Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jun 1884, p. 2

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TOPS EV3MYTK1NQ. pqUd, ,UW o"o. UyrKoMrto là 01 X~<~oDhlW or Or FOI&2M CENif VOUONUIE4 mnt D iuludlu ohoic fof ou, cf Or four prrai)for 2 cnts-. a trial trip te thoene ltnw subscribena. AU Subscriptiotua ob bd. ilressed to J, S. ROBERTSON & DROSI ]PROPRfITORS, OLIONIOLU3 BUILDING, - W]IITlVY New Adrvertisernenta th/s Oaj àUy Dew-Tbo May 1>ow Agency,Turýnvî 8Pecal-P. Taylr, Pure Llquors LR. H. jaxneson. 8-PecaIa-Andre* M. R*. TriPlePlat$e GiOod-J. S. Barnard, ',New good-R. & J. ciuupbeii. apeciale-O. F. 8tewart. Great Rêduetion lin ssg Rates--.eo. B. Yule, ant Ail laui!e. Photographie tudio-W. E. O'Brien. Blg Ruah-.A. W. Kinney, Yanunoiîth, N.i. Caniada Land Advertiqer--W . . Fenton& <J., Toronto. Changf IBuaines-Norinan Sout. He914ore ad Paris Jre-4.E.Gibbard. COut-JS.Robertaon & Brm,*. swlE tphemoan. In~ortne a Io/derç o A uc/ion Sales. Au aittoldJICOet n tite d.,largelji ad . unld wduY circulated colunins of tige CHRONICLE alivay, respires ta qooiî attgeauto of belyerai taîy sali'. Those ttrrdittgingfor 8apli>aqsales attuly ithel. Ouniraileaah1ynotinq thi. fac. 27te Oircacgin o!the UONICLE 04e.",W, arc preparcd ai aliltipneru k- lrt ZIberafly ad.o ur friezds ft, pl tAi, cougtr, for Ixmtersand ad u1rtùiipi fer £/i.r sales#. ONLY Si ocoPER APINUM. Whty rdaày, June 6 84 awraaetidciculation OnCeieawuc,, .0 i 'nse sti mat, cf hia yean'm wh40P !-the .;pi44 lStates pute: *hi* e lu ly mIllIon.bushela above he .avmnage'of he lut ive ymans. TIae a Vry bcd urMei & _ ss busta, ui e.may 0 in ~ nc Nes I Ruisvu, Blusud anti hus-pope. liastis.,.. Elle W. Pieroe oçutnum bemr tMeai, i"À DurisDwti," and Chkoe a vas-aty cf shorts toriu,eketchegu ativeulures sud pomma cd «rouI mon sud atlldngly lntenestiug. Indue. $bs lis quarto pagea are bniliaul viCi lltsrry su tiatioAattricttons; Che lllsstr&Qie enubehr even eue hualred1 Tisremanlsssbî magazibe is furnishes for 25 coente a nombor, on 82*50 a yeaî, PosOpùdti.Atitrsa Mrin. Prnk Losli Pblie.58, S5 sud 57 Park Place New York, JouxO. VEue, Che New York baisSer, le undtes-nmIai Montrealanti aill pneiibly b. sont Cc a New York jeu. If hoseps psitsntîary lie yUl pro- ball7 be -a peur man. - Tii, Chicago Roalsyis ines BEu., istiieor oni o o., vue a troisg tililer cf thse faitues. è.f ibsâ"Mualosia spehbetis ahich ,ebUSeasCsalà h 6so. Tho. litongSave a.jip ti s Chma*»a&vsak befon. Che ~lento- Tb*, "vr vas ose cf a dossu JMOW -EveYYiung vas eabes-ite sud I5U5~Imn~sbd- i gnavaly. anti bk a or W badprow. -I Ths hrl.Y' eston, sud the Mlre bis b les spiby h, op.: 49 or te 8opttAoI, anti distibulst ively tmoi h amrl LIIa#ubetoiCWtoa iov hat Ch, on tth boti *s' ot ootidepre. shà arley erp. W.Ul. iloalmdpi àied for bis' oplnjutoûase sub. ýsUUjydoiesTt ay "- SQgtes es,4"sAsof laI cs cifo B lth4a, hëý>suu Il akn atotal of........... 4 Th@ fhs tac at Ch. brv.r owy t0 he famer0-fS ,tim. ,wL v.by Ibi, i* s u« simm§ u te labsrbd :m t LunIS, tuugman, cOten hsrdly InSolt j Ours thse "s""sa of Ufs. sboul& Rovlandi tisIaku, mprés e hmtar Îao faco f a meurs iblois viia& enormons Mmr lu the Aggrsgate 1te purchasing power of the m&uof SCounty CounI20mors in BeRÈ TheIi assmled wledo# qi cOuuty met lu Ienii-annoal sessio, the Court House. cnTuesday" 'A nej of the C.prooocdlugs op to the li going te prees ail b. fond j,« anos Scoluva. Two faces are misealng, lu pensons of Bobt. Onntinghapt, Ras ,of Brook, and lien. Thompscu, ne of Soitt, both of whom, vo rffe ~*kaow, are detaineti by illuae. "'bunuing question" agitatea tthe legil ire mind Chie session, if v.e capt t Iof the comipoaition ant i se cf c ouuty Gunucils cf th. future. 'I maCler has conie dineotly Ccto thelx by a cireular from the. Ont&rio Goya moe, propoundeug s erlees cfquese witia Ch. view of draaing forth1 opinions of Oounty Ootsaoilu..-'I f matter wae (nIl;deals t Ui hi comuaai the ime th. ensw, final sent ont. (80e ORRONiOLU iMa, 14 andi April 18, '84.) The commît d of the. Couuty cnoil Cc whorn m iaCler vwu nefrred ml7 oonour inu general opinion (bat Couaty (Jounc ai at proeut coustitute are nunoce serai7 large for aU praceical purpos r Tho nemody enggomtod as to lucre, C h. numnbon of qnaaliflod eleotonsni -ceary tai eleot Dopnty.Beeves br 500 (ai is now h.ea) tai 10W(. T nesnît of sncb a change woulel besto duoe h. membcrship of Che concil* th. onunty froini Bd Cc22-Whitby toi losiug is Deputy.Reeve, Oshawa c Depugy-Beeve, Pickering two Deputii and en in the samm proportion thrnn1 ont h. varions mouicapalities of L Couny-ora total roduction of tvell That legielation on tii. matter will ta place before a great virile le quis et tain, andl thé Goverumeut il inflaenoed by Cie varions opinions prosmet by pras andi people throngbc thc Province. Thse Lie Frots. Witb conmoendable enterpime ai promptitude, Mn. BLUz, Chiai of t Bureau cf Industries, ha. gsthê»ret ponts from @ailparts ai the Provinq ccncernlng Cie'effectu cf th. late frot andi bus isae t tsasreports lu il km nofa supplement Oc th. May Ïiepc et Cun B"ura. W. are pleaseito ani Cht tise Jjuy la isierPione. imu islm "souli ha,.mbelon teipaos nieu- lau qu 5 tiU55 U8Us theil è4 bé qory fumu M Um vort 'sê siq 5mtD aveBIboss dont Ths. d wib usésl. msti là 004eU MtaM f thit Sl V.- wmb qired by re-#ba. T la, gsIaaIalmssvilprobebly b. L rnve rgeueral in Kent, Zlonlolk, &an E&dm ud dfruit lu hois bomie nlasu " ulueti e badi"-ydsmsge t Apples, lortunately, oscaped *vol ù itios. ocuntwe, wlthout sericins humn bThe. more tnder fruits, hawevu le buffered dioastrouely. Back of Lak. Ontario, àaime 048 of cifruit s"d gar -do tintuif wlll b. gezsnal. B" ' wherl elsea, howver, th. ocps-.were ltI auaeioraoC t A Litl a notioeabîs thtCh orthmrn country near Cha lakes emaped boat, Barrie, Coclingwood, Meafard, sud Owen 8ound seudeug te mont favonrablo report&. tu the Ottawa region, although cloyr and grain esoapt, fruit and garde* crops *suffored, and eyeu sanie kinds of foreait *re Crs er. badly out. The inuiry gon. erally wvolt have been muais mons serions but tha&theii.froat vas lollovod *by cloudy veathem.and, iu mom, local. Iitima, rain. Onsari peopleisya-con gratulate tbsmeelve. on thse.,%ut thai Chia trost,vhicb bau don. so mo"ls ann ls jmore southera looslitles, bao oaused 1snob cmparatirely light loiesgoc hia Province. Our Town sud Oouney WHO BAVE LAEORKD IN T»E 5&MT BÂRU.CEBxs lei 851- PSaOBA (Réglar oauepcudeooe of O3ICLB> Wmnns, 2od June, lM184m.a u at I broug h h itola setchscf thse Whltby Oon.gatlcnsj 'Chuais dan Cc th. roesgnation cf Itsie "d pator, Be,. 3. (0. Go"i. 1Ilei. ot ai7 pur.t pose to trac. biseabsequet eer, forth., han to msy hoe ainoë lpeoaim. fanion. both ùses praseher ma awriter, *apeiialy tho latter. Ille VI LIi. of Ohulg," Cc vbiol, tr«but rferesela madie, l e etinati mm s*eUable ta Judge, tCi ho cone of h.xiehus mines cf thouist tobe founntli* zdWgtus lkt #rature of the day. .R*r. J. T. Byrme Nlowed ' Iii Mr. Gelkle 'iu th.épstra «, -~fthe ohb5 su ad eommenoed bis iml*iry lu Oct*., 1851. is Slrat' effortsedi- reetsd toi h. removalof, disosda astlMsdathe tis e raticu'of ,*ra*u m the il w 1075 ir lau lft osudte Wig D l osmat UW . isa Bu ' 4 â» Ob": *ukî ibi ti.Ce.va- i iemuessrsgs i hissiws ln. W a~mb $0 depsss.8vua1rsask of famills froas Cbs tavu 0mbpu*., and inlusome cass tih*Erlomsta.th. oncurclu financially anti othue wuva merlans. Several lcduestlsl meuibena Ch., sbudhoents were alec 0rernovetibY n udoitb,&aong ibotu I auj mention inChe senior deacon, Samnuel MUI, Esq., eport andi Mrm. EHili; &ac, Sb@Is ae Mr. andi Ir cf Mn.. Ramer, Mn.. Eggleton, M»s. Cher Souley, Iceeph Harper, snd or former h igbly esteemeti Major, James H. Üerrie, aho, ýaltbougb by persuasion amî a BaptimI, vas for amay yeaxs-alnost sre m iCi comimencemnt-&..asupporter Cc &, cfsatioroh. _N Thsa. andi chier lasses »antificultea is- ver. a.asl»y ilt by the little ohunci. tbal With its subsequent Iilstory 1 ai11tisai the veny briofiy. Ia h. summer cf 1876 rfi Bey. H. T. Mifller, frons Liverpool, ron Eugland, occupie thelb pulpit for sorna gr- ime, sud on invitation asuurneth ie Che 110'wiugspng, sud va.s udeséeei y SMn. . F.Malcolm, thon a pvrnisin s aidentof the OougrglfftoajCollae, ens ontreal. lIns, m10, ht e solis igob sud accepteti a sail SonCh.ealr£,a t%@ vu aftenvar&d dly Mondat. HMe &be charge cf the olinreh.ecstlue (walia Ch. Ca nt terruptlos>), frt e« hot Ibm ýcils Pars, sud vas marist bo sama ces. eflort asmrneprognoes, but oving Cu gop long contînuealfeeble lisalti, lin als ase a ueceuity fon a change, bis sgaho 100 aa egiven sud acopieti. lrn Ho *ais uom»edti <In Julm18) byi !hc Bey. "a. Wrsenbi ust arrv#d from t. Locdoný BEngland,,bkhîy recommenti.A cf ed. sud .ispolugs mevihat iauoly ,Wn the plumes cf Pmosor. Tb* ProLna noe a mnio!fine talent saassopse", bot *, lu othe, respects jusO se usledta t iii. h. position#As h. -position vasus-. the suitti Cc hlm. The.Il"tts eueb nsed- . ýe. ed h. careful and prudent oversigislj hke sud Management cf a pastarifamlla C «,. vîht h.ways snd vauts of tissout 1 h. and th&a people. 8uffiéeeittoc My Ii e. a gnose mielake vs. matisby boti Ut parties, vbich ts lnthéo cf h. Profeasor lu unn., 1881, carne tac laie1 to remetiy. Blce then hrs bave beau occualservices, but no settietipas. orat.. Penbaps 1£le i II Ché but. ,n The cons ereof the Salvation Afflan r ýb at prosent lu popession ci Che buldine under leseeboli, sud are eppar.sCy1 re' doing a tod vork, and, hoviiermuehj io veaoear dWar'en thor tes$0=0meA eta resete, wvq cuosucbut alis ChMm Oti a be speet in u very proper aeSort ftu lise0 id W mCb opoga weSj &mb laUDi S1001511r lien la ]RUSRqumrIg U.E SSs la 11OUVMux Eu*ss M BBi»y., T.i1e0Counil ü m Wt4to mM-«60 eo à- Smiith. Eeg., Rssai of du. au etleh r. Whitby lock h CeoblrMn ah 00UMo' l 5p.m. Mn. Farewell, h.e s-k, emataehi Ch. roil,aie, vICis Ch. " m mt M i,.Gome Tom«. f srsoet *78cott, Robent Omtnegbarn sd has. v 5tj 8e.JçbEevo sud DepnC78aev.of Broc hésemembèes asaunti C to ir *nam@@. Tise minutsd aiueeim «Ce h. lait day ofCbe-Jan"sr&saises r avero roati andi eonfirmsd. au woe road b 'hClerk on .-.. ou 1. O. Gftimu, Clark of lasiai» . u ÂsembMy sklngan et teca 1 1 1 opinion 6r;2ntise Ouolsad emeuadment cf the MunicIpal Âs Ive toochinga roduedoioEn tisemnber seb membens lu ati r.orgau"slosot4lie syalstM cfOounsiy ontis... 501 l regardlng Management fubE lU bave IMMenoeare.rasd En tise JanA he Jan.Itaojum 1. 1884, heiis as* oluslvs, 84 pereens of vs ~~ femal sand:42 m*lemasd4 c08,issa 'war4 prEgousEe n ihèeeMW OlP> csmii, f4 W"bukpiases Calice) worh RECl lED Ris. wEEKA OQICE ASSOM~MENT 0 New Lace Ourtains, Lamberquins, FruitsMsis, Men's Brown and Black "«Christy" Rats, colored Worste *d CotQnsnew Pant Fatterns, and an e xtra 'cheap lino ofTweds, suitable for -Boys' summ er wesr. A special lino Paotory Cotton inlches wide for 7. cents peér yard, 40-inch Factory Goon 0cnspryad RQSS BR08, Dry Goods Emponium. mitte ounBRat&s suBridgs, remca mendls Ch a a JP-lsv ho subanitle a:ppolsingaàe"nu eosmlssino vitt v ot neor»»UCet cfthe Villa6. t M. T. O'Lo. pme ti .repom cé HSary WEEsy ommlsstcuercd Narroa BrIds, Whoreparuts hai on vu so a" ; ai repaira IW O-- P i lllp M l e , es0 -e i b y M aBy lav Ctaappolnl lam e od o Cakie, etsspsü» i Vilwpgeof Bea. solos, i tEsCh e TasiTisera, ai i eCsp tovardo pImoe.pcm"to. Tbi Bj.la vas -putt bre *- Ch.e »srai OOKEUgOrr nemWam. on motion of IMe. Long, seecodeti b1 Mr. Ietry, tCh. icuuulosticns fhou Ch. Inspo-otof Prisonsat Cmnty As-ohOset ver. refeinst tatise Staning commiCte on coûoàuy Property andl eoc MNagement. Os motion ofi Mn.Mcae Cie eWarder lait Ch. chair unClit2 p.m. Tise Warden resumedth ie chair at IL80 p.rn. rolminPURE VATJncy Mn. Las-k., ciairnian cf Ch. Finance Oomrnsuee fflmset.a report ou Che Promm-vaimonfciOntario, igierre tiL Tr*pM usa Cht Ch. ommitte- . joloé "tbeaCtenticn cf Che Gov- «mmt à bas a u itCctise assulty of promotin fomat cultiva. lea as vonles fomni pneumao, aiC mugis sianite Catla amfny por- kai ie M s t ise distruelof . o mom ~ aiaMsd 20ae"s ausei te momesi. wM làsuveamem goai au - 'siifcf.sbt lm 0s"d<eiSs sus t ai aeeusplaisba sandali mam braatu=eviwmtaaB bu doue omi 5Esmitsd t os i rp tisa .m'miiciiéo-in déotedse me pmmer pot vea 'toewqvcbu a ama mT9ii 0 ommd ortof 9is isanMm bat ls lwt lieus assmbj c of is Izeeamsds CThah tii. nseJoedm ofevthe epu. iTba im MM queef ulsoneOf q Oo"6 mm latis~sie OM-i" outhel i- mâles. Tb%, ompitteati ha th ie ed octumuniosteon cf,George Riais anti à Charles Boîîundý'oocsidermitiotsanti aid tiemet i t adi sb . c ro cu endt bat à. the aiop n.oir etiby Levi Fair- banksbu âisi'vsgfo t Co buteher t a a s &BIsd "C h ue m a b& tala ase a i o s p l t sd b . 1l o t C c t i se i l g i s a i t i t e r . n Tb@e iollovlng seocuts er* seem. té mndeti for payment:-Ir. Dohbj *JO ;Mr.Màoàde #7.50; 1fr. Frry $9 anti M. Gertag #1.50. (Rport adopted). stumm AMs. MIraVmxvrs. e0 Mr. Cas etoudeti hy Mr. Wesle acredti hat Comkkleathesluedtso soiy Jhnu OsoÂxnu Cheir !"àmno«M-Oýt lise , â lns os« lhé aés a itis f Bl er o u'saide iÎn ot laCer Chan tise 14 Nov, naît. (carristi), r Mr. W esley tpteet bis eo lgnaion u a a nember <che Stmts »d Im. Iprovements Oon'ttee: (A cc etti. Mn. Bobenfaci secoutietibyMr. a w u tas- m oved W aC M . D o v n..j b. a p p i n t t b s i u n r f t 8h t e t a ns d t Improvementuemite for tise North Worda. (Catnl.t). LTifD'5 ORIEL M. Doaney sacondeti hy Mn. Robertson moral Cha thtiseepn.snia tiv.s ofitis coumoet June seuionucf the Oonty Coneil, be reques tO mais. appliellon fcr a grani of mone Ca ereot s bridge msesLytd'. nek Mn. Fezsecdt yM.Jsry rmoved ChatI vies isCutst tieu NATIONAL PlLsEae "Mr coid ma4d buthoeagA s du e CA. bas s«d Ie.- PmWsase salls eisnse? Ie4, lasys in leu"Tba a. tr h s ex Cta« tS i a ups il » dan i@O us b l e l p a r f y l a g r e e t s , e s b i n t I &a O i lo'decfPêIU.Cea 1V IX. lise atrelà oves- acr t ett di ne.se in saî eti by : mly che milets.. KmSeron 1la a0"56 lst iaa at Bope smtis. i tise aide lufisticu anti«U 0e1nsac"tiebovels, are syUtcas et adiord«MMM*of have M d gti Fie èss esnav «asoiOcbrmises le mv 1 I% 'Pis a" e ts$db 9 'et ath-hau na L rmlEiL*tUs an sy luthsater bif a Yeu, t t aih aoW St". ios a slussqti:ss: pd 4 sls, s aCstm A a. ezP*L sa :. y :in-bsthe aon ofpbi b"li pageyof-ab""g I w oa and the JImpure. The rnerp lie moultain brook, saCt ligbCly dans oven lise rooks antid rke i themunle ou Ita amy tiovulbn viver, ln vnze andt oin. It le active; -But mis0 ze$bu " iOL . u ure jancitrcng toko10¶the aiarin Ico02 ig ana su -Dini anti rabiiis ar Cren ist ntoimdsbtaY e et émasIm fle tt orsanais Il a Wlseu tisablooti la <'sroganti M lois ant gsd, anti agornals- ocuxa slsacouacmod rounds Ibrouisanteris andti is, lhs sys. Ca e oa - Md y ulaly. Whou tCh. blooti a intsa atipoorant W »ttmq&sneasagibe 4meu i o ut TbpBsoci of T"ioamriti [Dlia bllsaiyc-é nereal 3)rog gEit W. BL Revsé, Wile. ono bnlght. A StaRIng DlacVery.. Mnr. Wm. Tobinona, cf Huron, Dak~, anitusa Ia ba ifs is atibeau trouhust i ti soute Bronohlitis fer macyyssn, andti laI &U rrme&di e n eigavs no perumnent ns- Ilud opracuenst a boltle of Dr. gins Nev Disety for <enuniptcouog s andi Ccdsvehlbatiiaglcl Peanti "Uced apenaushh c. it £lugar mat m«lDises c f Throst Luge, or Broncilal Tubes. TrIi BotlîsFmPrséa G. E. (ltbbarti'à Ding Store. -Linge seo Thon. anu questIons 10 indiscreet thMa thh; dser,, nelithruti ncnlalihoodi lIls b.d veatse rqutressa nistiIt 1»«em sey tis e o -somslblly shoota noi m VisserAiWlflsa for vhm emEncd sbaulti1I LOCCTID Etl t ase hitgu bettent lum ofty das.» - d 9m beoh 't idwaa op b-humenItda banda, la To'm»MMUMgMlais, U aai t e umllabaeb=Mugua %Prim i GLASGOW WAREHOUSE -il New Black< Ottoman Dress Goods, New Silk Parasols with ring in handie,. NewfloopSkirts,Cromp. ton's manufacture. New Busties, New Stylsh Prints, New Drç*ss Muslins, Da CoDactori rcmlpt ui New Carrnage-Dusters,- New Cretonnes, New Drab *Waterproô Circulars, - Young* Ladies' Corsets,> New Stockings, New Gloves, New OTomnTals NEW MILL1NERY lu<ryand white Cotions, Linons, Flannels, Muelins, Puint, Tolwolings, orseté, Mntle Silks anaicrue EmbroIdo ii".LacsHoso,, Gl,..,Buttcn,Pa-aol s houldor -Caes, Skf- xirovýpo-oM, ýfrlin OPENING. AL8O AOENCY FOR,/AYMoND 8 .EWING MAChINE AN!) DOME8TIC PAPER- PATT- MANTLE MÂKI.  AT ont Ot id. MISS RAYES DBESSI& .Card- 1kBcrok OliSOlOOlE «A ~bla id (PO i. _î 1 ý 4f, WAREHOUSE. NEW MILLINEBY. OPE-NING.

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