Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1884, p. 1

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27 YEARS E STABLISHEO. .-TE WBITIYCIIRONICLE FRIDAY MQIPNINGY, rom the On i teOboXLs Buildin,BroO]E = reetIby. TE #1:*iP»E AXIU KM ADVAMOe. 'bOmolCUbal à urger; clrOultlin &ha a etrpiper in the.onty cf On- SRobertson if Brosi, pnOPRtHTORB. THBUS 0P ÂDVEBTIBING. Vinet insertion, per lino, 10 cents; oaab subsequent insertion, ô cents. Dislel AdvrtiPflOiti i&M niaured by i ocJeo0f 8o1d NoDpirsil, and chargé'd etractiooi nserted until forbldden, and chargedYfor fuil lime. odosfor dlacontlnuing advertlsenients muot b. in rtlng,otherwii thie publl.ehrs wili not b. responahie. A libéral discount for contriot aâvertlse- suints by th jer. Copy for changes of 0 otrcit idvertiêiiienti should be handed tu not liter than Wednosaand notice of sy ntended changes chouli e gyen ho- fort Tuesdîy noon. Othor advertlsementa recelved up tu Thursduày noon. Business notices in local or nova coumus Étrt uisertion 14 cents per lin. cf bNon i roi; 10 cente pet lino." s buquent 1àý sertion. Five cents per lne per annum. Correepondence eolicltsd ftrein aUlparts of the Oonty or nslhbul townships. Cor- respondenits are re=qu.ed te *en4lu hbeir ccmmnurilosiens se proinptlj as possible. dos PIIINTIRO DEPAITUENT. ,h~e4?~ismelPUd with 0%0of Typ6" ceitable for *Véryj dus e or3b c - P£oii Pdaing a epecalty. The. OaoicLs' eqnlpment lu tbis reepect te strIctly firat. close, aud tu net excelled by iy offce in JORN B. FAREWELL, LL.fl., MRSSRITCHIE & BILLINGS nARRISTER8 & AtTORNEYB AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCRRY &C W la 1 t b m7. Toronto. W.H. BILLINGS, Whitby. JAMES RUTLED(.E, 1) ARRISTER, &c. wOffice fornierly no. ) cupla by Fare ell & Rutledge. oext te Royal Hetel, Brook St., Wluîby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.K., A TTORNBY.AT.LAW, -SOLICITOR IN .MChaucery, Couveyancer. &o. ouxo-tRite Office sot cf tbe Pot Office, it MoUslUa's hock, Brook Street, ROBINSON d& KENT, <L&Va DuGÂs k&Roseafio.) 131BRMSTBRS.AT-LAW, T RN 0e, Soliottors, Convoye.ncers, &a. OFFIC.-In Victoria 'Chambeae, go. Victoria Street. J.G. ReIsINSse, M. à,. flreav.RT. s. G. TOUNG BliTHU, L L. B., B A!~!E, ho, &.-Mney te, Loac (frrxcui.Ovr Dominion Bank, Wbltby. lan. 22,1878.-t- J. îgAltRnGREENWOOD, A TTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, CON vyatcer. Notéry Public, dho.-Post 011lo Draver No. il, Whltby, Ont. Farms bought and eld Marriage Settle- metWlead Trusts made 8peclies. Loans negolatsd on ail kinds cf 1>rpery. 42ly L. T. BARCLAY, Ir OCÂL BEOISTRIR 0F TUH 110 OU qurt cf Justice; aRee atrar cf tie Burrgate Court ; Cleri cf th. County Court, &o. Office in Court Houae, Wbtby. JOHN BALL DOWV, B AlR1STEB-ATý-LAW» SOLICîTOR *tu Ohaneery, Oonvqyaucer, "o Offoe-)avrli"mBidc. Brook Street, Whltby. MORE? TO LEND-Private Fan&s- lasaumî ap te 8&M.0saIa lew rats cf In. ternt. (y62 »EISTEB AT LAW, SOLIOTOEflIq Wm.IoDRIN, E.D., N.R.CS., aÂE . o LL &&&-..0 IMe DOUARTs 8h,1874,. 4 Èb. W GUirliNZftIsON, Y ATE Actng Assitant Toronlo Asylun FPtOI-Tbat. lateîy occnpled hy 1Mr C. JtouLrs. loumu Agent. BEOOK eTREE T, . WERTE?. 1140 m D ý "8, et-i u rh ts. mm . I - t. ~a. 41-e .&f~t> pa irffiv~~otft~40, set ~J ~2~co 'e-OiT ~ <lOa~ ~ " ~, i f .i~ ~ ~ .~:str.f ~ Mlvi ~ij4 r WEIT'1, e- Whlthy, Noi. ',tb, 1M. Mug oNTAaIo WHIITBY Î 1 Bfrok Street, - - Wh1 Ji a, ADDolf, p.. FINAn.CIÂt 'AN4ei P.O,01o114- ,_M 4MON'EY,, TOLa.LOAN!1 ON REAL EBTÂTE SEOUBI?. At lowest living rates cf juterat. Money secured vithin10 dffl 01 &P- plication. Apply te OMFzUâfl Whltby. Fehruary 16th, 188. 9 C. NOTJRSE, Insuîaoce and Benerai Aint Reprsentine the foiloini oompiula Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, of London, Eugland. North 'British and Mercantile, Insurance Co., of Edinourgli and London. British American Assurance Comnpany, ci- Tdronto London Guarantee àf Accident Comnpany, cf England. ÂPPRMÂairoF« M Canada em~tLihêC MONBY TOI LOAN,' 04 Isuproved Par= t Io* rate offlree4 lo Seretary-TreeAsrer of the Oouaty Âgrtoulturui Society 9f South Ontmrto. OFFICE : At Post Oflcg, Bk Street. WIIITAY. w~icInoz A. A. PUO8T, (lite m ith Lauley, Lengley h Bunrke, ARCHITECT..;' Designe for Churohes, VWissd ottfls àepsclty. Dravlngs prepired for r. meeng eistlng atructures. Orcs, for lhie pueeutaM.bâ. on KiginiPoning.;. PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYORe, Cin be ond -t lite Lw Oâot.J. G. Dominion Wood Wbrks,, WRITsY. j Ingsaudailkor, fTwistea MoWagéiý- LURBER itehle#Woe Md r6 es, oW by the car [cd. Pianflug, Mouldlp of everfydaUoeap- tien, Floorlng, Shstlug. sbelvlngrEe. sawng, ahaing, Turnlug. Scroll-wo1. Stc., etc. Whtby, out. 101h, 18o8s. K ERBOTRES, WHITBY, ONITARIO, Importers, lesieu seud Maaufwarmaos! j& ind of LEA TUER AND FINPlN00, cas paSfer HlSs, Ba*k ul-.br. MW TIRG KAl ymisIr20 BDER ON M'%ulvr:îPar Mbest ,the ig 'Z,.,c THufl i $'E nu -tM îýa ti t.,1 - ;,t.,- - -- ~ct- -o -. -~ - j~ - -~-~t 1, ~i~u~iiiW * i-~ jas '1Tv TEE&S BEIT INTEE 4I ~~OfEKYmis~ DRe8T Pbstapb -i 1114V îW ~ 0~ i7'WTY lmrs.wpeetUu 14 aveI Money' -i the 4Poçket'*ôf, --Vée p r and*' gzî~ Reader. ~GOMUI*U~TIOR( s mie an gosu whiob le but- Digt heurs go.' ~semebeirte b"ià me other'hadg laitestrife; LiremIud Som bosthaltiebnpmeone <st triaS Omo aumb leou whsf* some have fied; vheau, ne etO= heuunthe. <y. SosepounIrfle others kesp TbU !th*eIrasuad brave; ne lwt rut l ir«ose ep AsouS tisir afbove a Sgrae. Ana logauty lofft;hiverd Iber: -A' ï 7ic ko'sarS. ~~tV or ~s0- " t oi ioeV-aua co niai thé iiuwenàts osifëë. ne baS lsfft ber . ùiLsie ons in, oe o f àie mioneoita$ien roome, that h&4, bo browiiz epen te eka eut the nar.- dioeènsioueë of leprlr t stl e -vent: oers--the jerar Im u ri îtupôn- thétable-sud opee~lb iotptp-hob gyler .0 i... a s A MEDIOAL WHII A- Piea for the L.ft Sand. 011107 ,TIMIREAseS OR pou useITX" RANDflx>Ani AYm »or weuM. a,&b4 'W oyw41ilb. niakliirlty oef i <sIil.n» 1 *as plege&-tWhaa')st >yâ bufthl.se ere-tbW cere, te me. Fou biro mol reO, y lMeS ~emot heu r é e"-tbpug i Lois, mnud& oe ens oes elaei viii- eT WU %' wiisperedI. Nc7eel andtbe er t v hleaslb."ThUnvwy ot u- eill: ie Yn bS enhlm yearu before, j -rtrmy o.uot tmistme?., Paîltem.la tieephlvii sp et 1,4 n> Lois Igte& up bhe fid a «A*gse" W &psu bofor* the finaqdp S' seutbo.i!OêI idl wmrm snokeuï iauJ Ibm mi.iutme 5 nIo t EOU~ 'tfhti:ai -250 'j #i-s~ I SOI> j 800 1' *'~ j &001 8151 ÉqLUABLE1 % è am ta odd j.e . O t - I -- Dek Okn BWle E*pe "> B.~Ibdoo49 Hq~~iÉ L 1 (tdy ILUN *SoIdiors )b W. 0. JOURSre) IT digi Ik 1

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