'0 c0000 00 00 0 MILIIG ISlc 0000000 00 0 0 Q -A&T- 10 _CENTS 15 CENTS 20 CENTS 25 CENTS 50 CENTS -AT- 00 0*0 0 0 0 0000 -J. S. Darnr':, 0 00 00 0 00 000 0 WA TCHMAKER & JEWELLER, Break St., WHITBY. .MR. ROSS JOHNBTON fa cllector snd Canvasser for TUB WM'r- i- Crmoite, and le autharleed to grant receipta for snbscrlptlons, etc., and transatt ordlnarybusiness. JULY 25th, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHERWISEI WHAT 18 GOING ON IN TOWN ANS ELSEWHERE. A BUDGET 0F LIVELY NEW8 NATTER GLEANES B! CHRONIOLE REPORTERS AID OORRESPONOENTS "A zhiel s arnang ye, takin' notee, An' f aith belIl prent it' Rite flying amuses the boy@. -Navy blIne" Serge Tweed Saits made to arder in bei style at 0. F. Stewart'&.. ST. !tNDREW'S PULPrr.-Tha e Ro. Dr. Ormîston preasc, d Sunday, Sacra. Ment, merntng in thiscburch. PICr;Xc.-Amondds Ohureh Sunday School pioaiaked at Dshart's, on the. lake &hors, Wednesday attsrnoon. Two ON A TRycob. -T wo gentlemen from Bowmanviile attractedl consider. able notice on the street Moaday from the novai appearance of their tandem trycîcle. DoNi'T FORGET the Mthodit S9. S. &tachers' lake excursion by sate ana swift steamer Haot ingg te Victoria Park and Toronto, Tuesday¶ Qtb. 7 a. m., $are 75 ceate, children anûder 15, 50 Farmers and consumers of ail wil do well to as. the Queea City Ou Cas:. cslebrated PEEKezse Machinery Oul, for sale by allfilret-elass dealero. Ses their advsrtlssment. UZCnÂNx;CS' INSTITUTg. -The régular monthly meeting cf the siccative commttee will meot in the Library roam Friday svening Aug. 1. REcovacu.- Master Will. A.rm- strong, wba wte Bo aerionsly hart while qnoiting last week, continues daily 10 improve ia heaitb, and nnw laites nourishment regalarly aad sîsepe withaut the use of narcotios. Gents Cotton soit 50, extra gooad and strong at 15a, fias balbriggau at '200, gents merino shirts at 80e, fine ander- lothing from 45a. nobby Ties 25c, strong Btraces for 15a. Grea.t bar- gains ati« C. F. Stewart'@.. TeNziuL NusBaRs.-Two contribu- tions te the OnhoNîcLE: by local poste wili be netunainteresting. Thay are- "Oultared Maidene and tbe Vase." aad "Bismarck." VISIT TO WamTn.-A.s wil 6e seau by advertlsesnent- la other colmue, sargeons from Dr. J. D. Kergana Britluh.American Medical and Surgical Instituýp, of Detroit wilI ha ai ihe Royal Eûal, Vhitby, for consultation, Monday JnIy 28. Civia BOUiDÂT NOTas.-lamsmber the date, Tussday Ang. 5th.--Evory ,prbability of the biggesl day'. sport Whiiby bas "oen for yeza.---Soms taIt of ruaning anu 81unrsion from the West teWhllbyLthatday.--The con- cert i. the aeaaîg will bu a "taking" wind u p to the day's procoedings. Mr. and Mrs. Obrey of Bqston. who will taite a-leadîng part intahe i rogramms, araea ast ci lbsesslvas. Sze Bagzszs.-",Oh how lovely." retarn tickets tbrough from Whitby te ail the esatahing and aIl cîher sait. ara pdintu' via G. T. R. and int6rcolon- icl Ry's. iessad very obuap by E. Stephauson, Toesraph Office, Whitby, gond to returD up ta Nov. ici,. 1884. ALXOS? A CîtTENRtÂuN-The late lassa Hopitino whose fanerai tonit place at'iokixi, Tnesday eveniog, wcs ia hi. 99th pyar, and aithongh lie lacited - bal a fow monthe of being 100, years oltI, yet vas remarkabiy cotuve for sncb remaritable elle, as imare ilsen ne dur iag last wintpr's rigours bu brougbt ta town, eold and dciiverüd, leighlos ilaof cardwooi. ]Io aad mauy years ego te be a throsher >nd fsw fart s isqqe# in those peitahave net a% oa@ts lme .-o anoîber sheltered him. His fartùu. Dnov woritad by hie so-us, ii noar A.bbra,. Tac Wrsu or 0 EAu. - 1Mr. FeA"s t.HUoUUIspoia a mm*emmaw effettmenthe, 1"Iutrip for W en PzIo.x.-The >Mtb6dtct anday' seol pinloo T" *.p- atlrnoon lau1the beatt4fui Iren e 'iMr. Sinclair J.«. Uolcas ileaupiad - rosdense on Byron slel US =5l usIaIâ6e Divise MToue.-Lael Prldoy allýer. noon soma prises for dlving, gi-von local sports, vers competed lor moil bfy baya ai tbm Bay, tb. divin g bulng fonttheIbmllgthousu pler iatcth1eli. A cuniy headad youth of 16, fat sd1 slayiugnundar vater for 79 seconds. Dowa camae the pricae in Waicisee, factorise cutting in prices. P. Taylor con tmil vatohes oesar than any other houle in tise Oonoty. Try hlm before psrchatlng elcewesesud save mcnsy. Ra cannot ha nnderaold. Bsucxe.i-Bricks aa being shippedl this vasit by rail from Wbitby Kilns le utica a village in Rsab township. Ail thea bricks usod in Oshawa are made ai the Wbilby Kilas vhicb voue navet buier nor employed more bands. Haif a dozun leams ara employed nearly aul tise lime hauling briacks te oui aaighbar- ing taira. BoW IT HArPssNUD.-Blalne tism Ra. publican candidate for tIse presidency of the United States vas once an edilor and people viii say, insinnatingly, thai lIsey do not undarsianti hov ho acauta.1 uiated oea mach moaey. The Irnej reascu, probabiy, id Ihat le lft the business in lime, Bargains for Jane-Ladies Cotton Hoso for 8c, Lisle Oloves for 10c, good priaIs for lie, speciaily fine at Bc, 10c., 12c. c spsoially good lot of Dress Gooda aI 100, 120, 150, a good parasol aI 250, extra good 75c, and the hast parasol in th1e coanty for #1.00 ai C. F. Stoea. METRODIS? TAs]CtansACu.-Tbu quar. lurly sorvi-ces yull ho heltI noît Sanday commenaing aI 9 &.m. Wm. BligIsi Esq., of Toronto, and athers vil assîaI thsa pastar in tise varions seri-bes. A large unumber of membere have tieen admitied ia I he ehurch h11e met 1ev dcys, shoviag that the Spirit o! revival stil i continues. Tia WatTu£a-Warmer andI more pprapiale weather fon thse seasion thon thse ooolues lately prevailiug, is nov vouohsafed us by Ilold Probe." The dense amoke wbiah asi have been biovu fromn a great distacec by thm straag vinde of prevÎous day.sud lbe heat cf Tuesday vas follovod iu -the night hy a short but sharp thunder storm and raim and c 1ew shovers Wednesdcy moruing. CacâA i TScr.-Reand lrip tickets via G. T. R. and ail lhe Laite roules and C. P. R. via Port Arthur through from Whithy ta Winnipeg andI relura good for 40 daye. Also ratura tickets lhrouRh fr6m Whitby to aIl 1theaesa- bathing sud ail other sastera points via G. T. R. and Intercolonial Ry's. al issued r-ery che-ap 'by E. Stepheson, Telegraph office, Whitby, gond te re- tara ap ta Nov. let, 1884. PRIza POE-Ou the fourtb page of Ibis nuumber af the CHRoNXCLE isepub- lishied "iienzi,- the LUniversity cf Taronto prize paemn for 1884, by Mise M. E. fleudereon, Oshawa. The fair isuihar is weli knovýn taeusauy Whitby people, mutalobusfrar bier distingnisshed course at the Provincial uuuversity but aine from necitalions vhieh she bas g'iven ai publiceutentaiumeuts in the FAN PsI-LeePIY.-Ars old bachelor vho veut ta churcb laet Sunslay evolvel a phlasopîy cof thse fan while lie vasai hbearing thse sermon. -Younng girls," bu said, "fans ihsmselves rapidly, s if toeBay III catch iim, L'Il calih hlm,lil calah ishm; vbilu matrone ara mare calm a&bout it, and tuach their fans 10 sofiiy murmar I've-got--him, lreO-got-him. l've-got---im ; vIils fans in the bande of vidows tel the scd oiary as; plsiuly as possible, 1-v-e- c-o e-- Viti I-'e-I o-s-t - b i Ln, SîKLs-l3îraiso REÂii iEXHIBITsION~. Great c,--.wd8 cthtered on the farme of Mesure. Tîsue. Mclisen and m. t- ow- lie, lois :l11aud a3.5, h Icou,.aof Viby, Wedueela.v sfte'nuoou taeituess this novel exhib'itian. Manlaetnrera didnat laite kindly ta il and anly tvoacatually oompeied. the M assgeye cuad Patterson 's. lu et'suing grain, fal w visaI, they vont d vos-y W4l, but vbeu badlyý do- "- grains ws iriedilthe usaclîués dii us -ri ont sifactorsly. The hînders ii uot'jî.-A uto n elaiu frsm Wnrnav AND BitOOirLIN 3PTITS- The brethuen of thie laplisi alsurch have remodeied 1their building et Brook lin and nov hâvo in il s baptintary, vitis dressing roome, etc. Lait Sabbats, vesi tihe pasiar baptized seven peneous mi Ihe cloeetfthe. alteruonu cervice, in tho pnesence ai a large concouneaf people. -There vers thnee persans lîaptized mi the Wbitby charch lest Sabbhsii eveaig.-Tba aninual Sunday Sohooalpianie la ta se held at Corbett'a Paint this Friday.-Por Suuday 1ev., -Mr. Banker bas sblectod ne bis , sh-,, jecte in the Wbitby pulmpi &sm. "Spur-- ions Imitations" ; p.m. "Pride."-Mr. John Dryden, M.P.P., bas been ap- poiuted an additionai deacon in th1ei l3rooklin ohnrch and Mr. Richard icihardson in tIse WIitby eburoli. Si'olcis-co ITEMS.- A lavu tennis match vas plaVed between a tenus fromn Torontoansd the WIiiîby club Saturday' afteracôn, iii vhicb lIthe home players voes ored. -'lu à single handed set; ta between Mr,- 1has. MeDtfiald et Whiiby and )Mn. PeathermsnbaRtg,.oo, Tenante. fortuas favored theo ftmar.,- -Bic3 la riding le gsltiag mare pop. alar boe. Mr. G. E. Gnose bua lately parcbsead a splendid vIseel.,0n3 others are te fallow eccu. Biayosilag lu ithe prairie Capital la a grest sport, th. Winnipeg RSncay* ci a Wblîby bey. "4Nourse, 1the caplalaof the club, la'- another aspirant for the challenge eup. Betveau him andI Johumion, a&acur -man bere. a bilt race je lookeilf Naonne je thse ai-st graosful rider in otstanding aimostet oen tî» oflef beiug batsIfor the three. un r ut" o w t Is il*cvstMorin Mn..Erasue Hundau sti gtla Bev. J.Raro, sud vite araeisaldayln; amang tise Norber lakes. Mr. Weaie7 Hoisen le thequet of Maste Ja.. Gernie -,.11 Mies Daneltisais anti MissIdia Mlatyre Isuve loft for a trip la Baille Cieek â ji misses minai.aati Ena Mution, a! Toronto, ara tise quasiscf Mies Ia-Halais, Mn. Geo. B. Yule andi Mn. Richard Ralksld, ane ln Napsuea tbà ie eek aitending tise couforancaet Brethbrn.-', Mr F'rank Hlaisb, c cl stesh na-., let WedneneayeveninglorMontrecl, catcing thse "Mail Lino" steamer ai Bovmanvflle. Messe. Chas. McGIffivmyay u Milto Palmer valkmd tram Frgus 10 WhitIy, LT0 miles anti ara speadlag tihe vacation ai hanse, nonetise wor» of Iheir long lump. Mr. J. Gardon Mavat, of thse Taronto GloecWas in lava Mndaiy anti ca on th1e Cimos-x, csMoena lie nheme ho le fanifflanly kaovin by as avreather praihet. featu-resancailaisd hmavy haine, ne- mantably like the liberai leader, lise Han. Bd. Blake. 1ev. J. Little, the poserorf Si. Paul'. Ps-..byterisu charoisBlowmanvile bas ton- dsred hie reelguation. Tise 1ev. gentloman bas very ef&ieantly filled tIse position for a numben ot year past. DR. LOW'S WORM SYBUP triil s-e- mos-e cli tisds cf Worm, fs-rn chsidrcît as adil-t. Financial and Commerciial. Office csf Wbitby CRuONîcLu, Whitby, July 25, 18 BlUSINESS AND PBOT>UOE. Bu m*ess generally la duR. Na ans ex- peeau hageDsU ati tus a»»Onoaith e ontlook. Whitby's ex-Mayor, J. H. Green- wood, ntunning tram a drive itise cana- try Ibis week ad t l a Cirasiesa rupre- slentative " I neyer skv lise araps bcoking lîetter'"; and sncb veulfi ceem ta 6 lhe opinion cof ail. Hayissg in nearly flxtleo sud isarley isavesi bus cansmccedà . An article on "lPrias," pubbisbed la anahher columa, sud taken tram tise Maaet.ry 2" oe. vii ho fanal cf inleesteiteeus- rendors. MOIITRERL ATTLE MARKET. Tise crible adyices af the Britlis mai-ts lai-e a ratisen better tans, but they cannai b, calieti fav'orabl:%A Glaegov calile ta Ms-. W. Cameron ai Monts-soi. .ays:- 1- Markts quiet assd srnhasrged; traae muet abouitishe saute as last veek; hnyens acting -es-y caatioasly. Shiputenist ramIbmth States vers mareut as u qnirsdcauslng s bal finish las-haine catio. Sheep se ,askisig fair- psices sud pros g oct. forn hem as-e mare favorable. Geel CaaadieSran 7 là tea7 d ; medium do. fla ta 7d ; goal Isunadiau siseep 8Ad ta 9d pen lb" Live cattîs ia Li-erpool sud Labdou as-e caisled et 71d.. Dresaee beef in Li-es-pool i. id Ihigher,61d. Receipte ! ii-e stockai Paint St. Charle.srinase Tbnraday ver, 85 car- ,lieds vbicis lncluded 89 cars expert caille ,6b4 hsaI,, 16 car expanti sheep. 28 cars birteiers' caille, 2 aheep sud 1 isogs. Tise exporteaof cattîs lasi veet voe s2,155 is,.d agatnst 3,406 tise veek ps-sioua, 2,315 dur- îng Ibecoarrespeadlng vees. la"t ysar. sud 640 la 188M. TisattalI exporte titis meason ta dais resch 23,780 isoat, against 24,114 du ring tise correapoading pari-ad laut year. Tise total sbiputents fci seep Ibis seesn es-e aven 10,000 isead belov lait year. belng 8,435 againet 18,890. Tise market for ehlp- pisg caille to-daiy vas quiet, ald qder vs-sy tain offernsges asu easy taus. Sisip- psssare slow te apenato at ontie figures, wn tact do nt cas-m ta go beoa Wi. We bs-ar ai traneactions at frons bc ta Sc 0par lb. liee vegIt. Lest yuar PI-tbia date sli-ppjag catlle vers qiseleti aI 6e te ia. The expert dem&ud for she Wp«asllgit,mnd good laie quais-Ilt 41e per lis, lire veighi. ive agi vers lu lighi suppiy anti vus a gooti dsmaud sales vas-e qusck at 61 c. per lb. Ai Vager mUsket oves- M bIeati of laies-ers' cattie vers reaes-red, but tise gea- erai rua oh quality vas ecumuon. TIse de- mand vas dr-l sud tlas rasket usai., prices. ieiug laves-. Tise tep pries mades vas ti, sud %hers vre en t ales aI thai. TIse affer- ing aifcalves vers light, ivtissale ai $8te $15 eais as ta quality. A fair- supply ai sheep sud laishe. about 500 beal, vas ofes-- cl. Os-e mlse'y ellaý%I 84<e par lb.,ad Iambm brougbt b2te $4.W0 sach as te qucl.ty. TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. The res-ipte ai grain on theis-res-I Ibis wek lhave bts-a vs-i-yigbt, ikinseçebeiag bney har-et4twng. sudprces arse*iiqaatably cheiigcd. Tbe receipte ai wli for thsa vas-kvs-ne only 700 bushel,, ouis 6110bath. eh., hay 175 loade, and sîraw 25 leada. The Mas-tt to-day vas quniesi. Tva leade cf vhs-at ollered and sald ai 8#1 U ffnllansd $1 04 ftas ps-mg; gnose nominal ai 75o te 80a Tvo oah aIomIs salI ai 44a per buahel. Peus are nominal 2e te o76c, and lys ait lte ta OJc. Ha y lamode rate sapplysut ie dousandlî mited :about tvaniy lnd aKta $8t to #$11 loir nev, and ai S512 ho #14 for aid. Strav sold ai 8 6 la $8 a lau for a fav lotIs. Raoge nominal ai 88 to 88 25. Beof etee.tl; forequarters. $e to 07 idqcenisrs, j88te #10. Mottion teadyat#760&e850 byhs carete". WHITBY MARKET PRICBS. D'ailWiseat .............. 6095 a*si 00 Spring Wbeat............. 10 * 10>7 Goacs WIeal .............O078 0 O75 Iou, per cvi ........... 280 2650 Barley...................c0 fis 070 lys ..................... 068 06W Puas .....................ô70 * 078 Peau, blacit.eyed .......... 090 q* 095 Blueseas............... 0070 @e 076] Oate.................... 040 le 046 Rlay ..................... 900 y1000 Cloven seed ............... 700 800 Apples, per bus..........I 100le1 26 Ptato................O 00 O76 Eggil...... ............. 014 le oie Butter.................ois * 016] msse ...............O015 j 0O17 Wood........... ..... 400 * 800 5Sheepskins............. 060 e1 25 Safku .........0 10 cil1 Rfides, VerIlb...........006 *0 6à Park, per-cut..............6 10* 7 W1 Tainis .p................. 015 <g025 Celery, per dez............ 080 @ 040 Ciicteusi, per pain . O... 80 O0O075 Taks, PeiSb . -... 018, *b016 Beef. hy tish aoe ...,4M0Ab 7 50 Ratil-lo ta, 124e. Ifstoaby tbe cae...007 00W Veal, carcse ô,7, rbUal-006 01008 Baconpas-mores .......... 008 a 012 Rame: " . . 010 Oa 018 Pas-mips, per busesa. O. 40 O t) W Osîbiage, ps-r hisa..... 010 006 Sbialats, 4--" '- -( 0 DW P.ad"et.fi d o0 Oo' e ,woî, unveaieea..........O e 'in 1 The siekly yens Yorung vamanUNs >15i1TIN5. Whm l -tb foaper sIioblllly $7et FINE ASSORTMENT- A'NDR E-W John Dryden, M. P. P. -on th1e "New Modeil" (Prom the "Ontario Reformer," De. cemlier 21st, 1888.) Caireador ane, probably, aU avare tisaI John Dryden, M.P.P., Presidunt of th1e Cana"ia Bhort.Hora Breedure Association. occupie nofaefne saI famin t1he Dominion of Canada, sud ie one cf t1heautfermar.. He eniti. valeeso mething over fi,. hundred acres cf laad, anud thora le scarcely an acr but esha i-s inaa hlgh stage of cultivation, ana 1the ehole umrtis free from a&l vceds or plante vhieh aru in- jurions te cropi. No& ossly dos. ho own oe of the finoat and boi1t;llled fais lth1e country.,-but hie stock throughoni, whether hous, c attie, or cheep, are of thse v«r but bruede, and ail cf thu=fine animais. Ia every départinent Mfr. Drydea locha out for th1e bost, uhether Ià ie lan1te lina cf stock, machinary, or oud graine. Ie and hie neighber, 1Mr. Samnuel Holmnan, pnrchased for thair. csa ue, 1111 year, a New Model Vlbratng Tltr.eing machina of 111e Hall ompaay. and M1r. Drydon's opinion v. ga-va 6.1ev. Every oua who iseacluated vus h lm knows that 11e wcnd neot put him Dame te assy statemant vhluh in Dot coret ia evary parlicular;. thurufore hie opinion of thse New Modal je cf grual 'valne to thois vh dacira la parcaesa threshing imachine:- Brooklin, (Otario Connty. Dec. 1Mi, 18W8 Thse Josepis H<dZ Maoufacturing Com-. pany, O#howý.. GauTNLux*.-We ana highly dolihl. ed vitb the 10 HNrse Power and New Modael Vibrater purchased froia yen thie soanon. It Mn@as mooti and eas: Ibreshos parfoctIr, epate thcroughly; end this fanlg miii tIdom.its ork so compietaly tisat il canuot bu exeelletI. Itis Jn jet 11 machine for the fermere, to bny bemauseit is s. ea"yte controL. Il us cornparativmly fiéee frm duel, tisera can banc vaste ofgrain,.andllt i. bonnd te do good vork tude, every ciroumslanca. W. lsaartlly ecagratu. lais yen an tise introdua" of o80s comploeu a separalr, a great boon botl ta thrmsbers and fariner. Very traly ymmrs Jome DwmasM,P.P., NATIONAL PILLB are e mepafa c safé, ssUd, et tomwà a,!at HRAIE RENEWHR vu sh im Otproparatloa perfeclly adapbd to cars diseeseof tise sadp, an t ts iee- essfl renSof ta" .1or pay bain *0 is sm I ealcffoVt1s, And p- Mbea"y Xith biaiaaa my inadter.but osmuebave go fsLUy mao1th~ ie raqulrecments Me«8felfor tise preper tresiasent of tisa haïr sud scalp. UiALL's H,13 Rax&uvu asesteadiypgwn la favar, and eprea tls à fumaodsel usfls ta emoryquarter cf tis lbe. 6i6ifs 'vna lelel sacees mn b.e ttribate t tebutone cause. t e nreJWJLUmmt cf Ueslni The proprietors bava allen beau ebwwdue ai tise resipofiondts Imraatmoducn lis latreluele, M»seueor aI bort tiff. et KA"s » AM Ruasesua 'spaalrfaliy impovas 0e pu- senti Jlspcrana. Is leamste sclp frS a lmlmutl, cues ail buare, levas', MA ;4831«04, asdti ISsuspmez aWIas., 1 stimulatu te k.M Éîà gsea» u .41 ibom tlairwar, a nusa edt 'srogus. V.i ffee ilà Ibis ke rn m transtaci, Ul is ese cetalaà aoue prapara ticeebot rem&tn a blong<umvesb ks là Use a natteraif ecncsy. WHISKERMS DE WIIIchsange tise beard t nta,%» ralbrva orblac!, asdeslred. tmiseapeen* calo t taivOlneotwsaisMW"a. Cs es1i< a fine*leprîparam,-,it le eppçllevns traouble. ' p. F. HLL1 Cé , a*l, -I. 8SM4 iy QIDemba -tlRodielam ~ceau ~abi~tiun. Allan Lino.' Royal Mail Sfta*nkliis. Groat lRduotioei! SMILINGS PROU QULEBEC.. CIncÂSIAI«I............. lm h Jnl. POLYWML&N .............2611 .ArN.........2nd A*g. PKItUVIÀI<.............. t RATES 0F PASSAGE Throagls tickets fi-arnWhity, $91, $81, Retur Tickets *965,5081515,aSt$lMnd 1. Inter*muedt, ith 6rl Ise rilt tickta 't .m.= ffl fflticket. elther to or f roma the aid country at nearly hall th1e rates cbargdls er ate sendng fer thair Iris ieltia dcn try men obtai preTJed passage certificats et vsry low rates. Stuerage peesengers aie booked ta Belfet.. Gw, & nelces, Galway, Limerick, i=., 1 an sd Cardiffi vi - ont extra charge. For tickets ad cl inlemation, apply to Geo. B. YuIe, Agent, Expxm eee c, WHitTBY, ONT. Dominion LUne of Steam8hips. DATES 0F SÂILNG PRM QIJEBEC TO LIVERPOOL O02Saci, - of-" monnmasL, 4. A%Ç. 2 CÂ&Mx-Whuthy ta Li saI . SmPI 876, soi, ratura $106. 50,%812350, 1160.50, acoording te steemer ati barIs. &il outad r.o...e.Intermediate. 8<375. Steerage et very l" raes.. MM sestamerscaraiti stlna shap and hv aaes talaS amieud M. m u. et IOW- Mstrate., -DAVID TORE.ANCE & C0., General Agents, Maontrei, or te C. Noi=R Y19 Local Aet, Whihby. DAILY UNE TO ROCHESTER. (G. Çg&WFOJM ase. ing At 7.30, sud Port H%»ai 9.90=lck en arrival of Grand TukRiwytan ester witis the News York ,mu.Nortser aendtral, u En.Lva at 1eLk OtroDivision ai tie watrt sudOgdensburgRallay for-.SU poi.ese &ern ande>tIL. RRTD7RNING - WIIlm"aeChrat (port ct Rechuter) deily a012c0kp.. axceplsatardae vIsen :s yL lav IM 35pnfor Petr eI»direct. Do in la sock wcbf" tb th andI nscctaxpediticas rostsM OcwegB. y, X» *W tc. ~ofrelfo mtoa ta or G, ý YOD O.Q LDEE8R EEV&I, Po HSt K m Xelepu. * or E. sTEPENN G.T.elntTsl.OUceW itby. SELLING OUT ,.-SELLING OU~T ROSERT,?O -:AMPBELL Hasdcied-o sil-tilana go west, andin l- u-lù ol caistSmers and thse publie, tisat in prdo-to~ coxopleto clearance inaa fiI9e, bis stock of Dey Good8, MiIIinery, Carpeti, Grocende8, Crookery, Etc, WZ.L uleSOLI) AT GREAT REUUCTION INi PRICE. Stock aU l No, and of tise Latèst Styla. A1130 FOR, BALE- Ià House sud Grounds, thse stores intise Ontario Block, tisa vacant Lot adjoining, and a fifty acre Farta amear remwood, qec., etc. AU must be sold wilkout Deay. ROBERT CAMPBELL. Ontarlo Block, Whitby,Julyl1611,1884 New dpin 8ummer Goods W ' GRET VA2BITY, AT THM BROGKL I EIPORIUI'! J4 Jo New Cârpts, L-ace ]E~. Curtai,1 -nýs, Parasols, 'AND PANTINGS,, M RO0S-S. NEW A.DVERTIS.EMENTSO LIKE LEATEER. JOHN SAUNDERS Il" lnow on bMg shelvyea A:WELL - ASSOR TED STOCK 0F- Ladies,' Gezits,' Misses' à ud Childrens' sizes, admna ~e variety of makes. s è'a t:ât mheardl-of-prices for Net CB be CUSTlOM WORK A spEi=iALTrY. JOHN-~UDES . 18n20 No. 1, Maýrket- Bloc]4WITY AV ÂUÂGE-~ Chi.gooda and lise boit v mafllvery dopariment eompriaing e-jaseaSpectaçies' n Slwes fromtii. best makers, Cropkery, ETIETC., ETC. VEBY SPECIAL-VLEj*nv-nWfT JTO 01LOTH1NG A SPEOIALTY..a Welln Mao, pfrfeol-Ilting satmçesg, aitoode May, 1884. 1833. Est '-t ire ~.- i -s- s-'- #-. ---tir- - --h - r-' su isahelee DaAi be ' Pa gf moeon -ho 9aie i n,!.l For-t'htise erin' of gooda. intcnding ipurchao:sarc reffer « toanyoraDEof thlfll. Dr. Bagat. M. Rg. s Dr. Easmtwood. '<B. COtSl5OIL Mn..W.H. ROuge, Bcnlater - «J. J. mcKear.e. IJ.iE. PoraviliOro"uAire. ~ eBai.- - diH . -wtL ' ai r.rPlia à gsiat, - -41- - "Ts "Uissu [art beet, %Tuculsem. - -AND"'A 0Fv- 8,UITINGS NOTHING T. J.HOLiLIDY 18n2l, - P;,> C ý =77, Tl Il