Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1884, p. 4

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]My. A. y. 1M4er, DL. Reeolor. * S.rvetIl in. od 7 p.m. sr. jolw8 OIIUROH, (Port Wbltby>"- mev. W.S.IeL *qMA. oemben1 Service.et ILdo sm. Aloo,1:0 P.m. ÇOÂNADÂ METIZOflZST RUEOR Z&u. N.BE. WMiOUghbyKÂ . itn servie& et l0.80 &m. sud 7Tpâ. ST. Â2TDREW'S OUROII (Preshyterlen 1ev. IrP. Baker, Pastor. Servic.et fl:WO s.m. snd 7:00p.an. 04 9E1181H, (ei-jobn'a>.' Service At 1080 en>. snd 7 pa.. ON THE WING. Time of Arrivai and Deprtre of Trains, Mai anidSae STANDARD TEIE Grand Or2ille Icatenusm Local 7b17Mc&. tji1. 5P;YL Express lü 1 * 1 Expres w9.17 Sunday, 8.43 s&.. Oubut55. Express>'52s iILoaI 0.640 p. Mixe! a-'iVlle p.& Express" Ml U 1ty .01 pitn. 'l'sWf JusTon. 6xles '.40 185. 6.50 pas. 6api 45 p.M. amoP... Las omshasacit10.00 L'Ancd 4.00pm. ScogsAiCris5 eu Os tae VOIT. CLOBX POILvuRIcRUT. ro 7re .ei 00 p.M Oc7.15 iclm Fidy 7.5mp,. IL Mondcy 10.30 Lin. Potage la Great Brtain-15c par à juncm by euh Rouie. Rtegistration tee, bc. MeuTOat e ag1ted on cil Money Order of- amsitaCanada, oued Statua.Great Britlai, Prince Edwccd Island, Newtosadimiid sud ladin. Darvomv.rmceved ander Lth e guistiua of ihe PoO Office Scotagti' ak botween the- houes of 8 &.m. snd 0.80 p. 'a.i Reit.rsd Letters suusi be postodi i ê beora the close ot ea.ch mi. - ý- Officehouri 8 à. 'a. 10o 650 pi.Suaya ci. cepted. Canada bsaving beea dsttad Ilt bmPostai Union thare m w re.urrage'asnt of PotalRates etaflleva : IrorAustrisnBeigluza, Dasesari, Icesisd, Bjgpt AI slgrs, Oennan Oibrltar. res; br- sin ce1Itsy'Luxmaberg, Mls sudu Dsiil&,uSeDantab Clenies coft. BeiL i Si si. dris Jhesuelj= = Pomt lic. vosec tls eow l Uio 2esa psatct. for 4 ounca.. Eettasl -fThe aeu" "iomdýfUgure' hue, seulul olroiKlmo- Longthai wemblped;U1t no on. broke Thé WaM.d tMiin tsi up apoke Wbo, bluslhlgbaal4: 'Whala bIaldyvse' Ove tr bée tacem sad uàdIie Gev An4tb ededair>'~non alaioo. j m4,vsiytsz! 4 0 b i a e u s c l v g a d~ e ExqJuI~.loM, g, a canas Helochi id to gir. thé cause, I Blwer'vas. rlghl; the.4aDo snob thet. 0up,aW4 : "Yas, Ibal il, 1 b.d on. mump.11 The girl who merriei ilu May Di o. Bons mal be littho bgëkwad gis eggs but they neyer fai ta coe t t h. cernd.f The man vbeêa noflUtg ~o. eaty te recomm.ud hlm May h. tue of reward haroafter, but b.caa't get e job bote ou eîth. '<Well, my Yonng gentlemuen "sd how would you lik&ly)yur ' - ?u1?iî "Ob, like papa'@, pleae- wh auie round hole st the top." &§Heigli-ho 1l'\aeid*Mres 8prtggins, 6"I moi tbat pocgjdtd Mr. Wikiu< lbas dlod int6state. I als. seid higblilvin' wonld rain hi. inuerds." 8h. bu.d fala. leetb and (*hat', but aha waa'roay-cbeeked, brlght-oyed sud ees- jompei-ed, aud_ bf lover said: ' Witb cll tby fais. I lovei bso puag Grammsrian"..-Nqg Tou ona Doct as>' 'be sbad bas il vn." *thon b ,soUa ungrrammaticel, ys.ius quit. correct in ss>ing "th bm mhabe roesa. "I dou*& ses tbe bell," mid a boud- seuma -4man aI' Ihe-front ilsoref a houss to su Iriabmsu sbov.ling cel. vèe to lnek luab.the s Wbo vas the mcml socenal an. cier mention.d lu tb. Oid TetantsnîP Noah, boauae ho aoooasfully floated a limited oospsuy vheu aIl ihe roté cf the venld Wb@ lu liquidation. A West End bs.nk lu London, with a humer that hait atons for tbe tyran>' hie ît bslued su eider that 4' otmn met otvear boardsor ' 'Ianu* ea dunlng off., eure." ,No îl àh aucosui villu shsm1u.cb 4ullL au gcenngainusd ct .Ilb< blooming tblng vishoni everybsdy find. fng ont wbeibsi the stripea on ber etooking u n 'round sud 'round, or up sud deun. "Ncv chileiren, about uhet ahaîl I talk to-nigbt ?"aeskedsa pretty TorillJe Suuday-sobool auperluteudont. "About 0 inauts,"saii "tle girl., -h. "My mon." aid ou old man, *"siwaye b. polit.." "*To .verybody ?" "Tese, go everybody. Be pclit@ (o those YOD ove, sud those yon desire teov e. By observiug ti is oI. e iii pietly Weil cover ths case." "Can you tel bo, i,"eke 0'~g lady at héb.bool-ifelunw^at 'Thackersy vr6' l. i' bookl' 2"o, lady," replisd- th. gentaacl> maies gentleman, "bat, do' yei bacu, I «*Yb'àas," outluued young ts 'mythe, 141 sU pMs evprylblng eoffladbas aome mse, t.P' bt puer ia omeb ilre e bar ho bul4eve LS,3oa'$ abs.,kUg r Le4 k rbaM n k asar rôh e * b = the Iba.0 T o mpa in *arr ehsi ndeavor te returu h lu Mgbacst al ah.Uss ait up lu Wsshlngtlon'a lap. This refuies lb. hl* 4a~&udel Ihatl 4bo Fathor of lé trY vas tce-b.v. lsgged Ibat *hmsuho.wuo "ksepil' mpany hoh bail le put a shinglïe sconhsk~ Mer Menêba te it on.ý 1 have & foarful acre lhroat 9I4 qîn ing, Adolpbue i sd Coleste; le lier latest masb, Who W.* iing-ier More laiff' * bsu volldloda xrs ~au "But, darllâ.i* ,t&bet as.noShLg i-do vilh uhae 1I bavabeo au l~<uî "4Yea.,,molpbum. il bac.', X#*bst auf-that'à hbey." "Tîil us, peudldly," ahi $IIîluj avel PIum 1&ô ~d e eniUs2 "dbe If o h bl' Wem er boey lire: bI'eui dtn $0l4i 666; £lb. , rlâ. *odd>pg tour lhe>of k atrip oong GsIIU Y o uk Wfth th.eo 7I tUent o C$iquit. m-ab u-a 144 0mbh ier go mi or bouse*ou mp tii eelf. hl'h .4 ilïtarai, for sabrs are arrang,r lu "s- e. aceordlng te age. The blulsb.vhIie atars i k.- Sinius sud Vege.eath&e yo0ungf4t ot'tbs-aune of Ogj4e Said belong o lb.1 secondClas,é ivin venced fertber lu sgo snd iu develop. mnt ordet cf variable sarss, foriomethnoa ho gives,. more 1ligbt tbon hb.lvui'it ôtbîra. The spots thil are sien frýon time te ime on bis surface are tbe cause, cf lb. vaniabilit>'. Thaue spots have regnIar times for làppearanbeansd diseppearence. The perlôýd lo knewu se the san spot period, ita citent bsing a uittle more than eleven yers. . [tug twe or brèes yeata, lb. spot* are lerger snd more numaocua. Tbey. thbe eu to dimi~ih, sblibgthe~ minimgtum or amalleat number lu infive 0or ï six yeterasfter vbiob tIb.re aru sçar.. cmy any app ti., Anothir aiz years bings ltbe, reWro cf l.mxpm lergsi ubïr eofe#otf, and obrupletes téci rofltY Thestmsun aabeau pitted and mrrd vith spots for mverai yoars. The maximum. acooding te tbe calculatlon, vas net lb. case, bowever, snd mes=on an are mliimore eî~t Wà*v fid ths cause of Ibis mysterous par. lodieit>'. intlmahly oonneeted w tephysical .oondlli uof lb.e erth. It la known "ht aithelmi ehaima muoral, mffnsile 'sud 4le"e.lMa turbeuoee lWevz. *wosof tbulr(s4npqo. , ij lend6i6 t l st witb h is period of intense .olar The Nile. MANIFOLDi Ual.our rTs vossNDcUa th. ,land cf tb. dark mau"-from the mountaissa of Abysila. lu the year 1874, at the tinte ol thevwar vitb Abys- ,a'a,4Jusapp.e&d that the gus -pas lha'4'e~ outhe Kingof Daba.eb vas rvengWng bhlmuff du lhe Egyplians by -preventlug lb. tegluoa aS b...anamn"d > t has biac n.as. aue t4,la ~o~ voashma S piis f b tél sue t emnoynwuhëw s aste Ed leofiisad buenbldugajuo .FOgraplulealqual9 ii»' Ofthé'e fNd ba od. w~o~Q Mw tunu qusstioct' aw ndikje, esSaye yen li% yonr a onitr>' a liges Asa griialwould 'b1WIse duobeal sud surprlaeou botrlug1h1utW - tation, or cropi, sud or ca-eards ame nourlshsd b> 'ter vbl.b fails ,frei the clouda. TolsintWbho -haa-diy èer bésat% isagsd thonoulylu #a ras'. m,àd palug abovatj-; Ibis s ey re- casions form c4 agnlsulàun. Nolblng la mers naturli9M beata thooae.plos lb. eri4mn -a.lne l tGi Ramet, amooshe lae, sdoli. cse oftneme prudueing ea yoely on recelpt cf prie--=e dollr.Whea or- dering mention thua peper. Adârue&sL lettona to ,Mr M&Y DEWAGM CPGmemna, M5 elus.. pmabeve l ie is-vo vh".l lii bam ad oulea ba a0"nvo vMau Oha ir fr orlime, sud'b ob me bMW ieverei tgoe. aake ro. dylt ah. oldeacuep e pupp. .vsaflmdbn __ mu= wo idbeau SheM with u pl ber hocse tine. =4 cinnmadeAbr e ve ibpL'hBits .« mb.vex er i ol br rposed t be, t sel » 4; f I ~1O1W 1fr41 I A, e a aume for con mepàtl. ed » desirabie shape, Amnsvr This Quusilon. WIvdem. masmamea» lo&mumd*& roi sale by W. I. Howa., Whltby,- Il l'h .elthm ephtopaphie iporwdas baed by aul1ulb ab.r'ajossv to t.»ehomsle etat bypbtoàeb il bu bigbobea ouain14p boue ebege, feûr.,piling bavoo wiih M Mp)uoe Aid omumasaci Itchmg PlIe-Synptoms and Cure. The 4pi om s arem O iture, like IntnseItelng orms the. privaIs part re sometimis affect. ed. 'If amlled lu cntinue ver>' aenouai romtlsMayfeule. t'8WÂTNP.'8 OINTIEUTý i"eseantnmumcae Ah, for Tellar, Iteb.' Bali Rhoum, 8e*I8 Hsd. EryspelsBarbare Ith.u Biotob.a,9ali sealruety skIa Diu.aas. Bolb> m&ii for 50 canla S8bomes,$1-2z lu sapa). Âddrese, Dr. SWAYNE & SON. Pbildilpbls, P. 8od b'Ding. MamnsacaA sanstu ith ssaassl kYFiR'8 No ollsreesn$aiulssreeo eutetbeb~ aats*metbcseeteo$lmgl~lM,êIi~. me.tai*md wlih bw lhmmloe0iv et mutas,. b5 cte buqt t Czra' - lawmaa ,i~ ~ 1u~ 34h1 :~ Wl = I a,~ ~ I~Ii Examinationse Inltermedata sud Third OlauSNn- Erfm xaeinction wiUl b. heid 'i Whitby Colle",ate Institut., Oha, Port Parry sud Uxbridge Higb Sebools, Sm.n *es JIUTY 7l'n, M 9a&m. nhe zuantion for Secnd Clm. Non. Profuf~old ertificates wii b. e d .5 theWbltby wol e eInstîtut. oosnzenoing ItY9m la lhe thatcad&.me. mo noliIY dm. ounty Inspmr not lateuha teirot of Juneof ci ir întentaon tu pro- set tbem w vm for om xi a in'ti nds m b e t n s u h V-4 ~i 1884. ~ITi~ms: On'ythe ée at6uying joint- Ipur~êtntoand, Whitby ~es »~e' ~4~i'the clôses I oefr~the whoesa&, nab-m 1esii ~oe1 90tsolowa ýfigure. M JEP 'PEff? 18 Fi)?$T;CLA 8l. I J ~ &BROS. 4 k if FfDNUE -D t#FV7T, FOR $1~~OO~ 2i.qu4t nty. in- Value in ON& BROS. v... ~ I uY~ lw ep quoli 'Y4rlbI oI "q CMEAP TIcKEI Prthsap Excss.nfor, DAKOTA and MANATOBA CREDT VALEYand Leavea TORON~TO et MOUE on thé. Pib -of MARO]E. TE78 B~ OAD 18 e0T BLOOKBD 172' PB EIGHT. ÇO Pa)ties golng West vwiM u,,,zs and ex¶,ense by "ail g this route. , ticketasud further informnation applyto JAMES LONG, Riiilway Pausenger Agent, Office, opposite Ray'a Hotel, DzndsssL 184tf Whitb7. -JOHNSOýN ln Deuerell's Block foreyur DRAWING ~5cSUITS, . DNNG ROOM S UITS Corne One, Corne ail, and set for Yourseives. E.~.JOHNSON.- ù*1DFP.TAril'trzALSO A YPimS *- ------------ -UENCITY 011 Cl Awardsd at-To .ronto, Ldâandss Guelph, lu 1888, for 'R, a~teed, S~-2~na anal..' ,,8ETT -OF ff~ed li WltyNew FRID*'~ mES: Il .-Tbe Oamon *u ~ayoibi L&RO AOB i 4 Ia i s a uo e for bga s enu AT. LA C.. B RMTHIE, TSç F-T -L ý 1 l c.r

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