Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jul 1884, p. 2

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Mid-$umrner ffer. TMP ZVURYTffmo. WH/ITB Y CHRONIL E r= psantpmldateé1fi lu, 1net, for '0CENTS' Y A»duwauthWb, wMd anadôva. rÇa»da'. nevGovcrnor-Genmnsi>, 8fr Joh 1f.W!,sd o 1OliverMovator Rev. 'Or FOR2M CEN1. ORRONIOCLE 4 monts h.(lludlug chah.e of one of or four portraits> for 25 oct-es a trial ttip ta thons flot now aubacrhbers. AtUl ubicriptiois. obeb.addranrd to JeSe ROBERTSON & BROSI, PftO1RIRTO RS, CIONICLS BUILDING, - WHITBY. New Advertisernents this Day. 1fricli dwelling House for sile-Frod Mudge. Spcoais-Pbulip Taylor. New Stock-Robert Campbell. Special-l. Stephonson. SiUmmor arrsugemonts-G. B. Yule, Agt. ÂUlan Lino.. SpeclinU-0, F. Stewart. ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whitby, Frlday, Ju(y il, 1884. Guarapsteed irculab iôn CHEROifICLE, 225o. Maâ. Gi..OTO.vor<,. li boldo offiee by oser force of good generaiship. He has esughl the Opposition on the borna if a dilemna, by dividng Lia Egyptiau pollito two, mmsaurea; bhe former of whioli 14e Oouservsulves Osusol very voll oppose, and tb. latter viii b. tco late for onooeful roulebance. lauchier ýrords.he wyul roter the. Egyptian diffi- culty to Ecropeau conutro!, vhioh lnaa good plan. Tii. arrangement being mu4andssa ccaited il il b. no cmc b Oppose il lu the Hous. Tins Toronto Semi-Coeleial cel.- brellon le uow s lblng of thé past, snd Our mebropolibsu cousins are glsdly ret.uruiug 10 Iboir accuetomed vsys by no moansosorry that it i.nail 0,cr. Ther. ha. beacsalmoist a surfcit of parade sud jubilation, snd business bas beau more or lesa iulerrupted for the. igholo ve.k. On 1h. vhoieeverytîng vent off veil!, uhiel tth. Besovoient Sociaisa' Day wus polled by the. raim. Tii. Baool Day terminsted happily and brought lh. proocedinga 10 aafâne onuclusion. Thé. viole affair vs. mont enjoysble sud dld tbe city sud lb. Pro. ýlnc. Muuehgond. i'*icezauluablon period l lone* mort U anu sd lb. Whit.ef01bthe c. peu v»57ielmnout be b»rd tu thair. r ThéMsMsWUaloa Bxaàkmlsat ITo. Mo uUsveratvilb over bvo bundred nudkMatfa.,basjual Cloued; smdth. Esîrsa. sud IIcrmedIste brlng np lb. tra i ib Iheir tlbcuasde ofoai- daté&. Theon viii b. much lnk-ih.d sud perbasc ome tesr-shied over il sB. * Thon. bas, etsuy rate, been pi.nty of bard Vork ou the pans of teeachers sud u:plia, Sud ve bopc tb. resulth viii sol Luusstistaotory tWbhcm a&H. Thia la - lb. egu of crsminations. We vlah ve oItilm1teei cbificd bt a tinrthle ers of torougb.,un la .dncation. Ta cief toplo of anereal in Toronto Dow la thi' atrue of thc printere lu the chiet nevapaper and job offices posa.. queul upon s proposed reduction of vag. .The employer. @sy hhey casuel afford tb psy the vag. beretofore surliera*&goium are bealrrinsg&hem- leo. .iok lus. Iheir osutary àn- rsugemeula. lu Europe choiera la alat'ya fable, sud oce lu (Great Bi «cu ý>«»" be-AlIatIe. té Seovuse0o ocme tomelisse. Wbalt venin! Whitby b. la thé. reeumeofîblas vialor Wesobudderloei"k ofté. -We areof ecurse n, so vone u esnary mal. tors éhem or neigbbors; but soîther tbey noi w. bave sylbiug lu bout oL la the ises.. of pubic orks wemceî eh loock aler I. ovu prenilseiansd kqep thina@ s. ean as poasible. Rssnottz b. deàdan Inilu ake Oietari>, 1Ur. llalh Oreen, theégeal piaoleullurlet, of Roohoera, asys: "Tbe - sle*ivu s arerolbleeder 4 lb.y osat tbhgr spwnsti saalow wsler and hsloh lu about thr traa..Nov Il's eay escugi'0o"Plainu4 wob je"a ditls u elu ageauibers. Wbou lie7 'ge te two owr.. ar citbsy form insmebools sud fceiionteasfc Pcv sais mrebotter kuovu ' Uircugbout &U publeof1thec Provhm e " bstho f J. O. Saul, lthe tondree stcek breeder sud!farinuer of' rampt6m, Out. -lu s -lter tte h rmo'tq eTins t« f-reoaut date, ha pte - Scoti Act lu porbapa as' lear su4 ia- 4 tilligeul shape sa Il bas yet beatjsed by Mu vrller ou the aubjoo. l. ik a iu as important dosumeullthiîe pmast Bc ouîtroveray sud maisebodying l i veuOS of s geulemaiosa on,on o "ay égrioultural %gestion, viii be ress iiir greal Intorest, va prosu t te latter m haro.am 11r. Snell sais: I Ïas!! de1 11h mi lbé quesîldu lu lhlý latter s4 il Ibere Wl vero no God butthell ilgbly Dollar, * sud a fermer'& ohiet cen!dvoretomai. lu n.onoy sud 10 *njoy it forever. El- Pa cludîug, tbnheu, i! ousiderabione of 81 religion, morslily, sud love t0o oi fol- MI low-moen, iot us sry tb Sud out vbclber mi the extensive gravîug of bariay h a as1 neosîty. sud viiether il 15 eveu profit- R' able. My etimaI. o! xpenditureýe >d loi roturos per acre lJeas foiiovs :- BC cour Or PRODUCTION,. o Seul........................$8300 * Ploughing ................. ...il Oulivathug and .awlng.....G075 lbi Rarrowlng and rollng........90 S Boeed (2 uche!.) ............. SO"80 Harvostlng.................... 1-Sqw Threshing .......................r oi Marketing .............1 0 Masure................ à00 Totalca.... .. 80 babels at 65 Con4...... .$1e 0 Pa ........................... 00' a Total proebi......... 18 66 Profit .................. #5 05 doi Folioving Mr. Hoviand, I bave -UN "ake 80 buahoesau acre a au average T crop; lie Agriculbcrai Commission an cf = 0brl (Report of 1881, vol 1. page 1 869) put, il at 25 bushela. My evu o averagc for Ilut lest vas 28 b bas, but 1 thini liaI, IbsI one year 11th auotbor, 80 bobaiosJea airae rage. $ov les us compare lte retersafhm bari.y vità thome tron other aprlmg, crops. Protesor Broya, of the Pro- vincial Mode! Pari (Ag.0Com. [leporI vol. 1. pp. 265, 869) estimace sea fol- M lov:-.s Roots, proât pr ace......... $84 80 u Po",...................967 9 ps Oasa, " .......1il72 thi -Barley, I". .. . ...970 9 Thé. yiahs on my ovs tarm lest yar 80 vu:. Wiid Goose Wheat, 81 buaheis pet- acr, C Mo .........................s u as col Osta, 50 bushela per acre, 3U5.......17 50 M Peas, 30buahela perarmr, 75o .. 9..9260 Barley. 28 buabhl per asrs, 6U .1..li95 The trav trom lie four principal grain in crop , Prof.Brovs (Aî.Report a@ above) value. as tollova -vs Wbosl strsv.................$0600 Of Pes tw. ................- ...... 00 Barlsy strav-------------......8 50 fi I tink Most of MY tolov inies O vill sgree 111h me 1hâ1 Uie steve ca- limats. latoc blgh aiU rouud, but car. OP' lalnly the aIrs'off au naof bariey la aldcm vou*more"tiva havbt ve v eri M Wa suneof amy otiergrain. 1h ofthe uta -h u lauasse by taklag ie »mach B iu tbe vsy cf pela ssiireturuiug mc lilueuibthévay of itra. Balbe.. 8 evèr er.voM ydiffar aMout Ba& lgoe, I tuai mmain practical fument vill ceidorsa tbe tclowngg esura! set".~ meul:- Wi 1. Thal ooual oroppug 111h O ny oneckludof grainmelnjrionscte oci lie land. sud obould bc svoidcd, te .Af Cisally bys"Y mmsWieo u# ilýarm th 2. Tist bbc fermrer* of tbiweaaty hav" durlug lielst tan yesrn grovnor rather soya, tocn Mach barley. lu B. Thal if tires toarthe cf thc acre-o mgo devotai ho bsrley during lie lesatcfI tes yearahai been given te meadcv for sud pasture, sud t10 pouansd cs, te b. ferAon f/apWo e, o armers vpsld aen to-day have smaih monoy, sud vastly ed more productive land! han vo have. one In cîher vorda, more -stock sud las Psrry, the prally vllsgc y Lsk Sou- igog, bas beau fsept by lte W 1usd.r1 àflir suai a waslag»ashat cflaeQ i u i mouthas&go, it las rprialsg tii'fme Ou effielcut Ira appaus bau »olbacsse-se.o, curei by théc. muulipally ; but imaèh bu sol bees doue, sBd eaI l ieas a lhe I an l,. ha osly holp vu astI1 ies by s&-m«»Uband englue. '- - g ird Abot ali.pasl lvelvc on Pis7 hi utornugs a »broie cut isthoetblesk cf th uicnasleoaaE, ssýdin latira. boua evary buainca. IIsb inl mc té hsart ortbcvillaevuas seoldwr.1' 1 'grul, Mton*se ureautila eqabliti. tO meut beig lt. -On lday sot even à s 00,l, amu; a. Ï,0 W ,ul km n wnesc, slut. 01010 o. m 20; A.Bosgari, lm #SMl; B. lon, la..4100,, Ti Wsldbea U50, Bey. G. Jamilmoa$00ls 7w,; A.~9,s~54>> M. A =rrlm'bec4400; Dr. Sançgater boss i00 P.A. sS,boss 400; Dbm DR, tona #250; J. Pool., lon 800; J. lovin, lmcs#»W; Harrlagtou a Bey- sur, Ion #7W0; T. Devereillouh $00 'm. Orvis, In10;A Lmslc iW; H Doubt, lou $10, A.Osmbil >U 150- tapdlm os$150; James orkor, lus#8100 ; Geo. Wh.oer. loua .00; George Harringtolois #600; fasonlo Lodge, lois $400, ins. $850; flsu Ohisholm. bouc $100; miss Van- amp, loua $100; Miss Mosurebou $40; ,ysi Woriîueu, louas#25 ; Mira.Rooka, m a50 ; O. Grabami, bas- ; M. G. Wbson, lou 82,600; W. Bond, boes $40; ie& Harrion, u« o$200; Cor8oration, )go $2.5W0; Paxten, Tate & o0., lau 800; Miss Povers, boas 5100, Il vil! us bo ee iaI lite lau la laid ait 844.470. sud thi lsaur st #158.- 90. Aua, ci ounlous s f a cfateal ou0- one, Il msy bis statn! Ul& Laing & shberry, hardvare meroisuts, as nviouly boésesrrylISg but a veqy 41ktuIurauc, aMdItàvas oUSb@ Mria *fore b'» iorelaI Iboy eompletud a licy for muai thb greatar part cf tic Mout tcey viii v or tumatcly be blé tu oure. Th i evatoir sa&nsr" Mo. cfur oitizen,KM. 1D. 0.Dovaey, ai are luohargo of 1Mr. John Lav- rt, la aibout lia osby bualseasplaceil m villagetisat bac "otbeoo dear~ te leaiug mn aa àreýsnm g rangemeuls for reboiisgn. Meau se a fev voodasehde 1bave boas eteo& aud de ioly for more proton ans builiopuga tI iii follov. Sorne TaCtsAbout the c Kw Mfr. William Brodu. Presdmut h. t" lHislory Society. bas traaic Globe reporter th.eaubit of bis luva.- gation ra.pieollug the sov maingil est, tu vhloit oreSa..vas maie lu soe comua liaI vei. "&I visi écisméeàlai uYork sud carbo' tevsahlps," sai1Mr. Brelleé, on Priday morcng isltBy sols.! uont lu th.ela.fielda vo vlsltsdau cf 00 piaulaé 155 or 81 par aceaI. bai boas &sakd." -Were thora any marke iaidffrnee ab thoxteul of injury don*?" 11os the plane ta twovn mccl ad- aucesi Vare more injurai" tas es f astr grovht." **Hov do you aceouni for tuaI r -Tioaeare probably Ivu broosis, lia nt of vich ataoed lie early plaiute, e* second olt balug sufialtly dorsal- pd yet tb do muc iejur. Mr. Breia- spoiea I iai b âd Mcrn!sd abbti wue. 0saboéJeaom-6-0--àcarlin l iais vureas"« pcu&:" t» bsl ltb. fi-eb"I a faassevbeoua efore e.gi fre m aae" Tb* léi .lcommcu bcsasi-fly CrpI Mt Uicy aréa e sl ib...0larc. Il la s m laiendsan" nid lMr. sio, "l aie ticflee elm L b. Bafore su rqouticu mu h. *Mcdiefurthaeplam.i,-"Tic logg sls4dche a"rcaie of tllet bdm tclarva »rebatoeilbaynsake Sair ns u the. bsfaW n Md don lb. dt aubatas. blvees il.m abau fcr a timo ta7 drop c0, inoev 1.1 le grossi sud subseqsaal7tic il pearaau jeu se. lg a more daugeroulo tie aita«is lie luscte.s. ufpeadlugt the il mange!. for nm$ m.ssoan viinot do e the îsos laaihomme lu tae om- n dock vhîob grevalu il Uour veut. - pastares. Tie problem cof gotting a of lis s»Ourga la a Most dafflut le.", Dur Town Mid Oouuty Lum SIVrvUs orw On à,LUX&SRZ CUMaUM-Oaéiur saaoMoFUM Of Unnisoauor mm *wuwr or 1 NEW GODS TO HAýND THIS Sateen Print" , fiished on both sides. Plain'and figured Liglit Dress Muslijs; Hleavy Black Mantie Silk; Mantie Ornaments; New Fril- Iings; New Laces; New. Gloves; Ladies' Beits; Ladies' Rub- ber Circulars for $1,25.' A job lot of Childron's Fancy Sun Hats, at haif price. RUOSS :BROS., Dry Goods Emporium. vil quota ta memo vend for vomi jusI as I appas. "ehtO, 'IL"MI Rsiaoî ai aigu ics I a lver vllaeééd, foimmi by tic 4lgi of tic- mecs. Tins Moss tlim pou t ut, aIes.eut Wbly fIrm tic oss hé c iy t"revu doer mi serme. là the veut,& ie akscmaoe darkaaslgueI. About balfwy bot. vmo.. ties sit alic @berluon. ut on Uic appt vege fw taoficabvy da. ceau, s largo volume etf vits clou" elretebl msure81auI tcugvlmg s grasndael, ud formng a e llî a oalnsabtle g»tios~ irbuau bauleei Tb* mm s - i toisa, elgitby, tampat; ai»vmrsd amelb. a- 4a konbbeln igmil orfs in atâtame fboe tei.moutissu ofruee eavy éonus tcvaastic laie.Tic visi laps lepaf ad m " iai emtaoumiy, sud aconthi Rsi Ilcry cf iasveaopenu i doafesngpcsl, 'ictb reins dieedia"d tic biois om*.' ',sci la iste maso, a"M"ua vas ta messe.8 l mmretisa inasilests.Ita âecozoni* of tonm. bai. Tbc*m esOs un yM mcry le, Uist vile tae bow vas fflsein. ploI4 e, bla is " »-le sléailg sut lu lb. fa o f tasp. proaug mhSorm-couods. the colcurs veres ol t melly maniel, tao boy bin ùmoc5!à wtbIe. Vary 11k.l smc of tb old t t fWblt, Of Midi!. =sgaoer ~viii rosoi b i sigit. Borna tliimouIbave seu lt mai te sne it vas b.rmembe IL At leset asit vaois»din i i h me. ot ta bcétbglticgre ami lb. g #m l a dmetmatue, sd oSiu - ÏM eï*wte*éi e u css tgb:el u Mtàr mallses etc. --s-le .Mbll-lallâevel eaI lm temVOS samo ta les tie "Slr Imm-la oue»gom ysum for Md ý elds Mo"tees cry __M Mw, sas m 'lS» * rI4I.0stla na Y e OQsIlSaIv g»ao u-alissw eta b Om Crmear. *0 Sdow m "re tiy verb1 al 1.11.1m bast Iasmaie tien a*11: ticcadthinle taU!-et aiy ibU aIheday qvculug. Preust- Nayaa'-ugaela litew 38Mov bii(vaut)1, Cs.-s1Boberta W.cley. 0taisit md Dovfcy. :and IcnPSue.ri nu c lia Moads Hall ou lie evolug cf th l li. olday, Augusî bIh. 1884. Mr. Pox opSdo4b y 1Mr. Loag, moved liaI vbsa-lSOomoïladjoume il stands sdjoumsed tlithlb.ir.lt Mcs- sdcomwcio. But Wbftby TJL QouniL TiecCossa! of tbe Corporsi of s Eut Wbliby mci tiladay; members aMIl pusot; leomeilutic obsir. Tic reai ~ tb ? bO R4ftBowm oreului; chifrom tcaistrar ~s Un. Haooi moved, @«Meocu il Mr. Jobs Boum, that lie Becve graut bit criuron be Trearnrflu to f Jobs 8. -Sbolard, for thc lavis! ez- pausesdcanIluigeal mamed Werner. Mr. Jobs Bons, seocuisi b Mr. Js. Bos,moici iaIM enur. kovbrsy I>.nina sd .prlaIUi sdIMrl- lug of lis CouSBOil Mr. Jobn Boa, asaseily 1Ur. Hameek, mdved lia" taeeve grant hù cnder ontheTeasarer -lunfave ô Ur. Cavier, for lie cm cf $8.66, b.- in w-h evais, cf Ave abep kilisi »divjed blde, u rvns h isdrei o < cvem b U Ur. Jas. Bosavei»notim tliaIho vill1llthée:Ie"us ofethle caumal moi. tor baeswsto labrodue. a By.isv le mm ra bis maululalllfor eoauy, tic Md. 1884.I- lè.Boq, Medsaiby UM. Hau- OU be grauel leimpreve 5* resi al- e., aud <latk meandi acode boappoftaed muulasiera o axpomi seh* ons bog "W tatic report TI ortns c o. f Mr. Jobs Ur. 'james bo, secod by Mrî, liowbry, movolth"iaIéUic fovmag ausuta.»w rcucib. e Oeped s»d -' -is .ILmoviry, relie cf lmue.saely, #8 , W. sSmlt. roic cof' IL Bartai, 45; Mma.Tboe. Labe, relie Wf W.0901,48; X Broobslr etc LI504mIt "t f I . srli,15. aânc B., #1.67; D.Ocartons B. Mud B., $6; B. Tiomas, B amiB, $24; E. Webster, e- andiB., 88.T; Jos. Pseraon, IL sud #79-12;B. I îdiry,& sud B., 87.90;'ý W. Mars4 B.sd B, #4M2; P.Hsp eo.. Lami -]La,84ff7.iSr . --, 1id Made A Min 0£ M. C. Mass, cf AMgyl, N.B., vwo lakas slaumlnei ilt a acrereooeIl, througb v"ich h vaocalu e h. is bcd for elgl daya. The larlsun" 1 wsa er a bard, dry cou agisul e sgio aon. sidarable q"alto fstkpblegm. Thora acoma te béou obltaIhiovautarlenlon tihe rosI te consomptio.cu. b lout thia tima ho beganu alpgDr. Wllsn'a PalmeS- r cherry BiMsinlasaoutme0lu h7. ova vards. "tl mado a vol! ian e! me." Ia la alway. no. Whi laàapecimen of haudvxlllng ih a dean! plgtrBecausnao i madoue viti lte .The alakly yo=g ir adlthoeIMat isavusu. -WbM the. oulcasu e fa pis, 11kl éôm 11a cra ~byouptiom ou aiguaorf"tlhal.porary or cf cosattueu- 511111 17 iomùmdy villu quickiy re- amer colon le Uts che.ksatroghi 10tUt muacles, ea@gy leh,li1mbe, bring bact thc appcllbc ud"ima a -ua.a.zoman, as Pîosnm, Wh" islaDot s Meicine, but Wrooé. -Forum".b7a&U droughul. Thé tnimnlnofaitle vaklu n! oul 01ote onaeL A Btasvri. H19so. Ham.-Thcro ia sctlg Mmreplasalng luthoe extrnel ap. purmaof voies or mcna ua sbeauiful b»Mofhàý ndIt la posaible furovr per.on ho posaus il by aIi1. og vol! knaya C gl.aâir t.orer. Soin et 60 ouala aboawe. > Wiy are ier.ea in col veatitar 1k. me.!- dlasome goasips 1 Beosu.tiey are bearers cf ia talla TIacGm«t Iulammator Nxavumu, tbe IMMaluel aoved pa romedy. nMay as*ey chaflenge lie vorld for a aubtitate thsa -vii as .peedily sud Iptly aheck in*ammatcry acton. The Mâ" Umm a a & m ofl Wlbdraqi0obP.ls nr,'vf chUe eosmeusapoi-vuï« lierfle. May b. teelasl îalesauu M'44usaes yoo cas boya à.»uWSboIllorualit'aIetauy Ira miro.I*g. 001e25 ceuSa. Try Narviluetb. Uo>g»a ulasd ztusa pais o*.'Sa" bop au duuggl andam TirefLuii iaebus ogesv toma luchas#» ..hb a' am" ees las curehuons.terbeyaof le giveaouirs i oror refa!- am Mr aIfymas 511ebyG. E. Res,!,Illni, lasbucly one pool,g sal tat 9»silaa& omaa. der. GLASGOW- NZew B3lack Ottoman Dress Goods, New Silk Parasols with ring in handie, NewfloopSkirts,Cromp- ton's man'ufacture. New Busties, New Stylish Pnints, New Dress Muslins, NEW MILL1NERY Ch'iInm'9 snd New Carrnage pusters, New Cretonnes, New Drab Waterproof Circulars, Young Ladies' Corsets, New Stockings, New Gloves, New Ottoman Silks. Iu Gzey and Whitc Cotions, Linons, Fisunel., Moalins, Print, Towelings, Corsets, Mandle Silks snd orug Erubruiderica, Lanoe, Ros lGoves, Buttons, Parescls,.Shoulder Cape, SirtLmprO==ar4iIi EI.Satin Cross Skizts, roady-made. AL8O AGENOY FOR RAYMOND SE W/NO MACHINE AND DOMESTIC PAPEI? PA TTERNf MISS HAYES DRESS & MANTLE- MXERAT MISSFIT OF .- NEW, STOCK Dtm o(.ingham,çbeck,, plad uflowerod PritsLacs, mbroideios, Ribi Pink orouin,.biu n sud itto uâkins, Lac. -"11[m end iiàahs, VÂNDYKXE COLLARETTES9 vs. LA785 -T,-ouAM ige urràetmouffilet A& =ely lis loivbetf sdlf aimod'ooivl gl laémy pes ui dts a v deki ve*y Ikoly thés-i$m ua u voul i gldiy b , bt",&%th. gme - (,a eu s a âd as«sblbea tic clu vt rwli4 mdh à" o o ml yosag rsesausa adit à@&bOc, lieosl O toilàevmrbeo1mfoi WEEK. DI. Ri- PEj SAI PL4## ii WAREHOUSE MR. I la Collecteram BY recaipta forcnu ordlna.y huit LOCALA BUDGET OF i Tho Armai Ililmier sna Oawego.ý & J C6EJLL~ OPENINU. vaeLon The Infinis' Il a s- 'eaM un J day non ationg at for thesai lificatMes- been-vrzil -7 *11 1 1 Lsïlip

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