the' yolbiiÃ400oo, the. ibrd Raot, ai the Westfai l Ai bIllding. andi dames vers ruufiâgot îof'i*o Windows b.foro th. alum urnva iion. Gréat dU.- *OU2 I p.edlgii aet for 4 êtboi.uWl h wudb. saveti, but lhe valer up ColInatg out lhe lretwus sbudot Bovera" imes aroxon ro ai .acaped beintuckmimi wih aa b.nUOYsud oeoral imes J#vas ihongt he ta oter- log watt woldflloin &hem, The.bom-. *d building wae.60%70 foot, sud ilireo sud a bhglf ilorisa higli, lthe uppor @tories bsing nearly 6Usld vith stock of Ëtijmbed stoves, aJ, Ao grat many paîlteros and pisc o oftove foruiture, es l hi wbich are a complote qreck. Tbe 48 oua .tie4ai 08P.000. <Tjip Oorp. Snywverolinaureti fr#i2.O00. .A4ilcytor 10,000 lapeetia &hout lime naeo oin5 li. a louea of stock. The foundry on. lyiarteti vorka a ek fMo lutaodY, ai a number othauds ouly at.d tb vork the mormung of Ihe frs. The burnin 'of tiisindustry vi1i ho a greai blow to Oshawa, about esventy bands viii b. tbrowuaApl oCEempleymsul. Grand Lodge A. 0. U. W. ANNUAL SEBSIONS Ar' OUELPH-RAPID GRPWTB OP THE ORX>i5-OTtNURD - £11 WMt":y WUJOÊ&UB 5s 6kU50 TRE Tb.aîguaI susiort à l. t nhe <1 cf thé Az,4eaOr4oe_1 UI4 mon b.a- i2 Mà illou, prs.Ue4 verse~fSi..isl Tay, sud Ioempa T. Bm.rol. The Grand UKtW.raepolbovqdil ttb pad 7*92~* DS& 8 on bJ5 b«à âi a-ii&" 101k 188, è» î,O Iooda* ~n aApil, 1877; sigweeS asa h, 409 tembon a l Pabmuasy1,19;lhy lo u dl150 nm.s lu i Pabrulla18%i; 107 lotgea aud OMO00mamberu 1.bruaryl188l; 109 lodges sud 4,700 msmbers in PebruUy 1882; 198 lodgs sud 6,084 membera in Fsbruary, 1888; 216 lodgeà andi 7.487 in Fsbmuary, '1884. Since the 'organizaiion of the Grand Lodge lu Maty, 1880, thers baaebéea reporteti 126 deatha, sud 8252,000 hava beau pald for benafita. The folloving officer. vare elected for the. entilng jear :-Pa.sigrand maester workman, J. R. MUlsr Godericb; irand master, W. Totten, *ooà stok; Kzmud forcisse, H. B. Taylor, Whiby; grand rieorder, M. D. Carder, 81. Thomas; grand receirar, Ja». Bushitco, Ridiown; gpand oveser, 0. Goulde- boro -b. Brmodilu~ad guide, wuti g-*. vs r.appoieied, 'ienislit Atdia thmier. dà of the bride'* <ailer by the Be'. John Âbraà hamn, David. aldesi so of Mn. A. 0. Wilon bI Jaunie..îwmen danglâter of Mr. V*n? Remankabte RegoveMr." Mrlld. iling lme h d ouloth snilae t fin *vi-e huaba eutw~o let O f Ovejeneitpismans a it o ulasiol #mwn-csortlahbebiso.8e sd e ot o« pecreti'lita the titeov id e. eu, nI BlofU4saiAe*oubit à a a bou z a.te.t G. twaQihbarde. baa '*4 ltua 1îgMi ucd. wçl peiocljwil. Ismt Lis n1îuana e, "Y e tl baigea ti giias vaso gsas ss .Mb.use moea , ~ ed,tuDr.po qeiti beIteiw b for ii10 otin a foot- iou eta Mu 7051 sa0 tg a itaam, WuE Omataita tarot, MU.T.3.MoevyiTuaW 'aiserOnt. Alu isrn Cure f orsa kthea.14 busiOmv-ciBitaslisomatieg Titm a tul fer theu t it a faetu litrte 5oiueiI...£o A rs Barspll a di iedi ia fspiaa an. ,*I.- -hu tl tu As asatcedooie.oli AoeHi «Msse 4 mol ;i b.toitv ;i y As~~ cdedto isslvepartnerehiP, we are olig.0-o edueilStOokï,ithe on"'-'ly a o~ ~~4 008 JNDLR fo a sort ime.It -wll not be our 'olijeeft t ke mney but ki --4m~z t ~~~~~thesl iIb odt Whic%'evaidbouglit at 40 CENTS ON TEL DOLLAR., Tremendous bargins wiU be!ie o ocenot , ~~branci of, the business4 (tit a DRESS c~ODS, STAPLES, CE-NTS1 FURNISHINCS,BOOTS& SOESÂà D,ýp ,not buy a dollar's worth untily'ou s'oe~is *SPRINlG 1884 NEWe TWEEDS, ~ SUITINGS, ~iITST New Prinis and Einb An Edhtor'a Tnbute. Titaon P.- Kaen, Edîtor oifl. Wayne Dbsorssy, t ouugeo< f 0sainbaer.Char OcIOWbire v» s wtIbosecid s. IcMdr 4 l snbilalhet.0.0 .ady Ou.m L IUaa#sta iem i Ihave nao mao âspubeîe* it.ula mme gbtartes. Hsrm tees eemd by lU cf wivuy enugi hbar Aaee er e, I comaider i ita .e leun mmt cmuner o egitClis, ,etc." -oet e.. L-OibuilsDrug Store andtI gl spie TraB" Largae Wzas81.00. ital v. uad la te pna-ecl vontup as phlics7et fpmayo. .,rz. DUrudiFieuchBougies. le t msa'asm Baanedy for ltae cur cacalaGlel permamonmitea. Ã"N. on" (1) cra inunetu f ourdl 'lees. No. luo <8eoms ug cse cf le Nbý ýthies 4M' eouil ramedy fer &mala ~ la ~louas. etc. Peeit. 1)Seaiyfer Wbitby, W B..Havas, Do $à albe yo l't pvraultl vr Aulvar This Question. Wity do tes m»7 paple vo asarouneu, smean to prefer ta Ber sud b. ma"a miser- siiabrYndigeo*ou Oouu4toticnfiazneso Lesia etAppetit, .diniug op cf lhe Food, ,Yque-Ir ki fls~for 76ieu, ve Wini »Ul litaisSbhct ViteOiser. gusrmtleadlo cur tlewm- W E.Kovso. wboulmemansd refai agent, Wbitib, Oui. 'utpe ovltoadsa.n b. pro- aSmr tmdninsct yzolm4e Indigestio, con-. alitlcu Trpt alauue e.n modilaeaoqallflgbazi.aea &0.IrDo iMitate, lssai.p izazu; cue%*" sOinesloei. 21, 1881. Iitiam Ws.....100 * 06 lot ia........4. 0 0 Ou$ 1 280 260o ....... 080go 0 7a 090 qD 095 .70.0 07 s ,ry ........ 900 0100W .080)* 0 0121 ~ 400 090 .010*011 0 r .t5.030l* 015 600* 0 O0100 00 6007 09 VWI fef .006 *008 *O l -Ta tIa Hoiel.Salo~m aniS/top Keers of the Cortty of~ Ontario. T on Are raquirei by theta 44cr Lisse Act cf lm;, (Dznlim) on _0 pp e te 0 arlga l e l"= for th. 'Voety of Ontesio, Lon - sm»i Fri dax Ub e(Mteri sa or Lâceuses undr U* sadseifr i aremntyear. By order of ltse Board. J. IL PHIL, Chief lnspecior, Oouuly Ontarlo. Whutby, FOLb.lmti, 1leu. I-lO Dissolution of Partnsrshlp. tii. Villae of Myrlmto b tl u by inuttua cousent. Dated tiôt5h day of Fait. 1884 DAVID AITHUR BROWN, DAVID LESLIEBIGS. ~rfence o th ie aboie, tointowted plem ake ntice b tis buemos o<Boy &rs s fll bocmrlu n luth* or tt4 =mens sd tlb af I offlBHGG. vWho .uir. M tin n i te ata fiu, sud te vhom &11lam- sl'endng accountsare 10 ho pal4. Card of T.anks. - . . BUIIOWN,-$* oe ts tn roi4eries. F see what we can, do'for you. B ROS;.. __ SPRING Corne earl-y and -get your Moliee, . ODDII~LLOWS' HALL, WnITBY. 18841' v - -A-'T i '2 'w-î - i-24Et - wr1~¶~Lie in.* & .L-niMYVt4.i(c w*i t t i w a< (htStt¶,i5 44 Ut.it41i5.tO* J Jin i t t'i'sEY NE~A.Dv .Efl't ISEME'?4 'ÂWWVM AT REDUCTION :-LX' PRI 1CE. 2 H-alndsome *Chia Tè'& 8êLtgfrom.,$.0 per et. Colored Tes Sette, wu.gai Ie etsclvd oltSette whit graite Oiet otaiObt-4ôbte'hgit te Plates, no"l, Nappiee. 'aà iipità ffla. filao Settg, trom 40 cents, 5o Doz. Glass &6 ~f 0a - ~ ~ ~ t -Eeay z.e . ~T~WXT3 FLANELRrd;Ti~,wMte, grey and faà i FU~m1à ~se ColGyr sets, Perkèiatùm oëhan dpo' -and laies OapM"- DRR ,rȈ 1Car t omiS t. .11 - 't, .14