Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jul 1884, p. 3

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Via. Gol4 Suit.. SET WITI IDIAMONDS, RUBIES, ,PEARLSp SAPPH IRES, ANI itE NOW FABIIIONAXILE PLA4IN 1S U/TES -AT- Brook St., WILITBY. MR. ROSS JOHNSTON la Cllector ri an avusovfor Tas Wnrr. DT C2ZoiflCLu, and in anihorixecd to grant rocipte for oubeeriptions, etc., afld treimacl ordiua.ry business JULY 4th, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHERWISEI WHAT I8 60110 ON IN TOWN AND ELSEWHERE. A BUDaIT OF LIVELI NEWS MinTEt GLEANEI BY ONI011OLE REPORTERS AND CIilRESPGNDENTB "A ubiel s1mraang ys, takîn' notes,, An' taur bo'l1prent xst" 3oulo. Town Conucil Monda>' ovsning next. Etitrance axaminstion opens on Monday nont. Chiikea poxi. sprevalent vîit lbe yaunugt.ts lu low. Tire Collegiate, Inatitute eîoaed for summer holidays on Ftiday lait. 'N vy ble" Serge Tweed Suite madle te order in beat styletlC. F. Stovarl'.. AR.-Atntioi là diretai te tb. edvertlaomout cf Misa Farqabareculu anoîber columa. Pic-Nie SxsN.-Miso Aad.ruon'a Sebacl Pic-nie yuirn e lA lu Youngsa grave'tb co. Wbltby ta-incrrow (Saturda>'). Lîtur Fritazuin Gerray. - Mi. Wmn. Black, Byron treol Southr, bed e pockscocntalning#l2,cut frou bis pente lu the arowd et Toronto Wednesday. QUOrTNns.-A Melcir vii pîayed by six 'Whitby quoter. and six froin Claremout and Asirburu, Dominion Day; tir. bome,. eani being badiy worstod. PUnue 9CHOaL Pîcuî.-Tire Union Baboot picnlo e bld atAudley ou Friday lai paiseS off urast successinli>'. Au oxoIlenl sddroea ao dlivorod iry Jua. Dryden; M.I'.P. Tire Myrli brais beIad dddmuair ta lb. enterlainmes Of lb. day'. prceeodiags. W. nesd hardi>' oey tiret no ans enjoyed Lirm seIns omores lotougirly Ibm lbhe 11111e (lents Gaoton Sox De, extra gaod aid etrong aI 15e. fâue balbriggen ut 20ce. gont* marione sirt. et 80c, fiue under' elolhiîg frein 4ôe, aobby Tios 2ô., etrcag Btge.s tor 15c. Groibl ber gaila M C. F. 8l.verl'a. Ticipmwiýccx SurIÂT FORl TUE Crue. raitu.-Stinday lai et St. Andreveo cburoaIthli quarletl>' meeting of tbe Saah Sool lu the. body cf thie ochtotlohie shape cf ',ltamperaice Bunday for toie111.onea." Fclloviag an lutoreatlpg programma cf alinai nd hie reading Uteo f lie 20tb Plaîlmu, en aidr-esaon tompraace.Vie dlivarad,:by tlis paeor *l. U Abraham. ltsebhlîdren bing strcagl, "DimedUpo tofollo th :Iy 07 tIre eccureed tbing." Temporance.texta ftou lbe bible vare aflervards e lodi for ftou tii o varlone classaisa»d in- telligentl>' teepededto by the papi.. WHITDTY X PPLr vTu Wauu..-A aample aorder fram ij leadîmg dental supplies fitr nla oiri, Eniclaid, for oeeof Dr. Adam' Improved Wihker' aon dental chairs vas fied and amip- 'pod ait week. Na béar need ir elbt but thet, like every cot1.. lieWo bai 4seen Ibis marv.eospiocccf meohan- isin, the Engliah vili bé plessed witir so votrderfnlhy beautifolend useful an article ofdental' farnite and ltaI ibis simple wll*lladl#cmai>' salos ini Ibo "Old Country. The cItaits, made in Whltby by 1fr. M)jor Harper, are nov lu use La lie boit dental surgeties cf Manîreel, Toronto, aud Hamilton aid thl.e redit cf Whitbya mecanaue anAd a ecblgfilîe Il said, are in doteila cf matorial andi varkueî' amhp provlrg aupoulor ta lte original Imro alaesof Ibis cItair. Il is probable madquite posoibleltai tirhe MUalUfeq$nre f those and othot deoul aupplies whleh Dr. Adaus scoîlemplete. wli le&& tu au' lduasr>' aino &MAU proportions bolag ettabl.Itod in car Dominian Day vilîbu found le anoîher àtp4iosnareport gond, pragreai -Mantoba lsa taoeptig for a figil "&il elong tie lUne "-Tie' Ottawa ~r.P<aa~ - Tber',1 Ol repeel agllahlob lu 1Maltýsoa la ia b. grel maof lb.thepaouient mon who supporteS ia oulaen art shlli (avo- ablà e ho b.bill. Ift h e bai been the fallir t'. op"nent'la lIrs @4l Injimule 1na loiesmealw 1hhealeas telia "0 TO»oeo'ouing a rffle fièS5 etorm la liii liy. Hopoto Obarott;dolng il lin u thanfav$ bours. À meeting ofrlthe Eueuttre o04, 200 Ma» eAWa.Y.-Th. amoke 4bttb' Saed lown over WhItby Tbada inOrnniselapPoséd le b. froow the terrbleforst mesraglgitheO()tav"' diatrict on lh. Mlesiesppl around th*~ I arî(f streema Bal fini.) hlbriMiaid Mille., Speolal bargaina for Jane- Towele 5e, good Towoling et 10o paryd, extra value in Table Linons 25c,80eâ ovy 62. ineh Tablng' et 82o oer yd, Dreite Mualins froin 12e, fine ereo Gingbanra et 17e. Seo lte velue offered et tb. gros% Dry Goode Hous. C. F. Stewart. MORE Muist.-Tbe Cornet Band, nov tbat ite membora blonging ta th' 84tb Bell. bave returnod, will resumo the papuae woekly concerto at the corner of Brook sud Dundea atreotit. Corne ont and beer lbem Satnrday evening. DRAMATIC. - Elliott Berne.' great drame "Only a Fermer'. Daugbior" viii be plaed in tho Town Hall ta- rnorrow evening by C. Gardner'. Com- pany and e orowdod boa.. may be ex. poolod bore es overywbers ilta pro. sented. Buste mey b. romrved et Hovue'. ding store. i COLLEGIATUB 1-MTXTtTUHONaa RaLL. -Form i, n.Heltie Bas; Form rz, 1. Augusae Orlon. 2, Edwin J. How- ard!, 8, Aliae Montgomeery. Several pupila of tb. Second Form boeo names usuelly appeer on the Honor Roll are candidaeo for tbe Inlerrned- late Examinetion sud did aottekselu lh. aubjecte of Ibis oxemination. Bargeina for Juno-Ladies Calton Hose for Bc, Lisle Glovea for 10e, good prinlo for 5c, epeeiaUy fine at 80, 100, 120, a apeoielly good lot of Drm..Goode ai 10e. 12c, 15c. e gôot1 parasol eti25U, extra goad 75c, and lb. bout parasol ici the coonty fartil1.00 et C. F. Stew&rt'.. QUAÂLTIaLuY Ilavzew. - The socond quoirlorly opon aession and Review of th. Mothadiat Bnnday Sehool ia held on Sunday afternoon laet. The loamona of the put quior oner roviewed by lbe Superinlendent, L. E. Embre. B. £., 0inleraperse. by eingiagtJe acola roeponding ta tbe questions in a credi. table mai uer. The aeertary' report alrowed an averagoe ttondano. dairlag the quarter of 186 bebolara. Caie,crr.-Tbe Whitby club plsyed apendidly Dominion Day sud lborongh- 9 venqaimed th. Oxforda cf Toronto. he homne scores. ve 86 and 117 ; tbo viellers 87 snd 27 wilt 7 v4okete lu the. seond inuingt. S. Ray, A. Limier, T. Greenwood, , Pelbarn," W. Gold. G. A. Bas., C. MeDonald, John Camp. bell, John Holden, W. McGiliivayand Will Armstrong eomprived the Wbltby slaven, and fram ibis infuaion cf nov lifeà.o th e Club the town will te-vin ils ahI ime proctige sase ericket contre. COMMON, CLovEei.-Never before vas tIre.kua-vu ta bc snch a erop af white claver in lthe stroote. (Go wbors you yull about lovnamnd the green «rase et the roadoide la almoal blddeu frooe vlsw by the white bloasomi, wblch are very fragrant sud exhale e delleiotaly #West odar, quit. porooptible ln Ibe quieior sireete. Tbo 14fre common. ors" in Wiiby-lbe oows,a»ro valbly in claver. sud on Tnssday i. lb. regnIi alnig day &roand Wbithy. At le@e*l4hal haa beon 80a the al forcabt, _ 'ouowîug, iu limûe, but not in nambeo, tilapro- cedent, towarde ovening "OU Dominion Day a fow bra%-y drops of tain fll et thre corner of Brook and Dundas otresea wbile et «"the Bey" àa hey aboyer cari' aaog tbe lake-aboie from. 1h. W'egt arit paased off oî'er the lake. Bilack aud- ilrreatening thunder elonde orne I np on the bille in Pickering. ton miles %ay ini e narth westerly direction sud travelted eeetward aver thre rear of Pickeripg and Whrlby townships but litie if any rein-fol! frooe lbemn. Tbey bhaî hast tiroir load of life- k'Il-rata for the parebing velgetation of th. 4p homue township& by diacbargiîng & dâln.s"Li dowu pour in Markhan amil sxcoeding tb. elotted mpm of 1f. aid miann ioavanod ge of 02 yuis. Wvon4erfnlly iotereet.ing indeod vdre ltre incidentasaire totld recell of puat oventsanadc notably cf lte Irish Re- beliion and ber mental feoulti.. ver. ual impaîrod 11ll est. lb. eauIhe daugirter of Abram Danfort, Quarter- mnaster of tbe Royal &rtillery. Dublin, and married Jacob Brysa a netive cf Wexfor'I. The -couple vithb ieir lji.. eldoat ciilaïon omme ta Q4oadit in-1826 aid eetiled Ini Wbitby tu 1818. Mr. Bryan died in 1858. The feuil7 le me followa: Abram, living lb Minnesoa ; Jacobr, Chief Coastablo of ibis lova; Mrs. Bosch, Toronto; Benjamin, killed somc yearse&go by faling from a cutter; William ana John, velI kuovu mer- chants bers; Mrs. JouaBichardaon; snd Mra. Dr. Patlorson, Toronto. Six of ber grand etridron, satL fia'. lookiîg men, bore lber ta tle.grave;, and te bue greal grand cbildr.ri, A 1f. long Metbodist yel oh. wue bari.d by e Presbytorimu minieler. '1%rn living lu Markheur aid op toho b.letý Ivo manthbatabswva ted.d by the. Bey. Mr. Smitb, Preebylerlan, wLom te. dsaied te condut -th. lut asa ritea 'ovor ber remaine, but tChat gente.. man blîg Piêeniu t5"#lfffd tbe Bey.' J, Abraham, àt.bis renat, tbai hie. plso. >1$ ovouingwaui téeiei-r u Bairacs is i.ub1l tahold th. erowds liI aeek amlah.-aDominion De yh l, Offto As U char'ge s a ae fuir repgenla*tion of Arnry mombius tlkkliizilh tem tIrir -drma. etc., Cloued CîpthlBarrà4ke.'and vont ta Toreuto, wbue thaeu esAt e.ymhofhbtwh o ai e e mm ou. é6 venlag sae".. c m e' u th. Blehop bail noêtllltla 0ujgal belrig porfôried. Thi thIe secod (unlr. of bie lcrdahlp's engagement ho b. préentulaid lhe paahor snid h. vonld have an sxplanelîon ho cKer frour thé pulpit Suriday morruiag. _Tic ItDUBTiIAL AIT»TZM 9EUX CES. ~turr...-bisbelng tIbîehb, or ~p na.entnnil par cf -'tb. Inoorpor. 4on cf Toronto «i'a City lhe industriel Exhibition Aîeoiation of $batbait> Sbave dtrmi.éd on makiag 'hbir îèîî Annuel Fair and Exposition, *blcb ismta be beld from tbe 'O0hbtothe. 20h cf Sopiombor ,nexl, M mauch a magnitude saewtill solipe."' nY' cf ilo pftd.ceamrs. On u o f lthélargo fromnintbiia exhît4ro, l au been kid1ded ta eularge àsortl Me balA. jAgond an immena. prgamme of âpeuIe1 atlrasîlona ofaanover ohareeler 4a béing prepered for 1h. ocoalo. Thé Qovm.rcrGoneral aid lteé Maroîos if Laedovue are ho open th. Exhlbi- tan 6àlthe lOth 0 iSplbor. Ârng tb, attractions aleady *anred 'are an International Flremen'a Démon- stretion, e Colley Show and Field Trials by tbh dose, vbh hvUl b. cf great iutetet ohoébfermera;Balcon Asicensions, au EI.lrlo Bilvay, &o. The KASmget, 1Mr. Hâist o viait Nov York unA cher placie eui moit intr amrh of tb séajl attraweliona cf speel a"@ayhave beson set aport se th. Fermées aDay,heae'BOb!Cildren Day, the Solîetioe' Day, M. The Prisa Liste. eontaiulng faU parbiclmad theli grmel Pàr, have beau iaau.d, aid cou bs oba i~from, he8ecrarl. of aul AgricitluralSocie. ésandA Mehaie' Institutea lu th. Province, or they*111 bnho t &ayona wiovin ludra paoaord t he SoretarystiToronlo. li e i n i siuur OlMi. A fla-programme cfi ailb.héapécial attr onsouawill bo pabliched about thé nriddle cf Aiguet. 'Tht. wUllUudoubt- edly he lh. groaheet evant of Toroilcao semi.ent.nl e"r. Offie af Whibj* Ounuce Wbitby. Ju1yî 4, 1884 BIJUIMEBS AN~D PRODUCE. witb l*c openuug ai thre préent mentir Il may b oaid tlin el 11linos of omrure ws bav, gaI campl.iely Zinto lie diii e.e- son. July arid Augut are mîveys th. du% montbiasi tire ar. Thee a omparative- iy noihing moviug in tire wey of predîce, for tire rasonsa uaed b.fore ici lisse cal- uurna liI thore le natbig lammals. Mer- chanta&rrairig an tiricars, viii pieseaodvith lie crop preepocla, adiA gife seiisatth.farinerua i ' bayeal themolvS. Th*î It ucomain l&ma MOSTREAL CATTLB KABIET. RAou,àt e iv.laKtilPoint 81. Ciii!. suce ~ ~ èà Tir4J~l1Strloua. & e b 106 car habot ,90 baS m' aer Saine w 00 Imr, and 961 il 165. ».b exporta continue tl aU iibebluci lieb poa and ncw show a decrasMa of 9 hMA being 15,937 ho". Tilal 8,1! dxlthle coreapradlc pii n lu188. Therae ca aIlleae Monte. Acar & Konniledto yards titis mornluqebS *» mar kat iu coamquoence va q=elbuas im à sirade flouer ton.A4vlS, M we riem. et frm pnscea. prime beovea cari ommiS Gic par pouud liv. v.lgit and lie range i e tram Liat dcvi te 5M. re rS»mr ek andA lover aKtOOs 1090. BheeP a&M An»a"i aittiaci alble, anS the. ilook islamua very romkdlrg. Plees are ncmlnaly etosir aI i o cper lb. lvveipt l'ut recoipta ai .butaior'a catiloaetvio market vers 1W1)beads vblch motlS ar duli meokat. Tire test on tho msrket gosizedbc ta5Se per lb. Iv.ve *gkt, anA ,tue&= rno faitrsla ilet40 o 410, ifl~ ie. Outres wse ï i môlerals pM.y about 100 boad. Prie.. C ýý 1 s110m sa ite "ut & Ut snd Iambe wve.yerer.r c bevà hra"a acfair enqulry. GeaSomep boughi 1pe lb. Lamirs sold et P balJ0a14M xumlz Llve hopsanoquolod etato ditoperli. WH[ITBY MABT PEICES. eau Whoat..............8096 a*#100 ocsWiat......078 *075 fpnper cwt.......... 280 *200 . .... .......... .... 040 * 078 TORONTO FARIMES' KmBET. Tire rocept ai gr" in an lie feitri lb., veok vers ou udfneoal Tl~ey yere ceidried la w aracnt of wr»'eng900beAo,,4> cals 100 bibeli. Eey afered ll- toit Of -lis loeSs Sin l hi we4atmio, 45"loada. Theira ndr to.dm vu va c il PO8ITIVZE~IJY, I~. WTe have -déidédto close out our businessmn W iby ,u A" MO NSE-GVNG 1TÎIrINI. -We. *âs Om, doswil-e lse-N 3H When everything- will be reduced to whol es-lrfgrs udoswlb lsdIRDY UI ~T,4 down goods. Every. article to be marked,4nplain red figu#res. -Lf 0W ]FOU BAR&IbTS I Corne in the foreuoon and avoid the rush. Not only wifl we se l the Dry Goodcs at greali reductions, but ourBOt and Shoes and Groceries to be sacrificed. Country merchants sd otlkepe',mkeanoefths1ratsae ODDFELLOW8' HALL, WHITBY. R~OEI'~TI New Garpets, FINE SINqGER WEEIXL Gurtains,. Lace ASSORT7MNT' ANDREW~ Realth & Plsidola ellrMhieS& auxli viii =usu - l"u t lIXn- GOLDSMITH'#8 HALL.1 Amodcau Rshd - Fuite « Bracelets, Bar-Pins, N ecklets, Lockets, Eardrops, Etc, fo .lWALTIIÂM WATCIIES MVF. CLOCK8, 1%~ Dys- )id sSPECTACLES daleem A ETLO ECS kç ~ A- .,JAESJr w STONs àI Ente. '70 NI~W &J>'V~kTlSEMI~WTs. t - Newy t 'VERT - 5T(Y.e; TC*--TO 'My8PEIAIf 'VÀLTJRjust.îow li WHI ctE oTQS. ar 0LO0TH-fWNOA S P EGI1 A L'TY..a' Wen us4ý ýfiWng jmntéoaaihe4.' Te~e ,LLDiY BLA The folowlng Celebrated -roi 1h. molle À o"A ome ou ýilo lui Up. wêPurposeh~~n Le. C D TES BRO S,. Farasok OF~ BUITINGB Â&ND PANTINGS! M %RO J -1

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