Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jun 1884, p. 5

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IOUPTown Chur-ohes. SOrvic at Il amn. alicd 7 p.m. ST. 3OHN8O UUROUj, (prWhutbfl. ae«. W. 8. Weuna, MA. Inuanbont Sevc t 110 A.m. Alao 7:00 pela. 2 lin Town Hal CANADA MBTHODIST OEtTROH. laev. N.,&. Willotighby,M.A. . palor. -ServiceAtaI 1O80 a. .andi 7 p.=. UT NIRWs caHRCE (Preusbyterlan - Be. Jne. Abrabamn, - Pauler. Scrvlie atIil Ar. .end 7 p.rn. BAPTIST CHURCft, 1e.~ Barker, - Paster. Servie t 11:00 a. m. and 7:00 p.. 11. G. OH!URCE, (St. John's). Bey. Patfrb1..McCanl. . priest. Service ut 16-30 a.. ad 7 p. ON IRE. W ING. Time er Arrivni amui Dop.trture or STANDARD )TIME. 22 (iGranid Ifrtus>. Ifsitry Express 8.431 -. 9I17 jsnoty, s .1 le, Sodia.lieiey J1tctos. T,8. M Mail 1506 put 3.15 ut Expresa 04bp. 6c 'u o.. L1%a f 04Cawa t MW .OOu anud 4M00p.ts ilrousghrn ut a..%)> arn. Whltby Pourt Office. OR -rue veay. CLOSE lPOILTilt uAI?. l'arthe 38p.m. Fur Broughamsevu&. et Mlleclose Thureduy 700 a.s u e o Konduyi10.30 &.m, Poatlgete ireut Jrtaln-i5c per~r one ub> aa"h Route. llegltrtlon tec, Se gcx isa ruted un aut Mose>' Orler of. tSeatIn <lanada, United tiestes, Great Brilaln, Prence EdwaMslan1ud, Newloundlu,,d and Indis. DaveacRIT reeelved undnr the regulations.ot the Pout Cilice SuVing' Bank boetwccu the housor siuL. a.nd(Lao p. m. booetecloue of ecrani1 dice bours 8sa. um. to i it P.Z%4isîý -if. Canada havIs5 hioti ti o.ittvdsi le)the Postal Iaoutl.bre t. i r44tOnotiiiit 4i. f PciaI Alitesc Por Austria.. Belruum, 154.455rk, vleor.4v4t. France, Alsçru, 5us~.4, ratar. t4 4 t lnt. 'ils und Itcl2tutI. Cr4,44 lt,4' 14 rztI~~, il2 ansirw ToTor lt<o.cJ- Bt. Johnbst*31 x, iniitV, Je ine iudidrM »Ro(ica ?wlonodl cdi. .le t o not0 as" .l but t*0 P04tail Ittea rentain ous fore) Let rs 6 =90 ioge i cala ~rdri 2 cnts Mcuçh nia itru exer Frein 7;; ut en OIai"b 4 1tgsa-banlti'll ict lIo ifta rmac bc; hIýSths1:e' be 545s5 le t gon audsuad And Ç"~a~ liko a dow drop in »oh I UU» I ~roiavusd M ni 1ar ftat. PowriVi an rvirsllg OPERAS AMONG LEÂVO.1 The Wbltby, Bird Lover LMâtent î Sprin Music. TiVIlO TO DBThAKI TuaES? RT IV T EMota c#-~ OURAàv -TU m EL All the air la @foi, 1h... berlat dlays, wlth the $asug tfnombrable bîrda. lau-th" ionle gala, talin seUl au Mact ca nuî tua l back le thaae = iai ideuo. vas tire face thti's e oIdn't sloep Chers. At tiit fur teesing4cg of the iaightlta. ('818, o Iapdurit tat tho woret tb$Og &bou cerain artof Ibis Sean le that Iazy persona ar e mpelled te ' forego their Morningeaàooae for thi lond mlodyof robinet outbirda, oavi.es, bob. olinkm, wrpua, and, ether birde, tahieli breake e ut et the ifirue biul of dwzl Oopstott g et n po'inrly te heur o-rt bs-in. BDoeathea BraI buý can drîs-ot the firqite>' tf llghtibe birds recotrnize and bauil . I bave IîfloîîI-f loi ybed and uogenut cf decra 80 early as 8 o'coe*h u tt m 114 try snd ied -out I sýichO,>f~ad a tec heralÙ oet CAp day, b 1) v ver bicou able te disco oreht.nyr lat s;pocietele cosualby nature for Chie, ellies?. Inî the14 rority nf instance1 htî'r, fDind te lilppig.pavv~r Ibo îîirlitcot ruesr, Sud l te lircI Ca o ud 'w; t lc hîr . rillîtzi_ 17, lîki. lte lstztn of -1i iii hl2I2t7 ' 1 1 1 4J i i s i r. ¶ hint th Ii-!' Ic i..'74 r ..' -1 l12W tli<r lenor o . tro-upe, tiit, roi t ;the Wre tt- lit 'riol-, arti catbird, and ltstly ti i jin in pied garinents, te baiffa eft4he feathered cornpany. ,11 ta hard le doter Z M ý =- enoe or follewing. for when ene etart the othèe s hime lin se rapidly thatt ie distinction ef întlivldual singera ii sean lest, and mcia- nolhngbuî S-rPé and melodieus charnu. Nov <the birds' eperaîlo season is ai ita heigbt. Il Isunfanlunatoeildoeesnet lest longer. But lu tact thé birda sing ~~lie tbey are courting and ceai R. &B ad the mals Vua , 't h& tI4pallenily sitting. te ha hfiîý egg , The hope of offspning fuMie x be a~ singarila lran.ierme&rd 1I paual11, sud hatl isle Urne ta lodulga bis Musical tallesvhon five or six bnM ogruethe arenuappeaaably gap. ing for food. A godmauy eft he birdâaulready find Ihameeolvea asti famillese pon tbeir clav-seo rapid are natnre'a procesmea lu ber effort Ce keep aheail ef eur briel soeonei. lu oua of tae lara.lue trsea in rny yard a pair et u t Icjr avs ~~ preclaim hat a lnsly brootI ot vontig, lins laeely corne tbbIc c. thes Parenti birle. Tho fet-male fsut-1 P544r tllit'll r rouet' oui a both neut by wat. l 4I-' 7.'7070. wiklid tthi. ale ' t- 1ýl> 7it u h)' C.4itry f'ýrtint! 1wi'i-IF44 i itic.îi e '. .rrrti 4and FIC c.1*t i uts i D24, t . I 0 , tnu' mlei f asito g ho . w i !iî hat they arc Dot unfriendly. resoorts at eaci uew coming tleaa utile tricke ahiurh .ti ea4-likod witiu- itoeU-1 nufuling paver We deceive, but ip, in tact, cf the satm .aec.Wen lie coumet Vritht i log' )Prns. B bdor' iese edlug iigwbgandemublote laAL 4p. Qta-nC7 lme. a day, adrejoice leohb Bs;;r,*ÏCelMOuqpee anopunt etfsaOst" ageui~r~s A O uils sn tp. bird a-hcllydepraveda &rehber, a hvlg - enda, a pirate, and uny2lin Cail badse ca*9veohlm 1h.equa0anyo7 ."nte p.lor oet farina a t i.heother day1 -hit -e lcrtainad me grealy. He a beLfound lu tlk dete eg i p e of ~oglotb, *hicbb h i teilligence Aseoueto tetl hlmu .'aeaeln l -ptadsfor pur- p03t-a ofý utoniqn r. 5tbu 4f s r_- ir b..u1 t wlu a, onucIbr=igb t, Uid[rumwblug imCathe d ul." M, If nôl' ho k i emiig tilt. mg l bce aCtb mn4«J>Mie -w ssa 'd LI 9 . Wi"ý, réûta.* befoa. b. bad ul asesé;, 4lies h9 az Le Corc p 1legasilIý ubowea-onbsorable-is ~birnA Ia#wof axplanation h. iail n*ewsveL fromthe4k deau. The lsgeud Ce wh tlb bo orable meusher mitteul te he aoc hast Irihanîlo tien furnieul b es Bradley a-se b Che folloving e.o:Aogteitr enling teste r., ef Westminster Âbbey t o on. lfý.81aYj ses Jacob tocCata hiesltead At BeIbel, andl the lend2 et on le eab' Iat ICt a 'Ci4w o Paei~ Egypt and A tàli aco4t%onve;Ïd tte aHilA Iii tus- ystt 1851, in order tts uneet -~~~~o 'rr-itcjt~ thfle visilorstteC ,?k n.I-- l'! ir ctic o te t-sffoec.t tat Che i . q jt4i of274 i Scatlontl i.,d n , Ult ouit.1nall ref' rt-nDeco (lit h-v * uî rc'îinto Jaccoha pilow, 021.214 rotainîttg th iso '101112part. retour- wýT ýlabel loaVi.ng lA- coo uiadsly and dirly, tbe guida, a-ho e,,u.oeidorable anti nariau knowled o i t t venrementi vi nply -tie hi rvgard le Scetlaud. and gereul tis legend entinely. Dean Bnadley uLula Ihul geeleçista ave.oo 1 e~hovn ovht nso at &ïon b ada lt'on a "S@D E 1UWHERIL Fo e aeby W0 IL IHewa, Whitby. Theresecemu 10 b. a gooil'deal of différence between tilt authoritiea in England ai to hour mccliB a mokable." olgar couLa. Sitry 'Wolff told th. ~~Uoas..oL o~ucgs çpIler night Cigare-.1 is toasay, for assures Ite readers ltait a Jr" agar amce. bd for nsp.aoe or obahhin- epal la tweily.foï utesas A Towrto lady, Mm. Boeksaaba eoatrWaoàad a ises.1et h. ts oa vu esadvlae t.tu bçiS àlte à Ozeu"l a" liternilise. M. Coreon, in th. Jurmad de Pao.- mueie, ma hal a piaoe of bormi. walghlng two or thbe graina will, if allowad te dissolve dowly in the mouili 01 à singot, remoeo&Uii race of hoaue. Ite".. VaIr& 4 h -Che, atpaiTorpd ver,13fl 61%naa&c., ne medlicîne la eqnai te Dr. Bexte'uMunlrace Bittera. 25 cents per bettle. Au Oseawa girl, iero bncI a quarrel with lier lover, remark ed te a frianda that "altoewa not on sueezing terme wiîb that fraud aoy more." Arsswer Thtis question. Wbydo a8masy people vu e aroandu, »Mn to prfer te. suifer and b. made itaer- abla by In lotten, Coutlpaton, Dlszineau, ou cfAppeliCofn p oet 1h , o Rhadacos women n vithout religion men Ie overa wihouat perfume. er dismes et cm ".*s d e~a~ ste *ewam resteer cf fa"a suai cul, er, ov ua lik ja a i om uçuebavesgo aw bsetqlr01 al un a1 la avm, uMd sprad asls i C ol, te avery quarit«et fte globe. Ita muai- Thu pr otelibve cftcn bega .prîfsd at e.recalpi t et era freins îcIe coma- Sties, wberetdm baaceor mstaueffortlor à» ter &ÂlMyt.tilîîe of ùuaas à1m Etngwuaitwocsde*fuIiy Improvea h Pr acual uppearue. le cleanustieacaipfr AUl lîspuriten, Cua al bhuioru, Lover, aud drye, aÀàd ulzàa4.provenu bidneas.1% od4tu steilie weahengd gltnds, and enibles tht te pUCoris rur aa d tionvu pétbai t* ao oeds ort ia artice are slm Uiou,bot rutnaýU e Im>Lne,vwbIck s elaieý *"etbmnyd the Inumtart; -,,ad Third Ci"ua Non. Profeasicnal Examimatien a-lU b. iald Ot WIitby Col]l* te Inatitube, Oabawi PRi Perr.v and tmrdg.e Bgh Sooola. cern. menio J lILY 7Tv, at 9 amtn Te Exinatin fer Second Clama Non. Profeesional Cortificatea viiib. belsi at te Wiitby Colleglute Institute comrnancng JULY PrT, &I 1.06 e&m. It ma hipnsable CisC candidates uclsoI notify Che C>nnty In Cor netsIlAter lias tha Ait 0f Jte, of uin ftotion to Pm. --*ece ."ow2 P iâ aI -. J Thore lu a littla Frenci hrase la sumo up in six voesuancea ole ex. periene et lite: "tout passe; tout cae; tout lause"-everythiug péses, breaks, fatigues-lu time. Itl uaà qulestion oetlIma ouly. W.enutve overything in tnrn-rsm ho freut do- >tghtofCeac18b¶'F l1g'lI #Ã"l fli of rnatunty. ticvt t he Véry penco of caige '. Firsilr tht. links wi.aichi llfrumthei. chîl-n <-!ij îis tlat piîantac-wnagcric nn-4 urtre'-l .7at-WC c'eIllchildbeod- tD. oI !t2s v wtibrli uuIis-oite owu wcrld oi 4~and~eo er y 1 net t2%â, and wero seo violent Chse sairnootaCe break our heurtCwven uaa hane heaviar tisa sà Cloud. ne bo ye vhich 'madte i elad ertli a4hpris)aae bydeénub S toplyàas h~nu forimgardians vould l m e intelenal if -lbey bail te, ha esnuL, I eSU' 50 terrbly affeeted ce us e ov s vffp maL unsubstantial sare ledm i»e mernove ot ehil cOur paver, on the spac e v "ieud oosupytle l6 a-are so o unnau of Hf ae aetfnlo; or Itf f Ise 7ssére klud, vs made se, maeyV' blghite vhich endeidi uneoli~ ub lotie ie ulen betore a-eAean eedlt exact *tmegtbetnu luon ofi~ vs ecuid do, aud wbvloe W'»" 1, I The luvitatiée ute ltaIt pJ ý vbicb gave usn eoeruoh auixiens anueratleu about the correct ahiblet teatrî-. ossophu whioh a-re pain rats ai than plessnro b.ce et u4ao f't iu<tho s.p, M*s lie stq. e d nit oniZhtu a-o Ixant. LiLdbossua. - c roste or h. 'vWas 7ifi ; ticanue "lii- e i7nîil tise corner with Torn and mnomuent graoiously a-io1edlj, 1 eyes an~d ~ Ve 3,igu t tof s m ee i5dlI. Car a UaaL~ OMOa seranees produoingapretybaty natural and Yanlt¶tj4spp9mrnee. 'Tie hast lace lotion thal tha e rd avar preduoed. ýën rcnrapt ef price--one 'dollar . Whm or. Luntng nontlon tiispaper. ilra al &fîtere 'le THE MTDW'tEfY 167 Crn'arHsT... TORONTO). LIaroo.~edBoplat.aSdr Men andi Things '.AiIXTy (OP 5UBJ1CT8.. ttsTake soma <enlie o nil diclue lad frietces;drik adgu wrt&4,ma ~ sin For &avalunmies, tisa lb. Lpset the fisNerasiis b"h.d.untbot Tudorathe WToer of I a-asvulb. queas,ad n Mce U bth< ad ta-e » bavie ÃœMs' ýTI4¶her. a in fMyamy then building'lu Europe. aul eeniainly noue lu England, et ahich it ceus h o rtuinly '~d. as t e 0 t $Jobn'- Chuki White "19 l2, lit l encawt icb au; il waus l lhea ye e W 9 b ~man abd Aungevin kingu. '.fl57145»CeMV-.tol rn-, 2J resta. Pur-cuIIti',nofnIae oston Iphy@ician, dia- fý(scrd 'yuarto1y s lttun druiggist. ONE £S itho-l iire attt' orsinary cssngh. It acte alyn-st itirgically. Ask W. 1R. Itou-se flr a 25 ecrt bhnttle of 1111W'COVGH qt,1lE n"d ti -t10hoplut rf! aitlu auty aCier. -A St. Pnul wornan tre totrtiei ber %'uni fr-m a-hem ohe ftad been divorord, andl then'got ntad because ho vouldn't ake bar on a bridai our. A ce1i1batW 0"ô cf tivr md Ilasy 40417y ha Ide A=t lle hae udeno"peie wany a 4av ué fr ap va$&on et thesuie"t a" 1th» lie 1rh l pagy tlîrob asugerbocapenle boullcioas ýA'A .T 71 I t , A.. . 4. *1 1 rour rorontÃ"7.S£ý h... p~ie&frffi1~l0~hie41 er, enab- -TPAPI I8ýFIR$T CLASSE <'~k.' -. ~..1.. "'2""Tt O 3ti- ~y~j ~ 9A<E 17RYL'~MKD w t-VS7n-HITE ~N~VEUO~F~ES ~R $IOO I *.. the County. Q.RO1ERTSON &BROiS. 't -477- It SWk UY -A Sflt 0F Sto klhe i¶ I&4n, .. ............ t -lui hap ]xcursion for IDAKOTA and MANATOU ,,evsTOBRONTO aitNOON ou, Chu 27 oftMABCH. 2'HIB8BOAD 18 Nor' BLoczgD Wn sPsles gcl aî - sud e«Pense by tatlng Chia rente.p0 liclçotu ami furlier tuforusation spply te. ~gLONG, M ailwaY Passenger Agenj, Ofic'dp siiaRbtcl, Duuae. 184£ WbItby. 'JOHN SQ N ln Deuerell,'s Bloc/i for your DntA"NINCG ROOM SOITS, Cornae ne'ý Stoite all, andi 5004 for YoZirseles. 1UEEN-C11- LC0 OP ADI mu ip5ï, ae.eounu ses Me Yeau. i bom Wedui Bd changea l0 Thursds noticeainuIs on là catI ils per lina, mae raqua aliense aspr orndEandl lu nei.a~ 1,~jem0atane jg5BITOS TLà-w, i Toronto. JAMM ]EU GOLO '7MEODAL Awardod et Toronte! -Londan.and Guelpis, in 18W, afor, PEIIE8 ee Everf l9rrel UuVtmt. - A Lecture ~ 4-. "44 Ne....... Th e l n#vcmlty Ine 44»t ,are $bsspveréa with pinai Linen., laweo and litron uoderweer &»e suggeutcd by lb. eCw e. 1 hiaïr luthe suggesl;ion for travell -a-Ii lava sud billro cernpae hall. Thsu futilt, *book h i bou aUre himesîlliaMiý mene. nt fla-brisIt d rcgulsWhon," ald lesa teuon natîracte o t e .fou yPttMf <ses or egg.a. sd tho diam la enu ut beaSu lOuroin 4- 1 .11.1 [ýi iî= v mý rr 1 W6. Fr. L Mèm z*nl-- V âl iii to Éýual

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