27 EARS 'ESTABLISHEO., THE WII8YCBOICLE la POALSiB» SYZUT FRIDAY MORNING, Pfrom %be 018011111 #L lllldugBrook The Str9o ot, WEbas1t6rhy. ttO thua any other paper inthetii.Oanty of On- J. S. IRobertsonc& BMhs,, PROPRIETOIlS. TERMS 0F ADVERTISINO. Finit insertion, per lino, 10 conte ; oaci subacquent insertion, ô cents. D iîplayod Advort.lîimontm arc meamaret by a scaleof solid Nonparcil, and chargod acordinglY. Ader meetssnt wthoat w-itenin. itructions in8ortod uutil torbitidesi, and c hargod for fulUne. Orilers for dincontinuiigtlvortlmernouti mueîtt bc lIwrttng, ntherwiseotho publishonu will tint be retiponible. A lilotral dioount forc ccntract adirertise. monts by the vear. 0opy for changes of cotitrîsct aivrtiioflents ahould lie handoti lu tint lt-r thân Wednesdayj and notice of avy intendotich&ngea eh'ould bo qivo e- i' fore Tuemiday noua. Ohisor advortsîocenti receivtril up to Tharseay accu. nfîiiti., jitiotîin lal uor neyse n¶Onn firet timsertionr 15 otte per lUns of Nùhpa- * reil; 10<vets tpjor linoe ach .ubgoqot'nt in- ertiton. l'ive cents peor lino per axnow. (',trrospoudenct% aoicited tram ail parts of thte C onty or neighiboriug towinsiîîîts Cor. rt'îîîotttlentm tireroquoated ta eensý in thirr toirininiatioata prnmpl)y as possileo. JIB PIIINTINO DEPAUEJT, TEhsDepartmot in well ipplieti wih "Il' Ncwemt ont1 Hidodmîest tules ')f 11P. uitablil for evory elai, af Job 'Work. 1 ine Prlrttiug a îpeclalty. The. Cnuoicx.'s equ pmaeiît inti u resptect i. itrii'tly tiret- claie, anil Ie net oxcelloil by any aolfice la Blutera Ontario. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., BI AiUSTER, Couuty Crown Attorney, anduiCnu nty Salir itor. tUlice,- south wing, Court Iloumo, Whitby -48 mN ESSUS RITCHIE & BILLINGS IOARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c U b.1it 1::> yT C. H. RITCHIE, Toronto. W.H. BILLINOS, Whitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, I ARRISTER, &o. Offie tn rmerîv ne- ttî1,ld tv Farewt-lI l tut-dr" ti ttt Royal Ilotel, Brocht St., Wluttttv DA V11> ORINITO N, B. A. STTORNIfeY-AT-LýAW, SOLICITOR IN' ,X Chacery, Conveyancor. &-c. Orrîce-In Oie OSIceounh o h" tiPont Officie, ta McMîllan'mlock, llrock Street, Whitby. lyio RtOBINEON & MENT, (LATx Dtooos A& UaîmINteoN.) I3AIIFISTERS.AT-LAWi ATTORN. *eys, Slicitors, Conveyancers, &o. OFFICE-lu Victoria Ciaminb', No. V, Victoria Street. J.. Roine,sm . à ,Hemomir A. E. Kau-. G- YOUNG 8SUIT IlL L.fI., B ÂRISTPRI, o. tc.Mtney ho Loa Imaner ol Marriago Licenses. Om'ic-Over Dominion Bank, Whitby. lan. 22, 1878. J. Il A M E H 4. REENW%'0I1,. ATTORS'EY AND) SOLICTTOR, CON veyauuer. Notary Publiv, &C.-Pomi oOâco lrawer No. 11, W bitby, Ont. 1~rn o~tand ldI M-ritio -tI, moents,Nyîilma aid Truiste made Settitr Loauns igottoteul on aIl lands etf'roptcrty. 42-ly 3011N RALL 1)1V BrARlSTITt-AT-LAW.- SOLIClTOII t>in Clhaucery, Convoyancer, &c. Ofilte-Deverilli Bleek. Erock Street, Whitliy. MONFT TO LENL-lrivate Ftis,- ia molins lip to 08m0, at ia low rate' of in- LYMAN ICNG4I0l8I là iL- Il10 B3 ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICJTOR Ml tioe Street, Oshawa. CUT.8 OSPITÂL LONDON, ENG., oye Rhé.OO.0-H. L, Oshava, Oo. C ABD. UIR. B GIT llysialofAit, Sargeon, Accoucher, &o., &a. Whitby, Sept. am1, 1l7u. 40 LÂTEAcitng Assutant Toronto Aylum OFFLCU-Tbhat lately ocapiad by Mr. O. Noorse. lnsura.naaAgent, BROOK STURT, - W ilITBY. y yv I). ic VOL. XXVIII. TUfE WENTERN BANK 0F WHIrTJJY, - ONTA1lIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Wbttby, Nov. 7th, 1882. 1#-47 014T AR 10 RANI, WHIITBY IRA'NOI. Brock Street, - - Whitby. FINANCIAL AGENT. P O. Box 114, 5'lyWHT. MO NEY rO LOAN si00.Oo ff utiINYEBSTEEN1T. ON r"EAL EFSTATE SECURITY. At towen ming ratea0i a iOV"a Money îecurod within 10 daya of ap. plication. Apl o JOHN FARQUHÂBSON. Whitby, Fobrary 18th, 1880. g. C. NOIJISE, Insiiîance and GaeeaI Agent, P.opreaeatiog hie t olloulng companJi& Phoenix Fire Insue"ance Comny, of London, Engla.nd. North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., <of Edinltargît cati Lontdon. British American Assurance Coupaav, of Toronto. London Guarantee & Accident Côxnpany, of Englanti. APPLAISER lFOR TUE Canada Permanent Loan & SavIngs Co MONEY TO LOAN, On Tmpo- t IParni ut lburate cf luharoit <tf- ÂgrtuitrU T lr.%mturtrroft hieCounty Stntlurlýýcely c ut chiOntario. OFFICE : At l'ami Office, Brook StreetI 1£1lis ceI1an tus~i A. A. POs-T, (lite wihh Laxgîey, Larîê'ley & Bocks. Toronto.) A R C HI T lC T. Deelgotç or Churcht.s, Viluali andiCtue u pcaty. Dratwijîgm rpru forr- lueSeling eitig etrutarea. Ortt, ftocthie <reseut, ah hit e utiae on Kingaton Roai, Piokaring. P. O. Box Mc Wmav W. 0. JourNal-oN, PROVINCIAL LAND SLJRVEYOR. Ceeu uhooua tihieLau Office of J. G. KeilLy ,Eq.. Whihby, cr at th. noadence c Mr. RosaJohuitea, Ferry atreet. Dominion WoodWorks, WHITBY. Geo. Orak Moars, Suai andi Biluida. LUMBDEU vwhole an d relai, orb by the car load.- PntgMoldig"of ssydan. lio, 'lolg Sheetlug hvlR- mavlngrShsplng, Tuuig. F- i-va= etc .,etc. Whtthy, Oct. 101h. 1878. .48- W~ ADAM8 -I K'1G BIITHR», IDEMIJN-rJrI S r R OOMS Ã"VER JOFIN FERGUSON'S LtClathur g Hîiabliaimont, Dutadasi., Wiithy. uimos houri trot a.rau. hi12 m. andi tram 1.30<0 i, p. un, Reidence-Cor. ci Byron EAirSGilient itr.oti. Ion ts wnitlmg ca,.. Sémti ecent, icir >-ams inthe. v! aimof g DQtmec qe. à fswvdayi tlmir00 aven thiietglsi l ilbîaIn, Ceetum. tphanet rlrt v Yoea vert ail thetinhlmor Ita e--rutins .m 'Te wrk la untrerNWWlY adapteS tbit xa yous sand uld. Toma seumstiy aura irons a0 mnt to$ vry eveien. 1 ut aIt wbc uaee verk but the leuineu e make tâta iulbwbm nt uiZ= btîttI oSer; i l "0 eare Doct Weol t td eivli lam25 ceatou. - - undor Ocrpeta, etc., 25 onta uuuire tg , -l -. * il. ~ TR 'PRS FU0E WHITBY, ONTARIO, Impoctmr, Boston sud Mu-31achumor OU 11 Kindiciof LEA THER AND) FINDINS& Cash puiS for M4«s, Br unS Leatiser O BELTIIG MA XT0 O &D P=. ONà SHORT NOTIOB. lmy, .87. -- J- .BATES, Navapaper &evçr&zis Alent 41YPrka Saathontacd tu, costr.eecifer advrriaa. umetets ute CHiRONIeLBetaI ur , oi rwAes.- vertiaing contrait. ay b. zusofor -ti LUMBER! LU'?MBER L1JMBEB MEROHÂNT' Resetn band a lamqesnpply of &Il kindiofi pBain Lumb Boaiadaul peoaam BubI titu. 1 lZ04& - -q KfiAbi-ANS eu moýeur ta ti4h Uib Stat, on the Same era e(Jia t teIlamei te pent fgrtna t e %ue i murlngit a17 Yeacm patent; etherulse lm u . iit tua yearm. Ttitl cesi cf United Stalag I,>aitg t M. col52 oM '.= ,application, st balance MY la ptn salloued. Total ect oft laudan.t Jous iaent, 534; 0 enOffo. Washington, D. O. Plea.. mtionu hero yen isu. Ibis adver- tisemmnt. . -1 PIANOS TtTNDO .FIEO T. (NPRIH,T, Toer viibe la vhw bothelis.mddlesof %Mai. Pakrutisl btuolnir iaospropely1nm 'hI Ples ,tbhIokipr- Js vh Isea à , ItIE~'~#erpsaWin ~sa~aliekM~0rd Mabi- Money in the Pocket of Cironiceie Chroniole Chraniclo Chroniclo Cironiclo Chreniclo Chroniclo Obroniclo Chroniclo Chroniclo Chreniclo Chronicle Chrenicie ($1) ( 1) ( 1) 1) 1) 1' 1) 1) 1) Ceihrnice 1)and Truth . . . .2 50 200 50 Chronicle ( )and Biiy ivo Dollar WkieeorMe0 ;w-lre lb petodicals 0 2 0 5 Chrenicle ( 1 andaylhmollcar ofupeediaI 4 00 200 0 Chraniclo ( i aud twc otlisp a t $.0-8 periodic" 4 00 8 25 15 A VAUBEPREMIUM cta of lergo ithoapit iife.ike portr&it- 22x9-.,Of LOti Landone (a(*e*neGt aen r a 5 o.Oliver Movag' t. 8f.r Jà hn A Meam1do Rev. Dr. Wild, vili ho preset&I free toemay. tanber te thse, Cà examea. wheh;thel paper-is sMati -alone or clubbed with auy ethté zij<>5j Xwwe«, t . dombyla dtd to côver cosof pootago andipooces' B'OS~JTEI~ KID GLOVE CIL' - FOR SALE, F7j"/ ?? S [huaitlb ProvlenceJounil.] Pua eumy caraveranda wide, A corner hld freinleigit ii4de; Raroe raud- IT D Anýd ho olda Ihe ad lu i iula AIM hinoeo ri ream hie wards ie hoem, "WUhe to- ' ht?":and suc iosmund feis, ,oïAl' nd old Tbucuifleet; Ail tiat aie hearsià ihec owu -heurt hua. Ai the iihta out lu demerted halls, Gently aheocn a ahoulder fals, Gendiyan arin à taOround a wa Alock -nda *iglt are m*a 1ed "Holl surelyipak, oh. that littlo word!" Rer w'llus oulvilsA th1ri a ti;rred. "Aeyou fondai aofli t 1 s?asd ho,. "nover attedonee," ead ah. In, the lHennery* [From tise Burlingt9iqss Haveyo .1 Oe-Iniabs ssci on niaI ?' »Yp lorit Tlkmycmb BY - va- Re. F10 WSIE, -C ELTAND, DRIUJ(ý$T, WI'IITBY, OIITARIO. Every Newspaper .and Magaziîne Reader.i $200 2 00 200 2 00 200 20 2 50 2 50 2 50 240 2 10 8 0 4 20 2 00 oua ra i ,Ë.oo 2 10 1560 20 8 70 as8 r.. 86 85 85 25 se 50 50 50 40 60 40 50 65 ana weimyGlobe ~¶ sud Weekiy Mail ($1> and Weckiy Advertiser ($1) and Weekiy Witncss ($1) and Woekly Star ($1)i and Ruali (anadfian ($1) anS isiure Heur ($1.60) and 8uinday st HoMe ($1.60) and Inoys' Ova Papor $.) aud Girle' Ova Papea ($1.60) snd Ameriosur Agrlcut=uiis (oo) and Thc Housohold ($1.10) sud Grip ($2) sud Sciontifi American (f8Mt) aud Âmericta Femet ($i) It is yonrs to tak-e advantage of these liberal terns1 iJ .0 s. ROBERTSUNI Chiroîcie Building, wHItBY,_ D«ipreil's Dcoit, -2 25, 1l8849. Wlfte kbcyc8rst adS caupelavacours alectoflare oeb,.but k..». due on, Anld set, and st and l On bursa à ansklisd botloueks and ecka, AnS *MI UtI crtch = anSd iay U7fres TIUiiý aosilshatc.I have 11.5 Red stelnuto th* rt:an sd dqxssed, Wol vater on thons, hd avoeicareui Ilons, A.nd chieS them rond thé yard snd set Dark haeêasever them, but set isoy uil. - 1 wiii vithdrulv t P, farniabt»ieutis imesuiftmsaaaofdeuti .Pr the old but. Ay, &y;and b yoni searbisheasen, I ibi*eU heronthe x=~ket ai suly-Yee ecuattlo t. uLouis.o kiý- ,go are dr. am 4"bua is fioj; "oh, wberUbo'Uditopy, braj; UtAul rlkt. wapt te go- tbpap, Lu ie,,Bwe?"» -Oe -'isus vmaIN before it iS t<obhltï. iwm1bave tAM b4e orate4lsr. " hiome tko obs -John ma Od Uion BIOOki vaabl, andS aù botter tisa te 53 TOROYTO. '. AO A TEAXBHIP PAR, AT- Episodes cf a West India -Voyage. Tbot crd'te John Harding 2 Whaà Ésee ad vas tas- 1'Dear 8ir-You couda not gel a di- vorco ulon the groundg yon mention lu Amerlo.Mlght do it in Engbond por. h lapa. «"Youra, etc. "1 au.,AIIy-st.Lýaw." ceseaught lier br.ath, snd turneS as pale ai death. _ 8Sh. fiultorod and gasped a mimteb-1 jgrew-reS, then white, again, and thon& said-f ",Loniekl'll net gobte the dreismaker's. Dont yeo wanî to go over te Nelly Hautiin'. and pIà y a while 2" 1 t iLonuis e dlightsd te do that, so haviag get ber eut lcf thse way, Bossie fiung hersli on the sofa, and cril& lig aeos lhaif cul. Ând. visn, tue heure a Iter - Jis rdinsssreqgljlch- tuis:âwa éi4y se preznptly, Boea satllying thore, with rusapletibraidsand collai, and sîoryd qZ are yen iii,-darling 2" 9 t&ied John, haalsaiag te her aide. à * uà oti ùug avai lhe arn ho aS. steapWta t row aroun hbe, and iguhcd cul- "Yon'd batter aîk, You cruel monsteri Yeu thottght pour oins vouldn't Sud 0 yen out, diS ynuV' a "iWhy.' Basai Boul. i What ile ' imatter ?I" cried- John, thundlatrck. f "«Oh, Yeu kucu i Yeu kucu uel i anougi 1" bare.lotuleu; -bat you il thougit I wouldu'î know I But l'va found it eut. I1 mev a &l you ufoked. i naie 1 Tiat stupid possmon bronght 8 tho carS hoaro initoad cf la pour office, hl se I kaow al about it. And-and- 0 you've-just-bgut-..kfloed me 1" andsi~ Beselo began te îob bitterly. ei "Beasie," Biad John soherly, III de-.Pi Clara ta Heaien I1isaven'î theo bat idese ,what uenare tslkino f." f Qu'hyor ave 1 Yen are s urotoii" Il sebbdBss l'Yen-yen vaut-to a, mnh off--vith mre other venant1 You th kuov ycutdo 1 AnS I dmr say yen-0 Luye,gt lier pistaS cut! 'i-l' et srteh ler $oseaout, I vii 1l'il-tiI la scratch ber oyos eut, I vil i1l'Il-lli pull aIl thee haii eut cf lier beaS!1 1ia da»e sy iV's &Hlfalsa, anybowl Oh, jý Yen wreteclI' Ir I'Geod Heavonarl1" ahouteo& John, IIÊE do baliave the girl ha oto orazy. ro Bauais1 Bosaio 1 oW't You kno obaoh ? Ol Den't yeunow cvyetr'oua iJob ht ýPa loves yoù ôniomb Vt' 3P "Thois-thttk-uhaî diti..youn...4 or, te-su feta dioie?" sobbod- ' "Divomce i Heaven i1HElavan i it,» ,2i truesBe tcrazy, sà d-visai ,aisal 'lI'm net crasylThower'e tise card Ia' 5 dwkiataSBeau.e. - >Ii thon é,s usatol tisoeai Tour lawyorw*rot tsu I"gelt :4 lIt 1 esèS'-Itr1ycursaifiAïdS ho-e;;4 mawysèn',t4i, petv -6 a-oElghA sb ovar John jusi'l1 tha rshe t-tier aniiba- t aew csrê, rot i-nd-to Elasubu i TU9 CEANOING COLOI O1 TISE OCEAN-ITS SILROS AN<D FISHISE AND TUE LESSES TEIGs TUAT MUTEBEST TEAYEI.LEE. Il coquires courage for thee ucyju 9A slip'. dock ta loess avec hie veeel' sidq and look upon the eea. It vas b1ao1ý anS cola, and tic Sound cf ton tboiusand vishite cape, hait ure only fainly percaptibla goe hie oye, aombined le eua c anoes lisî,aboe o hici nov, sund à kain raie thei aplaei, or, ratier, ti. qiaali, cf a lineocf biilotve datihed againt bte iran hanll, and tae.eod bock half i.spray:.*ovthe huge 'vessel wAS Iffbed lihtby andi awifiti ave tie blick 'vater, sud - 40*o« il sud, 1mwi 44Wa*", uto -'thé drk viil 1 -It rea4î*lted iL' i i'roli' w UT v véryditerenlif if aS sad euly auit 0r i it had sailed -avar tii edge cf a gront chass, doua uhich il vas Ã0 fà oU se mcon as lthe alarn vasbeyond, hie lia. The dewnvArd rush cf a higIt *uicg mil gise aandîm1m 'a fatalidéa of tho feeling. Ocmbiothat vWithlItme teneabiow'ezpsnloncpd vin an oeoatdr îar i. eartedr Sounward tue muddenby,- and he conception cf a sbip'a plunge il emore -corret, *thoughyot tdo ?aniod by tie'spauis et a ton elv"rer, sho vosl paiues befere ils: nexlûsc'nt." Bat, althougb iti lda iriimd îinkiig thsI-'cause sasaicknos, oa ihipa inevon ïa ilighýtiy iuress bave cuber motions-lfact, ail.tiseh sîhur motions pemaiblo. Tliey rpllfrouaý ilS hoi aide likoa abarrai; tley ,&ase- ihift and aieS. ideuise ai limes ; Iioy pound the as 'ilh theiir bous;.tbieyL combine;ail thé»s. motions assdisieýand fallat'tthe seame ime. lThieamallor liher, sud mores-roand-b9.oed-aà h i tl e m e os itiva il *il l ho tW th o- ta i o ii md p tloss cf -th e va v e âi- Oue cf bise greal tiratîatlanic steamers of 1",000 or 8,000 tons burdauë weii, laden anS driveu by gleis engina, la able toehsi it ap îa- amigsi thieug al1 orditary es ik gsd aluof ous. uda'su Ussh-mand hm 00 tusiand lu er mu ta liM , ë, , ti At te IEIGALHALL! Go Es IIAW One trouble makes ua forgot 4ijqua. and mercileès. Take cari with whomen u-mite, a8 -Aimait the boit raie of tesife l b b worthy cf one'.seléf.- Unà raciouà neoi lwholly opposed t ail ideai a ofgaed breeding. a m~ rat misake te ajvoiel actà al dnuieà while planrnng imginaiy oee. v-roibition c -f tbam cnstt" toho oniy temptation. Ho ewho clebs aboya the car"O f this -worMd b uru. his face- 9w Ooa; bas found the suncy aids fe. 11f. iurrenas~-b i arethe- mi. s1,tops that l«ot e ho piritual *onpli--- sunshino, but loawiug i.e, instant -w. M e h e l r 7 h i uli i i c a o n t a t ly Wo musi May ha!.e are mauy 3 Ouf. gros anS vidag aniable SOI eau tleau,, Besali 1hsson'iyouen as ISi "9,zg wisy idwt à ük -- vantdaS sivorc bt sea oculd 1 T CIaRJA Re H- JÂESNt PUIRE LQO~ Walker's tcoming throl Biye] Wliskey. I)ek Gin, Hennessy iBralady, Ma.rtell ci Bouel4er 'c ~TAL4NN the1 Nativtinw Fneet -"Port,,Wine, r Piiiest Sheirry WineujGr AoLmeJuice (Irdi4l AeudPorter on r,.s WAR 1- ('b [t ~- M. O'DOIN Car ae Works, - Litera te- e abeels- ?Im saS s lb. mao ïdud MMMem SPd se, WltisC41Mira hnted vordd, great ve -5 3~>w <yocb P«eoPrrssr KaowleszA Brothorisoed. WflTIYON'ATIO' FIDY;JIJLy 8piecial CIubbing Offer Whitby -CHRONICLEI OOMBINATION RATb soi s Mons Essyaoiton aSustrblo mr thirty .larmuss ineoia ai- 'bc ou&sib bin an imee.fCG lES 1 vu of [hava ho iie 1 o1]a;. PIIR *R**I> 17 M 4-1 - -, , .- .7 -k- i a nom" 1 a- ÃŽ, -Lèli il 1»-i ivo-