Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jun 1884, p. 4

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1~ -4I~Town.,Ohurches.1 êa SAINTS' OHUROR (EpimOopu. au. A. F. Fiioz. B.d.. . .0dlc SerieetllImm. sud 7 p.m. ST. :oHN.OZUO,(Pr bub Dev. W.il, Weatey, .Â. IMoubeul. igTovuHaZL - QuNÂDA METRODISU OHJ8O IL MN.R.WiliougbbyK.A. - Pajot. ST.,48DMW'S OIUROR (Presbylarla Emt, lic. Aburaba, . 'PwMet, B&PiTT ORURCX, sv3y.Banlsr, - Pamlor. Servbo at 11:00 a.m. and 700 pat. ai . .HUERORZ, (st. John'.>.. 3e«. Pather Mocani. .- Prleit. Bervies et 10:80 &.m. sud 7 p.m.' ON THE WING. Tinse ofArrivai and Departure of Trains, Malls and Stages S'FN DARID -TISSM& iris 7.57?%.i Mi..e, 4.40 pu. ovi 11.45 Il IExpress . 17 Sunay. 7.1,7 &. 008140 5502. oupes 8.20 &m. ILocalI 7.00 p.m. 8isa i â.10 pin. IExpreNe 8.50 Sunday, 8.0 i. KOUad teraye. ua 730 a.lii. 7.40 1mw. 12.10 pin. 12.20 pa.n xposas a40 pa. n8.50 P.M.. MueL 320 m..30T.v. Exrs 04501.M.i . 65Oa. Lesta frOsitwaet a10.00 &.m. and 4.00 pie Blroughamn M0.30 ai&. Wtitby pest Office. M.A.LILS Ocm vas vst. CLOSE 105 Tra X. VU4 aa. i .0&.m. 1.1à C.n. 1i 7.16 pi. Foth. Zorhâl 0p.,, ForrUIîîghsi .rn. W" 15vM. 1mon T"i am. 5.00.m. i 9.15a&. l0.00p.rn.. i 10.00<1. TrMfm F 1rtlu . Frini Bro.glS4.p.. GoseM ailslloiesFrlday 7.00 sm. Dus ' oaday l1 0.m.i. P-aueto Orest litin-bv per i aunes by .aZh RotaL. ltegttratlon fte, 0. RM OaUsa g=tned on aitl Noney Orler of- flles lu (anada, Unitel States. Great Britain, Pre.. EdiardIsland, Newioundl*iid nd ila. Darooa rerelved <nder the ri.gulations et the Po~o fieSaviigb'lBankt btvoen ti.heouri of 0b n .30 p.'nm. Rdglteid Letton niut tbcpoted Ilb minutes beloN s ies n ofaci.mail. 00ehour a8a.m. i.tu.c050 pi..Sunays es- CaZ ids a ;ig b:admihed 1lointhe Postli Unlisu thorn saresarangemenltPstlRla For otra. Oiglon, Danar, leland, Egt ia..Algerla. Cenany'. <31ralt&.ar. Grlemi- 1 veut to ms hal'avrlt cf esch deam ohtk The moëteeiIx puatla viti baby 0f Leaieacis, esFwouid read; Of Nel, Lifit., Mincie, mnd the game. Ti vee»t-giri gradustem vIi hbaby o a dlit, Se4t write Ibis year? AiaieLisais,isce'Lgaa la telling Jumi boy sacb of thesmi appea- The svast.glri gadualea wttbbaby nommei Aad wbatoI Lottis, Battis Oame s oc ? A"ed M«l e, Ii, Lais? *batmc lame. AU svue sD ýmeheaés hem gond snd A pý&WgIri gadauatea vitb baby Umres Ttes, mlye s uck the oaew=ypea, boy 1 irù&kmdi il oittr *6impaimos mât=s Teuf«ialailimbg! Ab, MM'@ =a usoy t nmeaç ga iwhbb Galébeoffl pmer vleaiseagiala aai, and gomi ar birmema S.âpyau te .MMii fible I.b'ulis 8m1aaddam s; bord bWa e vea vbe vwhite or the peeet t drmses are vota. Volptu aud popia comblas viii for:se" cimmple walktjg smitea, but Kuabocm ud gsy bidea linm&H th. Variations pomes r e .rival- ots for areuse for street voar. Tho,.-beaolàfachimo f veariug flovere in thse bair la rsvlved lu Parle, but tht. la for eveuung oqi>'. ocurm. Ps crpbaga an@ orfDap ieof co]c*ed ualkoriam*e vrioliens ovMrd' vllihlan aamoug hu.si eoa Dog collers and bru.elsta b amtch bath broadvbeuvsr theneok tgionsg Aoffgh. t&êalmit 'osa broad 6col"a. Lie. overcmemte, lace dreammeasu ho epoafeciou 01e ýmlh wu are hm. TheNRome ofTne OodfL~b Wbal a maoeeouu tallOsce upon oWllitoasud huais 'progresu the pïI larsi.bqeua tof 'eit M r naUre, forsaeelag lb. e »eof là ity,u hmmadie ou poo i=saltzu a gocd uppi>' cf thum ver>' UMcmY artiole cf ûbcilfor bcd 'sd bralu, il vlththeaSa tdb onf o er ilovu hot b. Gof Streim, . re ils.>' mel.ud il do#qost eît jr$ forminglba GrailB NieU tclismqk vc'rk, C a tbouaandm of t be. é rge, ou.. aboyéth at adtwdIo-thirdsblov, the 0perpart aelt «kUag. treisl oaot. rae$ ei*5g ' l aud giviu4 xl back b.Ibment sys witb Ibat prodigliiy1,C& 1 cf coioing wviol uy nature eua tbe lover part mizmd vii lb.eoml bottom of Groeniand sud Labra"do b. the citent of tboupndq, cf oart oïde, came iiosting dcvii iaj 4htblOly Davis Strait, aud, meeting lb. varm air sud warm.water of tb. Gulf Streamp, msited and dopoited udher ooi~- Lionsutil hoe. immens eboievers' formed. vb.ro the ccd ani liad~ swarm. And itleb s&id tht these mald bouktebave buge dopreos mlibo yul. vafleya. vbicb moerve aseaqpan,.dl tbsi wbeu a vomami is Iucky M tu b sncor over oesof tbmmn, IL 4n fi i t boid aud dock viLb smaucy cd lii can carry. For -generstionse, b oi- taute cf Nsvfouudisnd. sd l.t en torseome folk& vho lits sioug the miv Eulind cocit, gel Ibsîr dal>'buy 4o ioy up à oomptey from ibis 004>r lsilig source cf v.lb. ý Wbsip nu!mbor cf people ontie1omp e lving cu& cf, sud mobelt pr'n6Ipt>vý tbe invaluabie ccd, sud hist a coantities ebeaomlanded b>' th. sabucg leet 0f Glcuoulsr o ae br llebsr.m.u iret sogethe b na"om MlerryE.pplea. *ri,* - iat ise feeblest imuulche, me veli aU fondimg. c peoplean wm iadcm by expe~~ À miun noer vakes up bis socoti to aues. Ilaugis.1 A Zulu belle im 1ik. lb. proverbial Erophet. Shbu asnol maisch oninl or owcutry A Baltimorseveli vent b. a fane>' dreme bail ae a donke>'. sud bis finnde &a>' it le tha ira lUme ho fver faile tk> pmae an p atu I impeif "Wbat in vaulol bib is oonl," &&id the bride sas e sxamiud the vsdding prosuts, lis muver ervice reform. Tht sit is plsled." 4'1 drsamed lai igit usai I vwu nsrtbed. la that a bal Ircanx?- Cross fathr. "Tite cnt>'ting buti &bout il is that il id, lsd truc." , 44Dc yonu na,ý sbet a gentleman at tise bird show, "vby robins are mors intliligent lias boom ?" -"No," vas the»PS. rep>'..aisapie u.>'are boîter poeLa t he b hgirbriche." ' "Wiy do ladies make sncb gooti mm i b. eatai. , "Vwlsy « à qetin fer peu e olvmr; la' dur>' sort. do«ethie young man go m'round lie lady, on doemtbm ycng lady go sd-tii iY oung mUI?" Tiie Progresof the Paaa.m A correspondent of lie1New York Suit vho in on the spt vritsm. "De Leaep'e orga, n, te set isue de- scribes boy th. canal viilbeopuledla isa.: Snob mcvi b. us vho lits &bd bave Or bing % boe, snocb aa 1.1 la, le ver>' amusumtgTo-day. ste -t4r sud a bail years' vrk, oui>' onethit- Llelb ofl»o vork bas been dons,,sud tbst socordung 10lithovu mn bcvlo. Tise>' daim le bave laken eut 4,00,0 cubie metrea cf @arts along tih alfp the. esuai, sud admit t l 1000,Oq muai bo 'removed. la tise br« aisaif ysaral>&b"sexp.nde& ciUsab élaIsone, socrdlzsg le their boaka buso. f0#000,000 soies--»ay 10w00. United Sates gol. Somevisat, fflitu Agurse. To, S a>' laiel. caai l g, be pesin lm 188 taa Pîlge.0t.,»e Imagination. le u..se emildeai vor& Possible Inu$n'$ voobul~.. us» PIOF. LOWS8 ¶ULPH12JB IêP A Type 8.tte5sNesi. MIni--Il da't as. vby Ilt is i f mm *ovgsUIl>bal tallaé amtuhi, Pbmk-A.corlngte -Dari ,.jàe talle dropped offisshure t»vas' ne fuviler nue for gsemî MUbek-41ýo fuisi, useferUtins? Goal grilsi DDarwin Ustn pbake-Ceaally. t Minke-:Weli,'Ignu.hob.nover eav a butd-h.aled -printer eettang tlypel fi>' lime. - *Connecticut Obituar Prom tf is.Wvste. Hera<L 'Ailn scin or motare, "MM eir- tee marded tifs, bit. au I,.tepnr lHu pbiso f Canton centre veson Tueedpy c- tet vesiek he ptnts of a ac ýTire. sud ons.isalf day d tb:y ~ rib bx g.O pa anl4lsd thn 4beude ofprm" èblàdsàed la "dueasSel. Wlbpeua>meeso tua w#U «ai for.uhism.and twisb N ow-to be Bmatftl ,#£ CAL 7O The young vcmîu w*1v, rovi4 lava tenis#u bIa. curseof callethenlce evewy aMorlg eriliy as bealtby aud beatty a. but brothers. oupposou "aie vbat ype ou-, aier jdi i le ~for a lMuad ebods, à à !Dig gatj I Wa flat coet are the rlisin& 0 el tb exception. They oam hbc ored in a vory. brt time by fiftissu mtWe uir, or a, velt.yiutilated rooom tnckûlcg OiOtA, b*Îbo, be ahi limsedlat.sly afler rislng, befors' dreme. iniz for th. day, asutigbt ciotbucg vili juliterfore vth thé free movementa 10- qired "- .$The tffit tbina to e bs&ansle te stand oroct vitli the lsis ogether, the bead >bvcvu baock, th. diest ut ntd lbé, bad a~Ilooisiy aitl$40aide. Tben lie iqugs mouid b., iborogbiy ffleid "uWtb air sud .ioviy. q xbsmtqd4 parbapu haif a dozen limes. The. arme YtimiI"oW be-brougbt forvard aifNI ieg, nlafront, ou>4b1jevol v ith tibm hbou ers* lic palme #f the baudOs la< ecsil4~, ~,e w hoarme eteqeqed tb. bandea's Moid b.cfocoiblf ifflévi bacvar ouilb.bia cf lb. baubds touc bobbind b. shonidmr, vbiie ithé sai- omstogetisr- ber, the chott. MoIS iimotion ecIirotWl re.pdly orne Lytbim re.. toit moto, kboi4 fb. 0 aÀtigv) ve lb.thé jej1 palme cf tbe bandae c'fiT b.diug ise up., brlug the. arme dovu tap front, keepinâ tbem tral=t ail tb. positon aboya the blmd. Thiti motion abould bu performedve"yloly'vtvoi or hirty, ime&*At iocb ,l"e1h<b mioul0i eibr &,ie&loas'io bah ailes, vîti ths thumbe a iiforvard. Brinq tbe arma unoirom=lb.ellde., tbumbé still1 forward; tien relurn thsmn b. ibeir firat position. Ths arme muat net b. bnt ea h he elbovm. If persilat iu, tibamovemnri vii atralgbi.u ont stoopinfi boulderm. Ar eeb..dire - elcly ps, tics tbece moteniente Ivice s day for filteen minutes vili pressntly bave s fl oiat. atraiglit Shouidoe su d Sound longs, unies@sber casc im sa fer sdvan- ced a ta le incurable. Take lhe biceps 1 ci f the atm, for instance- oeset t m c ôtizeieabtteS cf % - edgméstaslails 1te* miâuiew mexe sauh day for s yosr incresse tise girli cf Ibis muse?" .tTO nie nougib a ile aia lb. difforsme,belveeu sai ta arm6 s plumpeae. ,Au st b.mre un ecioie eaue b bslvi icma itbhv mul? You bave ici ides? the' 21. fou eil l. bersue. inu, fose vServi enta evisla ve ras mÀ lb. body, Ms U v 1"bAg9 ilfa "uetthe iRirtiof theoidohMsss an addtljomof.Ofty t b"baof surface lu 4tiot iri ol cf hie luoge, juga " ma noie cf ibal faotjleîe, snd remsember tbh~-l,. uo vinge. add ilt>, inciseta ion luelgiesràoe y.a' ltte neàuWarezeoit& ~ anotier. B>' practice you 'musa Bud cut for yoursell vbst uovemente affect, eaci muscle, and dirictl your more.: mont aordigy. Bus il in salqta sa>' ssaltie tire.' exerobuesvisb% bave givon yoo ns>' b. foltowed vits profit b>' eteryboy. au tis>' tend tb produce a bull oeestand su erêci car- nage, vbIcb ae e.ita reqcrlrd b>' eter>' man, voman and cild. Wato OroWine. lefier reaàinga bock, or a n article, Ist as item of information from a>' rouible usurc, befone taiang, rouf atteno utnber biego, si VO ce lbre mU que b.gàlx sbjeot th&& bas just been presetal tag ycut m"à; ne boymuai yen sou thé l oy new inetrule facte,. or pointe of especiaitut telhas izmrmd yu asyneal, d.fore yeur. o »«U tbillern. Il ma>' bo sali trouueoaseitirchuauilnyOurtaflsd au Mwnn ~ to=t wsl'ia viiengravote .fsedei *u .lbmmr> sedeepY I4W batie, viii nol b.e ffauco th& ii ,mis.l cf saueD antiduffsmuqu& eoai4aw *bersae,,If the m&tW rb. giye -m butier oWadetalim îiai. SU, 10 preeuonyou bite rsi"w eti .fto member.mo;q ,t$brànaia 1 tise' Forai the iid hâ, wy tetieving vhst .hua 1n4b.a, tencnre ti; nti labuof tità gte:7laf beng a luniboi.room la. visis lie varionst coutants aietbi7vp 10 gether ,lunpartIlsse ponfuslois and 1,uiw . viii bMe , ns. eorc.bous 1 M " 9 mW w. ~c by w . lHow&WMbY. estee ofluaisproilrla psechiyeilby natorl su dyttifolppeaw. he i.beat faes lotion la *tr odRe er pelmod We Winimud a is bolleos uay.gdrma on roceipteof plci-:-400 duo!hr urUSor- dening mention tlisepapo.r Addreas &U TÈB -MAT MDEW AGZ'Mmt 'h__ Cuçg&,S.e OOTO. Ladise. OLEAKINOS inomxMA» vneuicua »ýOn A VAIE?? aisuiwimmo. Dveuling boue.mi e u% Idaho. are invadoti by m u aee su cdor, âm tisai Who perepit sio, Ilse *liu b>'aoilng evr>'d. larsi>'atin, tmm si ed. Il lloved b. conliue vursrls tocule ns>'follov. - SW&YSIE' OINTMENT' i lepianl, sue suie. Biotobes,all ealy,crnsy Skmia taee.@ Sent b>' mail for 5Bot) ela bo8 ,18 in atampe). Addtsam, Dr. SWYN SON, Philadelphia, Ps. SodI by Drug- The onwillingoumto do bonon teaa prorbît lu hie o oucntry i lou trai- ed mue* follcvlng asseedois: Il vas rsmirksdteea Sotobaa cose liai sa certain individ uv.ver> Claver. «Hlm claver! Wby, gaed tam echomi vi' n 'wsl.ipss th* boe,4 Bordook Bioct- Iiom rs ore someil Th~e ptdffletreltye fr vistalava âries ii* round ekiri vthIetuse»u nko ovonakri, at ektodW ~Vffn -ibovsaa nd@ nAuA," Ar . o>' T Ls poputefrail àle î -.1rotuonesla at on"e lie lma'; bossue .vorba vb.a ho play$ sad play vb.a b. verbe. Thé viàe oflr. J. y, lse cmtg la Vonue. Il le play" iviii vau ub d boomeMudlratd vbwite ealipeti ababea on a square cf lava makele09sud"ilbel vith Saga, Oh, Whst A Gough!1 »iv«esif y=u cm fZor theab o eavlng 60ote10ru a i k md dc otbM- neye fait. This ezlalae hy more tisa aMillion Bowte eto amid tbe put y mr. Il nmloveCroup. Mcd Wbcogongh mt one.mobn d t oib. iioti.o IesDoide, or Chest, u»neShioloe 8o =1 Paso. Sold by W. E. Boy.. vbhoteee sd rot a Aoni.Whtb7, ont. Mal pcb..for emuI r>' a, visite, blea, roee olor, ipsy, adred, aus Th~n~'et~adl Taini ChudGl.NoS. ProfesionaiEximnation il b. besita Whitby Cofllte Institute, OmbavaPoe Pom bd bdd Re Sdohocaoom-' ProfeuinalCertificatos wvlfl b hsd at lb. Whitby oel r te hnstitole mwcg JULYPris, st.0&m Itin i sdhweaeabls that candidat séo.l "*dîe onnIy Inq*elo nolllar hom meut tisusive foer esxaiclcai AP. Ob. 0" ~1ir-1 I~~ - i1 "* 4 ~k5.e4 e2Oh,11 P 1. euI~W8O~1i ~aAX!!.tM8 N~t*i#g<oEqgal tkem in Value i B t. ~ I tuc -BU 'Wàuh W ev (.iQîTrin,/aWhltby1 New 27 ~CH~ÂPTICKET DAKOTA and M ANATOBA LevsTOIRONTO ilt 5On mth cf àARGE. IS NBAOD1807BLOOIRD Wnff MEIGET. farPartige gcng West Winimtetm ant open. yteun tIis tut, pS1 JAMER LONG, Rsilvay Pasmenger Agon, Office, opposite Bay'm Blotl, Dunad4t 114fWbb7 O.AIJ:L O1T JOHNSON ln Ouerell's Btock for gour iDIRAWN4O .BIS DNNG ROOI« S UITS,. BHDROOM SUITS, CorneOnonaiadse for Yourselves. -E .JOHNSON. iIEN ITCf-Y oit-Ce Gueiph, ln 1883.for PEERLES.- ~ Sai by u 3It Ois.- J UEWI IFRIDM Prom liseOffl TERMS - #1 The Cuacu thaýn any olhei tarix. J. 8. Rot subaeqienii Disptayed ' by àsaualdm scoordicqy. Advsrdimu atticue ine cbarged forfui Orders ford mua" be invri viii sol b. r À ieri lu oa Isuor u for. TUeedy rc ive p t: Business nol lin; lOc.ubej the Gount>Or .» This Depart IthebmLoai o suitabis for et Poimgng a or .4uipment lu t] cis, OmCd ii Bamier= Onier JORN E. BARRMT AT LA Toffl JÂME Ona i- I - ArE J.G Bm n M IN BOmauof IL 2RAm 1-

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