FRIDAY MQRNII4G prqia-*$ Of.O gaiaInloig Brook N,4 w4 l tm ~j4N ., B. fflj. _ ......... Theo xaoiuczabua slarser circulaion tbh al ochI pietaper in the Oouti af On- JS. Robertson à ~ Bros, THEXO 010, EBTflG Virai insertion, par Un., 10 Ogata; Subeequent insertion, Sconte. Dià playOd Adverilaemonts are messred by ae s ofsnoul a nuparoil. and charired AcrýiL",nt l itboui writtn in- -eruWot qg4W ntl tforbiaue..aa <~~fer aa ain 4vilsaneal efai .lu wttfhg,oSlleé thebmpablimhers wlU a o . ePontible. a À libera Il ~3&for contract adfortlae- bp hayéW Cpyfor ch*muo c ton Oa,.t.monte aboula ho ae init at itethon Wodnoeds ; and noticei af aey Intended. changeasaou ho givon b.- fora Tasday noami. Other advqrtsoeoents reoived up to Thursday noon. Business ntice. il 1q'l or neoa@caîninna fipt insertioS 3la eent par hue lIoÈ NOnpê. ral; 10 cent par lino à acb tunb..qunt -ina- Sorti«., iv, centsr pe iapar ennuro. the Coucty orudighboring townships Cor- roopandents are requoëto asonc Iin thoir oommanuniationm ae promptlj à & possible. suiable forý equipmont l is terespeci iatrlcily firai- clama, and la not a cld by any office lu Butiern Ontarie. JOHN S. FLItEWELL, LIoR., it, Court Hou..", Wbltby -4 ESS BIEXTHIà BILINOS" AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN VOL. XXVIlJ* T HE WESTERN flÂA OPj WHITBY, - OTRO 'Wbtby, Xov. 7th, lhn. ty.47 1 011T &RIO MARÇK, Brock Street, - - Wbitby.1 J, PU< ADDIAQN, s' p 0. Eoxi,u 81y WETfBY. MQNEV iù LOAM 1. Kloney securd within 10 dayi Of sp. 4c O Whitb,muP e , narloih 890. Toono p4 RICIE Wdx 1LIG~t h~b Fire Iriuranqe Londton, Èuglaht& JAMES RUTLEI)GE, j ARR1STE.R, &o. Offlco formerly oc- cujla4by lar.wdll &Rtlcdge, nazi to IPN lW 3rvi t., Whîtby. DAVID ORMISTON. Bl. , Offlea, lb te clSiac , 13r-oct-r#0* whte .ly.lO ,ý»#UNBON4 & KENT. '",am Du.aQ.w & nigsa"c.> QÃÃk1ISTIESýAT-LAW, ATTO EN- 13 yP, fSoictara, conveyoyanr, h. OPPICX.-lJt Victoria Chamis, No. 9, Victoria irot. to. VO8, uE1878.LE. TT1IIDtE seNT)»L 104Les f ,efflipr. Naiary Publide ---m Forme "0 t i suSsold Içarriaesp C96- mone, WiriU and 7ýfflt-f usîSpelatiel. I»aonaffgltwion 6aU kina 02pai)ery. IL, T. JBARCLAY, OOA EOLSTRIU OF TN.E RIGU' L Court01 aé"ueic; Eaità r&r ofthe 8nxrgt» CkMt Clark ofthe Couuty JO X .UAILL»Dow$ 13 R-el4~W. soi4C1tra OEca-3ee lo lIck. Brock Streot, MOT-0 XDrp;~iO mF=4de- iniiaa4p4 WO~ ~10w ata lia <ly. 1 ot niutT B o wc1t7aa,&.,c in Nort4i British a.nd Mercanti/e Go., of Edinbnrgb Lod Indon. British American Assurance Comianyo~rno London Guarantea d Accident Companuy, of England. Cwili gîma rt uxnIipC MON]ZY TO LOANt Agricultursi Society of South i" nat. OFFICE At Post Office, Broahfltrool. A. A. POOT, >&a. -with Lanky, L.ngley &Burke, Desiçua for Churchos, Villa and Ootase" o pociâlly. Drwiffu prepat<l Lf«, r.. Ornbe, for d bt the là s't hi. ra il. rnm Dominion WoodWèr*ê4, G" G e* GMod Mbask Puaan", Mçà ul if d lto., etc. IwtbyOul. lOt1OISlem KPNIM-£ Fiase no Whouvb eyon ssW tbti. sSr- PIANOS TU D. U»" llocl. ur4 tuer l*Web cf Li.. And bdm ~LAZA R ýkWýMQ0R R JýS THE BEIT I TlxGED --S-.'____ ýWe R. HO ~lt> t; 'i t: Tt bAr1he I sien. - I 1, RI E. B Tb MEDCLu lL~ granWilg hlm wb. One' day several i4ialzilanee», un omkiog himtodrib~r BIiCt In~Ii isÇYoir - mlèUzOxnte te gentlemen, for 1 O £*dinXin f7~1l~ Totheir question,"Wbit i t i.itï 1 qi ly6 P h a sai& er " Y t f ýý1wo -J I i t NOTHE ~gqoia1 Chronie le ($1) and Weekly Globe ($1) Chronicle <)sdW ùyMail(1 - brnice ( u.4 ekly Âdvertser ($1) . Obroniole (1) sud Weekly Witueoss ($1) Chronicle (1) ana Weekly Star ($1) Chrouniclo 1) and Rural Canadian ($1) . 0b"ncle iý nd Leisure Hou ($1.6)) chrniie 1 na unaysioime($.0 Chroniolo 1j and Boys' Ovn PQer (t,00 Obronie e 1) sud Oit-le' (wn ar(LO , 1 r niole 1 u i.loehM1.,0) (Jhroniole 1 _ndaG -Am ) Obronièle m ad .ae mriea $80 Chraie'l -1 >ad nîfAmeiriîsnmu48.($9 0 ) Obroiclo 1) and Truth Chronice 1) and Say twoDoBar ïWekhieà orMotu-lrê Ohroniolo (1imsu jthrc. Dollar ~h~ic1 (»adit> III1N p t 1.I-4PeroIoI 4r ' imger.j , ~ *flbraln Offe Whity GOOD FOR FEBRUAR!, 18e' $200S 200 200 2 00 2 00 9 00 2 m5 4i 70~ 8 0011 A0 He tse ý f J. aW.à IUT THE PICTIURE.X Ti *Dm tNboPWfou .of A VyýLABLE PRMWU XZ= lDr.ww Govdas irn.<aa ùeM' 4rysboib.r to the Ommx, ht.1.-P ,lo ,o ;ubb 1 w phsy tQ. idi cl (Wh. o*i meu ifqns10 atexr tded to cevercost of postap mi prol9OtomI) -t Iis yii=to toe .advm!!LeOf ~the"o iberai t$rms b.ore U is fko lAêe. qJ.S. GJERT N dL 11 '.o HEJÂS1oi; CHO1OZ -,GRANULATEO WHEAT.; 1~ewa.I îNew, Blosies. 0*' ew BrôWu XI" Bisouite, l'Pr ihoBdaBaois 4j 'w-" ý THE TORONTO Thon. bthere osetl lu'RUà uilm N Crigs ougColds, CllongelôE la w** MnaAM ~LEATRER -ANYD FINDI Cueit w.t5 Wr glSee@ larit azd lLe usamGià p O W eutle10tu, 'i 108.0 O~,,..e1111 -~ ju 1W AMUt.Ouî l aSiïwBF 5EA: ýHXCý COMBINATIOW AT maum" ý 1 , '--, iT 77-- ý 1