Whitby Chronicle, 11 Apr 1884, p. 2

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ILX ftone praustdame Pr. Wild) for 95 mcent M.ie ùi~4soî mAt> 0s ,b. EONIOLE /rmpreaent date 44 J»,~ç 88,(mp no digpor. Bir Jn A. oro.oJ Mo,1atto' pth.r wùh qgrs iuDra4making Pre. misse.Book) for 75 conta. am urgso1w tj is. <edrered to PROPRIETORS, 4 0HEOSIOLU BUILDING, - WNÇ DY. *~Advertlaements 1h18 Day. ÃŽW*ielqb lu ýgeu-Geo-. Ile, bAlaun Woggonm for smel-&pply CURoNIcLE oMa.. O.T.R. andi Ooeea Stearmhip Tickets -B. .ýstophouaea, 4o New IL lmÂurw .Boau. ilm la b Holders o Auctwm Sales. * 41 noufebweain li *gol9 rend t'imwa~dted ounmu .of tlu attdmw.of bwjer at ai#p salo. Tise. qwasinp or. in ae..udg tisei own umIft yt5Vfo¶ytis fact. TA# cirultin o 'w HRONLO]E ü. 50M. 'W aft pOared ai ail tima. 4,iwriiberay titi our fr(on&4sfron *&Ae 3or oriFo/pi and adeerdi¶y *Itbi~, Frityl, Aprit 11m 1884.4 ~cuBrose lau, ha eté -'~ap~i ~qsp grvlsg os-m danger- padsy, mfop e ruts.- lD .erouto. U *611autr, a 1yàrm V idg s4 OUIY ah¶m, ëxpc~t9" lso1r pure..andi "ta h.hu ]Ni .6t ore, at oprofoa. .b 4 -sL ai déeil~lhTq km w4'c îtei ê t :92 i1c 14gruidtg abor a e.vîti 0 Sac£ o enaihatsoethe ituatlon in lthe Bond**-, ' la me.ihiy unbsged. Tise e qslf«r Iumodlste poeA of'ttbIýbau e-pparo4 la h. rtousi thelb.344àWsGeaom e sauction asGoseral Gordo'o euoosoe lu Siso deveýbbrW4 Kbstisuus* Zokbb et" pÏL iol0m tmm.nt eof I"ha Ofia po*er lu esitue anhigb. Ucealha. GenrnI Gor~A &4*toite bistuà v«7 um *IftEIe~e, ie.PrÊUtl*o t.o #, lel 'bi lhi40slar del -7p s t oa obatoasroered froe siresty mi. G"àlm4 e ii bic OU place -VwiLisI a ýhib S re sut oaa, sdcarnylmg outI Cbtr-'rst ïuchontO ot refeent ltob bav"e id. hLe lime. RBla'lcoon-petoeb on introdue- Ami'lvl BfbraslMRllf« the itlMâ- bes imudCbemes1.picdid eterts et isl'iss mm bIlleu uur "th. t»Vw 11.1er. 1h lulad" sil 1s> otâ légal guaranml sundir ,wcà hé,h Toww vs to b lir sdvsu' lmg in thebQýwý SU1wok ahopo, o. mtogoIhsr, (bo4eju uoe aaiilotoouit te 180,un0 'tato t M po, u . ia.to lb noîth. Thmusuramo te .Townof* ftur. tmde -ed poporltyasoi obemp W004 eepeclly, au vefl s.u bo.befita ,fromAb ..Permaneuntvorbbope, sud vwould b.9Ppbntd Up, vert lImmes. *deed ib m Ce ere mg uiâ#ent snd dualUng. Tihe Rllway Ooiypam hel h.meuoy. The Towu giRl th. O<sm"a,obond. Th. rad wm.ibaÛ-Dro3 La Port jerry; thon the qplomion te Lindffl.; Whlly vas ox4u 1. odqua'L.aswitb heb.- ork. ahp.anmd f«r avh-.e, if IL disi not ce ,alitla.lre.ive o e te boee lie . prmsd.Thowen goeumah as tb. cp'cunsLsm of e oh. cao.vr- ranlud u»dor Chu bond givon by tise Comupany, md lte __ tpayoru bad always the..eourlty of Chthe oud Lafali bach-upon ta emfomeoo hoir rtgbL.. Thon jame thse puroeme by 1h. Midiansi and ameIgasoatloo, The poriasioft&znal- gamation vwu a oritioai an* for lise Coempa.ny. LUndemjrand alhor Ioosfilies ver. oeslng thse lefgilâtion seugisi for.W Wtrtbp reouà eata join in tise clawaor asainst theo Company, aud ROI fair promis.. cof futur.eansnidoratiou of jeu intersue.. Tie-repromotatilvof o tise Town relieil upon ibouepromises belng earried out, sud rofmalues freum doing snyLhlug C"t woulsi embarasu eh. tompauy hefoe otLb.Législature. The motion of Whltby vu uràiya&p- provoit, andi procmiséeeab.meoialvo eofaIl hat wvolsi hodoné for the future advsueemet t Wbltby &bore &R ethea pis... oro thon ludulgosi lu. Mauy aiom me. Lb.ame promis.. have boom moseod. Liks Sb.proeriaol pl-rul owvr, they apperte haro :ueo ni.enly taLe ebrokon aud WhAlby busnov gel ne vorbahop- pm isoa or oChrviso. Noitber bau eh&,Tuvn <et ihe bemeR t a à omem~t- log lc e ofrsilwy--br vhich le païd iM moooy. Whilby iane longer Lb. hoaiqumrtersofe, wvhat migis b. oallsd, le.é ov lia.;-uo, col eren the hsmd. quartera eofmàaso1on of Lb. amalgaux. &SCd ysCoux. Lindspy, tisaI apposed adthreatoned, hai been tabou care cf andi aujepu lb =plume odo aiher places. WhuZa afrudlnostavards thse Gompaniy bas bien takep adractage cf t av aro iteoites . acrifioed. A. v. o<nnm.ao.d hy ayinq tise Town, ba. beau patient undor its railvay griev. aDoses. Te. ratopaer. have iseen wrougeit. Othées onisi gir. th. troemeut receiveit an uglier name, and vanid mat beallatl o m measteit andi ovaudlesi. Tise aailvay tax. bas borne, mand etili hoe. besvily upea hox; mand vkere toIld euli b hrfuly paid ver. tîauislbiaaités *velrd, ilteinnov au odfiaus as iL le ouerouu. The Town Oak* mtion an lb. bond. Tbo@OmuoNîcLa i.ýb @ bs as -tâe oulido repréentatire ofet Towan, for ual huepbaiugtisque.- hua l inthaht sud andulutimg upan th. rlgbê.*oWhltb. An s I utise..é ooimshnee. that v. offor tis word lu msen " lo thé *eoar of th. Pio.idonlt .1d the miasiBohmy The. Cae.M-enm4iuuae Wituesse kr.stsujstosi àbief~, 1% noliclug Lb. M.We-j1 ons Wago,,etofDr. Ko- MlémoumhulSue b. paiêomrs lu tlieabbt "salr.a.,Dr.- MoKie-sI Ieo teei b fuel gg»Ivo @O o uesas e oedoegthed ofec. Au -amy quo,"ICih hait an oy," couti miay $aietlb.Icaigue-tien oet b.lege daMa vp~~eSt Put Ou.". Aid ne Quéeia.ur ibis btter hsn theodoite. of lise Mail, vise jumpedt bec lbering se unn.eos.stly te labeoup Cho susigol for te Doolor. Bath, bowvrr, ssv 1hut s pont'vanisi bu gaino d, if lb. QUOI,. vorepu lu tise vrougby assstimg 'éPais L ib. gbansd prisîleas of tieul. And B, se, b.Docber, in Court, erutld bO 9i Ut Ouflt, triedt leMi-loa «se c n e mtehoGlobe. The latter olpoteda Diule imoe.fInnM lte ,pro- tt l d siis pf Dr. Mcfaoleae loS Ïrblle-do*ng le rore4îuser .amsuetau he hulibouz nil e ksby *sensuel vuIttvilsousGodier cross-et- aMintIîoùn. 'lu ezpobing &Masdcomdsm Iug lh# M&Minue' uhiois bnILytog, bÏirokbesilog advoiutLu bat0r sud louait evilo ond esitla a imo efiru> pul uC. ttse Nias basbca mml A Soe4alp lauis of tieusoeons?'.Xr.Kp.411b, s.8is 0Jàýw poite ot, """ tne lIonS, Ppgoï l, éver, "àmua Ma oit4ee. To b. btAsl- he lieausse wid" npucl à"" oMs.exetpiLtien lsc ice so Qiape *aaiêt bi U lse',vbele .omm»Uly, - pre««t e bon0," jsmtlir oin- ERasîer and Rsc ioIms .Pond Frids'y (to-4&y,) je a Public holiday. Benk& closeS. Bana rMon. daiiilaie-a ha ahlday, but nel-. pu'bllbholldày. Ruiler ludaycomeî <malierhlsyoarh& uouumi. Wbou vo lm " "Ul~enescme, ui. usa lndeed tnrnl:r.eo.Ratr le? noteUllWY.acl,, IL je roglatet by tLýPânt dounoet ieo, held in M2, 4p.iàed ih he tute, slofra.eherait b. Maf*tld oneu' en8sudy follovlug, MMaIRaab t.t l ih e ' -~ e The deolsion o et b.Prl!,oqpoihsl vhleh bu basjusmI aoa dla Lb. Iug thé River. sud eBlaesmBinll te amoChor greal triuimpb for tbi ~Movml Oevoyegl. X Ila-t~orem.lbml. -Il ls aClmuiy .bsck opu a dermi us-rps Lin, epl veto eoomlug [a cea 1og8 lt ri.,paver p'bcbg svilovd op by the 0 OMal eo meul, sud Lth" & ervnll LueglamCreihame mees@asùr 0 1ouls o onstantly r.ieed vms me more thon, a umle.. bill of OnesideofetParty eonoldorationsalmta. guîlber, Ibis deoiuion viii te vuleomeit vîlh @àtls$action hy extry Crue. friandi af tlanfederallon. IL viii eip Our faith lu tbo fetursuof tho Dominion mnd Chu stability af onr inmtitution,. àA nuuge tas tise Botter. Beadoeuof ChE. de-p papors vii l (ail 4o obsorve a rery uotneabio changRe -sud eertalnly oue for the botter-lu tise toit. of lte Mail edltorialu. .Tho oditorlil qritluns'lu the Mail b.d ho. corne autrageonsly porseui ud sbus. ire, à aid ioleuon« te or r-ne of prop-tLy .ýnd respectable jenum lin lat trosîmont of opponento. ÀA ile wsil deoeav.d segbibaud4llnug-iLait. of bis ovu veapens-mappmru Leharo basi avery .alutery offoot open Ch. edilt. ffrOm WhsIvqrcause, la. Imprerovieffein =ntcou esis Most, ard,-.nd i. au b4omug, ,a*e viii, vo are aur. bus veleme by the blite, in eh. <ceat loading ergan et oenaelrvative opinien. It le, fie tb. Globe ev'La ku.p vithin doceut adi- B.ed bontuds, sud fer ia manag e »asu La it Chat uothing appesainie oeiumne 1hat veuisi jnstlfypublie ambuko. SOME, SWEET HOM*"-TUE TEMI'TýA- TIONS OF TUE QUEN CITT-lIOw TIM RESISE> TIESE-OUR CORRESPONDENT ON TnE oALVA=oN UY-À CESE STOIxi' 01à i IEEnop' TEE lENT IN At nome Agin. Hawly Thucsday. At 1lo n uaIlalut l'ab sotoeMente Agis. hala tseSb BSal iI will nowvea s hgnce te m» a Mer our SinI.pse ain thia' Uavly imo av Linat. Ait me inday raee tTaranto ii hal dlrocibau vun'C-vw»bit av.use. Ne. mathsf boy hart I ethriveci, t"t"un pur ëined, mo, ou ivery aide. Torentos tuAi te Chu soy - bries, mv timiashun Au novioro luea dsint ma m ,&t Dà- ly tobholadisstray thss in 't.ena"- iaocheod ar Lb. Psaimlnî BiMIde. xhaL'a th. danceuooa. " M nflp.l Thst% am y« b tare tiouê*nkmQI ýl er vdmas itlh a o p EMm-' * vb.ra peoO »bomi. oiaêesu b eff e huv i--ukun. id sa M . e- fl uetv .d ".IoouM . hWeeodokdt ie 008 ow Ou it teh.ep tb. Brotbero f(mm tillotb Ibi dhredffu; n; uBrother DIokin. amonixrwproed te brdlin bis Mf. W ai ho disi upon lai. okasun»ste cave th. onausie.au lnCegs-ty av the Pourth Retate av th.ealu trom un.- komin te th* powv0»v uamdbr. DoDa owvhbit bill. Speabul py- or. vur offureit for lMess e...t Mou s a s <sd follow. bute1«iau l yak.. Fer massf. Blt, seh Di*klao not hein Orthoder onuif, 1 bate mue), tMiîh lu bis hein &blé te ererecS Lb. Iuimy. I tek suothor esse.1Ibuil i very pookpt, lu oost, u'attoaL, su ou neiniubs..mitcoW atipi I adS An se I i mhome samé i. viiet bmgri ravi. mne1>111. .Loff loto'- cmu knovuslt thme. Au aGv,'ina propulu for moe her JusetLbére'~ in»'Mn, al laite fer vhlob PaNier I(oCslI vi coibe p« te lb.e Sbwogble mv? impous a Pioneoco pon v 0ay bIS pnlo psri~aers.aviii iIs7 1 '--5' 4 NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. w» A J '1',, w 500' PATTERNS, EW--:fl - OM - s~»g, f ail the latest noy, 1tiesof-the Sdà$b. - MZ-N'S FELT HATSi--New:ûîd - x y < Ods 4us ùc~v,.A ag so t bnt~f Tweeds and Worsted, Coatings s ire piled on1 our coun erg and Ëèadyfor inspectioân. -Ail are invited., * ~. ~-, o av tbair Arsny compenlens, met eut a ploiglnthe srglol0'-e Ilis eboy 1h03 carrisi Il ouit: LéYdls0voW edb sum mass a" sosu i itone# use' &bns héuldLb. ais v L.thé.m".Thoy usolage o l sbsielst ise U»veu inrtL olber lu h. e-pesé viiltithe pinurles us Srglt vmu dblssihI for tba at. prayersAs Isé od b.a It, lb. orsiburs Rnu- ai Chebrako av day for the bea, maois mv edéplu miuevidb. eut baiLl. WblhiriveMW st Char place mrts.Inmhuus.listsh e sf vur very naglut le pureisoisimalilqueund- ies avrthé eh....t ayIgy an tsuLb Bergini, vldh Iba Qrlu4@touo lu bie uapsackvus mxau suf nov La dimloisb h 1.d dberwioe. vs. poceiufreei. 1.S4 h. immejlely unsbrapp th apk, Msto h1à vuli mm, peuodi rleotoue The mese oteuhunoalois6e-nuproïr su latisr, tCistheb.CsptLIs smýqbiefomuas iuquired imb lb.ecauseatoc uinfiar.- ed tisaI h. Sirgiel baS stalon s Grinsi. Stone, an Chai bd vuft'Cpermit his 00=pn8emLa eint thairmniros on il!1 ms'Ihair prasylu aer Che cuiprit, visa vasbroeto atise ranta P But I muet clase an lare tht ceast1 for Chu ima$înaalinnav per nessiberu Yen tbru trind, TIM O'DAY. Out County. OiaMAÃ"AIS-DQGBA» > 'use-A <>00!> (Regalairre.mpeosioncoetf CaouteLt> Bqaaiu,4ril'7, bL-s ioen silovoS 89 trois-brestit, mmd le e lb.b Court Itu..sudG-mol, and hse n 'Phaid sud son. more et ibbqsand tol.us" e ho osc M«" oI.by -aO a sot lééppl b. lomiy hua ioaew wy uhom d e auM4"V&P«48sgVin.I her à0914elghé M eale ýet i raqe. iug te #,sb,la bPty.suse udu sm tbaohfuluItebané. m Seu.A shoot allsts#euple of pia va p. P#d pet m n Ë rssoissl.abope '""14 i esi a 3alok ou 'bias.0l. Mbabilluboood et pickinlug aptuiypin., sud il bas îok teme evor imoe.. &mdfal ouet 'spna dmyp-ta sgroat air, useintboso tsys ote luw a r of amaCere e. Ixp«o% mbut eoaat remaembor aver neall"g a <seat by thePratioe;neM dlr.eliy ai luit; but basiof aeoomy have*a isslirec esvails.Batlre beaag -utMio b.~ ~ PUU1yuo ~ rMs'c Mlle eut et lb. Village muid le, or rether vu ettChiC lime preasidesi 07cr by Miss Meilda, -a =49e etiialc youglsd tmmi otPar rPrtince Abot., 1 Mabet se*vas justI luing ti glas place t uai. lumoebor.-Most arduoua *bd trylait 0k. Osiliais t .a-Luiobur for IbsI matter. Miss Mmddeu vu evlslenly crylng "Mw vith ber th. loeo of hàr liCIfo floch, i. testified bï seMeeft hoesin litver to My -qestionu on tho roasi. 1- alvraya lik. te, bave a yard wvt thebcobildre vbou théopprtatcEfeu. Hid s Rame ofrnsmov1h ieCe rolulaet sud esjoyed iL t .d<g lCe amatI buinesfer s mes:"£y eay ou jeu NIp. Wollo, S reabuS Mo"e enjayable sud k«dssesgr~ .thsh smss et the gaum etlemed ci-lit. by otber aOU boys ot s different ebool. Mime np gau. Wili be otdeer other cilla Iil sinot e. TRAVELLBB. Board ai Scisoal Trustees. DISsrnU'r-Pueonuuî OF TRI CLASO us The Ihird meaiing oftChu Board of Educaou shoid Weduesmy ovou- ing lu thse Cauneil Obamiser. Tiser. vere proeutn, Messru. Ormis- laon (ciairman), Barclay, Dow, Fa-re- vell,- Ferguson, Jameson, Ring, Povell, unietigo andi Smith. Tise minutea of luts meeting hsviisg boom read sud ooaxflmed, Gox"IsuuIcrous vore resd by hpeh.Olock fron tCho Educatiou Depsrlmneas a S Ca uumtaîorimd SeCut-book s aust mei the Public Beheois anisilu; Lie teome, treporstutethe Boardecmthe Prom J. B. Carier, Terono.ou iets delsyed ord.rci u" pfor thb. soboi. Dofurn lu 1.Sbolel, ou reli, 89; mevr Sioio roitout142, averqe audsmoo, 120. RIOay t$$. Se*0o1, osrori, 1lu; aven"sp end»»#1o. Os OoiIcgmeIstaituto, lu aluduase, 186, averag, 124. asoxosra u r a Cei.Oira uMMi lu ecrdincu vlLh sarsolution pami taI sfermer Meeting Pet li a report on theoprogneesof hieuCI&s" Pbonugrphy. Thoero are lv.elessrsmjuiotrstMrted "LNov Yera *udnô ov."en.. mg24 : mposd' enioe orgaciaedil gether 42,mtcatly boy., -sme r.ecivimg baUher usc. isetissesawis ,To to&Ilb. pZrnoiMadollu thâsud Lh. cias vota noce.iy gl ivos saol- oetion front Oovper uîa 9010efrouxtab Oumret, ngssloadicIsIet et about, 'aïme ~ j vord. a minute. TÏeir vork" ud &s ouis.of ot cuesin Home Items. yJ M our owu faul - If you p Wmbenlc viopu on GeL hep bitderS 'bat nvrlU T1he vomhet wommn, amalleel child, suàd .l.k..liuaIid aouse hop bitto. vith aalée&*algremi gzo& -Olilmou totlerinug arounil freux Bheo=mu, liduey trouble or suy qoau wvibeM nio ew bemlos hop biter&. -My vif. sud dangbt.rs ers ma* helhy by th- use of hop blfler anaud1 reeommeud b.. Le my peopld-MeLb. ý.ý*-Ask U doter ir hôPý BitLtramreutbre=o famll midicine aee.viiilevaverey nelghborheed a asi M béplt I.àe - - 1 "*-JIy moibea dreve tbe praydi sud nep9ilamâ out of ber uputeu viUhhep bîu"e'"-. Omceo Sa. -Keep thé. kidney* healthy vith hop bitr mu e needtuar fm icknuee. -Ion vate;, arendudo dhenni..sud More refre-hing MWdrovivlug viih hep bitter. iu eecb draught. -The vispr of youtb for th.e ged mai lnfirm iu hop bitters. The.y*epsk whoesoly«. Pzcrox Pet' il Thle in eoeertgfylhat I have nee Polme's NzaxLxÃŽrfor rheuina- tem, and bave found it a valushîs remnedy for &H luiternalinJ, and vould greatly recommeud it to the publWo-N. T. ilses-' =T?. LEEXs Couwrv, Jan. O9-Wsare tiliu the habit cf pffuu patent medlclnes, büt vvo canuoaI vth our ena Iuoup p ta Usq getvalue of Nersviiino ae a reusody for W. ha eliemmure inu xaoosmmndi a neVerasgrt= »edp.-.-v. HELY Aza.a,,BaNi. Di.zouansiM *u thum. P. Â: Ohurchili u*Mes. sqemete soud ren a tfov te4uua l n u&l Mdoeabdui SottpW. B. on TI lu» ftl c o 6, omb ma.IIBI.1me juy b Ie àW. ri s ormbjlSu 1 Ayefal04Ml.AeMIb. sOi tM Apoei eye olW a l . mbï. roui gbeod.. oi oie emion, c orhbr ýthrod i Ime isémai. ! thor Au Id.b lever rearia: «t& il-mioeun 0bi u.,ýpei.lW.hj fo ss s au~ougtegotougbonr pdueu bd*enttW10 sitU f» A muedoro oa fheuRlbxime. iucreeeediluCanada.' No dô"htth ~P. people WM ci" m l aPooIttofpo tbb J" heWftAdan R. - - 'Y~r" P.J;~' ~ -.'J. l Jx u D .4b JL - .Umei NEW S'PRING GOODSa WAREHOUSE Have reeîved New Goode for tue spring *Trde iu. each depart ment. GEWPLE Mý?N se ited ~"ligh th& tock of tfokSceotch 8- UITING8. ?artoulaIy tl9Dgpatterne and m6derate, primce_ Our new, Canadian Tweeds are frin the moet noted. Mille, and we haveýpI[cednô piece inu stocklbât eau be recommendedýù itoùnfd goods, ýfree"from shoddy. The patternk are excellont. l'AR!'elàseEt of- poêléan especially good value 5this eaeon, Tweeds e:iceptionallysoi.., New Styles in Feit Hats, Christie's hààrd id âoft. Ydùiths' Yelt'Rat'in:hard and soft feit. Boys'.FetHatsluhd adsoftfelt. LADIES'attentkgn tja 4i*Wm, tw sOur; ee* Cîeto'nes, New Prints, New 6hrùg, New Caxp-et,- New Lace Fichue, New Satchele, New TabeLnns ràtu~Çr1h Corsets. Im hâ ade t inany nvlesifancy ,Dregs",Goodà, blacl.- Ca"ipi '],wi] f5eMgei, N'un'sý Veiliig; etc. 'We have cQonfidenee.,that oui large aig4, 'vried tckwa meet with satisfctonfrm uihaer fr ie, t î%ab nd,ýgoud ,Values. . R. JICAM BELL. ýflawr.I, Gr y.ndWte Gottono, Iâuos, Kulinz TééweIigDrm ,usvs o 'i lr, roý io8krm eIiiYRxbedre Là 'iS1.&'B" ~ Ro ý.AD1tS' ANlDMISSESe' UNDERýWEAR, ' RESA "J'4tC ,J -tANTLE' A GLASGOW ITWtLLP41 -TO GMT p -1BROCK ST., MR. ROSS ýN roceiplu for .uC.uiptiom AÂIUL lit LOCAL 'ANIY' w5tATtsI5tgUi Iliqf "ma m4tsmow An' faillihofl -m'ir TAke o ukou ' olbm i -~ TO RD1 "Imported satin, Drese; SSkir-eady made,'tWNJ8 T &td second to none. Iew & etSeélec±qcL Ptookc' OPRN LAET O]i MARGHL Âgtsucy IZOflhte~s li

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