Whitby Chronicle, 18 Apr 1884, p. 2

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ïtber ana ongrariagu. asis nous. s.M the rct $leaetantl subslantlal MM-* ceaisde sa back *"api 'cf apjirOPrl- ilb antibealutii dealgna'. t leo ing vltb stnose egfull ale., à * Orst iàsuma bêlag TÉ auth orse igent Mm. piWailucy O'f, arrie, ralu ablevè. The May aumber o! I2kaisà téailba113 StUNDAY MAGAËN&tlts ottSisom0=0Par. ticnîarîy notable articles, andtisl alto- -getber mosl lalarestlng SAnf dfig Tii. otior, T', Do Witt Taîmaga. D.D., has tvoaraniclu-'-The Aittha Martyrs" anti "Tii.Great Fresheta"-wbiocliare of profounti interevl anti admnlrably il- lustrateti. i.Cathdral of Our Saîionr, Morcov," "Lov-e>ati Lîfe lu Norway," *'A Sommer Holiday -A&broati," "The PiaUnofortt), âÀucieIt sud Modera," etc, are promnntfMatures of the naniber- Tîteme are serial and sorot stonies, es- îays, îkotches, etc., by Rey. E. Barrais, issà G. A. Davis, A.freton Hervey. T. L. Meade, J. Alez. Patton and ti lir celebrateti writers ; posas of grii.l menit; the Home Pulpit, witI sarmou by Dr. Talmage ; -and i soellaaeons articles, etc., eatertnn an d reple viti information. single oopy, 25 ôta., or $2.50 a year, pasipalid. Mrs. Frank Leslie, Publisher, 58, 55 anti 57 Bark Place, N.Y. t A i -. ,-. *1 OHUONIOLB fro». proeeudate Mu9i Ja ist, 1884, -riitluditwor- *ro o Ra. Dr. Wild) for 26 cents-- or a' trial trip tote o-i lu* stow mè OH1MONICLE fraie pfeaent date ntnil <Oct.ist, 1884, (in#cbudiin! aur Oure a #d vaitible rerinrn book. 4"TVie Alrt qf Dreu'icildnq," pirqfitselyiffis. trated) for 50 cents. CI-MON I&ÊE (oin lresenit date itil Jaiu. lit, 188;, (inoluilingi por- trit#WLord Lansuiîcne, Sir Johit A. Macdonaldi ar Hopi. olirer Moiral, ta- qd/uer ir lu mir ien-r snîi9Pre. Mmmo) for 745 Cents. -AU Sub#Mrptioiis te) be addressed tIo iS. HÉMRTON & NROS, PROI>RIBTOIIS, ORRONIOLlI BUILDING, - WHITBY.1 New Adrrtinemonts thîs Day. Rtigers' Bren.colsbrated outery-Jno. 9. Dlamac. Spetadl-Ândrew M. Boss. atoc for sale-il. H. Spencer. Sp«o"l-Boss Bros. Specal-G. B. (itbbarl. Aucthon Sale otf r..bold Prorert.-W. B. MoMurrlch, Vendor'a Solictor. White Sou .trayd-jas. Rowe, Ladies Baud Bag-J, S. Robertson & Itros. apecia-fl. H. Wsmrsà Co. New Goode in stock- Rosa Brou. Bpetlai-C. 1Y. Stewart. Bhaàker' Blood Syrup- Sulphur and IrolionBtter-ClImai Cheiassal Co, Moutrel. Important Io' Hrold£rs o A uction Sa/es. Au atinmiturmWen( i1/uelar.qely redi, iO4rni i.ddy eirrinlîîtd roia is of t) CEIRONICLt ai icaiyi ,eîaurcs a 4<041 vwlsieîîî«tecof ai uiers at asa.y sale. Thom 'vrroiTS jlit9arsprsia.q sales iatiid,1 fli ot instercats Iii, îaottîaq <lus md. Th 6,rwlntion ofilie CIIRONICLEi 10,250,.. Wc are prelared (fi ali nm to t.eat lilbrafly triE/i aur -iriend8 Irop Meu mantry,, for pasters <ssdadver-tiui fr tin-r <aiex. li A se ieb tb ýroucitc ONLY Six o P&R ANNULI. etth lie hauOs aIloi pabisseor lue" ' 1 c ai nellitgentopinion ate - lite prâslel tI worknlg <9 Our matifoipsi aystem.; COUNTY ,BRIDOÊ5. On (bis lioaulties ele<ii ommitbse et i lte Legtlature tsku-ifthe, prasani -lav s as ta the aMaintenancof etbidgées b? z the. ooauty las atlsfaotorl. boars1I 'V tpeatng, va-shoý,j @si< lu,(t al Tli.ro are sîtremàe esses sunob as lu our own aounly. wbeta thl av heurs iardiy in aompellng the, mtepayrs o! ai muuiuipality uho ar etal htnefllod iyt lhe consîruclina aof a bridge ta -om-* tribale theur taxee for il. Maintenance% The townshiip cf PIokeringýiforistance, eau scaroely bc ssld taehve &Dy insneiate lututrcet tukecpilag p th. Narrows bridge; yet it pays the largost sbireocof (ho couiy tai for th. purpase. Tii. saine niay bct sud af the Sougog bridge on bohalf aof(Mara andi Rama ; andi a 1ke objectotu asgli bieraiseti hy the obole emteru, andtheii extremae nactiieru and lsanthein 'partit o! tis county as te the. bridne acroas the Blaci. river botwean SuaIt andl lie ueighbbôing townîiiips on the. narîl- vomi. 0f c-urie w, lunow ith. argu- meut urgeti about oompeaaatiag advantagea, andtbathlie construction and maintenance'cf such bridges, la- orea.iug the. vaIns o! 'property lu the Iocality ruises the ssesameut and 80 benefits the viol, moluy. But the construction of railways has chaugeti his a gooti deal. Balwayi- are nov lhe greal uleaus o! intercoursa aand every day'se eperîsno goeos tashow, as far as lias caanty la concerneil that grade is dlvrted front insî.ad o! beiug oeutred inlu le couuly. Tiie jurisdictiou of cathes abouti certainîy exlendto -and ocnttes shaulti b.ciarged vaîli-Ihe usaintenanu of large bridges enleing inta lovase. Thu 1ev nov int poses tuat duty upon caisatiesaU a- Iar iacnrpomated villages are couaermu.0% Most iaoorporaled village.i are quit. as wali ahi. te catntain ter bridges us are towns, under, say, four thoosauti inhabUtaints. The. traffie over such bridge* te nat hy peaoplb tram lie lowus, bal by peQple front the coutry, and biy ail eha Iravel Upon the. Publia highvay. Ait suoi bridges sbouti h Sregardeti in tis saine ligil scouutY roade. Tlhe prncipls is a Maost unjusi oue ta sxclude @ssaîl owast, vhtoihave ta meel ailtithe urden of kevping up streets anti sidewaîks anti other beavy ri local taxation, fron theb.benefit ni Ithe eprovisions cf the Act. Tue Municipal ,j Act arlutldbe viucinei andI exti-alid ela Ibis uirection. Nor sisanlil bridgep of! lot, fiet in lungtih b telie uil. Tbf-re tiayy. ual ar-, costly hridaeq rne quireti of loias limeacicast, andtb iea 3 ouglt te hacerabracald sccorduxxg te rtheir relative iaapartsuuve la the couuty n e a a vIle-. il WMtby, Frlday, Aplit 18, 1884. Gstzr4XIMo4 iCUUtianCiRntIncL 2mw. TmE Qesa hà"forvartiet a hi-her t. the tevaoqe etbanhlng hbar sabjeats lotr e vpety olib heRoyal <.wlly mi l tb Ibo Dcicb of Li- boa iai r rcas beraatmee 5iab* sPiessabar ntitudi t thle peOpl f il alter esuirlesepeoill i tha Ocaslu v bohrandieti. for theln Ltth(b.sessloa o! ths Provinal Legialaturo jil lo»dt, it wyulbe~ reoolletd ihat ta Select Gouuutt.e via appointed tao, oasultsr aud report on the addisbfity cf Mreaiug ithe umber of membere <ofCOauuty ouoli; sadd&la t. coeaidr aiandmeais to the. Muni- olpil kit, iaapune the construction o f bridgea botwé.a tovus ad villages uîduipe. », ooinsslttes have ioi moDo, Ume ta pvepsszg queutons wlshthe i.visu of sltotle informnation. à srWe.of priutetiqueu.mabave boen sent go thé. severai mualepal aoopore- t4qe, Maise$11 ai ex.arssns anri et reaveawba,. m»held iooiasthis sb. lasl Urea ear. u .division gmages1 h. embuseetibr be porpeuet ofseurlag a fou laiumfat. expression o! oplilo.. 4ý4 t bea' (b tIlaI u84P u44bhen M prompbly, anti' voli taken, Ihereii promWéseof ~gondl reat.. Thare leun, quoiseU;ausob gou eeral feeling that Uonnéi- COUI Is tào rown (o be too ;auegtne anti toneeusive fer (hi wen' rquled.Oùu ft ha eathora are anB iUs e t !opinion. and MàI. e ue t, mil bc (b. unanimou.s ausuar tO s.b frt anti seond qasetiome prpudedth (e Slect Opoitee, as lb bled question, s.tlng -forAi the ropA14forthereluetion <of varyvery cnack. Tii. dôag a&"7 vitlc depuyiees, gvîins eaob uua1opbatv but nus- r.preéenattîesat tii.. Voucty, Oouol board, le th. iret proposition. Iboreasng the nauber of qualifleti votersaoessa&ri for thoeI.oatiou, ci depUt evas h i. ut .Dividlag the coffty fte &btltsad lsontlug( coonty ouaellori front ithe districté gê.uped 14 uotler fr.p.eItios. Givini We-eaah rnasiep*lity oaa (seve, wlîli a voting Iiowar iqual (o ha préent replesaalaton, tlhfe afoh proposition. LAd àA ftli h an élotIsUeouuty board of,àsay; fai$ membero.As& .a ï s propositionàlthéi.letion aof ut 0t.30is eMt et aaatýI, llant tli fuliotinstaoIhe appolnlsat oft oaui exsecutiva oammitieaa# t(heu tirat * rnatla, (oiraseet Q» .buainoeof -the Tii. 611h proposition e iri*hlI wa would kt. Inloid So re gutiv"i cqaoaI <aveu. NO».'Or ier-*hats*#. pou* néauajl to tacure the ivif nom ompainil tAu eaot m h*4a bea ttaken (otulta lathie. etlumalierai. fer, vaufde thisk litai omyy camelli bavee sUirat .r uaefnluea, B<z ma à aPm -tudài àdlkm&nà a .. sic cil rth Pl pg The BWar Educational Bih Our neigihbours acos lilnes occa- nnally dnaw tb. attention of tisa ilizet worli upon thieaselves by orne !oolieh ecautioni or impertinent îeddlîag ih amrogu affaire; but cf sceut yeans,notwitlistand log a ipîethbrs o bunoomube, tbey bave ahuwn LiaI sey faîly nderetanil (ho nature of tue ýrobleme tbey are trying to womk ont apou Ibis cont:neut. Ever sIuc, the assage of lie Euaancipation AcI a& the clote i great Civil Was, th. greal périlthe (onation rau firm entrusling Lie franchise la millions of ignorant freetimn baubienacontatly proaset tle h. nus of lb. letaïung statestue of tise Bepublis. More tIa lvnty ~yeare ugo, Charles Suhsuer matie tu of eiscIta ografl pur eai a oasituthoual amentiment a " c obnivescens. cf éducation, but lie Sonate va. ual suicieutly far-saalag sd rjecteathéîL proposition. Slnd. thatlime linévitalel disorters haie arisen i hie Sothein Ststes, andi ah timess t bas seernoti as il thé fabie of Faderal Goverarent vouiti agiai e et by Stals couvai. #lous. Wioîe ammits o! ignorant ad disorderly mien, vithoul any inlerest in civil govemament or municipal lostito- liane. vithout regard of law, decencî or order, bave useanteticounrI ci affairs andi panalyzedthetiiefforts o! lia North to hrlng ta lie Sculs a eigu of ledustcy anti social progmoe. Lt lait tlie natioubas come ta se, vint soin- Der a&« lweaty 74a6is aga, tisaI (b franchise Iu th. bauds cf su iguorant osob hs prégnant iii esil, andt tat (be cnly hope for tIhe republic ih a unis-ersal aystem t of ret educatiais. Tise voter muist lie intlligent il tue natiou ha to To remedy t vlbi htb ave gravi ap ainces liepauai o!ftti Emancipa- lion Act. Sonator Blair proposet la thb Unted Stats Sonate a gl'ant di #105.- 000.000 cf national fauds for edacatiais Tb@ Bill, amendot la saveral Important partionlars, paaitd hy a vofu o! (birty tbrée o aeovea. Tii. amount bas bsen ritineet ta 77,000,000, andtihie dus tribute is ta coier sighl yeare. The amsoaulha o distribatedthe ie t yeti is 07,O,00; li'e scond,S10,000,000 the. thirsi, 115,000,000, l th Ùm lbe timiai&hiug at the rate of $2,i0O0 uaaaully, ta $5,000,000 an letih s year, vlsuep rprpiaticu shaî a. This te oert4unîy a gootl leginaing, aud te a màuai botter vay of refonmiag'nau ians andi consmuniliee than poivdt anti ballet. Tii appropriation le ta if f madie upon thse baste cf lliteracy,se Vpi * cais of 18M. In tise egit ytaaî coveret .by the grant, w. may oulà dehily expeot vastohange ta b, vroaght -Ignorance vilI not o! course vliol dtlappear. bal the e st naciinery fo: Îtiffoiing 1(navletlgs l libe set il motion, anti in àa generation tho fati o! sooety iu the aoathi yl he complate ly changeti. The verîilias nual o(hs en sneblanu eaneal grappling vilI r ilifeli probleni, anti sueb a magi cent expression c! fatl in luaiac W' ke(ra that lb. .zpeîimeni vli ,h entinelyouaeefaiiant lbat tiseauo j souti viii »ona Itoradiant vihlithlieau d sino ."fligîc*, inuatry anti proî îponty.- p1 Our Table. ? rom th.e dlion of Mesura. Geo. 1 Cet ib Ooaeàs zcrNwsa.r ~ DZ~ZTQIT nI poie, 1* appo. tiat tii nvomnansd perlodicals; 41 aUbibdeaM lwszt, aaad MtheaUit* *ofIS,405. Tbhltea net gaai tp à cleaY 1,6w amvng the lait twelv 9 piontbu, andi oxhibt. au n iareo y &618ommr iii.total aumber publhshî jerf (7As SpwS.. Tbe.luoroAM 1 j OatholoforM8 vit 41 r sioti;@ dciii.. t;h&ta iwe*Iisafvoço$to OW O; anid t] 0F luti rr. O'Day'a Correspondeflce. STOnY OP TItS ravi SHLL--ITi RE BCEN siISFaRTU<R BRINeS BACK RE' MEIIERàtNCEi OF LONG AOO-CuIIIr- FNil IN< WAR IT isBROKEN 0NOM WRIEN AitiTtIRi WAR 18 EtOING- TOUCJ1INO.LZOEND OFaiOTUiR 5BLLS. The. Grange, Whîîby, April 351h, 1884. WHIITE loi ti loi ,6b ,t Craokedl1 did ye hil ahe Ti.Town Bell 1 'Tien'l a ogood là& ornin. Thare are in etidb5i,Mnfy i an mnay av om popularly bhhî.d c- oa! siieh ae the orackln av lboiaglaises, adj the. sptllu av sait, the. meeti ava a radi- ha heseadtwomaa the iret thng la the. aIl nsorun-vhuuh are sed go bring bnci. ti jack. This applies taItduijclals. But ac the. cracblu ait a Town Bell applies to a bâ, hale oooeoenity. Tio a waraia&ginuop snothin that'. about ta happin. May -ec bie tis an irtirquake, or a floodi, or a thl shouer av froge, or a Timpist lu the. (I Town CariiI hit'a comin. Or cnd it in bev auytlhing tu do widh the advint av » the -ilvaslxtin Arnsy ? Tell the, people in ta puî on eackloth au &asbes an to fait th an p:ay agio the. tireatened calamity. vi Maybe 'twucl be a goot p lan to Cali in et the sarvices av the Sma1abhnieea t tbis junkthur. au hsî speealam ariet. Now te thair tinete o show th. power bi av tiie 1.11h (halls luamar, an u ctaoun ta the. rer-ku av the Town ai Whitby. If which Itu rosave la "varniu" ho ra. i ton av Ils, crackinava the Towa Bell. s I weil ,uiud me wbiu the. belai orbot. th Twas la (ha Sp;mnier av Sity-mix. &a tuer. wustht n luthe.Towa Concil Captlu Rove, an Joha Hams Ferry, au Nal Bal, an au J. MactUIonî, an Yeomuau Gibacu, an Barney Gibson. an Bill Thov, au Bob Yaraold, an J. B. Powell, an 'S. W. Brava. The par- chase ai the hall vas a pet aOam. av So 'El au ntii ho the 'pople ai the a o o i atliak for ltheftne.ionsd laitltramaeut "ta bas for 18 long ysars ma ~ ont tho hours, varenoeeasares, an ~lasl1 told (lhs fuaral bell avsum av lii. daint oltiseus t'y. namati, in- olinan(b. ld gaod batd folowbhua self that gai ithe Toiv tihe hll. Pour a ., Captia Rovo. a grad old citi- zen, an jani&l Bob Yaold bai gone tu ihair long borne, au mauywunr ithe aiurners for naid vthe. 8 ai oni h fi the. Toua boit tolied ou thair <aesral a day. Joba Ferry, Oulti Nat, J. B. a Powell, au Vie 2 Gibeous are suib tah a egooti. An the. alleraP Tiiy are scatihereti abronti etb dis ulutav ai forobuDes! The year av the, parnisseai the. Bell i va. an eaillfül wau. Tuas th. yeara av the Foulan Invibshn. Au wbinE liat Bell rang ont for th. VoI#nteers, au Jutige Darinil, via 'va. tina a *Major, an Kuruil O'Donoînr, uho wasa dtii a Captin, linekleti ou thair armouri ran muatthoeot thair min ia thair red-. ecoats au ihinin rifles, .au marehsâ ta. ,j idgeway. an nhaeed the Feniansc ,taCrait ths Lak.est Part Erie, t(osa a *prend dey for Whithy. 'Whiu .11leahr1 0 liai lu inrlg alie joyfnl ntes MaDIal 4An for uhial av useuil its murfauli anotas b. noit tolled ? Tas, tbure vuri d2 athors connectoti widh the Oorpara-1 r shun St thst tinè,-vhsdOPSrhTn. t viose bourse no tirereller retura,1 nwaq commimarateti le theioringlna v1 tbe Towa Bell. He r ausam ia Slong tie ussor ai the. Tovn, al Alexander Cameronw~o-bier cotwalb for many a long day an alte. 'W used Iola bei prossat site ia thomp timesi, lMiehherEsltbur. >Ax th. Town-- ýn Clerk, îanWofilae adoeidl, qs Pradk a-Clark, *aa3im- Biaok, nôv aiv(lié Boy. le ai, {udbélcty sv edta' rCali hti, btkav îîMi <ntdIMWeran Wi aedsuppq)rt. hean reat ai tha Byes. Pa6lo.! IafortheîUyiý("n Tvaî a hai lmé-yésr (t (lfIeý e. Goe@ By Iw'vvas pawsd, er&,*hiah b-fathlier ai that pieceofo' minacipal log. -r islasuua, ai aupopular widh goutia 56 partieslun(he o lova as 'theocoîirhua ai skt iu IMelad. 'An tâas la th. sanie r, y.ar, it lewellI ta remiaiber, for- (le ~~~~. ~ ta *ae0 uaî ulai(o'Çaabun1ll tgrouatis ivanla"etifor 21 ysars (oaltse ]y Agicltharat flocay. AkDowwtrei" n làand iino, vas bot -hi. samueyefàr,Çan cethe ne* bill t'an ont a goo atitnfy 'caile ta tii.firornata tcil. the.macahins. a lu ths e n. y.7r lier. urasly 21 a mimbera i ie h Oony Ocuoil- ii fi rds av the promipt nu 4brTe- Snamos&may b.wo ia saUtW h wunr ah. ent.d aL a!bosa Oshawa, w..wiohaelav the (anie by;- Joba Drydme, M.P.P., (tban a eery youag iman) an Calvin iCam pbon lrepuis intdt ha, tovnship aveLWblp. r.,Wsy au kibait-Spnlag cars i rom Ranclwh, JobsallnITisorpeon fnutm Brook, Gwmorep»ctor. Tbonab, PhuIp -MCBsel a! nai re. ad in ,Te i~f~ -m.- Ross-. a-Qo2DS hi oinan tord Mantie siIks, IN maMiet Lçeadîn2' Shades in colored Dresa Bllks, L AIRGE We believe the best value ever shown in Whitby. asanan, jisi as 1 vas msselL The1 WIte rang ant. 1H. rayoogialid isj nl thrsashare. Buttin in the s"ru ai e boat lis loobsti tolsdly tvards the retteti beatiaiaavitUMs* iys in1 boie e ls slaISun miel aiv(lie Oulti suaD. [t vauan @va enis0a u aliauI a. ta rsanind hlm av isuaov ttive band. The roo owesald on bair oua aou% inin (t o the avet himes. The sthrnngar s9hil blpt bis isa (wa* lte cisîttoweibnsO Lappines an airly reool«as vr Li bleadid ina lie sconiai tise ballo sut vint mb bis To'rart. Hot io«e istls artis open bis bruti an lay ici on bis sala. As lise rovà&elcoksti spon bum, tley sWv hlm .4db bis syea 4oseti au bis face etilIl urnsd twards se cathedral ; an vhlu (bey bandest- îey fouaibtoavld au tend I sioli à tie poale iatory. SBihau rathe as- mihabnns braI op (o me remâllekehu s bean & boutar Towa Bell. An (o fse 1 cuan't hîlp des-atmite slettisar; vsdi lie tunglin mslotiy ai ould "sme 111 rnfa in ume esrs. 1 persava liai (lis snniieu uv Major lamper, tbat alsior mscbaalabîns baie lun augage t tmounthliaBsll. an ba onîhut alhe crack (o restore the tons. If nymca in theworldO au do it, lie stie mani. Aq oc, 1vili acacintia h tdiu me prayen la liaI av (ha tire honsati voioas av lie Town- Ior Ilixper Imeti tis eak; MAJaorpe meati il vei; Haerperbing un bacl Town BeIl. Yen lima frintl, Titi ODLY. Our OolInty. tUéiQUS aNDUIgt-iÉO5E FÀNOUS TUA '4JA15 aemvO," Tas COLMoN!r BOSOL CNILI<IE-mTm orIT 0 BasmAs, Api. 14 '84.-1 have been for boule titis.back sugagsd la the =auiaetutng lnu, of bàsbkeoo4 the ainu vorka benaglocetet <sa (bey augit to be) la tise oau Town, <nom chics vo.ily ssipatet.of tb. mnu- factUretiarbace Ibaven t litabulti ln u ldirectons The N. P. bas dans me neitien gant! non iMmi bras I mcv, as il doismo t"e"0 niasof amy lino of gOOda.Wbat iraneli finsu. fatures in il you ail ? WeU, seia yan are a member df (ha Town Co=.ci anti might perhapa use yaur influence ia cecuning me a bossu, 1 <baat mind leuiagJan Il h le manufactura o! Whe Z Mre do thé suppie con.e frasI»mLcalsources mffl y. Thalles, vifia Sauth Ostsio Bo fan, but msy baie tooexltn business y d hyasd (skeinai; vider rauge.Mmi yaarstabolI Loy, -niyloy,tb*bnet gutiieocduufimstishe a mda aly in lievinter sme nesnI daigrna !up a shipped, amd I ascii bave4lo go> until supples came l atibroui (he lie gniig vii. any -bu"aremain, tati viii uowtoSu latise bulneofithe, Besr nat--A& * u'etsiing aboub -inclslel lise neghbcéhod -cftho ualtut. Tau o-f ombatite, rBrwu; vi(h (he o safainily eihftw Iho4 suror cuisis ateune.ý If you'doi>i belis- l e &aea u a sisdY înta ibis -Jases Ooasy uni e euy=a- tII, onre if yown4.n*u o' &M1w o! yoînuer Mmouedkaa chi n<a iedu twat i .lhb (le e cent! of mSobutné séentiyo ani swing yeansolf os-en tilycà ad on!* "of '-I*bstaIdte n-Witiow, gIP aulrauo0f it VA)»kareot. ~n" yen vi tint! JOhn X. loues, Job. C. Joue Joshn LtsiMeNass ph 7.0., Semuol Joues, aIl hoas t ofie li -re"eho!disePoint of M<14 uu*.ia,$ wi(h o(herî ai nogei-tt t*ý.be ay -utmab*n f!te me1 ès rassise ud'keop ibd otise hoaceofibu fanynbains.. Wi*t e, LTbai a -respect"lot 'f- 4*0 epie, andi li Let noome tfrov do*ê-'a tio tourea tien hy (hrwixg tbe Dtimét* "IP&an &Mes a t,Sa wa ; ha nle é.U betoiene careful manageaient accom- paulid i liberal anti isatitreatmeut. Bim. Disnnoaciher sarves là$ animales aoc crutea their food. H. basseeaai fine speiilllne of loijp&O.tq, cowseand1 fat àatls. 1 joId mwusevemal delaila at the tinté, bai have eitbierc bost or miiaiti my jolti ugs. WeUl, uo' malter. Afler Oa gooi aigt's rosI, anti1 b earty breakfast 1 took basve o! My1 kinti frientis andi starloet forth oncel more for auothor day o! bu.L AnotMer Muy of (ou. WOU, viat o!fIiat? laIs liere any disgrace in honeet t1011? Nay1 vorily. The diegrace la, that naYOnO vith abi1ity. t la vouoat, thlb breat i dbeg-i, sud faltt Bite a drone ou thse hon.y thMaIothets hala6 toila tegahr. Then iseadiguily in Jabor, sallant go thougit thse immorla Miltou. "Man bath hi& daits- vork of hodiy or mind Aepoaed, wblch decls.re. bs dig .ty, Auth le regard ef Heavtmi on aul bis vays; White otier animas inactive range, Andi of IbLir doiapGs Qd Iakee no -L"ut2 Hlo, tuma off tIhe hait theme, anti stop thea mscuiecy. WC are runahng double tinte vits 1vup pLies. Rigit, we wille gUided by goTcouaset, ttud iii. tiesa saking of lie bone-baga tilt anoter tinta. Good-nighh. TRÂVELLER. FIPt and Froe. Thc Reporter andthIe Astcicut Mariner ALu ABOUT OUP. uaasOUR-Wiuî mIG WATNft-TOIROtTO T,ÇEATNK-rHg '4ITBAiOET TEP "'o nAlRsIues Os ARe- Stroîbiâg &bout (own on Gooti Friay a epotrtai1cfthe a mwros.u ouias - tractethy tise sari wagtuers a! tue laeat Mai ib of a vussal ntier sait lylu off Gardon'a Point, ta Maite a viuit ta the hanbour. Erie interas ba t s beau piqetibY tlia Prejtîr sautilapictures preseutati to iav as lanlookilaisauts «Cnc ros stiset va sceacin apasiig vsi &loag Duadas sînot. Standing on lie. four, corners anti ookiug dowu Brook. ha s»W a narmow pied. of luasvalet boatst on eiar s ide iy hal elevatona Beivea lii staaly rom Of inees ou aelhia ide oaIByron atn.'et, thbsriP Of bina wai iliareti byIbo liane poles ci a schooner! sobor nathei.harboar. CeaIre, King, Henry. anti other streal, oni (o (ha Weat <of (hait fâcb dlplayal iho owa peeuthr visia o!trouesuad Hou coulti lih ais hé ieimpulse 1< tira. uearsr tle cmtinlatlb.diatanu semeti an heanlifal ? ûoo.rmslveti,It dida't (abs hlm Iong ta reacb the Bay eveu au -"foot liait.'- Ho met-an (hein cay bhome-t % ry Imhbnse rm the. coatry, o lied - $la the iamloun l*~inM lb. day vitb a scop-net of (hein cvi and a seinevbili t bey bel reutoti, a bashel Mantiaall cf sociere anti pika. ý Tha *a;y Jxai oolboe U lprofit to than fosi r, * h a mplo 81lmai 1Pao»nsfrani tlsp oautry wve b ewaïliug ha I-oercoon»se ane( ttfraititha vagon white îhey wve.on (ho vatar li "d the-,tébulàe ck qb.Ra 0ue a nso00a (lievu ~&sM ~ bigl S! "Ho. about grain." "Ther. ina agreal deal Ilastar. bat onot s mtaah as lait spriag. Tise barî.y basàinea. bas (aiea a oharaclarislic tara. For several years' prices hais bien de- presseti hecanse cf tlb. large surplus carmititiorer from sesoaaot seaaou. This it seéisebas at-ila& beeu 1aUuseti è3? andt2 ow barley iseth eet of prop- aty. b lajasiboeinlg go bh o nd ont thal ibis grain is a sacarc arileI. à bigr bartey man from lhbany, haro tie atbei daysays maltiteis exporieuce greal difficaîîy lu sappîying imméisate na. 'Panmers vilI h. wise wbo sow libemally o! bsrl.y(bis saiso, for ifiIs qaile vithm the range of probability liaI * dollar a a sal w.114 btifigure naoit f&il." t"WhM a e hotlî on grain passiag broagli the harbor? 14A. 'opper> a hashel, an 120 busîsis for a dollar. Port Hopq charges a ceul a busiiel s in fact do lie othen laka, ports. This is anohher at tractive fea- ture."' '>Wliy yes," seidti le B. vho soon figureti il ont, '*he rate is lesa by 161 par ceent, on tuse an average cargo, "eY ifîea ilicusanti bnambl à a ailag of The siaking saowamned the . Bthat it va.s ta toconcînti. lie convarsation aund it vas dons. BLàcKVILLit, GaI, A188. I write 10 1.11 you ci1h. great Lauu ang benefits 1 have recehveti iromu Dr. Wiblsa' PubzaoasryCherry Baisamu. Ibid dises ao the. laags tor ovin lia yesr. Ail the jactons I tied coaidèemea u aehoveoli. A ileuti recoxmm .uded yoar Balamu .Wh.a I began taking it 1 bM violeut coaghtng fit. andi etrangubalioufroni phllm 57 SsIasd limbe versewolleu, sfhand etfoern Wt fulljohseston ocime. Tha Batasat isleveti &U teu ympomeand mals a compléte cave ocime. I arn désirns cf1nalng My caza knova. . . EvreythhnË a iauntllnl laIts nre actder. Wben- a girl'% obeakisaam sufuaed vîtb vonlsl bllnse inle aely; but natieg eau homm»reiuoaons lissaan .11 vornas et ~ ~ an pelns ailt ritioný. s sal, pleeesromdyfor eco& .Dont be lsapsedpoah bangerocouateNfel. 1Usecas Pntuaea sCor. Eztraco. Bevace ci baiesubsiltulea, soli avsnyvbarshy -410ua"siàd dsà ami mdcl..Tale Op<, gutme lçPiluaiss Rtractun. N-C. PU&Co., ppos. Kligton. A medJ ounsai eta'te sttheis.average Chinone baby velgbs bit ire poundi. Tbuaeane Sflid acte. Tise biut bIttaI purile aMdsyl*m rs nias, s-ai Placel wi t ties-ch oetaMI. isrhngbnrnànlty, (u h E lactri Bittrs Inaaqltcty aiflise Liver,Bitaaes *ver xeqbse M rqpp es, O cO Or M àîie Mast el crial=0re novu. Tbey am bo M = or raui~tncimoay ne- - aftIeela iotllby G. GEOE A.Ross. I I s n it Ibis ur 00emae people 1<, b. bailos, eng allen a raput a pof la blinsbs' passe.oh cilSisbh 1 lsg.1i ograi g fnod.La ut«MTlhoatrnisl isa U c b s m ti~&n br.quutoa.a. tban>Psyset1 ourtmvs fth h oalytaues boul twoonaop.ls te(up a dueL 1 lu halib bery eftosicies ne przsion bas reeaiia aciinnimmasoi -0 uadatiqu ,'iij. 8TQQX~ and' ..IJressg Ornanients, Blac~k Gros Grain -Mantie and AND GR-BY COTTONS Ask to see our 40 inch Factoiry CIotton at 10c. a yard, :Ross BIRO SmDry Goods EmpoiniM. NEW SPRING 'GOODS. G LASGOWV WAREFIOUSE Have reoeived New Goods for the, Spring Trade ini each department. GENTLEMEN are invited to look Soc through the stock of Soc SUITINGS Particularly taking patterns and moderate prices. Our new Oanadiau Tweeds are from the most noted Mills, and we have pLaecl noý piece i stock but cau be recommeuded as sound goods, free from shoddy. The patterns are excellent. AUl classes cf goods are- especi ally good value titis season, Tweeds exeptioniaily nô'. New Styles in Feit Hats, Chzistie's bard and soft. Youths' Fe1it Hats in harci and soft feit. Boys' Feit Bats in hard aud soft feit.- New Cretonu New Lace Fie LADIES'attention te drawn towêrds -our: e, New Prints, New Shirtings, New Carpets, huNew Satchels, New Table Lineus, Cromptou's Coral dhue Corsets. T I DE1E!SS O-OODS IPAR*;TIM =~ bas had added to it many novelties ini failcy- Drees Goodes, black 'Oaaheýres, fine Twfll., Serges, Nun's Yeiling, etc. We have confidence that our large anad varied stock win meet with satisfaction from purchasers for style, durability, ana go1od. valuies. Re I& i. CAMPBELL irmuiW sLc Plannols, Grey ad Wbito <JoUonB, Linons, Mualins, To'wlns rsliig st rmigvI~v Cohen, Consoe, Tics, BlinIs, VehigFnlling, EmrioroLaoBrie Ldo' io <ea LADIES' AND MISSES", UNDERWEAR,, DRESS AND ,MANTLE MAKING TO ORDI Imported satin Drese Skirts, redymd. INFANT S' ATTIRE COU[PLETEp New & WeII Selected-,.Stook of Miliner -OPEN LASýT -0F'MARCIE. Mis Pilep!foeick lins tise Âgçey forA. etc., kept ast hsstd. ÂIso aSn ô h ý tjThé rnP4ufa4ýtti :,T ai»tnu DressSlls, Fine Oheck Ginghams, F'anoy Sateen EtO R~OC CELEBI J. S. ua colector Uan xoxcu cecepls for s ordimazy b LOCAl MHAT le au 'A cli lnmct, Gor 1 Il AS SORBT MENT , 1 R 1 1 ti 1 p 1 auffl %ff Imow iwmýý C) -- 1

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