M i&-Sumnmer Offer. Tiaiela cvr liilo f cholera "P& EVËRYTHINg. Lb. Atlantic lu tise'courese cf Lb.he gi - fov veeka. Iudeeii thedaiiy pape", WHITBY CHIIONICLE ye9terday acnouncqd th:Sst cse had ao ~dilleaee iiueubatory peo of c(viok Pérom prenant date te Jan. jat, 188m, for ilanger imean e th e o bcupoyt bà - u,. ! fbet eteatmor lu crosbingtiste Atlantic. 5 ~i ~ I~J Afugitive trous Franco rmiglit rosai Liverpool, oeil from tiiere, send reacli Aneoabiîbsarsberwllbepr eeted Yaxs Canada, bearlug tis i reafilt il isse os ctià aoi wth noe oitie followîug vth itul, but iiilit land apparently 1,rtraits, ase e 22i.8,Lod Lanisdowne, su gond beaitti. Already weil eetab uCnd' ew Goveruor-Generall, Sir John lighed cegiave beoti fuud in Pause,- A. Mecdouald, Hou. Oliver Mowat, or Rev. Dr. WIld, end ur uev prermittr book,"The audIis mî at but cuÂtain liet Liverpool Art of Dreuamakisud _Fanoy Work." la nuL free [rom Lifi ecourge. Eveîy dey steamersare lesring BaiLaie for Or FOR 25 CENTS. Ameriosu ports., sud it i. in the I*sfde. grec nnlîkely Lisat tLis ean for,,aoy CERONIOLE 4 umonthe linctuding aboice, tngth cf ime ho doue viths impuutty. of onue of nuir four portrait.) for 25 ceuts-as To show howv quickly it miglit bc a trial risp Lu those net uow aubscriber,. bronght Lu Whitliy, ou Monday at ucan Ali1 Subscription.s to b, aildrested ta thére came off an etnigrant train a fam- ily whîie ssiled fins Liverpool but ton days before, and now they are employ. J, S. ROBERTSON& BRUS, t in one of Lie induAtrie, of Lhe Lawu. WVe have, lu former issues, dwett at eROPRIETORs, le ngti ou otieî beaîluge of tbis subject, OELONIOLU DU[LItNG, WEITBY. but fînus iLs grave import feel caustralu. -ed Lu again broasai i. - A lady correopaundent writoe us cous- New Advertisements M/IS Day. ptaiuing because cave are ailoved lu -* mmnun tsestreote sund eIsatbmt the Summer Sales-Roue Brls. Healtî Inspectoi viqit places visers Gooe Bdued u Pce-. &J.Cerphei.cows sud pice are kept. Titat le ait Brft:sh-Aerca PSrc-J Campell. very well but more important yot iithe ]ris-M. D. fugotej.D Kr e tate <f cellars sud yards sud tie unu Noi. a rD. tr-E aeroî. le aliiy proximnity of welle 10 pivies. Notce e CedioraE. atehotee. Eleeviiore lu tli& paper wi!) be faumnd Speelala-O. F. Stewart. tie receoumweuîtjuu, for use lu obolores Buggiei-R. MeLaughlin, 0ahawa cas8es, nofIDr. Koch Lhe eminoutGerman Blackamith a&hp to rett-Si. Wttterhis;e. 1soieutist snd thîe long tricil sud valu ~ ale N. Y. Suysse receipt for a choiera medicine. -f J ONLY Siao PER ANSIUM. Whîtby, Frlday, July 2.5, 1884. GearsamsaomLcircuation CHROrrucLE, 2250.1 Osas roîaîlt cf Lhe choIera in Euroe bas beau ta lacrease Lie prioesaf pepper. mnin uthe United Statos by 40 or 50 cent. a Pound. Tiherb isi.grownuin loy, matohy district@, ciiefly in Lie westoro paît cf New Yorkn Sîste and ln Michigan. Thi, entire erap is about 80,000 Pound@, Worh goneually about 88 a pauud. Tisa ceiebîity chaen by Mi. La- bouchera fai diseectian ln ths curreisi aumber cf Landau, (Eng.,) Trut h «1 Mr. Dwight L. Moody, the. Americcu Evaugliet. Mi. Mooly'a career is bniefly oketcied tram Lhe lime ulsen lie vas a'clerk in a Chicago fuiniture etore -jsud thse eneigeio-enpsrinendeul of a Sauday achool lu an unusesd aitîoad depol, ia viat vas tie ammat sowl. lcg vaste, on Lie yWlestade of the ChOicago river, La Lie piesen momesnt, vIsea ho la one of lie moet famae ansd effà o ilepulpit oratouilu inte vorld. Tise article la ou Lie, vilslandaîary, and ira uummiog up Mi. Moadyia quali. tleu and attaumots the wîiteî finde tiat ho bai dieplayed e piodigione amon cf shrevdnos. aud a degie. af common «s a mout amornting ta goulu.. Tise article coucludo. vii thse declaratlon tiept If yeu ver. ta combine th. enlire beneli of Bishopi viii the vhol. Weeleyan Coufereece, sud Ilion thrav ina the Baptist and Congregation- AI ranions an moae veigito, the entire body of Tiseologiamus and pulpiteari vould ba faul, ta pusaes btween thernleso pîsctical vieom usthan thie plain nuitatad Amenican preacher. Univeraity of Toronto. Tbe clae frous aur Coilegicle Inoti- tuail LbJunior Matticulatiun have more than autaicsd tIsa hanorable position long ild by IL as- amongtLieý jing la Lie Province. Thepass-namea are James H.iJallia, afis. I. V. Ebotvoad, Mies Dura John- eton, George F. Joues, Samnuei Ring. Blpi E. Palmer and Jame A. Under. In honsore Lbey accupy piamiuent Victory for Ontario. *"Noato art cf land, cal a stickn of pine, not a Poud cf mncerais leilisia territoiy villi ever beloug La Ontario." Tise.vers Lb. voili of tIhe mac vise prudées isetfou hie.abilitymas a coustitatlonsil lavyer-Lne igit Hon. SirJoie A. Miaouaill; and now, as vms lise rearaît le lie Inseurmuce Case, tise Mercer- Case, Lhe Streami Bill ca.., and Lb. Lioaecasa, Lthe Privy Coe bave wainluthe Bouamry Case d..lared lie opinion uf-thte Premier,.."nnt varlis the paper iL la vriLeraou.". At tise op.nluof &biis cas ebfura lise Jnsdlial Comuitte. cf Lb. Pruvy Coran. cil on T.esday Hon. O. Mavat pro. ceddvilS bis.argumet nt le aply La Messrs. bfcCartiy and Bobinsau, cane sei fur t Iariloba. At Lie couclusion af hie -addroeatLIe Judicisi Committea stated thsy-vould preural a report ta the Qraeurain .Coucall ou Lie viale cas., bit iatimat.d tbey would rcommeud a bouadaîy practically Lthe samun a Li avanrd.d by the Ocuadiaanbitretoue. Boirat: Tii, long diupaied Lritary- cf Lie Provinace, la lo-day ours. The at- Lempte of Mr. Merodith mcd hie fuiendss ta rob. theiir ovn Province cf.- hor j net due.,hli a tlely failod, sud lies, gen- tleenostand lguoaiciorasiy defemted butors Iliairr wafelv citizen.. Tii. décision. gives La Ontario that territery fromuîleumgery ta tise Lake et Lie Woods, &nïl train ]HediidraBay Le Poloo Islauii a Ierrltciy ecibraclug Lise Irg. est part of tise natcbcd pin, Jlund.ara an caluusd abouoidÃug luntise ~rchest minéral vorts. 'Tise deelsîc viii bu MW lled v l~ eigist by oery Lune ove«r of Oc4à d*o, and itlà I.a vietory cf vhIelibuMr ovit may velI b. prcud;audla ise 1mi t fa Seriez ai etWgm e bekesté 8frJoisu-and hWe uunpattoe.alellt tllg tisenu luth. pl e reusthatoratùIcvarats Iluo Tisa British Pranchisc BiU. Eugtaud la nuv lu a staLe of ferment in causequence of tho rejeclion, by lie Bouse nI Loidr. of the Coîîaty Fran- chise Bill. Thisi.6 a meesure lutta- duced by Mn. Gladstone on Februaîy 28th cf this year iu Lie Houe. cf Cous. mon@, and lu spite cf the flercest opposition aud many proposod ameud- ments, pusied ihrougb ou June 26ti inesubsîautiellY Lie came faim as vien fret preented. Tii main featuies of the measure are, tIsai wiLi a view -lu Lie masin ta enfrauchio Lie couuty population"'Lie liouseliollier aud lodger franchise me et pieseut existni n lie liorougie of Euigland, Scian.sd, Wales and Ireiand 40.extended ta Lie couniies ofthLe United IüKigdum, included: LiaI thse £10 clear yearly vaine franuchise tbe aiso grautedin l cases wisere Lie s occupation is ut land witîout bouses or 1 buildiugs,"sud Liai a n.w Ilservice a franchise" ho cieaued to give votes pue- ? umtabiy La suais perscsans a utn bmanagera residing tsa bank sud La duly qusldeed baueIneepeis au agents simi- lmly ituatcd. AIU Liese franchises iL vas prapseod "ta imorat ia Lite couic- ies precisely as,, Liey are in Lie bar- oughes'; wviisI Lic£50 rentai franchie, in oountiee vata0lie sbalished, sud Lie £12 rmtiug franche, ta ho reducesi ta £10, By Lhe changea suggesled lu the Miniiterial Meanure, about tva million votes@wiiuld bha added ta Lhe Lires mil- lions now represented in tise Hanse ut Commosanasd lhe etale Lleieby streugtisened. This, Lien, i. substan- tialli th. meseure tirovn ouI by Lie BIouse ai Lords, an as vhich mauy da uo a ssiLate ta ciarecLanize se an cot of aupreme toliy,mn mci that bs broungt on Lie inevitatsia coufliat batveen tise Laidesud Communsl, au ct wvioliroba aI leasaltwo million. ut people outhLb deareet privilege-.the rigit tu vote, mu act vliatevei ho iLs wisdom or ils fui!7, hes set the kingdom in eatblaze. The grpuude upan viici the Balise ut Lotd ieenut unaimoualy at Lord Salissbury'& dictation, vetoed thse Frau- chise Bil, are tiat tiey catnnaI' be ente Liat Lie puamieed P.e<l.eribntiou Bil- tbe praper curoliary af Lhe Fuauche B3ihl-yul b. pruduced sud viti pase, and Liat if tise second mneasure doeseta pas@, tIse Su-eL aken alune msy produce mauy reese tawiieh the Iane ut Lards heaitily ditslilse. Mi. Gladstone, tiey say. fil nuw an aid man tiat msy b. carriesi aif betore lie bas Lime La coin- piete bsiasahemes 6f legielation, and wben lie ie gone thei6nlouuone lu tise Hanse able tu paae hime prupused meas urea. Iu vies'of ut snoueibulitie., is vould be unuwiîle Lu itrodnce n tempor- ary aud provisionai coudition of pouLst- cal affairauneder visichi lise cauaty repreeenîatius vcuhd lie neitiser visi iL bac ssuee, uer viat iL is intennted to be-a condition ut affaire, tisy 8e>79 St onco extîemely undeaix-able and vexa- tionsi. Itlai.nuL snrpiluiug Liai tthe tva millions cf peupla Lice depnivea! ot the. franchise, look upon ths ressns aeigned for tie rejectiou cf the Bih, as pureiv cyniosi sud îlineory. Tisey do Doa ffeu ta @soilutLe action aI1Lise Lords, au adroit attempLtaefoice . . Gladstone La appeailuethe country aI c ime when Liste ia mucl seasse oer Lhe Egyptian question. Tise Canservatives Lliiuk, sud epparsnitly viti aome foundation, tuai f n Gladstone veult I Lie countîry noir, ho vouldueatutra vi1ý c muai diuiaiisd majarity, very pessibly viti a minai- ily.j Meanvie the wiol.e country, ale v. baeve said, la ie a ferment. Tic Lwu millious visa bave bien debaricd the franchise as-o uatutally tend lu their proteansd thse Radicale Whio daarly 'Olave,"vopping aslord," are ecatatho saI thisir resent apporLuity. Menier mass meetings are being helut ahiover Lie Kiugdom, sud thonsanis of Volces are clamoriug againet Lie Pe', sd thoas.of fi*a are h.lug sbmkeb in auffry 'ýesticu1atiou toa vrde West-1 minster. Wietliar Mr. Gladstone viii cal! an -Autismu sesiae-vhicis Lhe Brtihs Memier ut Parlismeut lhates.vitl a iitter iatîsd-cnd ry 10 pals thse Bill again. or visetier lho viiitry*ta aven. ave e LoLrde by tlie force of, popular opinion, or vietelir ho wyl creat# nov Peers suMicieuî Lu pans thse 1 ssr, romaiisho bi sone. The situation le ietereeLiDg. Itle .perbape themôst importantI ansi. in ;ErgllUsh ietor' sisc e .paaage cf Lh, Qo4 TmeWB. Priee of Graim.~ Nez§ t aeauabundeuL isarveet, tie questioorcf pulb., slayv~s ara import. a mater. It la Yet ',porlaapgan lil$gq 'prematrare 10 apesis lac coilen stly qon tise orntpoint, thongh 94p MueismaY 4 sala tisath1h."Iodda î ffà e ld. dî 1 l iefaior.. Tic Afo'sary T 1'ws$à a44 proballiLieà lnegar&cP oprise,- W u, a e.Lfaiol -, ý-p- th il'bl, the average. 8N are. Pfrom Auetr.Hungary and Bo. or*zpr '*atdlui %Uiii te P;cspect Stocks lira urope are bellevid, b' 1a~,for thil tire, cf yen; l lu ni thr:0rrm asagond dosi ý f vbi1 t t oomë irwid. nIýa dolacient liet, of whicb there la no eigo,ar au extraordi. nary demand, of whlcb appearances do not favor th. expectation, could cause ûny mnaterialin lactse in prîcea. Thora ie no question that relatively ta the de- mand there hai beeu nml oraseof production. The extra competitiQn bias beaumah folt by the. Ecropean agrictilturiste, wboeoland je demi and rente higli. Thé' complaint ia made that mch Baropeau wb.at ha% been soId below the cuit of production. If tLie b tirae, the. production of wheat for exportâtion, ln countries outalde cf Europe, is determinlng Lhe price at Lh. centres cf caneumptlan. But wbeat cannat long be eald below the oot cf production, tbaugh the coît af produc- tion muay be leeed by a laweîing cf reci; otherwise, the grcwing of wheat on soit. wliere iL would ual pay the cuit cf ralsing muet ceaie. If this shauld happen there wccld ne a tend- ency for prices ta racrver, by cuntract- ing the chroie cf competîtian. Reporte fram Califarnia show the laie by Jnne raieta wheat 185,000 taca, barley 80,000 Lou. The Ioin ou whest ie equivetent ta 7& per cent. cf the gros. yield, estimated in May at 180,- 000 toue. Barley will be &bant 12 por cent, an <lhe May estlincte. Farmers will inaur additional loe by inoresed expense of harvesting ladged grain. Tih. Jnly report cf tLe Department of Aigriculture. Washingtan, shows Lh, erai average condition cf catton ta be 86, againet 87 inJue. T'h. aiea lu crn u. inareaecd two par cent.; total ares between 69,000,000 and 70,000,000 acre@. The arup le geneually hee.lLhy in culai aud grawicg rapidly; the aver. age condition 96. The. average con. dition cf the. epring wlieat la 100 aud af winter whect 94. Tih. crap cf vinter s'heat jsesetimcted at 850,000,000 bush. DlI, The, condition af barloy je 98, aste 98, rye 97. Thora la a reduoticu cf lire. per cent. in the ars of potato.. ;1 the conditian le goad. Thorae jean in. creuse af ten per cent. iu Lhe ares of tobaca. West Ontarlo. MR. EDGARI TUE cunsICE 0P TUSE CGITEN The West Ontario Reformera met in Convention al Stonffvileou Weduesday Mr. Josephi Gaulsi, Preaideral cf Lhe Assaciation, in tise chair. Tisa Cummittes appointed te draft a coustitution fart le Association report. md s czititution, uhials vasadapteal. Afier a fev remauski ram Lie Chair. man lia roll w-a, ealied, and tb, fol. I.. r ~ ~c ,E ~ PALmS. ARE ALL WE, CLEARING. OUT NoW - AND JREPARING FOR A TREMENDOIJS STOCK 0F'WINTER DRY GOODS. CALI EARLY AND .SECURE BARGAINS. GOODS GuibeLle' cautinues ta bhldiL. ave as the favourite laine side resait for large piaule parties and for camping oct. Prom the puetty beach aL Gardon'@, nb vherWestaide cf lh. barbon,, the Lova pressage a lovcly pîctur. te $bc oye and fiom P.ade's at the foot oi Whltbeoue, whoe .the shore in fakdby c high grassy bluff oter. looking. tram te ýthe al L. sriour, and its elevatora,*wharveîand railway applisuces another sud even prettisi view le mafforded of Wlsitby and Lie reach of bearaîlful rolliug pountry go the weat eomprisiug Lb.ecarmfortablu lermiteade cf Whinby sud Pickering townships. Ou a clar day and yul Lb, aid cf a las, objecte ou Soarboro' Ei g bts and even the. aLnoky City b. rond can be plainly dlstinguaaed, anad tber. i. ever proerathLe vide ezpcuse of lake, aImas' alvays vii wite winged or amoke Lrailing vessleswvep cog along. Bath cf tiepe icho side points ci observation are vithin Lie lavu'î corporation frcuLage cf uearly tva miles an laite Octario sud ar e eily acceesible vithi ici,. acd vehicle. YeL other lacuatrino rosorns cf citi eona aoekiag tise cocl aud rofreshiug breezea cf aid Ontario are Lb. peisbly seachea frantiag Lb, Wulllsand Starey farmas th. latter euolosing thb.am- bomuelnre of Lyude's creaIn. A couple of hundred yards 10 the West of-viero Lb. waters of Lb. creek breacli lie sandy bar and minglo viLS 15e. cf h.& lako, ilu & toclacmali ambrageous clump, cf be he.,Li.romains cf vhmt afew years go vas a dense vooda, Lanking. vitiisia adosea teet or au cf Ieop vater, Lb. lake for balf--mle, naturaly ecmsttag, uratil ruthI.ssy .11.4d by axe sud fireaspleadud site for a lako-aide park. Furtiier on agin Lagob.heit is tise .eaci frcuting Lie Deisart bamestemd and, althougi more distant, uaL lh. les. lvitiug trom ils greater occlusion. Ail Lb... places Lbcugh fult cf grace are yoi susceptible of great improve- menL by colt!vaticîr cf thse gUi nature bas s0 bounl.ouly belov.d on Lb.m. Wisitby bs eno reascu b complizuof Laé number sud quality cf possible par. rctly charming recreation grourads by à . aideo f lako Oratario. b il b dl a fi i fa tt loving doegates vere tound te ho preseul : Urbridge Township - Sub-diviaou Na. 1. Benj. Parker, S. A. Miliard, Hiram us laer; No. 2, Oea. Dovsall, Jr., W. T. Rohinson, a. AilcocI; No. 8. J. B3. Feasby, John Bîmoiburr, E. Oldhami; Nu. 4, Chas. Wiias, Sain Sierrard, Jas. Mackie; No. 5, Jas. Sherrard,J. D. Forsyti. Peter Foreytls; No. 6. C. Gould, E. B. Biliore,,J. W. Widdifseld. Pickering-No. 1, S. K. Brown, S. Austin, J. T. Riohardson; No. 2, W. V, Richardison, John Fie1d, Tisa. FPld; Nu. 3. Thos. Gormieyv, James Palmer, Oea, Parkas; No. 4. Wm. Oovau -Dm- vidl Lavion, Wm. Taylor - No. 3, John Maoey, Wm. Ledgeiu Oe. Macke. No. 6. Ga. Pillipa. Boiet. Phiflipa, Jaisn Jerov; No. 7. El Barclay, John Phillipi, Colin Pbillipa; No. 8, James Daudas, A. B. Wite. D. B. Nigia- waudeî; No. 9. C. J. Wilson. Jas. Ma- Evcy. Uriali Young; à No. 10. Henry Madiii, D. McNahie, J. Brandy; No. il. Juopti MoukiscussC. Nigievauder. .J. Reeeor. U xbridge Villge-Nc. 1. 1. O. Croa- by, ;à . _D. Weeks, Joie Masuanýd; No. 2), E. C. Campbell, A. Bl. Bdgeucv, R. 1-1. Barman; Na. 8, F. Keller, W. S. lilacit, W. Smith. Stouffvile-Jmmee Dcugtherty, P. Macklam, T. Williamson, D. Blouffer, J. Urquhiart, N. J. Armstrong. Wiitclurh-No. 1, Tisamas Lloyd, Waslter Scott, Jr.; Na. 2, George MacIn- lems, Macteus Cook, Hamilton OCok. No. 8. John Jamneson, J. B. Sylvesr Simon Stouffer. TRE BAL.LOT iÂKta. Tho ballots voe duly distribnted. No nominsaions vers mde sud lie resuit cf lie firet ballot vas as fal- lav:- J. D. Edgart.............. 70 S. I. Brava.. ............. 1 Dr. Black.................. 1 J. B. Hoover ............2 Total votes cast......74 The wviole number of delegates an. litled ta be preset tihLe Convention The ruèait of the ballot vas receieed witis loud chaers, sud pnu motion of Dr. Blaek sud Mr. Brownu-Lise ramîeetica vas mode aisanuu. MD.Encant, visaonhccmlug torvmd vas recouved witis loud cheero, sau tIsai aithoragi ibis vas Ontet i sI "ae ho iad rreived a nomination for tise Dominion Parliameut, il vas Lie firet occasiona ouvici ihoisad beeu nomma. sled Loa set iu tise Ëgif fReformera. aitlsero itmdalways put tla Lie part te figli thLe <ce lu very isard place.. (Appisuse). Aften paying c bîiehtri. bute to Mi. Blake, and nreerriag Wtei goet-l cliarctorîisics cf lhe Bafora prîy, he eaui. hodid onS dain thsa& tiere neyer tritd ben ay crrupt men lu Lise Lîtes-aiParty, but .bo sd ss»y Liat lise7 tried ta £es ru of suais mou as fut ae Itey couhd qpd lot vaz OvTRuar=2LLê*b sUVIS vuX. (Applause and laugister).9 Mu. W4as-They ilws.ys get tsena. Mr.Bo4s-Yeu, sud tiey-kuovboy tg geltireurn. Tii.standard visici tie Refus-m. Party put biser ilwms igi.» If~ ~ ~ ü9 thayccl a lîmq& carry tise* tles fs-e tis e Toriesta tek. lier,n'PI su tcry bm,eo liii a vent iv . pocticu îhey -veres ervin q tfn ooustry. Ho bolieveil a 4y ej wui Ia toe. ft- aaà ut«-, 1.. Our Table. As usual vsti Lia *'Midsmsner Hali. day Number," tise Auguil Omtfury le uncousmonly attractive in pletures, fiotion, andl anscaOlolalppaaAA eut- daur quelily, apprapriaite ta Lie seson, là coticsabie iu John Baruagh.'à fsas vaodland sud fild papn, lu A (Jiauce et Brillis Wld Flovers," vhiois Alfred Parsens, e Buîliais artieL, ha. ilas. trated lna abely decoatiuo styla. Ons. cf bis fuI! sg ieteh o f daffodila on tise border of, a iLiesin lae t rouLla. piece. KirM Kg *a Tauuzu. By Julia A. Esetina. Illiranted. Boston: D. Lotirop à Ca. Prie 25 ents. Tise publisiere have sisovrarare judgemnu ira patLing ibis exeelleaL îtcry hile Liseir- uev sud popular Yus'P olks'Libiary. Mies Bistutaa, à i viib. e mesubera toak the prise of one tcued dollars of000ed sevarat years cgo by tsI.it se, for th. beat Sauday.iebooi etory, and Lie pr.eei isbook te lu- evsry pttocar tts equi, Tisebercl.ias Žugsr of a cdeigyman, 5a irfl vhec vasnefhbs ;all itoa! ur cl bei, but parlly ou.eacd parîly thée otberl, andi bth arrtiv oa ber trials sud -exporenci 1 la nîeudea! aeaguide ari! ss eip to eotiseilt..*his luevelisose thiumueklcd teo cu1cc vils5 snd ho lmprae upon e is lesmn tht *%se ouly rabd laisppceh lies througs 15e land 4.f900dr,'0 Our Tovnanaad Oouîsy.- "y c utoliT-,57 ufse s su. r xvuonr$u1,i Ozrzmslr.u OF âznlietoI 1.B,4ieMril my lait 1 bave bean u rfored,.iht allhoigh, th clas orgasoisd et' 1lth ubefu va eut e:fouraed sevoral yeasW pricr I. tiitdate a e oridisacse es«t, cour thé- Plà .eriniton~ie Thes à lS lemileasAs,, ..uM. ILnSI..,a airreipective tac cf denominatiortal lies. ,r"ou thon aud do likevise." But ta proce.d, or rather, ta, go baok c little, 13ev. Mr. Dean, accordiug ta ethe.beut of ruy information, suecoeeded à Be,. Ezra Adamo, and vai lu ime le euccoeded by Bey. Mr. Pria.. If As. I did cal came te Whitby outil i Lb. emmmi etcf 1848Ibave ng poeonal kucwledg. cf cny cf the..Inuor cant 184 a re-arraugsznent of circuits yLoch place, and Whuîby wua included in ýr the Oshawa circuit of whjcb Bey. Mr. i Phulp (laie fatlier cf aur eit.emed o tevueman J. B. Phip) became tb. e superirateudeut. Thse writere»collecte ghim veli aa mana of cod shuity ana à fiue appearauce, vils a kiral word for e' verycue. He vas on 'th. circuit lu * 851, but I bave falled lu ascertaiulng à Lb. date cf th. commenoemeor c oe i of his ciiuistry. Wthcut miny loteon- ational irreverance 1 vill JuiL amy *Melchiead.c, and pa on. H.evwu followed by PLv. Mr. Law, wboae bail, r pare figure will came pramptly ta Lhe ifront in the mind. of many. Canuet >say that I recollect hum au a precker Fin Lice, day., but knew him wetl after. varde as a bighly respantedl citizen. Mr. Lav wasenecc.eded hy Bev.P.Kerr, who was acsiltedl for a ime lu hie rcircuit vork by Bev. D. 0. McoaeIl, rfather cf Mme. Haro, Lhe eeLeemed vife cf Bey. Prof. Haie cf the Ontario Ladies' College. DoringR Mr. Kerr'e Lpastoral averuiglit, steps were taken ktovarde building the firet Metiodist 1meeting hanse in Whithy. A eub- i cription liai vus set au foot and ather plan# devusediwioli aftervard, result- ed in $ho succeueful accomplishment cf r b ah bject in view. Di. Ker, vas aucceeded ira Une 1864 by 11ev. D. B. Iladeu, visa tcck i p his abode in th. Town and t&bu@ becaum. the. iret resldent Methoduat minuster in Whitby. The circuit (Lien kuowa as tbe Oshawa circuit) iucluded i hin ite baun.da the whote towcahip cf Wkitby (nov Whitby and East Whiby) Piclerin sfat, West me Duffue' Crt, and six concession. in Beach, iDinding thse villages of Port Perry, Prince Albert, Macoboitter, and Utica, and of courueOshawa mcd the Town cf Vitby, as included in the tien towneip of Whitby. Thoera vere at that time about 75 or 80 commun- icants in connection with tho whltby congregation. Mauy familie. in ad. dition ta those alree.dy referred ta had become aasocit.d uitb Lii. church, for iustance tha% cf Lewis Houok, . .3Blw, Jas. Rieo, J. fiodgcon -(&ho, finL priraci. cf 01the Witîh-Oraiar801100co0i) .Bamill,"a8manY mr The.work in view me ta erecticu cf new chureis wms pcv taken op vith freel vigor by Lb. building committe., sud praehed foîvard vath great zeal and energy ln lhe face cf mauy difficuiee, sud vsth srsuognoeotisat Lb.building vas couspleted sudd cpen.d fan public van- a'hip in Match 1857. Tii. building was (sud stii i.s) c plaira, heavily built, brickc building. sud vas gecally thought atc Lie ime to b. large enougi for Lb. neelisu cf Metiiodisar fourusauy Yeats ta came. 8cm. bourever, nwio ver. mare intiusately acquainted vitli the ever vldogiug sud acggftsalva- ciaracler cf Lthe 'polity cf Methodieur5 (t quote tise word.e of*y B.verend oorrepoudous> "judg.doa e a."Il va*sacue«Videntî tisUoe iso h othrwe er cone.Malrge acisolrccus, vs. snoba.spsuly add.d, but tisat dii nçt indice. N"bg1 vcn0l dédobut--but kola! on '#Tbà mare h.îpta, fie les. eapeed," says a wls clii anwrisd I ad ià verifi.d. ows as- itmt.essar' turetee my stps &Ù&dî lue S' 11t11e more dskIait. asà 4c mb iuli LIS& iisuibe sie iyspurcea If nattas ta tfls els, aa>Lesaigthe alaes.wof the pflcolnra viav of sucS - donations' by panI1elié b4eogina tao tiscudenomlumllls, is. esh arteupn4~sîmigis i wllelabn à as li dc&u.-Al&H oncyJbe Lise noble ,men oraîdeofMtoia. I inuât aa, biptly close aketsh No. 2 4as lwiolsup.i Dr. Koala'.- orunugndaton orctýç0në contact viti paints shculd vasi their bianda ira soap sud valet and solution of carbahic mcid. Iu case cf death Lie * bady sbaaîd b. immed'.ately removed, and lhee laceraI ihould b. splaira as possible. 11ie procession sicutd uaL enter the. desm'd.souse. utilfamueod by Patients should. uaL b. rauiparted iii after dueiratbcLiora. I4muradresa ehould ual tek, Lths linon of patientsunlese disiufecteJ. Preotions otier than lie abovo are sitier ukuovuor caL re. cammended." PROF. LOW'8 AAGIO BULPHUR SOAP-HaIsg, soot)u:ng, ran leaiang for oU erusptwa dùeae f UMe skis. De- Men ansd-Thiug OLEÂiINGo aS P xurr ysonCS oxOn A VAMSI eT r BURJCTa.. Nothing in the cWorld Like If. lotiing euquel Polsou'î Nzimvuanu sa a -îemedy for internai, local, or exteinal ?t is Lie itrougeat, tieref are Lie ievilise penetisiai et once La Lie source ai dsesase, sud sifords imurediate relief. C. B. Ailison & Co., druggise, Pie- ton, spemklng of Nerviline 5mtat "'Oui cuetomere ipemkofain the Lb.ighest tarmo." Ners'jline uerve pain cure vi lw iays coms- mand the puais. cf sU via nse IL. Nervi. lnin h ouest îemedy. Alvayi iure,and propmeptoereliev,,asd therefora luth. beit remedy ta keep iu the bouse. Buy a sasuple bottls, vhich coas but ton cents, and ho .canviuced tisai Nervilininhte boit pain rôedy in the vorld. Snld by drnggisti and country dealers. A &hoal ai eudfiah oue mile long anecn- talning 120,000,000 fiai, vili est 840,00ON0 ierrlug iluoeeweak. mleeding From fâtc Luno&. Mr. X. A. Lefobver, aofSte, Aqalie, tok a %ever. colS whici seltled on bis cheal and brangit un bleeding cf Lb.lu1g ReHobled i reely sud iMs piyeiaave hI"ufm p. A* g ccd Samaran brougit atm sema of Dr.* Vtilsou s Pulmonary Cherry Balsaus, sud b. coatiuued its nue nti io got .utirely vail. lu hiii manuer more Lian auy other lias th. value of tLii. et clremedy fer cougis sud cos aud al oaur oet Lroat sud lonug disease.heaumue sgovlely sud favorabiy kuovu. IL ia vsluahle lu con- gestion <0f the mugi. Farmerly tiere vs. s 1mw lun.lapsu r.- quiiag overypersan via eut dovn ra L te plant tvoltu iLs Place. Be aure 700 gel b.Gmnumne MuaRà y L.uuXos'e FOam WATxa. Tiere are coaxtee, but if you vili icIS a lad ai thv& ewiein icrouud esci bottle upt 1.lgt yan vWiae lun feiut lattais, vatarmzrhed lu tie ppr, tie vckrde "Laxuui & Kw. MxvYmmz,I' ad viarou or oat ftud tLii, yora may bo ure ie lclta not genuine. The _public scisools cf Japau have anar tva mMUrtioncf strdents, sud madeied ou tise Améric»raP"a. PIWO, Poor, Pazy, and Palld. Coausdeang m&Uthse 111. tisaiattack 11111e chltdrura, iAlasa vonder liai auy ai Lie po Jittie youngstexa live t gîovUJI. Tiées areohâdrora via areiryobce ai pie. TheC »M 6114088 bloadlise. 'er ciehi axe li'sad pluebo; thisseyei are iollov'. sumil d, ehin in tlibly dravu oves- ~ %-- týl cebaI~ Tié are nohilug lseu1yisexhhiau.l'~~ do net eajay tbir Uvz.Tseysreeisft f,, rou SbLi debilyth lei ed#,.to. maramus. Poui Dca a codfou Lis e P our, punY ~eIh4. d RaudIDe motion a bottle of DloyU'.~olsli GLASGOW Summer Goods Parasols, Summer Ties, Ladies' Collars, Straw Rats, Qummer Gloves, Cotton Stockings, Frillings, Dress Goods, Embossed Lustres, 'Ottoman Cord Silks, *Ottoman Cord Dresses, WAREHOUSE Reduced in Price : SUC CIGOODS Buntings, Nunn's Yeilings, Dress Serges, Debeiges, Shawls, Fans, Cotton Pants, Linen Coats, Lustre Coats, Summer Shirts, Summer Drawers, REDUCED IN PRICE. E?~ & J OEPBE3LL. AS Carriage Dusters, Fancy Sateens, Mu&ins, Cashmeres, Lustre Skirts, Cricket Caps, Summner Flannels, Boy's Linen Suitings, liegatta Stnipes, Sun Umbrellas. -NEW MILLJNERY OPENIN#. Infini: Iu Grey and White otLous, Lineus, Planels, Mualins, Print, Towelings, Corsets, Mantle Silks and ornamenta, Embroideries, Laces, Rase, Gloves, Buttons, Parasols, Shoulder Capés, -Skirt Improvens, Frilaig, B. L Satin Crase Bkirts, ready madc.' ALSO AGENCY FOR? RA YMOND BEWING MACHINE AND DOME6TIC FA Pff Pà TTEJ MISS' RAYES DRESS & MANTLE.IMAXER, AT Miýss' FITZ 0e for, L Hovsa & cf iii Toc lave i A m f.i, 00 *00 ~uO; -WA; leceiptai LOCA 441 Dr. men, Pl laka 1-Ti tfroii able trri beac 1 a, d ti ci tc REDUCED IN PRICE. hiliron: 1 zAï iai. 11, Ã"z#itbg (£ýroRlflt. Lzïl: y 1