t-loup' own ç~nurwIn5i ALL SAINT$' ORUROR (Spteeopel. lieu. A. Pifider, B.A. % Brionè servce tIla&.m. a f p5m.« Br. JOHINIS OU9LtOi, (Port Whigtbyi.- laeu. W. 5. Wentaey, )L.. taonmaent. service à tIC:8O Ian. AWoM lP.ea. every.@eeccas unnil. C&NADK- URTRODIST ORURCI. Itou. f. 1a. WPuagsyMA. .ietor. doitle.etb10:80&marndui 7 pa.. Or. ANDREW'8 CI!URCH (Prebytertan Rov. Jua. Abtraham,. . paitor. Service et 1ilas- . and 1 pan. J BAPTIST CHURCEL. 1ey. J. L . Barker, Pââttr. Service et M30 a . m.ad 7:010 p.m. B. C. (IIXURCH, (St. 3ohnel). Iltv. Fether liodetul. Priiet Servioe il 10:80 ans. andi 7 pa. ON -T-HE*WING. Tinte oi Arrivai and Departure 9f riini. Maile and Stkga 81ANDiStRU MIE. 4paied Trteitlt ktn1s Etel u . 7 c QItIINQ KANT. MIUsl Lllt .4 MiII ,eli~-' - , -Town. Ilîli 1,00 5t ant. 4.0sto pin tex~sre0.301.40 t Whty Pont offce. %tl iteweeVÃŽ CLOSE it . Rilt Asir. .:43 e nt. j 700 t. AÃ0A11 An vtior(-,Test vtielAortttby Itiit ti-e t, t. ln .amde e it41S tts te> tritai ot titsalirooivosit titir thse regtltittti OtS1itte I'ttiitfe Sttingt Iitei itee ite houa ttA i et.11.andt 130si. te. I&oteersLetter. etihe ePttels 11mnitittet. btilîre itîtscoe,.oftstt mil. 0ltintîtRé . ln. #À) 3tti. ut.niw eAf Ijsttatavtmîg bts awoestteit t u01 SWPeta let..Agria, teirnatiy, Gii-raltar. riel t- aineaudit reltitet. tii-mies. llayLuxeberx. Mette, titeerNthetIand, nrwej. Pna PorPfts. gel, Als.riu, Roisuls, Renta, li. Plerre, sevi bt e ti ut*i Rate, romait. eu biera> LoUter. 8 deti telier j oultie Pestali re _I Sutl at Nest awoe uil t oi- 4 ouges. ittilt l'or Adten, AV tti(tteleain Bs ilsitilît(ldo wiJliJnegtllYeel ol puIttiOut" lOi' et4Ut ioj Amirica. exeept Cuba and Porto Rticoe. Itratta aititoitete la te Sis.et. Punug er s ud au ~ »We~î st. for 4Sei. Hlm vorti in It 000e" "Aidoue; iield tvoa" ouftt i t efor a tratin, ~With p5ite8<8lame tims malit - à drmerb acel toilae datup Ani efforesi Leh< >. %t IL. CTise dqlvobot* teaucit action- The daliy'a papa la b. distance TLaauthu~e* ei u fievea But 'à mèeiukq Ho S Who h j* t <'Aloadb, w.4 gûems wbo~t ot, IWO IOSbet viôtuce litrtut."'lite laitSvau crae.Wlaonet I*pp1iw*b ii tt1t fary pro It*eaInb U* e wp t ,@aida p mrinuent pbyilu.soi êy w~lljltllY4lu~4 ~k oante 84! = ue overtyhlig." I ,&s wmoi> ansi tboreà e eooaroely a pqmapn liol t l i theity viaola o..m- o a wont 0 wa ken t water' before orol. A rocclrnens -h boms ,popuier al, m , ~. t" -WSt' 1hie8me ere nov thislk ne mâ t'O & Iligoree wwebo frban leu tfilg . J' Xe.ale.I> u1~ or mllk. 'lT e4 d, ,étlan'. <ain Wv sithéieenvalide or psople wvit bini mans,'T tisaSt itetn dîgeutlon ie. nos juil wbs 18t afer aii atîilet tu..Il le wsd#fj1 >ow' bis oltutoeoi bel voter systent bau 4o1eS blet. ;1Iguten w -knov planhy of pop#,wlocur bteuWo lwo5 reanlodtisaI iq coisitlnj~ dyspepdalwa vi i l me cure, sud oetbIbii doulèe.."AÀrmorta Whenwlnter, frcetX lover, Who M no be enied, Leape tta teame niummtor As If the were abriddet When aprlmg'enotithere to hiect themn, Bnight, or-- .1 A ntMY intrdfcho In oer bentgna V wy Thonsumnmet 11u, ot lide her, Hy any ortidoftIp, For tenmptng froeme wnter To linger in heqap. No nore her blanc roent Or tearu th al feU ie rmin, Tbc domtneerlmlg tmonarêl Cen hinder or detain. 0W wint.er chose %) wed hr,, Not very long 1~o She died thon, an wa4itriýde In &Il the front anti 500w. When Jâne and Februà ry About ber grave apposer, wVtlsiciclesand mdotes They trew it overy yeatr. 'Tii raid that greqJy a U.tt Trained to th e eaaoln'trite, Steala noir from ~uthtufi wnter An equal share f lite. In vain ivlth froi Id lossotià t Fro crowna ler .ionaly bnd; Fo .ttbmg it tnnI , Qruinq of QoIdï- Hope it4 griefs olitt mntc. Frngality ie en t;ctatc alîtne. Prejudioe inte treson off boti. [Iummnity judgt4 bhuwmity by itseif. Acivil dentýal is btter thâan a rude it twice. - 1otgkelu ici i tepoor enough s Le be punerons. To extal onesowisîvirtue s tete eake a uice cf i. Speai weli of your friend-of yonr @DmejeBay noting.- Ail neoi-e n be seflower anti fruit ci te great treeof athtî. 19il;tuworldly wiedoen oct tes tuais o r e4eatW&teanuenewy. 1%ot alut of toaure gss to very Ant o ainoes ta a iivertpg bg. gar olste a profession oi reli#ion. Work L-day, for ycsiskoow tit i lcs menie yoo sny bo lilsettrvil is.ittorru.w spidoesare net ineeote, se Mont people tink. Titre la preiely lhé dame relationu1hip helveen aà upidar and an tiec: tbam thorae boteen fsà areO o 'verie l ê n' i M are bath auculates, but tbore, ts tre- p n~ ettne .1 dC SLjidel more tban six. The noevonecystml a consîtruotesi o,a.whetly à rmoi.pa- Cipte, andi 840 are theO crCUlatlDUan td reuriro@ke Titi lià tih al!g m û eUyO f' 0 an thb pW4r never beig: ore ban e~ t aild ail tof homs1inli ýTt. Bà spttjer ban no isoparate htsad. es iteb case witth tbe insecte, ýha head andi thorax boing futtes togetb ir., Neithir does then spider piles ibrongli tb.e eies nf dov4ppmOEtau w I~ecl ' lane. *ïWbe7oùf eisier is e n eio* pider, andi vMains tihe naine shape thromtgh ite wbole life. Again, no insect ihalte u t present known enu cpitrsillieu ttreade. Take the îlkworrn ai a familiar exetmple. Tiüse ilk te epun by tihe caterpillar and not bf tis à tob.Ncw.,thé spider cau prodsl«ee - tlrobage tbhiont te whol ee f ii tft5 lpoese more. ttv-r, Iit4 ftllty ci .producin g titternt kissid of iii, accc'rslengu tiste abiert for wlliellit j t eis.led. If we watcb lise OirsI ai tisescreatureo 'mayue ait thres îtiks produced. 'JThewèb of the dissdotu spider te made of radtatiog cablos, 1ke ties pokce fa n wli, and lsaving a sîlight thrs'ad woutnd epirally over tise spcskoF. Tise wbole web te suipontled Isy cablea like tee. wbioh formtheutc pokee, and guy ropee of sien- ilar strncture euppor't it an every aie., A fly Dow cOOtle s szzing &long andi lusidera againît an. of lhes aupporting cabe. Itii. oct arroeitby the cable, but felle upon tise net, %whes'e (t -le ai oco caugies. If wo examine te web with a totersabty pcworfnl mnagnifyingz gatas WC uhal osec tisat thma 1 le sud, ' pokes area qute itnoot*, ' î% tise- siral tteeu s ecoverod - witis uttle globulus of a gnexsoy character. Tisero are about 1,400 of theue globules on Ceacil inch of thread, andi on au blure a cotvji~léteweit contuinet7,offl ofltitu. Tbose glbà riM4ert-jdR Wbo bird lime, and the c, lenitienat an u et.tcndbei ove of Usesn witb itticeg or wtng ilte beld tighf1' by th is tvt. Mon andi Tîinget. t irisuadi goufio tilupud..ic-v iî,. SIiYlStSALttittSi i Ccir tlie estibet ut ligtuuct'. seitisout tIse NRET F U Er usetofi tI. Neyer epeti.ttik &A s i o eu.tss.while roa ~ q tbhee illeiuct. uft vy and IÃl tihie os-ealoisthst iw&,oveflie a huteeld. IL t e s salecouosies tisai tea tho afftîtue Oreetoer cosictelut tpttes tei ilt'e eesoneesu, oiiy, andi vanits, itaen fruit tiee greater gins ofeavarice au mesasbiticto. Gond temeporn"tb phtlogophy of lte bin, e Rom If iistreaeury witiio5 'vhose apI alà ?ft6lteid onusLout- ward-objects. The it re ofi titi, lte crowniug Sh-iohe Cotseurcpttocs Cure. Titi4 nim béoud quoîttiolise 0Most mwcet.s,,sftil Cca1,tisMedicin e w.asv avôýr :ui t, a lw'dsic aînvaria'bly cure the, ws'r-t cat if Ctsugle, Croup. andi Brnrhssiîtig, wl,it, 'ils wandi--fritlecceee i l- cure C ( Ul tkuuptin n lewitieont a itni!I utise issory cofenedicine. Silic.- tiçiret île.sovury it lise bois £,oi<Ititatutirnti.e. a frit wiei ne ctlisr erd.nsicine «aa etandl.,Il pou have a Ciî:sgjý,wo tstu'y ici fou ta tnT it. PrîIio ýcte. 1e CW anmu11,0. il yonr tisogimlaré à ssts.cilsel or back larie, ts Sieicoi'sePornosi'Iastere. W. R. l. Hwpe, whlalc-sle andl setailiagent, Whitby. rdtune aorss»U, stu tau ir gl ons W1, fsaiau 0clii gîntiomîn Whoc ,puriti lbeh On iabi p etuptoyenent ettl 1eii t4oc ,tse trying bIo moka, bisi ýZ& bapdinie. . ay aro-no a fl-cap sf valtzerie. "Ve6l4 Lite tesestst u tose e sauentaie tie teremlty worktu. g ocure pacage IL ltgitty. Who nan bond ier baciqte, ta ttitetl lte whilclett any bts-teunud tee graauxi for -vs .y The Progresive flg*. rapy of ehoahint. ' vr tccotitkitote for à mael thtiI Lea lit a>n vie uaki (tIittot5"is ho ieSChewing Tobteeco wtU'b.1f tsU» pemumi jroncun ..î;,"noZwre (!4nAea *Th, it e t-Ie tcontr, ai Oý-Ile*OMO"eipi min arkeelteelu tthe tact. For sale by al liet>i14 liSà lIr * .WhoiseuGrocesandi Tobacoo D.eru. -~ ~ Mde byADAMS TOBAC0 COMsPANT, moi,-lisis e rcltyMoutreai. o~.sfopruing - tdnl is t ateber bassittto?' RiLî th tut Wosgapeain te bd whilé, biswif lid uta burgitr. "Yousse -To be tîeppy aetIhomne iis e iste atm aiftU amition, te endite wlsîci ie~k~ eteiprlendsontber teanue, uni b lwis eury dire prompteste ezo. catin. igisaesu>txpresessofaiactions whal eit goe daoe@cof linsea;antstLeu-eS eau uo esore h. e a indi cf rigiet mcC lien lian thon enu bo twc itaie toi <OiiMolur "te After AUl. gi tu TUE wzawb eLACS woes Thé$;e fMigedt perMoi ~Wbo arei now biebtuatty raopiag <Cir silgestvei tiacts by satleeg bfmnny -fonde, ou mc- celuni ettise gluten aua tuesi bch feunan utu lathe (outIls tsyr eTtse grain, may b.e lnereeoth letai eftbee teeeaiigaîtonm of Dr. N. A. andelpis ci Phlitdelpita, wiicis aflsfeos toc frise fiacijn, roqunlelr00 wo ue.isla .eltw aiu digestione. Ès manuuactnrouce maainded, ou Rool soientifbe auisari- " ", "i a 0li glu te n p d i * b o eat' r eed e s oulyà ie lise cortical celle cf thesgrain, Cb. body of tisa gm-an bslng e tPoet almeet vboll ofetiraois. Up tha-acsw, mlarooptcal ezamuîntioa bas upholdi list dogme, althougls Proft. llbîeilîn ai Piladelpitiansd [Pet.Leed& a! Hobokon havi pointatit et t oncle vas Dot the es. 'Die. Rau'doipi Dowu dseontrailbh lsewiçta grain Ihsif pisouae. a large ampult fgluten, whiolt forma 0a cent ef network anounae tcancis. Il ap- pes t Iat tise gluten 0ai ise cntral portion wau lwayu maukusi by lise Ige number o et.oyb estas, a tisa.h Dr. Randol pislolaree, ih l.oapotloh. eerrvaîien. By diuuilviug ountîse slarcbe a"stesa zmalork of gluten vas touaS jy D:.asdophâlsssiimay b.eéoni ilst 04iedlbmoe stitan «0newaY. la:fbçt, tisfe q b d.I I grlteeeabts sifbsitele u fetr l luo lia ltt vsCdmn egloment e0o0 v1tad t ia Consien- Sna l the ardloany piéepar je &4 IL.Dr. Ranseolpie ,expýëlenteau o dlecouer xi gluI.vtenwicisundoubledly ô-ku4naIcooeing of lbe à ble cf seoviiig uefood ;o i r8à t Sisoved Ibtei t eeaklg, tiseliarddoes goo eegp, sitar pro- »kMWai tise tmperaisire n ,4tgeetive tract. 'Pbeoe auli lto b.u uaffectei- - ,tiiy daye inluqpor Eu.pu immorsion in strlreg tot'ievensl <aye 'praoilcilly, « ,theus. pz ca tise aie of brau.- r -tx4mnea sf,tainiea_ usn i'e bcd a uasier oi tieceels ;iUl tho nid gai, anti I iuew tlita bunglar hai troubiles enougil witlîost Lsy givtSg bien Duciena Arnica Salve. The liest 'saliii th Ie vurtd for "nuti, Broiesa, sorîî, Ulceon, Uat Itissusnd Touer So-e, it;nr, t'htpp-d t Sanda,. Chi blalost, Corîs istl eii sktîin rstltiotir. antipsitive- 'y tusi-ePileu. Ih.iei psarasted tlaie sper- fect sattlsactiçt nor iuoney i-efninid. Puc 2,1 cts per biti. For mails y T. 0. Witt A youug mter, traveling vils ter infnt cloiildwnitheiLie folbawiniltelLe: la ir biuisensiutt le m: '1. are a&t daiog iraI rite andi enjayinqý, asurcev very moce. W. are in fine bolh. 'Tise boy cau crawl aoution al fura. Hejt- tng ltaitaeame cen be ieid et pou, 1 romnain, etc e Fanny."t Iscitng Pilea-Symptomea uisiCura. ,- Tibese ynpttiae ar-.e moeie, like perspiration, intense itcb¶ag, Iur.samd tyecratceing, uory direesng, paillon- lariy aI ntgitti eemu esUif pln.voiixt wero crwliig in and about theolisus; te prie-ste parte are eometteeou s&&et- ed. If allove t lacontinua vU erinsi reMltV0 etAmon itevj , e 8YvLYNE'Sý Hoad, Brysipelae, IBarbera' 114h, lilotobce,alI scaly,anssty sbîbiaoolâw, Sont by malt tanrliM>cente; 8 bexei,Si.25 intaep). ddres, Dr.,SW&YNE * SON. Pliltadelpisia, . Sl byrng Rist@. emitl ispe titte m1boý4 alieifSk*OP. antd weeI't isei fnibed ti-mr' praper, ieho saisi: 'Now.Willie, .ik Qed ta niaie peu a a éd boy.': Tb@ e cls raieel Cisaeee b ieals to'e aceufer An usn regid=&*;C*nec4if$ a' filet' Fan Toatlteçitq, iDrna, Culs andi teuenatlsen,- eO 5lerry Divis, pain Kiitor. Seo edul.nlanmuehen cluma,- Cbitalpmenus la tisetmrcant thtlie l1.,isd b»,- enee**o 11the, age ec54O'tisai5 ihseboulId - sitwtben, t«M tbmaietlewéeper tisaitee §boulai eGweep oison; te evey venker tisatià l vorle eboulai b. veilidene. "11V1 CBo uton tJ one LIT Scrofula i!!4 by many people, supposed to egxiit enly as an hereditary disease. It lu undoubt- edyrüthat 1 ta1tiu-trafî' d #%a& parent children utl-i f it ii permitteci to continue its cout e-_ý08 Jet ue u~ ut it 18is a bynd question that evil conditions of life rnay 'develop ,ihle d isease in a_ person - who has flt inherited it. Scrofula is a constitutional g~aa4..cusd b vtiated blood. High and 10w living, excess and Want, alilce induce it. What- ever interrupts the regular and effective working ofthe organe of digeÉtion and assimilation, and linders thr ~p~r proeesSse of, seetrtion - and excretion, causes the blood to convey im- purities throi* e clrcultiton gsnd â,Èiks'tb throwung off of the effetc matter-the waste of the system-,Whlch 19, ini eaital n iig-rceýs. The evil eonsequences of these conditions can only bc averted by prompt restoration of the -functions of the body, anjd expulsion of the ,impurities aiready offending Nýature. The only niedicIne tha t can be relied upon to do this promptiy and thoroughly is SHAKRS'BLOOD SYRUP-. The primnary indications of vitiation of the blood niay not alarm the thoughtless, but, O1ght1y-vieeed, are sigoald'cf dangùer. Laôh-atomT of impurity in the li[f-,current is a seed fciaspot.son.n fcelét nddsoying the red corpuscies of the blood, the des- Irrîtie oUwhlb,4~cotiied e aoeraiuetiy eahed point, is necessarily fatal, as the nutrition or the system depends upon them. Nature's efforts te expel the coîîtaminating matter are irst seznini the.breakng out olPirnples, Sties, Ski Eru pl ions andi Boils. At the samo ime the deterioration of the blood is shown by Physicai and t!cntal Prostration, Weariness without Effort, Languor and Low Spirits. -If' thorough remedial measures are promptly applled at this stage fin the developmen t Ofthe disease, cure is by no means diffi- cuit. Nature dernands aid to arouse and Iigorate the torpid organs, and expel the atoms of impurity. At the sarne Urne the impoverished blood must bo enriched and vitalized. Ail this is besi done by, Shouli he urficitIon and nutrition of the blood -be neglected, the dîsease wi, with eachVee jy bMo1ne more seriou3s and obstinate. Eczema, Sait Rheum, Erysipelas, ltching -Hurnors, Tunors, Purulent Sores, Carbuncles, Mwalignant Pustules, Sorofulous Catarrh, Rbeumatlsrn, Neuralgia, kidney, Liver, Heart, and Bone Diseases, Tubercular Consuimption, and ftMy other serlous and olten fatal ailments resuit from corruption oUAhe, blod~kWeterthpoison lis hereditaUy, orhs.t- blni%-ilth idiul yictn h rosuittthe sme; nXcept that in the for-Merceff, 1hè-îpr rmof tht d iseas# mfay, tQ1ougt inheriled * $iqssf the system, be M feà rapid. ýLike rft 1,dt' w r0oM t1 çw n r~o mercury and contaglous dlseases. S HAKERS' BLOOD SYitU P'îs ic only altétative medicîne suffoientq powerfl 1te eradicate these special poisons from ilie blood. lt bas, in thousands cf inlstancOecured Hereditary Sorofula, and thcre is no disease caused by impure blood that will flot yield te 1' B.LOO From ail parts of the world corne grateful attestations of the Healin-g Vir(tics cfIlis. GREAT I3LOOD PURIFYING MICiZ Çel-SOLD EVERYWHERF. Pr.cc, <r.oo per bctiz- Sx cr *l diân't tbiok you ireuld b.eo bard witb mne", mei- ie abarI muid wheu. b. bit th. aunor. &marvellous cure for Çatsrrb, Dtp- titlu'm t.Cocker month, sud Head Ache. 'WVMat embtottethors te an tagenions ïb4toM sjir for te motore xoeeful treatmont of thiae complaista erthout atn rg# VIIW*I Ioa odabmfl eîail îge w Sb,O Wben &Ateur &ski the ban o.f a tone f Now dctn't eay t *t 40ends bu t e a. dou hi do i it , torro 81n'itlb.ev. A -MAIWELOUsS ToRY -FfOMTHUON-. lm unia, " usth l. osed IM er vl teSt yen what ÂyerisSasaarll bu bai ta l h. ee. 1ttkhlg b IIJc4 munu bau. cmalm l ie isate for M* tesl o yesm; but itudit ut abov. xeoittt itbe orm, cit a se I-fuiî,nsi-rýe etih. writi, raIlSaboal toeoe-oi- ie , ibey.t euest ire p o u terril i tclt, and an objeta!fptty, vien hettegas ltusg purunedll&s.Nv (tr i -ate tte ffll1itam tig i eneelr se gpstetbeatti se ho tees.1 couen any Umeii ttyjers>e vieq enu iaIty te ieu m 4 Ijtufi biu. URN TUE FATIIER: qfteoMd e diily fuie- eO te UAte y7m lie beit 1 baye-"uretl frocs iue ice a terrible bumor egel iretuld9tia me. TMW lestsur esieetian itetil md izmerile tis iaiod ta o whn mol eyplu« svismuve lifi a burdan. I oeseel 0eoe fts OAisA'AStiU.Alà ,i .Iet 88, uadbave ued il rigitiary minou tiub.. MY eceOtlc -p -ýw bws etepaua due< tI' de u isaudâ til thtsos, me à AvEa'u SAMnOA lm. 18 1 and au oeoftlb eleu. gopmNï. flersm tif thaeildt lIa the bavele, anti 111E NEW YORK TRIUNE.- SPECIAL OFFER. ciOtIT moNTHO vrS Go NTS. ,4 Qood Watoh as a Premîum. tit lMay i. l1884, erderu wfli b. reeuved fan Lbe Nev Ynrk Wèldy 'assie sfer 8 esontbe for gidcenta; for Thse Sin- uoilY - Tasanaz, Smenthea, for 01.82. An extraý 00p ta ment wth every club oft Ia. au aPremliufor club, et 8 monts gmb.emîberaTua Tssuag viigive . E ustoaatr e#.Sud bs.uds.en article, toileg -perfecl lime se&a golti veteh Worth 0SîBO. See tenme below. T TaTesn.. tea igb-clue, cean, whoieiome faily ana4 poltical ne r~~. It bas Iong esjye i I& ligeoets am)b h. bout peeple both in N14W «r ly p Betiilemanvrmiy epaspatiees vit i eveny ructial ef r l oict tise ftraiffio lamqio IaoluigIe o lthe.e rgasetaine =oronor aotie n0 je r sDo atrol uaue tisi oite Edii, a n eo s.obligation eaveaioteeba io- Iiasspperla apro-1 taotive-Nu"i, s4~1.psltei nlelil-. gut tli eià iîvoeUm 0f hom ma.- moete p Moetiseprpet tAmn otitir igumoflStat ur sxld. - Thse WaterbnrpWaiclsl is e lateut Pio- duel fa Suis Li ona1r doks. A tac- tob bM iu Atai a ofetlsf A deÎý luru< te upplp tisepeoile. vilaa pilou var- .flte h.letuylo s Ilartie, Il uleen wlaIà % ana unesle ivnl'fsrbep e a a.ea~e pre 16, tgpluve apr. T'Is ec- 'bu il, i t4e>.sed sî"e FINs JNe 1$WB FOR25b CE-T S ly for, or rTrontu aê hîtby lâà uses, we obtain --he oloses prices, from the wholesaler ,enà b-m les us t o seli at so'low .a figure. *THEf PAPE/i /8 FIi8T CL'ASS . S. ROBERTSON,â & R os. OETHOUSkYD FINE WHITE> ENVELOIPES' EOR U $1-00. Val'ue;in. .BROS. 1je NolhingIo E quai Ihem zn the County. S. ]ROBERTSON IThe SOMETF41NG NEW. Magic Me Needed by Every Lady. Indispensable (o Every Gentlem.an. CALL, SEE ,AND -EXAMINE. Il CHEAP 'TICKETS. luta heap ExdonZIS for DAKOTA and MANATOBA -vuA THE- GRMMT. VAMLLY# and, * CANADA 8OUTEn ,ease TORONTO ai NOON on lte til of MAROR.-L 7H18 BOAD I8 NOT BLOOXRD wiZ SPartes golng Weet willgeve lin ,en ra tpii btùngtliu rente. Fi tiolla nA frtier iforation apply te JAMES LONG; - .Rulway Puesger Agent, Office, opposite P.my'e Hotel, Dssndse. 18-tf whitit JOýH-NSOb in Deuereli'a Bloc* for ypur FUNI TUBE DRÂwING ROOM SUITS, DNqNC ROM S tITS, BICDROOM SUITS, KITCHEN sui AtPrlýiéshIJbIntI 26 ý TH1E TEBMS3: #1 , Thei Caoïimi thae&Dy oiher1 J. S.&Rob Pirai inalertie, subiequent im Diaplayed Ad bu a scale of accordinçly. Advertsn s truationa issue- ohm ~edfor fuII O eri for AU - : mutbe in writi i;wffet betee» mente bylisey J I contract saerti S fore Tuesday ýr S received ap te' Businese noti irsit iertÃlu reu; 10.oentgu p s.erlion. Flue, 4larrespossded -the Connty-aru W , reePondentu uae communication *JOB PR eqsipmenti t Clams, ai jein z Eastern Ontario for Yo.ursevGS. -E. J. JOH1-NSON. DUEEN .CITY LC GODMPALS Awared io utoen.to1 London md Otpi.lie 1889 for PEEmBrI GUm - lydesa RO] wing, Ouest iHo T LA: C. H. RITCHlE, TeOM DAVID, 0 cîI~ Tan. 22,.. A TT bam I~OBERTSON 6, ou t STù.l" 0W, j ~ M4 sîtn ID HaKEImu -i.. r0 1 i