Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1884, p. 3

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TRIPLE PLATE Cruet Stn , $4.50.- CakeBaskets, $ 5,. O O Card Stndqs, $2.50. NAecw Ptsig»lzt andiî<In IVor/rnais7iitandpt/ i the bf st *value ccro i t Mez --AT- III ~ Darar1; Brocok St., WHIITT3Y. MR. ROSS JOHNSTON la Collecter and Osevaiser for Tux Wnir- ex cimomwz.A, and in autho)riâer te grant rteceipte for ubcrptiona, etc., and transart ordlnaxy baeluos. JUNE 2tit, 1884. LOCAL AND Ã"THERWISE. WHAT [B GOING ON IN TOWN AND ELSEWlIERE. A O UDGET-0F LIVELY NEWS NATTER OLEANÉI DY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS AND CORRESPONOENTS A lîosang Ys, tak.usin ntcA, -An' fauth bel prent i.t" Gnowing Westben. Crope looking fine. Off for lte soaon-flaftnele. le b lm eu b" 1 do fo thr i~l~r~l for lb. Fannoi madoou.uiarso f on uli do Wei " t e 4l Qtio.u C Oit Cog$ eelobr&a t zPaiLae a.blWy0111t sasoby aUfiteIlm &OBh.' oU adverUieenll tLucxx LÂNG-A.youngmma,'-D.*W Lang, Who bbéçD P 1 oarpontering tradin u m.d to bave fallon boit' to a fortinqof £ 15,000, -by the deab of a r.Wiýlly Seolani. WiltonghbY, h t8aiy %Vhitby usît fear. . I willpreao l the Taberna e a n SU imgiqrl~ PARUt voiSALLS. 'X. lrw oeil one hundred actes 91e 6ls8rzcllama farta, bing coposQd cf the îoufb bait of lot No 10 in the 8rd cou. -Pickering. Apply te S. K. Brown, Pickering P. 0 Ont.1 tiaruiîine for juno-Ladiem. aOîon TIosie for 8c, Lisle Glovos for Me, gooti pries for 6t, epetýilbyfine Mi 8c, 10o,' 12c,9, apecially gaad lot cf Drea Gooda nt 10o, 12e, 15c,'a gootiipAraol '.Xt Oc# extra good 75c, and the bcdt parasol in the county for 11.0 i0., P.F. tewatt'i. RECaR ITIG. -Capt. RUtledgehba boeenrecruiting No 1 qompan} oJ fbe, 84tLb Battalion this wee , put ang ii boys thuough their.pkoes et. the~~i Shed, moaiay,Weidnasda:> And"1 day (to-nivht) evenings. The nnmer- ans "aemai bey,-haa beon g emilytakme- op witb these war-like spectacles. T .S s stimmer tripe are beieg blked about.1 Ftmbiag is excellent at ltse nabonr su n alte countr'y etreants. "INavy bine' Serge TwSeed Suite made ta order lu begt style et C. F. Stovnts. - cloaiiig exorcises of tih. Ontario Ladies'Coclege commence acit weok. Tihe Allegbaniansi, bhe troupe of vç- .celisteanud beit.rngers whiob playod boe.ettOctoben, aren aw tlte Iprins Province. TaTowro BSLL.-A nobwn *1Vbel] bas beau ordorstt rmmte Troy, N. Y., bell wcrks. The breken one conld1 nal b. repatred. CIVIC HoLtaur. - Pro penatio i-e under wey fon &-big day in Whtîby. The commlttteeio perfect arrangemntns hoid a meeting tii Frîday eveuieg. ExnncxieITrnsSYSnaI$.-Tho G. N. NV.- telsgraph Co., opena ian office et Myrtle thie wesk, pntin« Mn. Harîbont le charge. Thons va. ne office thons befors. Gent. Cotton Box 5e, extra gant] sud strong et 15c, fine balbrtggae vit 20c, geals meino shirtse at 80c, finee uuds.r clatbiag front 45c., nbby Ties 25ic, strong Brcées for 15o. Greait ber gas ut 0. F. Stewart'a. Nzw Tua TABL.-The long ex peotest obange la Grand Tnnnk, Mid- tand Division lime table, came abont on Mond6j, anti a gooti commencemeat was mode.mis arrivais, and dopertcres vers panotuait Tbres trains o«ch vay now ruas lnstesda ftva sud te arrangement le lb. hast even liad. liofriele othetlime cerd on the fontb- page ci the CnsoNîwLt- viwii mquint yen vith paticulae.. OOForWUnve'S -ADVANTUS.- Tn mil expre. aaod passgengeat rail we tils 0very dày è.uept studay wlsa"iss re but tva, ee esch. way o»itbe Grand Trual, arrive aed tsars lb. two stations in Ibis love; sud thet vithihîhe bnneg of twenty Mie ntsIe, bsevea l int.e aormnaie oen bon niaules peet aine et nighti on an average of ee ite ech haun.and.a. half, gotng «od oolnlag fron theb candi' netlpCints, c*ut, vernti n ntit. -Wbithy tasy feirly laîn te, have the boit mai langeet train tsorvice vithie snob gooti houri,, cf &Dy lave in can- ada. Ban HOT VTtMRa.-Moees Oates, progaetilcates. ,asIotov: "Up ta, June. 25 next,'generetiy speaking, the veather will b. vsry bot, monte cf te day. being extremoiy so, appnaobing 90 0 je the stade aed 1410 n in theo@ee. This- bas référence te Tarante. Tbneughont thbs province il wili b. mnuch b citer. The average Jetotemn- perat#re titis year yull be iigiter than for M s ame taoath of the pat Ivo yearu. Aller the 251h Muakoka, te Higblands cf Grey anti Notiteru Nov York May looh out for frosîs. JuIy viti b. fine anti ht,.thc temtýtcatnno bektg ma i hgi as Jnly, 1881., T wxçCoeteL.-A ajieial meeting of tbç tt'cva Cennoil vas ited on Thtors. dey em tho tbe ip lst. Presnt:,-' Br>o ogart, 0evoLong,-Mesmors. - otiltb EsiXSmith (West), Cau, Iuràà,l, 11=o0ric, Stewaàrt '*and *Do e7.- A. PetitIOi4 wonded as foilow,elgStiR by .10 rntepayor cf lte lcvu, vas&lati beforo the Coqnaît. 'fÃŽlavlug board ibal a remolatiouf vas -PaiOdý at- th# lutmi eeting cf lte 00R1411te, oonvs Iblitestore i lilb. ova bail Du1~lg owv oeoPhd >' L -*-0- I'bing. are soldant what they Boom; Skim mtilk maquerades as ereant; liard and aoap wa est for choses, Biutter ie but amlo greaeo. Dealer (ini a wlhisper) IVory bte. bo you do." Special barge.ins fût June- Towah. oc, good Toweling at 10 per yd. extra value in Table Linons 25N ich Tabling et 32eoye* Muetins front 12c, ffine Drs abm S17c. So the value offeroda a the greet Dry Goods Hanse. 0. F. Stewatrt.1sa l TuEso)AIs DrMOoNSnrToN. - The demanstration b lIon. Edward Bj&ke at I3owtanville Tuesday wai an'im. Mense succees, about GON Jpeoplo bing isteners to the addressa of te tiberal eader. Mtr. Paterson M. P. oflraut and Hou. T. B. Part were also onget ftespeakers. David dOrtb. ton, Jno. Ferguson, Jua. Twoodio andi othera vent emet front Whitby. .SÀLVATION ARmy Nbrss. - Otpt., Peaste and Lient. Fisber 'onu FM&dy, conducte lte burial servie aoorcii to Arw.y nues, et te Grovo Bido Coruetery, aver the remaine cffbth alc WSm. Herie, rooklin. - "q(lory Toau bas loft siQhaasto take charg of the Lindsay corps; ttc jes eooded by a captain tram St. Tbomai n mia ù4iet.-Tîe Barraece bore ih wol attended ; Sunday evoning there t>eieg as gret a ncrowd as ever. I)ows Tuci Com,..-Nlew Stock of ,Slverware direct tramt the minu. factureras-, Crue% Stands $4, Cake Bstkets '51.50. Uther goode oqnatly low, aiso keivo, fcnke, and epoons chesaper titan over, et P. Taylor'. OCali and se for youraetf and note pricea. and dent f argot tb, place, CurtAs' Tîcuvs.-Boand tnp tioket@ via Gi. T. R. mud &Uiother Lake. roule. ced C. P. R. frotm PortÂribur ftneug frorn Wbitby ta Winnipeg antid good ýor 40 days-1o.,q q9mi trip tend SailLrt hi"-4OW-X Grand Fcyis, ad N" oDak.>b îown and se lueoa Xi1m4ho roturu witlgn 40 da;>,' ptMburab1e o E. Stephenson, Telegraph Office, Wbit- by. Steohis weekly mdvi. ini Ibis papier. QtrltYCI'r Orr.-Mr. Wtn. Watet'. liti-e, blookFignit., b, ose datb éocam ed üanly t'riday norning last, wau o 0tY 481-- ii un sutiday evening previona, listing sîtendet] the apeing senvicea in iptiat Chîurch, Jrooklioeme de y. 1 ula-i.tUtL6tiQu aifthe Iluge followed hi lever was ibe-cause ol destit. DsaoaeqO vis an oidnunt roapocîod remictn f L4t town, eand lcat-ea a vife and bre clîjîdren lt t.nounu is boas. Theofn oral srreof the deceased will be prt 'liedin thp lliaptiostChnreb on Sun -du ttruîng neit by Ror. Mn. Banker. When everthing w! ILr about a xnoutb aad wilb. la Torou&Lo This i. the irdai ppolaleut of the kiati mide ln Wbilby. Mr. Jobn A3exaa.hr vaula lova Ibis MEr. T. 1e. WldtfloMpent the veek l* mmn. 3a . Barrard lailu manil W lb. trip te 8t«aIoe ., sohvgmo a lPrirra Mr. ndayois t'ta Bey." -à bEr.Job  eseuog.C1vu 1m coarub e thc~e5mr Llue Wfor a ubsyulog t'Ia iîzroz n the reygOu loili ayUlb Mlr.yiuuvlloE. Sugos s6l foltr4 t% Upoa.Wa#Ps m piu cri fiel ui let ce Ki Bi fil os] fie du of "tt.ivrCIIILaaN.-e[. John a' T. Mddlemore, tIhe founder oaithb.-a .Orphmu Cîttîdreus Enigrelion Chenil>'. -< London, On&., leiS Liverpool on lbe. I l2tb lest inte dS.S. Pariao>an vit&i C Party af 50 irls mnad1100 boys bewto the &go cf 3 mcd 15 yeans, 'vhoS»are brongbt trtio iiii, ou" idreeptio'w an ine, obiofit ammng fermers.,Tho> 'B, are expected toarriv.e at the Geibnie 1W Homo, noar te City, ce or about lte t 25W tj li s vill he Mr. Middle mare 8s 2i T1ýa1n ýisRî6 tes. s *re çvith juvenilo exuigrarts front Binming. - ban, Bngland, sinco 1872. Alreetiy i many applications accompanioti wilb izoot] refer.otes Lavo been matie for te . chiltinen expoctod ta àmive but miore 'i are required. P'e.ftt4r 1 , a i& lu -b ho otinod by-.4irîaW.kiàý*. Gibbeu, Manager aiflte Gtrio Home, si London, Ont. Tim RAXAMA MNSLÂUQUITÇu 0CA01ý.. Titis ceeu in viticit a man nacuotIl Stoele (final repocneti u Stor>') kisketi ta deatit Jesie Higgins, cocapiet autsi day Fiday 1#aot l.quar er- meulons. Steele vas apd it..i&W, jnry an*, beieg obat'twc hÃ"tiv findibg hlm n et gailt>'. Titene vas no direct ovitine V af te kiliiag. -Thte ont>' 7e ritaus v pradund in Court bielg Stel' igbt. si yean.ald dangitten, vbotly illitaet,aad nat knowieg te nature cf mn omt. It cat-fe ont in evidenee bet belote dylug, Higginosasid hbed received badéets, anti itopot ibus leyenvouti no he o u. isbeti. Jatge Darteblrnlti. J: Fareeol cendectedti lb. rovi' a'e ý mnd J. B. Day, the priméuea -TUER UPAY TRAN PUIN xpso.- Bis woreiîthIe Police Magistrale ou Fridmy seabeneoti annait Green of 0OIon Major a Party le tbe illicitIIl qour eling case mt Glea Major, pr4qtsr. ai 'siticit wero pubhlîboi lutma veo'& CH.atciLBio $10 ânee or 80 dye. 1'rafeelg t. ha pnles-é was lodged lu Deeker Cashe, aad presei ta donbbc P].v-b ai a juilb Ird., Tuc heurs Confinement aified lte tembai. froc trader ie fire vater t theliteer- dent nAine anti 0. ÉP Sry"* auw ent.a V for. To té worthy 0Chiefadeqitate1 alnîhonity fonreuit a proeedilg-*nd. minute -directions boy le do 15 ttr wuqr h.à a s iunk co a rollcf billi.'adulog; pp o17 Baarfinian 'w'. 1vene proeeaiWediostay eowing si, CePtýs lie. ACrnon aof, Paen.ri. ilW--itb r, before clos m*eOur dors, we -purp, se havmng twholesale figures. Our doors wil be closed. FRIDAY,; JITE,.l3Tn, t6 mark. od.Every ar ticle t blmrkd nplain rd iures. (iOme é mu thé forenooei and avoid the rusIi. Ngt--,ônly will we sel], the Dry aoods iit great reductions, but our ôtS. and hoe an Grceres to be sacrificed. G ountry -merchants and hotel keep'érs mak8 oeo hi r~ ae t-.. 'w ,, e~ - t t. ~ ~ILI.I M A J mi New FIN~3 "s-t C4jLâe urains --AND A i' ~.l t. it "a, t .- r.. t- ' f 75 52Ie,~BH tIi, xiumioe, Satur seauhiNiveathor ata lre- kson'i p~yBrougteam u u !rst ioaïuno rt farty.aiae roue Lia>siextysia; ii. e oad4 "o bmmade fo l ttra thtf dcwa corneaÃ"d ai..Th slding wusaieavMon> rdiaItle >oiing cf Brougbam vas IIOOd, 4 nnlnog lb. Giril lags, iboreaa ccod ptayiag, baadllag titiboy a ssii, andtigoag la-Ihair ruitl oelloal, stylo. 0f lte b& analâe m atby mpiret. Mististe mihis, tb. enicketern areWt o Kr. is 14=14 ivbers theey.tofa A odcLeS matob vilibepiqasm- me= okot. toqïe 20olo Tise Orîdtoelwb'os pîaeioel« a kiaeoaiunat disTkol'lt > SBraceélets, Bar.,Piis, Eardrops,,, WALTIAt OLOOK0 ST IE-ÇT AO 0 Cit Para1 ÂNDREW mat... BÀRG-.A~II~TS. -" --m- -SINGER ODEQWYýALÇ WFITBY; Qs-~ BROS.; p ~--. Â88OR~M~INT 0F BSUITIN. GS J f . P. AND ýPÂNlýTINGBI j 1 1 ftt-,idiq

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