Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jul 1884, p. 4

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Our Town. Chtirches. XINIBTERS AND 13OURS 01 SERVICE Service et 1i. m-m. attl7 p.in. 8,r4OUj JIIâelUROII, (Port Whitby. li,.W. S.8metne LIUA. Inîniolcut. idrvîio .t . )30 &.in. 1140117 p tu. l,4î'DItEi%V'S CIOttttLl re.bytorteti lIa'. . tAbualtain, Pastor. boa-due t 11 amin. sutd 7 p.. JJAITIST CIIH RasV. J. F. BIjrtir, . Pitator. 3ervice et 11:10 a.w andi 7.00 p. 1ev. Fatiier McCaul, is. Services t 10:30 a.iu. and 7 pin. ON THE WIN-G. Tine of Arrivai % 'Id Doparture of Trains, Matie and Stages cipre.t 7.17(ac MkM 4.411 p.m. Li.aîtl Il IA I ) 9ta 1.10 &xr.. jtnu.i. Lovai 7.001n.. lia 1%Adaii. j iî,u.,aa 'x. 5 L 1 tý. 1. 10P. In 12.0 P. Lt tu aaa 1. M. 1 140 pa Jatactin. Town. Mai 0.40 ani. 0.500 ai. Ex)îreas S". pie.I3.1»0Qp. Express .î .~pje. Leami afur Ohawa mut10.00O&m. and L0.e posrngmi t5.1 'fie. . ?a rte uS T. CLOSE liTs U . 1.tl.a. 700 &. 9Ftr thisp. trA10 p.im. For Brougham 9 a4mn. 0 11 ARUIVM. ImOsi Tes VIOT. Faux THEle ur. 'D'tfmin. I mSae 1 1Opi. k Jar.00 Frot Norths Mi. ' rom gssu 4. au Pi. Osooli Milslo se .1riuiay 7.00a.. Dnua àttitds> 1W-OU a.im, i'îuutl.aiot OGreat Brili -.Su ater .iunc by 'eauli il'ts tezistttit fo, bc. Mrmni.àmai 011 ml VS.ney pOrder 5of- ItutieroriU L itîcr t)the rîtsatdIin ut th àbLIaindit tb l! M.aul iaO OGlebotte r 8,«, n. i 30 0pin. Suniayse.- cepted. ýE eg %lv. Ci(tausstm bitîg lue imbttet the ortsoami Uitinther a ne ra .rrangemetau't osallItaes liefît) jîws: Francet. Atgsia, OU.usty, Gibraltar. Oret lait. mln tti Iretautîl. tesce, Iait, Luxenberir, ata, Mwttatnez"r, Neîiîarlantd, Nîrwas, Permis, i'îtut irai, tauresau utiniatls, Imi,diLPierre, Servt, UpItil, tisa (kuart Imianda. Sweden, Swtt.rimnt atndiTurkse. And viastlnîttiStages î-lisrudm. Omises,.. Cua. Dajtlhs Colonies of St. lbsmAit, U .John. 8t. Crei aalca, Jsamn, and Pus-b, ilte. (Newtion land tse ot.lt tetai "lUnion buat th. Poital RqIliem remin us buo rs.) Lettera 6 cents par Icanm-Pt'aui Cardi 2 cnt.saabc. Newpmp r1 icents itor4 eicess. Ritatiien lksa-Aden. Argetitne antudertan. Br&dli, BrIti31 Iltuec, Caysoa.Goantd. Fa-snch Oohn- î)sli Aie. Atines, Oceaîisa ati Amerais sUer St. Pirre ant i Mqueloin, risa. is Paama it f. Pitrtigec,ç Coltes "ls a AmifrIsm. aste, TriniJaal,Sîua.nimlîClontes ta Af nîtt, tismales mat AminUlajua14mtct Cubl il'a-tu,4 uttata-ita gottýeiaiiittel gitt l)ttî .,Penanmtg attdMadatysl Letters 1[Où, per jtoz. luk,,&c 4et, it.! r4 o. 431)îtr Rmjrttstita fat., 10 c.iia.. ~tU titI. l4â VU ala Itas. Saine ratseau f e'aoriy. PA ncinot amit lmli tiwSS Autta îtooootNa~,utlt WaIîu, Vtowri) an Qeanma-i.Lettera 7e., Pattrao . Au4traim, NeswS ai.S Wmal, victitria Queans- ilSâeltd i.tit Peaieo-Letteral cents, pmport 4 coniea. C. NOUIllE, Postlantea. culture« Mssi4 nd aêthe Vue. Froui tise idiug crtwmiisey stand &part, ,1>1ie. il (d tur- andth ie wttnk tIfart; Long they êoa-ahi ppad isut nu one houke Themcbile a util up spo)ke ThseVeau u tne f rasaithe namialqaplae., Who, b1umlang asud: -Whal a itwaly vaue." Citer lue faces a ad tntile tiew, And tbey edged away frotti Kalanazoo. But Gothauno îatuglîty ciii! wastirresd 8h.crse-Tk ,ineeic o'-l ---le B'ul bief bar n uvtty triumph whien Tua la5)>' Ona Iroc thse botuse f 'Pen n, wit tihe li e oiumnesa oftwogatp.esq, «, am: t laquite -8lovely vahi! Anti Glancs round witb en anciens ltail!, 4 AvMting the word ai Beaume HMI. But lthe Bostonmi ainbd aocnleouaiee Att gent!>' memaiuï4Oh perdo Eune I "I didt l0a" "yc nreank, bnuasm Airlfromtsip hoa b' î G&v A I h sauràtvuP toleher eye mis Anti vhispýIrqdabttuiWisg iiove s «& Thi fohovlcglieuonininscnibiai Pu d0UiBSam.rck la a5 Ã",càe"dei éovui« dicuenstnatlve donI n'of tii. pregints opposite lthi C= Lscitllàas. m*tk8ga-ateteaman>' of paon Lit., M as ince hein much dejeated. Thise BWmeak vasa noble dqe,- yenlgmeten than the man.,,. Althbugitho6t-it AmIe le cats, lie miways liveti on Huam. I tiissul aieibn- MI inis îvenyone wvol! kes,) Ainmisng vire bi@ matas. HM bite wipwon9r e isnhebr And ýn W 11 1 e61fta-lbi anIS oaihd bilbr bsgn Il sumosiDooOns cauleli. I1an!>Jsaisexpress Ibe hope le-hg4 cal gensu b--. 7The W lky fine,., e arm t bl leuoi ~a'asr~ Untveisfty of Toronto Pils, Posn, by Miss M. 3. Meibsought I vantin one long day beneall Tise nooe.tay clearnua of1h. Il&mnais>, And oWsr the Palatinca roamet alone * Amidth1e arumlilng glor>'of oit Bic, Whllo TÃŽbs's logicd t 4i 4 am The shoeseinitIa of a UOÊ t. 4 In whamahtstorie f e>sti lt ys 's fly piller, ivy. Ci kbat.\~ 1 pondonoti long asepi>', li at las) Tisa hazy calunnesa of that smmenr day, Andi tht. loW muaie of oidt ibar'a ral Stososothet nmyenues ije t ud leep. Âwhule lhey alapl, viien, oWsa- uy slumb'rous thounght, The thieki>' cbsterieg meuneries ai the puti Ciaimed soveraignty, and through the gaps ai tinte, Iba-epbted an oît Mpiyaseul. s 1: tli4 oltitiyn e ti slrong. ~-' Ah mêri& ly I - 145 Ay, loveti, hhotsgh fiilec front ber glory's lim,- TisaI lime viien Ronmnireaunen ver. as ing*, Andthie tata's honor vas, ta aUiberhonuas, Dearen Ibm lilisuli, douter titan lave- Hen prondesî naines wve.hollov memaries, NottI>'aprtio ~qçip h. )1 T>I»~uthful patrie 'g#gntao A tebiing, uup tval4iiidirec~ '0 sntuny IaI>'1 hough'vd, hoW14line Fa-unitisy young loveiinss-thy chubtimon, slaves; Tbhy footareti aciencees, thina arts fargot,- And* tiiy neli legdy MWielôdy Andi tlathtae< harmoujes mlikc uusung. Aies! bat me'yeiosputsts nov Aq, atg,ieiy, the-Udehbood aourses trami Thte onco prouti heurt ai Ital>', viose fate My staul viti s meness fille, vian Ila! hefane My' balI.avarted ge9=4 a beicon ligist 0f brufliesscy snrpsin, a' o*ff5flaah 0f pboSphoresçent spîsdor m"es amit Han mediaevil glom i The torning break,- Ltmli a'seght of darknesa aSer. in Thei tms>'diai et %edoun for her sans, Whosfrit e in.lipo lean thcim. grand namnes Enthiazonat on the matoll of deathieus Lame, L.arn, too, thait heritage in promisenis, The Bo*namtnact, lovet iith a jealous love, By t koseewt slit noble, and vho ahargeti Tiseir ous te guard ti Iahônor jealouiy. Anti once &gain, thee heuven 4Unlfed fuâme, Tise lov ededane, blodrinBRomanheartm, Wlta iq&ikree4 pulsas lingle vils ucv Utae AI euaisnuov*icteple von by peacofllarts; Once more s happy people Lives in peace Amidlh ii elie ivset itai>', And deep enthraod t inte peoples iseartu, Rie"simise as Ta-tuane, hi&ethta lsk To weld te Roman people, andt t blond AUil awless oleions ini the naine o) Romie. Yet vain tihe hope-for Fa-sodomie niing heant Fioodng te satere hemn,=,lasha mviit A meteorie gîsau--andt&1ail 14 dark. Anti 'iâiaU»tie hcLening ag rkmesm, inLo tiona Rnisini, last of tise Taibunes, anti appaliei At the oreek of empira, psionsaeI1on>:- STissu tat tild'st dink L vth naptureaut thse pring Wltence Petrci ponreti his esu.!lu living verne, Didat ltou thOn iandiy dreaun venin live &gain Tisa pristino glor>'ofailmpei-ial Rome? Or. di t Liy mindanmVision vlov sar Titesonwarti hating ai tihe golden Age, Outie sang by him visa tuineal tht.Mantan lyre?2 'Tvas ta-eung, ian, Pboenix-iikemaose Ev'n train the a"biéaiohabenliet hopes, A yonuger, sucier, happior Iai>'. Non til t1h>' loi>' spit bm in vain, Bines, likta ltima, epon s liter day. AÀsint sauLeon, à huant eui ra, siner, Wronght free"on for tb&seodulirn ai olti Rame And lle lovet Ltmbp in Freatonte honte, Tiy mentor>' W,vihGuabiii's cama, Tise uccrovuot saveraige of CmPerals lae, Sha!! live in virgut frasiteess, etania cme. lia tut Idy tintant vs aer ; stili arun&d me plmyed- Thse soit Iteiau air, in sportve mooti Amidthet .branches atmyn luilr Stili ubooti the pilmri lu theïr r im ihny, Beia reUicf CItii Put, octleTibezr aoUed HMan Y vhite-vlnged huralena tethe se, As aver-bnsy Commerce 5Usd ihe. marIa Of frofinations; snd thyfabu=mtili Beveh'ii4vitis the.echoes Of the toues 0f vbnisheti y.srs. O Italy. briaubes nov A pend- bfredoln han Blti dreamed, Aud, from Ã"U <i*oMjm UeIlj . eNoftt Wind buaru, Not ittyril)u thagmu. uhoughlte. 8h. Once oved. fealhy,but sunderet fer l'reom the- by klnd!y asw-, aw len s Gaies ont te thisemiptby andhope, Thi in the marching of the centquri., Both she and thon, in Freadoma c«auailet, May nurtl umii a hippy people, riah" In P-s, iii Got6 0-ga yPai.y, and hope Of a divier deshn;s b ha A Test of Doatb. tipemking cf tlie etmtateti1soPorton oi peneonus- urliaialive, ressindt 'meTon -soorezCc s"Ys ai -tr innNew York Tzibepi, oi aaicnp1nmode of date.nijagweb litaise azîlcot, vhich seph cl vertS>' of pebicaice. z hava tIl Bodil ilau Inysif anti ame bld 15t. s lgl Aptàmc wortis>. Appy thé Èsii !~~di to th i of ou*of th* , t et~a ooresé, atS a . . *ÃŽ11 rSbb vo t iii Isbutel! of alrt.a -il cocu>' Msl81 bort vth mcmiecois. il -gtii ie e iT*plcceo appieai to St a 1ev s»Ccudae- ifsgut t b eèr MilfSanoe xtiset th* blister vii Sa u cf malter anud viino but.YWl itais jsefn iee I havi*men I"iin Mdla atitheusands cf yocr ndrs lm vPlihobtamm be ï4elo kcov f or b>' 1 wta~hion can teeouedi e Il~ nIg#i o reoidâbbedoubt5aqs if ire. tise Igiiotfrote future alivmugs Bouet,fr ts5 le Vrbititr a fdled or nietive lt e t1cfr mgitliol; aftoi ai ÏTO ba 00»mem lt ong for lb. lef) ochen'lb. body vas Ireatiti ai àî haIitb lb. it s = rb lougb vin>' fi, aretaelual.y tlàe >gtiifer Si *uaaiivemany mon sy>'bue baud. andte e'die frote beiug handlati mcd ng e; _e o orpses are. Tie toea. viii Sa- 1oý - Mbe applied @Aoon m. i e ally - m n im mppo ?1 .extinci antibelorn 1 s d-uenaksr Si asiietin se.ptýf thee n omig -o Tbe buautifl inlapins, a omuet Unifie SlIie.4bc cet cml c onformtuteé lev.ae f iamiefhill.0 Piymucar beeltb, sud by gymn"a m o ria vont, l and*Vectl ; mop <d 1 thsimiemj W metay aid coepletînemi, but vainmcm aise train thea mmd ai doeilep tise affetiens ho tbme biighesi gnii peasble, KV -M ppr cfU~nay esiicg sunim ie. ' Dr. izW Iian ntot.hMâmà"..a l va . . . i id. Sport&i Ot fAaLigt VAINiTL lt -b= ùM~~P~1cilas ro Thoe great Friench Lotio>n fo 'w -ce fagi. Cuee ap- pl Il sicOatbborely rit sb b lsoi au ntvb&a painton'povd ae up the Porteiof Ib ski, bit) acivesl roueit t vuoula iqaidth SCamuses teIbm7 10 glovw l éitb at hieok, amis and bands 4se Lii in viiteoesa 1;pcalSle s a r I l ar s G ri asy S k i e P nek . Ft ot, sBiohMds, Feqmcsau in, anl este vofnm.Cisa Hinant eotybaty 1' um &n itub pearnc.Th bs face lotion thât the vontd evun protucet. W. vili ment a large bottbe te mny attires. ~n euPt ni prie-oui dollar. Whes ar- turing menton titis piper. Atitreua&mli tarat t MAY DEW AGENCJY, 71 YONOIR-ST., TORONTO. 83Pinboursamd Reception BRooms for 0raDizzmesas .Lm eof Appeit iIndigestw, B l Dyspepula, Jaundce, Affectioiiof (e liver and Kîdne,I .l s Pwpea, 3andches, ita, Ii'oa Sl kc~&qù BmB& Th. LaugageO! tParaols. Op.ning ihe pariquiakly,vlit lthe point UpWrd-xoU lelpoialme. motra&22btynP:e by you. Opeming sitis us.point tcvnvusd- Acojeitbece vent not bu diiagmeablu Oloelng simrnlaly- Aq attiance w«1l4 be ripilleti. Ciosit and ci-ed oven the rugbt shonîder -Beocare of observer.. Ckasitioveribýe 1.55 qsolder-We are BeVOlvit siowly ochils open-I like yon. Revolw@4 r^pldly- love you. pia JM-Yd wa alk vitit Me. Laid icroua lhee hp -Ton ay ait b>' Curriid under thee slght urus-Tee. Udotai toi efm-No. S*neg po'int dova lan front-Kxiodiy saaqutation. Mhiiiod pr.adieubanly whlile heid opis aven ýttheeau-Gooti bye. Rte"vvd opn behinîl the back-Yon May> iliow me. à lanteer's virefi getite theide& of Mocaln* csiik.,rb ay i in otueacasa. beliq.uab%-, 68,46r Istance, ho bridge over a daii r>tiougtig. nyisitiaq a farte a ev jears ugo, smce eu.ct offee opon tSi table uiseeiosed titi pnesance of areare. This surprWde me, fon I knew vsry ccireigibon,. I usks'd, antithe *iauven vas: ' tsSi mai p1~ steamer ora pal! met la a Ltili o f bol- in« vater. -40s IyruMi-oabes lise lsoilicg peMtt dut»tbbib.,por tu Oï WÊjar lAÃŽcte p P Èrsd-anti biatd, uaid mcmi op lrnteiataly. Ke.j (1 -weeitilWin col mecs, andi wlsessmaded t ,aalyir i," m2a" yent; i < . I> AidailleniIS. Irmz D ieraoel tn oit hlm. tom'$-W~g i tbpf si e OUM ,W. é I me dy qati posiive*nefan éw. Kos. coliami.anti"ribeilA~nt, Th<îahet vnake me g the sport. ingr msai om al" cf tiassIte "sr <hei "aiv i hakte mac"sin tis *iSeop jotn.'.They mi> itiolis ]Bïulen'.Arnica 8Umlve.' tC~AUv n bozu «i "WU. À ain . tiaS iIIdam atoohinge 'bai boëienvietd. Thi wMllgive lmntos. mon cimeii lsdevoh. to cVaZy quâltarep-uue mWork and other casel b mbà:dum. 04, What A Oough 1 tWIUu leed the. varning. The signel perhapa of th, e "appzaoh of Ohat more teanue adiu.ase Cocacretion, Azk Jours umi < O uen af ft0r41for the mie of saiing 50 atm.,to rue the rsk and do notb- Iug for it. W. knov froux experlience that Shilohs 9cure viiiCure your Cug.It cver 6ils. *TbiS explalus vhymore han ItralIMuv Croup - ad Whooping Coug,atl Once.- Mothirs do not b. withont Lt For Lgama Dach, Si, or Cheat, u»e Shiloh'e Porous Pianter. Sold by W. R. Bovie *hsieale and retail Agent, Whltyy, Ont. Âoountry editor, on being jilteil, re- marked that love vas a good deal like a Scotch p1aid-allsîoff and sften crome- ad. HfopeNilWords. Mns. MoArthur, of Hopeville-, ont., gayas hp gconlil fot keepi bouse withonî IaNyard'g Pectoral Bam ho étire prevaihing throsttand 1nnu troubles. êvir to th. qume. <son."~ alonl ie. oam. 'fer wahueua nt bevo t lathi million." tauhla -ýjzu- C.Wh 28 ent&. Pte$eiP o a Buton phy*icien, din- ýM yearsby a Boton dreggixL. ONg E Ïil! cure ~ordina ? otkqgl. Lt fer a 25 cent bot!, o1 HUB " COUSE SUË tnd der.'t ho put tiff with any other. W,% are surpriued th onetm that Datniui Mootagrn. ba. tha olditt pittno in the Unitetd Stwea. W have alwaye' sup. po.cJ tat Ille rami!7 ce it door owned Dyspepsia & Liver Compiaint. la lb flot vorth h iunali price cf 753 cents 10 frie yocrsIl of every eyenpsow of the .illtnuigcozupiaints, if you Ilsink go eau ai Our store amd gsi a&botle of Shiloh'i VliaIýis, every bottle bas A pzini.d guar. Fo » lo vt i!cont you nothie. Boul ~ W.~ En..,Wholoele and »itan! AYERS OhorryPecorale atteok as ihoseotf.ctIng ie thbrat and ti ge none se trIfied 'milS ly the majority 01 mufait ae. Thse ord4ei-yropugs or, eold, remltug L*pnhpa froe14a trbébsor souosex pwom.rW latencbut. tm ebceim t#&a awl siekme. AVaa'a Ouatte pw=Ra»<ha veil proree ia iUcmy Ina faity yiS ti vilS hum tlngdlsaom, Ami shoeld be. ia&ac i!mes vithout dé1xy.- noe J.in~ -F'TV EQUIiEls SJJERFNE Litfe AssuranceC. 1lien Os',s,0. Toronto St. Toronto,. FUL1 BOVERIMENT BEPOSIT H-ONý' ALEX. MACKEIZIB, )MP. EX. 'VIYCE PRESIDRZ4TS. I!.ciGov nrùor or.alitob . Z.OUN L. BLAIXI0,Zog., Preoident Canada Landeti Crédit Company. MANAGING DIRECTOR: 'WILLIAM MGCABB, Esq., LL.B., P.L.A. This Comnpany furniehes inounance suitetl ta theS demande and necesaitias cf thei. . turing public. .-uPscI!- stW2nion in called ho thse Coin. jSya'opar.-laine of insurana, hich a~j5 i.gft groal epproval visenever prismntot. (1) Thse Tontine andi sernl-Tontln, plans combine the advanlaeas ef Lii. Insurance vut profitable investment The insureti heu tho option cf witbdrawlng the enlire riserve acd canmnlaîed profila, aI lie end cf the Tontina perioti-lO, 15, or 20 year- selecteti by himmeli. By tbis means the two tbinqs momt deairahie in Lii a Insuranan ut. combaneti, vie cedaintï of Protection in[aril oeath Proy1S in Long Lie. (2) The Commercial Endovunent plan yields maxtint inouranca for minimum outlay, andi an Endownient et lteeantiaf 20 T1s plan places reiable Lule Insursnce vithin thse reaci ni al ut an estimaateti cosl cd about 6f0 per opni. of tise bovest lite ratas. Aiter admisîlon hs been oblainedti o this paa, .paymentà, oniy are riire la te mae vlsed aleti for ho peet death- loses. M3 The. Retincet Endowmant plan fut. nimbe, fultî nauranefor lie paniatia af 10, 15, or 2Oysutuî vilb u BEidovmnî aitthe endi i the lime for alow rate of preunipiai (4) The Company ianes a11 the aproved formaeast poili.. mtan nnuïii. ordin- un>' politie are non.icnieilable aiter the inuslpayments bave beeninade, (6) île )soliclet are printed in citear, large type, iu plain, sinmple lUnguaountinstoti 4> an>' person ah!. to ead. ii. are frnee from he usual ontrous conditions meocitais founi uMie, Inaunmce poficies. Ail poli.. laîsueti are iudispatuble afler tre. yeare fa-ou date ofissmue. Circulara giving full expianiations of the Compmnye viriotu plana ofi nsurrana. viSS e furniihed on application 1telthe MANÂOING DâRECTOE, toron. 8SYRnUP, Pii4cancer, Ittseumaîlam. tzTnrr. rs andl Skia iiec lodDiftasc o f every deeip. $Mmmdte any ceeist Wovisa ii 441d. ona aasris of 1010 ouias of Shaker 12r12 disyrp, oneuaraticla cf MancuV, ldeti.of Potasium, or amin tuerai es .SOLD EVERYWIIERE. For sale b>' W. R. Hava., Whitby. IN NPAT WRAPPEIR FI.NE WVHITE ENVELOPES CHEAP T-ICKE-Tq-- iril hlap Exénrolan for - DAKOTA and MANATOBAtt- -vA TRE- CREDIT VALEY, Bad CANADA 8OUTREU. Leavas TORONTO at NOON on Ibm 2715 QI M A BdJrH . ' . THIS ROÀD IS ROT BLOCED WIl'I ~'Parties g oinig West vil) Bave tici anti axpeise b>' tskin g iblarouta. For tickets cuti fgrhr irogatien appl>' ta JAMES LONG, Rally'Pmengsr Agent, Office, oppeaite BaY'e Hotli, Dnimas. lit-tf .WhitSy. CA2EJL J 01T JDHNSON ln Deverell's Blocit for gour DRA&VVINGO oM SITS, O:NNO 110CM S UITS, BEDROOM SUITS, KITrCHEN suiT& At Puices that Detyiluompetitio#n Corne One, Corne ail, and sec. f'or Yourselves. UNDERTAXING. ALBQ A I OLABB H]MISE. iQUEEN CI'TY Qi SOLD MEDALS Awarded at Toronto, Ioidon and Guelph, ina 188nfor PEERLE s MACIýN E -0ILS. For Baleb b &U Plnst-Clus Dealars. Every Barre! Guaranteed. se FoatS. EBut Toroaho. wek aIhaie. 85.00 antIfiafe iy- $ar ..titly isra. N oe nu. Omplis) a rure.Resticr Ifu! uM tde atvuileh pareoma 0f clS.? sa&exracegia- olti, rui-aLsr:tg 1a.mie hy e wltb aantcrainly, iwrite for prluara ta R. A Lecture -to ýYoung .men ON TE LOS 0 F , .à We have reoengiypui'blàffl WE!SCaxaaun ib ss theradcalmaf .praeiure .(wilht meà-dicine) f N erous Debilityi'e iît a hsd Phyeiaal Incapmaoity, -Impedimentas bma rig, tc,.reoultQgfrozn exoosaso. îErffle,iw a sealed evaepoLy 6 eu.- o r t v o.p o m ag e.s ta mp s. : yeaxî' muesil P>r7etic, "94tatalmrzilSg- connequnoasaybe'e alyonred -ib-' ont hh1agaoaus àfiternia i medicines or:ta s a b brile: nia out, a-. FRIDA Irron tue on Tii Cùc Pdlt & Ri auboequent Diaplapet b>'a sacal A0enu mAbIeaiý ments by lu contruot ai u n' ltnd iprerTunsd moû; -10cent the Count>' TiDelDo lte Tewea mettable fore PIlnintga uquipiainl aIses, ana EsuIeu Ont broie Ml Ig."f roiu $1io0 te Colinty. ' JS. ]ROBERTSON & BIROS. B? JORN E * B anti Oc - ing, Ccrt 1 -DÀt BIRos. the prd E'.'-., 99CemNsf RG~JLAIê PRICE, $1 War>' 111 f el - ý .1 THE Nothing to Equal them ilz- ,Value in' 0. H. 1 ý*-Only the tact that buying j Oil't- ly for our Toronto and Whitby louses, we ,obtain the elosest prices from the wholesaler, enab- les us to seli at so low a figure. THlE PARER /S F/PST GLASS. FOIL NG 18849 FOI ïT S. 1 J. S. ROIBERTSON & BROS.

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