THE flHIICRONICLE IýIDAY MORNINO, S1.. Robertson Lt Brose TmENSor DVBBETRiWnq.. ye liaitImieiei, uli, Io0 ouatai 1, esbeôliit a s. t &.,£sia Misu aanuà ôNJliueGS AT LAW, SOLICITORtS 13 AUIRIJTLBDGB, 10 Ro~LWite~ 13AI 1)ORNISTON, B.&., , imowts m-le tel' 0.Gnom , .t , AIKU T L. T. DARItCLAYý, Ã""î " L*-VW$Bm'OmkMM OR*s oubpam. Lm,ý Là Y 'i ud utlrlug ldualry, vo advecate Peine, VOL. XL,<y - MW" euad iIt 0 aj t p Ca NOUR~, epemai Imkev G~l0ç kh Nopth Brltlah end Mea#tiIe Go., or Ediurgli sud London. BllhAmerican Assurance Coaye roronto., London arante. d A cuidon t * C- 4 pa j t K id.- MO0-NEY TO LOAND On lmpro*M Fam te lev raé latIzoemi à tmd" i fSuh O o.uty Or110: At' PoOHM.,s% IOo& tame, -A. A. FOSO A ~ CIZT B 'C T. D«m ocaoe4vu 4ctw Tt INA= WL Gemb. ~ai~ ah. Bmv ~ V)b»il»Ioè* 'if, f wwtqmy, Nov a' -f~~--'~( - I _ - ~ f 'OAN~AD~ANS Addreue, . A. NOW a Co, PIANOS TUXIED. - UET Pboteqraph -VMw 4 Pregromo, Kncwiedge, Brugb-hOo., ~ONTAIO, FBIDA.Y, MARCIL 14,9 &t LA-1AR4S-, MO0R RI1S Co'S. 00 00- THE B lT I TE WORLDO W. R. I{WE CgBKMIST AND DRIJGGIST, SBepalClubbing Offor Whitby CHRIONCL4El * i*e P9oýket of Every Newspaper and Reader. 9DU19INATION RATES. Obronice Chrouiolo Chroniclo Chroniclo Chronicici Chronîclo Chr-pnicle ChrSmeo O»nicla chroniclo Olhront.ieý ($1) and Wely Globe ($1) <1) =u W7 ky Mail ($1) (1l and W.hyÂdvteer $1) 1~) and Woekly WSturs$1) 1) aud Rrlcana&ian($1) 1 ) sud Ieisure Heur '1$1.50). 11 an u nday st Hom<ÃŽ(Il.50) 1)nsd Bo3ye' Ovu Paper ($1.60) .- 1) su Girls' Ovu Paeu ($1.40) d) su merioun Agraealtureit ($1.60) 1) su TII.ouuohld(010) 1 edaip(P 1sud twutau Doll eeles or$1o.0-8 sthree $2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 0 2 00 2 50- 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 10 8 00 4 20 200 8 50 8 00 4 00 2400 Magazine $1 5 2 00 2 (00 2 10 1 00 2 60 8 70 1 85 8 00 2 00 2 50 8 0 8 25 2 5 5 5 5 50 40 50 40 50 66 50 50 50 1 00 75- A VALUABLE PREMIUM' t rLai-Size 22i28-of Lom Ro.D.W i epru@n,6 re voey ubeeiber te .Oz«ao., whetbor theaori en s"en or clubbed villi any otherperlodloL (Wen portraitse sent by mal loomi be m &a to.Qover oot t «pot.aéseten- -s Itisourota tke avan of these lberal terme heforoit je too late. Obronice Buildnop IOBERTSON -'nW Bkwvgul' wmTEy, WKI8Y ~' JÂMESON. Union Block, TOIRONTOli Marcb Dus.' "A peck ofMach duit sworth à Kng's mnsom.' -OId Proverb. Il'. worth a kUnesî re'nmr1 Corno weep '<Corne, pilier it, Wilinh yonr grinp me "'ri, wo=tba lange ransomin We'l ltoma it taothaking'm ransom 1I Wbo'ft buy, who'lI buy? I In à Cloud, in a whirl, th. March duel fuise &Thnuoa h l:bl enalr,-'neath the À d if o ilsta yo'Hibéi Ibis ong Tha b.Mac f iim s ai l.y hurry &long. I"It'a wortb a Unes ransorn1 Cerne, aweep il aiong; «'Quick, galber it, Winds,i your gramp me - rcng 1 "Idl'. vorlb a kige ransmI.- We'ltos it hlw nesm ransmrniWIio'U bu8*. ;who'll buy? ST. NIcKeI.Li The iîiai ltb. mumioin bol.d le a croicyo, ae, A J£U;,midleï'ed lesis, a grovrng worm. Forovor a sore t fyoiro Thé, goulustravola evorwvhur Prom North te the muy Soutib; ÂÃa Wheomlngi horonder ibe a Til yded vlsh hé- e'd sliscla ro The mumlcln'm ile la a sourceo f wo, For bolýalays agnr longue; And he wears thati!*a mn hallsolo Frorn Adam lhernnev.r tprung. An& h. crii, "11ev Lit#to whit I ay,» -Wb"lbis volae .1Ilbrage dtd quaee," "l'it taeah al~ vl wllh s a ege orne Jay, A h«'l ly p a ruos er' The mu"uolm boluitan -nver change The tenà r ofbiawaye; Ta pintin poilslays. 'rot " Hndduthemwoiag loy. Wib a muee.voudrounsr Th" 2notw tlWnen hart. Good GiWck aittend iba music" nbold Whor, m ufooimlepm elray I Ida bi pokst bcfiledwthbar* of god With mOser Ptà a o"oeylud o at may ho bo blemi And le bu7 a iprmalmsho alwaym find A Niolulg v"Mt1 Tho M"mO"a bole, uMay lbisdlys b. long, And hi. nlghibmhlefrom vol Mamvho #cale le lhqvery beavens of aoug, ]li. boer ta buy wheu him Ibroal là dry, * e 'venu ,lha otm cf poil: 1 hope 'tic se fer, 'tvIx you snd 1, - [Boxar Tinwr4 e l.icago Tribune. ITH E PICT%,URE. à , May l ?WO plus nT [W à Tbuftb latollfrom ltb. Peu cf tb. grouI Engllmvelukl. suer 81. ~ ' Prupansd coeni l-ý sboto luo e te er eatativhlm sud & <rter tulito kilt k izu, wbh abol, de, s~ ur.&&& Heven is abave n.Ala &b a. eI vW&&aaeuzpi "<h, sd ah., 'thion yeoa Ã"fl s xh=*eged by s direct ilo; 'but 1voul4 t go biok frOM av troti pllghteda i lmte aai; vouwa yen ? The Convetion e in kuSgu *& turq "li aink,11monsiumeur'the Iae quis 44 Grouq ai meul<ladI harsila "ýhtielure pale, but reoew bei« siina, mment, 'Tibtla Unscia. aay, boi. î,'I a ifeorylI bav elOad oal yen. h. dro.jdbesr hea vll, aitue ge* vlewan mIse raiaýi #S s"> n e a 'sld pd.'lI an~fiailere& ea#oa. Von elyoreesbut' . ad' GRANULATED. ýWHEAT. &vJ~apo A "q pee . I e m lIev~~~~~e ~tdFeeaPueI lwOruà Ne Vnfmomul, il 1bw Lemn 1M , aiBle-ls, ý polr u ITALIAN W'ARH> 'le .1 ,,O'D4t Cariae Wrç Y ý 7- -fll f.ré f dedT û"f 3t, n. e.* a 1 lii. n ana of J. H. Tingue, cf Seymour, hecae kuov lu -every 1 onnecticut boumebi>ld an thal cf a ge. Ilhmin *beta ai nofre 5 ithary days, galber sud forvard bilaià otring of., huilons oentaiuing ne 1 t les 4han 2,500-pattera.. eUes- bas 'et Mr Tigue tbout, $iÃ"oO hui tr, ~d hebas jost ploed on exhibitio*-in ah sg*cultural rootp.a- il b. ca pital ew aynforhandeume -,polimhed mak uprigît -ois,ich containing four mtrlnga. The exhibition la a Very- car. rons eue. Thoréere hulloà 1f- evory »sible shapje and desiR, sud tmemezof e oletiloni, epcolly -cf cidisde 1-milbuttous Are beautiful. Tii. great ifforena thIm e erlcritro 9aIue#. i On. string mi, b.made -Ip h et thê,istest an& ritoet designe; or new t p*telqgua rom tmlb.manataciorýrr,& 9.omttlaini dwvorn, ge lhoiigb cal l>e.4qUolohiuq, .ot paît genora4 u$oer,,ttbore ýanie plae min- ascriptas. Ones ilà hsroue pcem by ' sud,1h.le br s Io4gpomel-out veraqââs a OA- o~ei utd~&H tq buskt ot* . wih*ýýt ~lqte t o'LpUC i l m ttûDIons.It' 10 -é lluidthatîtb re 48.-s, ol o f- M,« buttOne -sund',- about ' e0- iero î hinds. Mo atf.hesmgs ooaiu 2,-r 700 ýeiob, ao&tvo cf thern 8.50 eaob.ý The original, effer- camte about in a elugular-wsay. Nr. Tiogue, wevs exbbitng I iie-orionfair- mchir pluah'?gooda which h.'-men (in, "wv a string et 1,480, buttons - olledà 4by- à .y -d ohild. Visiting a& broiberlu Pouiohlstor, -K. Y., sbortly - alter. h. epekè of-tiiste l-Iv.o youor ea dpytertare.teSeymour muid Riv. (hm15i hydid amd. 150 if they secured 2.500 sithia thiri>' day.. OU thé tweuntlulb - ýday lb.y' came vitb a a mring Gi 2,70Q emd recoivea thoir llqhed lu lb. Seymour Record,. sud Pari- Tingue ba lad hi. banda lqu-with but ' ton compeiitore ever ie-4New' - Rayon 1legister. Ppcamn 8ççpa e ~of ce WHITEY A Kine of YeOlden Tyme. ink Igo nllias. ..týe lipemil np in weet embrace, Te eyeS 8ppp an a ls, Te noues adlyinterlcs Thon cornes thé final crash. "-Nçw Orleans Itema. I'Chalk f"M dor. mud r.--t.hler îuabînd. "I I wiâhyen woUld méat an. to-d ay in front of Morreon'm bock toîe, ,boti 4 o'ctcdh." fin came you ahould -_et thore- boforo =o cl a nskoa 214k aihmrk. on 1h. ~roiaâI Pfge1.Ibrers biffiro ye I wilI rab it ont. that yen may. know 1 wae iboe.,'-jLIfo A-ort of Medical Courtship. Ho je a-yongdoctor, and * e'h. 'as f ar graduas. Liai Thnrmday- evmnleng "Do ~yen hnew, dear, I hate o i esitt stug7 h.o oyly t!oDbled lflwlok~o~' etltI responcleil irT1en yeu.bad botter >aq1ba," oe Lad orosl br coI~r pne * Yankee GumpUion. À &ngr t3mo rador ordorod atnc ceai, whicliheh.wiahed te put ls thé second'flcor cf hiâseicr.nFe ccii wae dnmped bofore 1ý-h. builoîtR, amd tho, merchant vontile lb. loft ed plt nP, si taiget. -Going-out docre where there. worm éa ifon o.twolty ocuntrymen v hugos chaire - aga à $ Èibmzny lisei Oi s tablèe y <k. ide ctf thgelôlb t 'liai 1 din1ovored 1h.' quailit 1h1 figure F'iaubor1t boa beatowed upon't iMarqü'aadiong witb th.' fameus fl' 'Well,' tbeught I; 'lclng il t mconslrcmitiand aI My picinre, 'liii a cmpaien ao b volcomie le 1 vas mhzed ot my - ouri aity,- esoon rtifred. I vent and mtt boudoir. Hfee vork vas abot; t.- ver. mamy lgnà cf lber peeco ~ dllcate parfumé. miugled wlht soute ocie l oyer.Ioesntheil.bp vindow. Voicea.. murmured *10;t, ahatemu, but -catsii.o ailvs ýtl a.aaed'me-; I leauod muy héad07à t -vindaoWn ld rmaIà e <b. éeve nxng mt. tbongbt of Wediieuday ýand th à f biaste fllov. sud i clia~ ï1stle rsI? f yte sqý f Wjj~6eaumet;ihenaml~wara,;~ alîbîs adrni té bhétho Ke4aiati t desappeed, î6 that, it-iietcmi ely a mhdc.- hdcW - r not, I vi goltag lo'ize jotun inWben ybe.. trebedeutrmdtherocu 'go" ly, sud in- Vîted me le aupper. '" " tïycu muet ahIt abandon ne altogeihp r.,' Bia eh.,- .and ah. beaumeù'so, 'aud ber anner*v-19-4 ,kind and carenmlog lIbatI I as lu the eveultb besven dir. ectjy. 8h, gave - 'me beà baud cf ber Ovo accord, mnd I ccn'ducted lber 10 the ifalle a manger. &Ob; yea have tfoaïm 'hlm, have yen?' eaid îte,, arqie, gsybl'. Thal ia Incky. for Ihave lb.e appfiiîsof a Wolf.' UÂ noble repuet vasseorved inu hor et oui betrollamd ve 010 houer te !L I forget wbat vas &Md,. but 1 ramember thst for the fdemI lime Ieonsmlcvwed bei gifla te s1ppar. 1 What aanation > What ge. bat spaîkllng vit vitheul illlDure I vhat lalmitable pavera cf plisd.g. coupled for once wyul lb. désirs- to ploaso. Oh, marvellcua iu. conmliste of voman I "Her fatIher vasfasclusled a a olas II sud ombraced hot varmly ehea shé retîred, wyul a aveet aubamive &polo. gy te mie, myiug the. thé day, though- delighifial, la beau a itîle tatigaing. 'Iler fither sud 1 reluaincd, &ma lu- $tend cf car iave.riable piquet, voee Well contenttoe ing ber praisee, and cougrîluliteoùersolvem, -,tTii.eubject vsweu uptblaa tutu an boutni keï a poil learmur of vote4 vas b1i%%_ ad , dMallmoimella meot cato lu wiîh a tegulie'lo auy tistthe WiÃda th"lloulmId feeIvooeou,'sgeudl.Maqi. pats and bard m *à n lIe gîme bllo &&idburo , ign D te p gtbeOU' d-ia~r thatothr hte,' c1,0 ; aqi, iauildfor'tknovil?'y li 1l 'Irau lide tisavitnadv, Ibres 1$ p 'ers, coervent I Miv flsigalaceq Inol g Bat à b. cattil ren vbarith mari,Obed urmrtrs Il'8fr,' ave v 'I, h e 1111eag-it at 'tey te mang . He vso he umeuter o.fbotn Iifley ta. I hh the gbidgg, and à O il tOusksdveolve "Cple nty ofaalion'h oap.ot an mt W b er wh I, cmaltr'ashoI- ien et a.. -so tfiytii. ocushaitok-n, il rii mg sd aeks4 thon toa"'% 1 -