271 ESTABLISH ED. - W91181 CHRONICIE FrIDAY MORNING, IeM * ,Iwgo,CESoNicL5 1 oding,]Brock Whibby. tous. IXAI>VAMOR. rma CUEOWIOI. busa arge: cire"«tIo tia aMy tter pape,,inuthe.Couaty o1 On- eS Pbertsonc Bros,, pBpBOPTR8. TUEMBO0FADVETMNG. 11151 uffltOn, per Une, 10 cets; oaci DibsqeflAdInceiti etLU are ,neà aurod b' a ôoliod oupareil, sud ohsrgod 1degonnto %ent without w-itten In- $,Magon$ 5 nsortedutil for'b.tdeu, aria e.frdatning adverteb lte ..à hein writing ,othortrinthô publier efI~t b rccPonsibIO. uAm dW. iscount for conai edvaer$Wa. »,t, by the Yair. Copy for changes of, otttcê scIverttimüntSs hould be handcd ix soai îihmn dseWedneday ;sad notice of ,,y futande5 change@schould ha e ieb- .o Tuteday noon., Other&adverti unta WWWi" up te Thumd<ly noon.0 IUcligunotînes ln ]oal or news commue irgt insértion là cente per lins ai Nonps. reg 10 cents par bUne eîch subsequent tau- uitn, Five cents POlon nePOT sirum. ComrspoodOuiCecoicited fronta&l parts of lie oontl or uolghboring townuships. Cor. ,,qo&@nts s'aroqueuted 10 menA in their oMettnuus se pnoiptly mis possible. JOB PRINTINO OEPIOTUtNT. lisDepartnit la *0e11 suppisd 'ih ibl is dHandsonesi tjiof T"ye ~ ~ 1~ CxorocLace 54upun u thîs respect ina.trictly firet. oisen tD ot exoelad bysny office in joHNlq .FAREWE~LL, LL.B., B ÂRRSTBR, Couniy Crown Attorney, Mud Oouaty Sollitaor; Offce,- 'anuti wIni, Court E'ai8, AVhtby -8 31ES8RtS IITCE eBILLiNGS BARRISTERS &'ATTORNEYS AT- LAW, SOLICiTORS IN CUANcRJgY A U hi t b 7.0 ~.iRICHIE, W. H. BILUNOBI Totonto. whiby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, BAIIRISTER, &o. Office formcnly oc- ou p ld by Farewell & Ruilealge, nil ta Nei Hell.Broui St., Wbitby. DÀVWORUliITON, B. A., . ATORKT-T-LAW, SOLICITORI IN Oianery, Con*ayancen, &o. Ornc-In the Office south a! the Pont &Oies l )Ioi&na sBloui, Brook Streel, Wultby.ly.10 ROBINASON & KENT, ( LÂTa Duooeuo & Romrçeon.) B AERISTRRS-AT-LAW; 4TTOBNS eys @, Solicitors, Osaacae~c OFFIC-lu Victoria Chambona, No. %,Vicoreia Sreet. 9minSER, kho - &&.-Maney 10 Lois >lainer etMa-fgeLiceae. Omesc-Over Domuleau fini, WUtby. I..9I,1878. <t! 4 A7TTORNÉT? AND SOLICITOR, CON vane.No ayPublie& &a.-Posl Office re.rcr No.11, WhÃtby. Ont. larasbon hg an&l sold LMrrie ale- aMaWlsal Trust ade S 8ciatiea. oisaaeotiated ou &U kiubaco! roporty. L. T. BARCLAY, L OCAL REGISTRÂR OY UBuER11H MCourt of Justici; Regstrar of the Sumpis Court; Clrk of the Cotmty Cort, do. Ofie iu CourtHouse, Whitby. JOUX BSAL& DOW, DAM8fBR-&*-LÀeW-.SOLICITOR th cObancery, Convoyaracer, &o. OBo-Deyerilre Block. Brock Street, RONET TO LEI&D-Prlvato Fundz - il qSmaup ta $800, ai à low nite of in- iLYUA, ENGLISII, L L*Ifl., Ç ÂE D. l".-SOGA19T, -d*g AeltuToronto Asyhasa 1Yl0-.Th tai.I o&doidby Mr. O. eWo, AD& T EeryMNwspaper and Reader. Magazine -4r 'J k Money in the ocke0o -f r- O . n'aunAs $2t00 $200 2 00 2 00 200 2 00 2 50 250- 2 50 2 10 a 00 4 20 200 850, 400 o& PiNcE i80 a 251i 2 5 5 50 . 75 Obrouicle ($1) and WooeUy Globe ($1) Obreniole 1) and WcekyXMail ($1) - Chroniele 1 iand Weekly Âdverti.r ($1) Chronîcle Iý andi WeeyWitnea($1> oa n e a 1) and w .O1Iy Star ($1) - Chronicle i sud Lelure Hotr(#14i0) chroniclo 1 and Ssnday st iom SI (3hroniclei sud Beys' Owu P&poe($1) Obroniele 1) and Amerloan 4I 1hoi sud atiThe Hovmu ($1. 1) ~. Ohr~*11anarip ($2) - - Chroniolo 1 and AmeriosaF 1)~ i140n*Doas,W.Is e t$ ioe(1an ~ oa Choml a( n sd Ivo MontMlies .ffV. ndt~ ~ induU, w.advooAto Peace, . . . . . . . .j .D.Y. VOL ci i NtL 0J WHITJ3Y, 'Ç43o Whlby. ay.1JiIAS.. WHITBY BRANOR, Broçk Street, - hîtby. Il. . ADDISON, FINANCIAL ÂA+FrNT' P O. Box 114, MONÉY TO LOAN!1 $100.000 FURt IIVESTRTXÃ. ON REAL BSTTESEOtJRITy. At lowus lving ratea of intereL. lionoy sord within 10 days f plication. Apply to, JOHN FABQtJHRSONl. Whitby, Febrnary 16th, 1880. 9.. C. NOIRSEP, Insurance and Generai AgêK Repreà seutiumg the folloviug cOmpanise: Phoenix Fire Insurance Carn'pey, of London, England. North British 'and Mercantile Insurance Co., afirlà tiuburgh aud Loudun. ,:Oritlsh A rnercan, Assurance Campany, of Taronto. London Guarantee d Accident Compnsy, a! Englani. Canada Permnanent Lean & Satnps Ce On Improvod armiuna ai low rate of Int"ret Altso gceetary. neaurer of théc onty Agricultural Society of South Ontario. OFFICE : At Post Office, Broui 8trééA vTI ITBY 'A. A. PO ST, (lateni i L Lo&ey,Lney h Buke,, A RCHITLiCT. Deelgus for ClaurcheaVilIa&aind Cottage on Kingoton Ro. ic lùmag. ý Ir. .Box 102 Wmvaî W. O 00 NTP0 PROVINCIAL LAIîD BURVEYOR*. Cia1h0 fourni l ket vOdeao0. XU<E~,Whitby oM le edo"e Mr hnlen,)è;;; sai»" Dominion Wood Wiirk, WHITOY. G.o, Coma4but LU)MM'u-WaRCHAUT A I&ga y ai BgI74eg ii DoorsOaadlinda, - Plimnhzlj, Muldinga f.srQU srs. lio1, Floodint m ehsediigB sîwlu, 8~aplug TmSg. crofl-work, etc., etc. - Whftby, Oct. lt,17.-S KINO .B8OT~3E5, WHITBY. OFITARIO, drau, wuuaaacnpion f-ino!teuIn" Oppeelte U7.. S ollitor of P>atent, PatntOffice, 'Wmbilngon, D.O0. forImet « m i'Trno vil bol wit lay ibout the middleo.1MaY.' Ps-tiawalamgliit iaospz0p.ly ta"e LYON à »WPEET, Pluolopiphets, Wlf l sm whlai rd. b . j AZ R S' M4RI T-S Qff TIRE BESTN ,THE WOPLD. W. R. ,. HOSE, MÃ"LE Â~GI~N~t IN I ' f f ~5pcWt!bê,lg ~Vf~I Wn4Ãœ WIIONICLE- W MI U.IT 'Y.l rust ns g Violets* it s] -$wc5et"I Hale letam Drpgstn Tânueasona Drca,y imel Glen hu Daffodil, iu Fiery tifil Croona-flaoe Snalol-ino À -luin i seao f -fUt hsot;Li E »:d' Progruma; Knowledge, B~J~ JUNE6,84'~ e ts -O O ',ÇJ4tW qin. in the orchard, 1ew4fî5noim Teeu ae green can lie; h einreews a oivn 110 rt h o bred x r a n . Iry daudelion,-fgbond aîhi f nldsnOng the green!" -houae.and; pale, swithin t%.e hnll.we, e-i e Ofl!floj tles rôoks:the'rocks; 1te a den, golden beartbg, 0My acS unpotessdming, 1umng; like tisas," heéoRaid, li itterflew, and heur; mn; for hii-tadden tijeece gai-cl o hu oako'uwb Pa daashcd with dw I fn'nte deat np;e und4, thnoughgrnna, "n atdied ?à lookingoui' At yqu! gi 1 sc a:orpi - -"I ih areil woôli - k -f f CHAPTER il "The.'o. qt. ea 'ùU, «g woenian, os,", nsid friend for, salie wâitdoi-r chasg. frai the pocket of thb bine cheik apran."*îîelesgoing adi the world ?" "Oh, I onlywu new~r1-n the eager js oa the bg rstlm"u ve"sd~h r e ,l!e Li4 ire. Engiq ce *d Iis and ud. ' uï>rrysonla Larzhp 1#4; sud w 0 tp bés e 1ati Iden. iuîéiéîî. a I do net boliéva LsltoeWo d. OW "0E IknOw $rOU ïiriçuonInoIR"1Loi f h eaart~y ho kIoeIedIa whs fou.hondome;h hd !nst arxivud >at liaI ùnplosant ai eWhou 'a - ladleg feumre-t l-'clarge -for -bis face ana is dompleos lbfi oli,. ud lia thonu dun» 'upon lie houp ahide- lheface initeud ôt dla eu'lnes h 101590,fr.tne And lhs !large fesînres iloeisofleuLug; us7 gave vey 1t1e teso? viaI aner f anho rmigil bocîuie tiM ho eamulodt and lien tie &ice vas 'igiteai by an eirnes!t, lovlng '"M id ismYW&y,"LomnBaia preuantly. n['up"ue yon dare going'back bo Glen- "N-sIn, Iwaa-"--" aAber. hi ietia.d. h o i . peab of a"rr? latnql;- hd ouhi l, ry le -eo >er atuinuai sot venlaibeRd0v e asnt ls'usIds lteresi. wb h e mivo né S1 '-4 is have done. b W8 0f-&fmnk imct honorable ~$ansd 'bsi de, isé-lips -overe iy a compacot ai whici she muet -uatbing -.1Ho Coula fot keep W temllfrom a tuddeU7 Iremnlons qniver w4leza , OW ler- distroe, thongh lhe, qrIdat' nwAole - QUEER PRC tç" r.- itiimowa dhùl-nroglta et hi e ralyêoi, eS. At Pi-agi 13 al~ t bsence, tfo.kzow liai ouet, (tol lw"ae not 0Ooutierfiiî. 'but tatôn, eust - lhink 17 moazata fôrgé yan. a cari-espar o- nt idYe.'Ynsia go-sud the al'eeé me agalein eytla e f" înurane -' é abpon~ïgvey111. ot Sun Iha. nntful -iualeed 'lu snoh apotoe k , I i st l 1 1e friend , ta eav e f M n a otgbb s-'liope. -B ut SO e nly pebble À e* lI-nd gettiunpUquickly rarar sq~i~ried à oiig ne-f lea~eves, sud. aila"The -righteol Of' aI Are à grestl i 86 t W *Ias eded, and lie futa2ré.cf bhpis id solmso- banren; aie didi nuit cane. very1 ar Whil nd 'liÃcoie -ot bler!1 sie Thero isi wonla:in.otieten bili<.i, repo"tid oalis;-erny: e liore , w as 4 -a n g yh ar ei i b er sen , ssdi t] heartas îif hbeod IntleI1ioùU1y - hiddes asopecbtoeth lhe neessity for hie going, yoî eh. had Arabian êoM keown il 411 alosg. - plaoc oreta, The inCItant dsyhad ondediunClondy t îitébohe and shôo.;,, as our 1f'. chieall- i~uaruainly' br a" à fltù'AQ; ae- ft1yieg alag thélie ftee fogel pall eoarely oolwoos aiboa'owu rspud and ketlleu, m ennionly lenging tl e ho lobe bnr»o&.Ti wiih ion-trouble, where saie shonld- nOt ~> u be asbstnod ta Bob iloiul and ho 5eIf* fuel of Mexi reproaiful and unisppy, forIlie park xco- in t] iug was pain, ta-hlm Sa wolt oalleijgî = th-:t about for wiee ,words lialwonldc-neiîhsr drode af mil bc cala utno-r lrea rcins. WhOn iey 'b -eys ,(bnié overe on lhe, vony verge of e' ë deop mne ashadowy wfflle, ha msde ber'pau se for thecoutry, a moment; and- foreod hor avonld eye- agae150Poe~ to.lookà ,onmtemore>un ô ieowD. - day;4 ,ýI4- gant l aebrYom, juat se The .peoq you are, Loi, foryouwtillUbesoohangea weul-knowei. hofori I Seo yen à aie. W. shah ball y-ucaan as bc changeai," ho aded, slowly;- . every- urnawing thing vili bo c&ieag.dJ geMente th TaO:BitCONTMDlNth le uppr go -a hirt &aim [Mfr. H W. Lucry Luth, Psu IMali Gazette.] r 1ge M ED IC A L A LL OPLE AND QD» HAÃBI TB'TE Ai TUE Y HVM. r eso , Y n l !t a ù , o e fi s t u4 d ficai 1w, tbe rIsV5~ stins aud- o6atdies of-'th Àtropice èU A merlé o ,.7 Writ4u - n d e n t. T e e i , b ,,n asotl gow be:,in gree atbeste upon 'he al stun, tôbnOail thaohea. wiib pal L 1oritë' of i wr ~ n 11084, are bçl.f rbie or lii g h 'i d' 4in d è .d . -nol a hianey ih Yuoà lan, ire México, se far à s, llava hef Obs ma.gv.lak of, -e arhiotriklà htô VýBLEM MoE lord BOIV Wil$wiiboprcected fre. to every, ûssi n hOaocrsvhtorti. aa m in qOm &loe.or lubbe villa suy ollerer odfleBL , 'W=,rmits re se"My*lI10, -P"'bb Patboa dard ta caver ceet of postýansd proto.toe.> 6 bea fi. It is ymirs to takei SRo, Ohromicle Building, .STRAWBERRf-" AT' B.- . ils »foe i istoo at4y, Union Bio.k, ~ LEA TI1ER .ANP 'iFINDIeOÃŽ Ceai palierEdsit a. utgetl COMBIMATI9N a TIC î'Vt