26 VEARS ESTABLISHEDI lTHE WHII8DYURONICLE FRID#YJ v{RIN, ]?rom the OsfieMouL UUOIrok = esWhiby. The Onownci a b à al t Mm lrulatlon 4haci i07 other piper li the Oauity of On- J8,Robertson 2 Bros, PROPRIBTORS. Firat Insertion, Pan lino, 10 cents-, aaoh subsequéft Insertion, 6 cents$. bysaiLOf etîeeneare imeynred byae809i16 O 8U. ae sd char 0 tvrl smentu mnt wlth.pnt wrltten ln. stréetions lhaertedunetil iiddon, and 0 hargd for fu lime. 0ores for discontinulng advertimernents muet be ine writing. otberwiee thé peblishérs will tt b tepnelble. -, ,,libsnil dîicêcant for mcet adveriîe r4qcts by the 70crt Copy for changes cf cotrael a4vertismemnts mold behé hedd i nt lit-r tIen Wedneeday -mad notice of Any intended oh""& e .î0ýd b. duio-. fers Tusmday nbim. Other adveelmenta recived np to Thuesday nooe. Buesiness notices tu local orjgewme lumue tiret insertion l1Adw eeasp aeà f No reil; 10 cents par linoe ieh subseqent n-~ etion. Five conte per lins per annum. Correspondancee melcite, rm l-ctu the Counly or eeighborng townships Cor. respondents are requestd tu sed n ekér commnsicationsasc prnriply as possible%# JOB PRINTING DEPARTRET. Thls Depariment Io won suepplied with tb eNevei nH moe E$hséT * ttable for Ihmife Wk1ta Prntitng i peellty. 'Fiee OtowweUl'É eqelpmnt tluthis respect lu tntctly trot. clins, and lanoct excelled by assy offin Eetern On"i*i. JOUX Eý%,Fk AM WBXL, LL.L. vieg, Court Honse, Whitby -48 BARRISTSR8 & ATTORMZCYS 1 AT ' Y W UfSYICID 1V. .w. ;b. au *' ilv nlI1PW vends, rveà thoug>te, and -=#ring lndeietry, vo cévocate Peace, Pnrd ssKuovledgt, VOL.-X vti MM WEVTPCZNBAKK0F WHTJ,- ONTARIO0. Whibl, Noy~t tit,188. 1y4d7 0JST&RIO BANK, WHITBY BRANCE, Brgeâ Street, .- Whtby. J.Il. AD1 ig oNi XJIXC IAL 1AGE NT 51y P' O. Box 114, - WHITB2". MONEY f0 LOAN! fri-ow 'à r i* IVB8TBEET. ON REAL ESTA.TE SEO"URITY. At loves: iving ries of interet. phieation. ao p ÂpplY io ORS VARQUHBON. Wbitby, Fehrry 7lôth, 188M. 9- CNOUIRSE, ""'A'C R"' 1 nsuia'nce and Geneîal Agent, L c>ymî W. H. IIIINflR Toronto. - W.ithy. JAMES RUTLUWLE, j> ARRISTER, &o. Offie fonmecly ocr- ') cupted by Farewell & Buteedge, neau ta Royal Hotél, Brook St., Whiby. - ATT0RNRBt.AT-LÂ,ý, gOLtOicmteR onic-In the Onfce suth cf LIe Pont els, Soliltors, Convsyincenm, La.- OFFItIMe-1u Vicoe"l Chambon, Na. 9, len - G. YOUNG MSUTH, L L. ., B1)figzû ARRITRI, o4c.-ÙWansy ta ree I> u aiée o VLmnnlae Llaeses. o,'ycc-over Dominion Bank, Whitby. len. 22, 1878. lit-6 1. If AMIER GREeINWOOD, ATTORNIîY AND SOLICITOR, CON A !yaee. Notacy Publi c hc-Pont OfficeDrver No. 11. WhitY, &t. Forons heegît maC sold Me.nnlmgé Settle amote, WilI a ad Trusts mide B pecialties. Loins oegtltedf mli lieds et Propenty. 494yî 4 L. T. RARCLAY, L OCAL REGISTR.%R 0F TUE HIGH Court cf 3Jétle ;Registran of- thé OunrgTMMO Cout *VisnII ofthe Ooéjty Co* &o. Offle'iI Cout Ileh*fQVby. JOHN HALL 1)01V, 13 ERAI'LW SOLIO3TQR in Cs.ecery, ConeviyLner, Za Offie-Devenill'a Block, Brock Street, Whithy. MW- QLIIID-Plv.Le Fandg - à RW 31TZSAT LÂWOSOI1CITOIIni Ç*0Bt OMM PhymlcanS0genAcouob), EUX.,o Wbitb,~eI,.8Oth1974. 1- L TBTEcIin. Amiitaat Tornto Âeylnm i.enane. %"ZQ-Tb#at'l*ioly occupied bi'Mr. «C. Noma, esÙraoA4èent. EROCI STHEET, .WaITAir. TRI5 TORONTO Repreteeetng the followlng cempanles: Phoenix Fire Insurance Conxyany, ai Landau, England. North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., af EdirsbuerIî ced London.- à ritl AmAMeriçqan' Assurance Company, ai Toronto. Lo,>dn OtibýanteeiFAccident Oempcéy, of Emglad. - ausz'iAniWTRus CA-lada ?eMaeitiaa & 5avIngS Ce ?LONFY TO LOAN, 010iprov@4 Parie ai 1evrite cf Interest Almo Serre-Lsry-Treasnnr cf the Cxuunty AgricuJttirai Society cf South Ontario. OFFICE At Ilst Office, Brock Street Wis e il cou (lt ýhLaegley, Langley & Bunke, (lI .ih Toronto.) A R CH I-T EC T. Destgn for ChrcVlI&s anteottagés t ctilL7Dîeg5epaoe4 for ne- Oný=' atthe-proentet, bit hi aeo ozc Eli]Wëton Road, Pickering,. 1- P. O. Box 202 Wuxrav W. O. JQiIIUTOT<, osaaho foeod iM the LW Office cf J. G. WHITBY. Geo. Oormaok, T-UMBEREMERCHANT à BUXLDJ,. a& <~J~ ly of Builders' Furnisie- ing, adaIlbb'ofTwistiedMoldinge, fluors, Ssband Blinda. LIYEDER viiolesale and netil, or by b7 the car loesr *Plcnleg Mouldlngs of évery descrtp- tion, Floonlng, Bheetlng, Sbalving, Re- saing, Sbipleg, Tnnning. Scroll-wrk etc., etc. Whltby, Oct. 111, 7, l .-08 K B ROT ERS, - WHTTMY, ONTARIO, Importers. Dagiersand Maufictcrérsof mil Xln4*et- MEATHER0' AND FINDIN881, ca& sh ad for Oudm, Bmnk ain Leathe. v~BttflG MIE-TUO$43ER os l'If lm1. WIITIY ONTAIdO FRIDAY, APRIIL 1ATENT S --0,ANADIANS riez= ptets le thé Uni Buets ik res pten r t ; ot e nvse tim e yl hé li nited Ceao yP"012 TotqI éoit of Unitad 1Staes Pa:tnt 10, onil $90 on mng altpplication, the balance only when patent îe llowed. Total colt cf Canadlan 5 yearr! patent. $34, fer $15 yeans, $74. On receîpt et edl or awlg with descriptlo4 cf inrenton, iec vil! ééd ddee-réfai- na n cjclirfree. Adzs,.A. 5110W & ÇO., Goposté U~. 'Solicitors ofetnts, Paten Offie. -f Wctiuigton, D. C Plaie mnention vhéns-yon samy bis idraz- tilemant. 5 PIANOS' TUNED. ,&]0.>-T ClJJtIClTTu'ger rfo'Meiirî.Ufc.on-* 'iiol, Torà etd vil hé e nvhtby about theé mide cf MaY. Parties wishing théir Pianai proerlytunéd vinl eeleseve thein orders yul Mosans. LYO'N h RUPERT, Photograpbérs, WilI klnson'a-loek, WhlLb . Onders b rmai- addnssl ma auwp.eStiM?&mson 2b,.'oron. LAZ ARUS, M 0-R R 1S-' -Q0 S. THE BEST IN THE WORLDO W. Re HOWSEi CHEISAD Special CIubbing 'Ofjer-Whiby CHRONkJLE Money in the Pocket of Every- Newspaper and Reader. aUVLAn. COMBINATION HATEIS. Chroniieloi Chronicle Clironicle Chroniiolei (Jîroielei Chronit-lei Cîrouu hi Chirotaicie Chronicle Chronicio ô~nicle Chronlicle Chronicle ($1) (1) ( 1) (1) (1) ( h ~ 1' ~ :1- (1) ( 1) 1) (1) ( 1) ( fl (1) (1) (1) c- 1) and Wcckly Globe ($1) . andr WVeckly imd ($11 and. Weekly Advertisarr ($1) - aind Weekly Vitnesq ($1) aund Wpek.ly Star ($1., - aand Rural Canadîrîn ($1) and Lc--ýure llour ($U) .- anud Suuldav at H-ome ($1.50) - and Boys' Ovu Pap4n ($1.50) e anîd Girls'Own Papek ($1.50)-' - aîné Ameriom 4gnlpuutnaliKt($.0 . and Thé Househiolé ($1.10) and Grip ($2) -- Y aud Scientiflo American ($3.0)-' Wud Ameriffn Faner mI) ced -6pttish Améýican journal ($2.5o) aud TFut4- adfi amy t'o -Dollar NWeqklios or btontbies-three peniodiwas - - - -. and any fhrce Dollar periio&eïs-'ýtour pontodica.I and two Mont"le publiâlea at $1.60-8,perio&c&à l M agazine 1 66 1 75 1 50 2 00 2 ffl- 2 (A0 2 00 9 10 1 60 2 60 8 70 1 85 8 00 2 00 2 50 8 00 8 25.- 5 5 40 50. 40 50 50ý 50 10 750 A VALUABLE PREMIUM consistng -flarge lithogra.ph lifea4ike îrortrait-Sizo 22x-of Lord Laîcsdowne. (Canadis uew Govatnon Generà t,) Bon. Oliver Mowat, Rt. lion. Sir John A. M"Iioà l.c 11ev. Dr. Wild, will bc îrcsentod fre o t every snbscriber ta the CioanrcLE, whcther the paper je sent alono or clubbed witî eny other peiâkal (Men potraits are sent by mna l10 Cents extra muet ha a&- dcd to caver cost afi ttag and proteotona.) It 1,; yoîurs Io takec advanifage of these liberal terms before it is too lato. j.es ChronîcleBuln, WHITBY. v BRU S.- Union Block, TO90NTO.é Dov~'oneh1'a BIo~k, WHITBY, ITALIAN WARlHOUSE.:- - a af Fi Christio's Biscuite, SeowvflaL-e, Itoan >ilre4~1rthea N uts, !ýed Svew ~corn, dnytd sercrior ta Cam COrn. .S & - Prnneselchïnco Trl. g05p,.113' white, floatiug eoap, &o, Cà nned Good-Core Beef'1iand '2 ho.,- Trripé, Brave', Pigia' - feot, TongpcaleaLnà icliTanue, canncd Âp)pl,fè,Peu atd BOéflsm Peachas,- Tomates, eté. IR. Erotherbood t 25, 1884. When f roin tte portasoq f lber peradise Swéét Eve went forth an exile wvtb ced beart,. ý 8he= lneed at.ýthà thrice-barred gate je A-nât. the guardîan -of that Eden fair, As on lier check thore ceame and went the rose, Slic wesping mourned the harshness of lber fate. 0Qlengel/'criéd see bittir je the fate That <rirýe, me f ron"this fairest raradisc, Ana bide tne wear ltfc'si rue, and not its rosa! Give me one flower to lay uron niy beart 4LBefere 1-wandern±brouglsfùr land4 lesa fair And drown ail vsions of rny paut in tears.' She ceascd, but still flowed fasttlber silent tears At inemory ot the way-wardness of fate. k'b"ught ebe, "young I ame, 'tis truc, But si L lind another pai*dw*e 9 TIen turning ont% again, wth tr n.b * g 'hean . And keowng 811 the Mary of ber fats, eaH gaie théefower, a raseof paradisa, Bécauoe'aeéwaes novecy ygfflSnd f air: A18*lsce that lima *MrcmSy4b flowknsaé r 'fair, -, ,, * I>l 1yJei4alty to theroe Thée te ,roethab"6loomed ii Parncdise', Thft ~ vc In etile wcterbd with h~'ir, à hé afilcsoeénî ifrbér cheerimas fate,- msece er iethe dasmrt c ça ie &kd Mto every zirtarm i, Ësed eéant 1¶%ére ce'i a Me timoiLn, -le lody sdýo-e JFor oneah rtsepac, th, eumf be k rose An boilotfter Mr ay b'n ut tears, Thast xmoUýnt's lamire là oipuemdime OW.o - r i 0? torove, ,sat l$aaing fair, r %r rau ai n earthly paradisé,» Grant that aur teins hé dew-drops in thy béant 1 -FLfuaxcz M. BYRYicu n Harpte Maga- oùubW Mayi. THE BLACK SHREP. *CH1AP1ýEBI chil*o s»s Stw"a au e)7abôrate Spiece-of .wonk, snob as mthlier wiAhthe *jurs, af bon]aej on tb .ee0a,- - bonk», UWTYdagaa.lImu drusfr iie Mco ~her' dliioex c1aIaordin e.p i ar,,deand.x p)ense en that of Lt.heaftre-y les. fond :nd'pleeed %papa. 'Fb. Weeéla zy, »*pdn aiL lldt of liit ade ëmnal dacedVagua baby-visions, withhaereyelidi fast sbut fat eheekr, , s.> 1'ncas csmbq hnncmed à c lyIaIe.snd hlir doserd ,de ly tb e 4d the miai cof ban pattern -were--dycwss by hoe9, and peinted by love. "Han baya had nevan <piLe filed ber béanttho l "d, sé aliovei, is long thefoer I" .uite"tad.L~a oral& femore tmobleppne toa rain tan ginle. and mo soucia U yareaay > roogh the diqeasea c i0sû y5And able ta, take cre of thopceIvem,= aM thé dsngbe- that boet iceaniopeî ced aýknuQcumQ mml tbey muet go out jeta thé wýorIld penhape ramnove ta dis- tant States an ocoutie ; -leadg7Igt homesié d deolats. and the parents as fenitivé glances. atiisparent's b1""~g P brow, Nol ha cértalnly vaî ÃŽr-à 1 'lovely oljéci; bat lera v ae 4oneab "à ioilorre in Èbis mlpect 8sometbing"80, 1 pitable len1hsnelijîdlika 'pneéeee& of I indifféence, that thé mothor'a b Ez abould lavé gnown compassionae f- At t thé elgît. Mra. Tyedal «aont' i enkinti womae, -but île wao'imV ý-I a -barsty i judgméit cnd abUoe. -. -Yn naeghty boyV 1" e Ba "a, t angneY. "Whtat lesIheanofyean2" ai An expsnsion ai thé "lbad jrin"cmore f Sigeificant aif night .iian teana vôuiýld c lavé bée, was thé néply. L "C0ae'& you mpéak ? ' ehnkieg îlesby thé crm. "What havé yon bée 4&IPÈ a La yoor brotben's pnopéty ?"- ",Natblng; I have't spen i10' 'a "Don't tell me a falsehaod 1 Wb-or$ t is Sterling'. wbip 2't -Na unevén.1 ',"Do you manu do speak2"f- TI.me, sacnff idmiii* e tle hé nl ï eIéxi&ted a, hôMW a~ ii4ÃŽ~t aot vîjol, the - r4i"Cýfe "iGo gaI il, Sterlinig 1" oderéd Lhéa mothén. "Nov, boue dùé yon tear poctZ<gbment'e bok?2" she pursed. L - "iebe tule*'book f befor e ho bà d-'Ãabe ,tojegfi il 'NIattfiayou thlutepug t td6ta youtosu bc.t -AU le d tfa paneahis moneh je t tjeiiio wa'e~rrtep e 'Sterling'. PPlntcoern"ma, ob. PnooIaîimne8lIai the Ir no dî the heiol, non oonld he fied1 auj -ilre in thé yard.t ft'on wic eigdboyF' ej ouatea Mns., d W, boxfg hlmeel'géially inom1 sèdotoeide. &Yon naugbtystory-tellqrl j Go dov instantly and fin i, or that1 is not a begineing ta viiet yon will Blioded by tiers,ced oboklog wilhi sobe, thé cid gropéd bis vay down ta Lb. yard. Thé whip lad talle beind thé sent, when -'ho hoetly bél:éved that hé bad*ift il -upîP it, and in bis breised béanrt tIa instant suspicion ipose LIat Steýling had pnrpoeelyconi cenled il LIera. Egbert's compîcieit, taô,ie cbedndunennIaextrema, oidté't&musîbaeundrtodthat bise rndély ieieed, buti10maie n n dIco éarneet. Withi all île'- trangih cf bisj seul, tlre boy 'Ihatéd them. bath las hé. rétnrned la the clamber of injustice, becning thé-nolejytoy. I!à Nov, ae.yete e0o. abmned off ev- ngtflesu4< a, c'file, fe1méood "de. motided the-pgoLJW ,iiwle do0 Y OU- youn brothers, for 4 nevqg kepw éitil of the=a ta jI ^ndssLIj*wr IaIi a1won tCIPI4tor14. îpyoutb, Mst lé eJ tý djay.-g~e e b- MMalsa«oresi PY? ev ad ' 1 y. I a ý,inthlng .bétir cf yen Ibmù YOD wi 4=oo.1s t ho egellovu ha-' fore youL are tveuty--Onee-- Amk yoc4 hrothe 'a la and uBgb.rt'e toc, ,for treating tIseâ e you ýhave idoue 1,- A 1 ,lock ai sulle-n meigcity epoke lu the gray éyés, ané éevéry feate e'aD. ,ed wyubthé stbbone nesol vée t t obey théunoreanable ocmmand. A short-but bei content :ealtad ite-theé hcnemmîd aed cook Iaing semmqee»d te ber thé kfoking, iscreamleng boy Lao thé garret, wlan. lé vas lockéd- up. Hie elleSucd Ihempiega againel -thé door, eltbougl inupefeotly boarmné l ie rem»oa . unrsery, - véré yéi disutc enongb tg keep up bis meothar's irrita- tion., The.baby heing -elmoa lèlcp again, ah. coulalDot,- fcfouarue, reuig bar for al minute even tu the nurse; 8o the latter funotionary vas aispatolréd tu gouvéry thépoinonenrs sentence go bien,6 The mi»-s' vithie océeséd, au',ithegirl etrueIk smanly7 on the acor. êûtaeter Allé,y Our mb.Baye RYOn.à re- 'b.t'y s-avi bore.ud have nothin' but d4Y -70E-- 13. LÂIJRÀNCE'S ~rc OT&CLI elvaerlockd oeéss, - e nie expione è ed og t avery eôrner,' examinéd oery aubicevualet à f rubblshlhéere Iéee away. -Zlea re nch Coli wére aId'bbols ; but, éfterl-oieldlcok- -1850iWhei éd st théin pictures, hé needéa theenno ,oifec longer, for ent hère vas% (ýva r&Te-avWe. lutAtl ý, thut ve onght ta bluale le confessing it) Yen - on "c dence "-w,- sdateé il upopu -the -for yegrs., l auibnit et is eoihran-hisleaer.stamp la tht Di dtle na brig icaeeçdslé vi-orange colon. dencé cf this al>emofcl iruth-wbau-théy cancelled il naopréseetedt Lat,, lthoegh six years an& Mi âa st tva moniee ls l, lehonljuil read la indu o vends <of tasll 'e; IPimeera .sd -Héadan. -,Vre1stm diogr,âend, ind a etmu wua ai Célery 8#4." « - Popper 1&ue- Haminy. - Pea Flour. -- i:Wi lensTteky Ooffee. - f' offe ro&aEi";finimt Jav&A Mouit. u1one,?Oeattie Foda. Pure Mapîe Syrnp aîné 8ugar. H.Jm Carnge Wor>, oevered Phiae, Bugges, Snf;t yWe4 Box, si e tmaEl«1etie BpnIýgs -Theb. bova t s"iékmA uan 1- I ROBE RTisoN N .190 grae end opeeneis afspeech, -and Eigbert'i gtptle, affectionate demeanor Ware petially- mor-e te bé admrnfnd and loved tbarg '140uncouth waye of "1140 little Jbean," thé nae by which hé Pasised in thé fatuily. And, indced, io mne Who la sen him eitting onis cricket lu thé corner cf thé nursery on- t wiptcr eveeing, eeclting bis therul aed peernu thraugb thé brietly hair îvérbnhnnggbie foraîcad at thé mérry 2ronip ai childréenst play aroun'l thée fire, tlis épithat would bavé beau meet c .scadily adoplail towardî thc. negi.otéd j boy: 1 - E "Masten Allen 1 Master Allen P" callad a ebill voice ait téopening door. It waî thé maid, wiib a eliceofaibread E aed à cep af waten. Parlially aronîadr ey bar clamor, -Allen rcised biieelf to hie elbaw, ced looked nt ber witlut bis red eyas; a gaze ellé wae excusable 1 for' ooeetrfieg imb a férocioui gînre, 1 when.irwi, in-ineti, bel h bewildored IiiiérOii hmfsipoild. Il4rq PqýrI ", gigglcdý ý t RýMid osw.4P cmsaIer.t!iau.for ,thé' à dis- th - ai ber m laties. -«'ed yonr mn ayisan'pontant yet 9" "Wh4." rsned thc Wonderneg "l o e ý toaiaxpyornpretty bnothé' prduo~')w- ~ ott ~îltg strass upon tbGdjd*.tive novari apliad tah noofÇentIn délu o., torted lia, w4gqi4y'1 nk. ~ Tdo,,M.; !io*3V4ale jui.tce, itLse - jl~rcn hn pujer'Wb$ aven She thé -prnilen a 1- raioeens laé bond.- Wbenee 1e Pià éd th.e'nursery, thée, baby seup ai inuploridg cny, suder raoollacted, wuth kaaq -melf.raproab tIai thé ailng muai ho vany hngry Thé convanîant nurse was agate ap- poieted ber déput&y, witIîuit à msgiv. iag LIai the footi aed nmessaga w-aldr- niai bq properIy dellivercé. 'il wil go mysaîf, h1 and by," ohél- said mientally, wlan théa reportaif the- interview wa8 nanderéd4 ,"I amn net- ayxions for Naâaib-éne é i-ke tht -ai mor*gw"wq fiV lima9."m F~ortuné" fîà vore4 piqrasanfrcù plgk ,ocupiil time Ãced tbâfghte antIl ér huabaalcame lhome tçuuuryta, that hé migfit kcép a -,p"'tt f ér thé anéing. Sh. absabltl Y-'foïgot -the c ïiid ntliîe,*eea vas opbdtftuén on di4~l 'a pneocgepfie, her;"k à aingle Iprofound J el a< y~> fév bonne before. - PAl otl<ftséén~hd oun-cvmy G. E, GIBBARD, MLEDICÂL HALL The AIen's City Dà ap4td' B mp The aboya staips w.ere thrca in îumaber, nemely, red, yellow and black, of which the latter je the scorci kind.7 Allen bad is i8office et 1M5 8outbl .Clark St., in this city, and carried on a iloir- isng business, rneny fntns patrbnizin,« ed by the Post Office officiais, but did îot:heed tbemibnt one day was surpris- ed by tham, wlio took charge af bis tables, lettars, circulars, atc.,aind pleced, him under arrest. Subsequently Judge Blodgett fined Allen $150 for running l post-offico, and hpý business was broken u.A eteinp dealer wom we know told us-rtthat Allen had written him, uffering-ta sali the cuts ofbIà s stexups, ,ut th2-'éi rtau ated'was fà b1oiia.The prasent whareabouta of eMllen i un- înown. *Clayton,-whooýponedasimilar office, took warning and closa p a t about the same.-Philatlic Headlight. flY BERT C. MÂiÉLI. -The'Caéadian Poît Office, aimhritied 'at'ëOtt Ia veýaiîIy endeavocred for yearst eancae-peopla P'to, a propér keowledge'of wheit squ, n -what should not bc sent *through the mn ils. Their efforts, upto the présent binUe, lsavemet.ith,'bnt litt*ccesi as it seemixpossible ta fix permnanent- [y iu LIe niinds af certain citizens of Canadâ, that iynxn i±égaagea malke, great conuât nwhen they are stà mpéd, and glassware cannot be kept in shape. Lemp &lasses, clockg, horse collartnil sttes .and bath tubs.put the depart- ment ta a great deai of trouble, -wbile pfe canary birds in cages, are apt ta area 'bedly on a loing, tnp. -There ,la absolutely nothing thnt a Cénadian will not send by mail if yon take-yoiirr eyes, ;off inn.- Every ydar- the department fmids it necésmay tao eil attention ta the 1fact that bewn timber, fine proof Boafes ,ana -ptent-coffins are memallabla. .]very singte year poodles, .pet onekeg and queen bé 1es get lbase in-the- mail, ibago,tnd eeryyýear, -wbile the Par"e- ment ia iusessinat Qtawa theïe fa a susng picion, ithat,,many -of 1the pemlb ens ta]ing Avaitage of the 1pn'lege they' lavef of aending 1their rnai- tree)-send thek waehing home ýhxouoeh the»ifwh i4rpçta _sà e i.11 &